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Member Run Boards >> Coronavirus >> Something is fishy..!?

Message started by Ajax on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:57am

Title: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Ajax on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:57am
Well by now we all know of people who have been vaccinated and have caught covid.

So is it a vaccine or a treatment....?

Imo its a treatment more than it is a vaccine.

For example people who are vaccinated against the measles, about 3 out of every hundred will still get the measles.

People who are vaccinated against covid well they say around 40% will get covid thats 40 out of every hundred but I think they are giving us little white lies here, the actual figure is much higher.

Most people I know who have had two shots have got covid and some twice and then they have passed it on to their family members.

One more thing mRNA technology is not new oits old from the 1960s and it has not produced any successful medicine using this technology right up til today, they have had more failure than success.

Including covid vaccines.



For the southerners heard Mathew Llyod on the footy show awhile back ask for more in depth analysis of these so called covid vaccines, he himself got bell's palsy after being vaccinated and he said on tv that since the roll out of the vaccines both heart conditions and bell's palsy have sky rocketed in Australia.

What happened to Ollie Wines a few weeks back before taking the field.

But of course anyone going against the narrative gets shut down very quickly, just like climate change lol.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:38am
Covid vaccination was/is a scam, 2,200 died from Covid in the first two years, but 6,000 have died in this third year alone

What's that tell us? - billions of dollars of vaccines had no effect

All the fines should be refunded

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Ajax on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:54am

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:38am:
Covid vaccination was/is a scam, 2,200 died from Covid in the first two years, but 6,000 have died in this third year alone

What's that tell us? - billions of dollars of vaccines had no effect

All the fines should be refunded

Time to lynch all the government puppets and their advisers.

Lets start with Dan Andrews of the Victorian Labor Party, lol.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by aquascoot on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:19am
the vaccine has a mild short term effect to boost short term antibodies but thats not a long term solution.

you need long term memory immunity , not just a boost in antibodies that wears off very quickly.

add to that the fact it mutates and you could literally need to be constantly changing the vaccine AND having it 3 or 4 times a year , just to dampen down the illness.

that would cost 1/2 your health budget and lets face it

it seems obvious the public seem to realise they have been duped .
the hospitals are not over run and pfizer is on the nose.

as aquascoot and many other sane posters have been saying for 12 months.
they deserve to be on the nose.

i forget the exact figures but pfizer went from being company number 400 in americas top trusted companies about 4 years ago to company number 3 a few months after the vaccine was released but is now back down to number 170.

a dazzling fall from grace.

you cant fool all of the people, all of the time.

at the end of the day politicians just sniff the breeze and then go in that direction.
they are shutting up about covid because its a non issue for most people now.

lets face it.

it only seems to kill 80 yo's

if you are 80, you might only have a handful of years left.

do you really want to spend that time in solitary confinement and anxiety.
that sounds like hell on earth to me.

bye bye pfizer, enjoy your 3000 dollar a second income whilst it lasts.
the unthinking masses have moved on.

they are more interested in johnny depp

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Marla on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:48am

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:38am:
Covid vaccination was/is a scam, 2,200 died from Covid in the first two years, but 6,000 have died in this third year alone

What's that tell us? - billions of dollars of vaccines had no effect

All the fines should be refunded

You're so right, asshole. Vaccines are useless.

I say bring back polio.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by random on Jun 6th, 2022 at 7:01am

Ajax wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:57am:
Well by now we all know of people who have been vaccinated and have caught covid.

For the southerners heard Mathew Llyod on the footy show awhile back ask for more in depth analysis of these so called covid vaccines,

Says it all really!

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Xavier on Jun 6th, 2022 at 7:53am
The Vaccines were purely designed and marketed with the ulterior motive being to allow Governments to 'unlock' their nations, by giving the Public a false sense of security and allowing Nations to resume their Politics/Religion/Warmongering.

The Vaccines are nothing but immune 'boosters', hence why people need continual booster shots in such short periods. People with already strong immune systems, like Marvellous Marvin Hagler, experience and over-load (blood clot) of their system. Too much of a good thing. Hence why the millions of 'side-effects' around the world.

