Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> General Board >> How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Message started by Mr Lager on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:34pm

Title: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:34pm
Are they just a fly in the ointment or a spanner in the works.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:43pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:34pm:
Are they just a fly in the ointment or a spanner in the works.

Hard to say, Matty. My guess is you've had your first shot for the evening. You plan to stay up for the weekend, no?

What will you do with Mr Lager on Monday?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:26pm
Not at all - they've been put to sleep by endless propaganda and repetition of 'the official line' that everything about their country is wrong except them...

Like so many of the Khmer Rouge supporters from early childhood, one day their very own tiger will devour them.... nothing quite as stupid or malleable as a child's mind.... fill it with sh1t and it will remain sh1t forever.

Look at some of our 'woke' politicians...

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:44am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:26pm:
Not at all - they've been put to sleep by endless propaganda and repetition of 'the official line' that everything about their country is wrong except them...

Like so many of the Khmer Rouge supporters from early childhood, one day their very own tiger will devour them.... nothing quite as stupid or malleable as a child's mind.... fill it with sh1t and it will remain sh1t forever.

Look at some of our 'woke' politicians...

Got that right

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 11:53am
Well- politicians are kind of a different breed - they are 'apprenticed' into the mode of thinking like a sociopath, and really know no difference... the difference between politicians and the 'woke' is that the 'woke' are often totally unaware of what they are setting out to do, whereas the politician apprentice knows full well what he/she is doing.

It's a difference between depraved indifference and the simple incapacity to understand the real differences.

John Smith, for example, in his endless 'support' for all things Black, does not ever contemplate public hangings from lamp posts or 'necklacing' with burning tyres or even concentration camps for dissidents .... he just thinks it's all cuddly and warm to support the poor down trodden amongst us - even when they are down trodden more by their own than by anyone else.

Those who support Islamites cannot contemplate a radical and fundamentalist theocracy .... we never had such a thing here so they have no idea.... and let me add this ....... the Iranian Socialists fully supported the 1979 Revolution that threw out the Shah and others considered despots - and were then systematically eliminated by the radical fundamentalist theocracy that actually took over the government of the people, by the people, and for the people and eliminated all opposition at the point of a gun via loaded 'trials' with a 99.9% guilty verdict ...  your average Iranian refugee may well be a Socialist trained in Moscow....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by The_Barnacle on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:15pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:34pm:
How woke are the woke,, that is the question

All this name calling makes me laugh
luvvies, woke,

They don't have any arguments so they have to resort to name calling

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:18pm
I love when I come into contact with some WOKE moron who wants to "explain" how things are.

I simply say, "hey tell me all about it" and walk away.

It really gets on their goat.

WOKE people are generally people without lives.
They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.

I have no time for them and simply laugh in their face.
Goading them with statements like.
What do you do for a living?
Have you ever actually been outside the city?
Why are you using technology when its so damn bad for the environment?
What modern technologies are you going to give up in the name of WOKE?

or simply
My 4X4 is really thirsty on fuel, we need more petrochemical plants.
I have a coal burner for heating, great stuff.
I fire up all the lights and air-conditioning all the time, even when Im not at home, just so its always comfortable.
Round up works wonders on native trees and shrubs.
My boat really chews up the sea grass and the petrol makes a nice smell in the water.
Love my meat, any kind, cow, pig, chook fish, as long as there is plenty of it.

Always gets a bite.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by mothra on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:22pm

The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:15pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:34pm:
How woke are the woke,, that is the question

All this name calling makes me laugh
luvvies, woke,

They don't have any arguments so they have to resort to name calling

It's hilarious watching the folk on here falling over themselves to incorporate the word 'woke' into everything they post.

It was SJWs a couple of months ago. Same thing.

Meanwhile, the same terms that apply to them now have applied for decades. They never needed to change to keep their impact.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by mothra on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:23pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:18pm:
I love when I come into contact with some WOKE moron who wants to "explain" how things are.

I simply say, "hey tell me all about it" and walk away.

It really gets on their goat.

WOKE people are generally people without lives.
They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.

I have no time for them and simply laugh in their face.
Goading them with statements like.
What do you do for a living?
Have you ever actually been outside the city?
Why are you using technology when its so damn bad for the environment?
What modern technologies are you going to give up in the name of WOKE?

or simply
My 4X4 is really thirsty on fuel, we need more petrochemical plants.
I have a coal burner for heating, great stuff.
I fire up all the lights and air-conditioning all the time, even when Im not at home, just so its always comfortable.
Round up works wonders on native trees and shrubs.
My boat really chews up the sea grass and the petrol makes a nice smell in the water.
Love my meat, any kind, cow, pig, chook fish, as long as there is plenty of it.

Always gets a bite.

For the love of god, just shut the f**k up already.

Ridiculous little man.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by mothra on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:32pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

And you can shut the hell up while we're at it. Equally ridiculous old man.

Forum overrun by gnomes. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:47pm

.... still nothing new from the racist callers and other types incapable of handling a civilised conversation... dear mothra has fallen through the cracks and has descended into the lowest form of discussion despite desperate attempts to revive her.... the drugs and booze are finally taking full effect...

School holidays!  Of course!!

P.S.  my yawns are better than Brian's.....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 26th, 2021 at 1:54pm

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:23pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:18pm:
I love when I come into contact with some WOKE moron who wants to "explain" how things are.

I simply say, "hey tell me all about it" and walk away.

It really gets on their goat.

WOKE people are generally people without lives.
They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.

I have no time for them and simply laugh in their face.
Goading them with statements like.
What do you do for a living?
Have you ever actually been outside the city?
Why are you using technology when its so damn bad for the environment?
What modern technologies are you going to give up in the name of WOKE?

or simply
My 4X4 is really thirsty on fuel, we need more petrochemical plants.
I have a coal burner for heating, great stuff.
I fire up all the lights and air-conditioning all the time, even when Im not at home, just so its always comfortable.
Round up works wonders on native trees and shrubs.
My boat really chews up the sea grass and the petrol makes a nice smell in the water.
Love my meat, any kind, cow, pig, chook fish, as long as there is plenty of it.

