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Member Run Boards >> Coronavirus >> "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"

Message started by Yadda on Nov 27th, 2021 at 7:16pm

Title: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Yadda on Nov 27th, 2021 at 7:16pm

" will swiftly be labelled as a new variant."

What this fellow is saying, is that every time the death spiral GOES UP, AND IS 'OUT-OF-CONTROL',
they are going to blame it on a new COVID variant.

They will claim that your vaccination won't protect you any longer, from this 'new variant'.

And they will then insist, that you need 'a new jab', in order to be protected from this 'awful new variant!'.

THEY ARE PLANTING THE 'SEEDS' OF FEAR [in your hearts] !!!



"......and children will die, as a direct result of these injections.

[and] it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant.

they will parade crisis actors and bereaved parents on the TV, and the MSM, urging you to,

'Get a jab and protect the children.'

its a certainly!

it will happen!

i'm waiting for it to happen......

and you'll all be amazed at the amazing foresight i had."





partial transcript....


19.10 min            !!!!!!!!!!! ....obviously, since i've gone public about my concerns, nobody wants to talk to me now, you know the BBC, the silence is deafening.
they are quite happy to promote the hysteria [i.e. fear of COVID], but now i'm actually voicing concerns, and seeing a pattern of deaths directly related to the vaccines, nobody wants to talk about it now.

19.45 min            .....and the DELTA variant, i can tell you, is widely recognised within the NHS as a vaccine injury.
its not, its not a virus.
its vaccine injury.
and i can tell you as a funeral director working on the 'coal-face', you have been told and [they have] weaved a very elaborate lie to convince everyone that they are ill, and there's a dangerous virus.
'and you need a life-saving jab.'

20.25 min            !!!!!!!!!!! and we've seen the extreme death rate, ...once they actually began vaccinating.
and it is, definitely! 100% that!
i can tell you, as a funeral director.

20.34 min            !!!!!!!!!!! now some of the families that come to me, are totally unaware, and i ask every family, 'is their loved one jabbed?' and they'll say, 'yeah, they are double jabbed. but it couldn't be that because they were jabbed 8 weeks ago.'
and they just don't see the connection, and i'm not here to call their bluff, i'm there to look after their mum or dad.
[but] i see the connection consistently.
and i also see great efforts being made, not to acknowledge it.

21.10 min            !!!!!!!!!!! ....they've been 'inventing' new variants, get you used to there being a [new] variant.
and what will happen shortly, with all of these children, that they are injecting, children will get sick, and children will die, as a direct result of these injections.
[and] it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant.
they will parade crisis actors and bereaved parents on the TV, and the MSM, urging you to,

'Get a jab and protect the children.'

its a certainly!
it will happen!
i'm waiting for it to happen.
100%, i've got no doubt in my mind.

and you'll all be amazed at the amazing foresight i had.

and if you are in any doubt, take a look at where you live, what is going on, and who is passing away, and they are all jab recipients.
and any funeral director with an ounce of integrity and honesty would tell you that.
and since going public, i've had about 45 different funeral directors or people working in the funeral industry, and they have directly reached out to me.
and they are very aware of what's gone on.
and they are all, very, very, very scared and frightened.
if they are willing to murder people the way that they are doing, i suspect that they won't think twice about silencing people like myself.

22.35 min            ....but the reality is, ....there is no COVID pandemic, and i'm living proof of that [see @12 min, what he says about when it began, he was "waiting to see if i would 'fall over' "]
.....its all been designed to get you to believe it, and to take a 'vaccine' [jab].


------ >

MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid
39 min
September 16th, 2021.



------ >

Dr. Charles Hoffe, MD - "The Clot Shot". [EDITED/ENHANCED/CAPTIONED]
38 min
First published at 05:11 UTC on October 31st, 2021.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 27th, 2021 at 7:18pm

Just get the jab, you little pussy.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Dnarever on Nov 27th, 2021 at 7:40pm

What a crazy concept.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Mr Bundy on Nov 27th, 2021 at 7:56pm
Our borders are going back up again, this new variant named after another Greek letter of the alphabet Omicron is causing a lot of concern, here we go again.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by issuevoter on Nov 27th, 2021 at 8:37pm
Thank you! China!

