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Message started by Irishman78621 on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 2:08am

Title: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Irishman78621 on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 2:08am
I am Irish and I live in Ireland. I have never been anywhere near Tasmania or Australia. However over the last year and a half or so I have been jealous of the coronavirus situation in Tasmania. I know there are huge downsides to a closed border most obviously if someone in Tasmania has a sibling or child in Sydney or London they basically cannot see them. I know that is pretty terrible for them. I know also it is dividing a country which is never a good thing.

We in Ireland have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world (92%) and most of the unvaccinated here are Eastern European. I myself am delighted to be vaccinated, but corona virus is still a big problem. Officially 10% of people here have had coronavirus already but many people think that its close to 20% as there was not always enough tests available etc, so we also have some herd immunity. We are also one of the best in Europe at sticking to the rules (not saying people stick to them all the time). Despite all this our healthcare system is completely overwhelmed. We also have to worry about getting the virus which even for the vaccinated can be quite serious. Because of the new variants and the delta strain is now much stronger than it was in springtime, the coronavirus itself is much stronger than it was in March 2020. Many old people or people with health issues are living in fear. People in nursing homes are really stressed. I used to visit a friend of my fathers in a nursing home and he has now lost his mind from having no visitors for so long and seeing his friends die. Its a rough death. There were reports of dead bodies being left in nursing homes as undertakers were too busy to take them away.

We have very few anti-mask/anti-lockdown/anti-vaccine protestors here. Of course I do not agree with them but I think they are coming from a good place when they raise concerns about the effect of lockdowns and restrictions on society. Our government are now talking about masks being mandatory in primary schools. Kids four to twelve. I know someone with a son who just started secondary school and he does not know what the other people in his class look like. He does not recognise them if he sees them on the street. I know our healthcare system in southern Ireland is not the best (its also not the worst) but in Northern Ireland where they have great healthcare the hospitals are having to turn ambulances away. In the south transplants are being postponed again and a lot of intensive care patients are being treated in the corridor outside the intensive care unit.

We are one year and eight months into this and we have had loads of lockdowns, loads of small businesses have closed and now we are facing into another lockdown and Christmas being cancelled. Lockdowns are also being reintroduced in the Netherlands and Germany. It will get better in the spring just as in Australia it will get worse in June or July. I think you should keep zero covid in Tasmania despite the hardship it causes people. If the border is opened in December you will face years of on off lockdowns and people will lose their jobs. Even when lockdown is lifted here many people still do not want to go out and socialise or visit relations. This Halloween we had one trick or treater although there were no restrictions on it. Before we had hundreds, children here love Halloween. It means families are having discussions on how to keep their contacts down. There were also no Halloween parties or bonfires. Its quite sad. I think the international media do not accurately portray the situation. The did not say there were no Halloween celebrations in Ireland this year or that hospitals in northern Ireland are turning away ambulances. Is that not news? Or is it just Megan Markles latest interview? If I were in Tasmania I think I would try to contact politicians and tell them to keep the border closed or even protest, although I have never protested in my life. Whatever you guys in Tasmania decide to do best of luck and greetings from another green Island.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 3:28am
Not just Tasmania but also the remaining 'Covid free' Australian States (Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia).

But, we all know the pollies have been under pressure for some time now to follow business advice instead of medical advice and reopen everything as soon as possible, especially with Christmas coming up.

And, it also seems most of the population have been/are being 'brainwashed' into believing that once a certain percentage have been vaccinated the pandemic will be over and the virus will 'magically' disappear (with governments also pushing this belief, of course). Especially Scotty from Marketing who is only concerned about trying to boost his ever decreasing popularity before the Federal election due by next May.

I'm still predicting most or all of Australia will be in lockdown again by Christmas or New Year at the latest.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.  :)

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Bobby. on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 9:08am
Good post Irishman.

Welcome to Ozpol.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Lisa Jones on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:16pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 9:08am:
Good post Irishman.

Welcome to Ozpol.

It's Monk 😂🤣😆

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Bobby. on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:18pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:16pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 9:08am:
Good post Irishman.

Welcome to Ozpol.

It's Monk 😂🤣😆

No it's not -
you're getting paranoid about sock puppets -
next you'll say that I'm Greggy.  ;D

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by The Heartless Felon on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:39pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:18pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:16pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 9:08am:
Good post Irishman.

Welcome to Ozpol.

It's Monk 😂🤣😆

No it's not -
you're getting paranoid about sock puppets -
next you'll say that I'm Greggy.  ;D

Hi Greggy

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Gordon on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:43pm

Carl D wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 3:28am:
Not just Tasmania but also the remaining 'Covid free' Australian States (Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia).

