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General Discussion >> America >> Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

Message started by Mortdooley on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:00pm

Title: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:00pm
The New York Times is anxious for us to believe that the classified documents scandals attached to Presidents Trump and Biden are Not The Same, Hey, Chuck: are we up to "six ways from Sunday" on the classified documents front yet?

Lefty Ted Rall, who wrote a book about Snowden, is even less impressed with the need for classification. Too many people are living in cartoon world, he asserts, and have been "watching too many Bourne movies:"

In the fevered imagination of political-thriller scriptwriters, we would be totally screwed if the wrong Super Duper Important Document were to fall into the clutches of an Evil Enemy of America.

Anyway, he says, we have more important things to worry about. He'd like both political parties to

focus on real problems that affect real Americans every single day: climate change, health care for profit, high college tuition, the prison industrial complex, brutal and racist police, unemployment, homelessness, unaffordable housing.

You know, I really appreciate an opinion-maker doing an Iselin and making things "real simple" for me. Because a statement like that makes it really clear that cartoon-world isn't just for the war party. Let's Fisk Rall's list of issues.

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake war as you believed the Cold War to be, back in the day? Al Gore bellowing away at Klausi's WEF shindig ought to remind you about Sen. McCarthy bellowing about communists in the State Department. But go ahead. You climatistas will end up crashing the economy and get thrown out of power for a generation.

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care. It's the science: you get "regulatory capture" by the regulated whenever the government regulates an industry. Back in the day, of course, Americans had "lodge doctors" at their Masonic or Elks lodge. Real cheap doctors right out of med school. Ever heard of that, cupcake?

High College Tuition. Well, yeah! You hand out handy-dandy college loans to kids wet behind the ears and that literally know nothing and you are basically shoveling money at colleges. So of course, college tuition is sky high. You did it, lefties.

Prison Industrial Complex/Brutal and Racist Police. You did this, liberals. You made it possible with your welfare policies for single women to bear and raise children without a father. I call it: Slavery Part Deux. Back in the day, in Britland in the Year 1000, a serf could go to his lord and ask to become a slave: "head for food" they called it. Just like today, only today you go to your local welfare bureaucrat instead of your local lord. But I understand, dear liberal friends. The utter mess on the fatherless black thug front cannot -- just cannot -- be the fault of educated liberals. No, some white racist-sexist-homophobic bigot must have done it.

Unemployment/Homelessness. Sen. Schumer (D-NY) would say that the regulatory welfare state has six ways from Sunday to make it really expensive to hire unskilled labor and to prevent the existence of cheap, affordable housing for people down on their luck. I go for a walk most mornings around my swank liberal neighborhood, and the guys working on housing construction are all Hispanic. No poor whites; no blacks. What's that all about, sports fans?

Unaffordable Housing. Oh please. At this late date you are branding yourself as a delta-minus moron if you don't understand why housing is unaffordable, from 85 years of Fannie and Freddie dishing out low-down fixed-rate mortgages, to liberal domination of zoning and building standards, to endless inflation. And the post 2008 zero-interest-rate policy has pumped trillions into stocks and real-estate.

If it weren't for the fact that La La Land is a perfectly respectable movie, I would make a comment here about the cloud-cuckoo land inhabited by our liberal friends.

Back in Realityville, I am reading Francis Fukuyama's The Origins of Political Order. He starts out with a disquisition on Big Man village politics in Papua New Guinea. The Big Man is the one who has

earned the community's trust, usually on the basis of his ability to distribute pigs, shell money, and other resources to members of the tribe.

You can already imagine the statement by his grandson, noted author Francis Fukuyama III, writing in the early 22nd century.

"The 21st century elected politician got elected on the basis of his promises to distribute government benefits and pensions to the voters, and carve-outs to the special interests."

Nothing has changed.

Now, some experts believe that the political distribution of goods and services is a net drag on the economy and the prosperity of ordinary people. Such experts are not, of course, often in the pay of the ruling class. The very idea!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:35pm
Would anyone care to inform Mort who our Liberals are?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:05am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:35pm:
Would anyone care to inform Mort who our Liberals are?


Our liberals are communists in denial, your liberals expect government to provide for them in life! They are in no way similar to our conservatives, they still want government controlling their neighbors.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 26th, 2023 at 11:53am
Liberals are traditionally ultra-capitalists in the UK, Mort.  Since their arise in the 19th century, the term has become associated with moderate reform and well, liberal social views.  Downunder, the Liberals are the conservative political party.  They were formed after the collapse of the previous conservative party - the United Australia Party in 1941.  Their leader was Robert Menzies, "Ming the Merciless" in left-wing lore because he used to eliminate any potential successors in his own party.  He was the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, serving from 1949 till he retired in 1964.  Like all conservatives they occasionally appeal to the voters and win office only to later be booted out by the same voters.  Most Australians dislike them.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:30pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:05am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:35pm:
Would anyone care to inform Mort who our Liberals are?


Our liberals are communists in denial, your liberals expect government to provide for them in life! They are in no way similar to our conservatives, they still want government controlling their neighbors.

Our Liberals are elected by the people, Mort. They do those things because voters want them.

Universal health care, education, social security, aged and disability care - and no guns. They might come around to renewable energy too. Why?

Because we have a country where people vote. Our Liberals are forced to do what they want.

Your Republicans play it differently. They rig and gerrymander and deny the vote to as many people as possible, and trick them when elections come round.

Because of this, you have a country where you can't possibly have an effective government. In your country, Republican governors bus refugees and homeless people to Democrat states not to solve a refugee crisis or homelessness, but to make a political point.

Your political system has effectively broken down. If you had more people voting, you'd get better leaders and governments you could trust - like us.

You'd have government that could come together to solve problems - like pandemics. The US saw more covid deaths than any country in the world. We had one of the lowest.

Our Liberals are largely responsible for that, dear. You?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jan 26th, 2023 at 5:26pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 11:53am:
Liberals are traditionally ultra-capitalists in the UK, Mort.  Since their arise in the 19th century, the term has become associated with moderate reform and well, liberal social views.  Downunder, the Liberals are the conservative political party.  They were formed after the collapse of the previous conservative party - the United Australia Party in 1941.  Their leader was Robert Menzies, "Ming the Merciless" in left-wing lore because he used to eliminate any potential successors in his own party.  He was the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, serving from 1949 till he retired in 1964.  Like all conservatives they occasionally appeal to the voters and win office only to later be booted out by the same voters.  Most Australians dislike them.   ::) ::)

They just like them to be in government and look after their economic and social welbeing twice as often as they have trusted Labor :

Since 1901 (federation) there have been 44 House of Representatives elections and 42 Senate elections. The average length of time between House of Representatives elections has been 2 years and 7 months.
Of the House of Representatives elections, non-Labor parties or coalitions have won 30 and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has won 14.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 26th, 2023 at 8:01pm

Frank wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 5:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 11:53am:
Liberals are traditionally ultra-capitalists in the UK, Mort.  Since their arise in the 19th century, the term has become associated with moderate reform and well, liberal social views.  Downunder, the Liberals are the conservative political party.  They were formed after the collapse of the previous conservative party - the United Australia Party in 1941.  Their leader was Robert Menzies, "Ming the Merciless" in left-wing lore because he used to eliminate any potential successors in his own party.  He was the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, serving from 1949 till he retired in 1964.  Like all conservatives they occasionally appeal to the voters and win office only to later be booted out by the same voters.  Most Australians dislike them.   ::) ::)

They just like them to be in government and look after their econimic and social welbeing twice as often as they have trusted Labor :

Since 1901 (federation) there have been 44 House of Representatives elections and 42 Senate elections. The average length of time between House of Representatives elections has been 2 years and 7 months.
Of the House of Representatives elections, non-Labor parties or coalitions have won 30 and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has won 14.

However, those 14 have been crucial elections and have saved Australia when Australia had been gotten into some bad situations by the idiot Tories.  The ALP has also proved itself the better managers of society and the economy than the Tories could hope to be.  The Tories, overall have shown themselves to be competent but only just.  If we had followed their advice we would have suffered three recessions we didn't need to undergo, Soren.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 26th, 2023 at 8:24pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:30pm:
...Because we have a country where people vote.


Voter turnout for Federal elections in the US = 54.3% to 66.9% (2000-2020)

Voter turnout for Federal elections in Australia = 89.8% to 94.9% (2001-2022)

The poor US turnout number—59.2%—in 2016 is precisely why the
failed former president slipped under peoples' guard in order to win
that year.  (Well, that and the antiquated Electoral College of course.)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jan 26th, 2023 at 8:32pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 8:01pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 5:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 11:53am:
Liberals are traditionally ultra-capitalists in the UK, Mort.  Since their arise in the 19th century, the term has become associated with moderate reform and well, liberal social views.  Downunder, the Liberals are the conservative political party.  They were formed after the collapse of the previous conservative party - the United Australia Party in 1941.  Their leader was Robert Menzies, "Ming the Merciless" in left-wing lore because he used to eliminate any potential successors in his own party.  He was the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, serving from 1949 till he retired in 1964.  Like all conservatives they occasionally appeal to the voters and win office only to later be booted out by the same voters.  Most Australians dislike them.   ::) ::)

They just like them to be in government and look after their econimic and social welbeing twice as often as they have trusted Labor :

Since 1901 (federation) there have been 44 House of Representatives elections and 42 Senate elections. The average length of time between House of Representatives elections has been 2 years and 7 months.
Of the House of Representatives elections, non-Labor parties or coalitions have won 30 and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has won 14.

However, those 14 have been crucial elections and have saved Australia when Australia had been gotten into some bad situations by the idiot Tories.  The ALP has also proved itself the better managers of society and the economy than the Tories could hope to be.  The Tories, overall have shown themselves to be competent but only just.  If we had followed their advice we would have suffered three recessions we didn't need to undergo, Soren.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Non-Labor parties or coalitions have won 30 elections and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has won 14.

In 122 years.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 26th, 2023 at 9:11pm

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:30pm:
...Because we have a country where people vote.


Voter turnout for Federal elections in the US = 54.3% to 66.9% (2000-2020)

Voter turnout for Federal elections in Australia = 89.8% to 94.9% (2001-2022)

The poor US turnout number—59.2%—in 2016 is precisely why the
failed former president slipped under peoples' guard in order to win
that year.  (Well, that and the antiquated Electoral College of course.)

Right on. Here's the big fella's political manifesto, outlined during his recent eulogy for a dear friend Diamond.

The Republicans have to get tougher, the top people have to get tougher and you have to really swamp them (the Democrats).

Once we're there, we're going to straighten it all out and get it back to where it was.

We will make America great again, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 26th, 2023 at 9:45pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 11:53am:
...Their leader was Robert Menzies, "Ming the Merciless" in left-wing lore because he used to eliminate any potential successors in his own party.  He was the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, serving from 1949 till he retired in 1964.

I know it's common for kids that weren't even alive during Menzies'
PM-ship (until 1966 BTW Brian) to take the piss out of him and his
policies, but in 1962 inflation was a historic low of -1.3% in June that
year.  And the unemployment rate through most of his 16 years as
PM was less than 2%

Labor PMs since then can only dream of those figures.  Our inflation rate
under Labor for Q4 of 2022 came in at 7.8%, the highest in 33 years.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:08pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 9:11pm:
...Right on. Here's the big fella's political manifesto, outlined during his recent eulogy for a dear friend Diamond.

Unbelievable!   >:(     That the failed former president can be so unaware, so
conceited, so painfully insensitive and so bloody stupid at least guarantees
that this arrogant, ignorant buffoon will never again be a part of American

I'm sure Hardaway's family must've been both mortified and disgusted by
Trump's crass eulogy—which he segued into his own political platform.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:37pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:05am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:35pm:
Would anyone care to inform Mort who our Liberals are?


Our liberals are communists in denial, your liberals expect government to provide for them in life! They are in no way similar to our conservatives, they still want government controlling their neighbors.

Our Liberals are elected by the people, Mort. They do those things because voters want them.

Universal health care, education, social security, aged and disability care - and no guns. They might come around to renewable energy too. Why?

Because we have a country where people vote. Our Liberals are forced to do what they want.

Your Republicans play it differently. They rig and gerrymander and deny the vote to as many people as possible, and trick them when elections come round.

Because of this, you have a country where you can't possibly have an effective government. In your country, Republican governors bus refugees and homeless people to Democrat states not to solve a refugee crisis or homelessness, but to make a political point.

Your political system has effectively broken down. If you had more people voting, you'd get better leaders and governments you could trust - like us.

You'd have government that could come together to solve problems - like pandemics. The US saw more covid deaths than any country in the world. We had one of the lowest.

Our Liberals are largely responsible for that, dear. You?

All you are really saying is huge government good, personal freedoms bad. Your government like ours is very generous with other people's money. The rich and powerful select who you get to vote for, if you don't do it at the local level it hardly matters who you vote for nationally!

I spoke with a woman in Halifax last October and her opinion about universal health care was more honest than yours. She said people can go to the Hospital as often as they want, even more than once in a single day. Her complaint was that people don't really get any quality of care. Tests and treatments take a really long time to get. Also the cost is really hidden in the taxes they pay on just about everything so it isn't truly free, it just comes out of a different pocket. Our Social Security System was so overfunded the the early days it could support those who contributed during their working lives without current contributions. Until the democrats were able to transfer the balance into the general fund! Now this weeks contributions go to this weeks retiree while the government cries the fund is running out of money.

You really think the people in your government are required to do the peoples business, how naive of you. The Republican system is one legal vote for one legal voter, I know somehow that seems discriminatory to many. We feel our votes are diluted when others vote multiple time or the dead and non-existent also vote. One thing our system should do is have one age where people are considered full adults and minors until that day. Until a person is 21 they can't vote, enter into contracts or join the military.

Our Governor is bussing illegals to the sanctuary cities because they said they would welcome them. It is criminal for small communities to wake up one morning to find hundreds if not thousands of people suddenly demanding to be fed and housed. Our cities don't generally budget for a huge invasion of dependent people!

Our problem isn't because we don't have enough people voting it is that we have so many uninformed people voting! You actually trust your government? A mistake make by subservient people across history. In the long run that won't end well!

There is a saying that statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics. Anyone who tested positive for the covid virus was included in those numbers. Shot to death, covid. Motorcycle accident, covid. Old age and natural causes, covid.

(green energy isn't carbon neutral, in fact it makes more carbon in the life of wind and solar than if prevents. Engineering 101!)

So, inconclusion your liberals aren't that much different than ours, you just don't have anyone representing the individual!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:42pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 1:05am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 25th, 2023 at 10:35pm:
Would anyone care to inform Mort who our Liberals are?


Our liberals are communists in denial, your liberals expect government to provide for them in life! They are in no way similar to our conservatives, they still want government controlling their neighbors.

Our liberals are communists in denial

There likely hasn't been a genuine communist in US politics in at least a century if ever.

The current Democrats are right wing (centre Right) corporate Market Democrats. 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:44pm

the classified documents scandals attached to Presidents Trump and Biden are Not The Same

Correct - not even close.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:50pm

High College Tuition. Well, yeah! You hand out handy-dandy college loans to kids wet behind the ears and that literally know nothing and you are basically shoveling money at colleges.

The right wing position is to educate rich stupid kids in preference to smart poor kids. It's a bit like flushing the country down the toilet.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Actually, I'd say climate-change-denial is a religion.  All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:23pm

All you are really saying is huge government good, personal freedoms bad. Your government like ours is very generous with other people's money. The rich and powerful select who you get to vote for, if you don't do it at the local level it hardly matters who you vote for nationally!

Not anymore, Mort. Clive Palmer spend a hundred mil and got one seat in the senate.

Monique Ryan, independent, spent bugger all. She deposed the treasurer and took the most blue ribbon (conservative) seat in the country.

She was joined by six other independents who did exactly the same thing. Allegra Spender took former PM Malcolm Turnbull's seat. Zali Steggall kept former PM Tony Abbott's seat. And on and on around the country, independents took on the well-funded, deeply-entrenched Establishment players, fuelled on the smell of an oily rag.

They took on the leftards too. Dai Le took on former NSW premier and Labor star, Kristina Keneally. No help from the fake news either - Rupert hates anyone he can't control. The independents won in spite of the News Ltd campaign against them.

No, Mort, the independents showed that we the people CAN use democracy to further our own interests, despite what the rich and powerful pay for. Those independents have shaken up the two-party system and are now helping us shape a new way of doing business in Australia. We don't need bloated old billionaires to do it for us, either.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:24pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

Typical "I'm all right, jack" comment from a comfortable conservative.,to%20ever%20pay%20it%20off.

100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt
"The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 27th, 2023 at 1:15pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

that is why you have to pay for it.

Into bankruptcy or death.

It cannot be the best health care when it kills as many or more than it saves.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 27th, 2023 at 1:18pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

Yes while your own people are dying unable to afford care.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 1:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

Yes while your own people are dying unable to afford care.

Oh, I don't know. They can afford to go to Cuba, can't they? What's wrong with them?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:33pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Actually, I'd say climate-change-denial is a religion.  All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

If you believe that get all your friends to join you and drive half as often and stop keeping your homes at a comfortable temperature. Then worship at the feet of people like Al Gore who owns five large homes and fly's around in his personal jet while lecturing the rest of you about your carbon footprint!

Save the planet by eating bugs and owning nothing while the Elite own it all. Kind of like a Monarchy isn't it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 1:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

Yes while your own people are dying unable to afford care.

That isn't true, there are charity hospitals to care for those who can't afford it. Even the for profit Hospitals will not turn anyone away. If you can't pay you will be transported elsewhere when it is safe to be moved.

100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt
"The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:01am

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

That is two thirds of all Americans. A little critical thinking is in order bud! Where can I find this two thirds of Americans to prove you right?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:42am

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 1:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:03am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:48pm:

Health Care for Profit. Honey, if you want affordable health care then get the government out of health care.

The US with the most privatised system is by far the most expensive in the world rather questions this position. The US is the only first world country with third world health care.

Actually our medical care is the best in the World, that is why you have to pay for it. World Leaders come here when no one else can help them!

Yes while your own people are dying unable to afford care.

That isn't true, there are charity hospitals to care for those who can't afford it. Even the for profit Hospitals will not turn anyone away. If you can't pay you will be transported elsewhere when it is safe to be moved.

[quote]100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt
"The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

He's got you there, Dnarever. If hospital administrators want to move you to a bus shelter, they're perfectly entitled under the law, no,?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:26am

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:01am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

That is two thirds of all Americans. A little critical thinking is in order bud! Where can I find this two thirds of Americans to prove you right?

Low IQ, I suppose....

1. 1/3 are in medical debt. 2/3 are not.

2.  Of that 2/3,  many  aren't able to afford to access health care because they can't go into debt (insufficient income to ever repay the debt).

(from the linked article)

"A 2009 study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found 45,000 Americans die every year as a direct result of not having any health insurance coverage. In 2018, 27.8 million Americans went without any health insurance for the entire year."

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:44pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Actually, I'd say climate-change-denial is a religion.  All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

If you believe that get all your friends to join you and drive half as often and stop keeping your homes at a comfortable temperature. Then worship at the feet of people like Al Gore who owns five large homes and fly's around in his personal jet while lecturing the rest of you about your carbon footprint!

Save the planet by eating bugs and owning nothing while the Elite own it all. Kind of like a Monarchy isn't it.

If you heated your home to a reasonable temperature you'd save America a bundle.  The operative word is "reasonable" - it means you need to wear a jumper inside and out...  Mort, you are to used to comfort.  Get over it.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jan 28th, 2023 at 2:19pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

Not true at all, Bbwian.

Not all science backs the "anthropogenic CO2 causes climate change" theory.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 28th, 2023 at 9:51pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Actually, I'd say climate-change-denial is a religion.  All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

If you believe that get all your friends to join you and drive half as often and stop keeping your homes at a comfortable temperature. Then worship at the feet of people like Al Gore who owns five large homes and fly's around in his personal jet while lecturing the rest of you about your carbon footprint!

Save the planet by eating bugs and owning nothing while the Elite own it all. Kind of like a Monarchy isn't it.

If you heated your home to a reasonable temperature you'd save America a bundle.  The operative word is "reasonable" - it means you need to wear a jumper inside and out...  Mort, you are to used to comfort.  Get over it.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

I heat my home to 68 degrees (20degress to you) in winter and 76 degrees (24degrees to you) in summer. I don't own a private jet to travel around the World to lecture the simple people about their carbon footprint and I have never been invited to Davos to plan the lives of other people. Now if we could just get carbon filters on those volcanoes.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 28th, 2023 at 10:04pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:26am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:01am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

That is two thirds of all Americans. A little critical thinking is in order bud! Where can I find this two thirds of Americans to prove you right?

Low IQ, I suppose....

1. 1/3 are in medical debt. 2/3 are not.

2.  Of that 2/3,  many  aren't able to afford to access health care because they can't go into debt (insufficient income to ever repay the debt).

(from the linked article)

"A 2009 study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found 45,000 Americans die every year as a direct result of not having any health insurance coverage. In 2018, 27.8 million Americans went without any health insurance for the entire year."

People decline medical treatment until their conditions worsen in many cases out of fear something serious is wrong with them. We have free clinics and charity hospitals for those who can't afford to pay. Claims that people are refused because of an inability to pay are false!

The majority of medical costs for almost everyone is in the last six months of life. Regardless of how well that care is they die. As I will say again "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Americans are not dying for lack of medical care available to them.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:33pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 10:04pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:26am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:01am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

That is two thirds of all Americans. A little critical thinking is in order bud! Where can I find this two thirds of Americans to prove you right?

Low IQ, I suppose....

1. 1/3 are in medical debt. 2/3 are not.

2.  Of that 2/3,  many  aren't able to afford to access health care because they can't go into debt (insufficient income to ever repay the debt).

(from the linked article)

"A 2009 study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found 45,000 Americans die every year as a direct result of not having any health insurance coverage. In 2018, 27.8 million Americans went without any health insurance for the entire year."

People decline medical treatment until their conditions worsen in many cases out of fear something serious is wrong with them. We have free clinics and charity hospitals for those who can't afford to pay. Claims that people are refused because of an inability to pay are false!

The majority of medical costs for almost everyone is in the last six months of life. Regardless of how well that care is they die. As I will say again "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Americans are not dying for lack of medical care available to them.

Exactly. I believe you have free medical in your jails too, Mort.

What are the leftards complaining about? If people ever get sick, they can always go to jail, right?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:35pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:33pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 10:04pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:26am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:01am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

That is two thirds of all Americans. A little critical thinking is in order bud! Where can I find this two thirds of Americans to prove you right?

Low IQ, I suppose....

1. 1/3 are in medical debt. 2/3 are not.

2.  Of that 2/3,  many  aren't able to afford to access health care because they can't go into debt (insufficient income to ever repay the debt).

(from the linked article)

"A 2009 study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found 45,000 Americans die every year as a direct result of not having any health insurance coverage. In 2018, 27.8 million Americans went without any health insurance for the entire year."

People decline medical treatment until their conditions worsen in many cases out of fear something serious is wrong with them. We have free clinics and charity hospitals for those who can't afford to pay. Claims that people are refused because of an inability to pay are false!

The majority of medical costs for almost everyone is in the last six months of life. Regardless of how well that care is they die. As I will say again "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Americans are not dying for lack of medical care available to them.

Exactly. I believe you have free medical in your jails too, Mort.

What are the leftards complaining about? If people ever get sick, they can always go to jail, right?

What a silly statement!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:45pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:35pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:33pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 10:04pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 11:26am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:01am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 11:05pm:
100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt: "The U.S. health system now produces debt on a mass scale, a new investigation shows. Patients across the country face gut-wrenching sacrifices".

Almost a third of Americans are saddled with massive medical debt? Nope! How can they be both refused medical care because they can't afford to pay and have massive medical debt from their medical care? Think people, don't just take the media's word for it.

Er, low IQ or just deplorably blind?

1. 1/3 have medical debt.

2. The same 1/3 weren't refused medical care, they received it and are now in debt.

3. the people who delayed getting health care (and died)  because they couldn't afford to pay (or go into debt)  refers to a different cohort.

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

That is two thirds of all Americans. A little critical thinking is in order bud! Where can I find this two thirds of Americans to prove you right?

Low IQ, I suppose....

1. 1/3 are in medical debt. 2/3 are not.

2.  Of that 2/3,  many  aren't able to afford to access health care because they can't go into debt (insufficient income to ever repay the debt).

(from the linked article)

"A 2009 study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found 45,000 Americans die every year as a direct result of not having any health insurance coverage. In 2018, 27.8 million Americans went without any health insurance for the entire year."

People decline medical treatment until their conditions worsen in many cases out of fear something serious is wrong with them. We have free clinics and charity hospitals for those who can't afford to pay. Claims that people are refused because of an inability to pay are false!

The majority of medical costs for almost everyone is in the last six months of life. Regardless of how well that care is they die. As I will say again "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Americans are not dying for lack of medical care available to them.

Exactly. I believe you have free medical in your jails too, Mort.

What are the leftards complaining about? If people ever get sick, they can always go to jail, right?

What a silly statement!

Well, it's true. It's probably easier to drive over the border to get your meds in Canada, but if you want decent mental health care, you can always smash a politician's husband's scull in with a hammer, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Jan 29th, 2023 at 1:10pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 10:04pm:
People decline medical treatment until their conditions worsen in many cases out of fear something serious is wrong with them.

When they know they can't afford the cost of treatment.....

We have free clinics and charity hospitals for those who can't afford to pay. Claims that people are refused because of an inability to pay are false!

So why are 45,000 dying each year because they can't afford health insurance, or health treatment.

The majority of medical costs for almost everyone is in the last six months of life. Regardless of how well that care is they die. As I will say again "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Americans are not dying for lack of medical care available to them.

That's mostly for the insured rich on whom a fortune is spent  on  high-tech medicine, trying to remain alive at the end of their lives. 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 29th, 2023 at 2:37pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 9:51pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Actually, I'd say climate-change-denial is a religion.  All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

If you believe that get all your friends to join you and drive half as often and stop keeping your homes at a comfortable temperature. Then worship at the feet of people like Al Gore who owns five large homes and fly's around in his personal jet while lecturing the rest of you about your carbon footprint!

Save the planet by eating bugs and owning nothing while the Elite own it all. Kind of like a Monarchy isn't it.

If you heated your home to a reasonable temperature you'd save America a bundle.  The operative word is "reasonable" - it means you need to wear a jumper inside and out...  Mort, you are to used to comfort.  Get over it.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

I heat my home to 68 degrees (20degress to you) in winter and 76 degrees (24degrees to you) in summer. I don't own a private jet to travel around the World to lecture the simple people about their carbon footprint and I have never been invited to Davos to plan the lives of other people. Now if we could just get carbon filters on those volcanoes.

If you heated your home to a moderated degree (ie 55 degrees in winter and didn't cool it in summer, say by opening windows/doors) you might save several hundred tonnes of coal every year.  You come on here all the time, telling people downunder how to live their lives and what they should believe, why?  Does it make you feel good?  It annoys us, which is of course your ultimate aim, now isn't it.  Stop living in a fantasy world and face reality!  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jan 29th, 2023 at 5:36pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 29th, 2023 at 2:37pm:
If you heated your home to a moderated degree (ie 55 degrees in winter and didn't cool it in summer, say by opening windows/doors) you might save several hundred tonnes of coal every year.  You come on here all the time, telling people downunder how to live their lives and what they should believe, why?  Does it make you feel good?  It annoys us, which is of course your ultimate aim, now isn't it.  Stop living in a fantasy world and face reality!  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

:D :D :D
Listen to you, pompous pain in the arse!  You alone do the work of a dozen annoying posturing idiots, you Stakhanovite cockwomble!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jan 29th, 2023 at 5:47pm

Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

You have to worry about the confidence of the condescending right.

Imaging going on about the left learning when you would have to wonder if the right have ever known anything to start with.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 29th, 2023 at 10:31pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 29th, 2023 at 2:37pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 9:51pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 28th, 2023 at 12:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 12:15pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 27th, 2023 at 2:05am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 26th, 2023 at 10:46pm:

Climate Change. Don't you lefties understand that climate change is just as much of a fake


Climate Change is a Religion, not a Science!

Actually, I'd say climate-change-denial is a religion.  All the science backs the climate-change side of the argument, it is the deniers who are acting like religious believers who refuse to look at the facts.   ::) ::)

If you believe that get all your friends to join you and drive half as often and stop keeping your homes at a comfortable temperature. Then worship at the feet of people like Al Gore who owns five large homes and fly's around in his personal jet while lecturing the rest of you about your carbon footprint!

Save the planet by eating bugs and owning nothing while the Elite own it all. Kind of like a Monarchy isn't it.

If you heated your home to a reasonable temperature you'd save America a bundle.  The operative word is "reasonable" - it means you need to wear a jumper inside and out...  Mort, you are to used to comfort.  Get over it.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

I heat my home to 68 degrees (20degress to you) in winter and 76 degrees (24degrees to you) in summer. I don't own a private jet to travel around the World to lecture the simple people about their carbon footprint and I have never been invited to Davos to plan the lives of other people. Now if we could just get carbon filters on those volcanoes.

If you heated your home to a moderated degree (ie 55 degrees in winter and didn't cool it in summer, say by opening windows/doors) you might save several hundred tonnes of coal every year.  You come on here all the time, telling people downunder how to live their lives and what they should believe, why?  Does it make you feel good?  It annoys us, which is of course your ultimate aim, now isn't it.  Stop living in a fantasy world and face reality!  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Our Power Plants are run on Natural Gas, not coal. Somewhere there are still coal fired plants but I don't know of any They can even be identified by the lack of a conveyor or just their low profile. If I kept my home at 55 in Winter my birds who I refer to as the "Democrats" would die. I call them that because they are totally dependent on my care and squawk almost all the time. If I slept with my windows open in the Summer mosquitos would make nights very uncomfortable. I love my HVAC System.

I would say my telling others how to live is called "tit for tat", I'm just trying to help. You may not have ever been exposed to people that think for themselves and outside the box, so to speak. I do find objections to my beliefs and adoration of your betters entertaining. The traditional definition of Liberal is not what is practiced currently here. Our liberals are very authoritarian and cling to a strong code of the ends justify the means and double standards. The Libertarians are what liberal was in the distant past. I consider myself Libertarian but know I don't agree with everything they do either. I see some of their beliefs as destructive like open borders!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:13am

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 29th, 2023 at 10:31pm:
Our Power Plants are run on Natural Gas, not coal. Somewhere there are still coal fired plants but I don't know of any They can even be identified by the lack of a conveyor or just their low profile. If I kept my home at 55 in Winter my birds who I refer to as the "Democrats" would die. I call them that because they are totally dependent on my care and squawk almost all the time. If I slept with my windows open in the Summer mosquitos would make nights very uncomfortable. I love my HVAC System.

We have these marvelous inventions Downunder call, "flyscreens" you can have your windows open and no insect can get in.  Beautiful cool breezes in summer and no mosquitos/flies in sight.  Funny how you resort to the electrical powered solution, hey, Mort?

I would say my telling others how to live is called "tit for tat", I'm just trying to help. You may not have ever been exposed to people that think for themselves and outside the box, so to speak. I do find objections to my beliefs and adoration of your betters entertaining. The traditional definition of Liberal is not what is practiced currently here. Our liberals are very authoritarian and cling to a strong code of the ends justify the means and double standards. The Libertarians are what liberal was in the distant past. I consider myself Libertarian but know I don't agree with everything they do either. I see some of their beliefs as destructive like open borders!

When you learn about the realities of living in a normal world, get back to me.  You know, the world where you have Government intervention in the economy, where you have managed health care, unemployment benefits, etc.  When you have a higher Freedom Rating from Freedom House, you can talk, Mort. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jan 31st, 2023 at 11:58am

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:13am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 29th, 2023 at 10:31pm:
Our Power Plants are run on Natural Gas, not coal. Somewhere there are still coal fired plants but I don't know of any They can even be identified by the lack of a conveyor or just their low profile. If I kept my home at 55 in Winter my birds who I refer to as the "Democrats" would die. I call them that because they are totally dependent on my care and squawk almost all the time. If I slept with my windows open in the Summer mosquitos would make nights very uncomfortable. I love my HVAC System.

We have these marvelous inventions Downunder call, "flyscreens" you can have your windows open and no insect can get in.  Beautiful cool breezes in summer and no mosquitos/flies in sight.  Funny how you resort to the electrical powered solution, hey, Mort?

I would say my telling others how to live is called "tit for tat", I'm just trying to help. You may not have ever been exposed to people that think for themselves and outside the box, so to speak. I do find objections to my beliefs and adoration of your betters entertaining. The traditional definition of Liberal is not what is practiced currently here. Our liberals are very authoritarian and cling to a strong code of the ends justify the means and double standards. The Libertarians are what liberal was in the distant past. I consider myself Libertarian but know I don't agree with everything they do either. I see some of their beliefs as destructive like open borders!

When you learn about the realities of living in a normal world, get back to me.  You know, the world where you have Government intervention in the economy, where you have managed health care, unemployment benefits, etc.  When you have a higher Freedom Rating from Freedom House, you can talk, Mort. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Yeah, yeah, whatever, inane bogan...  Tsk, tsk, tsk...     :-/ :-/

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jan 31st, 2023 at 10:31pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:13am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 29th, 2023 at 10:31pm:
Our Power Plants are run on Natural Gas, not coal. Somewhere there are still coal fired plants but I don't know of any They can even be identified by the lack of a conveyor or just their low profile. If I kept my home at 55 in Winter my birds who I refer to as the "Democrats" would die. I call them that because they are totally dependent on my care and squawk almost all the time. If I slept with my windows open in the Summer mosquitos would make nights very uncomfortable. I love my HVAC System.

We have these marvelous inventions Downunder call, "flyscreens" you can have your windows open and no insect can get in.  Beautiful cool breezes in summer and no mosquitos/flies in sight.  Funny how you resort to the electrical powered solution, hey, Mort?

I would say my telling others how to live is called "tit for tat", I'm just trying to help. You may not have ever been exposed to people that think for themselves and outside the box, so to speak. I do find objections to my beliefs and adoration of your betters entertaining. The traditional definition of Liberal is not what is practiced currently here. Our liberals are very authoritarian and cling to a strong code of the ends justify the means and double standards. The Libertarians are what liberal was in the distant past. I consider myself Libertarian but know I don't agree with everything they do either. I see some of their beliefs as destructive like open borders!

When you learn about the realities of living in a normal world, get back to me.  You know, the world where you have Government intervention in the economy, where you have managed health care, unemployment benefits, etc.  When you have a higher Freedom Rating from Freedom House, you can talk, Mort. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

You don't have to worry about my energy usage for heating and cooling, the pump on my swimming pool uses more most months.

The normal World left a long time ago. We definitely have intervention in the economy, it is called inflation. It hurts the poor more than anyone. I have found the cost of health care here is fairly low, the cost of the monthly premiums to be insured is the problem. We can afford it, for others it is a financial drain they can ill afford. Illegal Aliens using our Emergency Rooms as their personal Clinics have caused many Hospital to go out of business because they couldn't meet expenses after being required to give free care to so many. Unemployment benefits are based on the individuals wages during the claims period, it isn't a free ride because someone doesn't have a job. Otherwise is is just Welfare.

Freedom house uses a set of standards that are less then friendly to individuals. They could be better described as the judge of which country is the New Sodom and Gomorra! Canada is considered more free then the United States however the power of their dictatorial Prime Minister seems unlimited. In one day, unilaterally: The Act, issued on Monday, gives the federal government broad power to restore order.  It threatens to tow away vehicles to keep essential services running; freeze truckers’ personal and corporate bank accounts; and take further action to strike at their livelihoods The Citizens wanted covid restrictions dropped and it was their way to get the attention of their government. The government response was if they didn't comply government would seize as many of their assets as it wanted until the Truckers submitted! That isn't freedom! New Zealand isn't any better, with the stroke of a pen their Prime Minster can enact a ruling making something illegal that was legal the day before. I read the individual reasons for them to rate Countries based on their interpretations and there isn't another Country in the World I would want to move to permanently. I could enjoy an extended stay in the Countries of Western Europe I've visited but only for a while.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Feb 1st, 2023 at 12:40pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jan 31st, 2023 at 10:31pm:
You don't have to worry about my energy usage for heating and cooling, the pump on my swimming pool uses more most months.

The normal World left a long time ago. We definitely have intervention in the economy, it is called inflation. It hurts the poor more than anyone. I have found the cost of health care here is fairly low, the cost of the monthly premiums to be insured is the problem. We can afford it, for others it is a financial drain they can ill afford. Illegal Aliens using our Emergency Rooms as their personal Clinics have caused many Hospital to go out of business because they couldn't meet expenses after being required to give free care to so many. Unemployment benefits are based on the individuals wages during the claims period, it isn't a free ride because someone doesn't have a job. Otherwise is is just Welfare.

Welfare, as you call it, keeps people alive.  Welfare, as you call it, so dismissively allows them to pay for medicine, food, school for their children, etc.  Of course you blame illegal Aliens for the loss of hospitals rather than a dysfunctional social system which fails society as a whole because it is easier than accepting the blame yourself.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Freedom house uses a set of standards that are less then friendly to individuals. They could be better described as the judge of which country is the New Sodom and Gomorra! Canada is considered more free then the United States however the power of their dictatorial Prime Minister seems unlimited. In one day, unilaterally: The Act, issued on Monday, gives the federal government broad power to restore order.  It threatens to tow away vehicles to keep essential services running; freeze truckers’ personal and corporate bank accounts; and take further action to strike at their livelihoods The Citizens wanted covid restrictions dropped and it was their way to get the attention of their government. The government response was if they didn't comply government would seize as many of their assets as it wanted until the Truckers submitted! That isn't freedom! New Zealand isn't any better, with the stroke of a pen their Prime Minster can enact a ruling making something illegal that was legal the day before. I read the individual reasons for them to rate Countries based on their interpretations and there isn't another Country in the World I would want to move to permanently. I could enjoy an extended stay in the Countries of Western Europe I've visited but only for a while.

The reality is that any act that is passed in Canada or any other parliamentary democracy has to pass Parliament before it is enacted.  The people's representatives have to pass the act democratically, just like the US does with it's congress and senate.   Freedom House takes into account the freedoms that individual enjoy and guess what?  The US loses compared to Australia, New Zealand and Canada.  Time to grow up, Mort, accept that the US is not as free as you believe.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Feb 1st, 2023 at 1:14pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:13am:
We have these marvelous inventions Downunder call, "flyscreens" you can have your windows open and no insect can get in. 

Flyscreens will make the bullet proof glass obsolete

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Feb 1st, 2023 at 2:36pm

John Smith wrote on Feb 1st, 2023 at 1:14pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:13am:
We have these marvelous inventions Downunder call, "flyscreens" you can have your windows open and no insect can get in. 

Flyscreens will make the bullet proof glass obsolete

Good point, JS. Mort's going to need bullet-proofing too.

The only one to stop a bad guy with a gun's a good guy with some serious armour, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 1st, 2023 at 9:28pm

Welfare, as you call it, keeps people alive.  Welfare, as you call it, so dismissively allows them to pay for medicine, food, school for their children, etc .  Of course you blame illegal Aliens for the loss of hospitals rather than a dysfunctional social system which fails society as a whole because it is easier than accepting the blame yourself.

Your point is that welfare allows people to pay for everything with money from the taxpayers! Where we differ is that I am a "hand up" person and you are a "hand out" person. What can they do to become productive and can we help? Not here is a steady income that may even become generational, because we care! They have no feeling of "shame" about living off the charity of others, or they would do something about it!  Hospitals are businesses and when their expenses exceed their income for too long they close.

The reality is that any act that is passed in Canada or any other parliamentary democracy has to pass Parliament before it is enacted.  The people's representatives have to pass the act democratically, just like the US does with it's congress and senate.   Freedom House takes into account the freedoms that individual enjoy and guess what?  The US loses compared to Australia, New Zealand and Canada.  Time to grow up, Mort, accept that the US is not as free as you believe.

The US isn't as free as it once was but is still less intrusive than anywhere else. So far I can't be fined or prosecuted for something I post online. We do have a lot of political censorship but that is the result of liberal ownership of sites, not actual government decree.

British Police Arrest At Least 3,395 People for ‘Offensive’ Online Comments in One Year

I'm not a fan of Canada's price controls either. Let the seller set the price of his goods and services. Last Fall the price of gasoline was $1.79ca per liter everywhere because the government set the price. It did nothing to bring the fuel to the pump but couldn't just add tax to the price, it had to control the price as well.

Freedom House seems to consider lax laws, acceptance of perversions and dishonesty a form of freedom.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 1:56pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 1st, 2023 at 9:28pm:

Welfare, as you call it, keeps people alive.  Welfare, as you call it, so dismissively allows them to pay for medicine, food, school for their children, etc .  Of course you blame illegal Aliens for the loss of hospitals rather than a dysfunctional social system which fails society as a whole because it is easier than accepting the blame yourself.

Your point is that welfare allows people to pay for everything with money from the taxpayers! Where we differ is that I am a "hand up" person and you are a "hand out" person. What can they do to become productive and can we help? Not here is a steady income that may even become generational, because we care! They have no feeling of "shame" about living off the charity of others, or they would do something about it!  Hospitals are businesses and when their expenses exceed their income for too long they close.

Oh, I believe we should be giving people a "hand up" out of poverty, Mort, most definitely.  I just do not believe in condemning people because they receive welfare like you and most conservatives do.  You seem to blame people for circumstances beyond their control.  It isn't their fault that they are made unemployed, yet you seem to condemn them for it.  They deserve help to get them out of their predicament rather than condemnation.

The reality is that any act that is passed in Canada or any other parliamentary democracy has to pass Parliament before it is enacted.  The people's representatives have to pass the act democratically, just like the US does with it's congress and senate.   Freedom House takes into account the freedoms that individual enjoy and guess what?  The US loses compared to Australia, New Zealand and Canada.  Time to grow up, Mort, accept that the US is not as free as you believe.

The US isn't as free as it once was but is still less intrusive than anywhere else.[/quote]

That you know of or accept.  You have a very narrow band of experience, Mort.  There are societies outside of it.

So far I can't be fined or prosecuted for something I post online. We do have a lot of political censorship but that is the result of liberal ownership of sites, not actual government decree.

Downunder, we experience only right-wing news, in the main, all owned by one owner, Rupert Murdock.  He dominates the media landscape downunder.  You'd be happy reading only right-wing news.  Thankfully we have the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) as alternatives, plus of course the Gruinard (Guardian).  Of course you'd more than likely would prefer the extreme Right-wing sites like Sky News, owned also by Rupert.   Thankfully we don't have anything as stupid as Breitbart or Fox News here.

British Police Arrest At Least 3,395 People for ‘Offensive’ Online Comments in One Year

Oh, dear.  You'd hate ABC - the most trusted news site downunder...

I'm not a fan of Canada's price controls either. Let the seller set the price of his goods and services. Last Fall the price of gasoline was $1.79ca per liter everywhere because the government set the price. It did nothing to bring the fuel to the pump but couldn't just add tax to the price, it had to control the price as well.

Freedom House seems to consider lax laws, acceptance of perversions and dishonesty a form of freedom.

They are it seems, in the US from our perspective.  After all, you elected ex-el-Presidente Trump.  The only twice impeached ex-el-Presidente.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 2:15pm

Brian Ross wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 1:56pm:
Oh, I believe we should be giving people a "hand up" out of poverty, Mort, most definitely.  I just do not believe in condemning people because they receive welfare like you and most conservatives do.  You seem to blame people for circumstances beyond their control.  It isn't their fault that they are made unemployed, yet you seem to condemn them for it.  They deserve help to get them out of their predicament rather than condemnation.

That you know of or accept.  You have a very narrow band of experience, Mort.  There are societies outside of it.


Downunder, we experience only right-wing news, in the main, all owned by one owner, Rupert Murdock.  He dominates the media landscape downunder.  You'd be happy reading only right-wing news.  Thankfully we have the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) as alternatives, plus of course the Gruinard (Guardian).  Of course you'd more than likely would prefer the extreme Right-wing sites like Sky News, owned also by Rupert.   Thankfully we don't have anything as stupid as Breitbart or Fox News here.

Oh, dear.  You'd hate ABC - the most trusted news site downunder... 

You are talking utter crap, as usual, spineles disgrace.  With your every wheezing breath it's just more smug, spineless vanity and despicable lies.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 4:55pm

Frank wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 2:15pm:
You are talking utter crap, as usual, spineles disgrace.  With your every wheezing breath it's just more smug, spineless vanity and despicable lies.

er, Frank, that's not debate, you could start with "it's not their fault if they become unemployed" (due to circum- stances beyond their control (like the black stockmen  laid off by racist ranchers when the equal pay legislation was passed).

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 10:56pm

Oh, I believe we should be giving people a "hand up" out of poverty, Mort, most definitely.  I just do not believe in condemning people because they receive welfare like you and most conservatives do.  You seem to blame people for circumstances beyond their control.  It isn't their fault that they are made unemployed, yet you seem to condemn them for it.  They deserve help to get them out of their predicament rather than condemnation.

Those people being supported by the Tax Payers need to be held to a higher standard of need. It is far too easy to get on the dole and the main reason for it is to create a culture of dependence on government. Just because someone feels entitled or is just bone ass lazy doesn't make them deserving of a piece of the income of others. We need to help the physically and mentally handicapped, they deserve our charity. The able bodied need to starve if they will not help themselves. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.

Downunder, we experience only right-wing news, in the main, all owned by one owner, Rupert Murdock.  He dominates the media landscape downunder.  You'd be happy reading only right-wing news.  Thankfully we have the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) as alternatives, plus of course the Gruinard (Guardian).  Of course you'd more than likely would prefer the extreme Right-wing sites like Sky News, owned also by Rupert.   Thankfully we don't have anything as stupid as Breitbart or Fox News here.

I read todays ABC Australian and it seemed pretty neutral about reporting stories unlike the Sydney Morning Herald. Our Media is mostly slanted and obvious opinion passed off as news stories.

They are it seems, in the US from our perspective.  After all, you elected ex-el-Presidente Trump.  The only twice impeached ex-el-Presidente.

What was President Trump impeached for? Threatening to drain the Swamp! Every few days we see more democrats in government being found to have lied or ignored the truth for their political gain. If you really cared about corruption in American politics it is busting out all over with the criminals currently running our government! The Left wishes it had a fraction of the Biden's scandal's to  blame on Trump family members! Stolen Valor Richard Blumenthal, Congressman Eric Swalwell and Fang Fang, Paul Pelosi and his gay lovers. The list is huge if anyone wanted to pursue it.

Free health care at work?

Google or search engine of your choice, democrat scandals ignored by the media.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 11:27am

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 10:56pm:

Oh, I believe we should be giving people a "hand up" out of poverty, Mort, most definitely.  I just do not believe in condemning people because they receive welfare like you and most conservatives do.  You seem to blame people for circumstances beyond their control.  It isn't their fault that they are made unemployed, yet you seem to condemn them for it.  They deserve help to get them out of their predicament rather than condemnation.

Those people being supported by the Tax Payers need to be held to a higher standard of need. It is far too easy to get on the dole and the main reason for it is to create a culture of dependence on government. Just because someone feels entitled or is just bone ass lazy doesn't make them deserving of a piece of the income of others. We need to help the physically and mentally handicapped, they deserve our charity. The able bodied need to starve if they will not help themselves. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.

The only dependence I see is one of need, need necessitated by their circumstance.  What would you prefer?  A literal "Dole queue" where the unemployed queue to receive their necessities from charities? These people have need and they have dignity and both should be supported, Mort.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

[quote]Downunder, we experience only right-wing news, in the main, all owned by one owner, Rupert Murdock.  He dominates the media landscape downunder.  You'd be happy reading only right-wing news.  Thankfully we have the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) as alternatives, plus of course the Gruinard (Guardian).  Of course you'd more than likely would prefer the extreme Right-wing sites like Sky News, owned also by Rupert.   Thankfully we don't have anything as stupid as Breitbart or Fox News here.

I read todays ABC Australian and it seemed pretty neutral about reporting stories unlike the Sydney Morning Herald. Our Media is mostly slanted and obvious opinion passed off as news stories.

The ABC because it doesn't slant it's reportage still gets a bucketful from your compatriots, Mort.  The SMH is actually fairly right wing in it's views.  You should read the Australian for a right-wing view downunder.   We are constantly bombarded by it's anti-ABC slant.

[quote]They are it seems, in the US from our perspective.  After all, you elected ex-el-Presidente Trump.  The only twice impeached ex-el-Presidente.

What was President Trump impeached for? Threatening to drain the Swamp! Every few days we see more democrats in government being found to have lied or ignored the truth for their political gain. If you really cared about corruption in American politics it is busting out all over with the criminals currently running our government! The Left wishes it had a fraction of the Biden's scandal's to  blame on Trump family members! Stolen Valor Richard Blumenthal, Congressman Eric Swalwell and Fang Fang, Paul Pelosi and his gay lovers. The list is huge if anyone wanted to pursue it.

Free health care at work?

Google or search engine of your choice, democrat scandals ignored by the media.[/quote]

And what is wrong with looking after your workers and making sure they receive adequate health care, Mort?  Seems sensible to me.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 11:36am

Brian Ross wrote on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 11:27am:

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 10:56pm:
I read todays ABC Australian and it seemed pretty neutral about reporting stories unlike the Sydney Morning Herald. Our Media is mostly slanted and obvious opinion passed off as news stories.

The ABC because it doesn't slant it's reportage still gets a bucketful from your compatriots, Mort.  The SMH is actually fairly right wing in it's views.  You should read the Australian for a right-wing view downunder.   We are constantly bombarded by it's anti-ABC slant.

The ABC news bulletins are pretty straightforward but very selective on what they report.

When it comes to current affairs, panels and discussions on culture, politics, society, the ABC is openly 'progressive' left wing without any attempt at balance or true debate if a wide variety of views. It is totally captured by its employee collective.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 9:29pm

The only dependence I see is one of need, need necessitated by their circumstance.  What would you prefer?  A literal "Dole queue" where the unemployed queue to receive their necessities from charities? These people have need and they have dignity and both should be supported, Mort.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...

You seem to mean healthy people who know how to game the system. Here government housing is full of able bodied people who have one excuse or another for why they can't be self supporting. A single mother with multiple children from different fathers can't work because she can't afford daycare is a common qualifier. A man who chooses not to work often lives with these women. I personally know a man who claims to have severe Crohn’s Disease is considered disabled and can't work but his BIL who is handclapped has a six figure income and works from home job.

The ABC because it doesn't slant it's reportage still gets a bucketful from your compatriots, Mort.  The SMH is actually fairly right wing in it's views.  You should read the Australian for a right-wing view downunder.   We are constantly bombarded by it's anti-ABC slant.

The only problem I see with your ABC is that they call their opinion pages fact check! That section is definitely slanted very Left. It doesn't seem so to you because you probable agree with most of it. Kind of an echo chamber if you know what I mean. The slant of all publications comes out in it's opinion pages.

And what is wrong with looking after your workers and making sure they receive adequate health care, Mort?  Seems sensible to me.

There is nothing wrong with providing employees with a health insurance plan that both contribute to. A plan that offers reasonable coverage at a reasonable price is fair, as long as the employer is large enough to afford to offer one.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 10:52pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 9:29pm:

The only dependence I see is one of need, need necessitated by their circumstance.  What would you prefer?  A literal "Dole queue" where the unemployed queue to receive their necessities from charities? These people have need and they have dignity and both should be supported, Mort.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...

You seem to mean healthy people who know how to game the system. Here government housing is full of able bodied people who have one excuse or another for why they can't be self supporting. A single mother with multiple children from different fathers can't work because she can't afford daycare is a common qualifier. A man who chooses not to work often lives with these women. I personally know a man who claims to have severe Crohn’s Disease is considered disabled and can't work but his BIL who is handclapped has a six figure income and works from home job.

" BIL"?  I am unfamiliar with that term, what does it mean?

Sounds like your jealous, Mort.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

[quote]The ABC because it doesn't slant it's reportage still gets a bucketful from your compatriots, Mort.  The SMH is actually fairly right wing in it's views.  You should read the Australian for a right-wing view downunder.   We are constantly bombarded by it's anti-ABC slant.

The only problem I see with your ABC is that they call their opinion pages fact check! That section is definitely slanted very Left. It doesn't seem so to you because you probable agree with most of it. Kind of an echo chamber if you know what I mean. The slant of all publications comes out in it's opinion pages.[/quote]

They are called "Fact Check" because that is exactly what they doing - checking the claims by politicians.  Should they just let such idiot bullshit go through to the keeper, Mort?  Is that how it is done in the US?

And what is wrong with looking after your workers and making sure they receive adequate health care, Mort?  Seems sensible to me.

