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General Discussion >> General Board >> Bludgers who at at a new stupid level

Message started by Valkie on Nov 12th, 2021 at 8:03am

Title: Bludgers who at at a new stupid level
Post by Valkie on Nov 12th, 2021 at 8:03am
If they stop the workers working and the exports bringing in money.

Just where do these dole bludging morons think their dole money is going to come from?

We already support an entire kultcha, deadbeat immigrants and dole bludging  dead beats with nothing to do but protest and create problems.

I think the best course of action is to first stop their dole, its only fair, they want to stop people earning money, so they shouldn't get any either.
Then Make them pay for any economic income loss through any assetts that may have accumulated.
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Title: Re: Bludgers who at at a new stupid level
Post by Valkie on Nov 12th, 2021 at 8:03am
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Title: Re: Bludgers who at at a new stupid level
Post by Karnal on Nov 12th, 2021 at 8:29pm
Valkie - the laziest burden on the public purse to date. Leb mechanics put in more hours, Boong trackers more sweat, white public servants more productivity.

Valkie, self-confessed invalid. We chip in for his methadone, his pension and his social housing. Whitey, Boongs, Curries, Darkies, all.

Put something in the hat for Valkie, leftards. He's earned it.


Title: Re: Bludgers who at at a new stupid level
Post by Ye Grappler on Nov 12th, 2021 at 10:34pm
Wow - this is on a par with handing over the historic Post Office in Newcastle to the Kaffir... mus' be a secred site, eh?

Why don't they do something constructive to allow nations to get away from coal consumption?

I was born and raised in Newcastle - to my undying regret - and let me tell you - it is filled to the brim with loonies.....

Title: Re: Bludgers who at at a new stupid level
Post by Jim Lahey on Nov 13th, 2021 at 6:09am
Valkie would need a step ladder to get over the tracks

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