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Message started by Sprintcyclist on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am

Title: Joe Biden
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by A.I. on Dec 18th, 2023 at 7:43am
For a Professional and a lifelong institutionalised one at that.
He was no Expert. Maybe at the start when he thought about entering Politics, but definitely not at the end where his Dementia from institutionalised 'yes-man' thinking has now shown how it has its disadvantages. But its obvious why he didn't see the warning signs and just said 'Yes' all the time, even if corrupt. Don't think Joe! Just say "Yes" and just do it!!
He is a Hospital Orderly pretending to be a Professor just because they told him to be.

Oh... and then there is his very 'unprofessional' behaviour to women and children, especially young girls - where he can 'sniff the blood' to see if she's ready? Makes one wonder why his son is so messed up? A man who lingers on a hug and doesn't let go of the embrace, even when the woman has expressed 'no more' - is a man who has learned that he doesn't have to take 'No' for an answer.
Calls Kamala his wife, calls his wife as 'Joe', calls himself as Kamala's husband.
...all the signs are there, in open Public view - and on camera and there is much more and more about this Professional who became an 'amateur'.

...then along comes a little red-haired male, an 'amateur' of Politics (like Amateur Astronomers) who one day discovered he became a President which in itself was the 'ultimate offence' and like a Lightning Rod he drew out the Evil, the Corruption and all that used 'Professionalism' to not only compromise America, but to prove to the World, that American Politics is nothing more than a Privatised Political System run by a Non-Political Entity itself and thus he became the man who kicked the hornets nest and before he knew it, come the next Election - he was on the run with that Corruption and that fake Politics (which threw away the Holy Grail of Politics long ago with its War of Independence) after him - to 'destroy him' alone.

Trump may not be the best, or the most powerful of the New World Order (that follows the British 'Holy Grail' of Politics) team known as The Right. But he is effective in doing what he needed to do, to bring the 'Enemy' out into the open/the light - no longer hiding in the 'Shadow'. His NWO team-mates will do the rest, especially that tall blonde Anglo 'Angel' male who will fly like an Eagle and bring back the Holy Grail - once and for all.

Biden's Politics, the Democrat Politics isn't 'real Politics'. It's like an Actor pretending to be Political. All part of the Big Brother Team - ruled by the Media. A binary-system from long ago via the Confeds and Unionists: the Grey & Blue. The South & North, but not the East & WEST.

This is why Australia still keeps the Holy Grail upon its Flag in the corner. ;)

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Mattyfisk on Dec 18th, 2023 at 12:01pm
I see. So you agree that Sleepy Joe has done a good job despite being a professional, you just don't like him standing too close to his daughter during photo shoots or mixing his wife's name up with the VP.

No worries, JaSin, good to know. Ultimately, you'd prefer to see an amateur in power who dyes his hair red. You're not basing this on any leadership, political or administrative skills, just their effectiveness at identifying and targeting their political enemies.

These enemies could be anybody - Rosie O'Donnell, Megyn Kelly, Anthony Fauci, the Pope. It doesn't really matter who they are, as long as they're brought out of the "shadow" and into the harsh light of day.

And do you know? If such an amateur comes along with the above qualities, you'll gleefully join in. Fauci? You despise him. Pope Francis? You never much cared for the man. Rosie O'Donnell?

Actually, you've never heard of her, but she must be bad.


Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by aquascoot on Dec 18th, 2023 at 12:15pm
in life, there are people who stand on their own 2 feet  aka   winners

and there are people who look to the government as a father figure to look after them   aka losers

in a funny sort of way, people cannot look to biden as a security blanket and a safe place to rest as he is feeble and senile.

so they may have had to learn a bit of personal responsibility

in this way, he may have been a good president

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by thegreatdivide on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:35pm

aquascoot wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 12:15pm:
in life, there are people who stand on their own 2 feet  aka   winners

And your 'survival of the fittest' lizard brain is pleased to divide people into 'winners and losers'.

You loser....driven by self-interest above the common welfare, ignoring the mayhem that is the direct outcome of your vicious ideology.   

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by aquascoot on Dec 18th, 2023 at 2:20pm

thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:35pm:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 12:15pm:
in life, there are people who stand on their own 2 feet  aka   winners

And your 'survival of the fittest' lizard brain is pleased to divide people into 'winners and losers'.

