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Message started by AiA on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:24pm

Title: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:24pm
2 people are shot at a Wisconsin cemetery


A Houston family of 5 in a weekend getaway cabin in Centerville, Texas was killed Thursday night by escapee Gonzalo Lopez with an AR-15 because Lopez wanted their pickup truck.

Cornerstone Church in Ames, Iowa hosts a 1,200 person program called Salt Company every Thursday night as part of their college outreach. Last night a male shot and killed two girls in the parking lot before killing himself. 

A bad man attempted to shoplift at a Nashville liquor store Thursday night. A good guy with a gun, armed security guard Robert Meek, followed him out of the store. The initially-unarmed bad man took the good guy’s gun off him and killed him with it.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Baronvonrort on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:32pm
How are those strict gun laws working in Chicago?
chicago.jpg (28 KB | 9 )

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:47pm

Baronvonrort wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:32pm:
How are those strict gun laws working in Chicago?

"but Chicago!" has taken the place of "Benghazi!" and "but her emails!"  ::)

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Baronvonrort on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:59pm

AiA wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:47pm:

Baronvonrort wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:32pm:
How are those strict gun laws working in Chicago?

"but Chicago!" has taken the place of "Benghazi!" and "but her emails!"  ::)

You should start taking guns from convicted felons to show everyone how confiscation works.

If you achieve that then people might listen on other gun controls.

The big problem all the hoplophobes ignore is the 2A.

When sleepy Joe was sworn in did he swear to uphold the constitution?

How can sleepy Joe change the constitution or deny people their constitutional rights when he swore to uphold it?

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 10:20pm
Teen, man shot to death at Freaknik music festival in Central Georgia

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 11:03pm
Convicted murderer on the run since escaping prison bus killed in shootout with police after slaying family of five, authorities say

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 11:32pm
Another shooting? Ho hum, SNAFU.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 4th, 2022 at 1:03am
Now now, A, the only person to stop a good guy with a gun is a bad guy who just takes it off  the good guy to kill him with it, we've told you all this.

Guns don't kill people, bad guys use good guys' guns to kill people, okay?

Honestly, it's so simple, I don't know why we have to keep reminding you. 

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AusGeoff on Jun 4th, 2022 at 6:37am

Baronvonrort wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:59pm:
When sleepy Joe was sworn in did he swear to uphold the constitution?

How can sleepy Joe change the constitution or deny people their constitutional rights when he swore to uphold it?

Uh... "sleepy Joe"?  Why?  Better than Captain Bone-spurs I guess LOL.

Anyway, I'm guessing you don't know much about the mechanics of the
US Constitution.  The president cannot issue an Executive Order (EO) to
change the Constitution.  That needs the approval of Congress.  And with
the Republicans—supported by the NRA—blocking any attempts to alter
the 2nd Amendment, the US is stuck with their Founding Fathers' absurd,
outdated gun laws written 250 years ago when single shot muskets were
the order of the day.

By not understanding the relatively limited powers of the POTUS, you malign
him without evidence.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 4th, 2022 at 10:56pm
Vigil held for teen girl killed in Memorial Day quadruple shooting in Philadelphia

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 5th, 2022 at 7:48am

Suspect who allegedly killed retired judge had hit list that included Mitch McConnell, Gov. Whitmer: Officia

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by wombatwoody on Jun 5th, 2022 at 7:59pm
Foolish: Californians Just Increased The Chances That The Next School Shooting Will Happen In Their State

By Seth Cutler | Saturday, 04 June 2022 02:15

On the heels of the Uvalde school shooting, California has passed a bill removing requirements for schools to report threats against school officials to law enforcement. On Thursday, the bill, SB-1273 was passed by the California State Senate just days following the tragedy in Uvalde.

Lawmakers claim the bill is an attempt at racial equity, declaring that minority students are disproportionately reported to law enforcement for violent or disruptive behavior. Rather than mandatory reporting of violent behavioral matters to authorities, school officials will now have the option to deal with them internally. Like most woke policies, the consequences of SB-1273 are dangerous.