But, we all know the pollies have been under pressure for some time now to follow business advice instead of medical advice and reopen everything as soon as possible, especially with Christmas coming up.

And, it also seems most of the population have been/are being 'brainwashed' into believing that once a certain percentage have been vaccinated the pandemic will be over and the virus will 'magically' disappear (with governments also pushing this belief, of course). Especially Scotty from Marketing who is only concerned about trying to boost his ever decreasing popularity before the Federal election due by next May.

I'm still predicting most or all of Australia will be in lockdown again by Christmas or New Year at the latest.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.  :)

You're still HOPING...

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:43pm
in the end , they will all have to go the swedish route.

peoples health with regard to a virus is a personal responsibility and not something a politician can legislate out of existence.

coercion and force will not work.

you have more chance of combatting climate change then combatting infectious disease and both are fairly futile endeavours.

some things just have to be accepted

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 1:03pm

Gordon wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:43pm:

Carl D wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 3:28am:
Not just Tasmania but also the remaining 'Covid free' Australian States (Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia).

But, we all know the pollies have been under pressure for some time now to follow business advice instead of medical advice and reopen everything as soon as possible, especially with Christmas coming up.

And, it also seems most of the population have been/are being 'brainwashed' into believing that once a certain percentage have been vaccinated the pandemic will be over and the virus will 'magically' disappear (with governments also pushing this belief, of course). Especially Scotty from Marketing who is only concerned about trying to boost his ever decreasing popularity before the Federal election due by next May.

I'm still predicting most or all of Australia will be in lockdown again by Christmas or New Year at the latest.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.  :)

You're still HOPING...

Still having comprehension issues, I see.

Where did I say that I was hoping for Australia to be in lockdown again and why would I be hoping for it to happen?

Anyway, even Blind Freddy should be able to see what's coming.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Irishman78621 on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 12:36am
Thanks for the welcome. I was worried I would be seen as an outsider poking my nose in.

Ireland is a bit unique economically as a lot of internet based businesses have their European sites here, like ebay and amazon, so our economy is doing pretty well. However small businesses are being trashed. With more people working from home restaurants in the city centre have no lunchtime trade and many people don't want to go out and socialise even when there are no restrictions.

I know historically in Ireland the government has played a strong role in disease control. Until the sixties there was still a lot of TB in Dublin. The government would lockdown whatever was necessary, but people say they did not go overboard. They would try just to lockdown the building an infected person lived in, but if necessary they would lock down the street or streets around. They had to do that to stop people getting TB. There is acutally a guy in Dublin with a really infective strain of TB and he has been in Quarantine since 1960 something. Should the government just let him out to infect all Ireland and maybe even the world? I know here and in America in the late 1800s there were localised lockdowns around docks when there was an outbreak of the plague although the plague was not as strong as it had been. If you look at the godfather films people going into America had to have health checks and if necessary be quarantined. I would guess there were similar situations with TB etc. in Australia. Traditionally governments have always had to apply public health measures. I think just in recent decades we have been lucky and there were no major outbreaks so we all got complacent. That complacent attitude has to end.

The Irish government puts huge resources into disease control in animals. Recently there was an outbreak of some Newcastle virus in chickens in one county and the police were at the county border checking peoples sandwiches to see if they had chicken in them. The government do that to protect the economy. Measures are needed to protect human health too.

I am afraid I have to disagree with Aquascot. Even if I prevent myself getting coronavirus if the government does not control Coronavirus I cannot get into a hospital if I need cancer treatment or a transplant, God forbid I should need them. Thats leaving economics out of it.

It seems to me that disease prevention is synomous with a strong economy. Some of the wealthiest cities in Europe, Milan and Venice, had strong public health measures to mitigate the plague. If people moved there from villages outside they could never go back to see their families. During this time these cities became very wealthy. On the other hand Lithuania had a huge amount of the plague and today it is still one of the less well off countries. Surly a healthy population is more productive than a sick one.

I know it is rough if an Australian in the UK wants to return to Australia and they have to spend two weeks in isolation but life has always been tough. In the 1940s Irish people had to go to England during the war to work in factories and many of them were bombed. Life has always been though. I think we just had a few lucky decades. I don't know too much about it but I would imagine if the isolation procedure had been more efficient Australia could have avoided the last outbreak. Surely that is what the government should have worked on.

I think a lot of governments around the world are mistaken in believing that playing down coronavirus will make them popular in elections. Angel Merkel in Germany talked about herd immunity and did nearly everything to keep borders open and she got hammered in the last election. The other conservative party which were anti-lockdown also got hammered. In France the ruling party did very badly in local elections and I think a lot of the reason Donald Trump lost in America is the coronavirus.