There is nothing wrong with providing employees with a health insurance plan that both contribute to. A plan that offers reasonable coverage at a reasonable price is fair, as long as the employer is large enough to afford to offer one. [/quote]

It is to the employers' benefit to provide health care, Mort, so why shouldn't they pay for it for their employees?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 11:21pm
BLM= Brother-in-Law. What would I be jealous of? It is considered rude to ask a man what his income is but I can assure you I have no reason to be jealous.

Fact check seems to be accepted dogma of what is commonly believed!

If an employer is required to pay the entire insurance for the employee its cost will be part of the wage. The cost of employees is much higher than the statement on their pay check. Considering the total cost for an employee may be as much as double what is seen as a wage. Benefits can be very expensive and the employer needs a way it recover the cost!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Feb 10th, 2023 at 11:55am

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 10:56pm:
Those people being supported by the Tax Payers need to be held to a higher standard of need. It is far too easy to get on the dole and the main reason for it is to create a culture of dependence on government.

Welfare dependency is actually built into the system, because the current mainstream economic orthodoxy insists everyone must compete in the 'market economy', or be relegated to the unemployment scrap heap.

But "help yourself" is unrealistic, when you are unable to compete in the free market. 

A Job Guarantee (at minimum wage), is the solution; all useful work has value regardless of the market. 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Feb 10th, 2023 at 3:29pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 3rd, 2023 at 11:21pm:
BLM= Brother-in-Law. What would I be jealous of? It is considered rude to ask a man what his income is but I can assure you I have no reason to be jealous.

Ah, I am unsure what your brother-in-law has to do with matters, but, OK...

Fact check seems to be accepted dogma of what is commonly believed!

No, it is to be checked against the facts, Mort.  I know that is an alien concept in the US but downunder, if something is a lie, it remains a lie, if it is true, it is true, the facts reveal it's true nature and we have what is called, "the pub test" - would it be acceptably in the front bar of a pub? If it fails that test there isn't much hope for it.

If an employer is required to pay the entire insurance for the employee its cost will be part of the wage. The cost of employees is much higher than the statement on their pay check. Considering the total cost for an employee may be as much as double what is seen as a wage. Benefits can be very expensive and the employer needs a way it recover the cost!

It is not part of their wage, it is an investment by the employer.  Strange concept that an employer might care about his employees' welfare but that is how it works downunder.  Perhaps you might re-orientate your moral compass and think about your fellow man for a change?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Feb 10th, 2023 at 4:42pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 4:55pm:

Frank wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 2:15pm:
You are talking utter crap, as usual, spineles disgrace.  With your every wheezing breath it's just more smug, spineless vanity and despicable lies.

er, Frank, that's not debate, you could start with "it's not their fault if they become unemployed" (due to circum- stances beyond their control (like the black stockmen  laid off by racist ranchers when the equal pay legislation was passed).

Aren't we supposed to be self-reliant, rather than being dependent on everyone else

The American way is voluntary charity, give a helping hand to the down and out until they get back on their feet

Socialist intervention means the charity becomes compulsory and it grows from there until it's 50% of the govt's budget

Then blow me down, we still get a multitude of organizations who expect us to voluntarily give some of our cash for the down and out

Greedy Socialist double dipping I'd call that

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Feb 10th, 2023 at 4:45pm

Brian Ross wrote on Feb 10th, 2023 at 3:29pm:
No, it is to be checked against the facts, Mort.  I know that is an alien concept in the US but downunder, if something is a lie, it remains a lie, if it is true, it is true, the facts reveal it's true nature and we have what is called, "the pub test" - would it be acceptably in the front bar of a pub? If it fails that test there isn't much hope for it.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

;D ;D

Fact check (unknown where it was invented, says Doctor Know SFA) is the old pub test!

What a confused, stupid, pompous ass you are, Bbwian. Fact checks  AND pub tests say so.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 10th, 2023 at 9:40pm

Ah, I am unsure what your brother-in-law has to do with matters, but, OK...

Not my BIL, the handicapped mans brother-in-law. Let me try to clarify who my example person is. He is fit and strong, and could make a fair wage at a variety of jobs but has learned how to game the system. If he worked some of that income would go to pay for the benefits currently covered by Us the Tax Payers.

No, it is to be checked against the facts, Mort.  I know that is an alien concept in the US but downunder, if something is a lie, it remains a lie, if it is true, it is true, the facts reveal it's true nature and we have what is called, "the pub test" - would it be acceptably in the front bar of a pub? If it fails that test there isn't much hope for it.

Fact check: On April 12, 1633

Galileo is accused of heresy. Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun.

Common belief among any group of people does not make something true. The Left actually has its own facts which are not generally truth!

It is not part of their wage, it is an investment by the employer.  Strange concept that an employer might care about his employees' welfare but that is how it works downunder.  Perhaps you might re-orientate your moral compass and think about your fellow man for a change?

I understand the concept, if you keep the slaves healthy they can stay in the fields and work.

"If an employer is required to pay the entire insurance for the employee its cost will be part of the wage. The cost of employees is much higher than the statement on their pay check. Considering the total cost for an employee may be as much as double what is seen as a wage. Benefits can be very expensive and the employer needs a way to recover the cost!"

There is a "market price" for everything in business including wages. The bottom line for employees isn't how much is in their pay envelope, it is how much including all benefits and expenses those employees cost the employer. Social Security is a system that guarantees a supplemental income but was never created to replace a retirement account. For every dollar an employee pays into the system, the employer pays an equal amount for the employee. If benefits are included, pro-rate the expense to the hourly wage and it may cost 50% more. When the book keeper does their job the employees are an expense just like fuel, materials, interest on a business loan and government permits. That isn't dehumanizing, it is the reality that a worker must be worthy of his hire! It isn't charity!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 10th, 2023 at 9:57pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Feb 10th, 2023 at 4:42pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 4:55pm:

Frank wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 2:15pm:
You are talking utter crap, as usual, spineles disgrace.  With your every wheezing breath it's just more smug, spineless vanity and despicable lies.

er, Frank, that's not debate, you could start with "it's not their fault if they become unemployed" (due to circum- stances beyond their control (like the black stockmen  laid off by racist ranchers when the equal pay legislation was passed).

Aren't we supposed to be self-reliant, rather than being dependent on everyone else

The American way is voluntary charity, give a helping hand to the down and out until they get back on their feet

Socialist intervention means the charity becomes compulsory and it grows from there until it's 50% of the govt's budget

Then blow me down, we still get a multitude of organizations who expect us to voluntarily give some of our cash for the down and out

Greedy Socialist double dipping I'd call that

As long as you rob Peter to pay Paul you can depend on Pauls vote. it is the Democrat platform for dependence to insure votes. If the Republicans would just promise to give those living off the system more then the democrats offer, it could change the voting patterns. Kind of a slow motion "Cloward-Piven" strategy. Everybody gets a check and no one works, Utopia!!!

It is all very simple, those that work have to carry those who won't! Welfare needs to become workfare, every day the bus needs to come by to take them to a menial labor job they are able to perform.

If that doesn't appeal try this life hack.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Feb 10th, 2023 at 10:47pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 4:55pm:

Frank wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 2:15pm:
You are talking utter crap, as usual, spineles disgrace.  With your every wheezing breath it's just more smug, spineless vanity and despicable lies.

er, Frank, that's not debate, you could start with "it's not their fault if they become unemployed" (due to circum- stances beyond their control (like the black stockmen  laid off by racist ranchers when the equal pay legislation was passed).

Nyack Middle School in New York apologised for serving an ‘inexcusably insensitive’ lunch of fried chicken and watermelon on the first day of Black History Month.

Wacist fud.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Feb 11th, 2023 at 2:34pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 10th, 2023 at 9:40pm:

Ah, I am unsure what your brother-in-law has to do with matters, but, OK...

Not my BIL, the handicapped mans brother-in-law. Let me try to clarify who my example person is. He is fit and strong, and could make a fair wage at a variety of jobs but has learned how to game the system. If he worked some of that income would go to pay for the benefits currently covered by Us the Tax Payers.

Sounds to me, that you are blaming the victim in this for deciding to survive in a system that is inherently corrupt.  Your society created the system, so why blame the man for using it?

[quote]No, it is to be checked against the facts, Mort.  I know that is an alien concept in the US but downunder, if something is a lie, it remains a lie, if it is true, it is true, the facts reveal it's true nature and we have what is called, "the pub test" - would it be acceptably in the front bar of a pub? If it fails that test there isn't much hope for it.

Fact check: On April 12, 1633

Galileo is accused of heresy. Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun.

Common belief among any group of people does not make something true. The Left actually has its own facts which are not generally truth![/quote]

You really do have problems when the facts go against you, don't you, Mort?  You dislike it when your side of politics is discovered doing something bad.  Oh, dearie, dearie, me, you know the solution?  Demand you side of politics to clean up their acts.  If you do that then the Left will have to as well.

[quote]It is not part of their wage, it is an investment by the employer.  Strange concept that an employer might care about his employees' welfare but that is how it works downunder.  Perhaps you might re-orientate your moral compass and think about your fellow man for a change?

I understand the concept, if you keep the slaves healthy they can stay in the fields and work.

"If an employer is required to pay the entire insurance for the employee its cost will be part of the wage. The cost of employees is much higher than the statement on their pay check. Considering the total cost for an employee may be as much as double what is seen as a wage. Benefits can be very expensive and the employer needs a way to recover the cost!"

There is a "market price" for everything in business including wages. The bottom line for employees isn't how much is in their pay envelope, it is how much including all benefits and expenses those employees cost the employer. Social Security is a system that guarantees a supplemental income but was never created to replace a retirement account. For every dollar an employee pays into the system, the employer pays an equal amount for the employee. If benefits are included, pro-rate the expense to the hourly wage and it may cost 50% more. When the book keeper does their job the employees are an expense just like fuel, materials, interest on a business loan and government permits. That isn't dehumanizing, it is the reality that a worker must be worthy of his hire! It isn't charity![/quote]

So what is the problem with the employer paying for health care for the employee, Mort?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Feb 11th, 2023 at 2:58pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 10:56pm:

Oh, I believe we should be giving people a "hand up" out of poverty, Mort, most definitely.  I just do not believe in condemning people because they receive welfare like you and most conservatives do.  You seem to blame people for circumstances beyond their control.  It isn't their fault that they are made unemployed, yet you seem to condemn them for it.  They deserve help to get them out of their predicament rather than condemnation.

Those people being supported by the Tax Payers need to be held to a higher standard of need. It is far too easy to get on the dole and the main reason for it is to create a culture of dependence on government. Just because someone feels entitled or is just bone ass lazy doesn't make them deserving of a piece of the income of others. We need to help the physically and mentally handicapped, they deserve our charity. The able bodied need to starve if they will not help themselves. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.

[quote]Downunder, we experience only right-wing news, in the main, all owned by one owner, Rupert Murdock.  He dominates the media landscape downunder.  You'd be happy reading only right-wing news.  Thankfully we have the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) as alternatives, plus of course the Gruinard (Guardian).  Of course you'd more than likely would prefer the extreme Right-wing sites like Sky News, owned also by Rupert.   Thankfully we don't have anything as stupid as Breitbart or Fox News here.

I read todays ABC Australian and it seemed pretty neutral about reporting stories unlike the Sydney Morning Herald. Our Media is mostly slanted and obvious opinion passed off as news stories.

They are it seems, in the US from our perspective.  After all, you elected ex-el-Presidente Trump.  The only twice impeached ex-el-Presidente.

What was President Trump impeached for? Threatening to drain the Swamp! Every few days we see more democrats in government being found to have lied or ignored the truth for their political gain. If you really cared about corruption in American politics it is busting out all over with the criminals currently running our government! The Left wishes it had a fraction of the Biden's scandal's to  blame on Trump family members! Stolen Valor Richard Blumenthal, Congressman Eric Swalwell and Fang Fang, Paul Pelosi and his gay lovers. The list is huge if anyone wanted to pursue it.

Free health care at work?

Google or search engine of your choice, democrat scandals ignored by the media.[/quote]

What was President Trump impeached for? Threatening to drain the Swamp!

No Trump is the base of the swamp himself - He was never going to harm his swamp.

There were 2 impeachments of Trump the first was related to him running an extortion ring out of the oval office, he also got an award for the most creative uses of the oval office in many millennium or should than be Melania.

The second was for running an insurrection. people died. Really nasty little event that he organised.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 11th, 2023 at 9:36pm

Sounds to me, that you are blaming the victim in this for deciding to survive in a system that is inherently corrupt.  Your society created the system, so why blame the man for using it?

The man we speak of is not a victim, he is a parasite. If his low wage earning wife were to demand  he support his family it would happen. He will work when it suits him and the pay is unreported to the IRS. Everyone can choose how they allow themselves to be treated and how they treat others unless they are forced by government to do otherwise. The private sector isn't corrupt, government interference is. A government that requires hiring employees based on race, sex or sexual orientation rather than merit!

You really do have problems when the facts go against you, don't you, Mort?  You dislike it when your side of politics is discovered doing something bad.  Oh, dearie, dearie, me, you know the solution?  Demand you side of politics to clean up their acts.  If you do that then the Left will have to as well.

You are so sure your opinions are facts that no other side can be correct. My side needs to get down and dirty with the Left and do everything legal to hold them to account and stop acting like an abused spouse!

So what is the problem with the employer paying for health care for the employee

Almost half of the employed work for small businesses and forcing a wage that the business can't support will result in fewer jobs. The answer to raising the minimum wage is automation, business needs to replace workers with machines so it can afford to pay the remaining workers more. Simple economics, putting the App on your phone has changed the entire fast food industry. Use a Kiosk rather than talk to a person when ordering meals. Don't forget self checkout and scan and go. Last Summer in London we had Lunch at a restaurant without wait staff. The Greeter seated customers, a bar code was on the menu and payment options listed. The cook delivered our meal. A necessary solution to increased cost for employees. I don't want people taken advantage of but no one has a "Right" to force others to pay them what they think they are worth!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 11th, 2023 at 9:43pm

Frank wrote on Feb 10th, 2023 at 10:47pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 4:55pm:

Frank wrote on Feb 2nd, 2023 at 2:15pm:
You are talking utter crap, as usual, spineles disgrace.  With your every wheezing breath it's just more smug, spineless vanity and despicable lies.

er, Frank, that's not debate, you could start with "it's not their fault if they become unemployed" (due to circum- stances beyond their control (like the black stockmen  laid off by racist ranchers when the equal pay legislation was passed).

Nyack Middle School in New York apologised for serving an ‘inexcusably insensitive’ lunch of fried chicken and watermelon on the first day of Black History Month.

Wacist fud.

Did they? If no one informed the children to be offended they would have enjoyed their meal! I like watermelon and if it were part of my meal that would be a good thing. The problem might be that there was not enough watermelon.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Feb 27th, 2023 at 11:22am

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 11th, 2023 at 9:36pm:
The man we speak of is not a victim, he is a parasite. If his low wage earning wife were to demand  he support his family it would happen. He will work when it suits him and the pay is unreported to the IRS.

"One of the most enduring ideas in economics is that unemployment is both unavoidable and necessary for the smooth functioning of the economy. This assumption has provided cover for the devastating social and economic costs of job insecurity. It is also false".

and btw, all wages have to be reported to the IRS. 

Everyone can choose how they allow themselves to be treated and how they treat others unless they are forced by government to do otherwise. The private sector isn't corrupt, government interference is.

Wow...sheer unadulterated Conservative ideological exclusively non-corrupt private sector:-)

A government that requires hiring employees based on race, sex or sexual orientation rather than merit!

You are on more solid ground here....if such govt. requirements exist.

Almost half of the employed work for small businesses and forcing a wage that the business can't support will result in fewer jobs.

So obviously funding health care costs should be a government responsibility.

The answer to raising the minimum wage is automation, business needs to replace workers with machines so it can afford to pay the remaining workers more. Simple economics, putting the App on your phone has changed the entire fast food industry. Use a Kiosk rather than talk to a person when ordering meals. Don't forget self checkout and scan and go. Last Summer in London we had Lunch at a restaurant without wait staff. The Greeter seated customers, a bar code was on the menu and payment options listed. The cook delivered our meal. A necessary solution to increased cost for employees. I don't want people taken advantage of but no one has a "Right" to force others to pay them what they think they are worth!

So government will need to be employer of last resort, if the private sector can't afford to pay a living wage to non-robots (see the JG link above).

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 27th, 2023 at 10:08pm

and btw, all wages have to be reported to the IRS

The IRS wants all income reported however payment in cash or goods and services leave no paper trail.

Wow...sheer unadulterated Conservative ideological exclusively non-corrupt private sector:-)

Private sector corruption generally involves government rules and regulations. If it doesn't give the customer what it wants as well as satisfy the greed of government it fails!

Just last Week our current fake president has suggested that when construction of any type happens in a predominately minority area the construction companies be required to employ people of the same background. It can't all be diversity and inclusion, someone needs to have the skills to perform the work.

So obviously funding health care costs should be a government responsibility.

Just how much health care does the average person need? At one point medical savings accounts were considered. After a year any unused money set aside for medical needs were returned or credited for future premiums. The idea seems to have faded away.

So government will need to be employer of last resort, if the private sector can't afford to pay a living wage to non-robots (see the JG link above).

Government employment pays much better than the private sector. On average twice as much. People receive a living wage by making themselves more valuable to an employer, no one is entitled to what they think their labor is worth!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 1st, 2023 at 9:59pm
The Great Reset is Really Great Resentment
Bottled up fury over failed utopian schemes.
March 1, 2023 by Alan Korwin

This fairly new thing, the so-called “great reset,” is more than the political left acting out their bottled-up fury at successes of the land in which they find themselves. Infuriated at how well freedom is working—the opulence, scientific and technological achievements, personal advancements at every level—even for the “downtrodden” compared to the rest of the world—they grouse. They can see (and deny) how poorly socialist utopian schemes they hold dear are doing. Like spoiled brats they nihilistically seek to overturn everything about this nation that is good and decent and pure.

America is in mortal danger from this actual mass psychosis afflicting so many of our countrymen. The psychiatric community calls it mass formation, a term and effect worth studying if you haven’t. The most striking modern example of course was in Germany before WWII, but communist China soon afterwards under the brutal dictator Mao Tse-dung wasn’t far behind. Pol Pot in Vietnam set new standards of depravity and evil, with popular support. Our own witch hunts in New England soon after we achieved independence were a similar thing—hysteria that knows no controls.

Words Are the Key

Using principles learned from Russian, Chinese and North Vietnamese communists, along with George Orwell, whose 1949 dystopian novel 1984 spelled it out with chilling clarity, leftists understand that whoever controls our language controls us. That battle is on. An entire generation of Newthink terms have entered the public mind, infiltrated newsrooms and classrooms everywhere, and threaten our health and liberty.

It boggles the mind how easily that disease has spread. People at the vaunted Associated Press have picked up the gauntlet, and what used to be a descriptive guide for journalists, like a dictionary, the AP Stylebook has become a proscriptive mandate. It now dictates which terms are acceptable and which must be cast aside as intolerant, offensive, biased and other inaccurate derogatory slurs.

It’s not like this sprang upon us unannounced or unnoticed. As early as 1962, the earth-shaking film Manchurian Candidate, directed by John Frankenheimer, woke this nation up to the effective perniciousness of “commie” brainwashing, a tool used to implement Newthink. That was based on Richard Condon’s 1959 novel of the same name, at the height of the Cold War, filled with gut-level fears many of us still viscerally recall. Those forces have been bubbling under and metastasizing since then.

America’s consciousness of this grew in a quantum leap, especially in the enormously influential Second Amendment community with the development and release in the year 2000 of The Politically Corrected Glossary, published by Bloomfield Press, It changed some dialog and terminology, jump-starting reassessments, but the powerful mainstream media steamed right ahead regardless. The terribly sexist slur, gunman, appears constantly instead of killer, murderer or even criminal. Inanimate wholesome products like pistols or sidearms became fearsome semi-automatic handguns, which anti-gun forces publicly acknowledged misleads many into thinking machinegun.

To this day, despite constant complaints, reports call mass murderers “shooters,” denigrating 100 million American shooters who shoot for fun, sport and safety. Simultaneously, this linguistic trick avoids casting any shade on the criminal psychopaths who murder innocent people by the thousands annually. Those culprits are further protected by prosecutors and a judiciary that often avoids going after the perps, a shortening of perpetrators, now also frowned upon by the great resetters.

Assault is a type of behavior, not a type of hardware, outlawed everywhere under multiple laws, as it should be. That does little to stop resetters from attaching assault to weapon, so effective in turning the public against household firearms, the commonly used kind you’ll find in millions of American homes. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that the Second Amendment holds extra special protection for such household arms in common use, a point leftists treat with disdain.

Those usual suspects—Marxist socialist democrats and other malfeasants—are actively pushing the overhaul of our language—and our freedoms. Tough to admit, but they’re pretty good at it. You may not even know you’ve been snookered, it’s so subtle and easy to miss. That’s what makes it so effective. Merely declaring yourself pro gun plays into their hands. How? Because they’ve cast guns as horrific instruments of the devil. If you say you’re pro gun you practically are the devil, to their addled minds. Try instead thinking of yourself as pro rights, a term they avoid, because if that’s you, what are they? Anti rights, which is pure truth on a platter, intolerable to them, and now you’re catching on.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 1st, 2023 at 10:41pm
Some Basic Questions Democrats Can’t (Or Won’t) Answer
But the answers are obvious.
March 1, 2023 by Derek Hunter

Remember science? Not the way it is now with the absolute obedience to progressive politics over evidence and common sense, but the way it was back when you were a kid and science was the embraced questioning of everything; remember that? Questioning is no longer allowed, unless it’s of your sexuality after being inundated with left-wing propaganda about how being gender non-binary is not only somehow enlightened, but a real thing. It is not. Most, in fact, of what Democrats inflict on the world are not real things, and even though questioning is no longer acceptable, I have some questions I’m going to ask anyway.

On “climate change” I have to ask how it is we’re supposed to take you seriously when nothing you’ve predicted has come to pass? We’re well past 30 years of 10-year predictions of coastal flooding, yet Florida still exists. In fact, all the 10-year predictions of doom and gloom haven’t happened.

If you were the leader of a cult who told their followers the world would come to an end on Sunday, come Monday morning you’re going to have some serious explaining to do. With the climate change cult there is no similar question, all they’ve done is stop making 10-year predictions and now make 100-year predictions. This isn’t because the data they have is somehow more accurate the further away from its collection you go, it’s because everyone who heard the prediction will be dead when it doesn’t happen.

A 10-year prediction isn’t provable, but it will come to pass in most people’s life. A 100-year prediction isn’t provable, but it’s also not disprovable since it will be long forgotten by the time it doesn’t come to pass. It’s brilliant, actually, if your desire is to simply scare the hell out of people to force them to act. If you’re at all interested in the truth…less so.

So, if we haven’t acted on climate change and the “polluting” countries are still pumping out CO2 like it’s a sport, why haven’t your predictions come true? Why didn’t you try to save Barack Obama millions when he bought his mega-estate on Martha’s Vineyard?

On the trans issue, how did all of you lose every bit of life experience and knowledge you’d accumulated over your lifetime inside of about 15 minutes? You don’t really believe the person next to you at a urinal is a woman simply because they peek-a-boo their privates behind thigh fat, do you?

If trans women are every bit as much women and real women, why do they need the prefix “trans”? If trans women are real women why is it that zero straight elected Democrats have ever dated one? Wouldn’t Bill Clinton have gotten what he got from Monica from one by now? Wouldn’t Hunter Biden, who filmed himself having sex with what sure came off as human trafficked, forced prostitutes have filmed himself having sex with a tucked partner, if only by accident? When the chips are down it sure seems like Democrats do, in fact, know what a woman is. Why is that?

I know you think the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ “community” are “marginalized” and, therefore, are in desperate need of coddling (bit of a white savior complex you have going), but the definition of the word “marginalized” is “placed in a position of little or no importance, influence, or power,” according to (at least until some leftist realizes that’s the definition and they order it changed). Why are the people who have all the protections of cancel culture, who are seemingly every third character on television, tenured academia, and a fascistic political party constantly policing speech on their side “marginalized”? Aren’t we normal people, the ones marginalized by being forced to deny reality?

On the border, I’ll make this quick: Why do you call illegal aliens “migrants”? “Migrants” migrate, it’s right there in their name. The millions of people flooding across the southern border at your invitation and urging aren’t planning on going anywhere; if they aren’t deported, they’ll never leave. They, therefore, are illegal aliens.

Words matter, or so you people who call everyone a bigot who refers to a guy in a dress as “he,” so why don’t they matter at the border? Migrants enter the country for specific work, generally the harvesting of crops, then go home after completion with their pay. Illegal aliens stay, avail themselves of our social safety net – clog emergency rooms, slow down the education process of American kids while costing the system an untold fortune, receive welfare benefits, etc. – and will never, short of a mega lottery win, be a net benefit to society, even if they were made legal.

I guess my question for you is how can people, unable to communicate in our language and largely illiterate in their own, ever contribute as much (forget more) than they take from our country? Why is the fact that their country sucks our responsibility? Shouldn’t they try to fix their own country rather than be allowed to be a drain on ours? And why do Democrats actively seek to implement in this country the very economic system they marched thousands of miles to escape? (That last one is a bit of a trick question, I know, because you’re convinced that, even though it never has anywhere it’s ever been tried, YOU will be the people to finally implement socialism/communism successfully. You won’t.)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 12:33pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 1:39pm
Norway: population 5 million, overwhelmingly Norwegians or other Scandis. No open borders, no mass immigration. Huge oil and gas exporter. Not nobbled by the EU. Constitutional monarchy.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 4:26pm

Frank wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 1:39pm:
Norway: population 5 million, overwhelmingly Norwegians or other Scandis. No open borders, no mass immigration. Huge oil and gas exporter. Not nobbled by the EU. Constitutional monarchy.

no dutch

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by aquascoot on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

norway sounds like a good place for people who dont want to risk much, do much or be much.

chode heaven,

no wonder the left idolise such mediocrity

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 7:27pm

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

norway sounds like a good place for people who dont want to risk much, do much or be much.

chode heaven,

no wonder the left idolise such mediocrity



Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 9:49pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 12:33pm:

::) ::)

Norway: population 5 million, overwhelmingly Norwegians or other Scandis. No open borders, no mass immigration. Huge oil and gas exporter. Not nobbled by the EU. Constitutional monarchy.

I hardly think comparing Norway to the US is useful. Norway requires a living wage as the minimum, so a small shop owner can't afford employees. He doesn't have the income to give employees two months off each year and pay them more then he could ever expect to make in his business. It makes me wonder if there are not exceptions to minimum wage laws there. Imagine Starbucks paying $50,000 a year for ten months of work for the kids that make your mocha frap. What would they need to charge for their coffee? I don't know about Norway but Canada has free health care and it is worth what you pay for it. The quality is poor and wait times for most tests and treatments is long. Better health care in Canada requires a supplemental policy.  Norway has a low crime rate because it has a homogeneous population. It has a high literacy rate and no large privileged group angry over injustices they never suffered!

Norway has the natural resources and low population making it possible to offer benefits paid with profits from exports.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 9:50pm

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

norway sounds like a good place for people who dont want to risk much, do much or be much.

chode heaven,

no wonder the left idolise such mediocrity

I don't see what is so attractive about aiming at the bottom.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 6:03am

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

norway sounds like a good place for people who dont want to risk much, do much or be much.

chode heaven,

no wonder the left idolise such mediocrity

just as always, you show you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Panther on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 8:54am


The United States has more international migrants than any other country. With nearly 51 million migrants in 2020, the U.S. leads the world on this measure by a wide margin. Germany has the next-largest such population with about 15.8 million migrants, followed by Saudi Arabia with 13.5 million. (For the U.S., the UN counts some people living in the 50 states or the District of Columbia as international migrants even if they were born in Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories; those born in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories are U.S. citizens at birth.)

The USA is still the #1 preferred destination of the world's immigrants since the 1970's, with Germany being a distant 2nd......this while the USA has the lowest migration rates to other destinations around the world. Also note that most of the immigrants that emigrate to the USA tend to stay in the USA.

God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 9:35am

John Smith wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 6:03am:

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

norway sounds like a good place for people who dont want to risk much, do much or be much.

chode heaven,

no wonder the left idolise such mediocrity

just as always, you show you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

You are a tough judge sir.

Aqua's process is absolutely valid on the right. Knowing what you are talking about is not a prerequisite. In fact it isn't even encouraged and only used occasionally for pure shock value.

They do have significant knowledge about Dr Seuss and the Green M&M and you may find a valuable stock of knowledge on these types of topics.

We may soon need to play some catch-up on the woke re write to the original Ian Fleming - James Bond text. The woke corporate capitalist executives want to remove things like the "N" word from the 1950's tome (shhh don't tell anyone and save us some crocodiles). Aqua's corporate woke experience may turn out to be invaluable.

I am looking forward to his coming publication on the topic: '007 The dry Martini with Green eggs and Ham'

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Panther on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 9:38am

Panther wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 8:54am:


The United States has more international migrants than any other country. With nearly 51 million migrants in 2020, the U.S. leads the world on this measure by a wide margin. Germany has the next-largest such population with about 15.8 million migrants, followed by Saudi Arabia with 13.5 million. (For the U.S., the UN counts some people living in the 50 states or the District of Columbia as international migrants even if they were born in Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories; those born in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories are U.S. citizens at birth.)

The USA is still the #1 preferred destination of the world's immigrants since the 1970's, with Germany being a distant 2nd......this while the USA has the lowest migration rates to other destinations around the world. Also note that most of the immigrants that emigrate to the USA tend to stay in the USA.

God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 9:58am
Once is often enough - incases like this it often may be too much.

We don't need it twice, Does it mean anything ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Panther on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 10:30am

Dnarever wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 9:58am:
Once is often enough - incases like this it often may be too much.

We don't need it twice, Does it mean anything ?


God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Xavier on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 10:54am
Panther... maaaaaaaaaaaaate.  ;)
Can I borrow your gun?
I need to shoot a duck!

America: Land of the Eagle and the 'bird'. ;D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Panther on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 11:35am

Jasin wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 10:54am:
Panther... maaaaaaaaaaaaate.  ;)
Can I borrow your gun?
I need to shoot a duck!

America: Land of the Eagle and the 'bird'. ;D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 11:57am

Panther wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 10:30am:

Dnarever wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 9:58am:
Once is often enough - incases like this it often may be too much.

We don't need it twice, Does it mean anything ?


God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............God Bless AMERICA............

I'll take that as a no.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Xavier on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:16pm
*chic chic Boom!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:26pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:16pm:
*chic chic Boom!

Do you play your 'chic chic' on the high hats (traditional), snare or like us do you have a really nice trashy splash cymbal ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:29pm

;D ;D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Xavier on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 1:45pm

Dnarever wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:26pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:16pm:
*chic chic Boom!

Do you play your 'chic chic' on the high hats (traditional), snare or like us do you have a really nice trashy splash cymbal ?

Don't quack with your bill on the back of your head. ;D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 4th, 2023 at 12:21pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 9:49pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 12:33pm:

::) ::)

Norway: population 5 million, overwhelmingly Norwegians or other Scandis. No open borders, no mass immigration. Huge oil and gas exporter. Not nobbled by the EU. Constitutional monarchy.

I hardly think comparing Norway to the US is useful. Norway requires a living wage as the minimum, so a small shop owner can't afford employees. He doesn't have the income to give employees two months off each year and pay them more then he could ever expect to make in his business. It makes me wonder if there are not exceptions to minimum wage laws there. Imagine Starbucks paying $50,000 a year for ten months of work for the kids that make your mocha frap. What would they need to charge for their coffee? I don't know about Norway but Canada has free health care and it is worth what you pay for it. The quality is poor and wait times for most tests and treatments is long. Better health care in Canada requires a supplemental policy.  Norway has a low crime rate because it has a homogeneous population. It has a high literacy rate and no large privileged group angry over injustices they never suffered!

Norway has the natural resources and low population making it possible to offer benefits paid with profits from exports.

If you lived in Australia instead of Norway, you would:

be 25.5% more likely to be obese.  In Norway, 23.1% of adults are obese as of 2016. In Australia, that number is 29.0% of people as of 2016.

make 23.4% less money. Norway has a GDP per capita of $63,600 as of 2020, while in Australia, the GDP per capita is $48,700 as of 2020.

be 38.7% more likely to be unemployed. In Norway, 3.7% of adults are unemployed as of 2019. In Australia, that number is 5.2% as of 2019.

pay a 16.8% higher top tax rate. Norway has a top tax rate of 38.5% as of 2017. In Australia, the top tax rate is 45.0% as of 2016.

be 3.0 times more likely to die during childbirth. In Norway, approximately 2.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2017. In Australia, 6.0 women do as of 2017.

be 30.3% more likely to die during infancy. In Norway, approximately 2.3 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In Australia, on the other hand, 3.0 children do as of 2022.

spend 32.9% less on education. Norway spends 7.6% of its total GDP on education as of 2018. Australia spends 5.1% of total GDP on education as of 2018.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 8th, 2023 at 8:48pm
If Leftists Hate America So Much, Why Don't They Leave?
By D. Parker

Why aren't the fascist far-left leaving the country they loathe?

People usually don't try to transform and then destroy that which they love, so why aren't they just leaving?

These days, the Babylon Bee has the range, and it's putting its rhetorical rounds right on target.  Now it's just firing for effect, from a story about a man catching up on the latest news by reading two-year-old posts on a conspiracy blog to a satirical report from a few years ago about a group of leftists heading for the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela. 

It brings up a point you might have been asking yourself for quite some time: why aren't they leaving?  Why haven't the authoritarians of the fascist far left packed their bags and set off for greener collectivist fields, leaving the rest of us alone?

Why are the tyrannical ten percent sticking around when it's nothing like their authoritarian floor model, the big shiny communist nation of China, with its "socialism with Chinese characteristics" that they love?

How can they stomach dealing with a nation where people are just allowed to say or write whatever they want and defend themselves with — dare we say it — guns?  How do they live in a nation where people are just allowed to have gas stoves, lawnmowers, and chainsaws?  Where the government in its infinite wisdom cannot penalize the people for wrongthink?  Where all of that liberty-induced stress puts a strain on their already fragile psyches?

Why are they still here when they could move to perfect examples of the Utopia (that means "no place") that they want to impose on us that already exist around the world?  They pine for the "worker's paradise" perfection that was national socialist Germany, the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and communist China, yet they are still here, complaining that we're not properly suffering as they are in those nations.

Perhaps if they don't know their feelings for the country, we can help them with our second point.  Maybe they're under the false impression that they are being "patriotic" and fostering "progress."  They are entirely incorrect in this impression. Destroying a country has never been considered to be "patriotic."  We'll lay out a partial case to illustrate the point.

It'll be a partial case because we don't have the space to detail all of what Team Wrecking Ball has done to the country.  They started out destroying our energy independence, inflated the currency to screw the middle class, threw open the border to an illegal invasion, actively worked to weaken the nation, and divided it by race and other immutable characteristics.   

Then we have foreign policy debacles, epitomized by the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.  They fascistically have the government collude with Big Tech to suppress free speech and freedom of the press, while they obsess day and night over new ways of confiscating guns and depriving the people of their commonsense civil rights.

This doesn't even begin talking about how they lie with language to make normal weather events seem more severe or crime the fault of inanimate objects.  Or how they are actively working to weaken the country by depleting our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and sending unending piles of cash overseas, unaccountable to anyone.  Who knows what else they have in store for us?

Every roll of the dice is against our best interest, against our people, and against our commonsense civil rights.  Even blind luck would have something come out in our favor once in a while, but nothing ever does.  It's not that we're questioning their patriotism, because they would need to show patriotism before it could be questioned.

All of this is just touching the surface.  It raises the question: what would they be doing differently if they wanted a different outcome?  How is all of this supposed to magically transform the country into something better?

Can anyone figure out how having the country overrun with an illegal invasion, overdosed on fentanyl, weakened by energy dependence on unreliable energy sources, divided so we are fighting with one another, having our basic civil liberties destroyed, and beset by a myriad of other self-inflicted wounds supposed to foster "Progress"?  We don't see it, so where is their "patriotism"?

Warning: satire to follow.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 8th, 2023 at 11:17pm

Frank wrote on Mar 4th, 2023 at 12:21pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 9:49pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 12:33pm:

::) ::)

Norway: population 5 million, overwhelmingly Norwegians or other Scandis. No open borders, no mass immigration. Huge oil and gas exporter. Not nobbled by the EU. Constitutional monarchy.

I hardly think comparing Norway to the US is useful. Norway requires a living wage as the minimum, so a small shop owner can't afford employees. He doesn't have the income to give employees two months off each year and pay them more then he could ever expect to make in his business. It makes me wonder if there are not exceptions to minimum wage laws there. Imagine Starbucks paying $50,000 a year for ten months of work for the kids that make your mocha frap. What would they need to charge for their coffee? I don't know about Norway but Canada has free health care and it is worth what you pay for it. The quality is poor and wait times for most tests and treatments is long. Better health care in Canada requires a supplemental policy.  Norway has a low crime rate because it has a homogeneous population. It has a high literacy rate and no large privileged group angry over injustices they never suffered!

Norway has the natural resources and low population making it possible to offer benefits paid with profits from exports.

If you lived in Australia instead of Norway, you would:

be 25.5% more likely to be obese.  In Norway, 23.1% of adults are obese as of 2016. In Australia, that number is 29.0% of people as of 2016.

make 23.4% less money. Norway has a GDP per capita of $63,600 as of 2020, while in Australia, the GDP per capita is $48,700 as of 2020.

be 38.7% more likely to be unemployed. In Norway, 3.7% of adults are unemployed as of 2019. In Australia, that number is 5.2% as of 2019.

pay a 16.8% higher top tax rate. Norway has a top tax rate of 38.5% as of 2017. In Australia, the top tax rate is 45.0% as of 2016.

be 3.0 times more likely to die during childbirth. In Norway, approximately 2.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2017. In Australia, 6.0 women do as of 2017.

be 30.3% more likely to die during infancy. In Norway, approximately 2.3 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In Australia, on the other hand, 3.0 children do as of 2022.

spend 32.9% less on education. Norway spends 7.6% of its total GDP on education as of 2018. Australia spends 5.1% of total GDP on education as of 2018.

Old boy, much as we appreciate your comparison to the jolly democratic socialist Mecca, Norway, can you add up your sums and get back to us?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 8th, 2023 at 11:28pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 8th, 2023 at 8:48pm:
If Leftists Hate America So Much, Why Don't They Leave?
By D. Parker

Why aren't the fascist far-left leaving the country they loathe?

People usually don't try to transform and then destroy that which they love, so why aren't they just leaving?

These days, the Babylon Bee has the range, and it's putting its rhetorical rounds right on target.  Now it's just firing for effect, from a story about a man catching up on the latest news by reading two-year-old posts on a conspiracy blog to a satirical report from a few years ago about a group of leftists heading for the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela. 

It brings up a point you might have been asking yourself for quite some time: why aren't they leaving?  Why haven't the authoritarians of the fascist far left packed their bags and set off for greener collectivist fields, leaving the rest of us alone?

Why are the tyrannical ten percent sticking around when it's nothing like their authoritarian floor model, the big shiny communist nation of China, with its "socialism with Chinese characteristics" that they love?

How can they stomach dealing with a nation where people are just allowed to say or write whatever they want and defend themselves with — dare we say it — guns?  How do they live in a nation where people are just allowed to have gas stoves, lawnmowers, and chainsaws?  Where the government in its infinite wisdom cannot penalize the people for wrongthink?  Where all of that liberty-induced stress puts a strain on their already fragile psyches?

Why are they still here when they could move to perfect examples of the Utopia (that means "no place") that they want to impose on us that already exist around the world?  They pine for the "worker's paradise" perfection that was national socialist Germany, the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and communist China, yet they are still here, complaining that we're not properly suffering as they are in those nations.

Perhaps if they don't know their feelings for the country, we can help them with our second point.  Maybe they're under the false impression that they are being "patriotic" and fostering "progress."  They are entirely incorrect in this impression. Destroying a country has never been considered to be "patriotic."  We'll lay out a partial case to illustrate the point.

It'll be a partial case because we don't have the space to detail all of what Team Wrecking Ball has done to the country.  They started out destroying our energy independence, inflated the currency to screw the middle class, threw open the border to an illegal invasion, actively worked to weaken the nation, and divided it by race and other immutable characteristics.   

Then we have foreign policy debacles, epitomized by the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.  They fascistically have the government collude with Big Tech to suppress free speech and freedom of the press, while they obsess day and night over new ways of confiscating guns and depriving the people of their commonsense civil rights.

This doesn't even begin talking about how they lie with language to make normal weather events seem more severe or crime the fault of inanimate objects.  Or how they are actively working to weaken the country by depleting our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and sending unending piles of cash overseas, unaccountable to anyone.  Who knows what else they have in store for us?

Every roll of the dice is against our best interest, against our people, and against our commonsense civil rights.  Even blind luck would have something come out in our favor once in a while, but nothing ever does.  It's not that we're questioning their patriotism, because they would need to show patriotism before it could be questioned.

All of this is just touching the surface.  It raises the question: what would they be doing differently if they wanted a different outcome?  How is all of this supposed to magically transform the country into something better?

Can anyone figure out how having the country overrun with an illegal invasion, overdosed on fentanyl, weakened by energy dependence on unreliable energy sources, divided so we are fighting with one another, having our basic civil liberties destroyed, and beset by a myriad of other self-inflicted wounds supposed to foster "Progress"?  We don't see it, so where is their "patriotism"?

Warning: satire to follow.

Why? Here's why.

American dual citizenship taxes

One of the downsides of having dual citizenship is that US citizens that live outside the USA will face double taxation. Double taxation here means that US citizens will need to pay taxes in two or more jurisdictions on the same income, financial transaction, or asset. If you are a citizen of the United States, your worldwide income is subject to US income tax, even though you may have residency in another country.

Hence why famous US citizens like your jolly Rupert Murdoch don't go back to where they came from.

You can keep them, Mort. We don't want them here.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 14th, 2023 at 12:04am
March 13, 2023
Pathocracy and the Liberal Mind
By Philip Ahlrich

Pathocracy can be defined generally as a condition of government under psychopathic domination, one in which a sufficient number of psychologically defective personalities have organized to subjugate a vulnerable and passive citizenry.  Pathocratic systems are not at all uncommon in the world's history, but it is only now that we have developed the language and the methods of analysis by which to identify them.  They are known to arise from dogmatic and extreme forms of political ideology, often within well-ordered democratic systems, and evolve rapidly without correction towards hybrid forms of despotism.

After all the destructive conflicts of the 20th century, it would seem impossible that the barren seeds of a collective political psychosis could take root and flourish again in the modern world.  But within two years of the Biden presidency, we have become aware of the same deep-running pathology emerging from the psychological bacteria that thrive and multiply in toxic liberal environments.  Liberalism has abandoned its original defense of the principle of individual freedom and become one of those degenerative closed systems of thinking and behavior that allow for the accumulation of pathogenic material within them.

The liberal mind is highly susceptible to pathogenic suggestion.  It is the last and perhaps most dangerous of the unlit caverns remaining to science regarding the psychology of radical conformist movements that contribute to the ideological colonization and overthrow of democratic systems.  An organized search of its vast holding of intellectual deformities will yield countless volumes in the study of intelligence gone wrong.  The liberal mind is Jung's concept of a "collective unconscious" presenting to the world, in its unrestrained egotism and denial of psychological reality, the troubled mind of a psychopath.

Regardless of the strong or weak potential for evil in psychopathic personalities, all psychopaths are deceivers who must lie to hide their personalities and intentions.  Their deception is a survival tactic in societies that have learned to distrust them and to fear their pursuit of domination.  Psychopaths in turn regard the conventions protecting society from their egotism as discriminatory, repressive, and unjust.  Their ideal world would not be drawn from the great book of human understanding but from the erasure of those laws and customs that have successfully limited their influence.  Their world would be one of "social justice."

Psychopaths find purpose in their sense of difference from others, in the certainty of their superiority, and in their ability to deceive, manipulate, and hurt.  The normal personality has a choice as to whether or not to harm someone else, but psychopaths do not have that choice.  They lack the empathy or the conscience necessary to care for the happiness and wellbeing of others.  Their complete indifference towards those close to them is their power, and that power is of the nature of evil.  Psychiatry typically encounters evil in a broad range of personality disorders and prescribes treatment on an individual basis, as each case presents unique features; but when these same disorders emerge collectively at the macrosocial level through the influence of social media and organized political activity, clinical study has yet to be attempted.

When psychologically defective personalities acquire the power of direct communication with a vast audience along with the ability to control public opinion, their thought-ending virus spreads quickly throughout social networks.  If evil is to triumph in our nation's political affairs, its ministers need only the means of limiting the flow of information available to the public.  The ignorant should be ruled by the informed, for that is the purpose of government, they tell us, and it remains for liberal news organizations to keep the people in a reliable state of ignorance.  The authoritarianism this enables is beyond question.  "Democracy Dies in Darkness," according to the Washington Post's deliberately ambiguous motto, which seems to read superficially as a general caution against tyranny but which functions in ministerial code as a daily reminder and general order to all liberal news organizations to extinguish any lights that may shine upon the plain truth of the Left's totalitarian ambitions.  Conservatives may own the stronger argument, but liberals own the media.

What we do not know about the evil of pathocratic domination in the modern era will hurt us.  A pathocracy, once established, cannot pause in its progression through the institutions of democracy and like a cancer, it can only perish with the host on which it feeds.  An enlightened citizenry is the only cure for the political evil that now informs liberal culture.  But the moment we cease to learn, we become stupid.  It is the most crucial of obligations to our common humanity: to learn, to understand, to participate in the essential flow and exchange of knowledge.  Knowledge is the only way out of the traps and cages of compulsory thinking that the ideologues have prepared for us.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:42am

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

The US has the greatest number of gun deaths than any other 1st world nation, definitely "interesting" - but not admirable...

norway sounds like a good place for people who dont want to risk much, do much or be much.

chode heaven,

no wonder the left idolise such mediocrity

Ah... this from a 'freedom or death' RW deplorable. Go figure.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Lisa Jones on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:53am

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:42am:

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

The US has the greatest number of gun deaths than any other 1st world nation, definitely "interesting" - but not admirable...

FMD you’re STILL here posting utter misinformation and next level BS 😐

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 19th, 2023 at 12:20pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:53am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:42am:

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

The US has the greatest number of gun deaths than any other 1st world nation, definitely "interesting" - but not admirable...

FMD you’re STILL here posting utter misinformation and next level BS 😐

According to the World Population Review website, Great Divide is correct:

    Brazil — 49,436
    United States — 37,038
    Venezuela — 28,515
    Mexico — 22,116
    India — 14,710
    Colombia — 13,169
    Philippines — 9,267
    Guatemala — 5,980

The USA is the only "1st world nation" on that list.  It has the second highest number by total.  Lisa as usual you have been shown to be full of bullshit. 

Oh, and simply because I've chosen to answer for Great Divide doesn't mean I am Great Divide.  Don't let your paranoia get the better of you.  How are your questions of Freediver going, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Lisa Jones on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 202

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:39pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 202

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Dear Lisa, did you read your own quote?

The US typically has  c. 8 to 100 times the rate of gun deaths as other first world countries eg the ones  mentioned: ie Canada and the UK, respectively. 

You need a math lesson?


3.96 (US)  is 8 times 0.47 (Canada), and c. 100 times 0.04 (UK)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 19th, 2023 at 7:44pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 202

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Interesting, you don't give a reference for that "factoid", Larry, unlike me who does.  Funny that, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 19th, 2023 at 8:22pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 12:20pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:53am:

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 11:42am:

aquascoot wrote on Mar 2nd, 2023 at 5:34pm:
have you heard the saying

May you live in interesting times?

the USA sounds a lot more interesting then norway.

The US has the greatest number of gun deaths than any other 1st world nation, definitely "interesting" - but not admirable...

FMD you’re STILL here posting utter misinformation and next level BS 😐

According to the World Population Review website, Great Divide is correct:

    Brazil — 49,436
    United States — 37,038
    Venezuela — 28,515
    Mexico — 22,116
    India — 14,710
    Colombia — 13,169
    Philippines — 9,267
    Guatemala — 5,980

The USA is the only "1st world nation" on that list. 

... overwhelmed by third worlders before our very eyes.

Gun crime in the US is tinted crime, mostly blacks and Latinos, arabs, Indians and other deeply sinister tanned demographics.

It's not the Scandi grandmothers duking it out with the fifth generation English or Germans.i

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 19th, 2023 at 9:21pm

Young Black men and teens made up more than a third of firearm homicide victims in the USA in 2019, one of several disparities revealed in a review of gun mortality data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysis, titled "A Public Health Crisis in the Making," found that although Black men and boys ages 15 to 34 make up just 2% of the nation's population, they were among 37% of gun homicides that year.

That's 20 times higher than white males of the same age group.

Of all reported firearm homicides in 2019, more than half of victims were Black men, according to the study spearheaded by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Sixty-three percent of male victims were Black.

Our White Christen men are the best armed and are not the problem. It's the thug in possession of one illegally owned firearm, I'm not giving anything up to make you pansies feel better. Two percent of the population is responsible for over fifty percent of the homicides and most of the rest are caused by another so called minority group. This isn't a problem that will be fixed by interfering with my Rights. Mort has a little gun he carries in his pocket, let's take it away and make the World a safer place. Maybe you think it constitutes a potentially hustle work environment for criminals. I have a big old one finger salute for you if you think so!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 20th, 2023 at 9:02am

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 9:21pm:
"Young Black men and teens made up more than a third of firearm homicide victims in the USA in 2019, one of several disparities revealed in a review of gun mortality data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysis, titled "A Public Health Crisis in the Making," found that although Black men and boys ages 15 to 34 make up just 2% of the nation's population, they were among 37% of gun homicides that year.

That's 20 times higher than white males of the same age group.

Of all reported firearm homicides in 2019, more than half of victims were Black men, according to the study spearheaded by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Sixty-three percent of male victims were Black".

One third of gun homicides?

That leaves 2/3rds who were not 'black men and boys aged 15-34'.

Our White Christen men are the best armed and are not the problem.

Your own figures say differently.

But as to the higher rates among blacks, that's the result of a dysfunctional market economy which entrenches higher unemployment and poverty rates among blacks.

To wit:


Gun Violence in the US Far Exceeds Levels in Other Rich Nations

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Lisa Jones on Mar 20th, 2023 at 9:28am

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 7:44pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 2023

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Interesting, you don't give a reference for that "factoid", Larry, unlike me who does.  Funny that, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 20th, 2023 at 12:23pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 9:28am:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 7:44pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 2023

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Interesting, you don't give a reference for that "factoid", Larry, unlike me who does.  Funny that, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)


So, you did, but you put it at the head of your post, rather than the end, which is where traditionally links are placed.  I'll pay you that, Larry, I apologise.  Your link is for 2019, whereas mine is for 2023, which postdates yours by several years.  Moreover yours is per 100,000 where as mine is for absolute numbers.  I prefer to deal in absolute numbers.  Now instead of relying on a newsite, how about relying on a statistical website?  I won't respond to your usual resort to ad hominem insults, Larry all it demonstrates is your childishness.  How are you going with your inquiries to Freediver?  Prepared to apologise for your paranoia?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 20th, 2023 at 2:04pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 7:44pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 202

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Interesting, you don't give a reference for that "factoid", Larry, unlike me who does.  Funny that, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

You are blind as well as an idiot, cockwomble.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Marla on Mar 20th, 2023 at 2:08pm
Hi, F A T Frank.

How have you been?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 20th, 2023 at 2:11pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 12:23pm:
Moreover yours is per 100,000 where as mine is for absolute numbers.  I prefer to deal in absolute numbers. 

  Why is that preferable, cockwomble? By that reckoning India is a richer country than Switzerland or Australia.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by philperth2010 on Mar 20th, 2023 at 10:34pm
If Yanks want to arm themselves to kill eachother there is nothing that will stand in there way but sensible gun control and a willingness to ensure guns are restricted to those who are responsible, honest citizens who are prepared to accept responsability and reasonable gun controls to own and possess such weapons....More guns and less oversight will ensure more needless tradgedy and a growing problem that is not being addressed....Why can't the Yanks see they have a growing problem that is killing their people???

:-? :-? :-?

There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Lisa Jones on Mar 20th, 2023 at 10:40pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 12:23pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 9:28am:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 7:44pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 2023

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Interesting, you don't give a reference for that "factoid", Larry, unlike me who does.  Funny that, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)


So, you did, but you put it at the head of your post, rather than the end, which is where traditionally links are placed. 

I’ll have you know that I can and will put my quotes in my posts wherever I damn well like.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 21st, 2023 at 10:14am

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 10:40pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 12:23pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 9:28am:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 7:44pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:23pm:
Vlaka! Stop sharing fake multi ids!