Breitbart reported that one outspoken State Senator, Melissa Melendez (R, Riverside County), took to the Senate floor to voice her deep worries regarding SB-1273 as a parent, “This is a bill that no longer requires schools to notify law enforcement if a student attacks or assaults someone on campus or makes a threat on campus.”

Melendez continued to caution lawmakers that internal resolution of behavioral matters had deadly consequences in the case of the Stoneman Douglas school shooting in Florida.

“I will remind you,” she announced, “[of the] 2018 Stoneman Douglas shooting at the school in which 17 people were killed by a fellow student, Nikolas Cruz. Nikolas Cruz had behavioral issues since middle school and according to the Washington Post, he was entrenched in the process for getting students help rather than referring them to law enforcement…The school decided they would use alternative means to deal with Nikolas Cruz’s behavioral issues. The end result was that he killed 17 people.”

Hitting on the growth of violence in California schools, Melendez said, “We have seen an increase in violence at our schools, and in too many cases, there are instances where a school and parents or caregivers try to intervene… and it doesn’t work. The end result is that other people’s children die because of it.” Confirming the increase in school violence, California students recently took to social media to share their experiences of campus gun violence.

In a chilling closing remark, Melendez spoke directly to fellow parents, “This bill today, you are asking for a repeat of Stoneman Douglas across the state of California, and I will not sit back and say nothing because I have kids in school. If you have kids in school, you better darn well pay attention to this.”

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:31am
this just in. so many shootings to keep up with they all look the same. could that be the reason nothing changes?

3 killed and at least 11 wounded in Philadelphia in another mass shooting

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:42am
Look, A, this is getting rather tedious, you know. Much better if you did the Christian thing and turned the other cheek, okay?

Guns aren't killing anyone, they're protecting people. Besides, we all know those gun deaths would be long, drawn out stabbings or chokings or whatever if the murderers didn't have access to AK47s, it's what you do.

Harping on about guns is so tasteless and unAmerican. It would be best if you offered your thoughts and prayers and moved on, yes?

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:26am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:42am:
Look, A, this is getting rather tedious, you know. 

You are right - these daily shootings have become tedious as ʞɔnɟ. The mass murderers are going to have to step up their game and think of all this as a Vaudeville act and add some variety to the killing. Why not live streaming of the victims pleading for their lives, then a blast of gunfire, and end the tableau with bloody carnage?

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 7th, 2022 at 7:30pm
Could a good toddler with a gun prevented this?

Florida mom charged with manslaughter after 2-year-old son shoots dad in back

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 10th, 2022 at 11:22am
ho hum

3 people died in a shooting at a Maryland manufacturing facility, officials say

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 11th, 2022 at 1:41am
Come come, A. Those Americans would have died anyway, okay? What's the problem?

I do hope you're not suggesting we ban guns. That would be ridiculous. It's your constitutional right, no?

We gave ours up, and now look at us. We now have no right to kill them. The tinted races can do whatever they want in our silly old country.


Don't you see? You people can kill as many of them as you want. Do you really want to end up like poor old us?

Don't answer that.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 11th, 2022 at 1:44am

AiA wrote on Jun 7th, 2022 at 7:30pm:
Could a good toddler with a gun prevented this?

Florida mom charged with manslaughter after 2-year-old son shoots dad in back

Excuse me, A, the only person to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, okay?

I blame the parents.


Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AiA on Jun 11th, 2022 at 1:56am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 11th, 2022 at 1:41am:
Come come, A. Those Americans would have died anyway, okay? What's the problem? 

You are right as usual. They were likely fatties anyway. Better they go quickly than suffer for decades and drain the healthcare system.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 11th, 2022 at 3:08am

AiA wrote on Jun 11th, 2022 at 1:56am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 11th, 2022 at 1:41am:
Come come, A. Those Americans would have died anyway, okay? What's the problem? 