This was a purposely 'rushed' vaccine excuse by mostly Americanised Pharmaceuticals (from a nation more apt at winning wars, not medicine).

Corona-Covid: is a virus from a cocktail of bat faeces, wet market rotting slop in the festering sun and pollutional chemicals.
Similar to how the Pneumonic Pandemic of 50million dead and a 1/3rd of the world infected sickly - began: in the devastated trenches of World War 1 - of rotting corpses festering in the sun, the rats, the pollution of chemical gases, etc.

Australia was so cool when we were locked down as a nation and everyone was out playing, working and enjoying the sun covid-free under the reign of the Premiers, not the Prime Minister and becoming the #1 economy in the world.
...but Scomo of the Nostromo wanted to let the virus in for good - so get your vaccines instead!

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:15am

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:38am:
Covid vaccination was/is a scam, 2,200 died from Covid in the first two years, but 6,000 have died in this third year alone

What's that tell us? - billions of dollars of vaccines had no effect

All the fines should be refunded

It tells us that boomers are stupid and should be kept away from YouTube.

not all covid vaccines are mRna.  All the vaccines work.  They simply work by stopping you dying, not from getting covid, that is, we had a serious disease and did the best that science can manage, to control it

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:31am

Jovial Monk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am:
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Yes, that's correct.  The unvaxed are clogging up hospitals and morgues

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Lisa Ross on Jun 6th, 2022 at 9:52am

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:31am:

Jovial Monk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am:
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Yes, that's correct.  The unvaxed are clogging up hospitals and morgues

Not always true.
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Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 6th, 2022 at 10:54am

Jovial Monk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am:
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Cool story.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:02pm

Marla wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:48am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 1:38am:
Covid vaccination was/is a scam, 2,200 died from Covid in the first two years, but 6,000 have died in this third year alone

What's that tell us? - billions of dollars of vaccines had no effect

All the fines should be refunded

You're so right, asshole. Vaccines are useless.

I say bring back polio.

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by wombatwoody on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:33pm
killersigns.jpg (61 KB | 4 )

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by aquascoot on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:48pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 9:52am:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:31am:

Jovial Monk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am:
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Yes, that's correct.  The unvaxed are clogging up hospitals and morgues

Not always true.

that shut them up, lisa  ;)

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by wombatwoody on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:56pm
What about all the deaths from mental health impacts, suicide, deferred medical exams, deferred cancer screenings, deferred surgeries, deferred cardiac treatments, reduced capacity and availability of all forms of medical care etc etc?

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jun 6th, 2022 at 10:57pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 9:52am:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:31am:

Jovial Monk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am:
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Yes, that's correct.  The unvaxed are clogging up hospitals and morgues

Not always true.

Vaccinated people would put less pressure on the hospital system. No matter how good a vaccine can be, you will always have the chance of breathing in airborne viruses. But when those viruses take hold among the unvaccinated, the sicker that person will be.

I would surmise that the 36 people that died in hospital, were all over the age of 60 (perhaps, 80 or older). No amount of vaccinations can help people when they get to a certain age. Their body just gives a weak response to a virus. Even the common cold can be deadly to them.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by AusGeoff on Jun 7th, 2022 at 6:36pm

Ajax wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:57am:
Well by now we all know of people who have been vaccinated and have caught covid.

So is it a vaccine or a treatment....?

Imo its a treatment more than it is a vaccine.[\quote]

A vaccine is synonymous with a treatment.  It's pointless trying to play
semantics in order to support your argument.   At any rate, this yells me
yo're an anti-vaxxer.

People who are vaccinated against covid well they say around 40% will get covid that's 40 out of every hundred but I think they are giving us little white lies here, the actual figure is much higher.

This may well be your opinion, but to have any relevance it needs to be
supported with a couple of accredited citations.  Otherwise it's nothing
more than anecdotal hearsay.

[quote]Most people I know who have had two shots have got covid and some twice and then they have passed it on to their family members.

Again, anecdotal, and not verified evidence.

One more thing mRNA technology is not new its old from the 1960s and it has not produced any successful medicine using this technology right up til today, they have had more failure than success.