Always gets a bite.

For the love of god, just shut the f**k up already.

Ridiculous little man.

Love you too.

Shame you are a woman, we could have a really intelligent discussion.

But it gets annoying when I have to put everything in simple so you can understand.

After all, we only gave women the vote to shut them up, and look at the trouble that has caused.

FB_IMG_1619572880709.jpg (24 KB | 20 )

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:13pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:18pm:
I love when I come into contact with some WOKE moron who wants to "explain" how things are.

I simply say, "hey tell me all about it" and walk away.

It really gets on their goat.

WOKE people are generally people without lives.
They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.

I have no time for them and simply laugh in their face.
Goading them with statements like.
What do you do for a living?
Have you ever actually been outside the city?
Why are you using technology when its so damn bad for the environment?
What modern technologies are you going to give up in the name of WOKE?

or simply
My 4X4 is really thirsty on fuel, we need more petrochemical plants.
I have a coal burner for heating, great stuff.
I fire up all the lights and air-conditioning all the time, even when Im not at home, just so its always comfortable.
Round up works wonders on native trees and shrubs.
My boat really chews up the sea grass and the petrol makes a nice smell in the water.
Love my meat, any kind, cow, pig, chook fish, as long as there is plenty of it.

Always gets a bite.

Love your methamphetamine, helps you expel more CO2. Throw your uncapped fits next to a primary school. Go on the internet and brag about how superior you are.

It really gets on their goat, no?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:18pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 1:54pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:23pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:18pm:
I love when I come into contact with some WOKE moron who wants to "explain" how things are.

I simply say, "hey tell me all about it" and walk away.

It really gets on their goat.

WOKE people are generally people without lives.
They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.

I have no time for them and simply laugh in their face.
Goading them with statements like.
What do you do for a living?
Have you ever actually been outside the city?
Why are you using technology when its so damn bad for the environment?
What modern technologies are you going to give up in the name of WOKE?

or simply
My 4X4 is really thirsty on fuel, we need more petrochemical plants.
I have a coal burner for heating, great stuff.
I fire up all the lights and air-conditioning all the time, even when Im not at home, just so its always comfortable.
Round up works wonders on native trees and shrubs.
My boat really chews up the sea grass and the petrol makes a nice smell in the water.
Love my meat, any kind, cow, pig, chook fish, as long as there is plenty of it.

Always gets a bite.

For the love of god, just shut the f**k up already.

Ridiculous little man.

Love you too.

Shame you are a woman, we could have a really intelligent discussion.

But it gets annoying when I have to put everything in simple so you can understand.

After all, we only gave women the vote to shut them up, and look at the trouble that has caused.

Matty does have a point, Mothra. Let's try to have an intelligent discussion, okay?

WOKE people are generally people without lives. They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.


Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:38pm

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

Exactly. Is pointing out your own racial superiority racist? Is calling for the subjugation of the tinted races unjust? Is advocating the invasion of the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and China in order to recolonise the inferior races and put them in their place prejudiced?

These are important topics for discussion. Bandying about such epiphets is no more than censorship, so mean and unfair.

Who do these people think they are?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:33pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

So lay out for us all the injustices in our society..... you may place emphasis on all the facets of racism ..... sexism, ageism, preference... you know the deal...... after you define racism for us and lay out how exactly it works in Australia (we do not accept the problems of Darkest Botswaffistan with it gross abuses of women and human rights as being amenable to our solution - most here have enough trouble getting enough food on the table and getting a regular job to feed their families)...

Is it just to remove genuine equal opportunity from the minority tribe in your society - that 49% - to cater to the whims of the 51%?  For example.. or to hand the same privileges to 3% + 3% because they are not of the majority of that 49% Masculine Tribe?

Is it just that tinteds get special preference in sentencing for the same crimes?

Is it just to not intervene to protect the innocent among your own citizens - in a civilised society governed by the rule of law - when clearly a minority group - 3% - is the highest representation in murder and injury?

Is it just to not exercise higher legal scrutiny over groups that clearly have a high percentage of serial and career criminals?

Is it just to uphold the principles of removing 'generational disadvantage' for 3%, but not for the high percentage of the 97% - the Generational Dole Bludger Class who are primarily White?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:18pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Yes it is - same as all the other epithets hurled around these days, starting with 'misogynist' and moving through 'racist' and so forth .... but I never actually used that term 'lazy nothing' for a woke or wokeness.

When the woke stop shitting in our boots we'll stop pissing in their beer....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:51pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be....

The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she?

Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son.

We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere...

When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:01pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:51pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be....

The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she?

Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son.

We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere...

When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race....

Sorry, is that a denial?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 26th, 2021 at 10:16pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:01pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:51pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be....

The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she?

Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son.

We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere...

When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race....

Sorry, is that a denial?

Where does multicultural diversity celebration end and racism begin, paki?

Set the parameters, since you bandy 'wacism' about as if we had a settled agreement on what it means - which we don't, you don't.
Are you a racist, for example, by having a bone in your nose in a country where it's seen as primitive barbarity? Niqab, pajamas, ditto?  How much contemptuous, hostile racism should a liberal Western society tolerate from militantly backward pakis? Why not Nazi uniforms - they communicate the same apartness and hostility. Why are you bastards cool with openly hostile Muslims but not with Nazis?? if you were consistent about your hate for the West you would welcome both since there is no difference between them as far as your shared hatred of the west goes and in their methods in dealing with dissidents.

There is no difference between you, Islamists, commies and Nazis. Same ideology, aims, methods, rhetoric.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 12:22am

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 10:16pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:01pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:51pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be....

The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she?

Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son.

We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere...

When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race....

Sorry, is that a denial?

Where does multicultural diversity celebration end and racism begin, paki?

Set the parameters, since you bandy 'wacism' about as if we had a settled agreement on what it means - which we don't, you don't.
Are you a racist, for example, by having a bone in your nose in a country where it's seen as primitive barbarity? Niqab, pajamas, ditto?  How much contemptuous, hostile racism should a liberal Western society tolerate from militantly backward pakis? Why not Nazi uniforms - they communicate the same apartness and hostility. Why are you bastards cool with openly hostile Muslims but not with Nazis?? if you were consistent about your hate for the West you would welcome both since there is no difference between them as far as your shared hatred of the west goes and in their methods in dealing with dissidents.

