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General Discussion >> America >> NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story

Message started by wombatwoody on Nov 9th, 2022 at 1:46pm

Title: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by wombatwoody on Nov 9th, 2022 at 1:46pm
Former Fox News Producer Points Out Something Very Curious About The Paul Pelosi Story

Something very curious happened with the Paul Pelosi Hammer story… and no, I am not talking about the NBC story that totally and completely contradicted everything Dems and the media told us happened that night between Paul and some nudist hippy from Berkley, who magically turned into a “Trump supporter.” Although, truth be told, that NBC story was the likely catalyst for what happened next…

So what’s going on with Pelosi story now?

Well, nothing, actually.

Because this sobering story of so-called “political violence” has magically disappeared from the headlines. And it went FAST. It disappeared as fast as NBC deleted their story about Pelosi calmly answering the door when police arrived, and telling them nothing was wrong.


Yes, after breathless coverage, and likening the “Hammer Incident” of 2022 to the January 6th attempt to overthrow the US government (lol), this harrowing story about an 82-year-old man, a hammer, and a hemp-loving Trump supporter, just *poof* disappeared from the headlines as if it never even happened.

NBC accidentally told the truth, and even though they quickly deleted it, the video was saved by many people and the damage was already done. The countless different narratives we had been told about this bizarre story were incorrect. NBC was reporting off the official police report, and now we know for a fact that Paul answered the door (there was no third person) and he was perfectly calm and told officers that nothing was wrong.

If you ask me, this entire thing was a personal situation between Paul and this man, and Nancy couldn’t reach Paul, so she had the police do a wellness check and Paul’s exploits were exposed and everything we saw and heard after that, was done to concoct a story, including the broken window and the 911 call.

That’s my “conspiracy theory.”

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by wombatwoody on Nov 9th, 2022 at 1:48pm
Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Sunday that there was a very simple reason that members of his chosen profession seemed unwilling to question the narrative surrounding the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi — namely the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk.

Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.

“It’s genuinely alarming how conditioned so much of the U.S. population is to equate skepticism toward the pronouncements of media corporations with mental illness: ‘If you don’t instantly accept what Wolf Blitzer and Andrea Mitchell claim, then you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist.'”

Greenwald went on to explain that even journalists who had questions about the prevailing narrative — on any topic — often felt as though they couldn’t say anything without risking their jobs or even their entire careers.

“It’s so crucial to understand the dynamic dominating journalism. Few journalists have career security,” Greenwald continued. “Imagine you’re a young journalist at a big media corporation. You know if you ask these questions, Twitter will explode and it can ruin your career.”

“This happened during Russiagate,” Greenwald added, saying that he had gotten a number of messages from journalists who worked for larger media corporations — and they had expressed their thanks that he was willing to question the narrative because they couldn’t do it.

“One Twitter mob against them for questioning Dem narrative (see @DashaBurns or @BoKnowNews) can be career-ending,” he said.

Greenwald said that he believed many journalists saw the “glaring questions and evidentiary holes” in the story that had been pushed so far regarding Pelosi, but especially in the last days before the midterm election, the narrative was even more important than usual. “Why stick their heads up, provoke a liberal Twitter mob, and be branded?” he asked. “That’s the climate.”

Greenwald went on to say that he wasn’t ready to ascribe any motives because he didn’t feel that he’d seen enough evidence to do so, adding, “The preferred narrative may end up right but most of it is based on massaged-by-CNN anonymous claims.”

He then listed the questions he’d like to see answered before claiming he understood exactly what went down in the Pelosi’s home:

    “How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm?”
    “How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this?”
    “Who is the ‘unknown’ person who opened the door for the police?”
    “Where is the video?”
He then shared a tweet from Steve Krakauer that included just a few of the questions he thought media ought to be asking.

    “Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?”
    “Who was 3rd person who opened door for police?”
    “Why was Pelosi holding hammer and attack only happened after police arrived?”
    “Where is bodycam/security footage?”
    “Why isn’t the press asking these questions?”

Police have since clarified that there was not a third person in the home, an early claim that seems to be rooted in the police report stating that police saw Pelosi and DePape fighting over a hammer after the door was answered by a “unknown person.”

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 9th, 2022 at 1:49pm

wombatwoody wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 1:48pm:
Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Sunday that there was a very simple reason that members of his chosen profession seemed unwilling to question the narrative surrounding the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi — namely the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk.

Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.

“It’s genuinely alarming how conditioned so much of the U.S. population is to equate skepticism toward the pronouncements of media corporations with mental illness: ‘If you don’t instantly accept what Wolf Blitzer and Andrea Mitchell claim, then you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist.'”

Greenwald went on to explain that even journalists who had questions about the prevailing narrative — on any topic — often felt as though they couldn’t say anything without risking their jobs or even their entire careers.

“It’s so crucial to understand the dynamic dominating journalism. Few journalists have career security,” Greenwald continued. “Imagine you’re a young journalist at a big media corporation. You know if you ask these questions, Twitter will explode and it can ruin your career.”

“This happened during Russiagate,” Greenwald added, saying that he had gotten a number of messages from journalists who worked for larger media corporations — and they had expressed their thanks that he was willing to question the narrative because they couldn’t do it.

“One Twitter mob against them for questioning Dem narrative (see @DashaBurns or @BoKnowNews) can be career-ending,” he said.

Greenwald said that he believed many journalists saw the “glaring questions and evidentiary holes” in the story that had been pushed so far regarding Pelosi, but especially in the last days before the midterm election, the narrative was even more important than usual. “Why stick their heads up, provoke a liberal Twitter mob, and be branded?” he asked. “That’s the climate.”

Greenwald went on to say that he wasn’t ready to ascribe any motives because he didn’t feel that he’d seen enough evidence to do so, adding, “The preferred narrative may end up right but most of it is based on massaged-by-CNN anonymous claims.”

He then listed the questions he’d like to see answered before claiming he understood exactly what went down in the Pelosi’s home:

    “How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm?”
    “How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this?”
    “Who is the ‘unknown’ person who opened the door for the police?”
    “Where is the video?”
He then shared a tweet from Steve Krakauer that included just a few of the questions he thought media ought to be asking.

    “Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?”
    “Who was 3rd person who opened door for police?”
    “Why was Pelosi holding hammer and attack only happened after police arrived?”
    “Where is bodycam/security footage?”
    “Why isn’t the press asking these questions?”

Police have since clarified that there was not a third person in the home, an early claim that seems to be rooted in the police report stating that police saw Pelosi and DePape fighting over a hammer after the door was answered by a “unknown person.”


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by aquascoot on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by scope on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"


"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:52pm

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"


"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Indeed.  It is true.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"


"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.

“It’s genuinely alarming how conditioned so much of the U.S. population is to equate skepticism toward the pronouncements of media corporations with mental illness: ‘If you don’t instantly accept what Wolf Blitzer and Andrea Mitchell claim, then you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist.'”

Greenwald went on to explain that even journalists who had questions about the prevailing narrative — on any topic — often felt as though they couldn’t say anything without risking their jobs or even their entire careers.

“It’s so crucial to understand the dynamic dominating journalism. Few journalists have career security,” Greenwald continued. “Imagine you’re a young journalist at a big media corporation. You know if you ask these questions, Twitter will explode and it can ruin your career.”

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:51pm

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm:

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"


"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story ...

No.  There aren't.  None at all.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:05pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:51pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm:

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"

"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story ...

No.  There aren't.  None at all.

You are doing exactly what Greenwald points out, turd - no questions are permitted. You even cross out the text of the post raising the issue, as if you were some censor or gatekeeper of the one and only permitted truth,  Minor's affidavit.
"Kvestionz are Verboten!"  But questions DO remain and should not be brushed aside but answered.

He then listed the questions he’d like to see answered before claiming he understood exactly what went down in the Pelosi’s home:

    “How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm?”
    “How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this?”
    “Who is the ‘unknown’ person who opened the door for the police?”
    “Where is the video?”
He then shared a tweet from Steve Krakauer that included just a few of the questions he thought media ought to be asking.

    “Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?”
    “Who was 3rd person who opened door for police?”
    “Why was Pelosi holding hammer and attack only happened after police arrived?”
    “Where is bodycam/security footage?”
    “Why isn’t the press asking these questions?”

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:16pm

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:05pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:51pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm:

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"

"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story ...

No.  There aren't.  None at all.

You are doing exactly what Greenwald points out, turd - no questions are permitted.

Ask as many questions as you like.

Here are the answers:

It was an insane MAGA cult member out to murder Nancy.