Misleading.  Messenger RNA, or mRNA, was discovered in the early 1960s;
research into how mRNA could be delivered into cells was developed in the
1970s.  Human trials of cancer vaccines using mRNA technology have been
taking place since at least 2011. But it took until the 2020 pandemic for the
first mRNA vaccine to be brought to market

For the southerners heard Mathew Lloyd on the footy show awhile back ask for more in depth analysis of these so called covid vaccines, he himself got bell's palsy after being vaccinated and he said on TV that since the roll out of the vaccines both heart conditions and bell's palsy have sky rocketed in Australia.

Mathew LLoyd has no medical qualifications, so cannot make any claims about
a purported connection between Bell's Palsy and Covid.  There is also no evidence
that that there's been an increase in cardiovascular conditions since the introduction
of the vaccines—that are directly caused by the vaccine itself.  Covid actually
causes a lot more myocarditis and pericarditis than any of the vaccines.

What happened to Ollie Wines a few weeks back before taking the field.

Wines and his cardiologist shot down any connection with his heart arrhythmia and
the Covid vaccine after he was released from hospital days later.      End of story.

But of course anyone going against the narrative gets shut down very quickly, just like climate change lol.

No, they're not "shot down".  They're confronted with accredited medical facts and
figures that prove their conspiracy theories are without any supporting evidence. 
Just as you've not provided any evidence for your claims.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by freediver on Jun 7th, 2022 at 7:54pm

Ajax wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 12:57am:
Well by now we all know of people who have been vaccinated and have caught covid.

So is it a vaccine or a treatment....?

Imo its a treatment more than it is a vaccine.

For example people who are vaccinated against the measles, about 3 out of every hundred will still get the measles.

People who are vaccinated against covid well they say around 40% will get covid thats 40 out of every hundred but I think they are giving us little white lies here, the actual figure is much higher.

Most people I know who have had two shots have got covid and some twice and then they have passed it on to their family members.

One more thing mRNA technology is not new oits old from the 1960s and it has not produced any successful medicine using this technology right up til today, they have had more failure than success.

Including covid vaccines.



For the southerners heard Mathew Llyod on the footy show awhile back ask for more in depth analysis of these so called covid vaccines, he himself got bell's palsy after being vaccinated and he said on tv that since the roll out of the vaccines both heart conditions and bell's palsy have sky rocketed in Australia.

What happened to Ollie Wines a few weeks back before taking the field.

But of course anyone going against the narrative gets shut down very quickly, just like climate change lol.

You are not very good at maths are you? If 99% of people get vaccinated with measels, and 1% of them die, and 1% do not get vaccinated, and they all die, then the vaccinated would make up 50% of the deaths. The vaccine has saved about 98% of the population from death, and it would have been 99% if not for the anti vaxxers, yet they are still too stupid to realise what a great outcome that is. Even after it has been repeatedly pointed out to them.

Yes, something is fishy. The rot in the brains of the anti vaxxers.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Lisa Ross on Jun 7th, 2022 at 10:38pm

aquascoot wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 5:48pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 9:52am:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:31am:

Jovial Monk wrote on Jun 6th, 2022 at 8:27am:
The amusing thing is—some of the figures they quote show how effective the vaccines are—the unvaxxed and not fully vaxxed make up the bulk of the deaths despite making up a tiny minority of the whole population.

Yes, that's correct.  The unvaxed are clogging up hospitals and morgues

Not always true.

that shut them up, lisa  ;)

Yeah I know. I wonder why.
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Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by buzzanddidj on Jun 8th, 2022 at 10:08am

Why do conspiracy theorists persist, with such vigour, in trying to pass of a MEME as some sort of proof and verification ?

ANYONE can knock up a meme - and have it say anything they want it to say

Of course we DO understand your reluctance in posting a URL to the ORIGINAL

You can't FUDGE those

A MEME with a URL of ...

is OBVIOUSLY not an authentic document - but a FAKE


Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Frank on Jun 11th, 2022 at 11:33pm
Now we know.....

The date with a Neanderthal that led to a million Covid deaths

5:52PM JUNE 10, 2022

It may have been the most disastrous one-night stand in the history of humanity. Sixty thousand years ago in the Middle East, two humans, slightly different in looks and stature, met and had sex.