There is no difference between you, Islamists, commies and Nazis. Same ideology, aims, methods, rhetoric.

Hard to say, dear boy, but I'm curious. Did you just use a disparaging racial ephiphet to describe silly old moi?

Most brave of you. After all, here you are diverting and distracting and preening about being, you know, not racist.

So how would it look if, there you were, hurling racial jibes at your fellow board  members?

What would your hosts think if someone they invited into their country made the deliberate decision to spread bold-faced lies about his fellow citizens' race?

I think they'd feel a little cheated, don't you? Imagine letting in a devious old card-carrying Nazi who spreads porkies and promotes social division. I think your newly-aquired fellow citizens might have a problem with that.


Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:06am

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:01pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:51pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be....

The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she?

Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son.

We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere...

When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race....

Sorry, is that a denial?

My position is one of imposing nothing on anyone....... read it as you like.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:39am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:06am:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 7:01pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:51pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:46pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:44pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 5:19pm:
Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do...

Good point for discussion, Grappler.

Does this make them racist?

When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is...

Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?

Please explain?

I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be....

The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she?

Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son.

We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere...

When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race....

Sorry, is that a denial?

My position is one of imposing nothing on anyone....... read it as you like.

No no, that's not what was asked. Are you saying that, you, a white man, are superior to the Boong?

Why or why not?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:27am

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:22pm:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:15pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 8:34pm:
How woke are the woke,, that is the question

All this name calling makes me laugh
luvvies, woke,

They don't have any arguments so they have to resort to name calling

It's hilarious watching the folk on here falling over themselves to incorporate the word 'woke' into everything they post.

It was SJWs a couple of months ago. Same thing.

Meanwhile, the same terms that apply to them now have applied for decades. They never needed to change to keep their impact.

You fit the bill regardless of label preference....

"all of the above".

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:28am

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:32pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

And you can shut the hell up while we're at it. Equally ridiculous old man.

Forum overrun by gnomes. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

There's a simple solution for you then ... is there not?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 27th, 2021 at 9:05am

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

When a WOKE loses an argument or is proven incorrect.

In order to save face they scream Racist or Phobe.

Its a tried and true method of attempting to look superior to your opponent.

But these words have been bandied about so often now that they mean little if anything..

True racism (by whites) is virtually non existent in Australia
However racism by blacks is running hot.

But as we all know, "ONLY WHITES CAN BE RACIST" so its all OK

But they key thing to remember in all this.

Those screaming "Racist" or "Phobe" are usually the most racist or phobic of all.

cultural_rspect_is_a_one_way_street_002.jpg (91 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:13am

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:39am:
No no, that's not what was asked. Are you saying that, you, a white man, are superior to the Boong?

Why or why not?

My clearly stated position has always been that each individual has his/her individual merits and demerits..... and that everyone I've ever met can do something better than I can.   Been yabby-ing with a Blackfella and he's streets ahead of me there... and fishing ... leave me for dead.

Why are you bringing colour into it?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 12:19pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:13am:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:39am:
No no, that's not what was asked. Are you saying that, you, a white man, are superior to the Boong?

Why or why not?

My clearly stated position has always been that each individual has his/her individual merits and demerits..... and that everyone I've ever met can do something better than I can.   Been yabby-ing with a Blackfella and he's streets ahead of me there... and fishing ... leave me for dead.

Why are you bringing colour into it?

Right, so you're relegating Boongs to hunting and gathering roles whereas you, a white, are superior in other areas.

Did you say you're not racist?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 12:25pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 9:05am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

When a WOKE loses an argument or is proven incorrect.

In order to save face they scream Racist or Phobe.

Its a tried and true method of attempting to look superior to your opponent.

But these words have been bandied about so often now that they mean little if anything..

True racism (by whites) is virtually non existent in Australia
However racism by blacks is running hot.

But as we all know, "ONLY WHITES CAN BE RACIST" so its all OK

But they key thing to remember in all this.

Those screaming "Racist" or "Phobe" are usually the most racist or phobic of all.

I know, right? There's no racism in Australia.

WOKE people are generally people without lives. They are either unemployed, LGBTIQSELFISH, darkies or simply some other manifestation of parasite.

If Darkie can't accept that, he's wacist, no?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 27th, 2021 at 12:28pm
You are insane.  More twists than a politician's tale in justifying a travel rort.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 27th, 2021 at 12:30pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:
Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Applies equally to all sides ... none holds the high ground here... apart from we True Egalitarians who remain aloof from all such petty conflicts, preferring to view the ape antics of humans from an Olympian standpoint....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.[/quote]

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 2:42pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
You are insane.  More twists than a politician's tale in justifying a travel rort.

Why don't you just own up to it? What have you got to lose?

We're all friends here, you know.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 27th, 2021 at 3:43pm

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?[/quote]

See if you can find a topic or two based on Bolts rather dubious racial dogma ?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 3:43pm:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?

See if you can find a topic or two based on Bolts rather dubious racial dogma ?

Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Anal'K will never actually identify the 'dubious'. Like turd, Bbwian et al, he will merely assert it and put his hand out for the 10 rupees like an entitled buftie.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Setanta on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:34pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Ah, so it seems your whole prob is with
Bold(sic) said, you see? I told you so.

Is that correct? Is that what stuck in your craw? Not science being nullified? Not the word "fact" having any meaning?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:35pm

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Anal'K will never actually identify the 'dubious'. Like turd, Bbwian et al, he will merely assert it and put his hand out for the 10 rupees like an entitled buftie.

Rupees are a sub-continental currency, old chap. Why would I be asking for that?

You're not trying to claim I'm tinted, are you? And, as a result, inferior?

Kind of provides the premise for your feigned rebuttals, doesn't it?

You poor, victimised racist, you.

So unfair. No one has the right to be not offended, ja?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:36pm

Setanta wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:34pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Ah, so it seems your whole prob is with
Bold(sic) said, you see? I told you so.