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Mattyfisk on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:34pm
The old boy may have a point here, Greggery. Questions are important, no? Is this David DePape fellow really a Muslim-loving leftard? Who can truly say? Can you? I? Anybody?

I think not. These are, after all, the questions of our time, no? Is this man a despicable leftard as people are saying or, perhaps, a fighter for freedom, a crusader for change? Who can truly say? Can we ever know the depths of a man's soul? Who are we to judge?

After all, there is good and bad on both sides, yes?

The old boy's right, Greggery, it's best we leave the matter to rest. I guess we'll never know, right?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:58pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:34pm:
The old boy may have a point here, Greggery. Questions are important, no? Is this David DePape fellow really a Muslim-loving leftard? Who can truly say? Can you? I? Anybody?


They're just questions.

Did Trump used to sneak into Ivanka's bedroom late at night when she was a small girl?

Who can truly say?

Is Donald Trump Junior's "girl" friend really a pre-op transgender?

Who can truly say?

We're just asking questions.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Mattyfisk on Nov 9th, 2022 at 6:07pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:58pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:34pm:
The old boy may have a point here, Greggery. Questions are important, no? Is this David DePape fellow really a Muslim-loving leftard? Who can truly say? Can you? I? Anybody?


They're just questions.

Did Trump used to sneak into Ivanka's bedroom late at night when she was a small girl?

Who can truly say?

Is Donald Trump Junior's "girl" friend really a pre-op transgender?

Who can truly say?

We're just asking questions.

Yes, Greggery, those are questions too, but I think the old boy would prefer you ask nice questions. You know, like why are the leftards so mean and violent all the time?

Why do they go round with a hammer, trying to smash our politicians' kneecaps? We wouldn't dream of doing this sort of thing ourselves, dear, it's awful.

I'm just glad we have nice Proud Boys to defend us from these hideous Antifa criminals and MS-13 terrorists. After Sleepy Joe defunded the police, there's never an officer around when you need one, it's terrible.

It's why so many people want Mr Trump back, no? They want decency and integrity restored to politics again. You know, a little human kindness. What's wrong with that?

The old boy would just like people to be nice, that's all. I ask you, what's wrong with a little basic common courtesy? Whatever happened to manners?

For all we know David DePape was just going round to fix the skirting boards. What's wrong with asking that?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:32pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:51pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm:

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"


"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story ...

No.  There aren't.  None at all.

They prefer their conspiracy theories. There is no truth in their universe.

Funny that all the unanswered questions in this conspiracy theory were generated by other equally ridiculous conspiracy theories.

I thought it would stop after the election. I am sure the top level guys have quit - mission accomplished. Kept mud in the water till after voting.

However for the most naïve of suckers it never ends.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:37pm

Dnarever wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:32pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:51pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm:

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"


"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story ...

No.  There aren't.  None at all.

They prefer their conspiracy theories. There is no truth in their universe.

Funny that all the unanswered questions in this conspiracy theory were generated by other equally ridiculous conspiracy theories.

MAGA cult member confesses to breaking into Pelosi residence to torture and kill Nancy Pelosi.

Brain-dead conservatives say "Nah".


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by wombatwoody on Nov 9th, 2022 at 11:35pm

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 4:05pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:51pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 3:48pm:

scope wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:50pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 2:20pm:
yes wombat,

glen greenwald is one of the few honest journos and a leftie to boot.

paul pelosi should use the bill clinton excuse

"i did not have sexual relations with that man"

"It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true."

Glenn Greenwald

Which is why that was NOT his point. This was his point:

... right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story ...

No.  There aren't.  None at all.

You are doing exactly what Greenwald points out, turd - no questions are permitted. You even cross out the text of the post raising the issue, as if you were some censor or gatekeeper of the one and only permitted truth,  Minor's affidavit.
"Kvestionz are Verboten!"  But questions DO remain and should not be brushed aside but answered.

As you know Frank, as we all know, that's what he does.

Like here:

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 10:56am

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:37pm:
MAGA cult member confesses to breaking into Pelosi residence to torture and kill Nancy Pelosi.

Brain-dead conservatives say "Nah".


Its how you present the news, you are being mislead. Pelosi being attacked is not the news, the news is he is a MAGA CULT MEMBER, the media have created a "MAGA CULT", if you dare contest this then you too are a MAGA CULT MEMBER.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 10th, 2022 at 11:07am

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 10:56am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:37pm:
MAGA cult member confesses to breaking into Pelosi residence to torture and kill Nancy Pelosi.

