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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Message started by Yadda on Jul 26th, 2021 at 9:18am |
Title: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Yadda on Jul 26th, 2021 at 9:18am How to silence truth [i.e. legitimate criticism]. LEGISLATE ITS PUBLIC DECLARATION, TO BE A 'HATE CRIME'. Easy peasy; No more dissent or opposition, against those who hold political power in a nation. Quote:
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke THE BEST COMMENT...... Quote:
. BUT THAT KIND OF LEGISLATION COULD NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY IN THE WEST !! /sarc off WWW search.... Germany: Economics Ministry advisory board wants to eliminate freedom of the press, criminalize criticism of Islam ISLAMIC jurisdictions, ....those acknowledged havens of tolerance. /sarc off WWW search.... Sudan: Muslims beat and threaten to kill government advisor for Christian affairs . "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper "Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." - Thomas Mann |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Brian Ross on Jul 26th, 2021 at 1:39pm Yadda is off and running again... ::) ::) |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Bias_2012 on Jul 26th, 2021 at 2:27pm Brian Ross wrote on Jul 26th, 2021 at 1:39pm:
More of your undemocratic rigidity and personal attacks I see tsk tsk |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Brian Ross on Jul 26th, 2021 at 3:24pm Bias_2012 wrote on Jul 26th, 2021 at 2:27pm:
Tell us when your "democratic ideas" about morality come up for a vote... ::) ::) |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Valkie on Jul 26th, 2021 at 3:43pm
The sad truth of islam.
From the day they are born, children are indoctrinated into believing that Allah is the one true god and that everyone else are pagans and must be murdered because they dont believe. Daily rituals of bowing and mind numbing mantras to their god reinforce that belief continually. Anyone, ANYONE who dares to question ANYTHING about this cult are either tortured or killed, along with their families. Leaving the cult is forbidden and brings death to them and their family members. There is no open discussion, only pure enforced pilgrimage to this god who promotes murder, rape and torture of infidels (non-believers) Now, all this is done for what? All the hardships, murder, torture and poverty in this life is for one reason. They sacrifice their wealth, pleasure, joy and life for a mythical afterlife. To be given a wondrous afterlife with 40 virgins (what about the women, do they get virgins for their sacrifices?) How many have actually seen this afterlife? How many have come back to extol the virtues of this life after death? So, they are murdering, torturing and punishing people for what? A dream some sociopath, lying, murderer, self confessed pedophile told them so? Think about this. This cowardly prophet RAN AWAY AND HID UNDER HIS BED when his enemies were after him. He then later, probably in an attempt to hide his cowardly sins, went and destroyed those who kept him safe...Nice guy Then he tell about the flying donkeys, watching the sun set into a muddy hole and numerous other lies. The best yet is that he outsmarted the devil..........You have to be kidding. He rapes some pre-pubescent girls and boasts about it. Comes up with his only solution to everything (beheading) and sets about forming a cult of death and destruction. And this is who the followers of islam believe that murder, rape and destruction will take them into an afterlife of joy and heaven? Seriously??????? You would have to be a total nutcase to believe this liar and follow his doctrines. ISLAM, THE CULT OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Bias_2012 on Jul 26th, 2021 at 5:26pm Brian Ross wrote on Jul 26th, 2021 at 3:24pm:
When rigid extreme lefties like you no longer believe in mob rule and when you realize that one voter's tax dollar has the same value as another voter's tax dollar ... and when you properly understand that votes that don't get a candidate a seat in Parliament lose 100% of their value and are then discarded, as if those voters never existed |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Brian Ross on Jul 26th, 2021 at 11:17pm Bias_2012 wrote on Jul 26th, 2021 at 5:26pm:
When a fascist like yourself realises that you lot tried the idea of having votes to outlaw people we ended up with the Holocaust. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Brian Ross on Jul 26th, 2021 at 11:19pm
[quote author=Valkie link=1627255122/4#4 date=1627278181]