Is that correct?

Feel free to elaborate, dear. I'm all ears.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Setanta on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:43pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:35pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Anal'K will never actually identify the 'dubious'. Like turd, Bbwian et al, he will merely assert it and put his hand out for the 10 rupees like an entitled buftie.

Rupees are a sub-continental currency, old chap. Why would I be asking for that?
Coin collector?
You're not trying to claim I'm tinted, are you? And, as a result, inferior?
A coin is a coin!
Kind of provides the premise for your feigned rebuttals, doesn't it?
Now you are reaching but that does not justifying the conclusions you come to.
You poor, victimised racist, you.

So unfair. No one has the right to be not offended, ja?

Ah, full circle.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:43pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Talking but not saying anything.   Pascoe is Cornwall, not Koorie. His book is Bbwianesque. 

You are hanging on to a politicised lie, buftie.   

To my mind the Sutton Walshe criticism of Pascoe about ignoring the spiritual difference of Aboriginal way of looking and the complete absence of linguistic evidence to support Pascoe among oral tradition people is definitive.

You and Bbwian are just recalcitrant idiots who will not see shite no matter how long your faces are ground into it.

Reading Sutton and Walshe's demolishing of Pascoe has made me appreciate  the Aboriginal  way of looking and seeing much more. 

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:49pm
Just a couple of seriously qualified academics vs unqualified lying Pascoe

Here it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 27th, 2021 at 8:01pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:49pm:
Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

You know you can read all about Aboriginal Hunter gatherers in many Books on the subject over many decades.

Then you can then turn the page and read about Aboriginals use of fire as a farming technique - No - remember that bit ?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 8:35pm

Setanta wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:35pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Anal'K will never actually identify the 'dubious'. Like turd, Bbwian et al, he will merely assert it and put his hand out for the 10 rupees like an entitled buftie.

Rupees are a sub-continental currency, old chap. Why would I be asking for that?
Coin collector?
You're not trying to claim I'm tinted, are you? And, as a result, inferior?
A coin is a coin!
Kind of provides the premise for your feigned rebuttals, doesn't it?
Now you are reaching but that does not justifying the conclusions you come to.
You poor, victimised racist, you.

So unfair. No one has the right to be not offended, ja?

Ah, full circle.

Rupees are not a race, no?

Cunning. The old boy won't say, so let's ask you.

Is Fwank a naughty old wacist?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 8:39pm

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Talking but not saying anything.   Pascoe is Cornwall, not Koorie. His book is Bbwianesque. 

You are hanging on to a politicised lie, buftie.   

To my mind the Sutton Walshe criticism of Pascoe about ignoring the spiritual difference of Aboriginal way of looking and the complete absence of linguistic evidence to support Pascoe among oral tradition people is definitive.

You and Bbwian are just recalcitrant idiots who will not see shite no matter how long your faces are ground into it.

Reading Sutton and Walshe's demolishing of Pascoe has made me appreciate  the Aboriginal  way of looking and seeing much more. 

Oh, how un-racist of you.

You've read their book, eh?

Tendenious, mendacious, yeah-but-no-but tut-tuts ( ::) ::) ::) ) Offer me a banana, old boy, you know you want to.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 27th, 2021 at 10:09pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 8:39pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Talking but not saying anything.   Pascoe is Cornwall, not Koorie. His book is Bbwianesque. 

You are hanging on to a politicised lie, buftie.   

To my mind the Sutton Walshe criticism of Pascoe about ignoring the spiritual difference of Aboriginal way of looking and the complete absence of linguistic evidence to support Pascoe among oral tradition people is definitive.

You and Bbwian are just recalcitrant idiots who will not see shite no matter how long your faces are ground into it.

Reading Sutton and Walshe's demolishing of Pascoe has made me appreciate  the Aboriginal  way of looking and seeing much more. 

Oh, how un-racist of you.

You've read their book, eh?

Tendenious, mendacious, yeah-but-no-but tut-tuts ( ::) ::) ::) ) Offer me a banana, old boy, you know you want to.

You are gesticulating but not saying anything, as usual. Bbwianwsque. 

All of yould rather die than speak plainly. It IS all eyerolling hinty yawny  slippin' and slidin'. All ' I'm  curious, you'  cowardice. All you mongs ever want is gotcha without ever hoestly saying where y oi u stand, fearing exactly your own gotcha treatment.

Bad faith, paired with stupidity.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:30pm

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 10:09pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 8:39pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 4:25pm:
Strange. It's getting hard to find a thread here that's not filled with Bolt's rather dubious racial dogma.

Even when Matty found some evidence against Pascoe's claims, he ignored it, preferring to post Bolt, a gen-u-wine convicted wacist, saying I told you so.

How so?  I never watch or listen to those kinds anyway, so I have no idea what their stance is... so lay it out for us...

Oh, a couple of academics disagreed with Pascoe. Bold said, you see? I told you so.

He then kept krapping on about Pascoe not being a real Boong, how very dare they, etc, etc, etc.

You wouldn't have noticed it. It was buried in a thread where, for the past three months, you've been telling us how wrong Pascoe is.

And you're still asking me to provide your proof.

Cunning, no?

Feel free to disagree, dear.

Talking but not saying anything.   Pascoe is Cornwall, not Koorie. His book is Bbwianesque. 

You are hanging on to a politicised lie, buftie.   

To my mind the Sutton Walshe criticism of Pascoe about ignoring the spiritual difference of Aboriginal way of looking and the complete absence of linguistic evidence to support Pascoe among oral tradition people is definitive.

You and Bbwian are just recalcitrant idiots who will not see shite no matter how long your faces are ground into it.

Reading Sutton and Walshe's demolishing of Pascoe has made me appreciate  the Aboriginal  way of looking and seeing much more. 

Oh, how un-racist of you.

You've read their book, eh?

Tendenious, mendacious, yeah-but-no-but tut-tuts ( ::) ::) ::) ) Offer me a banana, old boy, you know you want to.

You are gesticulating but not saying anything, as usual. Bbwianwsque. 