Gun violence deaths: How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world

Updated January 24, 2023

The U.S. has the 32nd-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 3.96 deaths per 100,000 people in 2019. That was more than eight times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people — and nearly 100 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

Interesting, you don't give a reference for that "factoid", Larry, unlike me who does.  Funny that, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)


So, you did, but you put it at the head of your post, rather than the end, which is where traditionally links are placed. 

I’ll have you know that I can and will put my quotes in my posts wherever I damn well like.

You failed to address the other points, Larry.  Care to answer them?

I'll pay you that, Larry, I apologise.  Your link is for 2019, whereas mine is for 2023, which postdates yours by several years.  Moreover yours is per 100,000 where as mine is for absolute numbers.  I prefer to deal in absolute numbers.  Now instead of relying on a news site, how about relying on a statistical website?  I won't respond to your usual resort to ad hominem insults, Larry all it demonstrates is your childishness.  How are you going with your inquiries to Freediver?  Prepared to apologise for your paranoia?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...    ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by PZ547 on Mar 21st, 2023 at 11:31am
Deaths from firearms isn't the concern

Firearms ownership is

Quit pretending

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 21st, 2023 at 1:55pm

PZ547 wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 11:31am:
Deaths from firearms isn't the concern

Firearms ownership is

Quit pretending

Yes.....contrary to popular mythology, guns DO kill people, when people pull the trigger....

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 21st, 2023 at 9:17pm

PZ547 wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 11:31am:
Deaths from firearms isn't the concern

Firearms ownership is

Quit pretending

That has always been the issue here, not what we own but that it is not restricted like in Australia. The criminal is the protected group, they commit the crime and are released on bail to confront and inform witnesses not to testify. Somehow it doesn't seem to help reduce crime. Maybe the next step would be to make nothing a crime. If nothing is illegal, nothing is a crime. Problem solved.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 21st, 2023 at 9:52pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:06pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 9:17pm:

PZ547 wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 11:31am:
Deaths from firearms isn't the concern

Firearms ownership is

Quit pretending

That has always been the issue here, not what we own but that it is not restricted like in Australia. The criminal is the protected group, they commit the crime and are released on bail to confront and inform witnesses not to testify. Somehow it doesn't seem to help reduce crime. Maybe the next step would be to make nothing a crime. If nothing is illegal, nothing is a crime. Problem solved.

Another approach would be to work to eliminate the causes of crime; eg, work to eradicate systemic poverty, surely a cause of crime.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food? We have the richest poor people in the history of the world with the greatest opportunities. It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:11pm

PZ547 wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 11:31am:
Deaths from firearms isn't the concern

Firearms ownership is

Quit pretending

Deaths from firearms isn't the concern

Well yes it is.

If nobody was dying nobody would care how many guns or what type any people had, people as crazy as most gun owners all ok.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:26pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food? We have the richest poor people in the history of the world with the greatest opportunities. It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Mort, can I ask why you're quoting from the UK Daily Mail?

You're a Yank, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 11:34pm

First off, broader perspective is necessary.  As even left-wing Think Progress admitted in 2013, the standard of living worldwide was that year the highest it had ever been in history.  America is among the world's lifestyle leaders, too, which means that, at least materially, we're generally living a relative life of Riley.

Note here that man's historical default has been grinding poverty.  People lived without our luxuries, including those we consider necessities, and sometimes with a lack of many necessities themselves.  They had no plumbing, indoor or otherwise; toilets; refrigeration; modern transportation; effective medical care; insurance policies; or safety net of any kind.  They might've had to toil sunrise 'til sunset to eke out a subsistence living.

Privation was the order of the day, with Spartan boys in their military camps, for example, living off blood soup and being perpetually hungry.  Lives were often hard, brutal, and short; I've read that the average lifespan in the Roman Empire was 22 and in ancient Greece 35, and while these numbers likely aren't dead-on accurate, our average of 76.4 was surely unheard of.

And even in today's relatively wealthy world, the U.S. is, again, among the best places to be.  The poorest 10 percent of Americans live better than approximately 70 percent of the world's people; moreover, were the poorest 20 percent of us their own nation, they'd be among the richest countries on Earth.  This isn't surprising when considering how many people worldwide still live on less than a dollar a day.

To the point here, much the same can be said of black Americans.  As economist Walter E. Williams informed in 2020, if "one totaled up the earnings and spending of Black Americans and considered us as a separate nation with our own gross domestic product, we would rank well within the top 20 richest nations."  Williams also added that "as a group, Black Americans have made the greatest gains ... in a shorter span of time than any other racial group in history."

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 11:39pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:26pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food? We have the richest poor people in the history of the world with the greatest opportunities. It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Mort, can I ask why you're quoting from the UK Daily Mail?

You're a Yank, no?

I don't live in a bubble. I read Sky news, Sidney Morning Herald and Russia Today as well as other sources beyond the borders of the American liberal media. My favorites are, and

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 12:36pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 11:39pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:26pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food? We have the richest poor people in the history of the world with the greatest opportunities. It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Mort, can I ask why you're quoting from the UK Daily Mail?

You're a Yank, no?

I don't live in a bubble. I read Sky news, Sidney Morning Herald and Russia Today as well as other sources beyond the borders of the American liberal media. My favorites are, and

Perhaps you're reading the Sydney news in Russia Today, Mort.

They spell things differently there.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 12:59pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 11:39pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:26pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food? We have the richest poor people in the history of the world with the greatest opportunities. It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Mort, can I ask why you're quoting from the UK Daily Mail?

You're a Yank, no?

I don't live in a bubble. I read Sky news, Sidney Morning Herald and Russia Today as well as other sources beyond the borders of the American liberal media. My favorites are, and

Perhaps you're reading the Sydney news in Russia Today, Mort.

They spell things differently there.

A very inelegant, idiotic attempt to sidestep the topic. Very paki.
Do better.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 1:49pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food?

1. Education in the ghettos isn't up to standard, and nor is the home learning environment. Solution: close the ghettos.

2. Housing isn't free; c. half a million are homeless in the US. 

3. Food stamps don't encourage healthy eating.

It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Incorrect - typical RW mythology. External circumstances also influence personal choices.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Fallacy of composition: one person's  success isn't necessarily imitable by all.

"We all must rely upon the company and comfort of others in order to thrive in this life. “No man is an island.”
John Donne.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 3:11pm
What kind of cretin racially abuses a toddler on public transport?

A black cretin.

The race baiting by BLM and their 'allies' has brought America to this point.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 8:28pm

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 12:59pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 11:39pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:26pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 8:57pm:
Are you saying someone else is at fault because some people can't do anything with twelve or more years of free education? Free housing, free food? We have the richest poor people in the history of the world with the greatest opportunities. It is all attitude and it is up to individuals what choices they make in life.

Here is one of our New York citizens at his best.

Mort, can I ask why you're quoting from the UK Daily Mail?

You're a Yank, no?

I don't live in a bubble. I read Sky news, Sidney Morning Herald and Russia Today as well as other sources beyond the borders of the American liberal media. My favorites are, and

Perhaps you're reading the Sydney news in Russia Today, Mort.

They spell things differently there.

A very inelegant, idiotic attempt to sidestep the topic. Very paki.
Do better.

You're lonesome, old boy, we get that.

Would you like a hug?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 8:31pm

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 3:11pm:
What kind of cretin racially abuses a toddler on public transport?

A black cretin.

The race baiting by BLM and their 'allies' has brought America to this point.

Black culture cretin, old boy, don't forget that.

You're superior, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:26pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 8:31pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 3:11pm:
What kind of cretin racially abuses a toddler on public transport?

A black cretin.

The race baiting by BLM and their 'allies' has brought America to this point.

Black culture cretin, old boy, don't forget that.

You're superior, no?

Even you are, paki.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:29pm
Every time I see this I think so what our conservative friends never knew anything.

Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:35pm

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:26pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 8:31pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 3:11pm:
What kind of cretin racially abuses a toddler on public transport?

A black cretin.

The race baiting by BLM and their 'allies' has brought America to this point.

Black culture cretin, old boy, don't forget that.

You're superior, no?

Even you are, paki.

Superior? Moi?

Nay, old boy, I'm a jolly old Aussie. We don't do superiority.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:37pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:35pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:26pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 8:31pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 3:11pm:
What kind of cretin racially abuses a toddler on public transport?

A black cretin.

The race baiting by BLM and their 'allies' has brought America to this point.

Black culture cretin, old boy, don't forget that.

You're superior, no?

Even you are, paki.

Superior? Moi?

Nay, old boy, I'm a jolly old Aussie. We don't do superiority.


So you are as low and stupid as that negro on the subway, paki? Diverse but equally moronic?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 11:45pm

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:37pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:35pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 10:26pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 8:31pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 23rd, 2023 at 3:11pm:
What kind of cretin racially abuses a toddler on public transport?

A black cretin.

The race baiting by BLM and their 'allies' has brought America to this point.

Black culture cretin, old boy, don't forget that.

You're superior, no?

Even you are, paki.

Superior? Moi?

Nay, old boy, I'm a jolly old Aussie. We don't do superiority.


So you are as low and stupid as that negro on the subway, paki? Diverse but equally moronic?

Is this post the culmination of your superiority, old boy?

I'm curious. I'm keen to hear what you think.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 26th, 2023 at 8:47pm
This is what the side you have chosen believes, do you believe it as well?

Chuck Schumer calls GOP bill requiring schools to obtain parental consent ‘Orwellian to the core’

The New York Times’ subheadline about the Republicans’ Parents’ Bill of Rights Act says “the legislation would require schools to obtain parental consent to honor a student’s request to change gender-identifying pronouns.”

The bill passed the House yesterday:

A divided House on Friday approved legislation that would mandate that schools make library catalogs and curriculums public, and that they obtain parental consent before honoring a student’s request to change their gender-identifying pronouns, part of a Republican effort to wring political advantage from a raging debate over contentious social issues.

The bill, approved almost entirely along party lines on a vote of 213 to 208, is a centerpiece of the Republican agenda that its sponsors call the Parents Bill of Rights Act.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 27th, 2023 at 1:23pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 26th, 2023 at 8:47pm:
This is what the side you have chosen believes, do you believe it as well?

I believe this is 'first world' "woke" nonsense; if a student is concerned about how other students perceive their sexuality, then a smart teacher ought to be able to sort the matter out in the classroom.

And you claim the LW is "woke"....

There are more important issues to deal with:
eg "poverty is the worst kind of violence"; it is imposed by the system, and submitted to by the least competitive.

But no, parents should have nothing to do with the public school  curriculum.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 27th, 2023 at 2:50pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 1:23pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 26th, 2023 at 8:47pm:
This is what the side you have chosen believes, do you believe it as well?

I believe this is 'first world' "woke" nonsense; if a student is concerned about how other students perceive their sexuality, then a smart teacher ought to be able to sort the matter out in the classroom.

And you claim the LW is "woke"....

There are more important issues to deal with:
eg "poverty is the worst kind of violence"; it is imposed by the system, and submitted to by the least competitive.

But no, parents should have nothing to do with the public school  curriculum.

Much of the US is best described as a developing economy. Rampant homelessness, poverty, incarceration, gun-crime, lack of adequate health care and now, inflation, are leading to America's decline.

It has a broken political system stacked with rent-seeking, do-nothing politicians, more interested in fundraising and getting likes on Facebook than serving their electorates. Their recently-ousted demagogue looks set to get the nomination to run in 2024 and there's nothing the GOP can do about it.

While politics are distracted by culture wars over trans bathrooms, wealth distribution keeps widening. The divide between rich and poor is greater than any time in US history.

The Again in MAGA refers to a post-war period of relative income equality, when CEOs and senior executives were paid a fraction of what they get today. The last administration scrapped post-GFC banking regulations that may see more bank failures. The steady growth of the Obama period was decimated by covid and, due to the corporate tax cuts, the US has rapidly growing debt.

While the housing crisis in the cities places people on the street, politics has become a distraction. Billionaire politicians are playing the victim, shrieking WITCH HUNT over investigations into crimes they threatened to lock other politicians up for, and people are over it.

Until the GOP come to the table, put their vested interests aside and start to discuss practical solutions to income inequality in good faith, the US will continue to decline. China will become the number one economy in our lifetimes.

This isn't good for us. We need the support of the world's biggest military. We also need global action on climate change. Until the US can get its domestic act together, we'll be worse off too.

Great's right, Mort. Get busy living, or the rest of us will need to get busy dying. Your hysterical culture wars aren't just toxic for your own country, they're bringing the world down with you.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 27th, 2023 at 3:20pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 2:50pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 1:23pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 26th, 2023 at 8:47pm:
This is what the side you have chosen believes, do you believe it as well?

I believe this is 'first world' "woke" nonsense; if a student is concerned about how other students perceive their sexuality, then a smart teacher ought to be able to sort the matter out in the classroom.

And you claim the LW is "woke"....

There are more important issues to deal with:
eg "poverty is the worst kind of violence"; it is imposed by the system, and submitted to by the least competitive.

But no, parents should have nothing to do with the public school  curriculum.

Much of the US is best described as a developing economy. Rampant homelessness, poverty, incarceration, gun-crime, lack of adequate health care and now, inflation, are leading to America's decline.

It has a broken political system stacked with rent-seeking, do-nothing politicians, more interested in fundraising and getting likes on Facebook than serving their electorates. Their recently-ousted demagogue looks set to get the nomination to run in 2024 and there's nothing the GOP can do about it.

While politics are distracted by culture wars over trans bathrooms, wealth distribution keeps widening. The divide between rich and poor is greater than any time in US history.

The Again in MAGA refers to a post-war period of relative income equality, when CEOs and senior executives were paid a fraction of what they get today. The last administration scrapped post-GFC banking regulations that may see more bank failures. The steady growth of the Obama period was decimated by covid and, due to the corporate tax cuts, the US has rapidly growing debt.

While the housing crisis in the cities places people on the street, politics has become a distraction. Billionaire politicians are playing the victim, shrieking WITCH HUNT over investigations into crimes they threatened to lock other politicians up for, and people are over it.

Until the GOP come to the table, put their vested interests aside and start to discuss practical solutions to income inequality in good faith, the US will continue to decline. China will become the number one economy in our lifetimes.

This isn't good for us. We need the support of the world's biggest military. We also need global action on climate change. Until the US can get its domestic act together, we'll be worse off too.

Great's right, Mort. Get busy living, or the rest of us will need to get busy dying. Your hysterical culture wars aren't just toxic for your own country, they're bringing the world down with you.

Good post.

But you might be aware of my contempt for the current mainstream neoliberal/neoclassical orthodoxy which means governments have to 'beg' for money, according to dictates of "independent" central bankers looking after the interests of private financiers.

Which means the Left always face the "how are you going to pay for it" retort from the Right.  That's why Albo is forced into his "small target" modus operandi, to get elected...

We need a new system which distinguishes between "taxpayer money" and "government money" - the currency-issuing government doesn't need your money, its needs your work-effort shared between the public and private sectors, a choice the electorate, not central bankers, ought to be able to make.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 27th, 2023 at 4:10pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 3:20pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 2:50pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 1:23pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 26th, 2023 at 8:47pm:
This is what the side you have chosen believes, do you believe it as well?

I believe this is 'first world' "woke" nonsense; if a student is concerned about how other students perceive their sexuality, then a smart teacher ought to be able to sort the matter out in the classroom.

And you claim the LW is "woke"....

There are more important issues to deal with:
eg "poverty is the worst kind of violence"; it is imposed by the system, and submitted to by the least competitive.

But no, parents should have nothing to do with the public school  curriculum.

Much of the US is best described as a developing economy. Rampant homelessness, poverty, incarceration, gun-crime, lack of adequate health care and now, inflation, are leading to America's decline.

It has a broken political system stacked with rent-seeking, do-nothing politicians, more interested in fundraising and getting likes on Facebook than serving their electorates. Their recently-ousted demagogue looks set to get the nomination to run in 2024 and there's nothing the GOP can do about it.

While politics are distracted by culture wars over trans bathrooms, wealth distribution keeps widening. The divide between rich and poor is greater than any time in US history.

The Again in MAGA refers to a post-war period of relative income equality, when CEOs and senior executives were paid a fraction of what they get today. The last administration scrapped post-GFC banking regulations that may see more bank failures. The steady growth of the Obama period was decimated by covid and, due to the corporate tax cuts, the US has rapidly growing debt.

While the housing crisis in the cities places people on the street, politics has become a distraction. Billionaire politicians are playing the victim, shrieking WITCH HUNT over investigations into crimes they threatened to lock other politicians up for, and people are over it.

Until the GOP come to the table, put their vested interests aside and start to discuss practical solutions to income inequality in good faith, the US will continue to decline. China will become the number one economy in our lifetimes.

This isn't good for us. We need the support of the world's biggest military. We also need global action on climate change. Until the US can get its domestic act together, we'll be worse off too.

Great's right, Mort. Get busy living, or the rest of us will need to get busy dying. Your hysterical culture wars aren't just toxic for your own country, they're bringing the world down with you.

Good post.

But you might be aware of my contempt for the current mainstream neoliberal/neoclassical orthodoxy which means governments have to 'beg' for money, according to dictates of "independent" central bankers looking after the interests of private financiers.

Which means the Left always face the "how are you going to pay for it" retort from the Right.  That's why Albo is forced into his "small target" modus operandi, to get elected...

We need a new system which distinguishes between "taxpayer money" and "government money" - the currency-issuing government doesn't need your money, its needs your work-effort shared between the public and private sectors, a choice the electorate, not central bankers, ought to be able to make.

Just so, but if I was a Septic Tank, I'd listen to Bernie Sanders over the big fella any day. Who said that?

Oh, only about a third of the 2016 voters who put the big fella in.

Better luck next time, leftards.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 27th, 2023 at 9:08pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 1:23pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 26th, 2023 at 8:47pm:
This is what the side you have chosen believes, do you believe it as well?

I believe this is 'first world' "woke" nonsense; if a student is concerned about how other students perceive their sexuality, then a smart teacher ought to be able to sort the matter out in the classroom.

And you claim the LW is "woke"....

There are more important issues to deal with:
eg "poverty is the worst kind of violence"; it is imposed by the system, and submitted to by the least competitive.

But no, parents should have nothing to do with the public school  curriculum.

Wow, you really said that. Every classroom should have live feed CCTV so any parent that wants to know what is being taught in their child's school can see it and respond to any indoctrination! No school cares how well an individual student does, that is something for the Parent to oversee. We taught ours with reading and math games before they ever started school and our friends who are bilingual even taught theirs to speak a second language. Schools are only part of education and too often they can be indoctrination centers to poison the minds of children. I have always supported school choice and a voucher system to make schools compete by offering the best education possible.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 27th, 2023 at 9:14pm

But you might be aware of my contempt for the current mainstream neoliberal/neoclassical orthodoxy which means governments have to 'beg' for money, according to dictates of "independent" central bankers looking after the interests of private financiers.

Which means the Left always face the "how are you going to pay for it" retort from the Right.  That's why Albo is forced into his "small target" modus operandi, to get elected...

[highlight]We need a new system which distinguishes between "taxpayer money" and "government money" [/highlight]- the currency-issuing government doesn't need your money, its needs your work-effort shared between the public and private sectors, a choice the electorate, not central bankers, ought to be able to make.

It is all the tax payers money, government doesn't have any money it doesn't take from someone else first. I support a national sales tax to replace income tax and if government can't meet expenses it needs to cut back on what it spends! That is how it works for citizens and that is how it needs to work for government!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 28th, 2023 at 3:55pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 9:14pm:
It is all the tax payers money, government doesn't have any money it doesn't take from someone else first.

Hey Mort, I can't educate one blind money "expert" at a time. You, like most, still see government finances through the lens of your own household finances.

But I will begin your education; step one:

A currency-issuing government (with a treasury and central bank) is limited by the nation's productive capacity, NOT money (yours or anyone else's).

I support a national sales tax to replace income tax and if government can't meet expenses it needs to cut back on what it spends! That is how it works for citizens and that is how it needs to work for government!

..ah ... there's that faulty 'household' lens again...

And the resulting soaring inequality amidst entrenched poverty will destroy the social fabric of your nation.

Carry on.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:12pm
I can't seem to educate the tax and spend supporters. Government supports itself by taxing the means of production, it isn't the producer and as such owes those taxed responsible spending. Our government doesn't own its currency, the Federal Reserve is a private Bank. That is why our money says Federal Reserve Note and no longer gold or silver certificate!

It works exactly the same for Households, business. major corporations and government except the government seems to have no accountability for reckless spending!

Production capacity of a Nation doesn't belong to the government, if it wants to mortgage or sell the National Parks and other real estate it could do that since that is about the only hard assets it owns. The National debt is so high the only way out of it is to default which will destroy the economy, that is why other nations are moving away from using the American Dollar as the Worlds Currency! The leeches in government have their own plan called kick the can down the road. Which means keep spending and delay the day of reckoning until they are out of office!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:12pm:
I can't seem to educate the tax and spend supporters. Government supports itself by taxing the means of production, it isn't the producer and as such owes those taxed responsible spending. Our government doesn't own its currency, the Federal Reserve is a private Bank. That is why our money says Federal Reserve Note and no longer gold or silver certificate!

It works exactly the same for Households, business. major corporations and government except the government seems to have no accountability for reckless spending!

Production capacity of a Nation doesn't belong to the government, if it wants to mortgage or sell the National Parks and other real estate it could do that since that is about the only hard assets it owns. The National debt is so high the only way out of it is to default which will destroy the economy, that is why other nations are moving away from using the American Dollar as the Worlds Currency! The leeches in government have their own plan called kick the can down the road. Which means keep spending and delay the day of reckoning until they are out of office!

In your understanding the people own the government and the country.
In the great parrot's understanding the government owns the people and the country.

Incommensurability of understanding. No possible meeting of minds.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:28pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 27th, 2023 at 9:14pm:

But you might be aware of my contempt for the current mainstream neoliberal/neoclassical orthodoxy which means governments have to 'beg' for money, according to dictates of "independent" central bankers looking after the interests of private financiers.

Which means the Left always face the "how are you going to pay for it" retort from the Right.  That's why Albo is forced into his "small target" modus operandi, to get elected...

[highlight]We need a new system which distinguishes between "taxpayer money" and "government money" [/highlight]- the currency-issuing government doesn't need your money, its needs your work-effort shared between the public and private sectors, a choice the electorate, not central bankers, ought to be able to make.

It is all the tax payers money, government doesn't have any money it doesn't take from someone else first. I support a national sales tax to replace income tax and if government can't meet expenses it needs to cut back on what it spends! That is how it works for citizens and that is how it needs to work for government!

government doesn't have any money it doesn't take from someone else first.

Nobody has any money that they don't get from somewhere else first. It is the nature of money - like the chicken and the egg.

Now silver spoons - people are born with them, I suspect it's a bit uncomfortable for the mum.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 29th, 2023 at 10:24pm

Frank wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:12pm:
I can't seem to educate the tax and spend supporters. Government supports itself by taxing the means of production, it isn't the producer and as such owes those taxed responsible spending. Our government doesn't own its currency, the Federal Reserve is a private Bank. That is why our money says Federal Reserve Note and no longer gold or silver certificate!

It works exactly the same for Households, business. major corporations and government except the government seems to have no accountability for reckless spending!

Production capacity of a Nation doesn't belong to the government, if it wants to mortgage or sell the National Parks and other real estate it could do that since that is about the only hard assets it owns. The National debt is so high the only way out of it is to default which will destroy the economy, that is why other nations are moving away from using the American Dollar as the Worlds Currency! The leeches in government have their own plan called kick the can down the road. Which means keep spending and delay the day of reckoning until they are out of office!

In your understanding the people own the government and the country.
In the great parrot's understanding the government owns the people and the country.

Incommensurability of understanding. No possible meeting of minds.

I could not agree more, dear boy. You like Danish, and that's okay.

You're owned by your merry old Maggie.

Just so, as every schoolboy knows, no?
images_-_2023-03-29T231943_515.jpeg (43 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 30th, 2023 at 12:22pm

Dnarever wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:28pm:
Nobody has any money that they don't get from somewhere else first. It is the nature of money - like the chicken and the egg.

Now silver spoons - people are born with them, I suspect it's a bit uncomfortable for the mum.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 30th, 2023 at 12:28pm

Frank wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm:
In your understanding the people own the government and the country.
In the great parrot's understanding the government owns the people and the country.

Neither is correct.

People create governments to engender 'law and order', with a view to "the common welfare". 

Incommensurability of understanding. No possible meeting of minds.

Meeting of minds is possible when they are attuned to reality.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 30th, 2023 at 12:59pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:12pm:
I can't seem to educate the tax and spend supporters.

That's because your understanding of economics is still in the 'geocentric' stage (because of the 'household lens' fallacy) compared to the (correct) 'heliocentric' stage (currency-issuer lens).

Government supports itself by taxing the means of production, it isn't the producer and as such owes those taxed responsible spending.

1. Currency-issuing government doesn't NEED to support itself by taxing the means of production; the public sector does need to ensure the minimum prosperity for all (to maintain social cohesion). 

Our government doesn't own its currency, the Federal Reserve is a private Bank. That is why our money says Federal Reserve Note and no longer gold or silver certificate!

And all that is merely a convention to serve the interests of usurious private bankers.

It works exactly the same for Households, business. major corporations and government except the government seems to have no accountability for reckless spending!

Addressed above; the bankers have sucked you in hook, line and sinker;  presumably you are doing ok, unlike the half of your fellow citizens living paycheck to paycheck  (or worse, no pay check and no home).

Production capacity of a Nation doesn't belong to the government,

Incorrect: productive capacity BEGINS with government, via establishment of 'law and order', issuance of the nation's currency via the nation's Treasury and Central  Bank, and spending on education and essential infrastructure.

f it wants to mortgage or sell the National Parks and other real estate it could do that since that is about the only hard assets it owns.

Ideology: public sector assets versus private sector assets are a matter of choice.

The National debt is so high the only way out of it is to default which will destroy the economy, that is why other nations are moving away from using the American Dollar as the Worlds Currency! The leeches in government have their own plan called kick the can down the road. Which means keep spending and delay the day of reckoning until they are out of office!

Aren't you lucky even Trump knew the US can't run out of US dollars..... he kept the economy ticking along, while INCREASING the deficit...

As to the 'world's currency', other nations are surpassing the US in productive capacity because they are investing in the real economy, unlike the US with its reversion to  a funny-money  financial 'industry' ie  the derivatives casino.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Mar 30th, 2023 at 3:25pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 12:28pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm:
In your understanding the people own the government and the country.
In the great parrot's understanding the government owns the people and the country.

Neither is correct.

People create governments to engender 'law and order', with a view to "the common welfare". 

Incommensurability of understanding. No possible meeting of minds.

Meeting of minds is possible when they are attuned to reality.

When are you planning to do that?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 30th, 2023 at 9:07pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 12:59pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:12pm:
I can't seem to educate the tax and spend supporters.

That's because your understanding of economics is still in the 'geocentric' stage (because of the 'household lens' fallacy) compared to the (correct) 'heliocentric' stage (currency-issuer lens).

Government supports itself by taxing the means of production, it isn't the producer and as such owes those taxed responsible spending.

1. Currency-issuing government doesn't NEED to support itself by taxing the means of production; the public sector does need to ensure the minimum prosperity for all (to maintain social cohesion). 

[quote]Our government doesn't own its currency, the Federal Reserve is a private Bank. That is why our money says Federal Reserve Note and no longer gold or silver certificate!

And all that is merely a convention to serve the interests of usurious private bankers.

It works exactly the same for Households, business. major corporations and government except the government seems to have no accountability for reckless spending!

Addressed above; the bankers have sucked you in hook, line and sinker;  presumably you are doing ok, unlike the half of your fellow citizens living paycheck to paycheck  (or worse, no pay check and no home).

Production capacity of a Nation doesn't belong to the government,

Incorrect: productive capacity BEGINS with government, via establishment of 'law and order', issuance of the nation's currency via the nation's Treasury and Central  Bank, and spending on education and essential infrastructure.

f it wants to mortgage or sell the National Parks and other real estate it could do that since that is about the only hard assets it owns.

Ideology: public sector assets versus private sector assets are a matter of choice.

The National debt is so high the only way out of it is to default which will destroy the economy, that is why other nations are moving away from using the American Dollar as the Worlds Currency! The leeches in government have their own plan called kick the can down the road. Which means keep spending and delay the day of reckoning until they are out of office!

Aren't you lucky even Trump knew the US can't run out of US dollars..... he kept the economy ticking along, while INCREASING the deficit...

As to the 'world's currency', other nations are surpassing the US in productive capacity because they are investing in the real economy, unlike the US with its reversion to  a funny-money  financial 'industry' ie  the derivatives casino.

Government is your god, parent and protector but not mine! 

Government doesn't need to tax anyone because they can just create all the money they need out of thin air?

Productive capacity BEGINS
and government forms to take a piece of it!

public sector assets versus private sector assets are a matter of choice.
Are you suggesting that government decides if you own the fruits of your labor? Is everything around you government owned? It really seems you have replaced God with government!

Aren't you lucky even Trump knew the US can't run out of US dollars
Selective memory on your part, Trump couldn't change the budgets he was sent to sign. If he signed them he was accused of being responsible for more debt and if he didn't he was blamed for shutting down the government. We need line item veto to strike obvious pork out of every budget!

Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.

Milton Friedman

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 30th, 2023 at 10:22pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 9:07pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 12:59pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 29th, 2023 at 9:12pm:
I can't seem to educate the tax and spend supporters.

That's because your understanding of economics is still in the 'geocentric' stage (because of the 'household lens' fallacy) compared to the (correct) 'heliocentric' stage (currency-issuer lens).

Government supports itself by taxing the means of production, it isn't the producer and as such owes those taxed responsible spending.

1. Currency-issuing government doesn't NEED to support itself by taxing the means of production; the public sector does need to ensure the minimum prosperity for all (to maintain social cohesion). 

[quote]Our government doesn't own its currency, the Federal Reserve is a private Bank. That is why our money says Federal Reserve Note and no longer gold or silver certificate!

And all that is merely a convention to serve the interests of usurious private bankers.

[quote]It works exactly the same for Households, business. major corporations and government except the government seems to have no accountability for reckless spending!

Addressed above; the bankers have sucked you in hook, line and sinker;  presumably you are doing ok, unlike the half of your fellow citizens living paycheck to paycheck  (or worse, no pay check and no home).

Production capacity of a Nation doesn't belong to the government,

Incorrect: productive capacity BEGINS with government, via establishment of 'law and order', issuance of the nation's currency via the nation's Treasury and Central  Bank, and spending on education and essential infrastructure.

f it wants to mortgage or sell the National Parks and other real estate it could do that since that is about the only hard assets it owns.

Ideology: public sector assets versus private sector assets are a matter of choice.

The National debt is so high the only way out of it is to default which will destroy the economy, that is why other nations are moving away from using the American Dollar as the Worlds Currency! The leeches in government have their own plan called kick the can down the road. Which means keep spending and delay the day of reckoning until they are out of office!

Aren't you lucky even Trump knew the US can't run out of US dollars..... he kept the economy ticking along, while INCREASING the deficit...

As to the 'world's currency', other nations are surpassing the US in productive capacity because they are investing in the real economy, unlike the US with its reversion to  a funny-money  financial 'industry' ie  the derivatives casino.

Government is your god, parent and protector but not mine! 

Government doesn't need to tax anyone because they can just create all the money they need out of thin air?

Productive capacity BEGINS
and government forms to take a piece of it!

public sector assets versus private sector assets are a matter of choice.
Are you suggesting that government decides if you own the fruits of your labor? Is everything around you government owned? It really seems you have replaced God with government!

Aren't you lucky even Trump knew the US can't run out of US dollars
Selective memory on your part, Trump couldn't change the budgets he was sent to sign. If he signed them he was accused of being responsible for more debt and if he didn't he was blamed for shutting down the government. We need line item veto to strike obvious pork out of every budget!

Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.

Milton Friedman[/quote]

Milton Friedman, eh?

I see. That explains why your Dear Leader mailed out fake cheques to every household in America, pretending Congressional covid stimulus funds came from the White House.

It explains why your Dear Leader initially refused to sign off on passage of said funds, demanding Congress pay more.

It explains why your Dear Leader spent his four short years in office, racking up the biggest government debt in American history. Milton Friedman?

Elitist, globalist Deep State. Who said that?


Jesus died for somebody's sins (god, parent and protector) but not mine, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 30th, 2023 at 10:30pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 9:07pm:
Government is your god, parent and protector but not mine! 


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America..."

Government doesn't need to tax anyone because they can just create all the money they need out of thin air?

A good question, and almost correct:  a currency-issuing government is limited by what is available for purchase, it is not limited by money denominated in the nation's currency, obviously.   

"Productive capacity BEGINS" (with government) and government forms to take a piece of it!

Incorrect: more accurately, government establishes the nation's capacity  to begin private sector production, and allocates a level of the nation's output for essential public sector purposes.

Are you suggesting that government decides if you own the fruits of your labor?

I am suggesting the electorate should decide what proportion of the nation's output the electorate wants to allocate for public sector purposes.

Is everything around you government owned? It really seems you have replaced God with government!

No. Yet good governance "to promote the general welfare "IS god(-like).

Trump couldn't change the budgets he was sent to sign. If he signed them he was accused of being responsible for more debt and if he didn't he was blamed for shutting down the government. We need line item veto to strike obvious pork out of every budget!

well...yes , actually; but your definition of pork is different to mine....and the govt. (public sector)  doesn't need to budget the way you and I do, since the govt. is resource constrained, not money constrained like you and me.    

Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property.

You better check the preamble to the constitution again...

When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.[/b]

Milton Friedman

Friedman was a fraud committed to maximizing the claims of the nation's most able on the nation's output.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 30th, 2023 at 10:53pm
Here are a few more quotes or more precisely words of wisdom that conflict with your basic beliefs!

The government doesn't have any money. The only power it has is to take from some and give to others.
Milton Friedman

In the 1960s, The National Education Association changed its character. The NEA changed into a union. And from that point on you can see deterioration in the quality of schooling in the United States.
Milton Friedman

When everybody owns something, nobody owns it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition. That is why buildings in the Soviet Union - like public housing in the United States - look decrepit within a year or two of their construction.
Milton Friedman

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 30th, 2023 at 11:22pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 10:53pm:
Here are a few more quotes or more precisely words of wisdom that conflict with your basic beliefs!

The government doesn't have any money. The only power it has is to take from some and give to others.
Milton Friedman

In the 1960s, The National Education Association changed its character. The NEA changed into a union. And from that point on you can see deterioration in the quality of schooling in the United States.
Milton Friedman

When everybody owns something, nobody owns it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition. That is why buildings in the Soviet Union - like public housing in the United States - look decrepit within a year or two of their construction.
Milton Friedman

I know, Mort, but Milton Friedman was around long before your Dear Leader.

I'm sorry, dear, but Milt got it terribly wrong.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Mar 31st, 2023 at 8:40am
Milton Friedman had it right, government spends too much and is too involved in the internal affairs of other Nations. As an economist he could see the irresponsible misuse of the tax payers money. It's my turn for the poor people in a third world country to give me foreign aid! Our government borrows money from China to give to Ukraine and our descendance will be stuck with the bill.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 31st, 2023 at 12:37pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 31st, 2023 at 8:40am:
Milton Friedman had it right, government spends too much and is too involved in the internal affairs of other Nations. As an economist he could see the irresponsible misuse of the tax payers money. It's my turn for the poor people in a third world country to give me foreign aid! Our government borrows money from China to give to Ukraine and our descendance will be stuck with the bill.

Milton was a globalist Deep State Jew, Mort. Dear Leader's not a fan.

Making America Great Again requires governments to look after national industries and resources. If you listened to poor old Milt, you'd be outsourcing everything to Chi-na.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Mar 31st, 2023 at 12:55pm

Mortdooley wrote on Mar 30th, 2023 at 10:53pm:
Here are a few more quotes or more precisely words of wisdom that conflict with your basic beliefs!

The government doesn't have any money. The only power it has is to take from some and give to others.
Milton Friedman

In the 1960s, The National Education Association changed its character. The NEA changed into a union. And from that point on you can see deterioration in the quality of schooling in the United States.
Milton Friedman

When everybody owns something, nobody owns it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition. That is why buildings in the Soviet Union - like public housing in the United States - look decrepit within a year or two of their construction.
Milton Friedman

The Powell Memo: a little-known story in the neoliberal rise to power and influence

The greatest trick neoliberalism ever pulled was to make itself appear inevitable.

"Of course, there never really was anything inevitable about how neoliberal ideas rose to power. It was the result of deliberate, long-term, coordinated planning, strategy and funding. One little-known example, the Powell Memo, illustrates this perfectly."

Introducing the Powell Memo
In the late 1960s, long before Ronald Regan would declare that ‘government is the problem,’ the US government believed it had an active role to play in making America work for everyone. President Lyndon Johnson had aggressively championed his Great Society agenda for the total elimination of poverty and racial injustice. Washington was regulating business in the form of new protections for the environment, occupational health and safety, as well as consumer protection. Even Republican Richard Nixon’s election in 1969 didn’t turn this around – he started the Environmental Protection Agency.  Those in the business community who were opposed to these measures (for whatever reasons) found themselves on the back foot.

It’s hard to imagine now, but until this point American corporations had relied mostly on informal access to politicians, via personal contacts. The main role of lobbyists in Washington was to “troll for government contracts and tax breaks,” according to Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson, authors of Winner Take All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class.

“Before the policy winds shifted in the ’60s, business had seen little need to mobilize anything more than a network of trade associations,” they write.

Then, in 1971 a lawyer, member of the Philip Morris Board of Directors and Chair of a committee inside the US Chamber of Commerce decided to draft a call to arms to win America back, for corporations. His name was Lewis Powell, and the memo became known simply as The Powell Memo.

In the early 1970s sudden spikes in the price of petrol along with ‘stagflation’– a mix of slow economic growth combined with relatively high unemployment – combined to challenge the Keynesian economics, which had until then enjoyed broad support in the post-war period. 

Neoliberal advocates saw  these crises as a powerful opportunity to create change, and seized on these moments to push through ideas they’d had lying around for decades. Naomi Klein calls this The Shock Doctrine strategy, and it’s summed up well by free market economist Milton Friedman himself:

“Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.” -Milton Friedman

Now of course a new crisis is arising: entrenched poverty a amidst soaring inequality, and sovereign-debt crises in developing countries, which the neoliberal-infested IMF has no answers for, except MORE Friedmanite privatizations.... 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 1st, 2023 at 8:40pm
Can you narrow that down to twenty words of less. Globalism vs. Individual Freedoms! "Bread and Circus" is going to be the death of civilization.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 1st, 2023 at 9:30pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 1st, 2023 at 8:40pm:
Can you narrow that down to twenty words of less. Globalism vs. Individual Freedoms! "Bread and Circus" is going to be the death of civilization.


"All must submit to rule of law (instituted by government), if all are to be free." Cicero. 

(18 words.....)

add: "It's the economy, stupid"

and from those 2 statements you can deduce the whole addressed in #161.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 1st, 2023 at 11:07pm
That didn't help, submitting isn't freedom.

You don't understand economics so that pretty much ends the discussion.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 9:17am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 1st, 2023 at 11:07pm:
That didn't help, submitting isn't freedom.

er.....  rule of law  requires submission to the law, by definition. 

Too subtle for you..... 

You don't understand economics so that pretty much ends the discussion.

I certainly understand why you want to bail out of the debate: why care about poverty and homelessness, when  YOUR  "freedom" is so much more important to YOU?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 9:33pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 9:17am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 1st, 2023 at 11:07pm:
That didn't help, submitting isn't freedom.

er.....  rule of law  requires submission to the law, by definition. 

Too subtle for you..... 

You don't understand economics so that pretty much ends the discussion.

I certainly understand why you want to bail out of the debate: why care about poverty and homelessness, when  YOUR  "freedom" is so much more important to YOU?

Yes my freedom is very important to me, when I attended Civics class we were informed our rights only ended where those of others began. Not that our duty was to submit to government!

Submission by its definition isn't freedom. Submitting to the rule of law sounds very authoritarian.
To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another.

The poor will always be with us, some people will always snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. With all the advantages available today poverty is a learned behavior! Thirteen or more years of free education, free lunch everyday at school and at poorer districts free breakfast. Free housing and free food makes for dependent adults. The more government takes care of these people the larger number of people seek to be taken care of. The only other poor people I know of spend every dollar they have as fast as they can and never wisely. Things would be much better if students were taught how to handle their personal finances in grade school rather than wokeism!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 10:16pm
So much crap  ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 10:44pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 10:16pm:
So much crap  ::)

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Samuel Adams

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 11:14pm
After years of sprouting on and on about the constitution and freedom the right were right behind Trump and his authoritarian direction, the insurrection and were happy to flush democracy and ignore everything in the US constitution.

They then after completely ignoring real life reality they come here with a load of incorrect theoretical BS.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 11:38pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 11:14pm:
After years of sprouting on and on about the constitution and freedom the right were right behind Trump and his authoritarian direction, the insurrection and were happy to flush democracy and ignore everything in the US constitution.

They then after completely ignoring real life reality they come here with a load of incorrect theoretical BS.

If all I listened to was bullshit that reinforces my own prejudices I could be as lost as you. There was no insurrection, the things people spout don't represent the facts. There can be no insurrection if the protesters are unarmed! They should have brought torches and pitchforks to protest the stolen election!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 12:38am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 11:38pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 11:14pm:
After years of sprouting on and on about the constitution and freedom the right were right behind Trump and his authoritarian direction, the insurrection and were happy to flush democracy and ignore everything in the US constitution.

They then after completely ignoring real life reality they come here with a load of incorrect theoretical BS.

If all I listened to was bullshit that reinforces my own prejudices I could be as lost as you. There was no insurrection, the things people spout don't represent the facts. There can be no insurrection if the protesters are unarmed! They should have brought torches and pitchforks to protest the stolen election!

Not bearspray and stunguns that killed at least one cop, eh?

You've always defended copkillers, Mort.

Well, after Dear Leader got to you, anyway.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:25am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 9:33pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 2nd, 2023 at 9:17am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 1st, 2023 at 11:07pm:
That didn't help, submitting isn't freedom.

er.....  rule of law  requires submission to the law, by definition. 

Too subtle for you..... 

You don't understand economics so that pretty much ends the discussion.

I certainly understand why you want to bail out of the debate: why care about poverty and homelessness, when  YOUR  "freedom" is so much more important to YOU?

Yes my freedom is very important to me, when I attended Civics class we were informed our rights only ended where those of others began. Not that our duty was to submit to government!

Contradictions straight away: all have a right to the essentials of life (see the UNUDHR).

If you reject rule of law "for the general welfare", you reject those universal rights.

Submission by its definition isn't freedom. Submitting to the rule of law sounds very authoritarian. [quote]To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another.

Like I said, Cicero's use of the word "submit" is too subtle for you, it means accept rule of law. 

The poor will always be with us, some people will always snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

No; certainly an economy based on competitive instincts alone will result in entrenched disadvantage, because we all have different abilities to compete.

With all the advantages available today poverty is a learned behavior!

Obvious nonsense. Powell, supported by neoclassical economic ideologues like Summers who claim the US needs a year of 10% unemployment to bring inflation back to the 2-3% range, is trying to CREATE poverty.

Thirteen or more years of free education, free lunch everyday at school and at poorer districts free breakfast. Free housing and free food makes for dependent adults.

Correct. So the answer is for government to create full employment, to eliminate dependency. 

The more government takes care of these people the larger number of people seek to be taken care of. The only other poor people I know of spend every dollar they have as fast as they can and never wisely. Things would be much better if students were taught how to handle their personal finances in grade school rather than wokeism!

People only seek to be taken care of, when  systemic dysfunction (unemployment) means they can't take care of themselves

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:40am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am:
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

No cops were killed? Protesters didn't use bearspray and stunguns?

My my, Mort, even Dear Leader knows that. He instructed the Secret Service to let them in when he was told they were armed. He then instructed them to go wild and take back what's theirs.

You don't have to defend cops, dear, but I would have thought you'd have a little respect for the dead ones - given you're so into law and order n'all.

You've turned against the Capitol Police, the FBI, the CIA, the entire Deep State, it's uncanny. Dear Leader has turned you into an anarchist.

God bless the USA, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 7:50pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:40am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am:
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

No cops were killed? Protesters didn't use bearspray and stunguns?

My my, Mort, even Dear Leader knows that. He instructed the Secret Service to let them in when he was told they were armed. He then instructed them to go wild and take back what's theirs.

You don't have to defend cops, dear, but I would have thought you'd have a little respect for the dead ones - given you're so into law and order n'all.

You've turned against the Capitol Police, the FBI, the CIA, the entire Deep State, it's uncanny. Dear Leader has turned you into an anarchist.

God bless the USA, no?

No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

You like in some kind of fantasy world!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:13pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 7:50pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:40am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am:
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

No cops were killed? Protesters didn't use bearspray and stunguns?

My my, Mort, even Dear Leader knows that. He instructed the Secret Service to let them in when he was told they were armed. He then instructed them to go wild and take back what's theirs.

You don't have to defend cops, dear, but I would have thought you'd have a little respect for the dead ones - given you're so into law and order n'all.

You've turned against the Capitol Police, the FBI, the CIA, the entire Deep State, it's uncanny. Dear Leader has turned you into an anarchist.

God bless the USA, no?

No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

You like in some kind of fantasy world!

you do know that Fox propaganda have admitted in court to telling you lies about this? They even admitted that they knew that you were stupid enough to believe them.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:37pm

Contradictions straight away: all have a right to the essentials of life (see the UNUDHR).

Who pays? Government only has money it takes from the people if the people are required to support the less productive that is servitude. Just so you know, no earthly power can grant Rights, only permissions! You do not have the Right to force me to pay for your existence because the government said so!

Our rights only end where those of others begin. Carve it in stone!

No; certainly an economy based on competitive instincts alone will result in entrenched disadvantage, because we all have different abilities to compete.

That is life as we know it, some do better than others.

Obvious nonsense. Powell, supported by neoclassical economic ideologues like Summers who claim the US needs a year of 10% unemployment to bring inflation back to the 2-3% range, is trying to CREATE poverty.

The best way to curb inflation is for government to run a budget surplus, not eternal deficit. Since we deal in fiat currency the government has the power to create more by just spending more. Kind of like: how can I be broke when I still have checks"?

Correct. So the answer is for government to create full employment, to eliminate dependency.

People only seek to be taken care of, when  systemic dysfunction (unemployment) means they can't take care of themselves

Most don't want jobs or to try to better themselves. People that grow up being told and believing they are a victim never understand the advantages they have available to them. It is nice to wake up every day and know the whole day is yours to do with as you please because you don't have to be employed, someone else will take care of you.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:53pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:13pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 7:50pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:40am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am:
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

No cops were killed? Protesters didn't use bearspray and stunguns?

My my, Mort, even Dear Leader knows that. He instructed the Secret Service to let them in when he was told they were armed. He then instructed them to go wild and take back what's theirs.

You don't have to defend cops, dear, but I would have thought you'd have a little respect for the dead ones - given you're so into law and order n'all.

You've turned against the Capitol Police, the FBI, the CIA, the entire Deep State, it's uncanny. Dear Leader has turned you into an anarchist.

God bless the USA, no?

No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

You like in some kind of fantasy world!

you do know that Fox propaganda have admitted in court to telling you lies about this? They even admitted that they knew that you were stupid enough to believe them.

I don't watch Fox and don't care what they said to keep their multimillion dollar paychecks. The massive irregularities and the Courts refusal to even look at evidence including video of  mail-in ballot box stuffing, votes from none existent addresses, vote counts hidden from vote monitors and recounts conducted exactly like before to insure the same fraudulent results. Add to that a senile old pervert who couldn't draw a crowd larger than the Press not only beat a man who still draws tens of thousands to hear him speak but even "won" more votes the his old and current boss Obama!

If we didn't have a stolen election why does media censor opposition? It let the Hillary loyalist cry loud and long about a false Russian collusion story she paid for!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 9:13pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:53pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:13pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 7:50pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:40am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am:
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

No cops were killed? Protesters didn't use bearspray and stunguns?

My my, Mort, even Dear Leader knows that. He instructed the Secret Service to let them in when he was told they were armed. He then instructed them to go wild and take back what's theirs.

You don't have to defend cops, dear, but I would have thought you'd have a little respect for the dead ones - given you're so into law and order n'all.

You've turned against the Capitol Police, the FBI, the CIA, the entire Deep State, it's uncanny. Dear Leader has turned you into an anarchist.

God bless the USA, no?

No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

You like in some kind of fantasy world!

you do know that Fox propaganda have admitted in court to telling you lies about this? They even admitted that they knew that you were stupid enough to believe them.

I don't watch Fox and don't care what they said to keep their multimillion dollar paychecks. The massive irregularities and the Courts refusal to even look at evidence including video of  mail-in ballot box stuffing, votes from none existent addresses, vote counts hidden from vote monitors and recounts conducted exactly like before to insure the same fraudulent results. Add to that a senile old pervert who couldn't draw a crowd larger than the Press not only beat a man who still draws tens of thousands to hear him speak but even "won" more votes the his old and current boss Obama!

If we didn't have a stolen election why does media censor opposition? It let the Hillary loyalist cry loud and long about a false Russian collusion story she paid for!

The massive irregularities and the Courts refusal to even look at evidence including video of  mail-in ballot box stuffing

Each time an often Trump appointed judge asked the Trump legal team to show the evidence they all had to admit that there was none. Things were going great till that point. The courts kept asking for the evidence about 70 of them but there was none. 

It let the Hillary loyalist cry loud and long about a false Russian collusion story she paid for!

The Russia investigation was opened when Alexander Downer reported the conversation he had with George Papadopoulos about the Russians wanting to pass the Hillary Clinton emails to the Trump campaign. The report that you mention had its origins with the republican party looking for dirt on Trump.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Apr 4th, 2023 at 12:32am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 7:50pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 10:40am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 2:10am:
No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

No cops were killed? Protesters didn't use bearspray and stunguns?

My my, Mort, even Dear Leader knows that. He instructed the Secret Service to let them in when he was told they were armed. He then instructed them to go wild and take back what's theirs.

You don't have to defend cops, dear, but I would have thought you'd have a little respect for the dead ones - given you're so into law and order n'all.

You've turned against the Capitol Police, the FBI, the CIA, the entire Deep State, it's uncanny. Dear Leader has turned you into an anarchist.

God bless the USA, no?

No police were killed, they were the ones who used stun guns and bear spray. The only person killed was murdered by a frightened capital policeman.

You like in some kind of fantasy world!

Fantasy world? Five cops died within days and weeks of Jan 6, dear, all with injuries from being attacked with bear spray, stun guns and fire extinguishers.

The Washington Post reported on April 19 that District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”

That day, US. Capitol Police released a statement that read: “The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. This does not change the fact Officer Sicknick died in the line of duty, courageously defending Congress and the Capitol.”

Four suicides: Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot.

The first was U.S. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood, 51, who had been guarding the Capitol for 15 years and was on duty at the Capitol on Jan. 6. He took his own life three days after the riots.

The following day, Trump ordered flags at the White House be lowered to half-staff in honor of both Sicknick and Liebengood.

Several days later, D.C. Police Officer Jeffrey Smith, 35, who was injured in the riots on Jan. 6, also committed suicide.

Smith’s wife, Erin, told the Washington Post her husband related to her the fear and panic he experienced the day of the assault on the Capitol, and that he was afraid he might die.

In defending the Capitol, Smith was struck on the helmet by a metal pole thrown by rioters. Later that night, his wife said he went to the police medical clinic, where he was prescribed pain medication and put on sick leave.

Smith’s wife said he “wasn’t the same” in the days after the riot and seemed to be in constant pain. After visiting a police clinic on Jan. 14 and being ordered back to work, Smith shot himself on the way to work, the Post reported.

Once, you would have defended those cops. You have become a caricature of your former self, Mort, and that's okay.

You sold your soul, but for what? 26 newly-built miles of border fencing?

That's a question.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 4th, 2023 at 1:52pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 3rd, 2023 at 8:37pm:
Contradictions straight away: all have a right to the essentials of life (see the UNUDHR).

Who pays?

Who "pays" for universal rights? We all do, via our governments tasked with "promoting the general welfare".

Interesting you reduce the concept of "rights" to a money are revealing the nastiness of your conservative ideology now. 

Government only has money it takes from the people

.... in the current age-old and obsolete convention dating from the middle ages, when money lenders discovered they could get rich by creating money when they lent it at interest.

if the people are required to support the less productive that is servitude.

Your naked survival of the fittest blind self-interest is showing.  Just so you know: all useful work is 'productive', by definition.

Just so you know, no earthly power can grant Rights, only permissions! You do not have the Right to force me to pay for your existence because the government said so!