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Mr Bundy on Nov 27th, 2021 at 9:04pm
The Chinese are making every post a winner during their disease. I hear they have war ships sitting off Sydney harbour dumping their effluent and bat carcasses and the harbour is starting to stink like the Woohan wet markets.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by AiA on Nov 27th, 2021 at 11:26pm
I certainly hope this is true!!

More dead Trump-lovin' deplorables and working from home, together, make me very happy.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 28th, 2021 at 12:40am

issuevoter wrote on Nov 27th, 2021 at 8:37pm:
Thank you! China!

The way the variants are popping up all over the world, it feels like someone coughed covid into a fridge, shut the door and turned the power off for a few days. Dipshits around the world are just letting the virus spread around and around and let it get more resilient.

In 6 months from now, they will be talking about the Persei 8 variant. Then the Fry, Leela, and Bender variant.

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Lols on Nov 28th, 2021 at 12:08pm
“They” haven’t caused enough fear…. But “they” will keep persisting… oh it was written in jest somewhere about going through all the alphabets to name them as they just magically appear … lockdown! Fear! More jabs!
Got to get that last bit of percentage in the jab game.

Odd thing is, I now know more people that are dble jabbed and ill with covid.
Particularly one very close family member that went on and on about getting the jab to us… and that she and her partner and her parents didn’t want to see us unless the rest of us got jabbed.

So it’s Xmas without them… but she who was loudest and protesteth much… is very ill with covid/flu now… it saddens me, I hope she will recover…. She’s only 39. Now says her immune is low. Seemed she was strong and active before her Covid shots…
In the meantime, us unwashed unloved unvaxxed just keep plodding on in life quite in good health.
Thanks goodness the vaxxed half of family kept away from us purebloods :)

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Dnarever on Nov 28th, 2021 at 1:03pm

issuevoter wrote on Nov 27th, 2021 at 8:37pm:
Thank you! China!

Do you know that the variant that fist spread through the world came from Europe and that the Delta version was from India?

Title: it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant XI
Post by Frank on Nov 28th, 2021 at 1:53pm
When naming the latest coronavirus variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) skipped the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet that just-so-happens to have the same spelling of a certain tyrannical Chinese leader’s name.

WHO avoids Greek alphabet Xi and names new Covid variant Omicron

Title: Re: "it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant"
Post by Mr Hammer on Nov 28th, 2021 at 2:57pm

Dnarever wrote on Nov 27th, 2021 at 7:40pm:

What a crazy concept.

"What would you call it, communism?"

Title: Re: it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant XI
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 28th, 2021 at 3:24pm

Frank wrote on Nov 28th, 2021 at 1:53pm:
When naming the latest coronavirus variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) skipped the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet that just-so-happens to have the same spelling of a certain tyrannical Chinese leader’s name.

I'm hanging out for Sigma.

Title: Re: it will swiftly be labelled as a new variant XI
Post by Mr Bundy on Nov 28th, 2021 at 5:09pm

Frank wrote on Nov 28th, 2021 at 1:53pm:
When naming the latest coronavirus variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) skipped the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet that just-so-happens to have the same spelling of a certain tyrannical Chinese leader’s name.

WHO avoids Greek alphabet Xi and names new Covid variant Omicron

Well that was like the joke of the day, here is the official reason why the WHO skipped Xi

"  In a statement, the WHO said it skipped Nu for clarity and Xi to avoid causing offence generally.

“‘Nu’ is too easily confounded with ‘new,’ and ‘Xi’ was not used because it is a common last name,” the WHO said, adding that the agency’s “best practices for naming disease suggest avoiding ‘causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups.‘”

Nothing to do with the Xi ya hear.


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