You are right as usual. They were likely fatties anyway. Better they go quickly than suffer for decades and drain the healthcare system.

Just so. The only person to kill a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a fast food chain, yes?

It may not happen overnight, A, but it will happen. I blame the leftards.


Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AusGeoff on Jun 11th, 2022 at 6:27pm
Guns are designed for a single purpose, and that's
killing another living entity, which in the US is all
too often another human being—in fact more than
19,300 Americans this year, including 733 children.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 12th, 2022 at 1:53pm
Thousands rally in Washington DC and across US, calling for stricter gun measures after spate of mass shootings ::) ::)

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 12th, 2022 at 2:13pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 12th, 2022 at 1:53pm:
Thousands rally in Washington DC and across US, calling for stricter gun measures after spate of mass shootings ::) ::)


June 9, 2022      Maryland      Smithsburg      12912 Bikle Rd      3 dead      3      injured

June 8, 2022      Arizona      Yuma      1500 block of S 4th Ave      0 dead      4       injured

     June 7, 2022      Virginia      Portsmouth      1628 Maple Ave      4 dead      0      injured

     June 7, 2022      Illinois      Chicago      1223 S Lawndale Ave      0 dead      4      injured

     June 7, 2022      Maryland      Baltimore      5500 block of Plainfield Ave      2 dead      2  injured      

June 7, 2022      Illinois      Chicago      13000 block of S Champlain Ave      0 dead      4 injured ...  

Their policy of 'more guns' has failed.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AusGeoff on Jun 12th, 2022 at 6:54pm

Thousands rally in Washington DC and across US, calling for stricter gun measures after spate of mass shootings...

It really doesn't matter how many of these anti-gun protests there are
in America, or how vociferous the crowds are, or the worldwide media
coverage they get.

The major—almost sole—stumbling block is the Republicans who back
the NRA in Congress, bolstered by the outdated 2nd Amendment.  In
2020, the most recent congressional election, among citizens who voted
for a Republican House member, only 24% of those voters wanted
increased gun control.

A majority in the Senate of 50 Democrats plus, say, a handful of
Republicans could pass some form of gun control. But it wouldn’t pass
the Senate because the filibuster—which allows a small group of
senators to hold up a final vote on a bill unless a three-fifths majority
of senators vote to stop them.

The last time any gun control laws passed in Congress was the 1994
assault weapons ban—which notoriously failed to make any practical
difference.  The scientific consensus among criminologists and other
researchers was that the 10-year ban had little to no effect on overall
criminal activity, firearm deaths, or the lethality of gun crimes.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 13th, 2022 at 1:07pm

At least 5 dead, 27 injured as wave of weekend mass shootings in US continues

"At least seven mass shootings have occurred across the country since Friday night, making this the fourth consecutive weekend in which U.S. law enforcement officers have responded to multiple incidents involving four or more victims shot."

Sounds like America needs more guns.

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 13th, 2022 at 1:46pm
President Joe Biden welcomes breakthrough in gun reform deal reached by bipartisan group of US senators 8-)

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by AusGeoff on Jun 14th, 2022 at 10:30pm

•  Support for state-based "red flag" laws that keep guns from potentially dangerous people
•  Tougher criminal background checks for firearms buyers under 21 years of age
•  A crackdown on "straw purchases" by people buying firearms for others who would not pass a background check.

If any of this legislation is passed, I doubt it'll make any appreciable difference
to the rate of firearm homicides, suicides or mass shootings in the United States.
And where are the new laws banning assault style weapons, or the banning of
personal ownership of hand guns?

It's all just a sop by Biden in an attempt to keep voters who strenuously
defend the 2nd on the Democrats' side—possibly until 2024?

And any state-based firearms laws have notoriously failed in the recent past; 
why should they work now?