I am predicting that if we do not achive zero covid in Ireland, some Carribean country will implement zero covid and many of the wealthy elite will move there and spend their money there. It's people like that who eat in restaurants a lot and pay someone to do their garden.

According to Irish health officials if we still had the original strain of coronavirus with out high rate of vaccination we would have completely no coronavirus now but because we left new stains in we are not much better off than we were in March 2020. The virus is continuing to get stronger all the time.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:19am

Irishman78621 wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 12:36am:
Thanks for the welcome. I was worried I would be seen as an outsider poking my nose in.

Ireland is a bit unique economically as a lot of internet based businesses have their European sites here, like ebay and amazon, so our economy is doing pretty well. However small businesses are being trashed. With more people working from home restaurants in the city centre have no lunchtime trade and many people don't want to go out and socialise even when there are no restrictions.

I know historically in Ireland the government has played a strong role in disease control. Until the sixties there was still a lot of TB in Dublin. The government would lockdown whatever was necessary, but people say they did not go overboard. They would try just to lockdown the building an infected person lived in, but if necessary they would lock down the street or streets around. They had to do that to stop people getting TB. There is acutally a guy in Dublin with a really infective strain of TB and he has been in Quarantine since 1960 something. Should the government just let him out to infect all Ireland and maybe even the world? I know here and in America in the late 1800s there were localised lockdowns around docks when there was an outbreak of the plague although the plague was not as strong as it had been. If you look at the godfather films people going into America had to have health checks and if necessary be quarantined. I would guess there were similar situations with TB etc. in Australia. Traditionally governments have always had to apply public health measures. I think just in recent decades we have been lucky and there were no major outbreaks so we all got complacent.

The Irish government puts huge resources into disease control in animals. Recently there was an outbreak of some Newcastle virus in chickens in one county and the police were at the county border checking peoples sandwiches to see if they had chicken in them. The government do that to protect the economy. Measures are needed to protect human health too.

I am afraid I have to disagree with Aquascot. Even if I prevent myself getting coronavirus if the government does not control Coronavirus I cannot get into a hospital if I need cancer treatment or a transplant, God forbid I should need them. Thats leaving economics out of it.

It seems to me that disease prevention is synomous with a strong economy. Some of the wealthiest cities in Europe, Milan and Venice, had strong public health measures to mitigate the plague. If people moved there from villages outside they could never go back to see their families. During this time these cities became very wealthy. On the other hand Lithuania had a huge amount of the plague and today it is still one of the less well off countries. Surly a healthy population is more productive than a sick one.

I know it is rough if an Australian in the UK wants to return to Australia and they have to spend two weeks in isolation but life has always been tough. In the 1940s Irish people had to go to England during the war to work in factories and many of them were bombed. Life has always been though. I think we just had a few lucky decades. I don't know too much about it but I would imagine if the isolation procedure had been more efficient Australia could have avoided the last outbreak. Surely that is what the government should have worked on.

I think a lot of governments around the world are mistaken in believing that playing down coronavirus will make them popular in elections. Angel Merkel in Germany talked about herd immunity and did nearly everything to keep borders open and she got hammered in the last election. The other conservative party which were anti-lockdown also got hammered. In France the ruling party did very badly in local elections and I think a lot of the reason Donald Trump lost in America is the coronavirus.

I am predicting that if we do not achive zero covid in Ireland, some Carribean country will implement zero covid and many of the wealthy elite will move there and spend their money there. It's people like that who eat in restaurants a lot and pay someone to do their garden.

According to Irish health officials if we still had the original strain of coronavirus with out high rate of vaccination we would have completely no coronavirus now but because we left new stains in we are not much better off than we were in March 2020. The virus is continuing to get stronger all the time.

thats sort of the whole point.

50 years ago when grandma with dementia got pneumonia, the sensible family doctor, and the sensible family did not think that   arranging a helicopter to fly her from southern germany to an italian ICU was a sensible option.

now we do.

what happened?

i have been to nursing homes and seen old people coiled up in the fetal position, in nappies, drooling, unresponsive, with nurses dressed in masks and gowns for fear they should give them covid.
and if they did get covid, we have politicians and virtue signallers crying crocodile tears .

and fake outraged children saying their parents (who they visited once a year) have been murdered.

if i let one of my animals linger like that i would be in handcuffs facing charges from the RSPCA.

now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.

do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by NorthOfNorth on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:40am

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:19am:
now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.

do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation

Time for death panels, you think?