All of yould rather die than speak plainly. It IS all eyerolling hinty yawny  slippin' and slidin'. All ' I'm  curious, you'  cowardice. All you mongs ever want is gotcha without ever hoestly saying where y oi u stand, fearing exactly your own gotcha treatment.

Bad faith, paired with stupidity.

No worries, take a stand. Are you racist?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by mothra on Jun 28th, 2021 at 4:23am

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:28am:

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:32pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

And you can shut the hell up while we're at it. Equally ridiculous old man.

Forum overrun by gnomes. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

There's a simple solution for you then ... is there not?

One thing i've noticed about you Gonads, you're less irritable now this place has become a virtual echo-chamber.

I hope this works out well for your blood pressure.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by AiA on Jun 28th, 2021 at 4:56am

mothra wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 4:23am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:28am:

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:32pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

And you can shut the hell up while we're at it. Equally ridiculous old man.

Forum overrun by gnomes. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

There's a simple solution for you then ... is there not?

One thing i've noticed about you Gonads, you're less irritable now this place has become a virtual echo-chamber.

I hope this works out well for your blood pressure.

Been busy stretching your labia since your last visit, Moths?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:09am

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 3:43pm:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?

See if you can find a topic or two based on Bolts rather dubious racial dogma ?

His racial dogma?

That he asks the question of what constitutes being Aboriginal, especially in regards to those of obvious mixed race, urban, who are white & identify as Aboriginal only?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:33am

mothra wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 4:23am:
One thing i've noticed about you Gonads, you're less irritable now this place has become a virtual echo-chamber.

I hope this works out well for your blood pressure.

Now that, Poppets, is what I mean about mothra having descended into nothing but sniping attacks, given her inability to ever once win a set piece battle.  Now she has adopted the tactics of the weak - terrorism - and hits and runs without actually having anything solid to say.

One thing I've noticed about mothra is hir being more irritable now that LTYC has gone by the board... love's labour lost.

Anyway - for your ongoing erudition... here is a small excerpt:-

"Adolph Hitler .... understood that it was much easier to create a coherent party policy via a series of negatives - hatred of the Jews, hatred of the Communists, hatred of the Versailles Agreement, hatred of the socialists - than by defining exactly what the Nazis actually stood for".... "whenever the Nazis met to agree the precise detail of their economic or social policies, they squabbled like children. No, Hitler realised, far better to keep the 'positive' policies as vague as possible - and call for a "strong, united and racially pure" Germany, for example - and to concentrate his efforts on itemising in detail only the negative ones."  Their Darkest Hour - Lawrence Rees, p.44.

Think on this, Poppets - and how very like many of the ideologies doing the rounds actually carry on the same way - never clearly delineate what it is they actually want, just rail against some aspect of society and claim to be victims of it.... concentrate on the negatives and provide no positives...

Still waiting for my responses to exactly how Abos, Mussos, feminists, and all the other Neo-Nazis are actually 'oppressed' here in Australia... but let's concentrate on generalisation and non-specific grievances and empty phrases like 'closing the gap'... such nonsenses are neither restricted to Left or Right, but are far more prevalent in the Lost Left wandering around looking for a home for their ideas.... just wanting to 'do things their way' whatever that means at any given time.... and without regard for any actual consequences.

Aleister Crowley writ large.. do what thou wilt.... what difference does it mean a hundred years from now?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:38am

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 8:01pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:49pm:
Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

You know you can read all about Aboriginal Hunter gatherers in many Books on the subject over many decades.

Then you can then turn the page and read about Aboriginals use of fire as a farming technique - No - remember that bit ?

Brilliant observation.

You haven't fathomed that the whole debate is about Pascoes claims that Aboriginals were more than Hunter Gatherers......

that the whole point of those debunking of his works Dark Emu is to show that he is incorrect and they were Hunter Gatherers.

Use of fire by Aboriginals is in itself a very primitive method that is basically about flushing game into the open & attracting game with the new plant regrowth......

that it is labeled a farming technique is also a stretch. A survival technique more like it.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41am

mothra wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 4:23am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:28am:

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:32pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

And you can shut the hell up while we're at it. Equally ridiculous old man.

Forum overrun by gnomes. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

There's a simple solution for you then ... is there not?

One thing i've noticed about you Gonads, you're less irritable now this place has become a virtual echo-chamber.

I hope this works out well for your blood pressure.

;D Echo chamber? 

Whatever you reckon Mothballs

Maybe it's because there's been less irritating looney leftist bullshyte from the self appointed intelligentsia here to respond to?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:30am
J.R.R. Tolkien is the next target under scrutiny of the "woke/diversity" brigade.

The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings author died in 1973 & they want to apply their BS ideology to his works....

WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

What da pharque?

Women excluded - none of these idiots must be circumcised because there's no end to the pricks.


WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

Why are there not more women in prominent roles? How is physical disability portrayed?

And do these things need to be debated at all?

These are some of the questions dividing fans of the trilogy after the Tolkien Society, a literary charity, announced that the theme for its annual summer seminar would be Tolkien and Diversity.

The conference, taking place on Zoom next weekend, will consider race, class, gender, sexuality and more.

The society said it chose diversity because the topic was “receiving more critical attention than ever before”.

The subject has sparked debate among fans.

Some have accused the society of political correctness.

Fictional Novels - The Hobbit was written in 1932 & the Lord of the Rings in 1948.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:54am

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:30am:
J.R.R. Tolkien is the next target under scrutiny of the "woke/diversity" brigade.

The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings author died in 1973 & they want to apply their BS ideology to his works....

WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

What da pharque?

Women excluded - none of these idiots must be circumcised because there's no end to the pricks.


WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

Why are there not more women in prominent roles? How is physical disability portrayed?

And do these things need to be debated at all?

These are some of the questions dividing fans of the trilogy after the Tolkien Society, a literary charity, announced that the theme for its annual summer seminar would be Tolkien and Diversity.

The conference, taking place on Zoom next weekend, will consider race, class, gender, sexuality and more.

The society said it chose diversity because the topic was “receiving more critical attention than ever before”.

The subject has sparked debate among fans.

Some have accused the society of political correctness.

