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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'

Message started by Yadda on Jun 22nd, 2021 at 9:01pm

Title: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Yadda on Jun 22nd, 2021 at 9:01pm

Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing' and 'Extremist'

The Grey Wolves movement is an ethnic Turkish, Sunni organisation, described in Germany as
'Right-Wing' and as an 'Extremist Group'.

And who are they ?


In Germany, this group sets itself in opposition to anyone who is, not Turkish and not Sunni Islamic.


The Grey Wolves movement are recognised as being....
and anti-Jewish,
as well as anti-American,
and anti-Greek.

Is it time yet, to pay attention to their,    INTENTIONS,    in Europe ??!!


In Germany,       the Grey Wolves movement is a nationalist, *Turkish*, ISLAMIST organisation



Germany's Largest Right-Wing Extremist Group is Turkish, not German

by Soeren Kern
June 22, 2021

    The German Parliament and other federal agencies estimate that the true number Grey Wolves in Germany is above 18,000. This is five times more than the number of members (3,500) of Germany's neo-Nazi party.

    The ideology underpinning the Grey Wolves movement is a Turkish version of Aryanism and sets itself in opposition to anyone who is not Turkish or Sunni Islamic. It is anti-Christian and anti-Jewish, as well as anti-American, anti-Armenian, anti-Kurdish and anti-Greek.

    The objective of the Grey Wolves is to unify all the Turkish peoples into a single country called Turan whose territory would stretch from Europe to China. The Grey Wolves also want to establish a new world order based on Islam that is led by Turkey; they are opposed to the assimilation or integration of Turkish immigrants into Western society.

    "Supporters of the 'Grey Wolves' are responsible for a large number of murders of political opponents and members of minorities in Turkey and abroad." — Die Linke, Parliamentary Resolution, November 2020.

    "So, the CDU is in reality working with the right-wing extremist Grey Wolves, although it preaches that right-wing extremism is the greatest danger in Germany." — Zara Riffler, Tichys Einblick.

    "Erdoğan despises the West and Western values. He says this openly at every opportunity.... One is not working here on integration, not even on a parallel society, but quite obviously on a counter-society.... Why can Merkel — and Germany — criticize Trump and the USA, but not publicly and unequivocally put Erdoğan in his place?" — CDU politician Ali Ertan Toprak, Tichys Einblick.



from my archive.....

From when Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was visiting Germany on a popularity tour,
in 2008 !!!

------ >


Turkish PM to Muslims in Germany: "Assimilation is a crime against humanity"

Feb 11, 2008
By Robert Spencer

Cologne, Germany — A crowd of 16,000 expatriate Turks cheered Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a vast indoor auditorium in Germany on Sunday as he told them to resist assimilation into the West.

The political rally by Germany’s biggest ethnic minority upset German politicians, who objected to a major public event on German soil being advertised on posters in Turkish only.

Erdogan indirectly addressed those concerns, saying it was right for Turkish immigrants to learn German and other languages so they could integrate, but wrong to abandon their Turkish heritage and assimilate.

“Assimilation is a crime against humanity,” he told the crowd. Many Turks had travelled from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to hear his hour-long address in the shiny venue, the Koelnarena.



And of course, in using the word, 'humanity', Recep Tayyip Erdogan here, is, culturally, referring only to moslems.

As in ISLAMIC culture, only followers of ISLAM qualify as human beings.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an ISLAMIST, who hates non-moslems.

The Koran [is ISLAM's preeminent and 'most holy' religious text] refers to all disbelievers in hateful terms [e.g. as "the vilest of animals" and "the worst of creatures"].

And as such the Koran also encourages and religiously justifies violence against disbelievers [non-moslems], as 'sub-humans'.

Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Yadda on Jun 22nd, 2021 at 9:18pm

Yadda wrote on Jun 22nd, 2021 at 9:01pm:

And of course, in using the word, 'humanity', Recep Tayyip Erdogan here, is, culturally, referring only to moslems.

As in ISLAMIC culture, only followers of ISLAM qualify as human beings.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an ISLAMIST, who hates non-moslems.

The Koran [is ISLAM's preeminent and 'most holy' religious text] refers to all disbelievers in hateful terms [e.g. as "the vilest of animals" and "the worst of creatures"].

And as such the Koran also encourages and religiously justifies violence against disbelievers [non-moslems], as 'sub-humans'.



A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing.

----- >


Inside the sect that loves terror
August 07, 2005

......In public interviews         Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians.

Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent:

“Yes I condemn killing any     innocent people,     but not any kuffar.”

these are old links, but the article is kosher.,,2087-1724541,00.html
another source, "Undercover in the academy of hatred"...

kuffar = = non-moslem



Attack on London 'inevitable'
April 19, 2004

"We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents.

Only between Muslims and unbelievers.

And the life of an unbeliever has no value.

It has no sanctity."

this is an old link, but the article is kosher.



Yadda said....


The religious strictures of ISLAM require the follower of ISLAM;
1/ to love and to serve Allah's religion,
2/ to hate all things which are deemed to be, un-ISLAMIC.