Brain-dead conservatives say "Nah".


Its how you present the news, ...

This isn't a news report:

It's a Criminal Complaint from a US Court, with the attacker's confession.


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 12:47pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 11:07am:

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 10:56am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:37pm:
MAGA cult member confesses to breaking into Pelosi residence to torture and kill Nancy Pelosi.

Brain-dead conservatives say "Nah".


Its how you present the news, ...

This isn't a news report:

It's a Criminal Complaint from a US Court, with the attacker's confession.


OK I have read the report, could you highlight or copy and paste from the report the bit about the MAGA CULT MEMBERSHIP.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:19pm

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 12:47pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 11:07am:

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 10:56am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 9th, 2022 at 10:37pm:
MAGA cult member confesses to breaking into Pelosi residence to torture and kill Nancy Pelosi.

Brain-dead conservatives say "Nah".


Its how you present the news, ...

This isn't a news report:

It's a Criminal Complaint from a US Court, with the attacker's confession.


OK I have read the report, ...


Now you have the facts   ;)

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:20pm
So he was not a member of MAGA and that is the fact.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm

In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:30pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm:
In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

Three of DePape’s relatives told CNN that DePape has been estranged from his family for years, and confirmed that the Facebook account – which was taken down by the social media company on Friday – belonged to him.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:05pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm:
In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

I understand what you are saying but I just wanted you to see it from an educated viewpoint.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:06pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:30pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm:
In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

Three of DePape’s relatives told CNN that DePape has been estranged from his family for years, and confirmed that the Facebook account – which was taken down by the social media company on Friday – belonged to him.

OK so having a facebook account means you are a MAGA MEMBER.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:40pm
Let Biden explain it:

A palindrome! Means the same backwards! YAY! Clever Joe!

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:54pm
We need to find out what type of hammer he used.

If it happens to be a true carpenters hammer then obviously carpenters should be banned as a terrorist group.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 10th, 2022 at 3:04pm

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:05pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm:
In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

I understand what you are saying but I just wanted you to see it from an educated viewpoint.

Who would you recommend for this view point ?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Steampipe on Nov 10th, 2022 at 3:12pm

Dnarever wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 3:04pm:

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:05pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm:
In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

I understand what you are saying but I just wanted you to see it from an educated viewpoint.

Who would you recommend for this view point ?

Anyone over 12 years old.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 10th, 2022 at 3:13pm

Dnarever wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 3:04pm:

Steampipe wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 2:05pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 1:27pm:
In recent posts on several websites, "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," anti-Semitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

MAGA nut.

I understand what you are saying but I just wanted you to see it from an educated viewpoint.

Who would you recommend for this view point ?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 10th, 2022 at 6:16pm
I would think that the police statement the accused persons statement and the charge list would be sufficient?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 10th, 2022 at 6:40pm

Dnarever wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 6:16pm:
I would think that the police statement the accused persons statement and the charge list would be sufficient?


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by AusGeoff on Nov 10th, 2022 at 7:12pm

We need to remember that the OP, Wombatwoody, sucks up every conspiracy
theory available to mankind LOL.

Ad Fontes Media rates The Liberty Loft in the Hyper-Partisan Right category
of bias and as Unreliable and  Problematic in terms of reliability.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:20pm

AusGeoff wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 7:12pm:

We need to remember that the OP, Wombatwoody, sucks up every conspiracy
theory available to mankind LOL.

Ad Fontes Media rates The Liberty Loft in the Hyper-Partisan Right category
of bias and as Unreliable and  Problematic in terms of reliability.

Why exactly do you trust these people to do your thinking for you, Geoff?

Asking the Dems, the police and the FBI questions is now hyper-partisan?  Why not answer them?

From Minor's affidavit:

10. At 2:31 a.m., San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Officer Colby Wilmes
responded to the Pelosi residence, California and knocked on the front door. When the door was
opened, Pelosi and DEPAPE were both holding a hammer with one hand and DEPAPE had his
other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm. Pelosi greeted the officers. The officers asked them
what was going on. DEPAPE responded that everything was good. Officers then asked Pelosi
and DEPAPE to drop the hammer.

All in the active voice all the way - responded, knocked, were holding, greeted, asked, responded, asked. Except, when the door was opened - suddenly passive voice, suddenly no subject.
Who opened the door?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:28pm

MAGA nut goes crazy and breaks into house in a bid to murder Nancy.

