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Member Run Boards >> Cats and Critters >> Attempted blackmail!

Message started by Jovial Monk on Aug 15th, 2022 at 6:13pm

Title: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on Aug 15th, 2022 at 6:13pm

Hi Monk,
Let's make a deal.
I won't dob you in for advertising on FDs site and
you won't cause trouble if I post a Bitchute link to your videos?


Before this we had a threat:


what would FD do if he found you were trying to recruit
members to your forum by using a video as bait?

We know Bonobby is a psychopath and not that bright but this is a new low for OzPol.

BTW—BitChute is full of vile porn and nazi/neonazi crap!

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on Aug 15th, 2022 at 6:19pm
It happened here!

Should be discussed here!

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on Aug 26th, 2022 at 9:36pm
I have had to forward a rather libellous PM onto FD. I doubt anything will happen to the psychopath who wrote the PM, unfortunately, but we will see.

Meantime—best not to post in Environment IMHO. The Mod there is unstable and takes everything against what he believes as abuse and insult.

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!,no respect for liars!
Post by Jovial Monk on May 2nd, 2023 at 7:13pm
The dickhead incapable of Modding Environment has banned me for two weeks.

The utter fool thinks respect can be commanded. Nope—respect is earned and he has earned ZERO respect.

He is not only an idiot, he has no formal education in science and maths. What the bugger made him think he could Mod Environment? He has no idea about the environment or about ecology or their hand maid genetics. A fool, a moron, a dickhead.

He mostly posts on his MRB in a thread called “Cats and Critters topics now here.”

He copied posts from here to start his copycat, off topic thread, added to that posts copied from my fine forum.

I adopted a marvellous dog, a staghound cross American Staffordshire Terrier (as best as we can determine) who can run as fast as lightning! I took some videos—MY videos, not crap from YouTube, videos I took with MY camera—and posted them in my fine forum.

The total moron ruining Environment copied those videos from MY fine forum and tried to blackmail me into letting the idiot post them on ShitChute!

This clown, this blackmailer, thinks I should show respect? He hasn’t earned ANY respect! He has no idea what respect is! This guy is A CLOWN, A MORON, A THIEF AND A BLACKMAILER!  I should show him respect??????

Respect is earned. The clown has earned NONE!

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on May 2nd, 2023 at 7:24pm
Of course, the clown’s banning of me for telling the truth will not get me to cancel his lifetime ban from here.

No respect for blackmailers!

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on May 2nd, 2023 at 7:53pm
I have never received an acknowledgement let alone an apology from the clown for his attempt to blackmail me into letting the clown post Socks’ videos on vile ShitChute!

NO apology WHATSOEVER and yet the same clown banned me from her toilet of a board for not showing her “respect!”

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by UnSubRocky on May 2nd, 2023 at 9:30pm
Why not take a more street-wise strategy and make offline notes of what has transpired? Over time, compile a list of grievances you have against your main opponents. Then list them off to the administration. Simply making incessant posts about your grievances is just looking like whingeing, and only emboldens your enemies to continue their alleged violations.

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on May 11th, 2023 at 7:57pm
FD and his GMods won’t do anything. The modding here is dreadful.

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by UnSubRocky on Jul 13th, 2023 at 4:48pm
I cannot access that link.

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on Jul 13th, 2023 at 4:57pm
Ah, OK.


I haven't dobbed you in yet for advertising without permission on his forum.
I am thinking about it though.

—a clear threat.


Hi Monk,
Let's make a deal.
I won't dob you in for advertising on FDs site and
you won't cause trouble if I post a Bitchute link to your videos?


—attempted blackmail

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 24th, 2023 at 9:17am
Of course, no action was ever taken about this.

Title: Re: Attempted blackmail!
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 31st, 2024 at 8:21pm
Blackmail attempt @2:

In the sewer:

Re: OzPol
Post by Bobby » Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:55 pm

you have 1 day to apologise or
I'll start moving threads about you from Sparta into - Moaning, Bitching, and Whingeing.

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