You loser....driven by self-interest above the common welfare, ignoring the mayhem that is the direct outcome of your vicious ideology.   


it is not vicous ideology to tell adults not to behave like "old infants"

an old infant is an ugly thing

imagine a woman with a pram and you look in and see a 55 yo mans face

thats ugly!!

all men need to man up and stop letting governments "infantalise" them

since joe is an old infant himself (second childhood) , men now get the chance to break free of the shackles of leaning on the president as their daddy

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by A.I. on Dec 18th, 2023 at 2:53pm
If we were talking Survival of the 'Fittest', then we'll be talking 'Sport' then wouldn't we. Afterall - the essence of Sport is 'fitness'.

We're talking Politics and the Blue Medical Unionist Democrat North Party is self destructing like a selfish Gay/Trans fart of Victimhood and self anointed 'selective' Racism, after it slew its Grey Musical Rebel Confederate South Party for that very precious 'Ring of Power'.

Biden sums up that 'old' and failing Democrat Northern way.
That must make way for the New in the form of the Red Republican Art East Party and the yet to be formed White (Supreme? as in Supreme Court) Political WEST Party. The Holy Grail (Union Jack must fade into the West from Europe and make its way back to North America - where it belongs) must return to North America - permanently.
For Great Britain (Political) must severe from its United Kindom (Music/Entertainment/Royal Master of Ceremony) in Europe.

So bye bye Biden, bye bye Democrats who will be condemned for their International Crimes, like the Confederacy was held accountable for its 'Domestic' Crime via a Civil War. The Democrats will fail, just like France will soon, in Europe.

True Politics is about making Peace, not War. War is a 'failure' of Politics and thus the War of Independence/Civil War is a failure of Politics.

Until then, the USA remains as a forfeit of British Politics, for the archaic 'ruins' of Greek & Italian Politics and we can see in Italy (excluding their wonderful female Political leader at the moment) - via the Men, they can only attain Political power in the form of MAFIA. But Italy's time will come too.

This is why many nations and people around the world provided a glimmer of acceptance for Trump's America. But in no way have they done so for the Democrat and current American Political setup pre-Trump era. Great Satan America is known as. The False Political God... until the changes are made, the Holy Grail returns and Australia is freed from Politics entirely.

How one little Ranga man from an amateur background in Politics managed to upset the applecart of an entire Fake-Political setup based upon the cultural narrative of a Media (Entertainment/Music) in binary with the Medical.

Trump the Amateur - more 'Political' than Biden the so-called Professional.

Kinda ironic. But hey, look at the world today.  ;)

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by A.I. on Dec 18th, 2023 at 2:55pm
...the only way the Democrats will win next Election against Trump is to 'cheat' in the most blatant ways. Trump is just giving them 'enough rope' to do it.  ;)

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Mattyfisk on Dec 18th, 2023 at 5:46pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am:
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Right you are, Sprint. Insofar as presidents have a say over the economy, the facts are in.

Not only did Sleepy Joe roll out the vaccines that saw an end to the state shutdowns, he has presided over an economic boom unimaginable even prior to covid.

GDP growth: up

Doubled, actually, even compared to pre-covid levels. Growth in two of Sleepy Joe's first four quarters hit a 7% annual rate.

Employment: way up

Biden has seen the labor market surge, with monthly job growth averaging 470,000 positions since he took office.

Workforce participation: up even further

The prime-age labor-force participation rate, however, is now just above prepandemic levels and surpassing any of the benchmarks hit during the Trump years.

And the stock market: through the roof

Under Sleepy Joe, the S&P 500 gained 8.5% during the comparable time span.

This has led to inflation, and that has led to a rise in interest rates.Those two things are the only real economic measures that have gotten worse during Sleepy Joe's time in office.

The rise in government spending has only just started to plateau, but it continued on exactly the same trajectory that started when the previous prez signed in the GOP's tax cuts.