Fictional Novels - The Hobbit was written in 1932 & the Lord of the Rings in 1948.[/quote]

Well, they have been attacking nursery rhymes, Disney movies and all manner of books for years.

They just love to whine about something.

It happens when someone don't have a life of any import, they try to put down others who are superior.

We have several on this forum like that. Smith, Rhino etc, except Anal k, he is simply a mind numbingly stupid moron.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:21am

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:09am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 3:43pm:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?

See if you can find a topic or two based on Bolts rather dubious racial dogma ?

His racial dogma?

That he asks the question of what constitutes being Aboriginal, especially in regards to those of obvious mixed race, urban, who are white & identify as Aboriginal only?

No, Gonads, that Bolt answers the question of what constitutes being Aboriginal, targets and vilifies Aboriginals, and tells porkies.

If Bolt merely questioned the criteria of Aboriginality, he wouldn't be convicted of racial vilification, now would he?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:24am

Valkie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:54am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:30am:
J.R.R. Tolkien is the next target under scrutiny of the "woke/diversity" brigade.

The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings author died in 1973 & they want to apply their BS ideology to his works....

WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

What da pharque?

Women excluded - none of these idiots must be circumcised because there's no end to the pricks.


WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

Why are there not more women in prominent roles? How is physical disability portrayed?

And do these things need to be debated at all?

These are some of the questions dividing fans of the trilogy after the Tolkien Society, a literary charity, announced that the theme for its annual summer seminar would be Tolkien and Diversity.

The conference, taking place on Zoom next weekend, will consider race, class, gender, sexuality and more.

The society said it chose diversity because the topic was “receiving more critical attention than ever before”.

The subject has sparked debate among fans.

Some have accused the society of political correctness.

Fictional Novels - The Hobbit was written in 1932 & the Lord of the Rings in 1948.

Well, they have been attacking nursery rhymes, Disney movies and all manner of books for years.

They just love to whine about something.

It happens when someone don't have a life of any import, they try to put down others who are superior.

We have several on this forum like that. Smith, Rhino etc, except Anal k, he is simply a mind numbingly stupid moron.

I agree, Matty. Smith, Rhino, etc put you down for being superior.

So unfair, dear, it happens all the time. It's good to see you rise above it. When they go low, you go high, no?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Gnads on Jun 28th, 2021 at 1:18pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:21am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:09am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 3:43pm:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?

See if you can find a topic or two based on Bolts rather dubious racial dogma ?

His racial dogma?

That he asks the question of what constitutes being Aboriginal, especially in regards to those of obvious mixed race, urban, who are white & identify as Aboriginal only?

No, Gonads, that Bolt answers the question of what constitutes being Aboriginal, targets and vilifies Aboriginals, and tells porkies.

If Bolt merely questioned the criteria of Aboriginality, he wouldn't be convicted of racial vilification, now would he? [/quote]

Saying "white is the new black" is racial vilification?

The truth obviously hurt & in a lot of cases he is right.... especially in relation to Geoff Clarke & his family.

Never mind the lead litigant Pat Eatock.

She was born in Redcliffe to Roderick Eatock, of Aboriginal and English descent, and Scottish migrant Elizabeth Stephenson Anderson. Having left school at the age of fourteen, she moved to Sydney at eighteen and married her cousin, Ron Eatock, with whom she had 6 children.

They alleged two articles written by Bolt for his employer, the Herald and Weekly Times, implied light-skinned people who identified as Aboriginal did so for personal gain.

The articles were headlined "It's so hip to be black" and "White fellas in the black".

What's calling non Aboriginal people "Capt Cook White C*#ts"?

Just friendly banter ... no?

Pat_Eatock_.jpg (6 KB | 10 )

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by mothra on Jun 28th, 2021 at 1:28pm

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41am:

mothra wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 4:23am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:28am:

mothra wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:32pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm:
Now there you have it, Poppets - the true genre of discussion of the modern awoken person.....

I was going to discuss someone calling aquascoot ignorant the other day, and put to them that aquascoot is by no means ignorant of facts - he simply arrives at different conclusions from those of others...

This, of course, is the very essence of discussion and of inquiry - to solicit and then review all views, offering to each view equal value, in an earnest and honest attempt to arrive at a predominance of opinion... what Bill Shorten liked to call a consensus... we could argue the true meaning of a consensus within Modern Labor - but that is a separate issue...

Would you like to re-phrase that, mothra?  You are coming across as a rabid, lunatic, left wing, feminist harpy ....... doesn't help your 'cause'..... I did leave you out of discussion of 'agents provocateurs', but should you demand inclusion............ the board is open to suggestions.....

And you can shut the hell up while we're at it. Equally ridiculous old man.

Forum overrun by gnomes. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

There's a simple solution for you then ... is there not?

One thing i've noticed about you Gonads, you're less irritable now this place has become a virtual echo-chamber.

I hope this works out well for your blood pressure.

;D Echo chamber? 

Whatever you reckon Mothballs

Maybe it's because there's been less irritating looney leftist bullshyte from the self appointed intelligentsia here to respond to?

Yes dear. An echo chamber.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 28th, 2021 at 1:31pm
Jack and Jill Went up the Hill
To fetch a pail of water...
They wouldn't go down to the Abo Well,
The Chinese Well, or the Indian Well,
And the Ganges they wouldn't touch...
Well, well, well....

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 5:38pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 1:31pm:
Jack and Jill Went up the Hill
To fetch a pail of water...
They wouldn't go down to the Abo Well,
The Chinese Well, or the Indian Well,
And the Ganges they wouldn't touch...
Well, well, well....

You're not racist, Grappler. If you ever went yabbying, you'd take along a Boong.

Different strokes for different folks, innit.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:56pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It went woke and liars like you dominate the ABC, universities and schools.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Frank on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:17pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

Oh? You don't think the kiddies should learn to debate historical sources?

Strange. I could have sworn you've tried doing this yourself.

Perhaps I have you confused with another poster.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

But, old boy, we welcome you here!

Remember, we grew here, you flew here. No resentment from Anal K, dear boy.

If you didn't exist, we'd have to make you up.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:27pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Good point, Matty, times have changed.