A latter day 'Logan's Run' Huxleyesque dystopia?

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by The Heartless Felon on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:54am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:40am:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:19am:
now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.

do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation

Time for death panels, you think?

A latter day 'Logan's Run' Huxleyesque dystopia?

Sign me up for one a them there panels and we'll do 'em alphabetically.

Now, who's name starts with 'A'?

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Bobby. on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 6:37am

There is actually a guy in Dublin with a really infectious strain of TB and he has been in Quarantine since 1960 something.
Should the government just let him out to infect all Ireland and maybe even the world?


Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 8:15am

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:19am:
now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.

do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation

We've had that conversation with you many, many times and you still keep pushing your belief that we need to sacrifice the elderly to Covid so the young (and the economy, of course) can flourish.

That's when you're not carrying on about Sweden (and Western Australia), of course.

In case you haven't heard already - there were another 19 Covid deaths in Victoria yesterday which is 10 more in a single day than WA has had since the start of the pandemic.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Gnads on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 8:35am

Bobby. wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 6:37am:

There is actually a guy in Dublin with a really infectious strain of TB and he has been in Quarantine since 1960 something.
Should the government just let him out to infect all Ireland and maybe even the world?


I did a reasonably in depth search & could find no link or information to verify that claim.

Besides that TB is still in quite a few places globally.

We have it on our door step in Papua New Guinea.

& there are active cases in Australia.

Since the 1980's Australia has maintained one of the lowest rates of TB in the world. Nevertheless, [highlight]1,612 new cases of TB were reported in Australia in 2020[/highlight], with 631 cases notified in NSW. This also included 9 cases of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 12:47pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:40am:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:19am:
now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.

do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation

Time for death panels, you think?

A latter day 'Logan's Run' Huxleyesque dystopia?

i would think the euthenasia legislation is part of it.

the largest hospital in brisbane the PAH was rebuilt 10 years ago and its bed capaciity went from 1100 to 850.
there are no more plans to increae public hospital beds.

my nursing contacts tell me that nursing homes CANNOT transfer patients to public hospitals now, without a nurse navigator in emergency approving this.

recognising the stress on public beds which run at nearly 100 % capacity and a quadrupling of the very elederly in the next 15 years, it is patently obvious that the very elderly will not be recieving treatment in public hospitals to the extent they currently seem to think they will be.

the system cannot cope now and covid is just exposing a problem that is inevitable.

you simply cannot do everything for everyone to extend life.

it would require the entire spend from treasury to do so.

its not a matter of "death panels", its a matter of common sense.

the first group to be permanently booted from the hospital system were the mentally ill.

the PAH , again, used to have a 5 story psych hospital with 200 beds. it now has 12 beds.

the elderly should start petitioning for care in the community as they are unlikelly to recieve it in the public hospital setting.

the public hospitals are proceedural places with very quick turnover and throughput .
perfect for a quick cataract or stent or hernia operation but they wont cope with covid patients hanging around for weeks .

they will have to find an alternative model .

mother nature has her way in the end

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Jim Lahey on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 1:20pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:18pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:16pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 9:08am:
Good post Irishman.

Welcome to Ozpol.

It's Monk 😂🤣😆

No it's not -
you're getting paranoid about sock puppets -
next you'll say that I'm Greggy.  ;D

You're actually a goat rooter.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by NorthOfNorth on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 1:20pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 12:47pm:
i would think the euthenasia legislation is part of it.

the largest hospital in brisbane the PAH was rebuilt 10 years ago and its bed capaciity went from 1100 to 850.
there are no more plans to increae public hospital beds.

my nursing contacts tell me that nursing homes CANNOT transfer patients to public hospitals now, without a nurse navigator in emergency approving this.

recognising the stress on public beds which run at nearly 100 % capacity and a quadrupling of the very elederly in the next 15 years, it is patently obvious that the very elderly will not be recieving treatment in public hospitals to the extent they currently seem to think they will be.

the system cannot cope now and covid is just exposing a problem that is inevitable.

you simply cannot do everything for everyone to extend life.

it would require the entire spend from treasury to do so.

its not a matter of "death panels", its a matter of common sense.

the first group to be permanently booted from the hospital system were the mentally ill.

the PAH , again, used to have a 5 story psych hospital with 200 beds. it now has 12 beds.

the elderly should start petitioning for care in the community as they are unlikelly to recieve it in the public hospital setting.

the public hospitals are proceedural places with very quick turnover and throughput .
perfect for a quick cataract or stent or hernia operation but they wont cope with covid patients hanging around for weeks .

they will have to find an alternative model .

mother nature has her way in the end

Euthanasia is an option that must be chosen by the patient, unless you're implying that those with power of attorney over the patient could make that decision for the patient.

