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Member Run Boards >> Coronavirus >> Will mRNA 'vaccines' cause permanent infertility

Message started by Yadda on Nov 26th, 2021 at 6:37pm

Title: Will mRNA 'vaccines' cause permanent infertility
Post by Yadda on Nov 26th, 2021 at 6:37pm

Is it true, that shortly after being 'vaccinated', mRNA 'vaccines' have been causing miscarriages in [some] pregnant women all around the world ?

Will mRNA 'vaccines' cause permanent infertility in [some] young women ???

WWW search....
many reports of spontaneous miscarriages, after vaccination

Are those reports all 'fakes', all lies ?    ....did those women 'imagine' their miscarriages ?

read on.....

a partial transcript.....


@22.30                        [describes vaccine methodology] ...there's never been a 'vaccine' like this [type] before, and to even call it a 'vaccine' is not really true.   because this is gene therapy. [!!!!]   a vaccine usually has a part of a micro organism, in it.   either a virus or a bacteria.   in some altered form which doesn't make you sick, but will induce an anti-body reaction. 

so this [the mRNA vaccines] does not have any part of any disease organism, in it.   this, is a gene, which is put into your body, to induce anti-bodies to the COVID virus spike protein.   and of course, the concern with that is,   ....there are 20 types of tissues in the human body which have spike proteins.   so the potential is,.....this so-called 'vaccine' could trigger an auto-immune response against your own....against some part of your own body.

[in the next 2 minutes Dr. Hoffe speaks to the fact, that these [mRNA] 'vaccines' have been causing miscarriages in women all around the world.   and Dr. Hoffe suggests that the [mRNA] 'vaccine', in pregnant women, is causing anti-bodies to the 'native' spike protein in their placenta!!!!!]

[Dr. Hoffe speaks....] in other words, they are now 'vaccinated' against all future pregnancies.  ....because the placenta has a spike protein, and they have anti-bodies to a spike protein.

If Dr. Hoffe is correct, this is HUGE !

Isn't it ???

But, who is listening ?

And, who 'has a care' ?

And, who in government, has YOUR [our] safety, as their No.1 priority ?



Dr. Charles Hoffe Sounds the Alarm! Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson
31 min
First published at 05:59 UTC on September 27th, 2021.

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