We no longer torture people to death for talking back to foreigners.


Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:32pm

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:09am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 3:43pm:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 1:28pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Jun 27th, 2021 at 7:45am:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 6:15pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:15pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 26th, 2021 at 4:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 25th, 2021 at 9:30pm:

How woke are the woke,, that is the question

Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)

Define your slept for us....

The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".

adjective INFORMAL

Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.

Is noticing racial differences racist?   Is every race responsible for how it's perceived?  Is social, economic, cultural inequality unjust?

'Racism' , ' injustice' , 'privilege'  etc are terms bandied about with Bbwianesque abandon. They are the first and last resorts from thinking for scoundrels. Once mindlessly asserted, there is no more discussion, only acceptznce or endless browbeating. They are deadend concepts for the lazy and stupid.

You are correct the term woke is a lazy nothing - an empty dog whistle.

Mostly used for political gain without reasonable support.

That's rich......

as if the terminology of the left doesn't deliberately do that ....

with the gay abandon of throwing around the labels/words racist, bigot, *****phobe, etc anytime someone doesn't agree with their slant on things.
Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Identity Politics/tribalism is their forte.

[quote]Woke being a word from the looney SJW left that has been used against them to point a finger at their own biases, discrimination & racism

Does not do any of these things. Genuine criticisms would be significantly more effective.

the right wing woke argument is mostly used when the facts are weak or non existent - it is a give away that they have nothing.

Just as those who throw the race card, the 'phobe card, the bigot, the racist card, the misogynist card et al. ?

See if you can find a topic or two based on Bolts rather dubious racial dogma ?

His racial dogma?

That he asks the question of what constitutes being Aboriginal, especially in regards to those of obvious mixed race, urban, who are white & identify as Aboriginal only?

That must be the reason he won in court - whoops sorry that is wrong he lost ???? The ruling was that he printed untruths about people.

He accused aboriginal people of all sorts of things that were not correct. Guilty - guilty - guilty.

Credibility - Gone.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by AiA on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:02pm

Gnads wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:30am:
J.R.R. Tolkien is the next target under scrutiny of the "woke/diversity" brigade.

The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings author died in 1973 & they want to apply their BS ideology to his works....

WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

What da pharque?

Women excluded - none of these idiots must be circumcised because there's no end to the pricks.


WHEN JRR Tolkien wrote about evil orcs with “sallow skin” in The Lord of the Rings was he being racist?

Why are there not more women in prominent roles? How is physical disability portrayed?

And do these things need to be debated at all?

These are some of the questions dividing fans of the trilogy after the Tolkien Society, a literary charity, announced that the theme for its annual summer seminar would be Tolkien and Diversity.

The conference, taking place on Zoom next weekend, will consider race, class, gender, sexuality and more.

The society said it chose diversity because the topic was “receiving more critical attention than ever before”.

The subject has sparked debate among fans.

Some have accused the society of political correctness.

Fictional Novels - The Hobbit was written in 1932 & the Lord of the Rings in 1948.[/quote]

Let's not forget Bill Ferny, that "swarthy Bree-lander." Was Tolkien saying Bill was "tinted?"

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:18pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Some of your best friends are tinted.

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 9:29pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:18pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Some of your best friends are tinted.

I don't have any tinted friends, only Jimmy a nearly full cast Abbo but since Abbos have been exempt from working for the dole and his grandkids sleep in skips he went walkabout

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Dnarever on Jun 28th, 2021 at 9:58pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Try putting -  why are people so unkind into google ?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 28th, 2021 at 10:13pm
They're awake to what they choose to see, but totally asleep to everything else, including the full ramifications of what they seek.

I read a thing last night about the handover of Cossacks to the Soviets post WW II - and it finished with the one simple statement:-  The people making the decisions were in no way affected by them.

One even said they had more important things to do than consider whether or not a Cossack - Russian citizen or otherwise - would be shot.

You see - this sociopathy crosses all boundaries..... can anyone honestly say that feminist demands for more and more and more at the expense of others is not purely sociopathic?  That some little girlie blithely accepting affirmative action after a soft lifetime, and thus utterly undeserving of a handup when some poor boy is starving genteelly, is not sociopathic?  That some Blacktivist mumbling darkly about 'always was' is not off the planet when it comes to simple realities (yeah - but that was a long time ago now)?

None so blind as they who choose not to look beyond their own self-interest.... and see that everything is a complex that involves others.... one woman's easy meat is another man's poison...

"Wait until you see it!"

"See what?"

"What one woman can do to another man after the first one!"

While we're here - what is it exactly that all these nasty groups actually want?  Apart from free rein to do everything their way regardless of anyone else... that is?  Can anyone say, or would you prefer to leave it undefined so that it never ends, just like Adolph in the thing I posted last night?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:00pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 9:29pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:18pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Some of your best friends are tinted.

I don't have any tinted friends, only Jimmy a nearly full cast Abbo but since Abbos have been exempt from working for the dole and his grandkids sleep in skips he went walkabout

Uncanny. Some of your best friends are Abbos, no?

Celebrity Abbos. My guess is your friend Jimmy also has a distant Cornish cousin by marriage who wrote a book about tinted Emus.


Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Mr Lager on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:14pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:00pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 9:29pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:18pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Some of your best friends are tinted.

I don't have any tinted friends, only Jimmy a nearly full cast Abbo but since Abbos have been exempt from working for the dole and his grandkids sleep in skips he went walkabout

Uncanny. Some of your best friends are Abbos, no?

Celebrity Abbos. My guess is your friend Jimmy also has a distant Cornish cousin by marriage who wrote a book about tinted Emus.


I am guessing Jimmy is about 98% Abbo but he considers himself a whiteman because he gets a free Land Cruiser every 4yrs

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Karnal on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:54pm

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:14pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 11:00pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 9:29pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:18pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 8:06pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:41pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:25pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:20pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 7:02pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:48pm:

Johnnie wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:14pm:
What of the future generations under wokeism, the youngsters are already under more pressure and know more than ever before, they have their faces buried in their devices to cope.

The woke community are in for that warm fuzzy fix and nothing else matters.