More contradictions: you claimed your rights stop where the rights of others begin, who granted those rights?

And those "rights" you claim for yourself are certainly not "permissions" you grant to yourself - more contradictions. 

That's why government  is required to establish law and formulate rights.

As to me taking your money (via taxation), that's only your obsolete monetary orthodoxy noted above. 

That is life as we know it, some do better than others.

It's the law of the jungle, yes; but unfortunately for your blindly self-interested ideology, men have an awarenes of "fairness"... and always want to interfere in the law of the jungle.

The best way to curb inflation is for government to run a budget surplus, not eternal deficit. Since we deal in fiat currency the government has the power to create more by just spending more. Kind of like: how can I be broke when I still have checks"?

All neoclassical confusion.

The schizophrenic understanding of money in economics

"One of the great ironies of economics is that, while the public regards economists as experts on money, the issue of how money is created is still not settled within economics".

Most don't want jobs or to try to better themselves. People that grow up being told and believing they are a victim never understand the advantages they have available to them. It is nice to wake up every day and know the whole day is yours to do with as you please because you don't have to be employed, someone else will take care of you.

The devious conservative mind, determined to maximize his own claim on the nation's output, by claiming people don't want to work and would prefer to subsist on the dole.   

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 4th, 2023 at 10:34pm

Fantasy world? Five cops died within days and weeks of Jan 6, dear, all with injuries from being attacked with bear spray, stun guns and fire extinguishers.

Their passing had nothing to do with what happened that day and the crowd was unarmed except for flag poles!

Who "pays" for universal rights? We all do, via our governments tasked with "promoting the general welfare".

Interesting you reduce the concept of "rights" to a money are revealing the nastiness of your conservative ideology now.

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean welfare checks for all who choose not to work. Almost every business I enter has "help wanted" signage, we can find you a job Onslow!

.... in the current age-old and obsolete convention dating from the middle ages, when money lenders discovered they could get rich by creating money when they lent it at interest.

Government made it legal to lend multiples of dollars beyond deposits, it works until depositors take their money elsewhere. The American dollar is the world reserve, what happens when that ends? The Federal government has debased the dollar to the point it is a wonder anyone still takes it! Personally I would prefer to have my life savings in Swiss Francs because of its strength and value.

Your naked survival of the fittest blind self-interest is showing.  Just so you know: all useful work is 'productive', by definition.

I earned mine, it is only fair you do the same and not demand part of it! Do the best you can and stay out of my pocket!

The best way to curb inflation is for government to run a budget surplus, not eternal deficit.

“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.”

It works the same for people, businesses and governments, pay as you go and save a little at the same time!

The devious conservative mind, determined to maximize his own claim on the nation's output, by claiming people don't want to work and would prefer to subsist on the dole.

We have far more jobs going unfilled than able people wanting to work but millions on the dole. You figure it out!

Biden has authorized hiring 87 thousand additional IRS Agents, who do you think his target is? Hint, it ain't the rich.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 4th, 2023 at 10:47pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 4th, 2023 at 10:34pm:
Biden has authorized hiring 87 thousand additional IRS Agents, who do you think his target is? Hint, it ain't the rich.

No the 87 thousand include replacing those who retire ove rthe next 10 years, it is all employees and not just investigators.

The IRS have had cut backs that effectively prevented them from investigating the more complex cases (more wealthy people in other words) This means that the IRS have been exclusively investigation ordinary workers.

The increases in funding is to allow the IRS to investigate more wealthy people as well - to bring their investigations back into balance.

In fact the funding is targeted at these cases with no increase to average workers at all.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Apr 5th, 2023 at 1:05am

Their passing had nothing to do with what happened that day and the crowd was unarmed except for flag poles!

I see. Would you care to quote from the victims' coronial findings to prove that?

How about the criminal rulings on the convicted parties armed insurrection charges?

They've been proven in your courts, Mort. Can you point to the rulings you're citing?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 5th, 2023 at 12:52pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 4th, 2023 at 10:34pm:
Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean welfare checks for all who choose not to work. Almost every business I enter has "help wanted" signage, we can find you a job Onslow!

I already noted Powell, following orthodox economic ideology, is deliberately trying to increase unemployment to reduce inflation. Promoting the general welfare means ensuring everyone has access to above poverty employment, by definition. The involuntarily unemployed do NOT "choose" to be unemployed, Powell is forcing it onto them.   

Government made it legal to lend multiples of dollars beyond deposits, it works until depositors take their money elsewhere


"It's hard to read his history and not conclude that the current system—which requires Treasury to sell bonds to private banks and "primary dealers", rather than to The Fed (US central bank)—was based on the rickety pillars of the self-interest of bond traders, and delusional ideas about money held by the mainstream economists who staff The Fed, and misinform our politicians."

The American dollar is the world reserve, what happens when that ends?

We achieve a multi-polar world.

The Federal government has debased the dollar to the point it is a wonder anyone still takes it! Personally I would prefer to have my life savings in Swiss Francs because of its strength and value.

Yes, the imposition of US based rules at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 imposed the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, against the wishes of JM Keynes who proposed a 'clearing union" concept to deal with post-war international trade.

I earned mine, it is only fair you do the same and not demand part of it! Do the best you can and stay out of my pocket!


The best way to curb inflation is for government to run a budget surplus, not eternal deficit.

No, the best way to curb inflation is for government to ensure the nation's productive capacity can first meet the essential needs of all citizens, and then the excess production above that need can be competed for, in the private sector markets.

“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.”

There are few kings today, and China is the largest producer of gold. But even so  that will not ensure China's prosperity.

It works the same for people, businesses and governments, pay as you go and save a little at the same time!

Wrong again: currency-issuing governments ISSUE money, people and businesses are USERS of the currency, big difference. (Private banks also create money when they write loans for credit worthy customers; the 'loanable funds' theory (ie funds lent from bank deposits) has been debunked long ago.

"In 2014, the Bank of England published a landmark paper explicitly rejecting the textbook model of money creation, stating that:

Money creation in practice differs from some popular misconceptions—banks do not act simply as intermediaries, lending out deposits that savers place with them, and nor do they 'multiply up' central bank money to create new loans and deposits…

The reality of how money is created today differs from the description found in some economics textbooks: Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then lending them out, bank lending creates deposits. In normal times, the central bank does not fix the amount of money in circulation, nor is central bank 'multiplied up' into more loans and deposits. (McLeay, Radia, and Thomas 2014, p. 14)

We have far more jobs going unfilled than able people wanting to work but millions on the dole. You figure it out!

Easy: as more real wealth is created by AI and robots, the nation needs relatively more highly skilled workers, and relatively fewer  low skilled workers, the opposite to that which is available,  hence the mismatch between the job-market skills requirements, and the skills of job seekers.

Biden has authorized hiring 87 thousand additional IRS Agents, who do you think his target is? Hint, it ain't the rich.

Discussed by other posters.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 13th, 2023 at 11:11pm
Wake up, America — we're losing our country!

By Bob Weir

I never thought I'd have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world.  I've always felt grateful to have been born in this marvelous nation.  Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside.  Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn't matter, because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I've been confused by the hostility coming from family and friends.  I look at people I've known for years, who have become so hateful that they will agree with opinions they would never have expressed as their own.  The indoctrination from the mainstream media has done a thorough job of implanting a sinister poison into the consciousness of a growing segment of the population that once would have immediately rejected the absurdity coming from the left and deemed it to be ludicrous on its face.  Instead, it's as though our planet has tilted on its axis and scrambled the innate common sense that once allowed us to think clearly.

We've become a nation that has lost its collective mind.  We're urged to abandon reason and reject cultural norms, choosing instead an accommodation to an assortment of freakish behaviors, which, during a saner time in our history would have required psychological counseling, rather than fawning acquiescence.  The more we cater to the idiosyncrasies from that tiny fraction of society, the more likely it is that it will get progressively more repugnant.  You can't justify this insanity.  If a guy pretends to be a woman, you're required to pretend with him.  If you say it's impossible for a man to get pregnant and have children, you're attacked as a "transphobe."  A woman running for the Supreme Court can't define what a woman is.  If a man walks into a room wearing a dress, high heels and panty hose, while sporting a beard and goatee, and you address him as "sir," you might be vilified for "misgendering."

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections is good.  It was okay for Biden to extort the president of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.  Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but 18 is old enough to vote.  People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.  People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out steep loans for their degrees.  Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.  Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.  Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but 1.5 trillion for free health care is not.  If you cheat to get into college, you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

People who say there's no such thing as biological sex are demanding that we elect a female president.  We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to some of us.  Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for things they're doing now.  Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of their rights.  And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us racists.

Nothing makes sense anymore!  No values, no morals, and no civility.  People died from a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese, even though it began in China.  We're clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong, and wrong is right, where moral is immoral, and immoral is moral, where good is evil, and evil is good; where killing murderers is wrong, but killing unborn babies is okay.

Wake up, America!  Nihilists are systematically robbing us of everything that made our country the envy of the world.  Our ancestors fought and died to give us this bountiful life.  Did they pass their freedom-loving DNA to us in perpetuity?  Or did the soft life they created for us weaken our backbones and drain us of the courage needed to hold onto their gift?  That swinging pendulum we've been hearing about for decades has reached the breaking point.  Get involved in reversing it, or prepare for the end of everything you've worked for.

The left is willing to destroy our country.  What are you willing to do to save it?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 14th, 2023 at 12:01am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 13th, 2023 at 11:11pm:
Wake up, America — we're losing our country!

By Bob Weir

I never thought I'd have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world.  I've always felt grateful to have been born in this marvelous nation.  Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside.  Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn't matter, because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I've been confused by the hostility coming from family and friends.  I look at people I've known for years, who have become so hateful that they will agree with opinions they would never have expressed as their own.  The indoctrination from the mainstream media has done a thorough job of implanting a sinister poison into the consciousness of a growing segment of the population that once would have immediately rejected the absurdity coming from the left and deemed it to be ludicrous on its face.  Instead, it's as though our planet has tilted on its axis and scrambled the innate common sense that once allowed us to think clearly.

We've become a nation that has lost its collective mind.  We're urged to abandon reason and reject cultural norms, choosing instead an accommodation to an assortment of freakish behaviors, which, during a saner time in our history would have required psychological counseling, rather than fawning acquiescence.  The more we cater to the idiosyncrasies from that tiny fraction of society, the more likely it is that it will get progressively more repugnant.  You can't justify this insanity.  If a guy pretends to be a woman, you're required to pretend with him.  If you say it's impossible for a man to get pregnant and have children, you're attacked as a "transphobe."  A woman running for the Supreme Court can't define what a woman is.  If a man walks into a room wearing a dress, high heels and panty hose, while sporting a beard and goatee, and you address him as "sir," you might be vilified for "misgendering."

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections is good.  It was okay for Biden to extort the president of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.  Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but 18 is old enough to vote.  People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.  People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out steep loans for their degrees.  Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.  Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.  Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but 1.5 trillion for free health care is not.  If you cheat to get into college, you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

People who say there's no such thing as biological sex are demanding that we elect a female president.  We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to some of us.  Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for things they're doing now.  Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of their rights.  And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us racists.

Nothing makes sense anymore!  No values, no morals, and no civility.  People died from a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese, even though it began in China.  We're clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong, and wrong is right, where moral is immoral, and immoral is moral, where good is evil, and evil is good; where killing murderers is wrong, but killing unborn babies is okay.

Wake up, America!  Nihilists are systematically robbing us of everything that made our country the envy of the world.  Our ancestors fought and died to give us this bountiful life.  Did they pass their freedom-loving DNA to us in perpetuity?  Or did the soft life they created for us weaken our backbones and drain us of the courage needed to hold onto their gift?  That swinging pendulum we've been hearing about for decades has reached the breaking point.  Get involved in reversing it, or prepare for the end of everything you've worked for.

The left is willing to destroy our country.  What are you willing to do to save it?

A rather sad and inaccurate rant of malarkey.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 14th, 2023 at 12:23am
A rather sad and accurate picture of our modern Sodom and Gomora. This is unsustainable!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Apr 14th, 2023 at 12:31am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 13th, 2023 at 11:11pm:
Wake up, America — we're losing our country!

By Bob Weir

I never thought I'd have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world.  I've always felt grateful to have been born in this marvelous nation.  Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside.  Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn't matter, because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I've been confused by the hostility coming from family and friends.  I look at people I've known for years, who have become so hateful that they will agree with opinions they would never have expressed as their own.  The indoctrination from the mainstream media has done a thorough job of implanting a sinister poison into the consciousness of a growing segment of the population that once would have immediately rejected the absurdity coming from the left and deemed it to be ludicrous on its face.  Instead, it's as though our planet has tilted on its axis and scrambled the innate common sense that once allowed us to think clearly.

We've become a nation that has lost its collective mind.  We're urged to abandon reason and reject cultural norms, choosing instead an accommodation to an assortment of freakish behaviors, which, during a saner time in our history would have required psychological counseling, rather than fawning acquiescence.  The more we cater to the idiosyncrasies from that tiny fraction of society, the more likely it is that it will get progressively more repugnant.  You can't justify this insanity.  If a guy pretends to be a woman, you're required to pretend with him.  If you say it's impossible for a man to get pregnant and have children, you're attacked as a "transphobe."  A woman running for the Supreme Court can't define what a woman is.  If a man walks into a room wearing a dress, high heels and panty hose, while sporting a beard and goatee, and you address him as "sir," you might be vilified for "misgendering."

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections is good.  It was okay for Biden to extort the president of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.  Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but 18 is old enough to vote.  People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.  People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out steep loans for their degrees.  Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.  Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.  Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but 1.5 trillion for free health care is not.  If you cheat to get into college, you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

People who say there's no such thing as biological sex are demanding that we elect a female president.  We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to some of us.  Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for things they're doing now.  Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of their rights.  And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us racists.

Nothing makes sense anymore!  No values, no morals, and no civility.  People died from a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese, even though it began in China.  We're clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong, and wrong is right, where moral is immoral, and immoral is moral, where good is evil, and evil is good; where killing murderers is wrong, but killing unborn babies is okay.

Wake up, America!  Nihilists are systematically robbing us of everything that made our country the envy of the world.  Our ancestors fought and died to give us this bountiful life.  Did they pass their freedom-loving DNA to us in perpetuity?  Or did the soft life they created for us weaken our backbones and drain us of the courage needed to hold onto their gift?  That swinging pendulum we've been hearing about for decades has reached the breaking point.  Get involved in reversing it, or prepare for the end of everything you've worked for.

The left is willing to destroy our country.  What are you willing to do to save it?

Moi? I'm willing to hang out here in jolly old Oz, Mort, that's what.

Your Dear Leader denied climate change, started global trade wars, pulled away from the Pacific, tried to pull out of NATO and did everything he could to sabotage the Western global order, egged on by his friend Vlad every step of the way.

Your espoused values go against everything that makes our country work. We're a stable middle power, a bridge between east and west, mediating and straddling two global powers. We rely on the prosperity of both China and America. Your Dear Leader nearly destroyed the latter.

We wish you well.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Apr 14th, 2023 at 1:36am

Dnarever wrote on Apr 14th, 2023 at 12:01am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 13th, 2023 at 11:11pm:
Wake up, America — we're losing our country!

By Bob Weir

I never thought I'd have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world.  I've always felt grateful to have been born in this marvelous nation.  Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside.  Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn't matter, because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I've been confused by the hostility coming from family and friends.  I look at people I've known for years, who have become so hateful that they will agree with opinions they would never have expressed as their own.  The indoctrination from the mainstream media has done a thorough job of implanting a sinister poison into the consciousness of a growing segment of the population that once would have immediately rejected the absurdity coming from the left and deemed it to be ludicrous on its face.  Instead, it's as though our planet has tilted on its axis and scrambled the innate common sense that once allowed us to think clearly.

We've become a nation that has lost its collective mind.  We're urged to abandon reason and reject cultural norms, choosing instead an accommodation to an assortment of freakish behaviors, which, during a saner time in our history would have required psychological counseling, rather than fawning acquiescence.  The more we cater to the idiosyncrasies from that tiny fraction of society, the more likely it is that it will get progressively more repugnant.  You can't justify this insanity.  If a guy pretends to be a woman, you're required to pretend with him.  If you say it's impossible for a man to get pregnant and have children, you're attacked as a "transphobe."  A woman running for the Supreme Court can't define what a woman is.  If a man walks into a room wearing a dress, high heels and panty hose, while sporting a beard and goatee, and you address him as "sir," you might be vilified for "misgendering."

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections is good.  It was okay for Biden to extort the president of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.  Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but 18 is old enough to vote.  People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.  People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out steep loans for their degrees.  Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.  Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.  Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but 1.5 trillion for free health care is not.  If you cheat to get into college, you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

People who say there's no such thing as biological sex are demanding that we elect a female president.  We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to some of us.  Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for things they're doing now.  Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of their rights.  And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us racists.

Nothing makes sense anymore!  No values, no morals, and no civility.  People died from a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese, even though it began in China.  We're clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong, and wrong is right, where moral is immoral, and immoral is moral, where good is evil, and evil is good; where killing murderers is wrong, but killing unborn babies is okay.

Wake up, America!  Nihilists are systematically robbing us of everything that made our country the envy of the world.  Our ancestors fought and died to give us this bountiful life.  Did they pass their freedom-loving DNA to us in perpetuity?  Or did the soft life they created for us weaken our backbones and drain us of the courage needed to hold onto their gift?  That swinging pendulum we've been hearing about for decades has reached the breaking point.  Get involved in reversing it, or prepare for the end of everything you've worked for.

The left is willing to destroy our country.  What are you willing to do to save it?

A rather sad and inaccurate rant of malarkey.

Why do you reckon it's inaccurate?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Apr 14th, 2023 at 2:05am

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 14th, 2023 at 12:31am:
Your espoused values go against everything that makes our country work. We're a stable middle power, a bridge between east and west, mediating and straddling two global powers. We rely on the prosperity of both China and America

Is that why we're forking out $368 billion for nuclear submarines? ... and billions for F35s, and helicopters armed to the teeth? ... new tanks too I think

Did you see the news report about our Local Governments are running out of money, so they're going to double Council rates? The rate payers are already skint

You're dopey MattyKarnal, we are running on the smell of an oily rag, and our dollar is worth stuff all, that's how much confidence the rest of the world has in us

But you keep dreaming, dreaming will relieve your stressful mental state wondering where the money is going to come from

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 14th, 2023 at 11:04am

Bias_2012 wrote on Apr 14th, 2023 at 1:36am:
Why do you reckon it's inaccurate?

Check out #185 for some answers. Of course Mort doesn't want to learn ....and neither will you,  no doubt, but the answers are there, nevertheless.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 14th, 2023 at 11:23am

Wake up, America — we're losing our country!

By Bob Weir

[quote]I never thought I'd have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world.  I've always felt grateful to have been born in this marvelous nation.  Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside.  Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn't matter, because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I've been confused by the hostility coming from family and friends.  I look at people I've known for years, who have become so hateful that they will agree with opinions they would never have expressed as their own.  The indoctrination from the mainstream media has done a thorough job of implanting a sinister poison into the consciousness of a growing segment of the population that once would have immediately rejected the absurdity coming from the left and deemed it to be ludicrous on its face.  Instead, it's as though our planet has tilted on its axis and scrambled the innate common sense that once allowed us to think clearly.

We've become a nation that has lost its collective mind.  We're urged to abandon reason and reject cultural norms, choosing instead an accommodation to an assortment of freakish behaviors, which, during a saner time in our history would have required psychological counseling, rather than fawning acquiescence.  The more we cater to the idiosyncrasies from that tiny fraction of society, the more likely it is that it will get progressively more repugnant.  You can't justify this insanity.

All the above is baseless unsupported opinion. Its mostly just rhetoric. word soup. - meaningless babble

If a guy pretends to be a woman, you're required to pretend with him.  If you say it's impossible for a man to get pregnant and have children, you're attacked as a "transphobe."  A woman running for the Supreme Court can't define what a woman is.  If a man walks into a room wearing a dress, high heels and panty hose, while sporting a beard and goatee, and you address him as "sir," you might be vilified for "misgendering."

Agree or not the US isn't going to crash and burn because 0.0000001% of men want to put on a dress or vica versa for women.

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections is good.

Strawman - nobody said that.

  It was okay for Biden to extort the president of Ukraine

The international community wanted a corrupt judge removed in line with US policy.

but it's an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it. 

Trump extorted the president of Ukraine for a political electoral advantage against his opponent. Very different.

Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but 18 is old enough to vote.

Yes - This means something ?

People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.

Like anyone is being asked to do this.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out steep loans for their degrees. 

Immoral student debt should be removed - it is only fair.It doesn't go far enough. [/quote]

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 14th, 2023 at 11:34am

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.


Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting process


but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.  Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive

Not true

but 1.5 trillion for free health care is not.

The health care proposals work out cheaper than the current costs and vastly improve the health access and standards.

If you cheat to get into college, you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

He's got a million of them - are any true ?

People who say there's no such thing as biological sex are demanding that we elect a female president.

At last a good one - funny anyway.

We see other countries going socialist and collapsing,

Where ?

but it seems like a great plan to some of us. 

Straw man. Nobody is saying that in fact even the left of US politics is politically to the right of centre.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for things they're doing now.

Yet Donald should be in this group.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 14th, 2023 at 12:39pm
The case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Apr 15th, 2023 at 1:36am

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 14th, 2023 at 11:04am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Apr 14th, 2023 at 1:36am:
Why do you reckon it's inaccurate?

Check out #185 for some answers. Of course Mort doesn't want to learn ....and neither will you,  no doubt, but the answers are there, nevertheless.

#185 is the wrong post. I was talking about post #186

Mort knows more about the genuine American culture than you do ... and I can tell you that radical leftism is not part of it   

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm
Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country

By Steve Feinstein

Progressives, be they politicians, the rabid rank-and-file voter or the embarrassingly biased legacy media, are light-years removed from caring about the overriding good of the country. They care only about grabbing and retaining power, by any means necessary. Whether it’s rigging elections, pandering to fringe voting blocs, lying outright about economic and foreign policy issues, rewriting history, turning every single negative domestic occurrence (train derailments, school shootings, severe weather, product shortages, etc.) into an anti-Republican cudgel, progressives always look to gain political advantage and put their opposition in a negative light. What’s best for the country as a whole is never a consideration for them.

Some recent examples:

The Norfolk Southern Ohio Train Derailment

The recent train derailment and subsequent release of toxic gases in East Palestine, Ohio was a truly disastrous event. Innocent people had their health impacted and their lives upended. But progressives stayed away from this event like the plague. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg avoided visiting for as long as he could. When the enormity of the disaster couldn’t be denied any longer, the entire progressive machine -- politicians and legacy media alike -- did their best to blame the accident on Republicans’ dismantling of Obama-era safety regulations.

That was an outright lie, of course, but it succeeded in making an impact on some of the casually attentive public. Progressives weren’t interested in helping the residents of East Palestine. Progressives were only interested in leveraging the accident to gain political advantage over Republicans.

Recent Mass Shootings

Predictably, progressives always go right to their favorite boogeyman: Gun control. “When will we learn? How much more will it take?”

No new gun laws would have prevented any of these shootings. The cause is far deeper, having more to do with the shifting/diminishing sense of personal responsibility, the distorted and totally unjustified feeling of entitlement amongst the young, and the growing dissolution of the traditional two-parent nuclear family that is no longer present to impart the time-tested values of right-and-wrong the way they did two or three generations ago. These are the major deep-rooted causal reasons of mass violence and band-aid gun law “fixes” will have no effect.

Enacting knee-jerk gun laws that restrict lawful gun ownership is akin to making it extremely difficult for qualified drivers to obtain a driver’s license and own a car, simply because some totally unrelated, irresponsible individual was drunk behind the wheel and killed someone. Regrettable though drunk driving deaths are, they are not the fault of either lawful drivers nor Honda.

Progressives don’t care. Hollering, “Ban AR-15s now!” grabs headlines and wins the votes of the uninformed. “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” as presidential advisor Rahm Emanuel said so famously early in Obama’s first term.

Weaponizing the Justice System

This one is particularly dangerous. Progressives do not care about the long-range, damaging precedent this sets for our legal and political systems. Part of why America functions as well as it does is because of the confidence that the citizenry has in the fairness of the electoral process and the equal and fair application of the law.

But progressives have turned that completely upside down in their misplaced zeal to garner short-term political advantage. With the astonishingly partisan and shockingly clueless Merrick Garland at the head of the DoJ, this administration is tagging school moms as “domestic terrorists” for wanting their kids’ education to concentrate on traditional academics and steer clear of inappropriate “adult” matter that has no place in the publicly funded 6th-grade classroom. The DoJ now arrests and jails political rivals to the current administration on the flimsiest of non-existent reasons, while completely ignoring actual felonious crimes committed by administration members, their families, and their political allies.

And the progressives’ legal weaponry extends all the way to our time-honored religious freedom, to the point where Catholics attending the traditional Latin Mass are put on a government watchlist and pro-life advocates defending their family from personal physical attack have their doors broken down by the FBI and are arrested.

It’s all fine with current-day progressives, if doing so intimidates, minimizes, marginalizes, and otherwise neutralizes any action taken by a conservative.

There are many other examples. Does wokifying the military with DEI and drag queen shows on military bases improve and strengthen the national security standing -- which is the military’s only mission -- of this country? No.

Does it help progressives’ election efforts with fringe voters? Yes.

Does establishing completely illogical and unobtainable requirements for EV (electric vehicle) ownership help the country, the environment, or the economy? No, obviously not. Mining for the rare earth metals used in EVs is far more destructive to the earth than safe, reliable American fossil-fuel extraction. The rare-earth materials and battery production comes from other countries, including Communist China, so it hurts our economy and makes us more vulnerable to and dependent on bad actors.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:21pm
Assuming that progressives even know any of this (many are likely totally ignorant), would it matter? No. They think that pushing the Green agenda helps their short-term electoral power grab and that’s their end game.

Every public utterance, every policy move, every new regulation from today’s progressives is designed to further their ability to obtain and hold power and control the American populace. The closer one pays attention, the more apparent this is. “For the good of the country” never enters the picture.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 15th, 2023 at 8:51pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:16pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country

By Steve Feinstein

Progressives, be they politicians, the rabid rank-and-file voter or the embarrassingly biased legacy media, are light-years removed from caring about the overriding good of the country. They care only about grabbing and retaining power, by any means necessary. Whether it’s rigging elections, pandering to fringe voting blocs, lying outright about economic and foreign policy issues, rewriting history, turning every single negative domestic occurrence (train derailments, school shootings, severe weather, product shortages, etc.) into an anti-Republican cudgel, progressives always look to gain political advantage and put their opposition in a negative light. What’s best for the country as a whole is never a consideration for them.

Some recent examples:

The Norfolk Southern Ohio Train Derailment

The recent train derailment and subsequent release of toxic gases in East Palestine, Ohio was a truly disastrous event. Innocent people had their health impacted and their lives upended. But progressives stayed away from this event like the plague. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg avoided visiting for as long as he could. When the enormity of the disaster couldn’t be denied any longer, the entire progressive machine -- politicians and legacy media alike -- did their best to blame the accident on Republicans’ dismantling of Obama-era safety regulations.

That was an outright lie, of course, but it succeeded in making an impact on some of the casually attentive public. Progressives weren’t interested in helping the residents of East Palestine. Progressives were only interested in leveraging the accident to gain political advantage over Republicans.

Recent Mass Shootings

Predictably, progressives always go right to their favorite boogeyman: Gun control. “When will we learn? How much more will it take?”

No new gun laws would have prevented any of these shootings. The cause is far deeper, having more to do with the shifting/diminishing sense of personal responsibility, the distorted and totally unjustified feeling of entitlement amongst the young, and the growing dissolution of the traditional two-parent nuclear family that is no longer present to impart the time-tested values of right-and-wrong the way they did two or three generations ago. These are the major deep-rooted causal reasons of mass violence and band-aid gun law “fixes” will have no effect.

Enacting knee-jerk gun laws that restrict lawful gun ownership is akin to making it extremely difficult for qualified drivers to obtain a driver’s license and own a car, simply because some totally unrelated, irresponsible individual was drunk behind the wheel and killed someone. Regrettable though drunk driving deaths are, they are not the fault of either lawful drivers nor Honda.

Progressives don’t care. Hollering, “Ban AR-15s now!” grabs headlines and wins the votes of the uninformed. “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” as presidential advisor Rahm Emanuel said so famously early in Obama’s first term.

Weaponizing the Justice System

This one is particularly dangerous. Progressives do not care about the long-range, damaging precedent this sets for our legal and political systems. Part of why America functions as well as it does is because of the confidence that the citizenry has in the fairness of the electoral process and the equal and fair application of the law.

But progressives have turned that completely upside down in their misplaced zeal to garner short-term political advantage. W.....stent reasons, while completely ignoring actual felonious crimes committed by administration members, their families, and their political allies.

And the progressives’ legal weaponry extends all the way to our time-honored religious freedom, to the point where Catholics attending the traditional Latin Mass are put on a government watchlist and pro-life advocates defending their family from personal physical attack have their doors broken down by the FBI and are arrested.

It’s all fine with current-day progressives, if doing so intimidates, minimizes, marginalizes, and otherwise neutralizes any action taken by a conservative.

There are many other examples. Does wokifying the military with DEI and drag queen shows on military bases improve and strengthen the national security standing -- which is the military’s only mission -- of this country? No.

Does it help progressives’ election efforts with fringe voters? Yes.

Does establishing completely illogical and unobtainable requirements for EV (electric vehicle) ownership help the country, the environment, or the economy? No, obviously not. Mining for the rare earth metals used in EVs is far more destructive to the earth than safe, reliable American fossil-fuel extraction. The rare-earth materials and battery production comes from other countries, including Communist China, so it hurts our economy a

It is difficult to tell if you have a straight face when you post this type of garbage. Difficult to think that anyone could believe rubbish like this.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:21pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:16pm:
It is difficult to tell if you have a straight face when you post this type of garbage. Difficult to think that anyone could believe rubbish like this.

Why do you think it's rubbish?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 16th, 2023 at 11:33am

Bias_2012 wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:21pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:16pm:
It is difficult to tell if you have a straight face when you post this type of garbage. Difficult to think that anyone could believe rubbish like this.

Why do you think it's rubbish?

The Preface
- meaningless mostly incorrect opinionated tripe.

The Norfolk Southern Ohio Train Derailment

Badly managed process corrupt and lots of mistakes. Buttigieg didn't do very well but his people were there on day one.

Trump's publicity visit where he didn't bother to visit the scene and the highlight was him eating Macca's which was really a particular lowlight.

Still the testing process was deliberately incompetent workers getting sick was covered up and the company doing things it clearly could not be trusted to do.

The legislation changes - deregulation were very relevant.

By far Buttigieg's biggest failure was that he hadn't undone the errors that the republicans in Trump's government had made.

Recent Mass Shootings

The cause is far deeper, having more to do with the shifting/diminishing sense of personal responsibility, the distorted and totally unjustified feeling of entitlement amongst the young

Garbage like this - the problem is guns.

knee-jerk gun laws that restrict lawful gun ownership is akin to making it extremely difficult for qualified drivers to obtain a driver’s license

Drivers do need a tested license because of the inherent danger. His argument sucks, in fact it supports the opposite of what he is saying. (see what I mean - its rubbish).

Hollering, “Ban AR-15s now!” grabs headlines and wins the votes of the uninformed.

When you look at the point where this type of deaths increased you see it lines up with the AR15 style gun being unbanned.
You see that there is a direct correlation between gun ownership and gun deaths. Hard to tell if anyone actually believes this garbage but it is mostly profit driven via corrupt politics. No it is in fact a garbage version of unsupported opinion.

Weaponizing the Justice System

What a nonsensical rant ?

In order - meaningless rhetoric --- time-honored religious freedom------traditional Latin Mass are put on a government watchlist----- pro-life advocates defending their family - right to life --- waffle --- drag queens "of course" ---- Electric vehicles ----- fossil-fuel --------Communist China.

Just a mish mash of nonsense.

It is just the warped unfounded opinion of a gun nutter.

It was Trump that weaponised the DOJ Using his pet AG Billy Barr to do it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 16th, 2023 at 8:07pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 16th, 2023 at 11:33am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:21pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:16pm:
It is difficult to tell if you have a straight face when you post this type of garbage. Difficult to think that anyone could believe rubbish like this.

Why do you think it's rubbish?

The Preface
- meaningless mostly incorrect opinionated tripe.

[quote]The Norfolk Southern Ohio Train Derailment

Badly managed process corrupt and lots of mistakes. Buttigieg didn't do very well but his people were there on day one.

Trump's publicity visit where he didn't bother to visit the scene and the highlight was him eating Macca's was ana was really a particular lowlight.

Still the testing process was deliberately incompetent workers getting sick was covered up and the company doing things it clearly could not be trusted to do.

The legislation changes - deregulation were very relevant.

By far Buttigieg's biggest failure was that he hadn't undone the errors that the republicans in Trump's government had made.

Recent Mass Shootings

The cause is far deeper, having more to do with the shifting/diminishing sense of personal responsibility, the distorted and totally unjustified feeling of entitlement amongst the young

Garbage like this - the problem is guns.

knee-jerk gun laws that restrict lawful gun ownership is akin to making it extremely difficult for qualified drivers to obtain a driver’s license

Drivers do need a tested license because of the inherent danger. His argument sucks, in fact it supports the opposite of what he is saying. (see what I mean - its rubbish).

Hollering, “Ban AR-15s now!” grabs headlines and wins the votes of the uninformed.

When you look at the point where this type of deaths increased you see it lines up with the AR15 style gun being unbanned.
You see that there is a direct correlation between gun ownership and gun deaths. Hard to tell if anyone actually believes this garbage but it is mostly profit driven via corrupt politics. No it is in fact a garbage version of unsupported opinion.

Weaponizing the Justice System

What a nonsensical rant ?

In order - meaningless rhetoric --- time-honored religious freedom------traditional Latin Mass are put on a government watchlist----- pro-life advocates defending their family - right to life --- waffle --- drag queens "of course" ---- Electric vehicles ----- fossil-fuel --------Communist China.

Just a mish mash of nonsense.

It is just the warped unfounded opinion of a gun nutter.[/quote]

I see you can't handle the truth, just go on worshiping big government and the perversions of the Left!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 16th, 2023 at 10:41pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 16th, 2023 at 11:43pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 16th, 2023 at 8:07pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 16th, 2023 at 11:33am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:21pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 10:16pm:
It is difficult to tell if you have a straight face when you post this type of garbage. Difficult to think that anyone could believe rubbish like this.

Why do you think it's rubbish?

The Preface
- meaningless mostly incorrect opinionated tripe.

[quote]The Norfolk Southern Ohio Train Derailment

Badly managed process corrupt and lots of mistakes. Buttigieg didn't do very well but his people were there on day one.

Trump's publicity visit where he didn't bother to visit the scene and the highlight was him eating Macca's was ana was really a particular lowlight.

Still the testing process was deliberately incompetent workers getting sick was covered up and the company doing things it clearly could not be trusted to do.

The legislation changes - deregulation were very relevant.

By far Buttigieg's biggest failure was that he hadn't undone the errors that the republicans in Trump's government had made.

[quote]Recent Mass Shootings

The cause is far deeper, having more to do with the shifting/diminishing sense of personal responsibility, the distorted and totally unjustified feeling of entitlement amongst the young

Garbage like this - the problem is guns.

knee-jerk gun laws that restrict lawful gun ownership is akin to making it extremely difficult for qualified drivers to obtain a driver’s license

Drivers do need a tested license because of the inherent danger. His argument sucks, in fact it supports the opposite of what he is saying. (see what I mean - its rubbish).

Hollering, “Ban AR-15s now!” grabs headlines and wins the votes of the uninformed.

When you look at the point where this type of deaths increased you see it lines up with the AR15 style gun being unbanned.
You see that there is a direct correlation between gun ownership and gun deaths. Hard to tell if anyone actually believes this garbage but it is mostly profit driven via corrupt politics. No it is in fact a garbage version of unsupported opinion.

Weaponizing the Justice System

What a nonsensical rant ?

In order - meaningless rhetoric --- time-honored religious freedom------traditional Latin Mass are put on a government watchlist----- pro-life advocates defending their family - right to life --- waffle --- drag queens "of course" ---- Electric vehicles ----- fossil-fuel --------Communist China.

Just a mish mash of nonsense.

It is just the warped unfounded opinion of a gun nutter.[/quote]

I see you can't handle the truth, just go on worshiping big government and the perversions of the Left![/quote]

Truth - how would you know. at least 80% of the garbage in that story isn't true.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 18th, 2023 at 7:28am
The land of 'the brave and the free' is turning into the land of the paranoid and the greedy.

A  young black man, not a 'deadbeat', knocks on the wrong door by mistake - and is shot by the householder.

Something to do with the US constitution.....

And this is Oz's 'security' partner....

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 19th, 2023 at 9:54am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country

And neither are you.

The good of the country means maximising the nation'a productivity for the benefit of ALL citizens. 

Soaring inequality amid entrenched poverty has nothing to do with "the good of the country".

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:28pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 19th, 2023 at 9:54am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country

And neither are you.

The good of the country means maximising the nation'a productivity for the benefit of ALL citizens. 

Soaring inequality amid entrenched poverty has nothing to do with "the good of the country".

The country is supposed to exist for the good of the individual, not the individual just existing for the good of the country! I know you are just a little organism in the government creature that wants to have power over the masses and you want to justify your enslavement.

What is good for the individual and freedom is good for the country!

The poor will always be with us, at this time in history we have the richest poor people ever. The massive luxury's enjoyed by the poor far exceed the ones of the richest people just a few hundred years ago. When government takes control of lives those controlled become complacent and never try to better their lot in life.

Everything in the previous post is 100% true. Do you really think everything is going well since the criminal biden started undoing all the progress make in the previous four years? I have friends who are unaffected by the biden inflation and others who have had to cut back massively on the little pleasures in life we all like to enjoy. They can no longer afford gasoline or the price of a sit down restaurant meal because of this administration. Biden must really love poor people since he is doing so much to create more of them here by bringing people down rather than helping them to lift themselves up!

This administration and the people behind them are doing all it can to destroy the middle class, freedom and liberty! They are the enemies of America.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:40pm
Morty has spent decades overdosing on the cool aid, he is oblivious to reality now, no matter how much evidence you put in front of him .

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Apr 24th, 2023 at 10:05pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

You are an ignorant moron. Why do you keep advertising it? We KNOW it, thicko. We get you are a a pig ignorant tendentious fkkwit. WE GET IT, Gino!

Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 24th, 2023 at 10:08pm

Frank wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 10:05pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

You are an ignorant moron. Why do you keep advertising it? We KNOW it, thicko. We get you are a a pig ignorant tendentious fkkwit. WE GET IT, Gino!

Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide

Did they try to attack Trump? Did they attempt to overthrow the govt?

You should stop highlighting your stupidity.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:13pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:40pm:
Morty has spent decades overdosing on the cool aid, he is oblivious to reality now, no matter how much evidence you put in front of him .

I have seen your evidence and it is false. Family values have been reduced to being labeled far right radicalism. Mutilating and abusing children is the new normal. The most bizarre behavior is now what we are required to accept. What could possibly go wrong?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:21pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Coup? Who comes to a coup unarmed? It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election! Government instigators are responsible for all violence that day! They are the only ones who murdered anyone that day.

If biden won the election where are the biden hats and flags? Why can't we question the obvious irregularities or even post on YouTube or Facebook without censorship. I don't see any support or love for biden so how did he receive more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including his former boss? The results look very much like those from the former USSR.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:50pm

Most Americans Now Suspect Federal Agents Provoked Jan 6th, Says Poll Data.

A large majority of Americans now suspect that U.S. federal agents provoked the January 6th riots at the United States Capitol, according to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports.

Nearly two-thirds, 65 percent, of likely U.S. voters, think the events at the Capitol were provoked following the release of the videotapes by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight in March. This represents an increase of 4 points since March 2nd, when Rasmussen last polled on the issue.

Just 12 percent of all surveyed thought that it is “not at all likely” that undercover agents helped provoke the Capitol riot – less than one-eighth of the American voter base.

Perhaps surprisingly, on the same question, Rasmussen discovered a majority of Democrat voters, 59 percent, believe it was either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that “undercover government agents helped provoke” the incident.

Among Republican voters the number is even higher, with 60 percent thinking it is “very likely” and another 14 percent “somewhat likely” – a total of 3 in 4 voters.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 25th, 2023 at 9:21am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:21pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Coup? Who comes to a coup unarmed? It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election! Government instigators are responsible for all violence that day! They are the only ones who murdered anyone that day.

If biden won the election where are the biden hats and flags? Why can't we question the obvious irregularities or even post on YouTube or Facebook without censorship. I don't see any support or love for biden so how did he receive more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including his former boss? The results look very much like those from the former USSR.

There were plenty of arms, not that the facts ever meant much to you.  Questioning irregularities does not involve a mob breaking into a secure govt building searching for the VP so that they could hang him.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:02am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:21pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Coup? Who comes to a coup unarmed? It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election! Government instigators are responsible for all violence that day! They are the only ones who murdered anyone that day.

If biden won the election where are the biden hats and flags? Why can't we question the obvious irregularities or even post on YouTube or Facebook without censorship. I don't see any support or love for biden so how did he receive more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including his former boss? The results look very much like those from the former USSR.

It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election!

Lies about that cost FOX lies $787.5 million.

They paid this because they spent months convincing people lik eyou that it was true when they knew that it wasn't.

Nobody believed that the election was stolen including Trump, just you suckers.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:05am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:28pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 19th, 2023 at 9:54am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country

And neither are you.

The good of the country means maximising the nation'a productivity for the benefit of ALL citizens. 

Soaring inequality amid entrenched poverty has nothing to do with "the good of the country".

The country is supposed to exist for the good of the individual, not the individual just existing for the good of the country!

"We, the people of the order to promote the common welfare..."

The "common welfare" is not achieved by entrenched poverty amid soaring inequalty. 

I know you are just a little organism in the government creature that wants to have power over the masses and you want to justify your enslavement.

I am a citizen of a nation desirous of establishing the "common welfare", and an "economy which works for all". 

What is good for the individual and freedom is good for the country!

Nonsense. The "free" US has the highest gun deaths of any rich country.

The poor will always be with us, at this time in history we have the richest poor people ever.

However, extreme  inequality causes social disharmony. 

The massive luxury's enjoyed by the poor far exceed the ones of the richest people just a few hundred years ago.

Subsistence on food stamps isn't a "massive luxury".

When government takes control of lives those controlled become complacent and never try to better their lot in life.

Market intervention to engender above poverty participation isn't taking control of lives, its promoting personal agency.

Everything in the previous post is 100% true. Do you really think everything is going well since the criminal biden started undoing all the progress make in the previous four years?

No, but certainly the (so-called) IRA - bringing manufacturing back the the US - will assist the US to compete with China.

I have friends who are unaffected by the biden inflation

It's not the "biden inflation", it's a global inflation caused by covid supply interruptions, and the Ukraine war. 

This administration and the people behind them are doing all it can to destroy the middle class, freedom and liberty! They are the enemies of America.

The middle class has been under pressure since Detroit was destroyed by competion from overseas. 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:17am

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:05am:

I have friends who are unaffected by the biden inflation

It's not the "biden inflation", it's a global inflation caused by covid supply interruptions, and the Ukraine war. 

And massive Price gouging from companies who made record profits.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:00pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:02am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:21pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Coup? Who comes to a coup unarmed? It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election! Government instigators are responsible for all violence that day! They are the only ones who murdered anyone that day.

If biden won the election where are the biden hats and flags? Why can't we question the obvious irregularities or even post on YouTube or Facebook without censorship. I don't see any support or love for biden so how did he receive more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including his former boss? The results look very much like those from the former USSR.

It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election!

Lies about that cost FOX lies $787.5 million.

They paid this because they spent months convincing people lik eyou that it was true when they knew that it wasn't.

Nobody believed that the election was stolen including Trump, just you suckers.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:13pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:00pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:02am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:21pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Coup? Who comes to a coup unarmed? It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election! Government instigators are responsible for all violence that day! They are the only ones who murdered anyone that day.

If biden won the election where are the biden hats and flags? Why can't we question the obvious irregularities or even post on YouTube or Facebook without censorship. I don't see any support or love for biden so how did he receive more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including his former boss? The results look very much like those from the former USSR.

It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election!

Lies about that cost FOX lies $787.5 million.

They paid this because they spent months convincing people lik eyou that it was true when they knew that it wasn't.

Nobody believed that the election was stolen including Trump, just you suckers.

Just how stupid do you have to be to think that fox just paid 700mil to destroy their credibility  :D :D

You should stay away from the computer,  you're too stupid to be on it unsupervised

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:27pm

"We, the people of the order to promote the common welfare..."

The "common welfare" is not achieved by entrenched poverty amid soaring inequalty.

It isn't the governments job to make everyone rich or guarantee equal results for unequal effort.

I am a citizen of a nation desirous of establishing the "common welfare", and an "economy which works for all".

Not all want to work, how is it fair to give them the same thing without requiring the same effort?

Nonsense. The "free" US has the highest gun deaths of any rich country.

If the George Soros funded District Attorneys would stop releasing violent offenders on little to no bail many deaths could be avoided.

However, extreme  inequality causes social disharmony.

So you are saying you are entitled to a share of what is in my pocket. Cold day in Hell bubba!

Subsistence on food stamps isn't a "massive luxury".

A couple of hundred years ago there were no electric lights, air conditioning, television, radio, social media or any number of modern conveniences considered necessary for the welfare crowd at the expense of those who pay.  Once again you don't understand economics, if you can make the equivalent of $40,000 a year in payments and living expenses why would you give all that up to work?

Market intervention to engender above poverty participation isn't taking control of lives, its promoting personal agency.

No, it discourages people giving up the government tit.

It's not the "biden inflation", it's a global inflation caused by covid supply interruptions, and the Ukraine war.

The dollar is the world standard and biden debased it when he created trillions of dollars out of nothing to pay for his massive spending.

The middle class has been under pressure since Detroit was destroyed by competion from overseas

There are a lot of facets of that argument but when a worker overseas makes more per day than a Detroit worker does in an hour it is hard to compete. Tariffs between countries also have a lot to do with it as well as moving manufacturing.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:13pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:00pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:02am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 11:21pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 15th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
b]Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country[/b]

It wasn't progressives that tried a violent coup when they lost the election  :D

Coup? Who comes to a coup unarmed? It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election! Government instigators are responsible for all violence that day! They are the only ones who murdered anyone that day.

If biden won the election where are the biden hats and flags? Why can't we question the obvious irregularities or even post on YouTube or Facebook without censorship. I don't see any support or love for biden so how did he receive more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including his former boss? The results look very much like those from the former USSR.

It was a legal protest over an obviously stolen election!

Lies about that cost FOX lies $787.5 million.

They paid this because they spent months convincing people lik eyou that it was true when they knew that it wasn't.

Nobody believed that the election was stolen including Trump, just you suckers.

Just how stupid do you have to be to think that fox just paid 700mil to destroy their credibility  :D :D

You should stay away from the computer,  you're too stupid to be on it unsupervised

Keep watching the crap you agree with!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 25th, 2023 at 10:01pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:27pm:
It isn't the governments job to make everyone rich or guarantee equal results for unequal effort.

Of course it's not.  But good government will ensure everyone can at least particpate at above poverty level, at a minimum.

Not all want to work, how is it fair to give them the same thing without requiring the same effort?

News flash: most people want to work, to experience some personal agency in their lives. The dole cannot give that personal agency.

Your 'same reward for the same effort' is a bogus argument.   

If the George Soros funded District Attorneys would stop releasing violent offenders on little to no bail many deaths could be avoided.

Maybe, but there IS an association between crime and poverty, especially where there is extreme inequality.

So you are saying you are entitled to a share of what is in my pocket.

No I am saying every citizen has right and a duty to participate in the nation's economy, with a minimum above poverty reward. What YOU earn is beside the point.   

A couple of hundred years ago there were no electric lights, air conditioning, television, radio, social media or any number of modern conveniences considered necessary for the welfare crowd at the expense of those who pay.  Once again you don't understand economics, if you can make the equivalent of $40,000 a year in payments and living expenses why would you give all that up to work?

because people like personal agency, not subject to poverty and relying on food stamps.

No, it discourages people giving up the government tit.

Hint: the market is a competition, some succeed, some don't; intervention is required to avoid people being forced onto the dole.

The dollar is the world standard and biden debased it when he created trillions of dollars out of nothing to pay for his massive spending.

Er... US debt has been skyrocketting for decades (but that's not necessarily a problem, another story, see MMT. Trump himself, along with Rush Limbough, finally understood debt per se isn't a problem for a currency-issuing government, national productivity is the concern).   

There are a lot of facets of that argument but when a worker overseas makes more per day than a Detroit worker does in an hour it is hard to compete. Tariffs between countries also have a lot to do with it as well as moving manufacturing.

Note: Biden is smart to return motor manufacturing to the US, despite the fact US consumers will pay more for cars. A country which doesn't make things is doomed.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Apr 26th, 2023 at 7:04am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:
Keep watching the crap you agree with!

I watch it all. Unlike you, I'm not gullible enough to believe obvious lies. Even when people like Carlson and his ilk tell you they are lying, you still think their lies are the truth. Dumb doesn't even begin to describe you

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:18am

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

Correct. It is less than living.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:25am

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 7:04am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:
Keep watching the crap you agree with!

I watch it all. Unlike you, I'm not gullible enough to believe obvious lies. Even when people like Carlson and his ilk tell you they are lying, you still think their lies are the truth. Dumb doesn't even begin to describe you

You would think that the fox lies would have enlightened at least one of them.

The fact is that 2020/21 they were all told on fox that the election was stolen dominion rigged the election etc and they all believed it.

Then we get the knowledge that it was all rubbish, the same fox hosts who told everyone that the election was rigged knew 100% that it wasn't true.

They still went on air telling their supporters the lie that the election was stolen when they knew it wasn't true.

The lies were clearly and unambiguously revealed in court cases right down to the point where Tucker was revealed as the biggest Biden supporter anything to get rid of the despicable dangerous Trump.

Still they seem to know nothing, absolutely nothing. They still think the election was stolen which is like believing the sun didn't rise today. What is wrong with these people.

Talk about an inability to learn.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:22pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled. In my old neighborhood the home next to me was sold to an investor and one of those families moved next door. While I was struggling to pay a mortgage they paid $50 per month to live as well as I did. Between almost free housing they received a monthly government subsidy and a monthly food budget on the tax payers. The only stipulation seemed to be that the welfare queen couldn't have a man live with her as a companion!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:48pm

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:22pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled. In my old neighborhood the home next to me was sold to an investor and one of those families moved next door. While I was struggling to pay a mortgage they paid $50 per month to live as well as I did. Between almost free housing they received a monthly government subsidy and a monthly food budget on the tax payers. The only stipulation seemed to be that the welfare queen couldn't have a man live with her as a companion!

You ofcourse end up with your own house. A single woman with children is not so free to seek work, not a matter of "feeling entitled" when responsibility for children applies.

You have to get past this idea of using abject poverty to force people to find work; it's in the nation's interests for the government to asist people to find work.   

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Apr 26th, 2023 at 11:27pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:48pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:22pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled. In my old neighborhood the home next to me was sold to an investor and one of those families moved next door. While I was struggling to pay a mortgage they paid $50 per month to live as well as I did. Between almost free housing they received a monthly government subsidy and a monthly food budget on the tax payers. The only stipulation seemed to be that the welfare queen couldn't have a man live with her as a companion!

You of course end up with your own house. A single woman with children is not so free to seek work, not a matter of "feeling entitled" when responsibility for children applies.

You have to get past this idea of using abject poverty to force people to find work; it's in the nation's interests for the government to assist people to find work.   

No, actually I had to sell and move from a decaying neighborhood thanks to government policy. The last time I passed through that area a once nice subdivision became a slum.

The welfare crowd is a lifestyle choice. They enjoy all the luxuries the working poor has to pay for. Decent housing with central heat and air conditioning. Cell phones, internet and cable TV for little or no out of pocket expenses. A generous food allowance that is commonly exchanged with others for about half face value. After the taxpayer does all this for them they hate us for having more than them. Somehow legal immigrants, many who don't speak English when they arrive become successes in just a few years and their children become professionals. You should blame them and the system that makes their lives too comfortable!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on Apr 27th, 2023 at 10:33am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 11:27pm:
No, actually I had to sell and move from a decaying neighborhood thanks to government policy. The last time I passed through that area a once nice subdivision became a slum.

That happens because working people are paid poverty level wages - if they can find a job...

The welfare crowd is a lifestyle choice.

No it's not; welfare is a stop gap ("safety net") to hide the systemic dysfunction of the current economic neoclassical economic orthodoxy ( see the NAIRU).