As a direct consequence of that liaison between two of our ancestors – one of them a Neanderthal – many of us have a genetic tweak that doubles our risk of severe Covid – leading, scientists estimated, to as many as a million pandemic deaths.

“If this dinner date between the human and the Neanderthal had gone wrong … we would have had hundreds of thousands less deaths,” said James Davies, from the University of Oxford.

Associate Professor Davies, who was part of the team who characterised the genetic consequences of that meeting, described it as the ultimate example of the “butterfly effect”, in which a tiny perturbation can have momentous consequences.

The change was discovered by comparing the genomes of about 2000 people who had suffered from severe Covid with the same number who did not, and looking for common differences. One stood out.

“It’s a single-letter difference out of three billion,” Prof Davies said. “This tiny section of DNA doubles your risk of dying from Covid.”

The physical difference, Prof Davies said, came down to the alignment of a few atoms. “It’s position 45,818,159 on chromosome three, and it’s a single change,” he said. “If you’ve got a G (molecule) at that site, it’s low risk. And if you have an A at that site, it’s high risk.”

Although all Europeans have a small proportion of Neanderthal DNA, the suite of changes accompanying this one crucial tweak show that it must have come from a single encounter that resulted in a single child.

Prof Davies believes that if you have the high-risk variant, a previously understudied gene called LZTFL1 is overactivated. This means that cells in the lungs are slower to launch defences in response to infection, making them more susceptible for longer.

Simon Underdown, a biological anthropologist at Oxford Brookes University, is of the view that this interspecies sex should not be considered so odd.

“We now have much more sensitive reconstructions of the Neanderthals and, arguably, they look just like us,” he said.

Dr Underdown believes they would not even have recognised they were different. They were different enough, however, that 60,000 years on, the genetics sown at that one romantic meeting reaped a pandemic whirlwind.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Xavier on Jun 12th, 2022 at 1:06am
The San and Khoi of southern africa have the highest genetic diversity and thus higher defence combinations against diseases and viruses. As one Geneticist said "If you want to make vaccines - you should base it on the San DNA because it would cover more bases." Modern Caucasoids, Mongoloids and Negroids are relatively 'young' races and lack the robustness of the older races to endure more.

Think of the San and older Haplo-groups as a highly varied 'mongrel' of genetic diversity, while the younger races are like weak inbreeds - even if more populated (like butter spread thinly over a larger piece of toast).

Neanderthals (Europe/M-East) were primarily 'isolationists' for their period. As were the Denisovians of Asia and the Nadali of Africa - which is why they came to a dead end.

Ironically, even the San and Aborigines have stories of the 'old little people'  - which shows that even Hominids and other early species of Humans were still around roaming when Sapiens were spreading.

You wouldn't want to put an 'indigenous' tag on yourself or you'll gather dust like a relic in a museum while the other races move onwards.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by random on Jun 12th, 2022 at 7:18am

Frank wrote on Jun 11th, 2022 at 11:33pm:
Now we know.....

The date with a Neanderthal that led to a million Covid deaths

5:52PM JUNE 10, 2022

It may have been the most disastrous one-night stand in the history of humanity. Sixty thousand years ago in the Middle East, two humans, slightly different in looks and stature, met and had sex.

More likely, the men were killed and the women raped repeatedly before most of them were also eaten.  Bones of neanderthals often show cut marks from butchering.

Romance?  Really? 

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by freediver on Jun 12th, 2022 at 11:01am

We now have much more sensitive reconstructions of the Neanderthals and, arguably, they look just like us

I wonder what he means by sensitive. Also, I couldn't find anything more on google about this. Most sites still say they had a different skull shape.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Xavier on Jun 12th, 2022 at 11:42am

freediver wrote on Jun 12th, 2022 at 11:01am:

We now have much more sensitive reconstructions of the Neanderthals and, arguably, they look just like us

I wonder what he means by sensitive. Also, I couldn't find anything more on google about this. Most sites still say they had a different skull shape.

The skull shapes of a NRL player and an AFL player are remarkably different. Scientists are yet to confirm the age difference between these two species of Homo-Boofheadius.

Title: Re: Something is fishy..!?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jun 12th, 2022 at 5:48pm
Neanderthals do not have a chin.

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