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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Globalising the Intifada

Message started by Frank on Jan 13th, 2023 at 5:41pm

Title: Globalising the Intifada
Post by Frank on Jan 13th, 2023 at 5:41pm
A companion thread to the Zionism one.

Within Our Lifetime's (WOL) Violent Palestinian Muslim Activists.

1. Right of Return
We uphold the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland in all of historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. This requires that we stand against the entirety of the zionist settler-colonial project and for the national liberation of all of Palestine so that those in exile can return to live in freedom and dignity.

2. Anti-Zionism
We are anti-zionists. Zionism is a settler-colonial white supremacist ideology built on the genocide and dispossession of the Palestinian people. We therefore reject all collaboration and dialogue with zionist organizations through a strict policy of anti-normalization. The liberation of Palestine requires the abolition of zionism.

3. Right to Resist
We defend the right of Palestinians as colonized people to resist the zionist occupation by any means necessary. Just as we believe the liberation of Palestine will be achieved through the initiative and strategy of all forms of Palestinian resistance, we uphold the right of all oppressed nationality people in the United States and around the world to engage in all forms of struggle in pursuit of freedom.

4. Internationalism
We have a responsibility as those living within the United States to resist the violence of the U.S. empire at home and abroad. As Internationalists, we believe that all people have the right to self-determination, and we stand in solidarity with all national liberation struggles across the globe resisting U.S. imperialism.

Covered all the buzzwords.

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