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Apr 27th, 2023 at 10:39am

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:22pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled. In my old neighborhood the home next to me was sold to an investor and one of those families moved next door. While I was struggling to pay a mortgage they paid $50 per month to live as well as I did. Between almost free housing they received a monthly government subsidy and a monthly food budget on the tax payers. The only stipulation seemed to be that the welfare queen couldn't have a man live with her as a companion!

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled.

Entitled to try to survive on almost nothing is the reality for most.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 1st, 2023 at 8:57pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 27th, 2023 at 10:39am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 9:22pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 10:11am:

Mortdooley wrote on Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:07am:
It is amusing you believe everyone would rather work and earn their way in life when offered a free ride at the expense of the rest of us.

Living in poverty on food stamps is not most peoples' idea of a "free ride".

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled. In my old neighborhood the home next to me was sold to an investor and one of those families moved next door. While I was struggling to pay a mortgage they paid $50 per month to live as well as I did. Between almost free housing they received a monthly government subsidy and a monthly food budget on the tax payers. The only stipulation seemed to be that the welfare queen couldn't have a man live with her as a companion!

It is a sweet deal if you are the kind of person that believes they are entitled.

Entitled to try to survive on almost nothing is the reality for most.

We are up to at least five generations that have continually been on Welfare now without a break to experience gainful employment.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 1st, 2023 at 9:25pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 1st, 2023 at 8:57pm:
We are up to at least five generations that have continually been on Welfare now without a break to experience gainful employment.

But you are blaming the victims of a dysfunctional system which deliberately imposes welfare as a stop-gap for the private sector's inability to create full employment.

For 5 generations, no less....geez....

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 2nd, 2023 at 8:41pm

thegreatdivide wrote on May 1st, 2023 at 9:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 1st, 2023 at 8:57pm:
We are up to at least five generations that have continually been on Welfare now without a break to experience gainful employment.

But you are blaming the victims of a dysfunctional system which deliberately imposes welfare as a stop-gap for the private sector's inability to create full employment.

For 5 generations, no less....geez....

It isn't the job of government to supply jobs. The only place I could fault it on this issue is the lack of inspiration. I blame Parents, they are the ones who should care about the future of their children. Old fashion family values would fix almost all of society's ills if we could return to them!

The Lyndon Johnson "great society" hasn't worked out so well for many Americans but it keeps some people voting democrat, maybe for as long as the next two hundred years! Do you understand the reference?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 3rd, 2023 at 1:28am

Mortdooley wrote on May 2nd, 2023 at 8:41pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 1st, 2023 at 9:25pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 1st, 2023 at 8:57pm:
We are up to at least five generations that have continually been on Welfare now without a break to experience gainful employment.

But you are blaming the victims of a dysfunctional system which deliberately imposes welfare as a stop-gap for the private sector's inability to create full employment.

For 5 generations, no less....geez....

It isn't the job of government to supply jobs. The only place I could fault it on this issue is the lack of inspiration. I blame Parents, they are the ones who should care about the future of their children. Old fashion family values would fix almost all of society's ills if we could return to them!

The Lyndon Johnson "great society" hasn't worked out so well for many Americans but it keeps some people voting democrat, maybe for as long as the next two hundred years! Do you understand the reference?

Strange. We seem to recall your devotion to your Dear Leader as Generalisimo Job Creator In Chief.

Those were the days. It was a mere three years ago, no?

Uncanny the way the job of government keeps changing. As long as government keeps a steady supply of firearms on the market, it's all good, ya?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 3rd, 2023 at 10:33pm
You choose to confuse make work paying non-jobs to the private sector. Trump got government out of the way of business and the private sector created more jobs. Biden asked for 87,000 more IRS Agents to squeeze more hard earned income out of the Middle Class!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 3rd, 2023 at 11:14pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 3rd, 2023 at 10:33pm:
You choose to confuse make work paying non-jobs to the private sector. Trump got government out of the way of business and the private sector created more jobs. Biden asked for 87,000 more IRS Agents to squeeze more hard earned income out of the Middle Class!

No, your Dear Leader signed off on tax cuts that saw corporate bonuses paid out to executives.

Sleepy Joe's invested in infrastructure that employs workers in the private sector to build roads, bridges, broadband, clean energy.

That's a fact. Your Dear Leader didn't even legislate tax cuts, Paul Ryan did. Sleepy Joe Biden cultivated the infrastructure bil.

That's 500-odd bil invested in the private sector, an investment in economic growth. It's not even debatable, dear. You Dear Leader wanted to do it himself.

And no squeezing hard-earned income - there's no new taxes. The middle classes are the beneficiaries to GDP growth. Paul Ryan paid out the top 1%.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 5th, 2023 at 10:47pm
You sound like Chekov in the original Star Trek series, great Russian inventor..... Trying to give credit when none is due I see.

When the Trump tax cuts were expected to create massive debt he was blamed but when they proved to be a major stimulus to the economy someone else did that!

The government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform.

The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes.

Unfortunately, many of the provisions of the Trump tax cuts are set to expire over the next few years.

The Congressional Budget Office’s May 2022 forecast shows that the government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the December 2017 passage of tax reform.

It doesn’t look like the tax cuts—which government scorekeepers said at the time would cost $1.5 trillion over 10 years—have been anything like the fiscal nightmare that some on the left would lead us to believe.

In March, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the 2017 Trump tax cuts a $2 trillion “GOP tax scam.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., accused Republicans of hypocrisy for supporting the tax cuts but opposing Congress’ massive spending spree.

The Biden White House issued a press release claiming “the Trump tax cuts had added $2 trillion to deficits over a decade.”

But the numbers tell a different story. Despite the political rhetoric, tax revenues are up.

Adjusting the forecasts to actual 2022 dollars, prior to the tax cuts the government projected $40.7 trillion of income tax, corporate tax, and payroll tax revenues between 2018 and 2027. The latest budget forecasts project $41.3 trillion of revenues for that period. Instead of reducing revenues by $1.5 trillion, the latest forecasts suggest tax revenues will come in $570 billion higher than expected.

What about the corporate tax cuts? Surely cutting the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% must have dramatically reduced corporate tax revenue?

Not according to the government budget numbers.

The government now expects to bring in $3.8 trillion in corporate tax revenues between 2018 and 2027, almost identical to the $3.9 trillion forecasted prior to the tax cuts. Moreover, since taxes don’t exist in a vacuum—and the corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes—the corporate tax reform likely paid for itself.

This infrastructure investment has gone totally off the rails. Companies has been given "cost plus" contracts and show no indication that they want to complete anything. If you had an ounce of civil engineering knowledge and saw what I see you would know there is no incentive to finish any of these projects. Every road has a bottleneck and more then thirty miles of the hurricane evacuation route has been under construction for almost six years. We have two major bridges that have been under construction that now need to be torn down and replaced before they were ever placed in operation.   

People spend most of their income and it goes into the economy. Rich people buy expensive thing that someone has to make. They spend on goods and services creating jobs. People spend their own money better than the government can spend it. If the government doesn't take it, the taxed will spend it stimulating the economy.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 6th, 2023 at 12:14am
They were Paul Ryan's tax cuts, Mort, as every schoolboy knows. They were scheduled for a vote long before your Dear Leader accidentally got voted in as prez.

Your Dear Leader signed off with a big, black Sharpie - the same pen he used to sign all those silly executive orders at his tiny desk. The same pen he used to rewrite his expired hurricane warnings: "Sharpiegate".

It's what your Dear Leader's known for - no meetings, no deals, no legislation. He'd spend his four-day weekends playing golf, come back to the Oval Office, sign a bunch of executive orders with his Sharpie, and check out for some executive time, watching re-runs of Tucker and Fox and Friends, then binge-tweeting, much to the dread of his staff and minders.

To be honest, I never really watched Star Trek, so I'm not so sure who Chekhov was. I doubt he just scribbled on executive decrees with a big black pen and pretended he was leading the free world, but that's just me.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am
Paul who? Paul Ryan only blocked and opposed everything President Trump tried to do. A man with no loyalty to Lobbyists is a danger to the Swamp! Trump actually worked for the American people which is rare in DC. I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability. You should really stop watching and reading only sources you agree with. The Main Stream Media has an agenda and rarely presents unbias factual news.

Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 6th, 2023 at 9:01am

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability.
Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

And you have learned nothing:'s%20something%20scary%20in,to%20build%20up%20your%20savings.

Only 40% of Americans Can Cover a Surprise $400 Expense
by Maurie Backman | Published on Aug. 2, 2022

40% ! - in the "richest " nation on the planet!

Confirmed by :,conducted%20in%20partnership%20with%20Momentive.

With inflation stubbornly high, 58% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck: CNBC survey

The very definition of chronic financial stress.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 6th, 2023 at 1:33pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
Paul who? Paul Ryan only blocked and opposed everything President Trump tried to do. A man with no loyalty to Lobbyists is a danger to the Swamp! Trump actually worked for the American people which is rare in DC. I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability. You should really stop watching and reading only sources you agree with. The Main Stream Media has an agenda and rarely presents unbias factual news.

Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

Thanks, Mort. That tax cut is the key reason the Trump administration saw record government debt, but do you know?

It was most cunning how the income tax cuts were set to expire in 2025, after Trump planned to leave office.

If the corporate tax cut was designed to attract more manufacturing business to America, it sorely failed. Trump's term saw more offshoring of manufacturing and heavy industry than any administration since Clinton's.

It's not about finding sources you may or may not agree with, it's about facts. Trump signed in a GOP corporate tax cut for the elites that had the effect of raising Wall Street share prices and allowing investors like yourself to keep more in the bank.

That money aids the financial services sector, not industry, and not creating manufacturing jobs. Financial services are global, so plenty of those savings moved offshore. Shelf companies in the Bahamas did well from the Paul Ryan tax cut. You may have money parked there yourself.

If you want to make America great again by making things, governments need to invest in infrastructure. This was another failed promise by Trump. He used up all of his political capital in Washington to erect 40 miles of steel slats in the desert. He blackmailed congress with the longest government shut down in US history. Trump gave up on deal making from that point on. He never recovered. His response to covid finally did him in.

It was left to Joe Biden to legislate the Jobs and Infrastructure Bill. That bill will allow your extra $2000 worth of tax savings to be invested in building roads, broadband and renewable energy projects. Trump gave your money to Goldman Sachs. Biden and Congress have put that same money to use building things and creating jobs. 

We'll spare all the FDR comparisons, but it's a critical difference in economic vision. Infrastructure is an investment in the economy. Faster internet, better roads and cheaper renewable energy allow more goods to be bought, sold and delivered.

Corporate tax cuts put more money in the Bahamas.

This isn't an ideological argument, it's the facts. It's backed up by hard economic data. It's why the Trump administration saw such a massive shift in wealth shift from the middle classes to the elites,  the top 1%. It's why your claim that Trump worked for the American people is so farcical.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 7th, 2023 at 11:53am

Mattyfisk wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 1:33pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
Paul who? Paul Ryan only blocked and opposed everything President Trump tried to do. A man with no loyalty to Lobbyists is a danger to the Swamp! Trump actually worked for the American people which is rare in DC. I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability. You should really stop watching and reading only sources you agree with. The Main Stream Media has an agenda and rarely presents unbias factual news.

Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

Thanks, Mort. That tax cut is the key reason the Trump administration saw record government debt, but do you know?

It was most cunning how the income tax cuts were set to expire in 2025, after Trump planned to leave office.

If the corporate tax cut was designed to attract more manufacturing business to America, it sorely failed. Trump's term saw more offshoring of manufacturing and heavy industry than any administration since Clinton's.

It's not about finding sources you may or may not agree with, it's about facts. Trump signed in a GOP corporate tax cut for the elites that had the effect of raising Wall Street share prices and allowing investors like yourself to keep more in the bank.

That money aids the financial services sector, not industry, and not creating manufacturing jobs. Financial services are global, so plenty of those savings moved offshore. Shelf companies in the Bahamas did well from the Paul Ryan tax cut. You may have money parked there yourself.

If you want to make America great again by making things, governments need to invest in infrastructure. This was another failed promise by Trump. He used up all of his political capital in Washington to erect 40 miles of steel slats in the desert. He blackmailed congress with the longest government shut down in US history. Trump gave up on deal making from that point on. He never recovered. His response to covid finally did him in.

It was left to Joe Biden to legislate the Jobs and Infrastructure Bill. That bill will allow your extra $2000 worth of tax savings to be invested in building roads, broadband and renewable energy projects. Trump gave your money to Goldman Sachs. Biden and Congress have put that same money to use building things and creating jobs. 

We'll spare all the FDR comparisons, but it's a critical difference in economic vision. Infrastructure is an investment in the economy. Faster internet, better roads and cheaper renewable energy allow more goods to be bought, sold and delivered.

Corporate tax cuts put more money in the Bahamas.

This isn't an ideological argument, it's the facts. It's backed up by hard economic data. It's why the Trump administration saw such a massive shift in wealth shift from the middle classes to the elites,  the top 1%. It's why your claim that Trump worked for the American people is so farcical.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Excellent post. The US is in danger if it continues to "invest" in the fake financial-industry casino, at the expense of the real economy.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 7th, 2023 at 10:59pm

thegreatdivide wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 9:01am:

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability.
Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

And you have learned nothing:'s%20something%20scary%20in,to%20build%20up%20your%20savings.

Only 40% of Americans Can Cover a Surprise $400 Expense
by Maurie Backman | Published on Aug. 2, 2022

40% ! - in the "richest " nation on the planet!

Confirmed by :,conducted%20in%20partnership%20with%20Momentive.

With inflation stubbornly high, 58% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck: CNBC survey

The very definition of chronic financial stress.

I've read a flexible percentage who can't cover a $400, it was $500 last time I saw it quoted as if it were the fault of someone other than those financially irresponsible people. It has been my experience that if you take any of these people and give them an extra $400 they don't need they will find a way to spend it as fast as possible. Without exception, I saw it with bidens so called stimulus checks!

I know people who have never saved for their old age and been just fine. They make good incomes, live in really nice homes and drive new cars all the time. Their future Pensions and Social Security will insure a lifetime of comfort. Does your statistics mean 60% can't cover a $400 sudden expense and 58% live paycheck to paycheck? That is 118%

The saying goes, "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Are we including children who can't pay a sudden $400 expense and are they included in living allowance to allowance?

The only part you seem clear on is the hardships of inflation imposed currently on people living on fixed incomes. The Democrats have been a massive disaster for the Poor and Middle Class of America.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 7th, 2023 at 11:24pm

Mattyfisk wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 1:33pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
Paul who? Paul Ryan only blocked and opposed everything President Trump tried to do. A man with no loyalty to Lobbyists is a danger to the Swamp! Trump actually worked for the American people which is rare in DC. I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability. You should really stop watching and reading only sources you agree with. The Main Stream Media has an agenda and rarely presents unbias factual news.

Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

Thanks, Mort. That tax cut is the key reason the Trump administration saw record government debt, but do you know?

It was most cunning how the income tax cuts were set to expire in 2025, after Trump planned to leave office.

If the corporate tax cut was designed to attract more manufacturing business to America, it sorely failed. Trump's term saw more offshoring of manufacturing and heavy industry than any administration since Clinton's.

It's not about finding sources you may or may not agree with, it's about facts. Trump signed in a GOP corporate tax cut for the elites that had the effect of raising Wall Street share prices and allowing investors like yourself to keep more in the bank.

That money aids the financial services sector, not industry, and not creating manufacturing jobs. Financial services are global, so plenty of those savings moved offshore. Shelf companies in the Bahamas did well from the Paul Ryan tax cut. You may have money parked there yourself.

If you want to make America great again by making things, governments need to invest in infrastructure. This was another failed promise by Trump. He used up all of his political capital in Washington to erect 40 miles of steel slats in the desert. He blackmailed congress with the longest government shut down in US history. Trump gave up on deal making from that point on. He never recovered. His response to covid finally did him in.

It was left to Joe Biden to legislate the Jobs and Infrastructure Bill. That bill will allow your extra $2000 worth of tax savings to be invested in building roads, broadband and renewable energy projects. Trump gave your money to Goldman Sachs. Biden and Congress have put that same money to use building things and creating jobs. 

We'll spare all the FDR comparisons, but it's a critical difference in economic vision. Infrastructure is an investment in the economy. Faster internet, better roads and cheaper renewable energy allow more goods to be bought, sold and delivered.

Corporate tax cuts put more money in the Bahamas.

This isn't an ideological argument, it's the facts. It's backed up by hard economic data. It's why the Trump administration saw such a massive shift in wealth shift from the middle classes to the elites,  the top 1%. It's why your claim that Trump worked for the American people is so farcical.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

I know you think government is Santa Claws but it's not. It has no money of its own, just what it takes from earners or creates out of thin air. Trump tried to put the brakes on spending and get congress to cut out some of the pork. They shut down the government until he approved the budget blaming him for the shutdown. After that he signed the bloated budget every year adding to the National Debt. Either way shut down or not, the Democrats in charge of making the budget would never reduce spending.

I wish they would stop working on the infrastructure around here. The narrowed lanes, closed exits and entrances to Freeways, the congestion because of traffic cones and barricades all to never complete anything because to do so certain people would stop getting paid! We need computer chips for our vehicles made in this country so we can buy new cars for less then MSRP rather then pay thousands above. We need the machinery that runs our economy made within our Nation rather than being held hostage by Communist China! Since China owns the biden crime family that is unlikely to happen. Just how did sniffy become a millionaire so fast after becoming Vice President?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 8th, 2023 at 12:23am

Mortdooley wrote on May 7th, 2023 at 11:24pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 1:33pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
Paul who? Paul Ryan only blocked and opposed everything President Trump tried to do. A man with no loyalty to Lobbyists is a danger to the Swamp! Trump actually worked for the American people which is rare in DC. I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability. You should really stop watching and reading only sources you agree with. The Main Stream Media has an agenda and rarely presents unbias factual news.

Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

Thanks, Mort. That tax cut is the key reason the Trump administration saw record government debt, but do you know?

It was most cunning how the income tax cuts were set to expire in 2025, after Trump planned to leave office.

If the corporate tax cut was designed to attract more manufacturing business to America, it sorely failed. Trump's term saw more offshoring of manufacturing and heavy industry than any administration since Clinton's.

It's not about finding sources you may or may not agree with, it's about facts. Trump signed in a GOP corporate tax cut for the elites that had the effect of raising Wall Street share prices and allowing investors like yourself to keep more in the bank.

That money aids the financial services sector, not industry, and not creating manufacturing jobs. Financial services are global, so plenty of those savings moved offshore. Shelf companies in the Bahamas did well from the Paul Ryan tax cut. You may have money parked there yourself.

If you want to make America great again by making things, governments need to invest in infrastructure. This was another failed promise by Trump. He used up all of his political capital in Washington to erect 40 miles of steel slats in the desert. He blackmailed congress with the longest government shut down in US history. Trump gave up on deal making from that point on. He never recovered. His response to covid finally did him in.

It was left to Joe Biden to legislate the Jobs and Infrastructure Bill. That bill will allow your extra $2000 worth of tax savings to be invested in building roads, broadband and renewable energy projects. Trump gave your money to Goldman Sachs. Biden and Congress have put that same money to use building things and creating jobs. 

We'll spare all the FDR comparisons, but it's a critical difference in economic vision. Infrastructure is an investment in the economy. Faster internet, better roads and cheaper renewable energy allow more goods to be bought, sold and delivered.

Corporate tax cuts put more money in the Bahamas.

This isn't an ideological argument, it's the facts. It's backed up by hard economic data. It's why the Trump administration saw such a massive shift in wealth shift from the middle classes to the elites,  the top 1%. It's why your claim that Trump worked for the American people is so farcical.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

I know you think government is Santa Claws but it's not. It has no money of its own, just what it takes from earners or creates out of thin air. Trump tried to put the brakes on spending and get congress to cut out some of the pork. They shut down the government until he approved the budget blaming him for the shutdown. After that he signed the bloated budget every year adding to the National Debt. Either way shut down or not, the Democrats in charge of making the budget would never reduce spending.

I wish they would stop working on the infrastructure around here. The narrowed lanes, closed exits and entrances to Freeways, the congestion because of traffic cones and barricades all to never complete anything because to do so certain people would stop getting paid! We need computer chips for our vehicles made in this country so we can buy new cars for less then MSRP rather then pay thousands above. We need the machinery that runs our economy made within our Nation rather than being held hostage by Communist China! Since China owns the biden crime family that is unlikely to happen. Just how did sniffy become a millionaire so fast after becoming Vice President?

That's a question, Mort, you're curious. Now, he's your prez. They publish their tax returns.

Do you want to check it out and get back to us?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.

What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?

Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.

Payout: estimated $20 million
In 2018, I was the first to report on Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). Hunter even introduced his dad to a company executive in December 2013 when father and son flew to Beijing on Air Force Two.

In October 2019, Hunter Biden’s lawyer George Mesires said Hunter would be resigning from the BHR board, without receiving any return on his investment or shareholder distributions.

What Team Biden failed to address was the fact that Hunter Biden still owned a stake in the investment fund, said to be 10%.

When I first reported on Hunter Biden’s China ties in 2018, Team Biden denied that they existed. Then they absurdly claimed that his stake in the BHR investment fund was only $420,000.

Payout: $5 million
Hunter Biden had another company called Burnham Asset Management. According to court documents filed by disgruntled investors, Harvest Global wired Burnham $5 million.

The purpose of this payment is unclear, but it may have been intended as an investment in Hunter’s business.

According to emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, Zhao may have sent other money, too.

“Henry remains committed to also making something work with myself and Hunter outside of this Burnham matter as mentioned before,” business partner James Bulger wrote. “He has a few interesting ideas.”

Zhao had suggested to Hunter and his business partners that he would structure a deal they estimated would be “putting money directly into our pockets.”

Payout: $188,000+
Hunter Biden had co-founded a firm called Rosemont Realty, and as early as 2011, he was looking for a Chinese buyer.

Rosemont Realty owns commercial buildings around the United States.

He had little luck initially, but then he and his partners received an “unsolicited offer” from a Hong Kong-based firm called Gemini Investments to buy his firm.

What is Gemini? The company is controlled by something then called Sino-Ocean Land, which was also chaired by the head of China Ocean Shipping Corporation (COSCO).

Japanese government agencies report that “Chinese intelligence services are closely linked” to COSCO. Some scholars in the West refer to COSCO as the “fifth arm of the Chinese Navy.”

For his part, President Xi Jinping has called the company “the dragon’s head for China” because of its strategic activities in Europe.

Hunter worked even more closely with COSCO in an attempt to buy the Greek national railway.

How much has Hunter Biden made from the Chinese deal that took over Rosemont Realty? It is impossible to know. But emails reveal at least one payment of approximately $188,000 from Rosemont Realty to Hunter Biden.

He also retained his stake in the company after the Chinese leadership took over.

Payout: $6 million
Ye Jianming, a wealthy Chinese businessman and the head of CEFC China Energy, provided $6 million to the Biden family, according to a Senate investigation into Hunter’s activities.

In early 2017, one month after his father left office as vice president, Hunter Biden worked for Ye as a counselor and adviser, and Joe Biden’s brother James received some of the funds that Ye transferred to Hunter.

Five million came in the form of a forgivable, interest-free loan. Ethically, a loan is worse than a cash gift for a politician’s family, because the loan giver can always demand their money back if the recipient of the funds is not doing as they like.

Who exactly is Ye?

Ye Jianming once served in a leadership position within the China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC), which is funded directly by Chinese military intelligence.

CEFC’s corporate documents confirm its self-perceived role in advancing China’s national energy strategy. Ye Jianming’s close relationship with both the Chinese military intelligence apparatus and the government cannot be overstated.

Payout: $1 million
Hunter Biden received even more money in his relationship with CEFC and Ye Jianming.

In 2017, one of Ye Jianming’s “top lieutenants,” Patrick Ho, was arrested on bribery charges by the FBI for offering money to African officials in exchange for energy deals.

He immediately called James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, looking for Hunter Biden.

The whole family is corrupt to the core!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Xavier on May 8th, 2023 at 3:30am
China wants to save Taiwan from the evil Democrats and their Political regime of Child sex-change mutilators, men in women's clothes, anal-pumping butt monkey pronouns and every other sexual perversion of American Politics that has emerged via the Democrats in bed with its Media.

...but hey, wouldn't any nation? ;D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 8th, 2023 at 9:27am
The 45th prez pulled 24 mil out of Chi-na in his first year in office, Mort. He failed to immediately declare that one.

Later, they found out he'd been dealing with Chi-na for years. He went straight to the top, as he likes to do, the communist Bank of Chi-na.

It's unknown how many political bribes he had to pay to get his hands on so much cash, but as he announced during the primaries, he'd paid them all off at one time or another.

So I'm curious. Given your excuse for the big fella is he's just doing deals it's what he does, why are you bothering with Joe Biden's son?

He supposedly got $420,000 as commission from a friend's investment firm. The big fella has been cashing in for years for millions. Also, Joe Biden has nothing to do with it. Even if he did, he held no political office at the time Hunter brokered his deal.

Aside from that, the New York Post is getting its info off a laptop left in a repair shop with no direct link to Hunter Biden at all. Nearly everyone who heard that story considered it to be a Russian plant, including Fox, which pulled it on legal advice. 

So there you have it: 45 belatedly declared his 24 mil, and Sleepy Joe did no deals with Chi-na at all.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 8th, 2023 at 12:03pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 7th, 2023 at 10:59pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 9:01am:

Mortdooley wrote on May 6th, 2023 at 2:25am:
I know the Trump tax cuts allowed me to keep an extra $2000 or so from tax liability.
Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

And you have learned nothing:'s%20something%20scary%20in,to%20build%20up%20your%20savings.

Only 40% of Americans Can Cover a Surprise $400 Expense
by Maurie Backman | Published on Aug. 2, 2022

40% ! - in the "richest " nation on the planet!

Confirmed by :,conducted%20in%20partnership%20with%20Momentive.

With inflation stubbornly high, 58% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck: CNBC survey

The very definition of chronic financial stress.

I've read a flexible percentage who can't cover a $400, it was $500 last time I saw it quoted as if it were the fault of someone other than those financially irresponsible people. It has been my experience that if you take any of these people and give them an extra $400 they don't need they will find a way to spend it as fast as possible. Without exception, I saw it with bidens so called stimulus checks!

I know people who have never saved for their old age and been just fine. They make good incomes, live in really nice homes and drive new cars all the time. Their future Pensions and Social Security will insure a lifetime of comfort. Does your statistics mean 60% can't cover a $400 sudden expense and 58% live paycheck to paycheck? That is 118%

The saying goes, "statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics"! Are we including children who can't pay a sudden $400 expense and are they included in living allowance to allowance?

The only part you seem clear on is the hardships of inflation imposed currently on people living on fixed incomes. The Democrats have been a massive disaster for the Poor and Middle Class of America.

Of course you ignore the stress of living paycheck to pay- check...assuming people even have a paycheck!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 8th, 2023 at 12:20pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 7th, 2023 at 11:24pm:
I know you think government is Santa Claws but it's not. It has no money of its own, just what it takes from earners or creates out of thin air.

That is indeed the currrent dysfunctional economic orthodoxy: government is forced to tax or borrow from the private sector to finance public policy.

Even "money which is created out of thin air" (and note: ALL money is created out of thin air, mostly when private banks write loans for credit-wortly customers)  by the Federal Reserve has to be repaid with interest, the ultimate fraud conducted by private financiers on the public sector. See #497 in

We need the machinery that runs our economy made within our Nation rather than being held hostage by Communist China!

Note: it' called the REAL economy, which the CCP is developing in China. Biden has started to do the same with the CHIPS, and IRA bills.  Too much of the US economy is based on the  fake Wall Street  financial-industry casino, with GS "a  great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 8th, 2023 at 9:50pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 8th, 2023 at 10:06pm

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

That is your problem. they have proven over time to be the more accurate source of News. Just between you, me and others here don't be surprised when school buses full of children are attacked. Whatever it takes for people to panic and cry for safety at the expense of their freedoms.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 8th, 2023 at 10:41pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:06pm:

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

That is your problem. they have proven over time to be the more accurate source of News. Just between you, me and others here don't be surprised when school buses full of children are attacked. Whatever it takes for people to panic and cry for safety at the expense of their freedoms.

:D :D
You're drunk aren't you?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 8th, 2023 at 11:15pm

John Smith wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:41pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:06pm:

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

That is your problem. they have proven over time to be the more accurate source of News. Just between you, me and others here don't be surprised when school buses full of children are attacked. Whatever it takes for people to panic and cry for safety at the expense of their freedoms.

:D :D
You're drunk aren't you?

No, I am awake. Not Woke! You need to be blind to not see the misery currently caused by the Progressive agenda. They would like every corner of the country to be like San Francisco.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 9th, 2023 at 12:06am

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

Bank records show your Dear Leader pocketed over 24 mil in Chinese cash, Mort - as prez.

All that's left for you to say, dear, is why can't Hunter Biden keep up?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 9th, 2023 at 1:14am

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 11:15pm:

John Smith wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:41pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:06pm:

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

That is your problem. they have proven over time to be the more accurate source of News. Just between you, me and others here don't be surprised when school buses full of children are attacked. Whatever it takes for people to panic and cry for safety at the expense of their freedoms.

:D :D
You're drunk aren't you?

No, I am awake. Not Woke! You need to be blind to not see the misery currently caused by the Progressive agenda. They would like every corner of the country to be like San Francisco.

The funny thing about woke is that by the rights definition of it the right are more woke than the left.

M&M's, Dr Seuss, Disney, Mr Potato Head, burn the books, the little mermaid, 0.02% of people are the world's biggest problem etc. Man is that all woke shite or what.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 9th, 2023 at 12:51pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

That's all you got, avoiding actual debate?

How is Biden "pro-China"?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 18th, 2023 at 10:01pm

thegreatdivide wrote on May 9th, 2023 at 12:51pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

That's all you got, avoiding actual debate?

How is Biden "pro-China"?

Already well covered here, no need to repeat it in another thread!

Apparently you people don't consider tearing a child apart to remove it from its mothers womb or mutilating an impressionable child requesting surgery to cosmetically change its appearance to mock the opposite sex wrong. You don't have a problem with a senile, perverted criminal in the White House as long as he is on your team! When America falls where will you look for protection?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 18th, 2023 at 11:43pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 18th, 2023 at 10:01pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 9th, 2023 at 12:51pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

That's all you got, avoiding actual debate?

How is Biden "pro-China"?

Already well covered here, no need to repeat it in another thread!

Apparently you people don't consider tearing a child apart to remove it from its mothers womb or mutilating an impressionable child requesting surgery to cosmetically change its appearance to mock the opposite sex wrong. You don't have a problem with a senile, perverted criminal in the White House as long as he is on your team! When America falls where will you look for protection?

Good point, Mort. Much better to replace Sleepy Joe with a senile, criminally-indicted rapist.

As long as he is one your team, dear. When America falls, you can always go to Russia, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 19th, 2023 at 1:31pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 18th, 2023 at 10:01pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 9th, 2023 at 12:51pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 9:38pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 12:36pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 3:25am:

Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens

Funny, I thought the debate concerned economic policy in the US.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China,

Sheer  Republican lies:  Biden is if anything even more anti-China than Trump.

Biden can't actually shut down trade with China completely,  because the US economy would collapse if he did; but Biden is breaking all rules of international free trade in order to maintain US hegemony and contain China -see the IRA and CHIPS bills - plus exporting arms to Taiwan ...(remember how Kennedy reacted when the Soviets tried the same in Cuba?)

It includes all of your kinds bad ideas.

That's all you got, avoiding actual debate?

How is Biden "pro-China"?

Already well covered here, no need to repeat it in another thread!

Biden's personal business dealings with China - to increase his personal wealth, may or may not be corrupt; but he remains the most anti-Chinese US president in history (even Trump didn't refer to Xi as a "thug"...). 

Apparently you people don't consider tearing a child apart to remove it from its mothers womb

...a foetus, as opposed to fully conscious children torn apart by military grade weapons...

..mutilating an impressionable child requesting surgery to cosmetically change its appearance to mock the opposite sex wrong.

A tad rhetorical....

When America falls where will you look for protection?

Hopefully the UN will be functioning as originally  envisioned by Roosevelt, when America collapses on itself due to crippling hyperpartisanship. 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 19th, 2023 at 6:12pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 11:15pm:

John Smith wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:41pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:06pm:

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

That is your problem. they have proven over time to be the more accurate source of News. Just between you, me and others here don't be surprised when school buses full of children are attacked. Whatever it takes for people to panic and cry for safety at the expense of their freedoms.

:D :D
You're drunk aren't you?

No, I am awake. Not Woke! You need to be blind to not see the misery currently caused by the Progressive agenda. They would like every corner of the country to be like San Francisco.

The only misery I see is yours, and that's a good thing.

Everyone else is happy the fat orange oompa loompa is gone

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 19th, 2023 at 8:15pm

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 6:12pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 11:15pm:

John Smith wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:41pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 10:06pm:

Newsmax ????


The guy from Breitbart News

Got anything credible ?

That is your problem. they have proven over time to be the more accurate source of News. Just between you, me and others here don't be surprised when school buses full of children are attacked. Whatever it takes for people to panic and cry for safety at the expense of their freedoms.

:D :D
You're drunk aren't you?

No, I am awake. Not Woke! You need to be blind to not see the misery currently caused by the Progressive agenda. They would like every corner of the country to be like San Francisco.

The only misery I see is yours, and that's a good thing.

Everyone else is happy the fat orange oompa loompa is gone

I see a lot of people living on fixed incomes that can't afford the same goods and services they could two years ago. Many vote democrat because they can't admit to themselves their whole lives as voters was a mistake. They vote for their own misery listening to their Masters blame others for the destruction. But then, sheep do that! I have suffered a sizable financial lose since the first executive order on January 20th 2021 but I can still live like I did before. Some I know can't!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in? The Federal spending and borrowing weakens the dollar which is the world standard. Creating 3.5 TRILLION dollars out of thin air is the cause of world wide run away inflation. It hasn't been this bad since Jimmy Carter occupied in the White House. You absolutely do not understand monetary realities. A few hours watching Dr. Ron Paul could wise you up if you had an open mind which I doubt you do!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 19th, 2023 at 10:22pm

most recent liberal ABC News/Washington Post poll showed President Joe Biden's approval rating at 36 percent - the lowest in history for a president at this point in his first term.

Biden's low popularity is no mystery.

He inherited energy independence, affordable gas prices, historically low interest rates, low inflation, calm overseas, a low crime rate, and a largely closed border with legal-only immigration.

And then Biden destroyed that inheritance.

He has begged illiberal foreign governments to pump oil he refuses to drill domestically for.

He spiked inflation at the highest rate in over 40 years.

Home interest rates have skyrocketed from less than 3% to 7%.

He nearly doubled the price of gasoline.

His hare-brained retreat from Afghanistan marked the greatest humiliation of the American military in the last half-century.

Kabul is now selling billions of dollars' worth of abandoned American equipment to terrorists and anti-American regimes.

After that fiasco, Biden foolhardily played down a possible "minor" Russia invasion of Ukraine. He implored Russia to exempt some American institutions from its cyber-attack target list.

No wonder an empowered Russian President Vladimir Putin went into Ukraine.

Biden's family is corrupt from top to bottom.

Its influence peddling schemes increasingly are targets of congressional investigations. Biden himself is explicitly mentioned by his son Hunter as the recipient of a 10% commission on monies the family syndicate leveraged from foreign interests.

Biden promised "unity." Instead, he habitually smears half the country as "semi-fascists" and "ultra-MAGA" extremists.

Biden is cognitively challenged and often incoherent. And he is now losing support in the polls from African Americans, once his most loyal constituency.

In response, Biden does what he has always done for some 40 years: mouth wild racist demagoguery.

This graduation season, Biden deliberately chose Howard University to scare its Black graduates into believing the greatest threat to their aspirations is "white supremacy" - but that he, Biden, has been their protector in fighting it.

Note the existential threats Biden deliberately omits.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are flooding over a border Biden deliberately destroyed. Millions of incoming poor will vie for limited federal and state support with Americans who are in need.

Since Biden was elected, there have been nearly 7 million illegal entries.

Some 100,000 Americans now die each year from Mexican-produced fentanyl and other opioids shipped across a wide-open border.

Biden did not mention that nearly 10,000 African Americans are murdered each year, over 90% of them killed by other African Americans.

Biden first should heal his own racism before he fabricates it in others.

He fueled his early Senate career with homages to southern Democratic segregationists such as Senator James O. Eastland, D-Miss. Biden even bragged that Eastland "never called me 'boy.'" Biden gave eulogies for former Dixiecrat Sen. Strom Thurmond and former Klansman Sen. Robert Byrd.

Of school busing, a younger Senator Biden thundered, "My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle."

Biden in 2008 patronized former President Barack Obama in racist terms as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

In 2012, Biden condescended to a group of accomplished Black professionals that the Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, would "put y'all back in chains."

As a presidential candidate in 2020, he dismissed two Black journalists, respectively with the putdowns "you ain't Black" and "junkie."

His fabricated "Corn Pop" he-man autobiographical tales are utterly racist.

As president he has referred to two prominent people of color as "boy." He still uses the term "Negro" to refer to Blacks.

Biden never cites data to support his wild accusations that white supremacy poses the nation's greatest threat.

The 2020 riots, the lengthiest in our history, left up to 40 people dead, destroyed $2 billion in property, led to 14,000 arrests, spanned 120 days of mass looting, and arson, and saw mobs torching police precincts, federal courthouses, and a historic church.

That violence was engineered by radicals in Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

In the January 6 Capitol protests, the only person confirmed to have been killed at that event was an unarmed military veteran and Trump supporter, Ashli Babbitt. She was fatally shot by a Capitol police officer for the misdemeanor of attempting to enter through a broken window.

If "white supremacy" is our "greatest" terrorist threat, surely crime statistics would reveal such an existential peril.

Yet federal hate- and interracial-crime data show that so-called whites are considerably unrepresented demographically in such racially motivated violence.

Far from galvanizing the public, Biden's monotonous racial demagoguery is turning it off.

The military suffers a vast drop in enlistments that began once Biden's Pentagon brass, without evidence, likewise began demagoguing about supposed "white rage" in the ranks.

Only 37% of independents in a recent poll now support Biden. Some 70% of the public in other polls opposes a second Biden run.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 19th, 2023 at 10:52pm

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

When I see something posted that I doubt I mostly go and check for myself. I seldom ask for a righty to verify anything. Doubt that most of them can.

That could be the reason the righties ask for things to be confirmed or proven when it doesn't match their imagination.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 20th, 2023 at 7:40am

Dnarever wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:52pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

When I see something posted that I doubt I mostly go and check for myself. I seldom ask for a righty to verify anything. Doubt that most of them can.

That could be the reason the righties ask for things to be confirmed or proven when it doesn't match their imagination.

I always got the impression that there search engines were restricted to fox, and all the wack job sites so I don't mind giving them access to real news sites

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 20th, 2023 at 11:54am

Mortdooley wrote on May 8th, 2023 at 11:15pm:
No, I am awake. Not Woke! You need to be blind to not see the misery currently caused by the Progressive agenda. They would like every corner of the country to be like San Francisco.

Actually the real problem in the US is the current neoclassical orthodoxy which BOTH Dems and Repubs serve, while they argue over who is going to pay the most tax to fund public policies.

A neoclassical game for losers: enjoy the current run up to the 'debt-ceiling' circus. 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 22nd, 2023 at 11:56am

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:
Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden!

Five years ago? Biden wasn't in power then, Trump was. 

Admittedly Trump was probably defeated because of the pandemic...

Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

No, the US's "free market" system proved incapable of competing with China in a globalised economy; Trump tried to fix it with a trade war which didn't work (the trade deficit with China increased), so now Biden is flouting WTO 'free-trade' rules with his 'CHIPS' and 'IRA' acts, to contain China.   

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

The pandemic and Ukraine war casued the current bout of inflation... which central banks have only one tool to counter, ie cause a recession by raising interest rates.

The fool Larry Summers said the US needs 10% unemployment for a year, to fix inflation. He should be forced to live on the dole for a year..

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:55pm
Some of the major negative impact on the US economy have been.

The Trump $3 Trillion in unfunded tax cuts to the rich.

The supply chain issue.

The covid action.

Price gouging through the covid issue and on going in the recovery.

The last is the only one where Biden holds a percentage of the responsibility for being unwilling to take effective action against big business.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 22nd, 2023 at 6:52pm

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

I think you'll find Mort back in 2021 praising inflation as "growth" and crowing about his increasing share revenues.

Now he's blaming Biden's "executive orders" and saying things mustn't have been so great after all. You can't make everybody happy all the time, no?

Still, I think Mort would be happy with full blown Armageddon if his Dear Leader was still in charge.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:02pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm:

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

No if he ever was Donald Trump cleaned him up nicely.

Definitively the worst President in over 200 years. Yes the failed X one term President  twice impeached guilty of sexual assault, arraigned (indicted) on criminal charges, Company found guilty of fraud, personal charges in all sorts of areas including theft of hi security government documents, insurrection and such matters.

Possibly going to be America's only criminal X President likely to be America's first imprisoned X President.

Man does this failure take some beating.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:03pm

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:55pm:
Some of the major negative impact on the US economy have been.

The Trump $3 Trillion in unfunded tax cuts to the rich.

The supply chain issue.

The covid action.

Price gouging through the covid issue and on going in the recovery.

The last is the only one where Biden holds a percentage of the responsibility for being unwilling to take effective action against big business.

The people can spend their money better than the government can. Government needs to live within its means like any entity and not pile debt after debt onto the people. The Trump tax cuts actually increased revenue to the federal treasury because people felt confident to spend on themselves. More spending means more taxes collected unless it is the government doing the spending!

Supply chain issue? That is still going on and somehow we don't have the ability to find or create other sources for what we need. Try to buy a new car without paying a large dealer premium over MSRP. If biden is so great why hasn't he fixed that?

There is a whole section here about the covid release on the World and I will not cover it here except to say Trump deferred to the so called experts and they got it wrong!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:04pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm:

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

You need to stay away from the cool aid.  You started by crying that because of Biden Americans are now suffering with inflation,  I showed you that Biden has actually reduced inflation from Trump's high so now you want to make up some bullshit about when he was vp. You're a joke and should be prevented from being online unsupervised

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:08pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:03pm:

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:55pm:
Some of the major negative impact on the US economy have been.

The Trump $3 Trillion in unfunded tax cuts to the rich.

The supply chain issue.

The covid action.

Price gouging through the covid issue and on going in the recovery.

The last is the only one where Biden holds a percentage of the responsibility for being unwilling to take effective action against big business.

The people can spend their money better than the government can. Government needs to live within its means like any entity and not pile debt after debt onto the people. The Trump tax cuts actually increased revenue to the federal treasury because people felt confident to spend on themselves. More spending means more taxes collected unless it is the government doing the spending!

Supply chain issue? That is still going on and somehow we don't have the ability to find or create other sources for what we need. Try to buy a new car without paying a large dealer premium over MSRP. If biden is so great why hasn't he fixed that?

There is a whole section here about the covid release on the World and I will not cover it here except to say Trump deferred to the so called experts and they got it wrong!

The wealthy people can spend their money better than the government can. Government needs to live within its means like any entity and not pile debt after debt onto the people.

When the government gives away money to already wealthy people it should be money that they actually have. Unfunded giveaways actually hurt everyone, as this one has done.

No point complaining about inflation while you support the causes of it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:09pm

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:08pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:03pm:

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:55pm:
Some of the major negative impact on the US economy have been.

The Trump $3 Trillion in unfunded tax cuts to the rich.

The supply chain issue.

The covid action.

Price gouging through the covid issue and on going in the recovery.

The last is the only one where Biden holds a percentage of the responsibility for being unwilling to take effective action against big business.

The people can spend their money better than the government can. Government needs to live within its means like any entity and not pile debt after debt onto the people. The Trump tax cuts actually increased revenue to the federal treasury because people felt confident to spend on themselves. More spending means more taxes collected unless it is the government doing the spending!

Supply chain issue? That is still going on and somehow we don't have the ability to find or create other sources for what we need. Try to buy a new car without paying a large dealer premium over MSRP. If biden is so great why hasn't he fixed that?

There is a whole section here about the covid release on the World and I will not cover it here except to say Trump deferred to the so called experts and they got it wrong!

The wealthy people can spend their money better than the government can. Government needs to live within its means like any entity and not pile debt after debt onto the people.

When the government gives away money to already wealthy people it should be money that they actually have. Unfunded giveaways actually hurt everyone as this one has done.

No point complaining about inflation while you support the causes of it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:02pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm:

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

No if he ever was Donald Trump cleaned him up nicely.

Definitively the worst President in over 200 years. Yes the failed X one term President  twice impeached guilty of sexual assault, arraigned (indicted) on criminal charges, Company found guilty of fraud, personal charges in all sorts of areas including theft of hi security government documents, insurrection and such matters.

Possibly going to be America's only criminal X President likely to be America's first imprisoned X President.

Man does this failure take some beating.

The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:20pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm:

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:02pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm:

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

No if he ever was Donald Trump cleaned him up nicely.

Definitively the worst President in over 200 years. Yes the failed X one term President  twice impeached guilty of sexual assault, arraigned (indicted) on criminal charges, Company found guilty of fraud, personal charges in all sorts of areas including theft of hi security government documents, insurrection and such matters.

Possibly going to be America's only criminal X President likely to be America's first imprisoned X President.

Man does this failure take some beating.

The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

The leader of the MSM went to court recently and had to pay $787.5 Billion and has multiple other cases which will cost more.

Yes Fox news Lies indeed isn't even remotely related to news but it is where you were incorrect as it is the propaganda arm of the Republican party.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:27pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm:
The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

2021 inflation 7%

2022 inflation 5%

2023 inflation 4.5%

The inflation and the Supply chain issue was born out of the recovery after covid. This was unexpected and likely unavoidable. It happened to the world as a whole. The whole economy died under Trump it was the recovery that has been causing issues. Bidens record on the recovery has been outstanding.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:29pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm:
The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

For four years things were improving for Americans

A million people died - did you miss that ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 23rd, 2023 at 8:42pm

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:27pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm:
The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

2021 inflation 7%

2022 inflation 5%

2023 inflation 4.5%

The inflation and the Supply chain issue was born out of the recovery after covid. This was unexpected and likely unavoidable. It happened to the world as a whole. The whole economy died under Trump it was the recovery that has been causing issues. Bidens record on the recovery has been outstanding.

Beginning January 2017 to December 2020 inflation rate 5.59%

Beginning January 2017 to December 2023 projected inflation rate 17.21%

Biden did that! The government doesn't ever intend to pay off the National debt.

I see plenty of excuses for bidens failures but government doesn't tax too little, it spends too much! Every agency knows if you don't want your budget cut spend it all every year and beg for an increase.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 23rd, 2023 at 9:00pm

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:29pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm:
The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

For four years things were improving for Americans

A million people died - did you miss that ?

Which million are you referring to? Trump deferred to the experts already in the government and they got it wrong. They, not Trump are responsible for the bad response to covid. Even the statistics are wrong on the number of deaths because people who had the covid virus but died from unrelated causes were  included in the count in the beginning and for some time afterwards. Fentanyl deaths since January 2021 can all be laid at the feet of the fool that opened the southern border.

Drug deaths nationwide hit a new record in 2022. 109,680 people died as the fentanyl crisis continued to deepen, according to preliminary data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you just want to keep people alive don't trust the democrats!

Leading Causes of Death

Heart disease: 695,547
Cancer: 605,213
COVID-19: 416,893
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 224,935
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342
Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399
Diabetes: 103,294
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis : 56,585
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 54,358

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 23rd, 2023 at 9:04pm

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:20pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:10pm:

Dnarever wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:02pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm:

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

No if he ever was Donald Trump cleaned him up nicely.

Definitively the worst President in over 200 years. Yes the failed X one term President  twice impeached guilty of sexual assault, arraigned (indicted) on criminal charges, Company found guilty of fraud, personal charges in all sorts of areas including theft of hi security government documents, insurrection and such matters.

Possibly going to be America's only criminal X President likely to be America's first imprisoned X President.

Man does this failure take some beating.

The Swamp did its best and is still trying to destroy Trump without success. The main stream media isn't a news source, it is the propaganda arm of the democrat party! Apparently common sense isn't common anymore. Why can't you look and realize something is wrong with this picture! For four years things were improving for Americans and then  in 2021 they went back to banana republic mode.

The leader of the MSM went to court recently and had to pay $787.5 Billion and has multiple other cases which will cost more.

Yes Fox news Lies indeed isn't even remotely related to news but it is where you were incorrect as it is the propaganda arm of the Republican party.

Don't worry, Fox is going full CNN as fast as it can. It was never the propaganda arm of the republican party, it just didn't wag war against anyone that threatened the Swamp until recently.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 23rd, 2023 at 9:08pm

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 9:04pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 8:40pm:

John Smith wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:40pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 20th, 2023 at 8:48pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:42pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 10:32pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:38pm:

John Smith wrote on May 19th, 2023 at 8:31pm:
The inflation hitting the US has little to do with Biden.  It a global shortage.  If anything inflation peaked under thrumpy and has come down since Biden took over. Any misery being felt is due to the stupidity of those that put Trump in office in the first place

What fairy tale world do you live in?

The real world. Usa's Inflation rate in march this year was at its lowest level since thrumpy was president in 2021. No amount of pretending from you can change that.

Prove it!

Try the five year graph. That mountain of inflation starts with the executive orders of former vice president biden! Your proof proves my point, not yours! Biden has caused the American working poor more harm than anyone else.

Ask yourself "Are you better off now than you were three or four years ago"? Is the World more or less peaceful now?

Moving the goal posts doesn't work.

Then don't do it. Compare raw data from year to year. Democrat policy since former vice president biden was appointed puppet president was the beginning of our current run away inflation. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president we have ever had!

Do you think the average American living on a fixed income is better off today than before the 2020 election?

You need to stay away from the cool aid.  You started by crying that because of Biden Americans are now suffering with inflation,  I showed you that Biden has actually reduced inflation from Trump's high so now you want to make up some bullshit about when he was vp. You're a joke and should be prevented from being online unsupervised

It looks like you need your own personal response so I will repeat it for you!

Beginning January 2017 to December 2020 inflation rate 5.59%

Beginning January 2017 to December 2023 projected inflation rate 17.21%

Biden did that! The government doesn't ever intend to pay off the National debt.

I see plenty of excuses for bidens failures but government doesn't tax too little, it spends too much! Every agency knows if you don't want your budget cut spend it all every year and beg for an increase.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 23rd, 2023 at 9:30pm
Repeating yourself doesn't make you any more correct. No matter how much you play with the figures

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:14pm

Repeating yourself doesn't make you any more correct. No matter how much you play with the figures

The figures are correct, Trump averaged around 2% per year, biden is averaging double and triple that! What are you not going to be able to pay for this month, Grandma? A retirement check and social security just doesn't go as far as it did in 2020!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:38pm
Our socialist government is presiding over the Aussie dollar which has dropped to banana republic monetary level. Our inflation has risen from 2-3% to 8% because Covid and Trade were handled badly. Then the government ordered $368b worth of white elephant submarines. The latest Fed budget is 90% free social handouts

You think you've got it bad in the US Mort?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:51pm

Bias_2012 wrote on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:38pm:
Our socialist government is presiding over the Aussie dollar which has dropped to banana republic monetary level. Our inflation has risen from 2-3% to 8% because Covid and Trade were handled badly. Then the government ordered $368b worth of white elephant submarines. The latest Fed budget is 90% free social handouts

You think you've got it bad in the US Mort?

Oh, yes. Our government just turned a surplus. Mort's prez just abandoned a meeting of the quad to return home to squabble over defaulting on trillions worth of US loans.