Nek minnit!


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:36pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:28pm:
MAGA nut goes crazy and breaks into house in a bid to murder Nancy.

Nek minnit!


Not a confession, vile turd.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:38pm

Frank wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:20pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 7:12pm:

We need to remember that the OP, Wombatwoody, sucks up every conspiracy
theory available to mankind LOL.

Ad Fontes Media rates The Liberty Loft in the Hyper-Partisan Right category
of bias and as Unreliable and  Problematic in terms of reliability.

Why exactly do you trust these people to do your thinking for you, Geoff?

Asking the Dems, the police and the FBI questions is now hyper-partisan?  Why not answer them?

From Minor's affidavit:

10. At 2:31 a.m., San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Officer Colby Wilmes
responded to the Pelosi residence, California and knocked on the front door. When the door was
opened, Pelosi and DEPAPE were both holding a hammer with one hand and DEPAPE had his
other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm. Pelosi greeted the officers. The officers asked them
what was going on. DEPAPE responded that everything was good. Officers then asked Pelosi
and DEPAPE to drop the hammer.

All in the active voice all the way - responded, knocked, were holding, greeted, asked, responded, asked. Except, when the door was opened - suddenly passive voice, suddenly no subject.

Who opened the door?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 11th, 2022 at 4:55pm
Do some people just come online here to embarrass themselves ?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 11th, 2022 at 5:44pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:38pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 12:20pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 7:12pm:

We need to remember that the OP, Wombatwoody, sucks up every conspiracy
theory available to mankind LOL.

Ad Fontes Media rates The Liberty Loft in the Hyper-Partisan Right category
of bias and as Unreliable and  Problematic in terms of reliability.

Why exactly do you trust these people to do your thinking for you, Geoff?

Asking the Dems, the police and the FBI questions is now hyper-partisan?  Why not answer them?

From Minor's affidavit:

10. At 2:31 a.m., San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Officer Colby Wilmes
responded to the Pelosi residence, California and knocked on the front door. When the door was
opened, Pelosi and DEPAPE were both holding a hammer with one hand and DEPAPE had his
other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm. Pelosi greeted the officers. The officers asked them
what was going on. DEPAPE responded that everything was good. Officers then asked Pelosi
and DEPAPE to drop the hammer.

All in the active voice all the way - responded, knocked, were holding, greeted, asked, responded, asked. Except, when the door was opened - suddenly passive voice, suddenly no subject.

Who opened the door?

Well, who?
Pelosi or DePape?

Why the sudden switch from active to passive voice? Doesn't Minor know? Wasn't she there?

Not a huge question to clear up, is it? Or is it?

"I had/had no tactile relations with that door".

Pelosi pere is a drink driving pissant like vile turd knob here, DePape is a drug addled arse merchant like . they are wrestling over a hammer in their shorts.

Knock, knock?

Who's there?

Good question.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by wombatwoody on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:03pm

AusGeoff wrote on Nov 10th, 2022 at 7:12pm:

We need to remember that the OP, Wombatwoody, sucks up every conspiracy
theory available to mankind LOL.

Yet I've proved you wrong on every count.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:12pm

Dnarever wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 4:55pm:
Do some people just come online here to embarrass themselves ?

Certainly looks that way.

"Who opened the door?"    ;D

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by wombatwoody on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:24pm
Pelosi Reportedly Refuses To Hand Over Home Security Footage

One of the most bizarre details about the Paul Pelosi attack is that there is no security footage being released to the general public, and the left is trying to pretend that it is no big deal and that everyone should just move along.

Initial reports from several media outlets that covered the first moments after the weird attack claimed that Pelosi had no security camera systems working, which is of public concern, considering Pelosi is third in line to be President of the United States, especially in these troubling times.

One independent journalist discovered proof that Pelosi does, indeed, have security cams in her San Franciso home in 2021, where the alleged attack happened on her husband, Paul Pelosi.

Jack Posobiec from Human Events did some investigating from open source materials and found that he could debunk the corporate media storyline that Pelosi didn’t have any security in place to capture the most bizarre ‘attack’ that the American public has heard of this close to midterm elections:

Jack Posobiec

Posobeic’s investigations raise the question about what happened to the security details then...

UFC fighter Jake Shields took to Twitter to say “My friend who’s a San Francisco detective just told me Paul Pelosi won’t hand over video footage and they believe he was engaged in gay sex.”