If it came down to determining who not to treat, a dystopian name for the group making that decision could be a 'death panel'.

But there is a point to be made...

Until there is a cure for the likes of dementia/Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease etc... or a treatment to significantly delay mental decline, the problem of care for the elderly will only increase.

Medical science and modern living standards have almost doubled the capacity of the human body to remain alive... Treatment to ensure the mind's capacity to remain intact has not kept pace with life extension.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 1:59pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 1:20pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 12:47pm:
i would think the euthenasia legislation is part of it.

the largest hospital in brisbane the PAH was rebuilt 10 years ago and its bed capaciity went from 1100 to 850.
there are no more plans to increae public hospital beds.

my nursing contacts tell me that nursing homes CANNOT transfer patients to public hospitals now, without a nurse navigator in emergency approving this.

recognising the stress on public beds which run at nearly 100 % capacity and a quadrupling of the very elederly in the next 15 years, it is patently obvious that the very elderly will not be recieving treatment in public hospitals to the extent they currently seem to think they will be.

the system cannot cope now and covid is just exposing a problem that is inevitable.

you simply cannot do everything for everyone to extend life.

it would require the entire spend from treasury to do so.

its not a matter of "death panels", its a matter of common sense.

the first group to be permanently booted from the hospital system were the mentally ill.

the PAH , again, used to have a 5 story psych hospital with 200 beds. it now has 12 beds.

the elderly should start petitioning for care in the community as they are unlikelly to recieve it in the public hospital setting.

the public hospitals are proceedural places with very quick turnover and throughput .
perfect for a quick cataract or stent or hernia operation but they wont cope with covid patients hanging around for weeks .

they will have to find an alternative model .

mother nature has her way in the end

Euthanasia is an option that must be chosen by the patient, unless you're implying that those with power of attorney over the patient could make that decision for the patient.

If it came down to determining who not to treat, a dystopian name for the group making that decision could be a 'death panel'.

But there is a point to be made...

Until there is a cure for the likes of dementia/Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease etc... or a treatment to significantly delay mental decline, the problem of care for the elderly will only increase.

Medical science and modern living standards have almost doubled the capacity of the human body to remain alive... Treatment to ensure the mind's capacity to remain intact has not kept pace with life extension.

well thats fluffy thought bubbles.

but i am talking about the reality of what happens in the next decade or so.

their are not enough public hospital beds or enough dollars to do all things for all people.

will we delay the treatment of a 10 yo with leukemia so a 85 with dementia can get a spot in a hospital for a myriad of issues?

there will be health rationing.

there is rationing of every other very expensive resource,

we dont need death panels but we need to have a discussion about what should be provided to whom and in what location.

or the system collapses.

we have already seen that in greece.

no chemo for young women with breast cancer.  the system could not fund it.

and to the covid obsessed, it should be obvious that without a functional thriving economy, you wont even have a public hospital system

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 2:12pm
Hey, here's a new idea for you, aqua.

Why don't you go to South Australia and preach your 'gospel' over there?

Lots of really unhappy people today, so it would seem.

Here's a few examples:

Replying to
Hopeful this decision doesn't go down as being as smart as introducing cane toads to Queensland. March next year will show it probably will

That’s because they’ve opened up to all these infected states, and I know that we are going to have thousands of deaths here

Replying to
Tell me again why I’m so excited to have business interruptions from COVID and my kids home schooling week on week off due to “outbreaks”? Oh and my elderly mother too scared to go out

I Eat Adelaide 🍽
Replying to
You’ve clearly let the flood gates open too early - every case and every death will be due to this ill informed decision with less than 65% of the TOTAL population fully vaxed Many South Australians are very unhappy

Replying to
You opened up and Victoria had 827 cases over night plus 19 deaths. You have got to be joking! Who in their right minds would purposely infect their state. People around the world that I have spoken to do not believe this. How many deaths is acceptable to this government.

Replying to
The virus is far from over and they open the boarders and I’m not well at all at the moment I’m terrified to live life again so thanks for that ok darling government.  MY DEATH WILL BE IN YOUR HANDS

And many more.

I'm sure they would love to hear your 'words of wisdom' right now. ::)

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 3:30pm
6 bed wetters with severe death anxiety.

they can fret and fuss as much as they want.

it doesnt change the demographic fact that many many many elderly australians are not going to recieve the "pull out all stops " treatment.

there is not enough capacity in the system and this trend gets worse, year on year into the future.

you would probably be better to let covid establish herd immunity now then keep it out and let it increase illness in the years to come , because each year, as the populations ages and gets more unhealthy, there are less and less resources to go around.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 4:13pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 3:30pm:
6 bed wetters with severe death anxiety.