Mort's got it pretty bad. Ever get the feeling you've been plugged?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on May 24th, 2023 at 1:08am

Mattyfisk wrote on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:51pm:
Oh, yes. Our government just turned a surplus

You don't have surpluses when you're squillion$ in debt, silly woman

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 24th, 2023 at 7:20am

Mortdooley wrote on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:14pm:

Repeating yourself doesn't make you any more correct. No matter how much you play with the figures

The figures are correct, Trump averaged around 2% per year, biden is averaging double and triple that! What are you not going to be able to pay for this month, Grandma? A retirement check and social security just doesn't go as far as it did in 2020!

you want figures, this is how well the USA was doing under Thrumpy

Unemployment UP 6.3%
Jobs DOWN by almost 3 000 000
Economic Growth DOWN 3.4%
Murder Rate UP 1.1%
House price UP 27.5%
People without health Insurance UP by over 3 million people
Coal mining job DOWN by 8500 miners
Manufacturing jobs DOWN by 154000
Federal debt UP by 50%
Trade Deficit UP by 40.5%
CPI UP 7.1%

you were all living the dream :D :D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 24th, 2023 at 8:43pm

John Smith wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 7:20am:

Mortdooley wrote on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:14pm:

Repeating yourself doesn't make you any more correct. No matter how much you play with the figures

The figures are correct, Trump averaged around 2% per year, biden is averaging double and triple that! What are you not going to be able to pay for this month, Grandma? A retirement check and social security just doesn't go as far as it did in 2020!

you want figures, this is how well the USA was doing under Thrumpy

Unemployment UP 6.3%
Jobs DOWN by almost 3 000 000
Economic Growth DOWN 3.4%
Murder Rate UP 1.1%
House price UP 27.5%
People without health Insurance UP by over 3 million people
Coal mining job DOWN by 8500 miners
Manufacturing jobs DOWN by 154000
Federal debt UP by 50%
Trade Deficit UP by 40.5%
CPI UP 7.1%

you were all living the dream :D :D

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 24th, 2023 at 8:49pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 8:43pm:

John Smith wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 7:20am:

Mortdooley wrote on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:14pm:

Repeating yourself doesn't make you any more correct. No matter how much you play with the figures

The figures are correct, Trump averaged around 2% per year, biden is averaging double and triple that! What are you not going to be able to pay for this month, Grandma? A retirement check and social security just doesn't go as far as it did in 2020!

you want figures, this is how well the USA was doing under Thrumpy

Unemployment UP 6.3%
Jobs DOWN by almost 3 000 000
Economic Growth DOWN 3.4%
Murder Rate UP 1.1%
House price UP 27.5%
People without health Insurance UP by over 3 million people
Coal mining job DOWN by 8500 miners
Manufacturing jobs DOWN by 154000
Federal debt UP by 50%
Trade Deficit UP by 40.5%
CPI UP 7.1%

you were all living the dream :D :D

I'm not surprised memes are all you've got

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 24th, 2023 at 8:58pm
I hoped you would be better able to understand the information if it were in the form of a picture.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 24th, 2023 at 9:00pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 8:58pm:
I hoped you would be better able to understand the information if it were in the form of a picture.

Unlike you, most of us moved beyond pictures in primary school

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on May 24th, 2023 at 11:10pm
Prices have sky rocketed here too. Now that Covid is all but gone, prices should start going down to where they were, but there's been no sign of that happening


Australian inflation rate was 7.8% in Q4 of 2022, the highest since Q1 199012. It increased from 7.3% in Q3 of 2022, driven by rising costs of food, fuel, and new dwelling construction

Our inflation rate is one of the highest in the world ....

What's the cocksure Labor government going to do about regaining the voters confidence in the economy? Wasn't Free Trade Agreements and mass immigration supposed to result in a sparkling effervescent economy? - What happened?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 24th, 2023 at 11:24pm

John Smith wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 9:00pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 8:58pm:
I hoped you would be better able to understand the information if it were in the form of a picture.

Unlike you, most of us moved beyond pictures in primary school

I'm just here to help. Don't get your panties in a knot.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 24th, 2023 at 11:48pm

Bias_2012 wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 1:08am:

Mattyfisk wrote on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:51pm:
Oh, yes. Our government just turned a surplus

You don't have surpluses when you're squillion$ in debt, silly woman

The Australian government's not, you silly old thing.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 24th, 2023 at 11:53pm

Bias_2012 wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 11:10pm:
Prices have sky rocketed here too. Now that Covid is all but gone, prices should start going down to where they were, but there's been no sign of that happening


Australian inflation rate was 7.8% in Q4 of 2022, the highest since Q1 199012. It increased from 7.3% in Q3 of 2022, driven by rising costs of food, fuel, and new dwelling construction

Our inflation rate is one of the highest in the world ....

What's the cocksure Labor government going to do about regaining the voters confidence in the economy? Wasn't Free Trade Agreements and mass immigration supposed to result in a sparkling effervescent economy? - What happened?

But of course. Both those things most certainly WOULD lower inflation.

Sell more goods and services, improve productivity and import the capacity to do it.

You're on your way to becoming an economist.

What happened?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 25th, 2023 at 12:25am
Apple Makes Multi-Billion Dollar, US-Chips Deal With Firm Trump Lured Over in 2017.

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

“All of Apple’s products depend on technology engineered and built here in the United States, and we’ll continue to deepen our investments in the US. economy because we have an unshakable belief in America’s future,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a press release Tuesday.

In 2017, Broadcom’s CEO Hock Tan told lavished praise on Trump, telling reporters: “America is again the best place to lead a business with a global footprint. Thanks to you Mr. President, business conditions have steadily improved.” The company announced its intention to re-domicile in the United States shortly after.

Trump pledged in 2016 that he would “get Apple to build a big plant in the United States, or many big plants in the United States.” Cook soon announced $350 billion for new facilities creating 20,000 jobs, which later increased to $430 billion due to the economic growth of the Trump years.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 25th, 2023 at 11:22am

Bias_2012 wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 11:10pm:
[size=12]Prices have sky rocketed here too. Now that Covid is all but gone, prices should start going down to where they were, but there's been no sign of that happening. 

The problem is the damage to supply chains from covid has merged into damage to supply chains from the war in Ukraine; the loss of Russian gas on the global market feeds into the prices of all manufactured goods  including food and energy.  Plus government covid support was poorly targetted, resulting in pent-up demand adding to inflation.   

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 25th, 2023 at 1:32pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 12:25am:
Apple Makes Multi-Billion Dollar, US-Chips Deal With Firm Trump Lured Over in 2017.

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

“All of Apple’s products depend on technology engineered and built here in the United States, and we’ll continue to deepen our investments in the US. economy because we have an unshakable belief in America’s future,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a press release Tuesday.

In 2017, Broadcom’s CEO Hock Tan told lavished praise on Trump, telling reporters: “America is again the best place to lead a business with a global footprint. Thanks to you Mr. President, business conditions have steadily improved.” The company announced its intention to re-domicile in the United States shortly after.

Trump pledged in 2016 that he would “get Apple to build a big plant in the United States, or many big plants in the United States.” Cook soon announced $350 billion for new facilities creating 20,000 jobs, which later increased to $430 billion due to the economic growth of the Trump years.

So you're praising the big fella for Mr Apple opening a plant under the Biden administration?

Ee-gad, what next? Praising Obama for economic growth in 2020? We told you that already, Mort.

Next you'll be praising Sleepy Joe for, you know, passing the Jobs and Infrastructure bill that attracted Mr Apple back.

I won't hold my breath for that though, dear.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

Key work, agreement under Trump Administration! Corporations don't make contracts on Monday and start relocation on Tuesday!

I am sick to death of so called infrastructure, their barrels, barricades, never ending lane closures and obvious lack of any intention of finishing the jobs! It feels like they work three days and then take three weeks off. After six years jobs that could have been finished in months are still incomplete!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 25th, 2023 at 8:33pm

thegreatdivide wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 11:22am:

Bias_2012 wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 11:10pm:
[size=12]Prices have sky rocketed here too. Now that Covid is all but gone, prices should start going down to where they were, but there's been no sign of that happening. 

The problem is the damage to supply chains from covid has merged into damage to supply chains from the war in Ukraine; the loss of Russian gas on the global market feeds into the prices of all manufactured goods  including food and energy.  Plus government covid support was poorly targetted, resulting in pent-up demand adding to inflation.   

Excuses that justify price gouging. The prices won't come down because the companies like the higher profits. It isn't about the economy. Increasing interest rates fixes it but making sure people cannot afford to buy the product at the inflated prices.

The put the horse at the wrong end of the cart and punish innocent people for the behaviour of the greedy.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 25th, 2023 at 11:38pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

Key work, agreement under Trump Administration! Corporations don't make contracts on Monday and start relocation on Tuesday!

I am sick to death of so called infrastructure, their barrels, barricades, never ending lane closures and obvious lack of any intention of finishing the jobs! It feels like they work three days and then take three weeks off. After six years jobs that could have been finished in months are still incomplete!

You'd better blame Mr Trump for that then, Mort. He did that silly old photo shoot with Mr Apple that never came of anything, leaving Sleepy Joe to finish the job, legislate infrastructure and bring home the bacon.

You're okay with the barricades though, no? As long as Mexico pays it's all good.

You said.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 25th, 2023 at 11:48pm

Dnarever wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:33pm:

thegreatdivide wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 11:22am:

Bias_2012 wrote on May 24th, 2023 at 11:10pm:
[size=12]Prices have sky rocketed here too. Now that Covid is all but gone, prices should start going down to where they were, but there's been no sign of that happening. 

The problem is the damage to supply chains from covid has merged into damage to supply chains from the war in Ukraine; the loss of Russian gas on the global market feeds into the prices of all manufactured goods  including food and energy.  Plus government covid support was poorly targetted, resulting in pent-up demand adding to inflation.   

Excuses that justify price gouging. The prices won't come down because the companies like the higher profits. It isn't about the economy. Increasing interest rates fixes it but making sure people cannot afford to buy the product at the inflated prices.

The put the horse at the wrong end of the cart and punish innocent people for the behaviour of the greedy.

So? You're talking to a guy who supports his Dear Leader handing a chequebook over to his son-in-law with 50 bil worth of pharmaceutical start-up funds.

Mort doesn't care about the cash, or the economy. As long as the guy signing the cheques is in the the right party it's all good, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 26th, 2023 at 11:46am

Dnarever wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:33pm:
Excuses that justify price gouging. The prices won't come down because the companies like the higher profits. It isn't about the economy. Increasing interest rates fixes it but making sure people cannot afford to buy the product at the inflated prices.

It is about the economy, the erroneous neoliberal, monetary orthodoxy, in fact.

Yes, companies try to maximize profits, that's the business of the private sector; the real problem is the convention which forces  currency-issuing governments from which money comes,  to tax and borrow from the private sector in order to spend on public sector policy. Mainstream flat-earth madness.

They put the horse at the wrong end of the cart and punish innocent people for the behaviour of the greedy.

Unfortunately that's you putting the cart before the horse, while correctly identifying greed as the basis of the current economic orthodoxy.   

Mort ofcourse would vote for the lady in the video (she was a GOP candidate for governor...) 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 26th, 2023 at 8:17pm

Mattyfisk wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 11:38pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

Key work, agreement under Trump Administration! Corporations don't make contracts on Monday and start relocation on Tuesday!

I am sick to death of so called infrastructure, their barrels, barricades, never ending lane closures and obvious lack of any intention of finishing the jobs! It feels like they work three days and then take three weeks off. After six years jobs that could have been finished in months are still incomplete!

You'd better blame Mr Trump for that then, Mort. He did that silly old photo shoot with Mr Apple that never came of anything, leaving Sleepy Joe to finish the job, legislate infrastructure and bring home the bacon.

You're okay with the barricades though, no? As long as Mexico pays it's all good.

You said.

Why would I blame Trump for a system perpetuated by the democrats. Infrastructure construction has always been about paybacks. Lobbyist pays Politician, Politian supports legislation and employer of lobbyist gets cost plus government contract. It isn't in the financial interest of the company to finish unless they get another government contract. Trump committed the capital sin in Israel of moving the American Embassy like all American Presidents promised to Jerusalem. People in the American government tried to stop him by claiming it would take ten years and billions of dollars. He made them use property already owned by the US government, put the needed few millions of dollars into the project and had it operational within a year.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 26th, 2023 at 8:28pm

Take this to heart, these are the people you support. You can project your beliefs, plans and emotions on others but these are your soulmates!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 26th, 2023 at 9:46pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 26th, 2023 at 8:17pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 11:38pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

Key work, agreement under Trump Administration! Corporations don't make contracts on Monday and start relocation on Tuesday!

I am sick to death of so called infrastructure, their barrels, barricades, never ending lane closures and obvious lack of any intention of finishing the jobs! It feels like they work three days and then take three weeks off. After six years jobs that could have been finished in months are still incomplete!

You'd better blame Mr Trump for that then, Mort. He did that silly old photo shoot with Mr Apple that never came of anything, leaving Sleepy Joe to finish the job, legislate infrastructure and bring home the bacon.

You're okay with the barricades though, no? As long as Mexico pays it's all good.

You said.

Why would I blame Trump for a system perpetuated by the democrats. Infrastructure construction has always been about paybacks. Lobbyist pays Politician, Politian supports legislation and employer of lobbyist gets cost plus government contract. It isn't in the financial interest of the company to finish unless they get another government contract. Trump committed the capital sin in Israel of moving the American Embassy like all American Presidents promised to Jerusalem. People in the American government tried to stop him by claiming it would take ten years and billions of dollars. He made them use property already owned by the US government, put the needed few millions of dollars into the project and had it operational within a year.

Oh, I see. Mr Trump was just doing a cunning deal with a lease, eh?

He didn't spend nearly two years doing the place up or spending millions of dollars on architects and renos or anything.

Cunning, no? 

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 27th, 2023 at 9:04pm

Mattyfisk wrote on May 26th, 2023 at 9:46pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 26th, 2023 at 8:17pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 11:38pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

Key work, agreement under Trump Administration! Corporations don't make contracts on Monday and start relocation on Tuesday!

I am sick to death of so called infrastructure, their barrels, barricades, never ending lane closures and obvious lack of any intention of finishing the jobs! It feels like they work three days and then take three weeks off. After six years jobs that could have been finished in months are still incomplete!

You'd better blame Mr Trump for that then, Mort. He did that silly old photo shoot with Mr Apple that never came of anything, leaving Sleepy Joe to finish the job, legislate infrastructure and bring home the bacon.

You're okay with the barricades though, no? As long as Mexico pays it's all good.

You said.

Why would I blame Trump for a system perpetuated by the democrats. Infrastructure construction has always been about paybacks. Lobbyist pays Politician, Politian supports legislation and employer of lobbyist gets cost plus government contract. It isn't in the financial interest of the company to finish unless they get another government contract. Trump committed the capital sin in Israel of moving the American Embassy like all American Presidents promised to Jerusalem. People in the American government tried to stop him by claiming it would take ten years and billions of dollars. He made them use property already owned by the US government, put the needed few millions of dollars into the project and had it operational within a year.

Oh, I see. Mr Trump was just doing a cunning deal with a lease, eh?

He didn't spend nearly two years doing the place up or spending millions of dollars on architects and renos or anything.

Cunning, no? 

I think you got lost listening to the propaganda wing of the democrat party. Trump didn't spend his time in Office giving sweetheart deals to the Left, that is biden and obama before him!  Trump represented the American people, no democrat in office ever does that anymore.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 27th, 2023 at 9:23pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 27th, 2023 at 9:04pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on May 26th, 2023 at 9:46pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 26th, 2023 at 8:17pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 11:38pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 25th, 2023 at 8:28pm:

Apple and Broadcom have announced a multibillion-dollar agreement over 5G and wireless components to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado. The deal comes after former President Donald Trump negotiated the re-domiciling of Broadcom from Singapore to the United States in 2017, as well as convincing Apple themselves to invest in the years during, and since, his presidency.

Key work, agreement under Trump Administration! Corporations don't make contracts on Monday and start relocation on Tuesday!

I am sick to death of so called infrastructure, their barrels, barricades, never ending lane closures and obvious lack of any intention of finishing the jobs! It feels like they work three days and then take three weeks off. After six years jobs that could have been finished in months are still incomplete!

You'd better blame Mr Trump for that then, Mort. He did that silly old photo shoot with Mr Apple that never came of anything, leaving Sleepy Joe to finish the job, legislate infrastructure and bring home the bacon.

You're okay with the barricades though, no? As long as Mexico pays it's all good.

You said.

Why would I blame Trump for a system perpetuated by the democrats. Infrastructure construction has always been about paybacks. Lobbyist pays Politician, Politian supports legislation and employer of lobbyist gets cost plus government contract. It isn't in the financial interest of the company to finish unless they get another government contract. Trump committed the capital sin in Israel of moving the American Embassy like all American Presidents promised to Jerusalem. People in the American government tried to stop him by claiming it would take ten years and billions of dollars. He made them use property already owned by the US government, put the needed few millions of dollars into the project and had it operational within a year.

Oh, I see. Mr Trump was just doing a cunning deal with a lease, eh?

He didn't spend nearly two years doing the place up or spending millions of dollars on architects and renos or anything.

Cunning, no? 

I think you got lost listening to the propaganda wing of the democrat party. Trump didn't spend his time in Office giving sweetheart deals to the Left, that is biden and obama before him!  Trump represented the American people, no democrat in office ever does that anymore.

Yes, I think that's why every attempt he made at legislation failed, dear.

I mean, whoever thought health care reform would be so hard?

And who would think getting money out of the leftards to put up a fence would be so tough?

As Bobby would say, so unfair.

Still, it's all good, Mort. Your Dear Leader can go down in history as being the guy who everybody was so unfair to.

And that's okay. Remember, if at first you don't succeed, blame the leftards.

It works every time, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 29th, 2023 at 8:15pm

Yes, I think that's why every attempt he made at legislation failed, dear.

I mean, whoever thought health care reform would be so hard?

And who would think getting money out of the leftards to put up a fence would be so tough?

As Bobby would say, so unfair.

Still, it's all good, Mort. Your Dear Leader can go down in history as being the guy who everybody was so unfair to.

And that's okay. Remember, if at first you don't succeed, blame the leftards.

It works every time, no?

Trumps attempts at major legislation was blocked by the Congress because he didn't come into Office owing favors to the rich and powerful. It seemed he had one chance to become the tool of the Left and chose the serve the American people instead!

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World or your leaders wouldn't come here when they need what they can't get anywhere else. No one is denied life saving treatment just because they can't afford to pay.

The democrats actively blocked funds to prevent the border wall from being built. It took creative thinking and redirecting funds to get as much erected as it did.

Trump can go down in history as the last American President to try to save the Republic before the democrat engineered collapse. When freedom is lost here there is nowhere to run to, no one is coming to save us!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on May 29th, 2023 at 8:35pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 29th, 2023 at 8:15pm:

Yes, I think that's why every attempt he made at legislation failed, dear.

I mean, whoever thought health care reform would be so hard?

And who would think getting money out of the leftards to put up a fence would be so tough?

As Bobby would say, so unfair.

Still, it's all good, Mort. Your Dear Leader can go down in history as being the guy who everybody was so unfair to.

And that's okay. Remember, if at first you don't succeed, blame the leftards.

It works every time, no?

Trumps attempts at major legislation was blocked by the Congress because he didn't come into Office owing favors to the rich and powerful. It seemed he had one chance to become the tool of the Left and chose the serve the American people instead!

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World or your leaders wouldn't come here when they need what they can't get anywhere else. No one is denied life saving treatment just because they can't afford to pay.

The democrats actively blocked funds to prevent the border wall from being built. It took creative thinking and redirecting funds to get as much erected as it did.

Trump can go down in history as the last American President to try to save the Republic before the democrat engineered collapse. When freedom is lost here there is nowhere to run to, no one is coming to save us!

Donald Trump has a reservation on the Poop-chute of History where he will be accompanied by MAGA GOP lawmakers.

My commiserations Mort Dooley as you face at least decades without a political party as the GOP shrinks to a wretched squabbling clown show with forever shrinking membership.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 29th, 2023 at 9:32pm
The Left doesn't appear to have the support of the American consumer.

Target loses $10B in 10 days as stocks fall following boycott over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing

Why Has the Left Chosen Trans Guys Over Real Women?

Rolling Stone Claims DeSantis’ Drag Show Crackdown ‘Sucked Pleasure’ Out Of ‘Life’s Little Joys’

Bud Light Boycott Already Costs Anheuser-Busch $15.7 Billion

When all else fails we will just take our business elsewhere. Non woke business are already seeing upturn in sales as we move away from woke, perverted companies! It won't be so simple to snuff out the light of liberty!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on May 29th, 2023 at 9:44pm

When all else fails we will just take our business elsewhere.

Russia or China?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 29th, 2023 at 10:03pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 29th, 2023 at 9:32pm:
The Left doesn't appear to have the support of the American consumer.

Target loses $10B in 10 days as stocks fall following boycott over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing

Why Has the Left Chosen Trans Guys Over Real Women?

Rolling Stone Claims DeSantis’ Drag Show Crackdown ‘Sucked Pleasure’ Out Of ‘Life’s Little Joys’

Bud Light Boycott Already Costs Anheuser-Busch $15.7 Billion

When all else fails we will just take our business elsewhere. Non woke business are already seeing upturn in sales as we move away from woke, perverted companies! It won't be so simple to snuff out the light of liberty!

The Left doesn't appear to have the support of the American consumer.

You know that BUD (Anheuser-Busch) is a major donor to the Republican party - or at least were?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on May 30th, 2023 at 12:47am

Mortdooley wrote on May 29th, 2023 at 8:15pm:

Yes, I think that's why every attempt he made at legislation failed, dear.

I mean, whoever thought health care reform would be so hard?

And who would think getting money out of the leftards to put up a fence would be so tough?

As Bobby would say, so unfair.

Still, it's all good, Mort. Your Dear Leader can go down in history as being the guy who everybody was so unfair to.

And that's okay. Remember, if at first you don't succeed, blame the leftards.

It works every time, no?

Trumps attempts at major legislation was blocked by the Congress because he didn't come into Office owing favors to the rich and powerful. It seemed he had one chance to become the tool of the Left and chose the serve the American people instead!

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World or your leaders wouldn't come here when they need what they can't get anywhere else. No one is denied life saving treatment just because they can't afford to pay.

The democrats actively blocked funds to prevent the border wall from being built. It took creative thinking and redirecting funds to get as much erected as it did.

Trump can go down in history as the last American President to try to save the Republic before the democrat engineered collapse. When freedom is lost here there is nowhere to run to, no one is coming to save us!

Oh well, at least he tried, no?

Meanwhile, the rest of us get on with our governments, our budget surpluses and our Medicare. No debt ceilings for poor old us, dear.

No mass shootings, no border walls, no presidential riots, no insurrections.

If your prez wants to come down here for a meeting, it's all good, no?

Any time.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by thegreatdivide on May 30th, 2023 at 3:11pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 29th, 2023 at 8:15pm:
I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World or your leaders wouldn't come here when they need what they can't get anywhere else. No one is denied life saving treatment just because they can't afford to pay.

This is the real reason most Americans file for bankruptcy

I see...."life saving treatment", but you will be bankrupt unless you are rich enough to insure yourself.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 30th, 2023 at 8:58pm
Your four year old link said people filed bankruptcy because they couldn't work because of a medical condition. That isn't the same as hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to the medical community for treatment.   

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on May 30th, 2023 at 9:35pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 30th, 2023 at 8:58pm:
Your four year old link said people filed bankruptcy because they couldn't work because of a medical condition. That isn't the same as hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to the medical community for treatment.   

You don't get that people who's only means of medical cover is tied to employment have an issue when the employment goes away ? It's a crap corrupt system.

You don't get that when medication costs 1000% more than anywhere else on the planet because the system is corrupt that there is a problem?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on May 30th, 2023 at 10:37pm

Dnarever wrote on May 30th, 2023 at 9:35pm:

Mortdooley wrote on May 30th, 2023 at 8:58pm:
Your four year old link said people filed bankruptcy because they couldn't work because of a medical condition. That isn't the same as hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to the medical community for treatment.   

You don't get that people who's only means of medical cover is tied to employment have an issue when the employment goes away ? It's a crap corrupt system.

You don't get that when medication costs 1000% more than anywhere else on the planet because the system is corrupt that there is a problem?

The GOP and their conservative ilk have been defending the rights of US pharmaceutical companies to rip off people who desperately need the medicines.

Pharmaceutical entrepreneurs have conspired with the industry in general to allow the selling of patent rights to a medicine followed by a huge price rise of that medicine by the new owner. The former owner and the new owner of patented medicines both make exorbitant profits through this corrupt arrangement.

What is left is for the USA to open its markets to cheaper medicines from foreign countries to ensure the continuity of the supply of medicines.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on May 31st, 2023 at 8:20pm
Pile on the mean old pharmaceutical industry after all they don't deserve to recover the cost of research and development to bring a drug to market. The rest of the world doesn't pay for that, only the American public. You only pay for the cost of materials, if you paid your fair share of the development costs ours would be much less. So in reality it is you who make our drugs more expensive for Americans. Prescription drugs cost a fraction as much in Mexico, maybe people that can't afford their medication should move there. Or maybe they should see what they can do to improve their health to the point that they no longer require medication. Most of the people I know on expensive medication could stop taking most if not all of it if they were not morbidly obese. Those motivated to change their lifestyle have been taken off most of their medication. Roughly half of the people I know are overweight and they are most of the ones I know on expensive medication, if they ate better and walked a few miles a day they would save the cost of many medications.

Who am I kidding, the real reason we have so many fat Americans is because we don't have a waiting period or background check system before someone can buy a spoon. After all it isn't the person responsible for their weight problem, it is the easy availability of spoons!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 1st, 2023 at 12:37am

Mortdooley wrote on May 31st, 2023 at 8:20pm:
Pile on the mean old pharmaceutical industry after all they don't deserve to recover the cost of research and development to bring a drug to market. The rest of the world doesn't pay for that, only the American public. You only pay for the cost of materials, if you paid your fair share of the development costs ours would be much less. So in reality it is you who make our drugs more expensive for Americans. Prescription drugs cost a fraction as much in Mexico, maybe people that can't afford their medication should move there. Or maybe they should see what they can do to improve their health to the point that they no longer require medication. Most of the people I know on expensive medication could stop taking most if not all of it if they were not morbidly obese. Those motivated to change their lifestyle have been taken off most of their medication. Roughly half of the people I know are overweight and they are most of the ones I know on expensive medication, if they ate better and walked a few miles a day they would save the cost of many medications.

Who am I kidding, the real reason we have so many fat Americans is because we don't have a waiting period or background check system before someone can buy a spoon. After all it isn't the person responsible for their weight problem, it is the easy availability of spoons!

No dear, here in Australia our government pays the excess for our pharmaceuticals. That's us.

In reality, most meds are developed in Europe, patented in America and manufactured where you buy them. That's the supply chain in a nutshell. Most of the big prophylactic meds these days are no longer under patent anyway.

If you Yanks can't reform your political donation laws, don't come crying to us. Obama was ready to go.

The reason you have so many fat people is you have so much processed food. That's corn sugar. Your corn industry and agribusiness also props up your politicians, hence the reason your food supply is so addicted to sugar.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 2nd, 2023 at 9:31pm
Labs funded by Western Europe and the United States fund development for drug and ours are manufactured in India.

Your government taxes you to reduce the cost of medication? In Mexico anyone can just go to the local farmacia and buy prescription medications cheap.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 2nd, 2023 at 11:44pm

Mortdooley wrote on May 31st, 2023 at 8:20pm:
Pile on the mean old pharmaceutical industry after all they don't deserve to recover the cost of research and development to bring a drug to market. The rest of the world doesn't pay for that, only the American public. You only pay for the cost of materials, if you paid your fair share of the development costs ours would be much less. So in reality it is you who make our drugs more expensive for Americans. Prescription drugs cost a fraction as much in Mexico, maybe people that can't afford their medication should move there. Or maybe they should see what they can do to improve their health to the point that they no longer require medication. Most of the people I know on expensive medication could stop taking most if not all of it if they were not morbidly obese. Those motivated to change their lifestyle have been taken off most of their medication. Roughly half of the people I know are overweight and they are most of the ones I know on expensive medication, if they ate better and walked a few miles a day they would save the cost of many medications.

Who am I kidding, the real reason we have so many fat Americans is because we don't have a waiting period or background check system before someone can buy a spoon. After all it isn't the person responsible for their weight problem, it is the easy availability of spoons!

Pile on the mean old pharmaceutical industry after all they don't deserve to recover the cost of research and development

The patent for insulin:

23 January 1923

100 years later they were still charging $98.70 a vial to recover development costs ???

Please tell me that you are not really claiming to be that stupid ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 8:01am

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World

;D  ;D ;D
Best in the World my arse,  it's not even in the top 20. You need to stop drinking that cool aid.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 2:14pm
Mort Dooley is the last of the MAGA Mohicans and embarrasses himself standing alone while others walk away from the orange nightmare.

Woke should be a state that Mort Dooley should be aspiring to.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 7:10pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 2:14pm:
Mort Dooley is the last of the MAGA Mohicans and embarrasses himself standing alone while others walk away from the orange nightmare.

Woke should be a state that Mort Dooley should be aspiring to.

Mort sounds a tad confused between his old Tea Party sympathies and his new Dear Leader/Saviour. It's an ideological CoNuNdRuM.

Let-her-rip, lassez faire, neo-con globalism versus Dear Leader's big-spending, big government, trade-war protectionism.

You can't have them both, clearly. So, what's it to be?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:49pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 8:01am:

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World

;D  ;D ;D
Best in the World my arse,  it's not even in the top 20. You need to stop drinking that cool aid.

Not in the top twenty? As in free, meaning your tax dollars pay for everyone else to wait? I'm referring to quality of care including promptness. Medical people leave their home countries to work here, not the other way around. The main problem I see with our medical system is how quick they want to see everyone as often as possible needed or not. In Canada your pet will receive better and faster care than Citizens. There is a thing now called medical tourism, you are welcome to participate.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by John Smith on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:59pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:49pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 8:01am:

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World

;D  ;D ;D
Best in the World my arse,  it's not even in the top 20. You need to stop drinking that cool aid.

Not in the top twenty? As in free, meaning your tax dollars pay for everyone else to wait? I'm referring to quality of care including promptness. Medical people leave their home countries to work here, not the other way around. The main problem I see with our medical system is how quick they want to see everyone as often as possible needed or not. In Canada your pet will receive better and faster care than Citizens. There is a thing now called medical tourism, you are welcome to participate.

:D :D
Medical staff move to America to work to earn more money. That doesn't make them better doctors,  that just makes them greedy

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:00pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 7:10pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 2:14pm:
Mort Dooley is the last of the MAGA Mohicans and embarrasses himself standing alone while others walk away from the orange nightmare.

Woke should be a state that Mort Dooley should be aspiring to.

Mort sounds a tad confused between his old Tea Party sympathies and his new Dear Leader/Saviour. It's an ideological CoNuNdRuM.

Let-her-rip, lassez faire, neo-con globalism versus Dear Leader's big-spending, big government, trade-war protectionism.

You can't have them both, clearly. So, what's it to be?

The current bunch of criminals in Washington today are the problem. We were seeing a little representation from the Oval Office when Trump was there. The biggest threat facing American is the Americans? That came right out of the old pervs mouth once again last week. White supremacy he calls it, what it really is a rejection to the current administrations efforts to destroy the Country. The Devils greatest sin is Pride. What is the Left celebrating this month? Pride month, sometimes the truth stares you in the face and you don't see it. Sexualizing children in every way they can. You have no moral high ground in this, you should feel shame for what you support!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:01pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:59pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:49pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 8:01am:

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World

;D  ;D ;D
Best in the World my arse,  it's not even in the top 20. You need to stop drinking that cool aid.

Not in the top twenty? As in free, meaning your tax dollars pay for everyone else to wait? I'm referring to quality of care including promptness. Medical people leave their home countries to work here, not the other way around. The main problem I see with our medical system is how quick they want to see everyone as often as possible needed or not. In Canada your pet will receive better and faster care than Citizens. There is a thing now called medical tourism, you are welcome to participate.

:D :D
Medical staff move to America to work to earn more money. That doesn't make them better doctors,  that just makes them greedy

No, it means those Countries lose their best to a better system!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:05pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:01pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:59pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 7:49pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 3rd, 2023 at 8:01am:

I don't understand your obsession with American health care. It is the best in the World

;D  ;D ;D
Best in the World my arse,  it's not even in the top 20. You need to stop drinking that cool aid.

Not in the top twenty? As in free, meaning your tax dollars pay for everyone else to wait? I'm referring to quality of care including promptness. Medical people leave their home countries to work here, not the other way around. The main problem I see with our medical system is how quick they want to see everyone as often as possible needed or not. In Canada your pet will receive better and faster care than Citizens. There is a thing now called medical tourism, you are welcome to participate.

:D :D
Medical staff move to America to work to earn more money. That doesn't make them better doctors,  that just makes them greedy

No, it means those Countries lose their best to a better system!

If US medical care is so good, why is life expectancy in the USA below other Western countries and why is US life expectancy declining as the "better" system keeps getting better?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives. Then you should consider those who take drugs for recreational purposes or self medicate, they don't generally have long lives. Most middle class Americans I have known live well into their nineties. It is called statistics, something easily used to misrepresent reality.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think we need to help every last one of them to return to their home countries. It is the compassionate thing to do.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:28pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives. Then you should consider those who take drugs for recreational purposes or self medicate, they don't generally have long lives. Most middle class Americans I have known live well into their nineties. It is called statistics, something easily used to misrepresent reality.

USA is 46 on the list of countries by life expectancy:

46      United States      79.11      81.65      76.61

Life expectancy of US men is less than that of the "third world countries" their ancestors came from.

A lot of US men die from 'lead poisoning'.

They're going down to the Dirty Boulevarde:

"Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor - I'll piss on 'em
That's what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let's club 'em to death
And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard"

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:49pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:28pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives. Then you should consider those who take drugs for recreational purposes or self medicate, they don't generally have long lives. Most middle class Americans I have known live well into their nineties. It is called statistics, something easily used to misrepresent reality.

USA is 46 on the list of countries by life expectancy:

46      United States      79.11      81.65      76.61

Life expectancy of US men is less than that of the "third world countries" their ancestors came from.

A lot of US men die from 'lead poisoning'.

They're going down to the Dirty Boulevarde:

"Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor - I'll piss on 'em
That's what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let's club 'em to death
And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard"

We lose a lot more to drug overdoses than lead poisoning.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:44pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Not while I am here, I don't take any of this personally. After all Mort Dooley is just a construct, not a real person!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:16am

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:44pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Not while I am here, I don't take any of this personally. After all Mort Dooley is just a construct, not a real person!

We all value your thoughts here, Mort. You're a gen-u-wine American.

If we didn't have you, dear, we'd have to make you up.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:22am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:16am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:44pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Not while I am here, I don't take any of this personally. After all Mort Dooley is just a construct, not a real person!

We all value your thoughts here, Mort. You're a gen-u-wine American.

If we didn't have you, dear, we'd have to make you up.

I doubt your sincerity.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 5th, 2023 at 2:38pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:22am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:16am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:44pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Not while I am here, I don't take any of this personally. After all Mort Dooley is just a construct, not a real person!

We all value your thoughts here, Mort. You're a gen-u-wine American.

If we didn't have you, dear, we'd have to make you up.

I doubt your sincerity.

Have no doubts, Mort. We're Aussies. We have a nice, safe country where everything's all good. We have universal health care, a good economy and opportunity for all. We're pretty hard to get into, but once you're in, you're one of us.

Yes, we have despicable hero types who go off to war and kill innocent civilians, but most of us are okay. We have hardly any murders or shootings once you're here. People don't pack heat to go to the shops or worry about their kids at school. We don't have much homelessness or poverty. Yes we have problems, but they pale in comparison to most of the world.

You come to one of our cities and you can go wherever you like. Kids play on the streets, there are good public schools and uni doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. Anyone can get by here. We're a rich, multicultural tapestry. Our cities are ethnically heterogeneous. White, beige, brindle, black. Choccos, Chows, towel heads, high yellows. We inter-breed, our kids go to school and play together, we work and eat together. We're a mixed bunch.

You're welcome to visit anytime you like, Mort. We're a jolly lot, we'll throw a shrimp on the barbie for you. We're really into cooking these days, so we'll probably throw in a few shish kebabs, Vietnamese ricepaper rolls, Thai-marinated fish or Indonesian tempeh if you're veg.

We like a bit of fun, but I can assure you, dear - we're sincere. We have exactly the sort of country you'd like to have, but can't.

You Yanks just can't get it together, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:50pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 2:38pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:22am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:16am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:44pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Not while I am here, I don't take any of this personally. After all Mort Dooley is just a construct, not a real person!

We all value your thoughts here, Mort. You're a gen-u-wine American.

If we didn't have you, dear, we'd have to make you up.

I doubt your sincerity.

Have no doubts, Mort. We're Aussies. We have a nice, safe country where everything's all good. We have universal health care, a good economy and opportunity for all. We're pretty hard to get into, but once you're in, you're one of us.

Yes, we have despicable hero types who go off to war and kill innocent civilians, but most of us are okay. We have hardly any murders or shootings once you're here. People don't pack heat to go to the shops or worry about their kids at school. We don't have much homelessness or poverty. Yes we have problems, but they pale in comparison to most of the world.

You come to one of our cities and you can go wherever you like. Kids play on the streets, there are good public schools and uni doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. Anyone can get by here. We're a rich, multicultural tapestry. Our cities are ethnically heterogeneous. White, beige, brindle, black. Choccos, Chows, towel heads, high yellows. We inter-breed, our kids go to school and play together, we work and eat together. We're a mixed bunch.

You're welcome to visit anytime you like, Mort. We're a jolly lot, we'll throw a shrimp on the barbie for you. We're really into cooking these days, so we'll probably throw in a few shish kebabs, Vietnamese ricepaper rolls, Thai-marinated fish or Indonesian tempeh if you're veg.

We like a bit of fun, but I can assure you, dear - we're sincere. We have exactly the sort of country you'd like to have, but can't.

You Yanks just can't get it together, no?

We have homelessness and poverty because the government subsidizes it. We have the kind of country our government wants us to have. What we see as problems, the government sees as opportunity. They don't intend to fix anything because in their view nothing is broken. We are just a herd of beasts and because we have a native negative birthrate more beasts are needed to grow the herd. A large part of the new herd isn't very domesticated and tends to commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. Of course there is the other 13% that are fed a daily dose of victimhood and want everything to be handed to them so they act out in dangerous ways. Our government identifies the number one threat is White Supremacy defined as Successful White, Christian Males who will vote to replace the cancer in charge of our corrupt government. Not the perverts and pedophiles who are one of the main threats as well as the race baiters that keep racial hatred alive!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:53pm
YouTube has decided to back off from their censorship by calling what they disapprove of misinformation.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:07pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

It is about getting along with your neighbours, Mort.  It is about determining and limiting what rights you and your neighbours enjoy without impinging on each other.  Unlike your's which is about how you just have rights, without any responsibilities.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:37pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:07pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

It is about getting along with your neighbours, Mort.  It is about determining and limiting what rights you and your neighbours enjoy without impinging on each other.  Unlike your's which is about how you just have rights, without any responsibilities.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Now now, we have been over this. My Rights only stop where they infringe on the Rights of others. Until that point I can do anything I choose! If what I do makes you uncomfortable that is your issue to deal with and not my problem.

My Rights don't end where your feelings begin!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 6th, 2023 at 1:50am

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:44pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:18pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:30pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 8:14pm:
Because we have millions of people from the third world flocking to receive the opportunities offered. Many are not in the best of health to start with and most have personal habits that shorten their lives.

Hopefully the American people will help them.

I mean, what sort of sociopath would stand by and do nothing to help a fellow human being?

I think ...

Yet every single one of your posts hitherto proves otherwise.

Gee, you hurt my feelings I am going to report you to the.... Screw it, I can take it. You alleged ....... or whatever.

You have feelings ?

Not while I am here, I don't take any of this personally. After all Mort Dooley is just a construct, not a real person!

Yes it shows in the posts.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 6th, 2023 at 12:35pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:37pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:07pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

It is about getting along with your neighbours, Mort.  It is about determining and limiting what rights you and your neighbours enjoy without impinging on each other.  Unlike your's which is about how you just have rights, without any responsibilities.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Now now, we have been over this. My Rights only stop where they infringe on the Rights of others. Until that point I can do anything I choose! If what I do makes you uncomfortable that is your issue to deal with and not my problem.

My Rights don't end where your feelings begin!

Thing is so many of your fellow Yanks don't recognise that and just think their rights are supreme over everybody and the government.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 6th, 2023 at 8:41pm
No, it is just that our Rights are supreme to the feelings of others. We respect Rights and expect the same from others!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 6th, 2023 at 9:03pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 6th, 2023 at 8:41pm:
No, it is just that our Rights are supreme to the feelings of others. We respect Rights and expect the same from others!

And when they ignore your feelings?  What do you do then?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 6th, 2023 at 9:29pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:37pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:07pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

It is about getting along with your neighbours, Mort.  It is about determining and limiting what rights you and your neighbours enjoy without impinging on each other.  Unlike your's which is about how you just have rights, without any responsibilities.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Now now, we have been over this. My Rights only stop where they infringe on the Rights of others. Until that point I can do anything I choose! If what I do makes you uncomfortable that is your issue to deal with and not my problem.

My Rights don't end where your feelings begin!

Maybe consider the first amendment rights of people in the LGBT community ? Their rights don't end where your feelings begin either!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Xavier on Jun 7th, 2023 at 3:46pm
Yes - the USA is the most Rogue political nation on the planet. It does what it likes since it threw the British (Commonwealth) rule book out the window.
They are a Privatised Political system that doesn't adhere to the United Nations either - and usually tries to undermine the UN.
It's a nation that is the most 'invasive' on the planet.
It has been proved to have paid Dictators 'under the table' to keep their nations weak, while the Fake Media condemned the Dictators 'over the table' for propaganda reasons. All for 'national security' in their minds.

It's disgraceful that the British infused Australia has in modern times aligned itself with the USA to help like 'mercenaries' - to aid America's dirty wars and tactics.

I don't blame 'all' of America - I blame the two factors of the Civil War where the Blue North (Democrats) Medical Party won the War and took the $money$ power and the Grey South (Confederates) Music/Media Party who took the 'pussy'  Kiss.
These two parties have done nothing but justify the problems in Asia and Africa too, besides ruining the USA with their $$$ & sexual (Gays/Trans/etc) corruptions.

Thankfully the Red East (Republican) Art Party (and recently via Trump) have declared themselves to stand apart of these two and what they stand for.
Now if only the White Supremacists can 'peacefully' create a White 'WESTERN' Party of Politics - real orthodox 'western' politics, we might see something good happening in the world.

Until then - the World (and America) must put up with the Blue North Democrat Medical Party with Hospital case Biden falling up steps and the Grey South Media/Music Party with their Gay/Trans/Paedo promotions.

The thing is that although the Grey South lost the 'war'.
Now we'll see the Blue North commit suicide to balance these two LOSERS!

Say no to the Blue North & Grey South.
Say yes to the Red East and the White West (the red and white stripes)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 7th, 2023 at 8:50pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 6th, 2023 at 9:29pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:37pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:07pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

It is about getting along with your neighbours, Mort.  It is about determining and limiting what rights you and your neighbours enjoy without impinging on each other.  Unlike your's which is about how you just have rights, without any responsibilities.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Now now, we have been over this. My Rights only stop where they infringe on the Rights of others. Until that point I can do anything I choose! If what I do makes you uncomfortable that is your issue to deal with and not my problem.

My Rights don't end where your feelings begin!

Maybe consider the first amendment rights of people in the LGBT community ? Their rights don't end where your feelings begin either!

I don't infringe on the rights of the Sodom and Gomora crowd, I just don't want them recruiting children and the weak minded to their cause.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 14th, 2023 at 8:49pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 6th, 2023 at 9:29pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:37pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 9:07pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 8:24pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 1:44pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 5th, 2023 at 12:21am:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 10:19pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 4th, 2023 at 9:11pm:

::) ::)

You should expand your source of news, don't feed the wildlife. They will forget how to feed themselves and will become dependent. Similar circumstances cause similar results.

::) ::)

Every one of those has been debunked, they are all unrestricted felons. Even voting is legal for some felons in some cases. A felon can not own or even hold a firearm except in special cases.

Missing the point, Morty?  It isn't about felons, it is about regulation. Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Of course it is all about restrictions in life. Your list is about services, not rights. While your list involves more parts it isn't restricting anything!

It is about getting along with your neighbours, Mort.  It is about determining and limiting what rights you and your neighbours enjoy without impinging on each other.  Unlike your's which is about how you just have rights, without any responsibilities.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Now now, we have been over this. My Rights only stop where they infringe on the Rights of others. Until that point I can do anything I choose! If what I do makes you uncomfortable that is your issue to deal with and not my problem.

My Rights don't end where your feelings begin!

Maybe consider the first amendment rights of people in the LGBT community ? Their rights don't end where your feelings begin either!

Those "minor attracted persons" don't have a right to molest or sexualize children and call it free speech!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 15th, 2023 at 8:12pm
Hunter Biden Ghosted Baby Mama During Pregnancy, Texts Show

President’s crackhead son yanked health insurance from mistress shortly after birth of daughter.

For months in 2018, a very pregnant Lunden Alexis Roberts was unable to reach Hunter Biden, the father of her soon-to-be-born daughter. He screened her calls. He ignored her messages. Six weeks after their daughter’s birth, she tried one more time.

"In hopes that you even read this- Baby was born Aug 28. Beautiful & Healthy," she wrote in a text on Oct. 16, 2018. "If you ever become curious and want to know more I can send pictures, details, or whatever you may request."

"I know that’s a long shot and you’d much rather avoid the whole situation," she added, "but just wanted you to know the door is always open for you in the baby’s life."

Biden never responded. But years later, Roberts and their four-year-old daughter—whom President Joe Biden has refused to publicly acknowledge as his grandchild—have become an issue the Biden family can no longer ignore.

The ongoing child support case in Arkansas, which has drawn Hunter Biden into the courtroom and made national headlines, could force the younger Biden to release sensitive financial information. At the same time, several federal investigations, including a congressional probe into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, are likely to keep eyes peeled on financial disclosures that come out of the Arkansas trial.

While Roberts has declined public interviews, court filings and text messages shed light on her battle to extract child support from a member of one of the world’s most powerful families, as well as her unsuccessful efforts to make Hunter Biden a part of their daughter’s life.

The text messages show Hunter Biden dropped out of contact a few months into her pregnancy, cut off her salary and health insurance shortly after she gave birth, and declined to even see a photograph of his newborn daughter. He had initially put her on his company’s payroll, likely to provide her with health care during the pregnancy. The messages show she did not go to court to seek child support until several months after Biden cut her off from his company's health insurance.

Hunter Biden reopened the paternity case last September, saying he could no longer afford to pay Roberts the $20,000-per-month in child support he had agreed to during his father’s presidential campaign in 2020. He is also asking the court to block the child from taking the "Biden" last name.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 15th, 2023 at 8:15pm

Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

You would think if this were the case that the right should have caught up a little and not the gap increasing as we clearly see.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 15th, 2023 at 8:49pm
BIDEN Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Dies Mysteriously

We as a nation have become so used to the words “died mysteriously” in regards to potential witnesses about to expose corrupt politicians.

Let’s be honest though, it usually involves the Clintons.

Perhaps we’ve underestimated how deep Joe Biden’s corruption goes.

According to former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a witness who had smoking gun evidence of Biden’s international bribery scheme was completely ignored before dying under mysterious circumstances.

Giuliani claims the female witness was the chief accountant at Burisma, and was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts.

This would have included Joe Biden’s account.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 15th, 2023 at 9:02pm
Jill Biden Shocked and Bemused over Trump’s Massive Support despite Indictment

Jill Biden expressed her shock that Republican Donald Trump supporters continue to back the former president despite his recent federal indictment.

She told Democratic donors at the Upper East Side home of Barry Ginsburg and his wife Merle in Manhattan that the 2024 election is a choice between “strong, steady leadership” and “chaos and corruption, hatred and division” of “MAGA Republicans.”

Strong leadership?

The first lady, who is obviously out of touch with real Americans, expressed her bemusement that the majority of Republicans say they are still planning to vote for Trump, according to polls.

“They don’t care about the indictment. So that’s a little shocking, I think,” Jill Biden said of Trump’s indictment.

She then questioned Trump supporters, motives, beliefs, and loyalty before urging Democratic donors to “think about where we were three years ago.”

“We know what’s in store with the MAGA Republicans. We just know it, right? We know because we’ve lived it. We’ve seen it,” she said.

“We know what it’s like to see U.S. policy tweeted out in late-night tweet-storms.”

She also highlighted the stakes for next year’s election, saying, “We cannot go back to those dark days,” referring to Trump’s time in office.

Trump already declared he would “never leave” the 2024 presidential race, even if he is convicted.

The indictment stems from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the former president’s handling of White House documents.

“I’M AN INNOCENT MAN!” Donald Trump said following the indictment last week.

Jill and Biden could soon be in hot water if Trump wins back the presidency and makes good on his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to go after the “Biden crime family.”

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 15th, 2023 at 9:04pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 15th, 2023 at 8:49pm:
BIDEN Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Dies Mysteriously


Another anonymous witness who nobody has ever seen like the GOP star witnesses in the bogus GOP inquiry into Biden.

The GOP is presenting a barrage of lies.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 15th, 2023 at 9:42pm
JUST IN: $10M Magically Appeared In Biden’s 2017 Tax Return; House GOP Investigating

House Republicans are demanding increased transparency from President Joe Biden on his personal tax returns after an investigation found one of his corporate entities reported nearly $10 million in revenue without detailing the sources. The president’s critics believe the sudden influx of money may be related to allegations of bribery against the president.

CelticCapri Corp, an S-corporation for the president, was not listed on the president’s personal tax returns or campaign website, raising eyebrows as to why the 46th president would conceal such a large income source from the public. While it is common to not list corporate revenue on a personal income statement, politicians running for national office typically disclose all sources of income in an attempt to appear as transparent as possible.

According to Breitbart, the conservative Federalist Society took issue with a 2020 article by USA Today which attempted to hold water for the president by claiming he earned “$15.6 million … from speaking fees and book deals” between 2017 and 2019 and that “more than $10 million of that total income was profits from Biden’s memoir ‘Promise Me, Dad’ and $3 million in profits from Jill Biden’s book.” Following the citations within the USA Today article led readers to no details on the S-corporation, creating what the Federal Society referred to as a “smokescreen.”

House Republicans believe they may have found a bone to pick as they race to uncover the truth behind testimony from an FBI informant that President Biden took $5 million in bribes from a Ukrainian official to assist in the firing of another official and easing the path for his son Hunter Biden to conduct business operations in the country. Members of the Republican caucus told Breitbart that the latest lack of transparency from the president is deeply concerning.

“The President seems to find selling out our country funny. We don’t,” said Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC). “If he’s serious about proving our allegations wrong he should release his and his family’s unredacted bank records and show the American people where all this money is coming from. The FBI can’t protect him forever.”

Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ), a successful businessman in his own right, told Breitbart News Joe Biden should come clean about the money in lieu of the alleged pay-for-pay scheme.

“The fact that there are credible claims signaling that a foreign national bribed the President of the United States with cash in exchange for influence over U.S. policy decisions is appalling. The American people deserve to know who paid the Bidens and what exactly they were paid for,” he said.

“Now that we know there are recordings of conversations Joe Biden and his degenerate son had with a Burisma executive, it’s becoming more and more obvious how the indictment of President Trump is meant to be a distraction,” Crane added. “It would shock no one in this town if Joe Biden received millions of dollars from selling out the country in a bribery scheme and then hid that money in shady shell companies.”

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 15th, 2023 at 9:46pm
Mort, rush your evidence to the FBI or STFU.

Mort Dooley's bogus evidence is fake because if it were true Jim Jordan and James Comer would already filing allegations with the FBI.

Mort Dooley's bogus evidence doesn't even arouse Jim Jordan and James Comer.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 15th, 2023 at 10:31pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 15th, 2023 at 9:46pm:
Mort, rush your evidence to the FBI or STFU.

Mort Dooley's bogus evidence is fake because if it were true Jim Jordan and James Comer would already filing allegations with the FBI.

Mort Dooley's bogus evidence doesn't even arouse Jim Jordan and James Comer.

FBI's Political Agenda Exposed: Agency Conceals Evidence of President Biden's Bribery Scheme

While Democrats and members of the activist media are locked in a desperate attempt to get the nation to focus on the Justice Department’s indictment against former President Donald Trump, another explosive bombshell in President Joe Biden’s bribery scandal has just dropped. Not surprisingly, it appears the FBI was trying to cover up the scandal in a way that makes it nearly impossible to claim that elements in the Bureau are not acting in a politically motivated manner.

Recent revelations regarding the FBI’s alleged cover-up of evidence suggesting President Joe Biden and his son Hunter received bribes from the founder of a Ukrainian energy company have sparked concerns about corruption within the agency.

According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a confidential human source informed him about an individual who allegedly paid off Joe and Hunter Biden in exchange for favorable actions towards Ukrainian energy company Burisma, where Hunter had been appointed to a seat on the board. This foreign national possessed audio recordings of his conversations with the Bidens, which he kept as an “insurance policy.” Grassley shared this information during a Senate session, shedding light on a significant aspect of the corruption allegations.

But now, the plot has thickened.