Shields would follow it up by saying “He isn’t directly working on this case so I can’t confirm reliability”.

Mike Cernovich chimed in with some poignant questions.

In other major crimes that have occurred against a notable person security of the incident was released but in the Pelosi case, we are not only not receiving security footage but instead the mass media is changing the narrative every chance they get.

At this point, there are way more questions than answers…

Who was in the car with Paul Pelosi when he got a DUI? Have you tried to obtain body cam footage?

How was there a break in at third in line to POTUS house?

News organizations are hiding facts from the public.

That’s the real vacuum.

– Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?

– Who was 3rd person who opened door for the police?

– Why was Pelosi holding hammer, and attack only happened after police arrived?

– Where is bodycam / security footage?

– Why isn’t the press asking these questions?

It’s clear that footage exists but Pelosis will do anything in their power from it ever seeing light...

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by greggerypeccary on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:26pm

wombatwoody wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:24pm:
Pelosi Reportedly Refuses To Hand Over Home Security Footage

One of the most bizarre details about the Paul Pelosi attack is that there is no security footage being released to the general public, ...

Lol    ;D

It's none of the general public's business.

When an intruder broke into your house and stole your Cabbage Patch Doll collection, did you release the security footage to the general public?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:40pm

wombatwoody wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:24pm:
Pelosi Reportedly Refuses To Hand Over Home Security Footage

One of the most bizarre details about the Paul Pelosi attack is that there is no security footage being released to the general public, and the left is trying to pretend that it is no big deal and that everyone should just move along.

Initial reports from several media outlets that covered the first moments after the weird attack claimed that Pelosi had no security camera systems working, which is of public concern, considering Pelosi is third in line to be President of the United States, especially in these troubling times.

One independent journalist discovered proof that Pelosi does, indeed, have security cams in her San Franciso home in 2021, where the alleged attack happened on her husband, Paul Pelosi.

Jack Posobiec from Human Events did some investigating from open source materials and found that he could debunk the corporate media storyline that Pelosi didn’t have any security in place to capture the most bizarre ‘attack’ that the American public has heard of this close to midterm elections:

Jack Posobiec

Posobeic’s investigations raise the question about what happened to the security details then...

UFC fighter Jake Shields took to Twitter to say “My friend who’s a San Francisco detective just told me Paul Pelosi won’t hand over video footage and they believe he was engaged in gay sex.”

Shields would follow it up by saying “He isn’t directly working on this case so I can’t confirm reliability”.

Mike Cernovich chimed in with some poignant questions.

In other major crimes that have occurred against a notable person security of the incident was released but in the Pelosi case, we are not only not receiving security footage but instead the mass media is changing the narrative every chance they get.

At this point, there are way more questions than answers…

Who was in the car with Paul Pelosi when he got a DUI? Have you tried to obtain body cam footage?

How was there a break in at third in line to POTUS house?

News organizations are hiding facts from the public.

That’s the real vacuum.

– Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?

– Who was 3rd person who opened door for the police?

– Why was Pelosi holding hammer, and attack only happened after police arrived?

– Where is bodycam / security footage?

– Why isn’t the press asking these questions?

It’s clear that footage exists but Pelosis will do anything in their power from it ever seeing light...

Pelosi Reportedly Refuses To Hand Over Home Security Footage

This fact checks as false. The security cameras are monitored by the capital police, They don't live monitor unless Nancy is at home. The cameras are external.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:43pm

Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?

The video with this story shows the broken window glass.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by wombatwoody on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:43pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:26pm:

wombatwoody wrote on Nov 11th, 2022 at 6:24pm:
Pelosi Reportedly Refuses To Hand Over Home Security Footage

One of the most bizarre details about the Paul Pelosi attack is that there is no security footage being released to the general public, ...

Lol    ;D

It's none of the general public's business.

When an intruder broke into your house and stole your Cabbage Patch Doll collection, did you release the security footage to the general public?

And I suppose you think this is none of the general public's business.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 18th, 2022 at 2:15pm

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Mattyfisk on Nov 18th, 2022 at 6:14pm

Frank wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 2:15pm:

That's cute, old boy. Something to cheer us all up, ya?

Careful, Nancy, you don't want to be taking home any government property, dear. They've already announced the dirt on Sleepy Joe Biden - allowing his son to make phone calls on Air Force Two.