From the day they are born, children are indoctrinated into believing that Allah is the one true god and that everyone else are pagans and must be murdered because they dont believe. Daily rituals of bowing and mind numbing mantras to their god reinforce that belief continually. Anyone, ANYONE who dares to question ANYTHING about this cult are either tortured or killed, along with their families. Leaving the cult is forbidden and brings death to them and their family members. There is no open discussion, only pure enforced pilgrimage to this god who promotes murder, rape and torture of infidels (non-believers) Now, all this is done for what? All the hardships, murder, torture and poverty in this life is for one reason. They sacrifice their wealth, pleasure, joy and life for a mythical afterlife. To be given a wondrous afterlife with 40 virgins (what about the women, do they get virgins for their sacrifices?) How many have actually seen this afterlife? How many have come back to extol the virtues of this life after death? So, they are murdering, torturing and punishing people for what? A dream some sociopath, lying, murderer, self confessed pedophile told them so? Think about this. This cowardly prophet RAN AWAY AND HID UNDER HIS BED when his enemies were after him. He then later, probably in an attempt to hide his cowardly sins, went and destroyed those who kept him safe...Nice guy Then he tell about the flying donkeys, watching the sun set into a muddy hole and numerous other lies. The best yet is that he outsmarted the devil..........You have to be kidding. He rapes some pre-pubescent girls and boasts about it. Comes up with his only solution to everything (beheading) and sets about forming a cult of death and destruction. And this is who the followers of islam believe that murder, rape and destruction will take them into an afterlife of joy and heaven? Seriously??????? You would have to be a total nutcase to believe this liar and follow his doctrines. ISLAM, THE CULT OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION[ The Troll, Matty is spouting bullshit and Islamophobia once more. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Bias_2012 on Jul 26th, 2021 at 11:57pm Brian Ross wrote on Jul 26th, 2021 at 11:17pm:
So you believe in mob rule and discarding the compulsory votes of the disenfranchised just so you can get your Stalinist progressive way .... not much morality in that |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Brian Ross on Jul 27th, 2021 at 12:11am Bias_2012 wrote on Jul 26th, 2021 at 11:57pm:
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Scratch the surface and out comes the insults. Arbeit Macht Frei is your slogan? ::) ::) |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Bias_2012 on Jul 27th, 2021 at 12:24am Brian Ross wrote on Jul 27th, 2021 at 12:11am:
So it's clear then that you have no argument against mob rule and discarding compulsory votes of the disenfranchised .... very undemocratic and rigid of you Mr Ross tsk tsk :-/ ::) |
Title: Re: How to silence truth. LEGISLATE IT, AS BEING 'HATE Post by Valkie on Jul 27th, 2021 at 9:17am
The sad truth of islam.
From the day they are born, children are indoctrinated into believing that Allah is the one true god and that everyone else are pagans and must be murdered because they dont believe. Daily rituals of bowing and mind numbing mantras to their god reinforce that belief continually. Anyone, ANYONE who dares to question ANYTHING about this cult are either tortured or killed, along with their families. Leaving the cult is forbidden and brings death to them and their family members. There is no open discussion, only pure enforced pilgrimage to this god who promotes murder, rape and torture of infidels (non-believers) Now, all this is done for what? All the hardships, murder, torture and poverty in this life is for one reason. They sacrifice their wealth, pleasure, joy and life for a mythical afterlife. To be given a wondrous afterlife with 40 virgins (what about the women, do they get virgins for their sacrifices?) How many have actually seen this afterlife? How many have come back to extol the virtues of this life after death? So, they are murdering, torturing and punishing people for what? A dream some sociopath, lying, murderer, self confessed pedophile told them so? Think about this. This cowardly prophet RAN AWAY AND HID UNDER HIS BED when his enemies were after him. He then later, probably in an attempt to hide his cowardly sins, went and destroyed those who kept him safe...Nice guy Then he tell about the flying donkeys, watching the sun set into a muddy hole and numerous other lies. The best yet is that he outsmarted the devil..........You have to be kidding. He rapes some pre-pubescent girls and boasts about it. Comes up with his only solution to everything (beheading) and sets about forming a cult of death and destruction. And this is who the followers of islam believe that murder, rape and destruction will take them into an afterlife of joy and heaven? Seriously??????? You would have to be a total nutcase to believe this liar and follow his doctrines. ISLAM, THE CULT OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION |
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