Carl D wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 2:12pm:
And many more.

I could probably fill several pages with posts from unhappy and annoyed people in that SA Health Twitter thread.

And, if you included all of the "everyone I know feels the same way" people from some of those posts I could be here for the rest of the day.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 4:58pm

Carl D wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 4:13pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 3:30pm:
6 bed wetters with severe death anxiety.

Carl D wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 2:12pm:
And many more.

I could probably fill several pages with posts from unhappy and annoyed people in that SA Health Twitter thread.

And, if you included all of the "everyone I know feels the same way" people from some of those posts I could be here for the rest of the day.

a very noisy minority

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:08pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 4:58pm:
a very noisy minority

Seeing as the "National Plan" was supposed to be calling for at least 80% of the population to be fully vaccinated in each State before opening up then I don't blame them for being angry and noisy since South Australia is currently sitting at 78% fully vaccinated (16 years old and above) and 87.6% have only had their first 'jab'.

If EVERYONE is counted (not just 16 years old and above) the percentage of people fully vaccinated in South Australia is only about 65%  :o

Being a Liberal State with a Liberal Premier obviously has a lot to do with it.

Oh, and they have a State election coming up next March.

The re-opening is a risk for Mr Marshall, whose creaking minority government has been beset by non-pandemic strife, and who faces a state election on March 19 where the benefits of incumbency and a strong performance on managing the pandemic thus far would normally have been a huge plus.

Say no more.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by JaSin. on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 7:23pm
Welcome Irishman.
May our new Submarines have flyscreens on them, like yours has. :D

Seriously though.
Its really about 'culture'.
When World War 1 fested the Pneumonic Pandemic from rotting bodies in stagnant muddy trenches mixed with the gases and chemicals used in the war with crowding in the trenches and under a festering sun... and the Militaries that were involved spread it around the world...
...only 1/3rd of the world's population was infected (directly) and of that 1/3rd - a whopping 50 million people died, DOUBLE more than the World War 1 that claimed in lives.

Now what goes around, comes around. Again a 'military' oppressed nation festers another Pandemic Virus (probably helped with Pollution and 'filthy' living standards. Though China and USA would say it was made in a Lab, because that's the 'cheaper' excuse, than the costly responsibility of 'cleaning' up their nations and their act like Climate Control, etc ;)).
This time, World War 3 WILL follow from all the Nations that have gone bankrupt and other 'financial/economic' problems.

Now consider this. If one region of the world was like a Political Parliment House full of Politicians and another was like a Hospital full of healthy people, etc - chances are, the former will suffer the effects of a Pandemic more so because their 'priorities' go against the grain in dealing with a Pandemic. So you could say, more 'political' people will die from a Pandemic, than say - Medical.

So with this in account. A 'Lockdown' is the best 'preventative' course of action against a Pandemic. Remember, 2/3rds of the World 100 years ago did NOT suffer the 'deadly' effects of the Pnuemonic Pandemic due to being more 'isolated' from interacting with the 'sick' nations (like the Political/Military/Religious dominated cultures).
When you have a 'fire' in a building, you 'isolate' it as your first course of action, before it inflames more so, everywhere else.

Now Australia is a sub-ordinated nation of lazy political people (by majority) who still suckle on the teat of the UK and grovel to the USA via their Prime Ministers. To lazy to run their own country and tell the PM and USA where to go with it's criminal 'international' agendas of selfish gain.
Australians do talk about a 'Republic' - but here in the Southern Hemisphere, a Republic would be nothing like what it is and historically has been in the Northern Hemisphere. It would be nothing like a Chinese or Irish Republic or even a USA Republican culture.
Politics in the North is only for the 'political' people - not the 'massive more' everyone else... like peasants.

So Lockdowns seem to only scuttle Economies dominated by Politics, Military and Religious priorities. But Lockdowns are easy-peasy for other nations/cultures around the world (Like Cuba and New Zealand) that accommodate a higher standard of Medical 'culture' in their nation.

The only reason why our USA representative called Scott Morrison forced a NSW Premier to 'take it easy' and let the Virus burn out of control into a now 'wild-fire' of a spread, is because his 'political' control of the country was slipping and he was afraid that 'Politics' would lose control, like Trump lost the USA Election. Of course, the Democrats used the Covid-Virus as a priority to jilt Trump from office, but now in - they revert back to a more 'political', rather than 'medical' stance.