Typical leftard hypocrisy. As usual, old boy, it's one law for them and another for the rest of us, no?


Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Frank on Nov 18th, 2022 at 8:48pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 6:14pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 2:15pm:

That's cute, old boy. Something to cheer us all up, ya?

Careful, Nancy, you don't want to be taking home any government property, dear. They've already announced the dirt on Sleepy Joe Biden - allowing his son to make phone calls on Air Force Two.

Typical leftard hypocrisy. As usual, old boy, it's one law for them and another for the rest of us, no?


Nancy will be home now, all day, with a hammer, keeping the rent boys away. 

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Johnnie on Nov 18th, 2022 at 9:07pm
Now that Nancy's FBI doesn't see her as a priority #1 anymore Nancy Paul and his ladyrentboy can go hammer and tongs and bang each other silly without public attention, hairy legs hair sniffing freaky Joe will want a piece of the action.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 18th, 2022 at 10:51pm

Johnnie wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 9:07pm:
Now that Nancy's FBI doesn't see her as a priority #1 anymore Nancy Paul and his ladyrentboy can go hammer and tongs and bang each other silly without public attention, hairy legs hair sniffing freaky Joe will want a piece of the action.

You do know that it isn't compulsory to come here to embarrass yourself every day?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Dnarever on Nov 18th, 2022 at 10:52pm

Frank wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 8:48pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 6:14pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 2:15pm:

That's cute, old boy. Something to cheer us all up, ya?

Careful, Nancy, you don't want to be taking home any government property, dear. They've already announced the dirt on Sleepy Joe Biden - allowing his son to make phone calls on Air Force Two.

Typical leftard hypocrisy. As usual, old boy, it's one law for them and another for the rest of us, no?


Nancy will be home now, all day, with a hammer, keeping the rent boys away. 

I may have said this before somewhere, You do know that it isn't compulsory to come here to embarrass yourself every day?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Mattyfisk on Nov 18th, 2022 at 11:14pm

Johnnie wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 9:07pm:
Now that Nancy's FBI doesn't see her as a priority #1 anymore Nancy Paul and his ladyrentboy can go hammer and tongs and bang each other silly without public attention, hairy legs hair sniffing freaky Joe will want a piece of the action.

Excuse I, would you like us to hold her 80 year old hubby down for a stab, Matty?

Will sir be requesting lube?

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by AusGeoff on Nov 19th, 2022 at 12:48am

Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 18th, 2022 at 6:14pm:
...They've already announced the dirt on Sleepy Joe Biden - allowing his son to make phone calls on Air Force Two.

When Trump named his daughter and son-in-law senior advisers to the
President, the term “moderating influence” was frequently tossed around,
as in, “Even though they both have no business whatsoever working in
the White House, perhaps they’ll serve as a moderating influence that
will save us from their father‘s worst impulses.”

Ivanka and Jared are power-hungry opportunists whose only priorities
involve enriching themselves. We already knew that the pair flouted rules
they didn’t think applied to them, maintained business ties that may have
put national security at risk, and only received top-secret clearance by
whining and stomping their feet until President Daddy gave it to them.

And now, thanks to a new report, we’ve learned that Ivanka and Jared
reportedly believe all the powers of the presidency apply to them.

Ivanka, Jared and children leaving
Air Force One, 8 April 2017.

Vanity Fair tells the story of “two children... who have climbed to positions
of power by disregarding protocol and skirting the rules when they can.”
Among the anecdotes gleaned from interviewing 220 people are that
“Ms. Trump and Mr. Kushner wanted to control who could travel on trips
funded by the State Department,” and that the couple, who apparently
view Air Force One as their own personal plane, had a handy work-around
in place for when they didn’t get their way.

Turns out that Ivanka often requested to travel on Air Force planes when
it was not appropriate. When Rex Tillerson, the former secretary of state,
would deny those requests, they would invite along a Cabinet secretary,
often Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, to get access to a plane.

Even worse, Ivanka was given her own office in the White House.  Seriously,
was nepotism even more blatant than this?

And that same family of power mongers is now attacking Biden's son?  ROFLMAO.

Title: Re: NBC told the truth on Pelosi Hammer story
Post by Mattyfisk on Nov 19th, 2022 at 12:59am
Ee-gad, Jared and Ivanka?

Come come. How many senior portfolios has Hunter Biden been given?

Don't be shy, leftards. Spit it out.

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