That's right, Mr Lager. Just think, children in NSW schools are allowed to read that awful Dark Emu book. The government even refuses to ban it.

Oh my, whatever happened to our country?

It should be the three R's geography and some cooking or woodwork and lots of PE at school, zero dark emu or whatever that spooky stuff is, they can choose to see that on their devices if they so wish or if their elders wish.

The country is going downhill that is for sure Kanamal

And Anal'K is pushing it down that hill. That's his mission. Bbwian's too.
They are against Australia in all their utterances. They are hostile and brimming with resentment as a matter of personal policy.

They should be taken out the back   hung drawn and quartered for their anti patriotism, that's the way they would  have been treated in the olden days, we are far to "woke" these days.

Sorry, Homo, I had you confused with Matty.

He's our resident history buff, you see.

Hows about singing that same old song again

I suspect you are so unkind.

I am a very very kind non judgmental forgiving charitable respectful patriotic person so you got that wrong Duck.

Some of your best friends are tinted.

I don't have any tinted friends, only Jimmy a nearly full cast Abbo but since Abbos have been exempt from working for the dole and his grandkids sleep in skips he went walkabout

Uncanny. Some of your best friends are Abbos, no?

Celebrity Abbos. My guess is your friend Jimmy also has a distant Cornish cousin by marriage who wrote a book about tinted Emus.


I am guessing Jimmy is about 98% Abbo but he considers himself a whiteman because he gets a free Land Cruiser every 4yrs

With friends like that, who needs to play the victim?

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 29th, 2021 at 8:21am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 28th, 2021 at 10:13pm:
They're awake to what they choose to see, but totally asleep to everything else, including the full ramifications of what they seek.

I read a thing last night about the handover of Cossacks to the Soviets post WW II - and it finished with the one simple statement:-  The people making the decisions were in no way affected by them.

One even said they had more important things to do than consider whether or not a Cossack - Russian citizen or otherwise - would be shot.

You see - this sociopathy crosses all boundaries..... can anyone honestly say that feminist demands for more and more and more at the expense of others is not purely sociopathic?  That some little girlie blithely accepting affirmative action after a soft lifetime, and thus utterly undeserving of a handup when some poor boy is starving genteelly, is not sociopathic?  That some Blacktivist mumbling darkly about 'always was' is not off the planet when it comes to simple realities (yeah - but that was a long time ago now)?

None so blind as they who choose not to look beyond their own self-interest.... and see that everything is a complex that involves others.... one woman's easy meat is another man's poison...

"Wait until you see it!"

"See what?"

"What one woman can do to another man after the first one!"

While we're here - what is it exactly that all these nasty groups actually want?  Apart from free rein to do everything their way regardless of anyone else... that is?  Can anyone say, or would you prefer to leave it undefined so that it never ends, just like Adolph in the thing I posted last night?

That was quite enlightening.

as you have stated its all about "Self interest" above the good of the majority.

3% of the population demanding that the 97% of the population abide with their twisted sense of self importance.

And rather than actually doing it for themselves, many simply DEMAND that we do it all for them.

Not putting forward sensible solutions, simply demanding.

"HOW DARE YOU" comes to mind

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 29th, 2021 at 10:29am
Trouble is that every "eco-system" including societal issues, is in a state of perpetual change around a centre of quasi-balance, and so far, every attempt at Intervention™ by the Gurus of Social Science has never once resolved a single Issue™, but has instead actually created more Issues™.  You cannot throw an engine out of kilter while it is  raging along and not expect it to disintegrate.

Let us take the example of Prohibition in the US - rather than resolving the relatively minor issue of drunkenness and misbehaviour, it actually lead to the development of Organised Crime™, a far greater social ill than partaking of the Water of Life - so called because even if it did not fix your aching gums or grumbling bowels or crook back, it sure made them feel better, so must be Water of Life and medicinal, eh?

Look at Affirmative Action - rather than resolving a single Issue™, it actually gave rise to countless new Issues™ of Equal Treatment™ and Equality™, Social Standing, Equity™and countless other (gasps) Trickledown™ effects.

Look at the attempts to resolve the alleged power imbalance in personal relationships - again, rather than resolving any real Issue™, all this has done is shovel more Power™ to one side of the equation, thus in no way even pretending to Resolve™ the Issues™ - but rather seeking to replace the normal ebb and flow of Power™ in a normal relationship with a reign of terror and of Official Violence against one side without let and often without any legal, moral, or social justification (no need when you hold all the power!).

Again - another short tale of a woman wounded and captured by the Germans in 1941-2 while working in a Russian field hospital... after her "liberation" she expected to go home and be considered a good citizen for her service and suffering for the nation - instead, for the crime of being captured by the Nazis, she was imprisoned and then publicly scorned for her whole life.... by the very people she thought were her friends, allies, and "national family".  Those with the Power™ had zero obligation to even begin to treat her fairly or even in accordance with facts (sound familiar?), and were, literally, a Law Unto Themselves.

Think on this, Poppets - how terribly reminiscent this is of certain aspects of modern governance here - or anywhere where the "powers that be" are handed unlimited power (as they always have held here in this poor benighted convict colony settlement derived nation, in which the "betters" have always trodden over their "inferiors" without a second thought).

Can you not see that the time is long past for meaningful change for the better, instead of forever going backwards and downhill to suit any prevailing tide of loud voices screaming in the streets for what they consider their share of the pie - and stuff everyone else?

Sociopathy knows no boundaries... and only the strong man can stand apart from his basic animal instinct to rip the flesh from someone else to get his share of the nation's carcasse.

For those who do not understand - I use the ™ to denote that some group has actually trademarked the subject and content of what I have marked ™ - has taken it over and made it their Own™ without thought or consideration for others (again)...

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 29th, 2021 at 12:40pm
Jesus, Igor - that snowed 'em!  Little bit of the old quasi-science and hoobledy-goobledy and Pascoe's Yer Uncle!!

Tail of newt, eye of toad, balls of steel.... and off you go ... Brave New World and a professorship looming......

Title: Re: How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Post by Valkie on Jun 29th, 2021 at 3:12pm

Logic has nothing to do with it
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