Scott Morrison, got very jealous that the Australian Premiers were doing a better job than him (he did let the virus in in the first place via Cruise Liners) and we became #1 Economy IN THE WORLD under them, even though were were under Lockdown.

So to bring it into perspective: Nations who's Economies are heavily dependent on the 'cultures' of Political/Military/Religious 'power' - are more likely to suffer both economically and with higher death rates than more 'medically' MINDFUL nations who take a MEDICAL GLOBAL CRISES more seriously and don't COMPROMISE the lives of their people by making 30% of the population EXPENDABLE by allowing the Virus to run rampant beyond lockdown control, via a 70% Vaccination target.

When Covid erupted around the world. Medical Professionals were often on TV. But now ScoMo and the other Politicians have pushed them aside to hog the limelight and talk about sticking their noses in on China's business with such STUPID things as Taiwan (belongs to China, regardless of Political stance, as did Hong Kong and 15% of Russia that the USSR stole from China).

This is why more people will die.
This is why the Pandemic will claim more than 50million, in a world now of over 8 Billion, in a world of more international 'access/connecting'.

...and like I said at the start, "what goes around, comes around" - you could say when DOUBLE the amount of people die in World War 3, than the Covid Pandemic...
well, karma's a biatch.

So my dear Irishman. Keep your legs together and when your local Mayor tries to blow off a threat of a giant shark called Jaws threatening the local economy via Tourism, etc.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by JaSin. on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 7:52pm
Btw - Tasmania inspired HG Wells's WAR OF THE WORLDS.
Due to what happened to the most ancient Aboriginal peoples.

Best go to New Zealand. They have 5 and 6 leaf clovers there. ;)

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 24th, 2021 at 12:53pm
Well, that didn't take long.

SA records two positive COVID-19 cases after borders open to ACT, NSW and Victoria

Two people have returned positive COVID-19 tests in South Australia, the day after the state's borders opened to NSW, Victoria and the ACT.

I'm sure the rest of the mainstream media will eventually get around to reporting this as well (when they've finished milking the "feel good" stories about "reuniting families" for all its worth).

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by aquascoot on Nov 24th, 2021 at 3:07pm

Carl D wrote on Nov 24th, 2021 at 12:53pm:
Well, that didn't take long.

SA records two positive COVID-19 cases after borders open to ACT, NSW and Victoria

Two people have returned positive COVID-19 tests in South Australia, the day after the state's borders opened to NSW, Victoria and the ACT.

I'm sure the rest of the mainstream media will eventually get around to reporting this as well (when they've finished milking the "feel good" stories about "reuniting families" for all its worth).

how is celebrating "human flourishing" not a noble cause?
why would anyone not feel joy at families being united ?
not everyone is a hermit with extreme death anxiety

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by NorthOfNorth on Nov 24th, 2021 at 3:09pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 24th, 2021 at 3:07pm:
why would anyone not feel joy at families being united ?

Abandoned family Christmas dinners and the rise in assault rates at Christmas might speak to that.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by scope on Nov 24th, 2021 at 4:06pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 12:47pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:40am:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 5:19am:
now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.

do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation

Time for death panels, you think?

A latter day 'Logan's Run' Huxleyesque dystopia?

i would think the euthenasia legislation is part of it.

the largest hospital in brisbane the PAH was rebuilt 10 years ago and its bed capaciity went from 1100 to 850.
there are no more plans to increae public hospital beds.

my nursing contacts tell me that nursing homes CANNOT transfer patients to public hospitals now, without a nurse navigator in emergency approving this.

recognising the stress on public beds which run at nearly 100 % capacity and a quadrupling of the very elederly in the next 15 years, it is patently obvious that the very elderly will not be recieving treatment in public hospitals to the extent they currently seem to think they will be.

the system cannot cope now and covid is just exposing a problem that is inevitable.

you simply cannot do everything for everyone to extend life.

it would require the entire spend from treasury to do so.

its not a matter of "death panels", its a matter of common sense.

the first group to be permanently booted from the hospital system were the mentally ill.

the PAH , again, used to have a 5 story psych hospital with 200 beds. it now has 12 beds.

the elderly should start petitioning for care in the community as they are unlikelly to recieve it in the public hospital setting.

the public hospitals are proceedural places with very quick turnover and throughput .
perfect for a quick cataract or stent or hernia operation but they wont cope with covid patients hanging around for weeks .

they will have to find an alternative model .

mother nature has her way in the end

For somebody who goes on and on about superior men, how come your posts are so full of poo?

The new PA hospital was built 20 yrs ago,
it increased bed capacity from just over 500 to 1,038

Current mental health beds are 64.