".....loving and hating for the sake of Allah."

The religious strictures of ISLAM itself, determine what type of life is acceptable to ISLAM.  [a not uncommon situ, for followers of any religion]

And these religious strictures, 'nominate' [for the edification of the believer] every item [and idea] in this world, as being either ISLAMICALLY approved, or not.

And those 'things' which are not ISLAMICALLY approved, are to be rejected and hated, by the follower of ISLAM.

INCLUDING, all disbelievers.   e.g. Koran 60.4



WWW search....
AL WALAA WAL BARAA, "Islamic jurists"

Essentially, it translates as;

".....loving and hating for the sake of Allah."

It means, LOVING your moslem brothers. per ISLAMIC religious precepts.

It means, HATING the non-moslem. per ISLAMIC religious precepts.

It means, being a moslem.


Pure Al-wala' wa-l-bara' in the Koran....

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23




Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Frank on Jun 22nd, 2021 at 10:28pm

Yadda wrote on Jun 22nd, 2021 at 9:01pm:

Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing' and 'Extremist'

The Grey Wolves movement is an ethnic Turkish, Sunni organisation, described in Germany as
'Right-Wing' and as an 'Extremist Group'.

And who are they ?


In Germany, this group sets itself in opposition to anyone who is, not Turkish and not Sunni Islamic.


The Grey Wolves movement are recognised as being....
and anti-Jewish,
as well as anti-American,
and anti-Greek.

Is it time yet, to pay attention to their,    INTENTIONS,    in Europe ??!!


In Germany,       the Grey Wolves movement is a nationalist, *Turkish*, ISLAMIST organisation



Germany's Largest Right-Wing Extremist Group is Turkish, not German

by Soeren Kern
June 22, 2021

    The German Parliament and other federal agencies estimate that the true number Grey Wolves in Germany is above 18,000. This is five times more than the number of members (3,500) of Germany's neo-Nazi party.

    The ideology underpinning the Grey Wolves movement is a Turkish version of Aryanism and sets itself in opposition to anyone who is not Turkish or Sunni Islamic. It is anti-Christian and anti-Jewish, as well as anti-American, anti-Armenian, anti-Kurdish and anti-Greek.

    The objective of the Grey Wolves is to unify all the Turkish peoples into a single country called Turan whose territory would stretch from Europe to China. The Grey Wolves also want to establish a new world order based on Islam that is led by Turkey; they are opposed to the assimilation or integration of Turkish immigrants into Western society.

    "Supporters of the 'Grey Wolves' are responsible for a large number of murders of political opponents and members of minorities in Turkey and abroad." — Die Linke, Parliamentary Resolution, November 2020.

    "So, the CDU is in reality working with the right-wing extremist Grey Wolves, although it preaches that right-wing extremism is the greatest danger in Germany." — Zara Riffler, Tichys Einblick.

    "Erdoğan despises the West and Western values. He says this openly at every opportunity.... One is not working here on integration, not even on a parallel society, but quite obviously on a counter-society.... Why can Merkel — and Germany — criticize Trump and the USA, but not publicly and unequivocally put Erdoğan in his place?" — CDU politician Ali Ertan Toprak, Tichys Einblick.



from my archive.....

From when Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was visiting Germany on a popularity tour,
in 2008 !!!

------ >


Turkish PM to Muslims in Germany: "Assimilation is a crime against humanity"

Feb 11, 2008
By Robert Spencer

Cologne, Germany — A crowd of 16,000 expatriate Turks cheered Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a vast indoor auditorium in Germany on Sunday as he told them to resist assimilation into the West.

The political rally by Germany’s biggest ethnic minority upset German politicians, who objected to a major public event on German soil being advertised on posters in Turkish only.

Erdogan indirectly addressed those concerns, saying it was right for Turkish immigrants to learn German and other languages so they could integrate, but wrong to abandon their Turkish heritage and assimilate.

“Assimilation is a crime against humanity,” he told the crowd. Many Turks had travelled from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to hear his hour-long address in the shiny venue, the Koelnarena.



And of course, in using the word, 'humanity', Recep Tayyip Erdogan here, is, culturally, referring only to moslems.

As in ISLAMIC culture, only followers of ISLAM qualify as human beings.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an ISLAMIST, who hates non-moslems.

The Koran [is ISLAM's preeminent and 'most holy' religious text] refers to all disbelievers in hateful terms [e.g. as "the vilest of animals" and "the worst of creatures"].

And as such the Koran also encourages and religiously justifies violence against disbelievers [non-moslems], as 'sub-humans'.


This what gweggy turd is quoting ASIO about.

Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by moses on Jun 23rd, 2021 at 5:29pm
Why do the psycho leftards bow down to islam?

Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Valkie on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:56am

moses wrote on Jun 23rd, 2021 at 5:29pm:
Why do the psycho leftards bow down to islam?

Several possible reasons

1) they think, being sycophants, that muzzos wont kill them when they get the chance "But I have been supporting you?"
      Sadly, muzzos are known for their traitorous methods and will kill them regardless.

2) They think they have the moral high ground supporting the unpopular and unsupportable.