We're talking three years here, SJ has another year in office to go, but a look at the facts shows things have only gotten better since the voters dumped the guy with the red hair dye and all those enemies.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Mattyfisk on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:05pm

Jasin wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 2:55pm:
...the only way the Democrats will win next Election against Trump is to 'cheat' in the most blatant ways. Trump is just giving them 'enough rope' to do it.  ;)

Not at all. After the DOJ and the states applied the lessons of Putin's interference in 2016, the 2020 election showed an electoral system in complete order. The Trump administration's own officials called 2020 the most secure election in US history.

No one can make that up. This wasn't the Deep State, this was the big fella's own director of Homeland Security. It was backed by his own Attorney General, the "noble AG Barr".

And then the swing states, a succession of audits and pronouncements by their officials too.

Hardly Deep State paedophiles, dear. These were elected Republicans, remember? We have a tape of the big fella telling one to find him more votes.

If Russia tries to cheat again, all they have to do is put the word out to the media and Big Tech: alert any suspicious foreign activity. It's not in America's interest to have its elections rigged by Vlad, it doesn't matter what the big fella offers him in return this time.

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by aquascoot on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:37pm

Karnal wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 5:46pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am:
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Right you are, Sprint. Insofar as presidents have a say over the economy, the facts are in.

Not only did Sleepy Joe roll out the vaccines that saw an end to the state shutdowns, he has presided over an economic boom unimaginable even prior to covid.

GDP growth: up

Doubled, actually, even compared to pre-covid levels. Growth in two of Sleepy Joe's first four quarters hit a 7% annual rate.

Employment: way up

Biden has seen the labor market surge, with monthly job growth averaging 470,000 positions since he took office.

Workforce participation: up even further

The prime-age labor-force participation rate, however, is now just above prepandemic levels and surpassing any of the benchmarks hit during the Trump years.

And the stock market: through the roof

Under Sleepy Joe, the S&P 500 gained 8.5% during the comparable time span.

This has led to inflation, and that has led to a rise in interest rates.Those two things are the only real economic measures that have gotten worse during Sleepy Joe's time in office.

The rise in government spending has only just started to plateau, but it continued on exactly the same trajectory that started when the previous prez signed in the GOP's tax cuts.

We're talking three years here, SJ has another year in office to go, but a look at the facts shows things have only gotten better since the voters dumped the guy with the red hair dye and all those enemies.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

dont be taking credit for the seeds trump planted

all joe has done is eat ice cream and strain at stool

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by A.I. on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:43pm
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:59pm

Karnal wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 5:46pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am:
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Right you are, Sprint. Insofar as presidents have a say over the economy, the facts are in.

Not only did Sleepy Joe roll out the vaccines that saw an end to the state shutdowns, he has presided over an economic boom unimaginable even prior to covid.

GDP growth: up

Doubled, actually, even compared to pre-covid levels. Growth in two of Sleepy Joe's first four quarters hit a 7% annual rate.

Employment: way up

Biden has seen the labor market surge, with monthly job growth averaging 470,000 positions since he took office.

Workforce participation: up even further

The prime-age labor-force participation rate, however, is now just above prepandemic levels and surpassing any of the benchmarks hit during the Trump years.

And the stock market: through the roof

Under Sleepy Joe, the S&P 500 gained 8.5% during the comparable time span.

This has led to inflation, and that has led to a rise in interest rates.Those two things are the only real economic measures that have gotten worse during Sleepy Joe's time in office.

The rise in government spending has only just started to plateau, but it continued on exactly the same trajectory that started when the previous prez signed in the GOP's tax cuts.

We're talking three years here, SJ has another year in office to go, but a look at the facts shows things have only gotten better since the voters dumped the guy with the red hair dye and all those enemies.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

Yes, he has quite surprised me. By all the economic figures he has done well.
I do wish people would drop their unhelpful bias .

His $53B investment in Tech and Science is a rock solid sure winner in my books. Called CHIPS

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Mattyfisk on Dec 18th, 2023 at 8:10pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:59pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 5:46pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am:
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Right you are, Sprint. Insofar as presidents have a say over the economy, the facts are in.

Not only did Sleepy Joe roll out the vaccines that saw an end to the state shutdowns, he has presided over an economic boom unimaginable even prior to covid.

GDP growth: up

Doubled, actually, even compared to pre-covid levels. Growth in two of Sleepy Joe's first four quarters hit a 7% annual rate.