Current plans to increase bed capacity by 351 Qld wide.

Yeah, you are so superior to everyone else, you make these numbers up dont you, to try and appear intelligent. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 24th, 2021 at 5:53pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 24th, 2021 at 3:07pm:

Carl D wrote on Nov 24th, 2021 at 12:53pm:
Well, that didn't take long.

SA records two positive COVID-19 cases after borders open to ACT, NSW and Victoria

Two people have returned positive COVID-19 tests in South Australia, the day after the state's borders opened to NSW, Victoria and the ACT.

I'm sure the rest of the mainstream media will eventually get around to reporting this as well (when they've finished milking the "feel good" stories about "reuniting families" for all its worth).

how is celebrating "human flourishing" not a noble cause?
why would anyone not feel joy at families being united ?
not everyone is a hermit with extreme death anxiety

I believe the first two replies in this SA Health Twitter thread sum things up quite nicely.

I sure hope Mark McGowan is paying attention (I'm sure he is).

masks.jpg (128 KB | 2 )

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 24th, 2021 at 6:14pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 24th, 2021 at 3:07pm:
how is celebrating "human flourishing" not a noble cause?
why would anyone not feel joy at families being united ?
not everyone is a hermit with extreme death anxiety

Let's hope the joy doesn't turn to sadness which is what will happen if a lot of these arrivals also bring the 'gift' of Covid to other members of their families for Christmas. Especially for the elderly.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Carl D on Nov 25th, 2021 at 8:37am
Oh, dear...

SA records another positive Covid case a day after borders opened

A traveller from Sydney is the state’s latest Covid case since borders reopened. The infectious person has prompted multiple exposure sites.

November 25, 2021 - 8:51AM

South Australia has recorded its third positive Covid-19 case after an infectious traveller from Sydney touched down at Adelaide Airport on Wednesday morning.

SA Health does not have further details to provide about the traveller, but has listed multiple exposure locations on their site.

Anyone who was on-board the infectious traveller’s flight, Qantas QF733 in rows one to four at 10.15am, you need to immediately quarantine for 14 days, or seven days if fully vaccinated.

Might need a separate South Australia Covid thread soon?

Well done, Steven Marshall - you ignored warnings and caved in to big business (and to Scotty from Marketing as well no doubt) and a Covid disaster will undoubtedly be the result.

But, as long as tourism and hotels are celebrating its all good, eh?

I also find it interesting that Covid infected people from Sydney arrived in Adelaide the very same day SA opens the border.

Makes me wonder about how accurate (and truthful) NSW is being about their number of Covid cases which have 'officially' been about 200 a day for weeks.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Irishman78621 on Nov 29th, 2021 at 1:37am

There is actually a guy in Dublin with a really infectious strain of TB and he has been in Quarantine since 1960 something.
Should the government just let him out to infect all Ireland and maybe even the world?


Bobby. Thanks for pointing that out. I am sorry Idid not check that before I posted. I cannot find anything about it either. It must be an urban myth. However for the last number of years some people with highly infectious tb have been being isolated here. I presume the Australian government have been doing that too. Should they stop? I am not allowed post links as I am new, but you can find this if you google 'mdr-tb Irish Times'

Aquascot. I see your point about how, coronavirus aside, nursing homes and hospitals in the west are just unnecessarily prolonging human suffering in many cases. The nursing homes are terrified of an enquiry and being in the spotlight even if they are doing nothing wrong. None the less a lot of the people in hospitals with coronavirus are younger healthier people. Even if you could take the 70 plus people out of the equation, our hospitals would still be overflowing.

On a side note I know somebody who was early fifties healthy, but a small bit overweight. He got the UK strain in spring and died (he was unvaccinated). I know lots of people in 30s, 40s, 50s who are living with the long term effects of coronavirus and this is blocking up our gp system which actually had been very good. Again I do not think that made the international media that the Irish gp system is now completely blocked.

Jasin. Did you know an Irish person invented the submarine? John Holland.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by AiA on Nov 29th, 2021 at 1:51am

Lisa Jones wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 12:16pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021 at 9:08am:
Good post Irishman.

Welcome to Ozpol.

It's Monk 😂🤣😆

Monk is in Tasmania and is Bobby's secret replacement at PA (the one you told us about).

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 29th, 2021 at 5:02am
I am in Adelaide, grub.

Title: Re: A message to Tasmania from Ireland
Post by AiA on Nov 29th, 2021 at 5:33am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 29th, 2021 at 5:02am:
I am in Adelaide, grub.

Welcome back. We heard about the dog ...

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