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Frank on Oct 14th, 2022 at 10:57am

AiA wrote on Jun 5th, 2022 at 7:48am:
Suspect who allegedly killed retired judge had hit list that included Mitch McConnell, Gov. Whitmer: Officia

It's (Almost) Always the Feds: How the FBI Fabricates Schemes To Entrap Would-Be Radicals
The FBI's long history of using informants and manufactured plots to prosecute extremists

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Dnarever on Oct 14th, 2022 at 9:49pm

Baronvonrort wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:59pm:

AiA wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:47pm:

Baronvonrort wrote on Jun 3rd, 2022 at 9:32pm:
How are those strict gun laws working in Chicago?

"but Chicago!" has taken the place of "Benghazi!" and "but her emails!"  ::)

You should start taking guns from convicted felons to show everyone how confiscation works.

If you achieve that then people might listen on other gun controls.

The big problem all the hoplophobes ignore is the 2A.

When sleepy Joe was sworn in did he swear to uphold the constitution?

How can sleepy Joe change the constitution or deny people their constitutional rights when he swore to uphold it?

Modest gun control is compatible with the second.

Funny with the right and the constitution when they were happy for Trump and the supreme court to completely vandalise it.

Remember that the supreme court ruled in Roe V Wade that all rights are based on existing rights in 1783. There was no right to own an AK-15 in 1783.

Title: Current Shooting Report
Post by Panther on Oct 17th, 2022 at 3:02pm

Homeowner Fatally Shoots Teens

Source:      USACarry      
Two teenagers paid the ultimate price after breaking into at least one other house and then picking the wrong one.

This past Sunday, a woman and her daughter returned to her Colorado home to discover someone had broken in. She immediately called the police, who told her it would be a while before they could respond because they were dealing with a bigger issue in the area. Little did she know, the suspects in the other incident were the same suspects that broke into her home.

Police reported that two teenagers, one was sixteen years old and the other’s age has not been disclosed, broke into an unoccupied home and then accessed a neighbor’s backyard. The teenagers were armed, one with a handgun and the other with a machete. The armed homeowner confronted the two suspects, one of which shot at the homeowner. The homeowner returned fire hitting both suspects.

The wounded teenagers were transported to the hospital, where they both died. The homeowner will not be prosecuted as Colorado’s Make My Day Law protects him.

One of the teenager’s mothers spoke to the media, saying, “It’s senseless. He didn’t have to lose his life over this. He could have gave him a warning. They were kids.”

I feel sorry for the fact that this mother lost a child, but that “child” was armed and breaking into houses. And it was reported that the teens fired first, so what warning was this homeowner supposed to give after being shot at? Simply put, crime doesn’t pay. If you don’t want to get shot breaking into houses, don’t break into houses.

I absolutely agree...............crime doesn’t pay. If you don’t want to get shot breaking into houses, don’t break into houses!

Those two scumbags won't be doing that again......A lesson well learned!

Title: Re: Current Shooting Report
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 17th, 2022 at 4:14pm

::) ::)

Title: Current Shooting Report
Post by Panther on Oct 18th, 2022 at 11:07am

Burglar Shot During Home Invasion

Source:      ABC-WBRZ      
A burglar who was shot after she accidentally woke up an armed homeowner while breaking into a house was released from the hospital and booked into jail Sunday.

The Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office said residents woke up around 2 a.m. after hearing a "popping" sound under the carport at their home on Friendship Road. The department said one of the homeowners then grabbed a gun and shot the female intruder, who was also armed.

The burglar, identified as 23-year-old Paige Clark, was shot twice in the leg and hip. She was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive.

Sunday, the sheriff's office said Clark was able to leave the hospital and was booked into the Livingston Parish Detention Center. She faces charges of aggravated burglary, burglary from a vehicle, theft of a motor vehicle and illegal use of weapons.

All things going well, the perp ....Paige Clark.... might get 15-20 years in prison for her stupidity.

God Bless The United States Constitution............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless The United States Constitution............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless The United States Constitution............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless The United States Constitution............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless The United States Constitution............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless The United States Constitution............AMERICA............

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