Employment: way up

Biden has seen the labor market surge, with monthly job growth averaging 470,000 positions since he took office.

Workforce participation: up even further

The prime-age labor-force participation rate, however, is now just above prepandemic levels and surpassing any of the benchmarks hit during the Trump years.

And the stock market: through the roof

Under Sleepy Joe, the S&P 500 gained 8.5% during the comparable time span.

This has led to inflation, and that has led to a rise in interest rates.Those two things are the only real economic measures that have gotten worse during Sleepy Joe's time in office.

The rise in government spending has only just started to plateau, but it continued on exactly the same trajectory that started when the previous prez signed in the GOP's tax cuts.

We're talking three years here, SJ has another year in office to go, but a look at the facts shows things have only gotten better since the voters dumped the guy with the red hair dye and all those enemies.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

Yes, he has quite surprised me. By all the economic figures he has done well.
I do wish people would drop their unhelpful bias .

His $53B investment in Tech and Science is a rock solid sure winner in my books. Called CHIPS

Just so. You'll note this is a law, not an executive order signed with a Sharpie for a fake news press conference.

Here's another, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The act was initially a $547–715 billion infrastructure package that included provisions related to federal highway aid, transit, highway safety, motor carrier, research, hazardous materials and rail programs of the Department of Transportation.[1][2] After congressional negotiations, it was amended and renamed to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to include funding for broadband access, clean water and electric grid renewal in addition to the transportation and road proposals of the original House bill. This amended version included approximately $1.2 trillion in spending, with $550 billion being newly authorized spending on top of what Congress was planning to authorize regularly.[3][4]

The amended bill was passed 69–30 by the Senate on August 10, 2021. On November 5, it was passed 228–206 by the House, and ten days later was signed into law by President Biden.[5]

This is legislation initiated by Biden, and a reason why all those new jobs didn't come out of nowhere.

Another reason why Sleepy Joe's administration is superior: he has surpassed his predecessor in legislation.

And not just any old legislation. Infrastructure was near the top of the previous president's list of priorities.

Instead, he squandered all his political capital on overturning Obamacare, failed, and never bothered dealing with Congress until the time came for his two impeachments.

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Dnarever on Dec 18th, 2023 at 8:29pm

aquascoot wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 5:46pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am:
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Right you are, Sprint. Insofar as presidents have a say over the economy, the facts are in.

Not only did Sleepy Joe roll out the vaccines that saw an end to the state shutdowns, he has presided over an economic boom unimaginable even prior to covid.

GDP growth: up

Doubled, actually, even compared to pre-covid levels. Growth in two of Sleepy Joe's first four quarters hit a 7% annual rate.

Employment: way up

Biden has seen the labor market surge, with monthly job growth averaging 470,000 positions since he took office.

Workforce participation: up even further

The prime-age labor-force participation rate, however, is now just above prepandemic levels and surpassing any of the benchmarks hit during the Trump years.

And the stock market: through the roof

Under Sleepy Joe, the S&P 500 gained 8.5% during the comparable time span.

This has led to inflation, and that has led to a rise in interest rates.Those two things are the only real economic measures that have gotten worse during Sleepy Joe's time in office.

The rise in government spending has only just started to plateau, but it continued on exactly the same trajectory that started when the previous prez signed in the GOP's tax cuts.

We're talking three years here, SJ has another year in office to go, but a look at the facts shows things have only gotten better since the voters dumped the guy with the red hair dye and all those enemies.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

dont be taking credit for the seeds trump planted

all joe has done is eat ice cream and strain at stool

don't be taking credit for the seeds trump planted

Trumps seeds went more towards creating the problems in the first place. He left the economy floundering and his greatest impact came from his 3 trillion of unfinanced tax cuts to the wealthy that led to huge pressure on inflation.

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Mattyfisk on Dec 18th, 2023 at 9:08pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 8:29pm:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 6:37pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 5:46pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 18th, 2023 at 1:22am:
Has done much better than I thought he would.
Overall, well done Mr President.

I think he has let professional experts do their job

Right you are, Sprint. Insofar as presidents have a say over the economy, the facts are in.

Not only did Sleepy Joe roll out the vaccines that saw an end to the state shutdowns, he has presided over an economic boom unimaginable even prior to covid.