It appears that not only do these recordings exist, if the source is to be trusted, it has come to light that the FBI concealed information on some of the alleged phone calls between Biden and the Burisma executive, who also happens to be an asset working with SVR, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service:

Testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday afternoon, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate admitted agents at the federal law enforcement agency blacked out information in a FD-1023 report — eventually given to the House Oversight Committee — showing President Joe Biden engaged in two phone calls with a former Burisma executive while he was vice president. That executive allegedly offered Biden and his son Hunter, who served on the Burisma board while his father was in charge of the Ukraine portfolio under President Obama, $5 million each for changes in U.S. policy towards the notoriously corrupt foreign gas company. The bribery allegations are allegedly detailed in the FD-1023 report, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has been fighting to keep secret and away from lawmakers. 

When questioned by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Abbate defended the Bureau by explaining that they “often redact documents to protect sources and methods.”

“The document was redacted to protect the source,” Abbate explained further.

However, as President Biden is fond of saying, this excuse is a bunch of malarkey. This was not about protecting “sources and methods,” it was about shielding the Biden family from scrutiny, plain and simple. There is absolutely no way the Bureau would have done the same thing if this had been Trump instead of Biden.

The public has a right to know about any credible allegations of corruption involving high-ranking officials, irrespective of political affiliations. Unfortunately, the FBI does not seem to believe this is the case.

The revelations surrounding the FBI’s alleged cover-up have significant implications for the perception of corruption within the agency and the integrity of the Biden family, especially if Congress gets its hands on the actual recordings. If these allegations are true, they undermine the credibility of the current administration and call into question the ethical conduct of its key members. As I stated previously, it can and should lead to impeachment.

At this point, it seems reasonable to conclude that the evidence against Biden is quite damning. Why else would the Bureau bother to hide the information if the whole thing is a nothingburger?

The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their law enforcement agencies, regardless of the political implications. But it is abundantly clear that elements in the government are more concerned with advancing a political agenda than being trustworthy. Nevertheless, if the evidence is compelling, we are in for some interesting times ahead.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 15th, 2023 at 11:57pm
Mort, the commies and the extreme left are rampaging all over the US while you spend your time blabbering and blubbering and bedwetting with fear.

The commies and leftists are going to take your guns.

Soon Mort will be kneeling and kowtowing to commies, refugees, Mexicans, and Afghans as the conservatives and white extremists surrender and swear obeisance to their new masters.

Comrade Mort your future is assured. You will spend the rest of your life on your knees.

Comrade Mort, you earned it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 16th, 2023 at 6:25am

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 15th, 2023 at 11:57pm:
Mort, the commies and the extreme left are rampaging all over the US while you spend your time blabbering and blubbering and bedwetting with fear.

The commies and leftists are going to take your guns.

Soon Mort will be kneeling and kowtowing to commies, refugees, Mexicans, and Afghans as the conservatives and white extremists surrender and swear obeisance to their new masters.

Comrade Mort your future is assured. You will spend the rest of your life on your knees.

Comrade Mort, you earned it.

You must have scored some top shelf drugs.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 16th, 2023 at 11:53am

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 15th, 2023 at 10:31pm:
[quote author=Laugh_till_you_cry link=1674648038/382#382 date=1686829576]Mort, rush your evidence to the FBI or STFU.

While Democrats and members of the activist media are locked in a desperate attempt to get the u are not acting in a politically motivated manner[/u].

Recent revelations regarding the FBI’s alleged cover-up of evidence suggesting President Joe Biden and his son Hunter received bribes from the founder of a Ukrainian energy company have sparked concerns about corruption within the agency.

According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a confidential human source informed him about an individual who allegedly paid off Joe and Hunter Biden in exchange for favorable actions towards Ukrainian energy company Burisma, where Hunter had been appointed to a seat on the board. This foreign national possessed audio recordings of his conversations with the Bidens, which he kept as an “insurance policy.” Grassley shared this information during a Senate session, shedding light on a significant aspect of the corruption allegations.

But now, the plot has thickened.

It appears that not only do these recordings exist, if the source is to be trusted, it has come to light that the FBI concealed information on some of the alleged phone calls between Biden and the Burisma executive, who also happens to be an asset working with SVR, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service:

Testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday afternoon, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate admitted agents at the federal law enforcement agency blacked out information in a FD-1023 report — eventually given to the House Oversight Committee — showing President Joe Biden engaged in two phone calls with a former Burisma executive while he was vice president. That executive allegedly offered Biden and his son Hunter, who served on the Burisma board while his father was in charge of the Ukraine portfolio under President Obama, $5 million each for changes in U.S. policy towards the notoriously corrupt foreign gas company. The bribery allegations are allegedly detailed in the FD-1023 report, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has been fighting to keep secret and away from lawmakers. 

When questioned by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Abbate defended the Bureau by explaining that they “often redact documents to protect sources and methods.”

“The document was redacted to protect the source,” Abbate explained further.

However, as President Biden is fond of saying, this excuse is a bunch of malarkey. This was not about protecting “sources and methods,” it was about shielding the Biden family from scrutiny, plain and simple. There is absolutely no way the Bureau would have done the same thing if this had been Trump instead of Biden.

The public has a right to know about any credible allegations of corruption involving high-ranking officials, irrespective of political affiliations. Unfortunately, the FBI does not seem to believe this is the case.

The revelations surrounding the FBI’s alleged cover-up have significant implications for the perception of corruption within the agency and the integrity of the Biden family, especially if Congress gets its hands on the actual recordings. If these allegations are true, they undermine the credibility of the current administration and call into question the ethical conduct of its key members. As I stated previously, it can and should lead to impeachment.

At this point, it seems reasonable to conclude that the evidence against Biden is quite damning. Why else would the Bureau bother to hide the information if the whole thing is a nothingburger?

The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their law enforcement agencies, regardless of the political implications. But it is abundantly clear that elements in the government are more concerned with advancing a political agenda than being trustworthy. Nevertheless, if the evidence is compelling, we are in for some interesting times ahead.

Chickenfeed, Mort. The Chinese paid your Dear Leader 24 mil in his first year as prez alone.

After he left, the Saudis are paying him "an undisclosed amount" in the millions, and loaned Jared 2 billion dollars.

You know all this, and you don't give a shit.

There's no way Sleepy Joe's made 5 mil for "changes in U.S. policy" when he was VP. He doesn't own foreign accounts, and he's discosed his income annually. He'd have to have a pretty big bed to stash all the money under you keep making up.

Your Dear Leader has all these things - accounts in Chi-na, the Bahamas, and a cute shell account in the Caribbean for funnelling Russian funds. But do you know?

Apart from the income from Chi-na, the Saudi pork barrelling and the laundered Russian loans, the big fella's squirrelling away your donations too. Ordinary moms and pops from all over America put into his superpacs and his donation drives and his legal slush funds. While the Don's pulling in money from all over the world for favours during his time as prez, you guys are happy to give it to him for nothing.

But you know Sleepy's not pulling in cash. He's a boring career politician who has always stayed away from his son's business.

You know both these things: Sleepy Joe's straight, and your Dear Leader's up to his eyeballs in it.

You're just posting krap, and you know it.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 16th, 2023 at 1:37pm
Comrade Mort is seeking communists or similar-minded people to surrender to.

Here is Mort's past master dancing for his masters.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 16th, 2023 at 9:06pm

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 16th, 2023 at 9:16pm

Top Republican James Comer says new Biden bank records will show family accepted between $20-30 MILLION from foreign nationals

Earlier this week Sen. Chuck Grassley said the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden a bribe has kept 17 audio recordings as an 'insurance policy'

Oversight Chair James Comer now claims he will soon obtain bank records showing the Biden family accepted upwards of $20 to $30 million from foreign nationals.

'We have more bank records coming in going to exceed $10 million, this week. And I think we will get between $20 and 30 million,' Comer, R-Ky., told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.

Earlier this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley said the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden a bribe has kept 17 audio recordings of phone calls as an 'insurance policy.'

According to a 'highly credible' whistleblower, an internal FD-1023 memo created in 2020 based off information from a well-paid FBI informant apparently details a $5 million 'arrangement' for an exchange of money for policy decisions between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national.

In a bombshell speech on the Senate floor Monday, the Iowa lawmaker cited what is believed to have been redacted in the FD-1023 file from the FBI on the alleged payment.

Grassley said the foreign national has 15 recordings of phone calls with Hunter and two with Joe.

He claims they were kept as an 'insurance policy' in case the foreign national was in a 'tight spot.'

The form also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden, Grassley continued.

After a long back-and-forth between the FBI and congressional Republicans, including a threat of holding the FBI director in contempt of Congress, Christopher Wray finally allowed the form to be viewed by lawmakers in a secure setting last week.

Last month Comer and his team released a 'Second Records Memorandum' that expands on information it received from subpoena returns as the committee continues its investigation into the Biden family's business practices.

The memo specifically outlines ties to Romanian 'influence peddling' and a web of LLCs created while Biden was vice president. It also accuses Biden of a 'lack of transparency' regarding his family's receipt of funds from China, which he has said are 'not true.'

During Biden's time as vice president, there were 20 companies affiliated with family members created intentionally with a 'complicated corporate structure' the memo states.

Hunter Biden and his associates, including Rob Walker, formed 'at least 15' of those companies, after Biden took the office of the vice president in 2009.

Several of those entities including Owasco P.C. - which Hunter owned - Hudson West III, LLC, Robinson Walker, LLC, and Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC, accepted funds from foreign companies ranging from $5,000 to $3 million, the committee said.

This specifically is 'evidence of influence peddling and a correlation between Biden family and their business associates' work, allege the Republicans who point to multiple anti-corruption speeches and meetings with Romanian leaders then-Vice President Biden engaged in between 2014 and 2015.

The Romanian transactions outlined in the bank records released by the committee were from Cypriot - a company controlled by Gabriel Popoviciu, who was at the time under investigation for criminal corruption in Romania and later convicted for bribery-related offenses.

Between 2015 and 2017, Robinson Walker, LLC received $3 million from Bladon Enterprises Limited - Popoviciu's Cypriot company - which was then paid out to Biden family members in a total sum of over $1 million.

The first payments were received by the LLC just weeks after then-Vice President Biden hosted Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House and they discussed anti-corruption policies.

Biden family accounts gained $1.038 million from Robinson Walker, LLC in a series of 17 deposits, 16 of which were made while Biden was still in the White House. The payments went to associate James Gilliar, Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, Owasco LLC and an 'unknown Biden bank account.'

'It appears from bank records the Bidens were using Robinson Walker, LLC to conceal that the source of these payments was Popovici,' the memo says.

According to emails from Hunter's laptop obtained by, Popoviciu hired the president's son in 2016 as part of an influence campaign to persuade anti-corruption prosecutors to cut a deal or drop the case - all while his father was sitting vice president.

The memo also 'serves as a response to misinformation' Republicans say has been spread by President Biden, Democrats in Congress and their allies regarding the China-connected findings in a first memo released last month.

On March 16, Comer released a 'First Bank Records Memorandum' detailing a payment of $3 million in 2017 received by Biden family associate Rob Walker from a CEFC China Energy-linked firm State Energy HK Limited.

About $1 million of that money was then passed from Walker to several Biden family members - including Hallie Biden - in more than 15 incremental payments.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 16th, 2023 at 11:32pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 16th, 2023 at 9:16pm:

Top Republican James Comer says new Biden bank records will show family accepted between $20-30 MILLION from foreign nationals

Earlier this week Sen. Chuck Grassley said the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden a bribe has kept 17 audio recordings as an 'insurance policy'

Oversight Chair James Comer now claims he will soon obtain bank records showing the Biden family accepted upwards of $20 to $30 million from foreign nationals.

'We have more bank records coming in going to exceed $10 million, this week. And I think we will get between $20 and 30 million,' Comer, R-Ky., told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.

Earlier this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley said the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden a bribe has kept 17 audio recordings of phone calls as an 'insurance policy.'

According to a 'highly credible' whistleblower, an internal FD-1023 memo created in 2020 based off information from a well-paid FBI informant apparently details a $5 million 'arrangement' for an exchange of money for policy decisions between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national.

In a bombshell speech on the Senate floor Monday, the Iowa lawmaker cited what is believed to have been redacted in the FD-1023 file from the FBI on the alleged payment.

Grassley said the foreign national has 15 recordings of phone calls with Hunter and two with Joe.

He claims they were kept as an 'insurance policy' in case the foreign national was in a 'tight spot.'

The form also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden, Grassley continued.

After a long back-and-forth between the FBI and congressional Republicans, including a threat of holding the FBI director in contempt of Congress, Christopher Wray finally allowed the form to be viewed by lawmakers in a secure setting last week.

Last month Comer and his team released a 'Second Records Memorandum' that expands on information it received from subpoena returns as the committee continues its investigation into the Biden family's business practices.

The memo specificng his family's receipt of funds from China, which he has said are 'not true.'

During Biden's time as vice president, there were 20 companies affiliated with family members created intentionally with a 'complicated corporate structure' the memo states.

Hunter Biden and his associates, including Rob Walker, formed 'at least 15' of those companies, after Biden took the office of the vice president in 2009.

Several of those entities including Owasco P.C. - which Hunter owned - Hudson West III, LLC, Robinson Walker, LLC, and Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC, accepted funds from foreign companies ranging from $5,000 to $3 million, the committee said.

This specifically is 'evidence of influence peddling and a correlation between Biden family and their business associates' work, allege the Republicans who ptiple anti-corruption speeches and meetings with Romanian leaders then-Vice President Biden engaged in between 2014 and 2015.

The Romanian transactions outlined in the bank records released by the committee were from Cypriot - a company controlled by Gabriel Popoviciu, who was at the time under investigation for criminal corruption in Romania and later convicted for bribery-related offenses.

The first payments were received by the LLC just weeks after then-Vice President Biden hosted Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House and they discussed anti-corruption policies.

Biden family accounts gained $1.038 mi

'It appears from bank records the Bidens were using Robinson Walker, LLC to conceal that the source of these payments was Popovici,' the memo says.

According to emails from Hunter's laptop obtained by, Popoviciu hired the president's son in 2016 as part of an influence campaign to persuade anti-corruption prosecutors to cut a deal or drop the case - all while his father was sitting vice president.

The memo also 'serves as a response to misinformation' Republicans say has been spread by President Biden, Democrats in Congress and their allies regarding the China-connected findings in a first memo released last month.

On March 16, Comer released a 'First Bank Records Memorandum' detailing a payment of $3 million in 2017 received by Biden family associate Rob Walker from a CEFC China Energy-linked firm State Energy HK Limited.

About $1 million of that money was then passed from Walker to several Biden family members - including Hallie Biden - in more than 15 incremental payments.

Top Republican James Comer

Comer has had a new lie for the media cycle almost every week for months. Quoting him can only make you look stupid.

In the end he had to admit that there was nothing on Hunters laptop showing a Joe Biden crime of any sort.

What happened to his lost whistleblowers - they never existed.

How about his FBI complaint. Supplied by Rudy in 2020 from a Russian in Ukraine who was told by (unknown), It was investigated by Barr's DOJ and closed.

How about his new audio files - bet they are never produced ? There are no audio files is a great bet on form.

Fail after Fail. He is just throwing mud at a wall . He knows that this one is baseless and doesn't care

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 17th, 2023 at 4:37am

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 16th, 2023 at 9:16pm:

Top Republican James Comer says new Biden bank records will show family accepted between $20-30 MILLION from foreign nationals

Earlier this week Sen. Chuck Grassley said the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden a bribe has kept 17 audio recordings as an 'insurance policy'

Oversight Chair James Comer now claims he will soon obtain bank records showing the Biden family accepted upwards of $20 to $30 million from foreign nationals.

'We have more bank records coming in going to exceed $10 million, this week. And I think we will get between $20 and 30 million,' Comer, R-Ky., told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.

In a bombshell speech on the Senate floor Monday, the Iowa lawmaker cited what is believed to have been redacted in the FD-1023 file from the FBI on the alleged payment.

Grassley said the foreign national has 15 recordings of phone calls with Hunter and two with Joe.

He claims they were kept as an 'insurance policy' in case the foreign national was in a 'tight spot.'

The form also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden, Grassley continued.

After a long back-and-forth between the FBI and congressional Republicans, including a threat of holding the FBI director in contempt of Congress, Christopher Wray finally allowed the form to be viewed by lawmakers in a secure setting last week.

Last month Comer and his team released a 'Second Records Memorandum' that expands on information it received from subpoena returns as the committee continues its investigation into the Biden family's business practices.

The memo specifically outlines ties to Romanian 'influence peddling' and a web of LLCs created while Biden was vice president. It also accuses Biden of a 'lack of transparency' regarding his family's receipt of funds from China, which he has said are 'not true.'

During Biden's time as vice president, there were 20 companies affiliated with family members created intentionally with a 'complicated corporate structure' the memo states.

Hunter Biden and his associates, including Rob Walker, formed 'at least 15' of those companies, after Biden took the office of the vice president in 2009.

This specifically is 'evidence of influence peddling and a correlation between Biden family and their business associates' work, allege the Republicans who point to multiple anti-corruption speeches and meetings with Romanian leaders then-Vice President Biden engaged in between 2014 and 2015.

The Romanian transactions outlined in the bank records released by the committee were from Cypriot - a company controlled by Gabriel Popoviciu, who was at the time under investigation for criminal corruption in Romania and later convicted for bribery-related offenses.

Between 2015 and 2017, Robinson Walker, LLC received $3 million from Bladon Enterprises Limited - Popoviciu's Cypriot company - which was then paid out to Biden family members in a total sum of over $1 million.

Biden family accounts gained $1.038 million from Robinson Walker, LLC in a series of 17 deposits, 16 of which were made while Biden was still in the White House. The payments went to associate James Gilliar, Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, Owasco LLC and an 'unknown Biden bank account.'

According to emails from Hunter's laptop obtained by, Popoviciu hired the president's son in 2016 as part of an influence campaign to persuade anti-corruption prosecutors to cut a deal or drop the case - all while his father was sitting vice president.

The memo also 'serves as a response to misinformation' Republicans say has been spread by President Biden, Democrats in Congress and their allies regarding the China-connected findings in a first memo released last month.

On March 16, Comer released a 'First Bank Records Memorandum' detailing a payment of $3 million in 2017 received by Biden family associate Rob Walker from a CEFC China Energy-linked firm State Energy HK Limited.

About $1 million of that money was then passed from Walker to several Biden family members - including Hallie Biden - in more than 15 incremental payments.

He will soon obtain bank records, will he?

I say, Mort, that's BREAKING...

Can you let us know when he obtains them?

The Trump family has received billions in funds from Saudi Arabia. No whistleblowers, no soon to obtain evidence, we know. Your Senate Finance Committee's already got the evidence.

“The financial links between the Saudi royal family and the Trump family raise very serious issues,” Senate Finance Committee Chair Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told the Post. “When you factor in Jared Kushner’s financial interests, you are looking right at the cat’s cradle of financial entanglements.”

So I'm curious. Why do you keep posting BREAKING nothing burgers when your Dear Leader's in up to his neck?

Are you able to explain this? I've asked Americans why you support such blatant and obvious corruption, and no one's been able to tell me.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 17th, 2023 at 9:28am
Mort Dooley and the GOP will have to invent an invisible law enforcement unit to go after their invisible witnesses.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 17th, 2023 at 8:53pm

What Are the Traits of a 'Wannabe Dictator'? Tucker Carlson's Monologue Holds Nothing Back

Tucker Carlson’s latest Twitter episode proved there is no subject the former Fox News host is afraid to touch, and no truth too unsettling to discuss.

This week, as Matt reported, Fox News ran a chyron that read, “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.” The message was up for less than 30 seconds but that’s all it took to trigger liberals and Fox News brass.

After directing some sharp criticism at his former employer over the incident, Carlson wondered why the left was so upset about it.

"Democrats were very, very angry... but why were they angry? If the banner was false, why the hysteria? Lies don't seem to bother anyone anymore... if some cable news producer had called Biden a genius, or secretly Sudanese, would anyone be yelling about it? Would Fox News have apologized for it? Probably not, but calling Joe Biden a wannabe dictator, that stung," Carlson said.

As he goes on to note, it "stung" because there’s some truth to it. He then pointed out some of the main traits dictators share, sarcastically saying Joe Biden certainly has nothing in common with them.

"[O]f course Joe Biden is not a wannabe dictator just because he's trying to put the other candidate in prison for the rest of his life for a crime he himself committed. That doesn't mean he has a totalitarian impulse, come on, that's absurd," Carlson said, explaining it takes a lot more than "jailing your political rivals" to earn the title of a wannabe dictator.

"First off there is the money," he began. "The one thing that all dictators have in common is they enrich themselves and their families, their tribe, even as the countries they govern grow steadily poorer and more desperate."

People also can't demonstrate in large numbers to protest or else they'll be arrested or even shot to death, as in the case of Ashli Babbitt, Carlson said. Making matters worse, relatives can also be arrested "for daring to complain that their children were killed for complaining."

He then pointed to the arrest of Ashli Babbitt's mother.

But suppressing criticism wouldn't stop there. A wannabe dictator wouldn't allow citizens to express their "unauthorized opinions" on the internet, either.

And there's more:

"In any case you're in the process of being disarmed anyway along with everyone else who has shown questionable loyalty to the leader," Carlson said. "Those who support the regime can keep their weapons and use them freely including on public transportation. That's a core civil right for them, but for those who dissent from the program, self-defense is an unaffordable privilege - turn in your guns, Mr. & Mrs. peaceful opposition, you're a danger to society and We Know Who You Are. And in fact, the wannabe dictator does know who they are because he knows everything. Technology has made him All-Seeing."

Carlson turned his attention to a recent report in Wired Magazine about how the "highly non-dictatorial" Biden administration "is busy tracking the phones of millions of Americans without their knowledge and without bothering to get a warrant." And this is happening as the administration "is stockpiling a massive trove of damaging information about these same Americans to be used at some point, we are sure for entirely noble purposes," Carlson said.

"So the administration now knows everything: where you spend your days, who you talk to, what you think, your porn habits. Not a big deal," he continued. "The administration already knows what you buy, of course, because they've leaned on the big banks to turn over your confidential credit card information not because anyone here is a wannabe dictator, to be clear, but just because it's nice to have that information just in case, in the words of the Fox News PR department, a situation arises that needs to be quote 'addressed.'"

Americans can also be sure Joe Biden is not a "wannabe dictator" because he doesn't fit the profile, Carlson added.

"Dictators build cults of personality around themselves and they use those cults to deny the glaringly obvious," he said.

Carlson compared Biden's mental and physical decline to how former North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung developed a massive tumor on the back of his neck that was easy for any to see, but the state media ignored it.

"Thankfully nothing like that is happening in our country or ever will," Carlson quipped.

He then addressed how dictators have the "family to match," pointing to Saddam Hussein's sons who "lived above the law, indulging their most decadent fantasies with total confidence they would be never held to account by the police."

Fortunately Biden doesn't have anyone like that surrounding him, Carlson said sarcastically, nor does he "award ridiculous inflated titles to his relatives that the media are then required to take serious; he doesn't call people doctor who didn't go to medical school and then force you to nod along like it's real when everyone knows it isn't...Joe Biden would never do that."

If Biden were a wannabe dictator he'd also be giving speeches that "look like Nuremberg rallies, a blood red backdrop, armed soldiers by his side, screaming about crushing his eternal enemies." Biden definitely didn't do that.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 18th, 2023 at 3:35pm
Tucker's right, Mort. Sleepy Joe doesn't wear swastika armbands or give loud speeches in German.

In fact, he's been hands-off the Trump investigations all the way. A prez can't order citizens arraigned, indicted or arrested. No Attorney General, be it Merrick Garland, Bill Barr or Jeff Sessions would cop a prez interfering in such a way, and the way the rules are set, they cant.

Sure, the big fella told AG Barr to review the Hillary email case and see what comes up. He ranted and raved when Barr found nothing, but he was powerless to do anything else.

You should be grateful for this, Mort. By and large, you have a system that works. The last prez to get away with targetting his enemies was Nixon. The rules were changed after Watergate.

That's not what the big fella wants, however. If elected, he promises an all-out purge against his enemies. Sleepy Joe, the lot.

Stephen Saltzburg, a former top official in the criminal division of the Justice Department who is now a George Washington University law professor, said Trump was signaling that he would use the department to settle scores — just the thing he is claiming led to his indictment.

“This is typical of what Donald Trump does,” Saltzburg said. “He essentially accuses people of doing what he would do if he were in the position.”

Many experts, of all political persuasions, said the charges against Trump stem from the proper functioning of the legal system, rather than a political vendetta. William Barr, Trump’ s former attorney general, said the allegations in the indictment were serious and that Trump had no right to keep such documents.

“There is not an attorney general of either party who would not have brought today’s charges against the former president,” Michael Luttig, a former federal judge who was a conservative favorite for a Supreme Court post, wrote on Twitter.

While he's going to struggle to find competent people to carry this out, you should be grateful that he'll never be elected to office ever again. He's already been turfed out. Not only are the rules defending your rights as a citizen, so are your fellow Americans.

The big fella can run for mayor of Miami if he wants. That's where he'll be doing a minimum of 7 years in some form of detention - on the federal charges alone.

The New York case hasn't started, and the Georgia indictment will be announced in July.

Sheesh - only another month to go! Better get your MAGA friends up to Atlanta, Mort. I think 30 turned up to Miami.

Mr Trump needs all the support he can get, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 19th, 2023 at 7:55pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

What enemies?

The Legacy of Obama and Biden: Weaponizing Federal Agencies

Contrast the Trump/Pence ticket running for re-election with the last time an incumbent ticket ran for re-election: Obama/Biden in 2012. For most of our history, the press has served as a Democracy's child, willing to tell the truth about situations as they unfold. Then, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected.

Either because Obama was the first African American president, or the mainstream media was so steeped in their own ideology, they abdicated their position for eight years running, and since then.

From Magnifying Glass to Feigned Disinterest

With Bush/Cheney, the mainstream media covered every infraction, error, and misspoken word and then magnified the issue endlessly. With Trump/Pence, the constant dissection and distortion, 24/7/365, has risen to unimaginable heights.

For the first five years after Obama/Biden took office, the mainstream press treated them with kid gloves and did not pursue anything controversial, at least not for long. Then, their transgressions became so egregious that mainstream media was finding it nearly impossible to continue to shield him. The list of their sordid policies, botched programs, gerrymandering of our democratic process, and outright fraud and deception was ample.

Had Bush/Cheney been at the helm of the IRS targeting of political groups, let alone Fast and Furious, Black Panther voter intimidation, the Benghazi cover-up, the Affordable Care Act’s website debacle, the Gulf Oil Spill, the National Security Agency's snooping, the General Motors recall, the Veterans’ Administration scandal, the Bergdahl swap, the border debacle, the ISIS menace, etc, the headlines would be non-stop.

Cleta Mitchell is a prominent Washington, D.C. attorney representing many clients who had been victimized by IRS criminal conduct. She previously served as a Democrat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1976 to 1984. In her testimony before Congress, she asserted that the Obama/Biden administration was responsible for ‘lies upon lies’ covering up the multifarious, politically inspired wrongdoing of the IRS.

Mitchell regarded the politicization of the IRS as the most dangerous change in her lifetime and perhaps in the history of the U.S. because Obama/Biden did liberals' bidding and the press was willing to endure a wide variety of their non-democratic, dangerous practices. Thus, we experienced government intrusion in unprecedented ways, picking sides in the long-term debate between conservatives and liberals and ensuring that liberals win, as happened in the 2012 election.

Mitchell notes, “The charge that Richard Nixon attempted to misuse the IRS” for political purposes was included in the second of the three articles of impeachment against him. Nixon sought to weaponize the IRS, but his efforts were futile. "By contrast with Nixon's failures to misuse the IRS, the IRS have very effectively screwed Obama/Biden’s political opponents...”

We have yet to learn the full story about what Barack and Joe knew and when they knew it. Late one Friday, before the Father’s day weekend, the IRS “announced” that it had lost 28 months worth of Lois Lerner’s emails... after 12 months of looking. In other words, the incriminating communications that the Senate investigating committee had requested “couldn’t” be found. This obstruction of justice, in a democracy, is intolerable.

In any other era, Lerner, an Obama/Biden devotee, would already be serving hard time. Instead, for eight years she’s been enjoying her well-paid retirement, funded by you.

Obama/Biden’s politicization of the IRS, and our federal agencies in general, which should otherwise be completely non-partisan and non-biased, was an assault on our civilization. The utter contortion of our democracy that we experienced with their Attorney General, Eric Holder, was a sad legacy to leave. Holder stepped over legal and constitutional lines so often that the line faded. His rap sheet is long and involved.

None of the transgressions of Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, or George W. Bush come close to what Obama and Biden did and for which the mainstream media turned a blind eye. Donald Trump and Mike Pence have done nothing on the order of these Democrat contortions. Liberal icon Noam Chomsky summed it up well when he said the Obama administration's attacks on civil liberties "go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don’t seem easy to explain."

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:00pm

Obama’s Weaponized Justice Department

In the last presidential debate, Governor Chris Christie asserted that the Obama administration was running a “political Justice Department,” basing its prosecutorial decisions on political preferences.

But politicization in the traditional sense — hiring only committed leftists to civil‐​service jobs, or using the IRS to go after political enemies — is just half the problem. The current DOJ is also using law enforcement to advance President Obama’s vision of industrial policy.

Under policies implemented over the last several years, businessmen can be jailed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The apotheosis of this trend came last month, when Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates issued a memo titled “Individual Accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing.” The Yates memo notes changes to the department’s manual for U.S. Attorneys, revising the prosecution of corporate malfeasance in a way that overcomes the difficulty of establishing the culpability of “high‐​level executives.”

Since 2011, the Justice Department has pursued a line of litigation that expands the “responsible corporate officer” doctrine, whereby corporate officers can be held criminally liable for the actions of their underlings without any knowledge or direct participation. More than 300,000 regulations — not even laws — can trigger criminal sanctions.

The president’s enforcers are penalizing and jailing executives for normal business activities.

Until recently, the typical punishments under this doctrine have been fines or probation, not prison terms — per the two Supreme Court rulings that created it, United States v. Dotterweich (1943) and United States v. Park (1975). Sending people to prison without their direct participation in or knowledge of a crime raises questions of due process and cruel and unusual punishment.

But forget punishment: Isn’t mere prosecution without a knowledge requirement constitutionally dubious? The four justices who dissented in Dotterweich noted that “fundamental principle[s] of Anglo‐​Saxon jurisprudence” were implicated where “guilt is imputed … solely on the basis of … authority and responsibility as president and general manager of the corporation.” Justice Potter Stewart similarly dissented in Park, calling such convictions “wholly alien to fundamental principles of our law.”

Indeed, knowledge and act requirements — what first‐​year law students learn as mens rea and actus reus — are an important limitation on prosecutorial power. Without them, businessmen who manage national distribution, for example, can be made criminally liable for non‐​compliant products without any direct involvement in moving the tainted goods.

The government has rarely been so bold as to push prison sentences under such circumstances — and courts have, until recently, not upheld them. In the 2011 case United States v. Higgins, however, a federal district court sentenced a corporate officer to a prison term for running clinical trials of certain medical devices without FDA approval.

Higgins wasn’t a clear signal that the government could seek prison terms for regulatory violations. The sentencing judge was highly attentive to the sophistication and “manipulat[ive]” means directly employed by the executive — inferring knowledge and bad acts. But Obama’s Justice Department saw the case as an invitation to more creative prosecutions.

Most recently, in United States v. Quality Egg, federal prosecutors finally managed to jail corporate officers who had no knowledge whatsoever of the violations they were jailed for. In that case, the defendants were the owner and COO of a company that introduced contaminated eggs into the stream of commerce — a strict‐​liability offense (no knowledge or intent required) under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

The defendants pled guilty but maintained that neither they nor their employees knew that the eggs were contaminated, and that they had no direct participation in the sale of bad eggs. The district court relied on Higgins and handed them a prison sentence. The case is now before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit under the name United States v. DeCoster.

In parallel with its expansion of the “responsible corporate officer” doctrine, the Justice Department engaged in Operation Choke Point — a coordinated effort to nudge banks and financial‐​service providers that do business with industries disfavored by the administration (such as short‐​term lenders, firearms dealers, and online gambling) into blacklisting such companies, by threatening investigation. The operation ended this year with a settlement in the targeted businesses’ favor.

These zealous persecutions make clear why corporations now sit on record cash reserves and are “reluctant to invest in their businesses or hire new workers as uncertainty clouds the future.”

In short, commerce flows best when people don’t fear political prosecutions just for trying to grow their businesses. The president famous for saying that “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that” has been using his Justice Department in a way that only slows economic activity.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:06pm

Obama's Weaponization of Government

When you analyze the public response to the State of the Union and the latest polling data, it’s clear that the President has lost a tremendous amount of credibility with the American public.  I scarcely think he cares at this point.  A tired, graying Barack Obama stood before Congress this week as a political figure, party leader, and progressive activist to make sure the Members understood one thing – he doesn’t need them.  In fact, he hasn’t needed them in quite some time.  After all, in his mind, it’s his government.  True, the speech wasn’t as “in your face” as conservative pundits predicted. To have done so would have been even less Presidential than we are used to from this White House.

Everyone in the House Chamber knew something that the American people have yet to fully grasp and Republicans have yet to demonstrate an ability to combat – that their government has grown so large, so complex, so involved in virtually every aspect of their lives, that it is now being used as a weapon to by a small segment of the ruling political class.

The weaponization of government is happening and it's time Americans took notice.  For all the folks - primarily on the left – who screamed and yelled that the Patriot Act was shredding the Constitution, far more intrusive tactics that have nothing to do with the NSA or Homeland Security are being deployed right under our noses during this Administration.  Those tactics reduce every Americans’ personal and economic freedom.

There is a dangerous arrogance of power among the President and senior-level Democrats that should concern every American.

Last week a senior United States Senator gave a speech stating that the IRS should be used to target and punish groups that disagree with the Democratic Party’s political agenda.  Sen. Chuck Schumer stated, “…there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies — we must redouble those efforts immediately.”  Schumer was also one of a number of Democrat Senators who signed a 2012 letter to the IRS demanding they be more aggressive against conservative organizations.  Sure, it was a story in primarily conservative media for a couple of days but no coordinated action between Republican elected officials and the conservative grassroots against Chuck Schumer is being contemplated. The Senate should be censuring him for suggesting that the IRS be used as a political weapon against conservative organizations.  Americans, however, should be calling for his head.

Last year, Lois Lerner, the IRS’ former director of Tax Exempt Organizations, publicly acknowledged the political, predatory and punitive actions of the agency that led to the harassment and intimidation of conservative groups.   Anyone who thinks that these IRS bureaucrats were acting solely in response to the Senators’ letter or of their own volition is kidding themselves.  This strategy was deployed by a cunning White House and the community-organizer-in-chief who still understands Saul Alinksy’s rule number 10 - "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

The IRS scandal is well-known and the misuse of the agency by the Democrat Party machine is still apparently going on.  However, the IRS is just one of dozens of other agencies under the control of this White House, many of which go unnoticed by the public and are virtually ignored by elected officials.

There are the new revelations about the Administration intimidating banks to prevent them from doing business with a number of legitimate businesses.  The until recently covert Operation Choke Point administered through the Departments of Justice and Treasury is already having an impact on the financial industry and other legitimate businesses the Administration is targeting.  According to the Wall Street Journal, J.P. Morgan , has been forced to cut ties with thousands of customers in the last year.  Sources indicate that out of fear of government scrutiny, the bank is ending relationships with customers even if there isn't any sign that the customer has done anything wrong.  Other major banks have stopped offering certain popular, legal products or services because of government pressure.

Documents inadvertently leaked by the Department of the Treasury from a briefing on Operation Choke Point clearly show that the Administration is looking to significantly impact legal businesses because it believes the public needs to be protected from industries and customers deemed more likely to engage in criminal activity.  According to the Administration, those industries interestingly include ammunition sales, gun sales, home-based charities, gambling, pharmaceutical sales, short-term loans, raffles, Amway and Mary Kay-style sales businesses, and credit repair services.

The Administration is refusing to answer any Congressional inquiries about Operation Choke Point.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:09pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

There is no shortage of answers if you only care to look. The Democrat Party is the enemy of the American people!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by aquascoot on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:14pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

women and kids ?

. former President Barack Obama ordered a drone strike on a wedding that killed 23 children and 10 women in Wech Baghtu, Afghanistan.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:20pm
Now, on a lighter note, it is june 19th!

Yesterday was Fathers Day. One of the definitions of mass confusion is Fathers Day in the Ghetto!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:23pm

aquascoot wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:14pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

women and kids ?

. former President Barack Obama ordered a drone strike on a wedding that killed 23 children and 10 women in Wech Baghtu, Afghanistan.

The highway of death atrocity by George H Bush and his demented General Norman Dumkopf murdered 20,000+ people in a horrific slaughter.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:28pm

aquascoot wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:14pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

women and kids ?

. former President Barack Obama ordered a drone strike on a wedding that killed 23 children and 10 women in Wech Baghtu, Afghanistan.

Oh? Mort just accused him of targetting domestic citizens, dear. You know, the way Nixon fixed Elsberg and all the magazine editors he didn't like.

Do you think presidents should do that sort of thing? Why or why not?

The Wech Baghtu airstrike, which occurred in November 2008, occurred under the Bush administration. Obama became prez in January 2009.

What's a few months between friends, eh?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:34pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:23pm:

aquascoot wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:14pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 19th, 2023 at 8:07am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 18th, 2023 at 7:18pm:
The last President to target his enemies with the Alphabet Agency's was Obama.

35,000 attended!

Do tell, dear. Which enemies did Hussein Obama target?

I say, it wasn't someone who broke the law, was investigated by the alphabet agencies and found guilty by a jury of his/her peers, was it?

So, so unfair. I guess it's okay to terminate the constitution as revenge then, no?

women and kids ?

. former President Barack Obama ordered a drone strike on a wedding that killed 23 children and 10 women in Wech Baghtu, Afghanistan.

The highway of death atrocity by George H Bush and his demented General Norman Dumkopf murdered 20,000+ people in a horrific slaughter.

I know, but that shouldn't stop people attributing it to Obama. He is a Muslim, after all.

They're fair game. Besides, if you're defending Dear Leader, you need a few fibs up your sleeve.

He likes a bit of bullshitartistry. It makes the game more fun.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 23rd, 2023 at 9:36pm
NEWSJohn Durham lays out how FBI IGNORED intelligence that Hillary approved plot to tie Trump to Russia

John Durham appeared before the US Congressional Judicial Committee on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to debrief members about his 5-year attempt to unweave the complex attacks against the American people.

Durham seemed eager to veil the fact that city leaders in government, media, and law enforcement appeared to have conspired to destroy an American president with a massive hoax that ended up victimizing many of his associates and supporters.

Most Americans understand that the hoax to ruin Republican Donald J. Trump, which started when he was a candidate for president in 2015, was created by his opponent, longtime corrupt Democrat public servant Hillary R. Clinton.

The hearing was held at the same time Americans found out about the massive corruption of the Biden crime family and the bribes they have taken from foreign nationals.

Yet it is Trump who is charged, arrested, and gagged and faces hundreds of years in prison over a paperwork dispute after watching his family upended in massive media smears and fake show trials.

Yet nothing happens to Clinton, a longtime hoaxster and con.

Most people know it was corrupt Clinton behind the insane ‘Pee Pee Dossier,” including the FBI, who ignored her criminal activity to give her a free pass to start a massive and paralyzing scheme to get herself into the White House, which failed yet consumed and destroyed much of our government, media, and law, enforcement in their assistance to Clinton.

The Wednesday hearing was quite complex, with Durham appearing to make excuses for delivering no justice to the American people yet also lacing his testimony with more evidence of wrongdoing by the same people who have already done so much damage to our Republic- and namely exposing Clinton even further.

Durham, who has not spoken publicly for years, spoke for the first time, and just the sound of his voice was a bit surprising because it did not match with the image that had been portrayed to the people of a solid and reliable bold defender of justice.

Instead, Durham sounded a bit mousey, and he appeared to be defensive of protecting his Washington, DC, associates.

Yet that did not give the leftists on the panel any joy.

At times Democrats- like censured US Rep Adam Schiff (D-CA), who was caught lying to the American people to impeach President Donald J. Trump, and US Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who is suspected of having an affair with a Chinese Communist Spy who was working on his campaign, were downright pouty about the answers Durham gave.

Swalwell got busted for his own corruption, as seen in the following footage:

JUST IN: Rep. Troy Nehls blasts the FBI for making false accusations about Donald Trump peeing on Russian hookers while simultaneously ignoring how Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy.

"We are aware of the member of this committee having an affair with an…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 21, 2023

Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell — who was removed from the House Intelligence Committee over his past relationship with a Chinese spy — asks Special Counsel John Durham about sharing sensitive data with spies.

Here is how the Daily Mail reported the details about the emergence of Clinton’s name at the hearing:

“Former special counsel John Durham on Wednesday testified that the F.B.I. failed to apply the same scrutiny to allegations about the Trump and the Clinton campaigns in 2016.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, he described how it ignored intelligence received by the C.I.A. that Hillary Clinton signed off on planned to tie Donald Trump to Russia.

So although it launched an investigation into allegations that Trump was somehow colluding with Moscow, it failed to examine the Clinton claims.”

US Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the Judicial Committee, questioned Durham about Clinton:

JORDAN: “In the summer of 2016, did our government receive intelligence that suggested Secretary Clinton had approved a plan to tie President Trump to Russia?

DURHAM: “Yes.”

JORDAN: “Was that intelligence important enough for Director Brennan to go brief the President.

If you’re a Biden, you are protected.
If you’re a Clinton, you are protected.
If you’re a Trump, you will be prosecuted.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 23rd, 2023 at 10:40pm
The only fact in Mort's rant is that "Trump, you will be prosecuted".

Trump is shitting himself with fear as recordings of his own admissions and confessions are turned against him.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 24th, 2023 at 12:23am

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 23rd, 2023 at 9:36pm:
NEWSJohn Durham lays out how FBI IGNORED intelligence that Hillary approved plot to tie Trump to Russia

John Durham appeared before the US Congressional Judicial Committee on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to debrief members about his 5-year attempt to unweave the complex attacks against the American people.

Durham seemed eager to veil the fact that city leaders in government, media, and law enforcement appeared to have conspired to destroy an American president with a massive hoax that ended up victimizing many of his associates and supporters.

Most Americans understand that the hoax to ruin Republican Donald J. Trump, which started when he was a candidate for president in 2015, was created by his opponent, longtime corrupt Democrat public servant Hillary R. Clinton.

The hearing was held at the same time Americans found out about the massive corruption of the Biden crime family and the bribes they have taken from foreign nationals.

Yet it is Trump who is charged, arrested, and gagged and faces hundreds of years in prison over a paperwork dispute after watching his family upended in massive media smears and fake show trials.

Yet nothing happens to Clinton, a longtime hoaxster and con.

Most people know it was corrupt Clinton behind the insane ‘Pee Pee Dossier,” including the FBI, who ignored her criminal activity to give her a free pass to start a massive and paralyzing scheme to get herself into the White House, which failed yet consumed and destroyed much of our government, media, and law, enforcement in their assistance to Clinton.

The Wednesday hearing was quite complex, with Durham appearing to make excuses for delivering no justice to the American people yet also lacing his testimony with more evidence of wrongdoing by the same people who have already done so much damage to our Republic- and namely exposing Clinton even further.

Durham, who has not spoken publicly for years, spoke for the first time, and just the sound of his voice was a bit surprising because it did not match with the image that had been portrayed to the people of a solid and reliable bold defender of justice.

Instead, Durham sounded a bit mousey, and he appeared to be defensive of protecting his Washington, DC, associates.

Yet that did not give the leftists on the panel any joy.

At tim
Swalwell got busted for his own corruption, as seen in the following footage:

JUST IN: Rep. Troy Nehls blasts the FBI for making false accusations about Donald Trump peeing on Russian hookers while simultaneously ignoring how Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy.

"We are aware of the member of this committee having an affair with an…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 21, 2023

Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell — who was removed from the House Intelligence Committee over his past relationship with a Chinese spy — asks Special Counsel John Durham about sharing sensitive data with spies.

Here is how the Daily Mail reported the details about the emergence of Clinton’s name at the hearing:

“Former special counsel John Durham on Wednesday testified that the F.B.I. failed to apply the same scrutiny to allegations about the Trump and the Clinton campaigns in 2016.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, he described how it ignored intelligence received by the C.I.A. that Hillary Clinton signed off on planned to tie Donald Trump to Russia.

So although it launched an investigation into allegations that Trump was somehow colluding with Moscow, it failed to examine the Clinton claims.”

US Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the Judicial Committee, questioned Durham about Clinton:

JORDAN: “In the summer of 2016, did our government receive intelligence that suggested Secretary Clinton had approved a plan to tie President Trump to Russia?

DURHAM: “Yes.”

JORDAN: “Was that intelligence important enough for Director Brennan to go brief the President.

If you’re a Biden, you are protected.
If you’re a Clinton, you are protected.
If you’re a Trump, you will be prosecuted.

John Durham appeared before the US Congressional Judicial Committee on Capitol Hill on Wednesday

And pretty much embarrassed himself. He admitted that he had no convictions failed to show that the Russia investigation was flawed in any way or the the FBI had really done anything wrong that the IG Horowitz report hadn't already recommended fixes for.

F.B.I. failed to apply the same scrutiny to allegations about the Trump and the Clinton campaigns in 2016.

They reopened the email investigation and publicly announced it while the Crossfire hurricane investigation was progressing in secret. The Hillary investigation had a huge impact on the 2016 election result the Russia investigation was unknown to voters when they voted. This claim above is garbage and it was in fact the opposite.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 24th, 2023 at 6:30pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 23rd, 2023 at 9:36pm:
NEWSJohn Durham lays out how FBI IGNORED intelligence that Hillary approved plot to tie Trump to Russia

John Durham appeared before the US Congressional Judicial Committee on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to debrief members about his 5-year attempt to unweave the complex attacks against the American people.

Durham seemed eager to veil the fact that city leaders in government, media, and law enforcement appeared to have conspired to destroy an American president with a massive hoax that ended up victimizing many of his associates and supporters.

Most Americans understand that the hoax to ruin Republican Donald J. Trump, which started when he was a candidate for president in 2015, was created by his opponent, longtime corrupt Democrat public servant Hillary R. Clinton.

The hearing was held at the same time Americans found out about the massive corruption of the Biden crime family and the bribes they have taken from foreign nationals.

Yet it is Trump who is charged, arrested, and gagged and faces hundreds of years in prison over a paperwork dispute after watching his family upended in massive media smears and fake show trials.

Yet nothing happens to Clinton, a longtime hoaxster and con.

Most people know it was corrupt Clinton behind the insane ‘Pee Pee Dossier,” including the FBI, who ignored her criminal activity to give her a free pass to start a massive and paralyzing scheme to get herself into the White House, which failed yet consumed and destroyed much of our government, media, and law, enforcement in their assistance to Clinton.

The Wednesday hearing was quite complex, with Durham appearing to make excuses for delivering no justice to the American people yet also lacing his testimony with more evidence of wrongdoing by the same people who have already done so much damage to our Republic- and namely exposing Clinton even further.

Durham, who has not spoken publicly for years, spoke for the first time, and just the sound of his voice was a bit surprising because it did not match with the image that had been portrayed to the people of a solid and reliable bold defender of justice.

Instead, Durham sounded a bit mousey, and he appeared to be defensive of protecting his Washington, DC, associates.

Yet that did not give the leftists on the panel any joy.

At times Democrats- like censured US Rep Adam Schiff (D-CA), who was caught lying to the American people to impeach President Donald J. Trump, and US Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who is suspected of having an affair with a Chinese Communist Spy who was working on his campaign, were downright pouty about the answers Durham gave.

Swalwell got busted for his own corruption, as seen in the following footage:

JUST IN: Rep. Troy Nehls blasts the FBI for making false accusations about Donald Trump peeing on Russian hookers while simultaneously ignoring how Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy.

"We are aware of the member of this committee having an affair with an…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 21, 2023

Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell — who was removed from the House Intelligence Committee over his past relationship with a Chinese spy — asks Special Counsel John Durham about sharing sensitive data with spies.

Here is how the Daily Mail reported the details about the emergence of Clinton’s name at the hearing:

“Former special counsel John Durham on Wednesday testified that the F.B.I. failed to apply the same scrutiny to allegations about the Trump and the Clinton campaigns in 2016.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, he described how it ignored intelligence received by the C.I.A. that Hillary Clinton signed off on planned to tie Donald Trump to Russia.

So although it launched an investigation into allegations that Trump was somehow colluding with Moscow, it failed to examine the Clinton claims.”

US Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the Judicial Committee, questioned Durham about Clinton:

JORDAN: “In the summer of 2016, did our government receive intelligence that suggested Secretary Clinton had approved a plan to tie President Trump to Russia?

DURHAM: “Yes.”

JORDAN: “Was that intelligence important enough for Director Brennan to go brief the President.

If you’re a Biden, you are protected.
If you’re a Clinton, you are protected.
If you’re a Trump, you will be prosecuted.

That's right, Mort. Your Dear Leader faces hundreds of years in prison over a paperwork dispute.

And in BREAKING NEWS, he'll get a nice trial first by a jury of his peers.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 24th, 2023 at 6:33pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 24th, 2023 at 12:23am:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 23rd, 2023 at 9:36pm:
NEWSJohn Durham lays out how FBI IGNORED intelligence that Hillary approved plot to tie Trump to Russia

John Durham appeared -year attempt to unweave the complex attacks against the American people.

Durham seemed eager to vethe fact that city leaders in government, media, and law enforcement appeared to have conspired to destroy an American president with a massive hoax that ended up victimizing many of his associates and supporters.

Most Americans understand that the hoax to ruin Republican Donald J. Trump, which started when he was a candidate for president in 2015, was created by his opponent, longtime corrupt Democrat public servant Hillary R. Clinton.

The hearing was held at the same time Americans found out about the massive corruption of the Biden crime family and the bribes they have taken from foreign nationals.

Yet it is Trump who is charged, arrested, and gagged and faces hundreds of years in prison over a paperwork dispute after watching his family upended in massive media smears and fake show trials.

Yet nothing happens to Clinton, a longtime hoaxster and con.

Most people know it was corrupt Clinton behind the insane ‘Pee Pee Dossier,” including the FBI, who ignored her criminal activity to give her a free pass to start a massive and paralyzing scheme to get herself into the White House, which failed yet consumed and destroyed much of our government, media, and law, enforcement in their assistance to Clinton.

The Wednesday hearing was quite complex, with Durham appearing to make excuses for delivering no justice to the American people yet also lacing his testimony with more evidence of wrongdoing by the same people who have already done so much damage to our Republic- and namely exposing Clinton even further.

Durham, who has not spoken publicly for years, spoke for the first time, and just the sound of his voice was a bit surprising because it did not match with the image that had been portrayed to the people of a solid and reliable bold defender of justice.

Instead, Durham sounded a bit mousey, and he appeared to be defensive of protecting his Washington, DC, associates.

Yet that did not give the leftists on the panel any joy.

At tim
Swalwell got busted for his own corruption, as seen in the following footage:

JUST IN: Rep. Troy Nehls blasts the FBI for making false accusations about Donald Trump peeing on Russian hookers while simultaneously ignoring how Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy.

"We are aware of the member of this committee having an affair with an…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 21, 2023

Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell — who was removed from the House Intelligence Committee over his past relationship with a Chinese spy — asks Special Counsel John Durham about sharing sensitive data with spies.

Here is how the Daily Mail reported the details about the emergence of Clinton’s name at the hearing:

“Former special counsel John Durham on Wednesday testified that the F.B.I. failed to apply the same scrutiny to allegations about the Trump and the Clinton campaigns in 2016.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, he described how it ignored intelligence received by the C.I.A. that Hillary Clinton signed off on planned to tie Donald Trump to Russia.

So although it launched an investigation into allegations that Trump was somehow colluding with Moscow, it failed to examine the Clinton claims.”

US Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the Judicial Committee, questioned Durham about Clinton:

JORDAN: “In the summer of 2016, did our government receive intelligence that suggested Secretary Clinton had approved a plan to tie President Trump to Russia?

DURHAM: “Yes.”

JORDAN: “Was that intelligence important enough for Director Brennan to go brief the President.

If you’re a Biden, you are protected.
If you’re a Clinton, you are protected.
If you’re a Trump, you will be prosecuted.

John Durham appeared before the US Congressional Judicial Committee on Capitol Hill on Wednesday

And pretty much embarrassed himself. He admitted that he had no convictions failed to show that the Russia investigation was flawed in any way or the the FBI had really done anything wrong that the IG Horowitz report hadn't already recommended fixes for.

[quote]F.B.I. failed to apply the same scrutiny to allegations about the Trump and the Clinton campaigns in 2016.