3) They pretend they are superior, (Look at me I support a group that no one else does, I'm a good sycophant)

4) Some do it because they are simply looking to have something to say that will elicit a response, because they have nothing else to give being as boring as bat shite and as intellectual as a cane toad.

5) Some do it simply because they are total morons.

6) Some are actually muzzos who are trying to defend the cult of death, Satan's own.

Many reasons
None of them requiring any form of intellect or intelligence
Hence the cause being taken up by those who have neither.

Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Yadda on Jun 25th, 2021 at 7:00pm

And again, in Germany !!!

----- >


Germany: Muslim migrants screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ battle police in Augsburg

Jun 24, 2021
By Robert Spencer                        10 Comments

Celebrate diversity!

Because it’s coming, as the article below notes: this kind of incident heralds “the ethnic division of the settlement area of the Federal Republic.”

This is the Germany Merkel wanted.

This is the Germany she’s got.


The call “Türkiye, Türkiye!” already indicates where the journey is going.

Towards the ethnic division of the settlement area of the Federal Republic.

And whoever shouts “Türkiye, Türkiye” also chants “Allahu Akbar”.

So the prospects are not good.

In the city of the Augsburger Puppenkiste [a popular puppet theater in Augsburg] and elsewhere in the country.

Does anyone notice a trend in political 'intention', being displayed by members of local moslem communities, in Europe ?

This type of behaviour [by local moslems] seems to becoming more and more common,
once the members of the local moslem community recognise the 'import' of the large numbers, of their own community [within a host nation], in Europe.

The German people say, 'Thank you.' Angela.

Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Yadda on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:31pm

And again, in Germany !!!

----- >


Germany: Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ murders 3,
Interior Minister says he had ‘possible Islamist motive’

Jun 25, 2021
By Robert Spencer                   18 Comments

BERLIN, June 25 (Reuters) – Three people were killed and five seriously injured in a knife attack in southern Germany on Friday by a 24-year-old Somali immigrant,
described by officials as having been placed under compulsory psychiatric treatment in recent days.


But we are all sure that in this incident, there must be only a very tenuous link to ISLAM.

ISLAM is peaceful and tolerant faith.

This is also stated in our party's 'policies and objectives' documents.

And our party apparatchiks could not be mistaken about this.

/sarc off

Title: Re: Sunni group described as 'Right-Wing', 'Extremist'
Post by Yadda on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:39pm

ISLAMIST attacks upon those who are not followers of ISLAM,
in the Western nations.

It isn't rocket science.

Followers of ISLAM hate us, and are encouraged by the primary precepts of ISLAM to kill us, whenever they get an 'opportunity' to do so.

'us' = = because we are not moslems.

It is happening because we [our political class ! ] choose to allow moslems to live among us, and to walk past us on our streets.

------ >

Yadda said.....


1/ Every moslem is a follower of ISLAM.

2/ And ISLAM is a philosophy which mandates that its followers must fight and kill people, who reject ISLAM, and reject the primacy of ISLAMIC law.

And, a new attack is going to occur whenever      any individual moslem [living among us, in Australia] decides that 'now' is a good moment for him to prove his devotion to ISLAM and to Allah.



A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing.

----- >


Inside the sect that loves terror
August 07, 2005

......In public interviews         Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians.

Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent:

“Yes I condemn killing any     innocent people,     but not any kuffar.”

these are old links, but the article is kosher.,,2087-1724541,00.html
another source, "Undercover in the academy of hatred"...

kuffar = = non-moslem



Attack on London 'inevitable'
April 19, 2004

"We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents.

Only between Muslims and unbelievers.

And the life of an unbeliever has no value.

It has no sanctity."

this is an old link, but the article is kosher.





Self-Described ‘Islamic Bonnie and Clyde’ Guilty of Plot to Attack ‘Non-Believers,’


Oct 06, 2018


By Christine Douglass-Williams on Oct 06, 2018

Australia: “Islamic Bonnie and Clyde” plotted New Year’s Eve jihad stabbing attack on non-Muslims

A couple who described themselves as an “Islamic Bonnie and Clyde” have been found guilty in an Australian court of planning a New Year’s Eve terrorist stabbing attack on non-Muslims.

Sameh Bayda and Alo-Bridget Namoa, both 21, were charged last year with the offences.

Now the two will enter prison, where they will likely join forces with other jihadists.

In February 2016, Sameh Bayda said to investigators that she wanted to do an “Islamic Bonnie and Clyde on the Kaffir.”

Prosecutors alleged Bayda.....said each believed they had a “religious obligation to attack non-believers”.


What justification did that young "Aussie" moslem couple give,
to explain their want,     to kill their 'fellow' Australians ???

------- >


Prosecutors alleged Bayda.....said each believed they had a “religious obligation to attack non-believers”.




1/ Why should anyone criticise [or fear] ISLAM ?
                 ...What is there to criticise about ISLAM ?

2/ What actions, of their fellow moslems, should moslems and brian be ashamed of ?



IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCES of ISLAM's doctrines of malice and DAILY murders, at these sites....


Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts

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