GDP growth: up

Doubled, actually, even compared to pre-covid levels. Growth in two of Sleepy Joe's first four quarters hit a 7% annual rate.

Employment: way up

Biden has seen the labor market surge, with monthly job growth averaging 470,000 positions since he took office.

Workforce participation: up even further

The prime-age labor-force participation rate, however, is now just above prepandemic levels and surpassing any of the benchmarks hit during the Trump years.

And the stock market: through the roof

Under Sleepy Joe, the S&P 500 gained 8.5% during the comparable time span.

This has led to inflation, and that has led to a rise in interest rates.Those two things are the only real economic measures that have gotten worse during Sleepy Joe's time in office.

The rise in government spending has only just started to plateau, but it continued on exactly the same trajectory that started when the previous prez signed in the GOP's tax cuts.

We're talking three years here, SJ has another year in office to go, but a look at the facts shows things have only gotten better since the voters dumped the guy with the red hair dye and all those enemies.

Ever get the feeling you've been farmed?

dont be taking credit for the seeds trump planted

all joe has done is eat ice cream and strain at stool

don't be taking credit for the seeds trump planted

Trumps seeds went more towards creating the problems in the first place. He left the economy floundering and his greatest impact came from his 3 trillion of unfinanced tax cuts to the wealthy that led to huge pressure on inflation.

I know. Aquascoot said exactly the same thing. It's why he gave up his DL to support the "noble Ron".

He may have changed his mind. You get that.

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Frank on Feb 18th, 2024 at 2:40pm
WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Biden lashed out at critics who questioned his cognitive ability Thursday, telling reporters at the White House that he can't remember a single time when his memory failed him.

"Don't you think I would know if I were having memory problems?" the president asked. "I'm as sharp as a tack, Jack. I've got no cognitive issues whatsoever. My memory is as perfect as it was back in 2024 when I was president."

"Also, don't you think I'd know if I were having memory problems? People with memory problems mix up names, dates, and places," he noted. "They wander around aimlessly all day with clueless looks on their faces. I even heard of one extreme case where a guy confused Egypt with Mexico. Now, THAT'S a person you should be talking to about memory problems!"

The president then raised his hand to ask a question, seemingly unaware that he was leading the press conference. Shortly thereafter, a reporter asked Biden to comment on his portrayal as a "sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory" in last week's special counsel report.

"Look, I don't know that guy, so I'm not going to speculate on what was said in the report," Biden noted. "What I will say is this: Our country is at a critical crosswalk. If you have trouble figuring out whether you're for me or Donald Rumsfeld, well, then you ain't black. So please, when you drive into that voting booth in November of 2020, vote for Joe Biden."

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by greggerypeccary on Feb 18th, 2024 at 2:44pm

Dear oh dear   :-/

FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden's ties to Ukrainian energy company

In short: Prosecutors say the FBI informant falsely reported executives from Ukranian energy company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $US5 million for protection.

The informant's claims have been central to the Republican effort to investigate the president and his family, helping to spark a House impeachment inquiry.

What's next? The informant is expected to appear in court in Las Vegas charged with making a false statement and creating a false and fictitious record.

Title: Re: Joe Biden
Post by Frank on Feb 18th, 2024 at 2:52pm
Kamala Harris Moves To Second Place In ‘Worst Diversity Hire Of All Time’

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unexpected turn of events, Vice President Kamala Harris was removed from the top spot of "Worst Diversity Hire of All Time" after Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis opened her mouth during a televised trial about inappropriate use of funds and an alleged affair with a top prosecutor of former President Donald Trump.

"DA Willis' perfectly executed court disaster may not have been enough to get her to top the proven record of VP Harris," said one onlooker, "But wearing her dress backwards, what a coup de grace!"

Those close to Kamala Harris say her team is scrambling to prepare her to assume the role of President now that she is no longer the most embarrassing example of racial diversity efforts to ever live.

In a public statement released shortly after the incredible, live circus act of Fani Willis, VP Kamala Harris stated, "I am now, as have ever been, ready for the responsibilitous station imparted on me to be ready, now and forever, for the role of President of the United States, which is what presidents are called."

At publishing time, Kamala Harris had regained First Place as "Worst Diversity Hire of All Time" after opening her mouth while on television

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