They reopened the email investigation and publicly announced it while the Crossfire hurricane investigation was progressing in secret. The Hillary investigation had a huge impact on the 2016 election result the Russia investigation was unknown to voters when they voted. This claim above is garbage and it was in fact the opposite.[/quote]

I'm not so sure Mort likes to actually discuss the articles he posts, Dnarever.

The important thing is just to get them out there.

Keep on truckin', no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 24th, 2023 at 9:01pm
What is to discuss, their content speaks for itself.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 24th, 2023 at 9:12pm

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 24th, 2023 at 9:29pm
Mort, your dear leader is filling his diaper as fear causes him to bleat and blubber begging for rescue by the GOP.

All GOP attempts to rescue dear leader have failed.

Little Donny is home alone.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 25th, 2023 at 7:50pm
Move to Reverse Trump Impeachments Under Way

Two members of Congress have begun a process that could result in the expungement of the two impeachments of President Donald Trump. Both of those political moves by ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, of course, failed.

In fact, one of the schemes was so shaky the House never even reviewed evidence before voting on it, but Democrats followed Pelosi’s agenda anyway.

Her only point of “success” in the process was that she claimed Trump, impeached by her House, would be impeached “forever.”

Now that may not even end up being true.

A report at Just the news explains two members of the house, Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, have begun a move that could end up with those decisions being expunged.

Pelosi’s first case was based on a leftist whistleblower’s claim that he tried to coerce Ukraine into investigating the Biden family. Of course, evidence now suggests that, about that time, a Ukrainian gas company official was paying bribes, $5 million to Joe Biden and $5 million to Hunter Biden – a subject that remains under investigation in the U.S. House.

The report explained, “Greene’s resolution to expunge the impeachment points to a recently revealed FD-1023 that includes confidential human source information alleging that both Hunter and Joe Biden were involved in a bribery scheme.”

The Ukrainian official allegedly wanted an investigation into alleged corruption at his company ended, and Joe Biden accomplished that by threatening to withhold American aid from Ukraine if that prosecutor was not fired.

The proposal states, “Resolved, That the December 18, 2019, impeachment of President Donald John Trump is expunged, as if such Articles had never passed the full House of Representatives, as the facts and circumstances upon which such Articles were based did not meet the burden of proving the commission of ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’, as set forth in section 4 of article II of the Constitution.”

In a statement reported by Just the News, Greene said, “The first impeachment of President Trump was a politically motivated sham. The Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, weaponized a perfect phone call with Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. Meanwhile, the FBI had credible evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, confirming their involvement in a foreign bribery pay-to-play scheme and receipt of over $5 million each.”

She added, “It’s clear that President Trump’s impeachment was a nothing more than a witch hunt that needs to be expunged from our history. I’m proud to work with Chairwoman Elise Stefanik on our joint resolutions to correct the record and clear President Trump’s good name.”

The resolution from Stefanik addresses Pelosi’s second attack on Trump,

“Resolved, That the January 13, 2021, impeachment of President Donald John Trump is expunged, as if such Article had never passed the full House of Representatives, as the facts and circumstances upon which such Article was based met the burden of proving neither that President Trump committed ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’, as set forth in section 4 of article II of the Constitution, nor that President Trump engaged in ‘insurrection or rebellion against the United States’, such that he is forever precluded from ‘hold[ing] any office… under the United States’ pursuant to section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.”

Stefanik said Americans know that Democrats “weaponized the power of impeachment against President Donald Trump to advance their own extreme political agenda.”

She called Pelosi’s political moves at the time nothing but a “sham smear” against Trump.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 26th, 2023 at 9:39pm

There isn't enough space to post all the examples of Biden corruption!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 26th, 2023 at 10:12pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 25th, 2023 at 7:50pm:
Move to Reverse Trump Impeachments Under Way

Two members of Congress have begun a process that could result in the expungement of the two impeachments of President Donald Trump. Both of those political moves by ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, of course, failed.

In fact, one of the schemes was so shaky the House never even reviewed evidence before voting on it, but Democrats followed Pelosi’s agenda anyway.

Her only point of “success” in the process was that she claimed Trump, impeached by her House, would be impeached “forever.”

Now that may not even end up being true.

A report at Just the news explains two members of the house, Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, have begun a move that could end up with those decisions being expunged.

Pelosi’s first case was based on a leftist whistleblower’s claim that he tried to coerce Ukraine into investigating the Biden family. Of course, evidence now suggests that, about that time, a Ukrainian gas company official was paying bribes, $5 million to Joe Biden and $5 million to Hunter Biden – a subject that remains under investigation in the U.S. House.

The report explained, “Greene’s resolution to expunge the impeachment points to a recently revealed FD-1023 that includes confidential human source information alleging that both Hunter and Joe Biden were involved in a bribery scheme.”

The Ukrainian official allegedly wanted an investigation into alleged corruption at his company ended, and Joe Biden accomplished that by threatening to withhold American aid from Ukraine if that prosecutor was not fired.

The proposal states, “Resolved, That the December 18, 2019, impeachment of President Donald John Trump is expunged, as if such Articles had never passed the full House of Representatives, as the facts and circumstances upon which such Articles were based did not meet the burden of proving the commission of ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’, as set forth in section 4 of article II of the Constitution.”

In a statement reported by Just the News, Greene said, “The first impeachment of President Trump was a politically motivated sham. The Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, weaponized a perfect phone call with Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. Meanwhile, the FBI had credible evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, confirming their involvement in a foreign bribery pay-to-play scheme and receipt of over $5 million each.”

She added, “It’s clear that President Trump’s impeachment was a nothing more than a witch hunt that needs to be expunged from our history. I’m proud to work with Chairwoman Elise Stefanik on our joint resolutions to correct the record and clear President Trump’s good name.”

The resolution from Stefanik addresses Pelosi’s second attack on Trump,

“Resolved, That the January 13, 2021, impeachment of President Donald John Trump is expunged, as if such Article had never passed the full House of Representatives, as the facts and circumstances upon which such Article was based met the burden of proving neither that President Trump committed ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’, as set forth in section 4 of article II of the Constitution, nor that President Trump engaged in ‘insurrection or rebellion against the United States’, such that he is forever precluded from ‘hold[ing] any office… under the United States’ pursuant to section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.”

Stefanik said Americans know that Democrats “weaponized the power of impeachment against President Donald Trump to advance their own extreme political agenda.”

She called Pelosi’s political moves at the time nothing but a “sham smear” against Trump.

Move to Reverse Trump Impeachments Under Way

There is no such thing, even if they are allowed to it makes no difference- It just becomes a footnote in history that means nothing. How do they propose the senate to approve it ?

You don't post much supported fact do you? This is all rubbish.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 26th, 2023 at 10:36pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 24th, 2023 at 9:01pm:
What is to discuss, their content speaks for itself.

NEWSJohn Durham lays out how FBI IGNORED intelligence that Hillary approved plot to tie Trump to Russia

Your article starts with this - it isn't true.


1 supports the Russia investigation was properly predicated and needed to be investigated.

2 Supports the results of the Muller investigation

3 Acknowledged that Russia influenced the 2016 election in support of Trump.

4 Didn't prosecute one single successful case.

5 Produced a report that does not say what the right claim.

6 Made suggestions which were identical to the previous IG Horowitz report recommendations. The changes had already been made.

7 Durham spent 4 years millions of dollars and tied up many staff members basically doing nothing.

8 Durham tried to interfere with the conclusions of the Horowitz report claiming he had evidence to prove the conclusions wrong. This evidence was not included in Durhams final report.

9 Durham didn't find any of the things he was commissioned to find.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 27th, 2023 at 8:10pm

This is your story, progressives!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 30th, 2023 at 7:09pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 27th, 2023 at 8:10pm:

This is your story, progressives!

That's true, Mort, we could give up our enslavement to the corporate system, we'd just have to give up all that tasty fast food.

But I'm curious. Can we break our chains to the System and still keep our guns, our prescription meds and subscriptions to Christian TV?

I don't know how I'd get on without Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Besides, they rely on our tithes, no?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jun 30th, 2023 at 7:24pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 30th, 2023 at 7:09pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 27th, 2023 at 8:10pm:

This is your story, progressives!

That's true, Mort, we could give up our enslavement to the corporate system, we'd just have to give up all that tasty fast food.

But I'm curious. Can we break our chains to the System and still keep our guns, our prescription meds and subscriptions to Christian TV?

I don't know how I'd get on without Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Besides, they rely on our tithes, no?

What a typically idiotic juxtaposition of totally unrelated things, pb. So you, so stupid.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jun 30th, 2023 at 9:11pm
What are you going to do when the store shelves are empty? The gas pumps don't work or the power goes out? People lived without electricity until a little over a century ago and grew some of their own food. Can you go a single night without modern luxuries? They bet you can't and will sell your soul for the modern conveniences we live with.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 30th, 2023 at 10:27pm

Frank wrote on Jun 30th, 2023 at 7:24pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 30th, 2023 at 7:09pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Jun 27th, 2023 at 8:10pm:

This is your story, progressives!

That's true, Mort, we could give up our enslavement to the corporate system, we'd just have to give up all that tasty fast food.

But I'm curious. Can we break our chains to the System and still keep our guns, our prescription meds and subscriptions to Christian TV?

I don't know how I'd get on without Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Besides, they rely on our tithes, no?

What a typically idiotic juxtaposition of totally unrelated things, pb. So you, so stupid.

That's deep, old boy. How would you survive without your marvellous Lutheran Ministries and your fine blue cheese?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jun 30th, 2023 at 11:41pm

Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

What a joke.

There is nothing further away from the right than education.

The autocrats of burn the books. really education - NO.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Jul 1st, 2023 at 10:18am

Dnarever wrote on Jun 30th, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

What a joke.

There is nothing further away from the right than education.

The autocrats of burn the books. really education - NO.

:D :D
You are out of your mind.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jul 1st, 2023 at 8:59pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 30th, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

What a joke.

There is nothing further away from the right than education.

The autocrats of burn the books. really education - NO.

What you refer to is called grooming, not education. If the Media had loved Trump and hated biden you would have too! When they want your opinion they will give it to you!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jul 17th, 2023 at 8:42pm


Comment included, not mine but a good one


11 hours ago

The way I see it, you have a divided nation of bicoastal Marxists against the patriots in the middle. The bicoastal Marxists that control the media, big tech platforms, they think that they are the majority and as long as they can maintain control over the media & big tech, they thought nobody would know that they stole the election. You see, it's not that they stole the election for the first time, they've been doing it constantly in the single party states for generations: like California. It's the first time that they tried this cheating on a national level and they used the pandemic as a ruse to do it. We can never have another lockdown by law! We are free people and I still remember getting a text warning people that there's a lockdown and a curfew in effect, like this is some communist state.
But now we know that the Democrat elites who cheated and they orchestrated to have Fed officers dressed up as Trump supporters, to frame them and to interfere with the Congress about to send the electoral votes back to the states, but completed their real insurrection late at night by confirmation of the mass fake ballots for Biden. Just like they confirm late at night to have the third central bank in America.
So now we wait for these WEF globalist puppets to drag America into WW3? What a sad precedent that cheating a election gets you into office and nothing is done about it for almost 4 years. What American will run for president after this? Knowing that they can cheat and the Deep State controls every aspect of holding onto control from the DOJ to media. And that is what they are saying, from JFK in Dallas to 2020 election, they say don't interfere with their system. The federal government needs to be smashed to pieces. Bring power back to the local government. End the Federal Reserve and the IRS. Term limits for Congress. Kick out the lobbyists. Bring back manufacturing to the States. Kick out the illegal immigrants. Send the military after gangs & drug dealers!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jul 18th, 2023 at 12:10pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 17th, 2023 at 8:42pm:


Comment included, not mine but a good one


11 hours ago

The way I see it, you have a divided nation of bicoastal Marxists against the patriots in the middle. The bicoastal Marxists that control the media, big tech platforms, they think that they are the majority and as long as they can maintain control over the media & big tech, they thought nobody would know that they stole the election. You see, it's not that they stole the election for the first time, they've been doing it constantly in the single party states for generations: like California. It's the first time that they tried this cheating on a national level and they used the pandemic as a ruse to do it. We can never have another lockdown by law! We are free people and I still remember getting a text warning people that there's a lockdown and a curfew in effect, like this is some communist state.
But now we know that the Democrat elites who cheated and they orchestrated to have Fed officers dressed up as Trump supporters, to frame them and to interfere with the Congress about to send the electoral votes back to the states, but completed their real insurrection late at night by confirmation of the mass fake ballots for Biden. Just like they confirm late at night to have the third central bank in America.
So now we wait for these WEF globalist puppets to drag America into WW3? What a sad precedent that cheating a election gets you into office and nothing is done about it for almost 4 years. What American will run for president after this? Knowing that they can cheat and the Deep State controls every aspect of holding onto control from the DOJ to media. And that is what they are saying, from JFK in Dallas to 2020 election, they say don't interfere with their system. The federal government needs to be smashed to pieces. Bring power back to the local government. End the Federal Reserve and the IRS. Term limits for Congress. Kick out the lobbyists. Bring back manufacturing to the States. Kick out the illegal immigrants. Send the military after gangs & drug dealers!

The bicoastal Marxists that control the media, big tech platforms

Now you would wonder how it could possibly go downhill from that really stupid position - but it did  - several times - Amazing.

You do find the stupidest things to post.

Tuckums isn't coping well with his irelivance.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Jul 18th, 2023 at 1:02pm
The election was rigged though, any blind person could see it was

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jul 18th, 2023 at 1:18pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 17th, 2023 at 8:42pm:


Comment included, not mine but a good one


11 hours ago

The way I see it, you have a divided nation of bicoastal Marxists against the patriots in the middle. The bicoastal Marxists that control the media, big tech platforms, they think that they are the majority and as long as they can maintain control over the media & big tech, they thought nobody would know that they stole the election. You see, it's not that they stole the election for the first time, they've been doing it constantly in the single party states for generations: like California. It's the first time that they tried this cheating on a national level and they used the pandemic as a ruse to do it. We can never have another lockdown by law! We are free people and I still remember getting a text warning people that there's a lockdown and a curfew in effect, like this is some communist state.
But now we know that the Democrat elites who cheated and they orchestrated to have Fed officers dressed up as Trump supporters, to frame them and to interfere with the Congress about to send the electoral votes back to the states, but completed their real insurrection late at night by confirmation of the mass fake ballots for Biden. Just like they confirm late at night to have the third central bank in America.
So now we wait for these WEF globalist puppets to drag America into WW3? What a sad precedent that cheating a election gets you into office and nothing is done about it for almost 4 years. What American will run for president after this? Knowing that they can cheat and the Deep State controls every aspect of holding onto control from the DOJ to media. And that is what they are saying, from JFK in Dallas to 2020 election, they say don't interfere with their system. The federal government needs to be smashed to pieces. Bring power back to the local government. End the Federal Reserve and the IRS. Term limits for Congress. Kick out the lobbyists. Bring back manufacturing to the States. Kick out the illegal immigrants. Send the military after gangs & drug dealers!

I know, Mort, it's appalling. We saw FBI agents dressed up as Trump supporters, to launch an insurrection and interfere with the Congress about to send the electoral votes back to the states.

Typical. Will the left stop at nothing to get Mr Trump erected?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jul 18th, 2023 at 9:16pm
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election. Even if they were true criminals rather than Citizens without previous criminal records why are they still being help without "due process" which is their constitutional right? The FBI has admitted it sent advocators in to instigate violence.

You can not contest the 2020 election because of censorship and legal roadblocks! The powers in control will never submit to paper ballots and government issued identification to vote. One vote, one legal voter is against everything they stand for!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jul 18th, 2023 at 10:14pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 18th, 2023 at 9:16pm:
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election. Even if they were true criminals rather than Citizens without previous criminal records why are they still being help without "due process" which is their constitutional right? The FBI has admitted it sent advocators in to instigate violence.

You can not contest the 2020 election because of censorship and legal roadblocks! The powers in control will never submit to paper ballots and government issued identification to vote. One vote, one legal voter is against everything they stand for!

I know, but why did they follow orders from the FBI?

They're not political prisoners, Mort, they're PATSIES.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jul 18th, 2023 at 10:31pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 18th, 2023 at 9:16pm:
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election. Even if they were true criminals rather than Citizens without previous criminal records why are they still being help without "due process" which is their constitutional right? The FBI has admitted it sent advocators in to instigate violence.

You can not contest the 2020 election because of censorship and legal roadblocks! The powers in control will never submit to paper ballots and government issued identification to vote. One vote, one legal voter is against everything they stand for!

If this were true you would wonder why the Republicans never even tried to argue it in court. They didn't because they knew it wasn't true. It is just fodder for gullible idiots.

For the 2020 general election, held in November, 3,087,524 mail-in ballots were requested and 2,629,672 were returned, according to data from the Pennsylvania secretary of state that was analyzed by the U.S. Elections Project

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jul 19th, 2023 at 8:43pm
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election. Even if they were true criminals rather than Citizens without previous criminal records why are they still being held without "due process" which is their constitutional right? The FBI has admitted it sent provocateur's in to instigate violence.

Why are so many still being held? The answer is they will admit to false charges if the Feds will just let them go. Sure that man stood outside the Capital holding an American flag and will accept a suspended sentence for lawfully protesting if he is just allowed to go home!!!  The Orwellian ministry of truth wins, case closed.

Make 1984 fiction again!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Jul 19th, 2023 at 11:38pm

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 19th, 2023 at 8:43pm:
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election. Even if they were true criminals rather than Citizens without previous criminal records why are they still being held without "due process" which is their constitutional right? The FBI has admitted it sent provocateur's in to instigate violence.

Why are so many still being held? The answer is they will admit to false charges if the Feds will just let them go. Sure that man stood outside the Capital holding an American flag and will accept a suspended sentence for lawfully protesting if he is just allowed to go home!!!  The Orwellian ministry of truth wins, case closed.

Make 1984 fiction again!

Ah, the good old days, no?

In the months since demonstrations arose over the deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor in Louisville and the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, among other incidents of police violence, Trump has doubled down on this message, sending National Guard troops to Kenosha and federal agents into Portland, Oregon. “People of Portland, and other Democrat run cities, are disgusted,” he tweeted during ongoing unrest in August. “They want Law & Order!”

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Jul 20th, 2023 at 10:42am

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 19th, 2023 at 8:43pm:
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election. Even if they were true criminals rather than Citizens without previous criminal records why are they still being held without "due process" which is their constitutional right? The FBI has admitted it sent provocateur's in to instigate violence.

Why are so many still being held? The answer is they will admit to false charges if the Feds will just let them go. Sure that man stood outside the Capital holding an American flag and will accept a suspended sentence for lawfully protesting if he is just allowed to go home!!!  The Orwellian ministry of truth wins, case closed.

Make 1984 fiction again!

Nobody who even broke the law by just going into the capital building are still in prison. The people who got longer terms all did things while in the building or in the lead up to the insurrection. These people are traitors to the USA.

Interesting that a number of the Oath keepers sentences have been appealed for being too lenient. Very bad news for Trump.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Jul 31st, 2023 at 12:23am
If I Were the Devil

If I were the Prince of Darkness I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness.

I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.

So I should set about however necessary, to take over the United States.

I would begin with a campaign of whispers.

With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whispers to you as I whispered to Eve, “Do as you please.”

To the young I would whisper “The Bible is a myth.” I would convince them that “man created God,” instead of the other way around. I would confide that “what is bad is good and what is good is square.”

In the ears of the young married I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be “extreme” in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct.

And the old I would teach to pray — to say after me — “Our father which are in Washington.”

Then I’d get organized.

I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull, uninteresting.

I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies, and vice-versa.

I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing, less work. Idle hands usually work for me.

I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could, I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction, I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions; let those run wild.

I’d designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts and I’d get preachers to say, “She’s right.”

With flattery and promises of power I would get the courts to vote against God and in favor of pornography.

Thus I would evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, then from the Houses of Congress.

Then in his own churches I’d substitute psychology for religion and deify science.

If I were Satan I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg.

And the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

If I were the Devil I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. Then my police state would force everybody back to work.

Then I would separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines and objectors in slave-labor camps.

If I were Satan I’d just keep doing what I’m doing and the whole world go to hell as sure as the Devil.

[Source: Harvey, Paul. “If I Were the Devil I Would Pray, Our Father Who Art in Washington.” Gadsden Times. Oct 13, 1964 (p.4).]

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 6th, 2023 at 11:22pm

GOP voters torch Trump indictments as 'tactics' to 'hide something on the Biden crime family'

MONTGOMERY, AL – Republican voters are rallying around former President Donald Trump following his indictment and not guilty plea related to his actions during the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot and alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Fox News Digital traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, on Friday for Trump's first speech following his arraignment in a Washington, D.C., federal court, which he gave to the state Republican Party's summer meeting. Fox asked several attendees about the charges and whom they plan to support for the party's presidential nomination.

"Are you serious?" one attendee named Mike responded. "Donald Trump is the best president that this country has ever had . . . and that goes back to Ronald Reagan. [Reagan] was a great president, and he ain't as good as Donald Trump."

"Donald J. Trump," attendee Billie Rae simply said as her husband, Tim, agreed. "Trump all the way."

Attendees Julie and C.J. could hardly hide their enthusiasm for the former president as they shouted his name for all those exiting the event to hear. "President Trump! Go Trump! Go, go, go!"

"Who else would we support?" C.J. said. "Our immigration problem, our economy? Trump. We've got to. We've got to bring America back. It's terrible what Biden has done to our country. It's horrible. We've got to get it back."

Other attendees echoed that sentiment, but Alabama State Sen. Lance Bell said he had not yet made his decision and would have to see how things play out between then and the state's primary in March. When asked whether he felt the charges against Trump would hurt or help his support, Bell said they are clearly helping.

"I think the charges are helping him, because people are seeing the political prosecution," he said. "So I think the charges are helping him pick up support. It's sad when we're having that in our country — when we're having political prosecutions."

Sheila, Beverly, Kim and Lori all agreed that more charges being brought against Trump were helping him gain support. "His numbers go up every time they indict him," Lori said.

"They're pretty frivolous, and a new indictment seems to come out whenever they want to try and hide something on the Biden Crime Family, as [Trump] referred to them. People aren't dumb. We're smart people, and we can see through those tactics that he and his cronies are doing," Sheila said.

Frank and Paulina also agreed, while Clay said he thought the indictments were intended to convince soft Republicans and independent voters to not support Trump.

"It's definitely an attack on that," he said. Paulina declared, "Smart people know a smokescreen when they see one."

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by greggerypeccary on Aug 7th, 2023 at 8:08am

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 19th, 2023 at 8:43pm:
We have political prisoners still held in solitary confinement who did nothing more than protest a stolen election.


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:24am

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 6th, 2023 at 11:22pm:

GOP voters torch Trump indictments as 'tactics' to 'hide something on the Biden crime family'

MONTGOMERY, AL – Republican voters are rallying around former President Donald Trump following his indictment and not guilty plea related to his actions during the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot and alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Fox News Digital traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, on Friday for Trump's first speech following his arraignment in a Washington, D.C., federal court, which he gave to the state Republican Party's summer meeting. Fox asked several attendees about the charges and whom they plan to support for the party's presidential nomination.

"Are you serious?" one attendee named Mike responded. "Donald Trump is the best president that this country has ever had . . . and that goes back to Ronald Reagan. [Reagan] was a great president, and he ain't as good as Donald Trump."

"Donald J. Trump," attendee Billie Rae simply said as her husband, Tim, agreed. "Trump all the way."

Attendees Julie and C.J. could hardly hide their enthusiasm for the former president as they shouted his name for all those exiting the event to hear. "President Trump! Go Trump! Go, go, go!"

"Who else would we support?" C.J. said. "Our immigration problem, our economy? Trump. We've got to. We've got to bring America back. It's terrible what Biden has done to our country. It's horrible. We've got to get it back."

Other attendees echoed that sentiment, but Alabama State Sen. Lance Bell said he had not yet made his decision and would have to see how things play out between then and the state's primary in March. When asked whether he felt the charges against Trump would hurt or help his support, Bell said they are clearly helping.

"I think the charges are helping him, because people are seeing the political prosecution," he said. "So I think the charges are helping him pick up support. It's sad when we're having that in our country — when we're having political prosecutions."

Sheila, Beverly, Kim and Lori all agreed that more charges being brought against Trump were helping him gain support. "His numbers go up every time they indict him," Lori said.

"They're pretty frivolous, and a new indictment seems to come out whenever they want to try and hide something on the Biden Crime Family, as [Trump] referred to them. People aren't dumb. We're smart people, and we can see through those tactics that he and his cronies are doing," Sheila said.

Frank and Paulina also agreed, while Clay said he thought the indictments were intended to convince soft Republicans and independent voters to not support Trump.

"It's definitely an attack on that," he said. Paulina declared, "Smart people know a smokescreen when they see one."

Corrosion everywhere in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Marla on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:27am

Frank wrote on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:24am:
Corrosion everywhere in the name diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Aww, Frank finally understands how Kremlin-funded propaganda works.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by mothra on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:53am

Frank wrote on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:24am:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 6th, 2023 at 11:22pm:

GOP voters torch Trump indictments as 'tactics' to 'hide something on the Biden crime family'

MONTGOMERY, AL – Republican voters are rallying around former President Donald Trump following his indictment and not guilty plea related to his actions during the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot and alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Fox News Digital traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, on Friday for Trump's first speech following his arraignment in a Washington, D.C., federal court, which he gave to the state Republican Party's summer meeting. Fox asked several attendees about the charges and whom they plan to support for the party's presidential nomination.

"Are you serious?" one attendee named Mike responded. "Donald Trump is the best president that this country has ever had . . . and that goes back to Ronald Reagan. [Reagan] was a great president, and he ain't as good as Donald Trump."

"Donald J. Trump," attendee Billie Rae simply said as her husband, Tim, agreed. "Trump all the way."

Attendees Julie and C.J. could hardly hide their enthusiasm for the former president as they shouted his name for all those exiting the event to hear. "President Trump! Go Trump! Go, go, go!"

"Who else would we support?" C.J. said. "Our immigration problem, our economy? Trump. We've got to. We've got to bring America back. It's terrible what Biden has done to our country. It's horrible. We've got to get it back."

Other attendees echoed that sentiment, but Alabama State Sen. Lance Bell said he had not yet made his decision and would have to see how things play out between then and the state's primary in March. When asked whether he felt the charges against Trump would hurt or help his support, Bell said they are clearly helping.

"I think the charges are helping him, because people are seeing the political prosecution," he said. "So I think the charges are helping him pick up support. It's sad when we're having that in our country — when we're having political prosecutions."

Sheila, Beverly, Kim and Lori all agreed that more charges being brought against Trump were helping him gain support. "His numbers go up every time they indict him," Lori said.

"They're pretty frivolous, and a new indictment seems to come out whenever they want to try and hide something on the Biden Crime Family, as [Trump] referred to them. People aren't dumb. We're smart people, and we can see through those tactics that he and his cronies are doing," Sheila said.

Frank and Paulina also agreed, while Clay said he thought the indictments were intended to convince soft Republicans and independent voters to not support Trump.

"It's definitely an attack on that," he said. Paulina declared, "Smart people know a smokescreen when they see one."

Corrosion everywhere in the name diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Just how stupid do you have to be? Seriously.

This is the level after the kool-aid has been drunk.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Aug 7th, 2023 at 11:02am

Mortdooley wrote on Jul 31st, 2023 at 12:23am:
If I Were the Devil

If I were the Prince of Darkness I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness.

I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.

So I should set about however necessary, to take over the United States.

I would begin with a campaign of whispers.

With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whispers to you as I whispered to Eve, “Do as you please.”

To the young I would whisper “The Bible is a myth.” I would convince them that “man created God,” instead of the other way around. I would confide that “what is bad is good and what is good is square.”

In the ears of the young married I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be “extreme” in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct.

And the old I would teach to pray — to say after me — “Our father which are in Washington.”

Then I’d get organized.

I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull, uninteresting.

I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies, and vice-versa.

I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing, less work. Idle hands usually work for me.

I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could, I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction, I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions; let those run wild.

I’d designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts and I’d get preachers to say, “She’s right.”

With flattery and promises of power I would get the courts to vote against God and in favor of pornography.

Thus I would evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, then from the Houses of Congress.

Then in his own churches I’d substitute psychology for religion and deify science.

If I were Satan I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg.

And the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

If I were the Devil I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. Then my police state would force everybody back to work.

Then I would separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines and objectors in slave-labor camps.

If I were Satan I’d just keep doing what I’m doing and the whole world go to hell as sure as the Devil.

[Source: Harvey, Paul. “If I Were the Devil I Would Pray, Our Father Who Art in Washington.” Gadsden Times. Oct 13, 1964 (p.4).]

Corrosion everywhere in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 13th, 2023 at 8:10pm

We the people are past tired of the Swamp! Let's go Brandon Herrera.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by greggerypeccary on Aug 13th, 2023 at 8:11pm

Marla wrote on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:27am:

Frank wrote on Aug 7th, 2023 at 9:24am:
Corrosion everywhere in the name diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Aww, Frank finally understands how Kremlin-funded propaganda works.

Franks understands nothing.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 13th, 2023 at 8:41pm

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Aug 13th, 2023 at 10:45pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 13th, 2023 at 11:45pm
Former US Senator and Foreign Diplomat Threatened to “Kick the Sh*t” Out of Joe Biden for Groping His Wife

Former Senator and US diplomat Scott Brown told podcaster Tom Shattuck this week that he warned Joe Biden he would “kick the sh*t” out of him if he groped his wife and TV announcer Gail Huff.

Senator Brown was sworn in by Joe Biden on February 4, 2010.

Joe Biden is widely known to grope, caress and sniff women and children — IN PUBLIC.

There is no better example of this obvious abuse than Joe Biden.

He even groped a little boy on camera not that long ago.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 13th, 2023 at 11:46pm

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 13th, 2023 at 10:45pm:

::) ::)

Without laws criminals wouldn't be protected against the honest citizen.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bobby. on Aug 14th, 2023 at 6:20am

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 13th, 2023 at 11:45pm:
Former US Senator and Foreign Diplomat Threatened to “Kick the Sh*t” Out of Joe Biden for Groping His Wife

Former Senator and US diplomat Scott Brown told podcaster Tom Shattuck this week that he warned Joe Biden he would “kick the sh*t” out of him if he groped his wife and TV announcer Gail Huff.

Senator Brown was sworn in by Joe Biden on February 4, 2010.

Joe Biden is widely known to grope, caress and sniff women and children — IN PUBLIC.

There is no better example of this obvious abuse than Joe Biden.

He even groped a little boy on camera not that long ago.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Marla on Aug 14th, 2023 at 7:30am

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 13th, 2023 at 11:46pm:
Without laws criminals wouldn't be protected against the honest citizen.

Terminally stupid as always

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bobby. on Aug 14th, 2023 at 7:51am

Marla wrote on Aug 14th, 2023 at 7:30am:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 13th, 2023 at 11:46pm:
Without laws criminals wouldn't be protected against the honest citizen.

Terminally stupid as always

get married to a Christian and have 4 God fearing kids.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Aug 14th, 2023 at 3:03pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 13th, 2023 at 11:46pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 13th, 2023 at 10:45pm:

::) ::)

Without laws criminals wouldn't be protected against the honest citizen.

Why are there laws, Mort?  Surely you could return to the days of the Wild West?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 15th, 2023 at 11:17pm

Retired NYPD Officer Says Woman Punched Him In Face, Left It Bloody

A retired NYPD officer says a woman walked up and punched him in the face, leaving him bloody on his birthday. Apparently, she had an issue with his attire since, after punching him, he says she grabbed the hat off his head and yelled, “How dare you!?” There was one thing she overlooked, though.

Daniel Sprague, a retired New York City police officer, visited The Stage on Broadway bar in Nashville, Tennessee, to celebrate his 50th birthday with family and friends. Unfortunately, his birthday bash turned bloody when one woman took issue with a birthday gift he had received. According to the retired NYPD cop, a woman punched him in the face over a red cap that looked like a MAGA hat, the NY Post reported. However, there was just one problem.

For more reasons than one, the culprit most definitely chose the wrong target. Not only did she end up assaulting a retired cop but she also didn’t look too closely at the hat that set her off before punching the Staten Island resident and bloodying his face on his birthday. The hat in question didn’t say “Make America Great Again.” Instead, it featured a play on words and read, “Make Fifty Great Again.”

The cap was a nod to Sprague’s 50th birthday and just one of many items his wife had gotten him to celebrate the momentous occasion. Others seemed to enjoy the gifts his wife had selected. “People were just coming up to me and, you know, just loving the little wordplay on the hat and taking pictures and wishing me happy birthday,” Sprague told WSMV.

One woman in the bar, however, had had enough of the celebration, and she came out swinging — literally. “At one point a female came up from behind me, spun me around, and punched me in the face,” Sprague recalled. The punch left a deep cut on his cheek that he said “goes to the bone,” likely from a ring or even a set of keys in her hand when she threw the punch, he said.

“At first I thought it was a friend until I got hit. I couldn’t believe someone could get that upset,” Sprague recalled, shocked that his surprise birthday gift led to a surprise attack, but it was definitely the cap with which the woman seemed to take issue. After landing the blow, Sprague says the woman grabbed the MAGA-style hat off of his head and yelled, “How dare you!?” making it obvious her problem was with the cap.

The bar’s bouncers booted them both from the property before Sprague had a chance to call cops. Unfortunately, the suspect fled the scene and was not identified, but Sprague did file a police report and said he will press charges if she’s found to teach her and others a lesson. “We can’t just go around as a society [and act violently] because somebody has a political opinion that doesn’t match theirs,” he said, explaining that he was baffled by the vitriol. Instead, he believes everyone, even politicians he doesn’t like, deserves respect.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time someone’s gone berserk and turned violent at the sight of a red hat proclaiming “Make America Great Again” — or, in this case, appearing to advertise the iconic slogan. In similar incidents, MAGA hat-wearers have been harassed, had their hats taken or knocked off their heads, and even been spit on. This isn’t how adults in a civilized society should behave. Instead, they should display self-control and respect for others, much like Daniel Sprague did. He never hit the woman back, and even after the attack, he encouraged civility.

Your side is made of of a bunch of intolerant Marxists!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:37pm
The biden border policy strikes again!

Texas 11-Year-Old Raped and Found Dead Under Bed Murdered by Guatemalan Who Crossed Into El Paso In January

Maria Gonzalez, 11, was raped and murdered and left under her father’s bed in Pasadena, Texas last Saturday.

Gonzalez was found dead just a few hours after she sent a text message to her father that a stranger was knocking on the front door.

Maria Gonzalez’s father found his daughter stuffed in a trash bag under his bed a few hours after he got home from work later that day.

Police arrested 18-year-old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez in Shreveport, Louisiana and he is awaiting his extradition to Texas.

According to police, a key left behind at the scene next to the deceased girl’s body at a Pasadena apartment complex led authorities to the killer.

Police matched the key to the unit where Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez was staying in the same apartment complex.

Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez crossed the US border into El Paso from Guatemala in January.

Border Patrol agents promptly released Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez to his sponsors in Louisiana in January.

He then went on to sexually assault and murder a child.

The man accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl in Pasadena before allegedly strangling her to death was arrested out of state, according to police.

On Saturday, authorities confirmed that the Shreveport Louisiana Police Department arrested 18-year-old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, who is awaiting to be extradited back to Texas.

Sources told Eyewitness News that Garcia-Rodriguez “gave a full confession” after he was arrested in Shreveport.

“We want to say thank you to the Pasadena Police Department and to Louisiana police and any officials that participated in bringing this cold-blooded murderer into custody. This arrest has brought the family and community some peace. We are extremely thankful that he cannot cause this type of pain to anybody again. I ask for those who are in charge to give us justice. May he be burdened with the full weight of the law, for what he has done to my daughter,” the victim’s family said in a statement.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:47am

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm:

::) ::)

The only point of any law is its enforcement.
If it's not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.  If border laws, gun laws are not enforced then then they are pointless.

There will always be people who transgress the laws. The less enforcement the more transgressors.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:16pm

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:47am:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm:

::) ::)

The only point of any law is its enforcement.
If it's not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.  If border laws, gun laws are not enforced then then they are pointless.

I know, right? You said that about crimes under the Espionage Act too, no?

Stealing government records, demanding extra votes, inciting riots, conspiring to overthrow governments, not paying your defamation rape bills - pointless. Empty gestures.

Rule of law, innit.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:17pm
Remember it, leftards. If laws are not enforced then they are pointless.

Fwank said.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Aug 21st, 2023 at 7:17pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:16pm:

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:47am:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm:

::) ::)

The only point of any law is its enforcement.
If it's not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.  If border laws, gun laws are not enforced then then they are pointless.

I know, right? You said that about crimes under the Espionage Act too, no?

Stealing government records, demanding extra votes, inciting riots, conspiring to overthrow governments, not paying your defamation rape bills - pointless. Empty gestures.

Rule of law, innit.

Did I, lying, Bbwianesque paki arse bandit?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Aug 21st, 2023 at 7:19pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:17pm:
Remember it, leftards. If laws are not enforced then they are pointless.

Fwank said.

Indeed they are, paki arse monitor.

Look into it, to coin a phrase. You know you want to.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:16pm

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 7:17pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:16pm:

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:47am:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm:

::) ::)

The only point of any law is its enforcement.
If it's not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.  If border laws, gun laws are not enforced then then they are pointless.

I know, right? You said that about crimes under the Espionage Act too, no?

Stealing government records, demanding extra votes, inciting riots, conspiring to overthrow governments, not paying your defamation rape bills - pointless. Empty gestures.

Rule of law, innit.

Did I, lying, Bbwianesque paki arse bandit?

Didn't you, you silly old thing?

No worries. Here's your chance. You tell us all, once and for all, what you think of naughty celebrity presidents who get caught breaking your favourite rule of law, if not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.

You've spent the last two days playing slippery evasive mendacious, so here's your opportunity.

I'll put the kettle on, mkay?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Frank on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:26pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 7:17pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:16pm:

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:47am:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm:

::) ::)

The only point of any law is its enforcement.
If it's not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.  If border laws, gun laws are not enforced then then they are pointless.

I know, right? You said that about crimes under the Espionage Act too, no?

Stealing government records, demanding extra votes, inciting riots, conspiring to overthrow governments, not paying your defamation rape bills - pointless. Empty gestures.

Rule of law, innit.

Did I, lying, Bbwianesque paki arse bandit?

Didn't you, you silly old thing?

No worries. Here's your chance. You tell us all, once and for all, what you think of naughty celebrity presidents who get caught breaking your favourite rule of law, if not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.

You've spent the last two days playing slippery evasive mendacious, so here's your opportunity.

I'll put the kettle on, mkay?

You said I did, paki arse bugger. Back it up.  Don't ask ME to validate your arse bandit fantasies, paki. We have Bbwian, Arrsie, you, Mother - we have idiots like you from all corners.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 21st, 2023 at 10:04pm

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:26pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:16pm:

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 7:17pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 2:16pm:

Frank wrote on Aug 21st, 2023 at 8:47am:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 20th, 2023 at 10:57pm:

::) ::)

The only point of any law is its enforcement.
If it's not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.  If border laws, gun laws are not enforced then then they are pointless.

I know, right? You said that about crimes under the Espionage Act too, no?

Stealing government records, demanding extra votes, inciting riots, conspiring to overthrow governments, not paying your defamation rape bills - pointless. Empty gestures.

Rule of law, innit.

Did I, lying, Bbwianesque paki arse bandit?

Didn't you, you silly old thing?

No worries. Here's your chance. You tell us all, once and for all, what you think of naughty celebrity presidents who get caught breaking your favourite rule of law, if not enforced, it's a joke, an empty pantomime gesture.

You've spent the last two days playing slippery evasive mendacious, so here's your opportunity.

I'll put the kettle on, mkay?

You said I did, paki arse bugger. Back it up.  Don't ask ME to validate your arse bandit fantasies, paki. We have Bbwian, Arrsie, you, Mother - we have idiots like you from all corners.

Ooh! Toosh magroosh. Don't want to say, eh?

How admirable of you, old boy. What pantomime. Do you know what you are?

You're an anarchist. You've lost all reverence for your jolly rule of law. For someone who froths and rants about rules all day, that's some achievement.

Imagine, your Dear Leader did that.

Cue the Village People.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 1:59am
When is Biden and his son going to be charged? They took slush money from the Chinese didn't they?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Marla on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 2:10am

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 1:59am:
When is Biden and his son going to be charged? They took slush money from the Chinese didn't they?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 12:54pm

Marla wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 2:10am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 1:59am:
When is Biden and his son going to be charged? They took slush money from the Chinese didn't they?


Ukraine then

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 8:29pm
Former Federal Prosecutor Kash Patel UNLOADS on Biden DOJ after Biden lawyer CAUGHT bullying prosecutors, obstructing justice to cover up Biden Family crimes

BREAKING: Three more of Hunter Biden’s lawyers have quit on him after the sweetheart deal with the Biden DOJ completely fell apart. Maybe they realized they would have to do actual work instead of being handed favors by the DOJ. The most interesting part of the withdraws is how no reason was given. Coincidentally, a new report by Politico reveals how Hunter’s lawyers coerced the Biden DOJ by threatening them to use Joe Biden as a witness in the Hunter gun case. “President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” said attorney Chris Clark who also quit on Hunter. You know the Hunter situation is bad when our twisted ‘justice’ system can’t even protect him. – Collin Rugg

HUNTER’S LAWYER THREATENED TO CALL JOE: Once it became apparent U.S. Attorney David Weiss had enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with a gun charge, the defense lawyers threatened the DOJ to call pResident Biden to the stand as a witness.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:11pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 8:29pm:
Former Federal Prosecutor Kash Patel UNLOADS on Biden DOJ after Biden lawyer CAUGHT bullying prosecutors, obstructing justice to cover up Biden Family crimes

BREAKING: Three more of Hunter Biden’s lawyers have quit on him after the sweetheart deal with the Biden DOJ completely fell apart. Maybe they realized they would have to do actual work instead of being handed favors by the DOJ. The most interesting part of the withdraws is how no reason was given. Coincidentally, a new report by Politico reveals how Hunter’s lawyers coerced the Biden DOJ by threatening them to use Joe Biden as a witness in the Hunter gun case. “President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” said attorney Chris Clark who also quit on Hunter. You know the Hunter situation is bad when our twisted ‘justice’ system can’t even protect him. – Collin Rugg

HUNTER’S LAWYER THREATENED TO CALL JOE: Once it became apparent U.S. Attorney David Weiss had enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with a gun charge, the defense lawyers threatened the DOJ to call pResident Biden to the stand as a witness.

Kash Patel UNLOADS on Biden DOJ

A Trump guy chucks a spack about Biden - what a surprise.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:15pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 12:54pm:

Marla wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 2:10am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 1:59am:
When is Biden and his son going to be charged? They took slush money from the Chinese didn't they?


Ukraine then


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:05pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:19pm

Our Liberal Friends

Not sure you have any of those.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:34pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:15pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 12:54pm:

Marla wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 2:10am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 1:59am:
When is Biden and his son going to be charged? They took slush money from the Chinese didn't they?


Ukraine then


Okay. Bias' big bottom then.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:36pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

Because it's fun. You can hardly expect Mort to post something true, now can you?

That's not fair.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:34pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

I guess you got me there, only three of those are parents of Ukraine Oil Companies "employees". John Kerry is just the step-father.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:40pm

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:05pm:

::) ::)

Since I don't envy anyone I guess you are referring to your own group.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:43pm

Warning labels of today are for your benefit, the rest of us know better.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Brian Ross on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 1:07pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:40pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:05pm:

::) ::)

Since I don't envy anyone I guess you are referring to your own group.

Secretly you envy Democrats for having a non-criminal charged el Presidente, Mort.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Bias_2012 on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 1:35pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:15pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 12:54pm:

Marla wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 2:10am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 1:59am:
When is Biden and his son going to be charged? They took slush money from the Chinese didn't they?


Ukraine then


They're in trouble alright, but no one is game to prosecute them. They are no less guilty though

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 5:45pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

The gall of these people, Mort, they just leap to assumptions.

Next they'll be telling us Sleepy Joe's not a rapist.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 7:11pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

Not it must be false in this case it is known to be false.

No he isn't.

You do know that Trump has had an actual accusation of rape lodged against him by a 13 yo girl at the time a proven court result of sexual assault and was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women with something like 35 woman complaining that what he said was true, he had done it to them.

When trump owned the miss America pageant he would just walk into the dressing rooms when naked 14 year old girls were changing.

And you want to make unfounded claims about Biden - nobody can say that you don't have a hide. You should be running away from that topic at a million miles per hour.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 7:16pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 7:11pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

Not it must be false in thois case it is known to be false.

No he isn't.

You do know that Trump has had an actual accusation of rape lodged against him by a 13 yo girl at the time a proven court result of sexual assault and was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women with something like 35 woman complaining that what he said was true, he had done it to them.

To be fair, Dnarever, Mort never said he has anything against rapists, paedophiles or child sex traffickers.

Mort wishes them well. You?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:16pm

Dnarever wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 7:11pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

Not it must be false in this case it is known to be false.

No he isn't.

You do know that Trump has had an actual accusation of rape lodged against him by a 13 yo girl at the time a proven court result of sexual assault and was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women with something like 35 woman complaining that what he said was true, he had done it to them.

When trump owned the miss America pageant he would just walk into the dressing rooms when naked 14 year old girls were changing.

And you want to make unfounded claims about Biden - nobody can say that you don't have a hide. You should be running away from that topic at a million miles per hour.

Trump is accused because rich people have lots of money and even falsely accusing them results in big pay days unless they fight back. There was never any proof Trump ever molested much less raped anyone. He is caught bragging that the gold diggers that are attracted to the rich and famous will let you do anything to them. Unlike biden who molests the women and children of men who stand by passively!

Miss America is an annual competition that is open to women from the United States between the ages of 18 and 28.Wikipedia
No 14 year olds can enter the Miss America competition and it was the open back stage area, not dressing rooms that had men passing by as they changed. Unfortunately for the women the area they were given to change was a semi-public area. The best lies always have an element of truth, don't they.

Unfounded??? Biden is one of the most obviously evil and corrupt people to ever use politics to live off the taxpayer while selling out the country. His crimes are exposed daily and you just dismiss them! You wish Trump was the kind of man biden is so you could hate him more! TDS, bubba!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:20pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 5:45pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

The gall of these people, Mort, they just leap to assumptions.

Next they'll be telling us Sleepy Joe's not a rapist.

No, they already tell us it is OK biden is a rapist because he is their rapist!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by philperth2010 on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:39pm
Trump walked into the change rooms of teenagers as young as 15 and boasted about it....Why does anyone defend this creep who is a self confesed pervert???

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Three other girls chose to remain anonymous, but told the publication it was "creepy" and "shocking".

Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:50pm

philperth2010 wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:39pm:
Trump walked into the change rooms of teenagers as young as 15 and boasted about it....Why does anyone defend this creep who is a self confesed pervert???

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Three other girls chose to remain anonymous, but told the publication it was "creepy" and "shocking".

Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

::) ::) ::)

Since you have to be 18 years old to compete why would a 15 year old be back stage changing clothes? Oh, that's right. Change pageants because you got caught and now it fits your narrative. Except for you funny boys, who wouldn't like a sinful peek. After all some cultures are not as inhibited as others about nudity. At least he didn't shower with any of them.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by philperth2010 on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 9:01pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:50pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:39pm:
Trump walked into the change rooms of teenagers as young as 15 and boasted about it....Why does anyone defend this creep who is a self confesed pervert???

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Three other girls chose to remain anonymous, but told the publication it was "creepy" and "shocking".

Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

::) ::) ::)

Since you have to be 18 years old to compete why would a 15 year old be back stage changing clothes? Oh, that's right. Change pageants because you got caught and now it fits your narrative. Except for you funny boys, who wouldn't like a sinful peek. After all some cultures are not as inhibited as others about nudity. At least he didn't shower with any of them.

This is my first comment on the topic dickhead....I changed nothing however you choose not to accept fact as usual....Only those with no morals or self worth would support Donald Trump....Trump has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple woman yet you still make excuses for the convicted rapist!!!

::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 9:03pm

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 1:07pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:40pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:05pm:

::) ::)

Since I don't envy anyone I guess you are referring to your own group.

Secretly you envy Democrats for having a non-criminal charged el Presidente, Mort.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Double standard, two tiered justice system. I'm sure you see no coincidence that biden is sending government agencies after his chief political rival. Every time new evidence is exposed of biden corruption another charge is made against Trump. No connection there, right? If they can't convict him they will have to kill him because they are afraid the American people will put him back in Office! How long can this banana republic stand?

If you remember one thing remember this. Everything the Mainstream Media tells us are lies!

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 9:09pm

philperth2010 wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 9:01pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:50pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:39pm:
Trump walked into the change rooms of teenagers as young as 15 and boasted about it....Why does anyone defend this creep who is a self confesed pervert???

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Three other girls chose to remain anonymous, but told the publication it was "creepy" and "shocking".

Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

::) ::) ::)

Since you have to be 18 years old to compete why would a 15 year old be back stage changing clothes? Oh, that's right. Change pageants because you got caught and now it fits your narrative. Except for you funny boys, who wouldn't like a sinful peek. After all some cultures are not as inhibited as others about nudity. At least he didn't shower with any of them.

This is my first comment on the topic dickhead....I changed nothing however you choose not to accept fact as usual....Only those with no morals or self worth would support Donald Trump....Trump has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple woman yet you still make excuses for the convicted rapist!!!

::) ::) ::)

Resorting to insults is the first sign you have lost the argument! You have no high ground in this area.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mattyfisk on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 10:29pm

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:20pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 5:45pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 11:41pm:

Dnarever wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 10:24pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 22nd, 2023 at 9:50pm:

Why do you keep posting claims that surely even you know are not true ?

The Democrat children thing has been known to be false for at least 2 or 3 years.

If you don't like the information it must be false. Next you will be telling me biden isn't a pedophile!

The gall of these people, Mort, they just leap to assumptions.

Next they'll be telling us Sleepy Joe's not a rapist.

No, they already tell us it is OK biden is a rapist because he is their rapist!

I know, Mort, but has Sleepy Joe actually been busted for rape yet?

I know this is BREAKING and yet to be revealed (in the fullness of time), but have they made any court orders or rulings on Sleepy Joe's depravities?


Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 24th, 2023 at 12:14am

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:50pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:39pm:
Trump walked into the change rooms of teenagers as young as 15 and boasted about it....Why does anyone defend this creep who is a self confesed pervert???

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Three other girls chose to remain anonymous, but told the publication it was "creepy" and "shocking".

Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

::) ::) ::)

Since you have to be 18 years old to compete why would a 15 year old be back stage changing clothes? Oh, that's right. Change pageants because you got caught and now it fits your narrative. Except for you funny boys, who wouldn't like a sinful peek. After all some cultures are not as inhibited as others about nudity. At least he didn't shower with any of them.

This is another division :

Miss America's Teen is exactly what it sounds like: it's a division of the Miss America program for young women ages 13-18.

Here are recent winners, note the older girls mostly win.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 24th, 2023 at 12:25am

A Timeline of Donald Trump’s Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe
From walking into a teen dressing room to joking about his obligation to sleep with contestants, Trump's a storied pageant creep

DONALD TRUMP WAS forced to sell the Miss Universe Organization – which also includes sister scholarship programs Miss USA and Miss Teen USA – in 2015 after his incendiary comments about Mexicans drove away broadcasters NBC and Univision. But Trump owned the pageant for nearly two decades, during which time he would have had the opportunity to come into contact with nearly 4,000 beauty queens.

On the heels of the damaging videotape on which Trump and former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush salivated over Days of Our Live actress Arianne Zucker, and joked about sexually assaulting women, came allegations that Trump entered the Miss Teen USA changing room where girls as young as 15 were in various states of undress.

Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story. The former pageant contestants discussed their memories of the incident after former Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon told Los Angeles’ CBS affiliate that Trump entered the Miss USA dressing room in 2001 when she was a contestant.

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Dnarever on Aug 24th, 2023 at 12:38am

Mortdooley wrote on Aug 23rd, 2023 at 8:50pm:
Since you have to be 18 years old to compete why would a 15 year old be back stage changing clothes? Oh, that's right. Change pageants because you got caught and now it fits your narrative. Except for you funny boys, who wouldn't like a sinful peek. After all some cultures are not as inhibited as others about nudity. At least he didn't shower with any of them.

Change pageants because you got caught

He owned them all.

You are right it is all ok because I got the pagents name wrong ?

All good then that is ok for the pervert to go into young teens change rooms if it is a teen pageant. Got it ??

You sure that is the argument you want to make ?

Title: Re: Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
Post by Mortdooley on Aug 27th, 2023 at 11:01pm

The most popular President ever gets to hear the voice of the people!

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