Australian Politics Forum
Member Run Boards >> The Tavern >> Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?

Message started by Agnes.. on Jan 10th, 2024 at 3:57pm

Title: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 10th, 2024 at 3:57pm
He was the best PM Australia ever had I have heard.

My father loved him but never spoke of him much to me- does anyone know about this legendary person?

Title: Re: Golf Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 10th, 2024 at 4:24pm

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 10th, 2024 at 4:32pm

Remember him very well.

My late wife's father was part of the Whitlam government.

He was a regular visitor to her house when she was a child.

Great, great man.

We have Medicare (which started out as Medibank, under Whitlam) thanks to Gough.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 10th, 2024 at 5:21pm
I saw Gough a couple times at Labor Conventions (or whatever they were called.)

Always started with “Comrades”  ;D

Very good speaker, believed in the cause.

So much work to do after all those years of Liberal sloth. None of his Ministers had experience of being a Cabinet Minister, mistakes, inevitably got made. Murdoch press after him.

A giant pulled down by pygmies.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:03pm

A great speaker, articulate and quick-witted, who
could deliver the goods.   Unfortunately, I think, he
tried to introduce too many fresh notions, too quickly,
to a citizenry steeped in the ultra-conservative 1950's
Liberal quagmire.

And Kerr's reprehensible suck-holing to the queen
of another country was beyond the pale.  And this,
now all these years later, is why we need to become
a republic, give the current Governor General the
flick, and constitutionally remove any references citing
king Charles III as our purported "head of state".

Remember too that the CIA offered the opposition
Liberal and National party unlimited funding to help
them defeat Whitlam's Labor Party in the 1974 elections.

Sadly Gough was a man almost ahead of his time
and his ideas.  If he and his government had survived
Kerr's indefensible actions at the time, there's every
chance Australia would be a better place today—and
also probably an independent republic, presided over
by an executive Federal council.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Sophia on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:36pm
I do remember him!
Once I was walking down Elizabeth street towards train station after work….and it’s when something happened to Gough … maybe when he was booted out… but a lot of Uni students were matching with placards down middle of street chanting “We want Gough”
I was about 21 at the time… so it was ‘74/‘75….

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 10th, 2024 at 8:28pm
Achieved more in three years than other PMs did in a dozen. Probably the best of my lifetime.

He was the first leader killed by news ltd.

His free education - educated 2 generations and built our economy.

Ironically he had educated for free the very people who have taken free education away from today's students.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2024 at 9:59pm

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:03pm:
A great speaker, articulate and quick-witted, who
could deliver the goods.   Unfortunately, I think, he
tried to introduce too many fresh notions, too quickly,
to a citizenry steeped in the ultra-conservative 1950's
Liberal quagmire.

And Kerr's reprehensible suck-holing to the queen
of another country was beyond the pale.  And this,
now all these years later, is why we need to become
a republic, give the current Governor General the
flick, and constitutionally remove any references citing
king Charles III as our purported "head of state".

Remember too that the CIA offered the opposition
Liberal and National party unlimited funding to help
them defeat Whitlam's Labor Party in the 1974 elections.

Sadly Gough was a man almost ahead of his time
and his ideas.  If he and his government had survived
Kerr's indefensible actions at the time, there's every
chance Australia would be a better place today—and
also probably an independent republic, presided over
by an executive Federal council.

Is there ANYTHING that is not "ultra" in your world, Guff?

You are your own parody.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2024 at 10:01pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 8:28pm:
Achieved more in three years than other PMs did in a dozen. Probably the best of my lifetime.

He was the first leader killed by news ltd.

His free education - educated 2 generations and built our economy.

Ironically he had educated for free the very people who have taken free education away from today's students.

Yeah, he gifted free education to the children of the upper class.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 10th, 2024 at 10:24pm
Gough was equivalent to a breath of fresh air, politically.  He was the greatest PM Australia has ever had.   Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 11th, 2024 at 3:17am
I have heard that Brian and so many positive replies tells me he impressed many here..

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:07pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 9:59pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:03pm:
A great speaker, articulate and quick-witted, who
could deliver the goods.   Unfortunately, I think, he
tried to introduce too many fresh notions, too quickly,
to a citizenry steeped in the ultra-conservative 1950's
Liberal quagmire.

Is there ANYTHING that is not "ultra" in your world, Guff?

You are your own parody.

Judging by this comment Frank, it's more than obvious
you didn't live through the conservative Menzies era of
the 1950s to the mid-1960s.

Menzies said of the 1963 Queen's visit to Australia:

"I did but see her passing by, yet I shall love her till I die".

This was typical of the Liberal lapdogs' kowtowing to the
United Kingdom in general and the monarch of another
country in particular.  And this squeamish conservatism
infested our society at all levels of government and the
wider society.

Hanging was still on the statutes; shops had to close on
Sundays; homosexuality was a criminal offence, as was
abortion; we had to stand in film theatres for the National
Anthem; the White Australia Policy was in full force;  Aboriginals
could not vote; the Communist Party was banned;  female
employees were paid far less than their male counterparts;
female nipples were airbrushed out of men's magazines,
and women's weekly magazines invariably included pictures
of the royal family, amongst the knitting patterns;  men
had to wear a tie to the office, and if wearing braces had to
leave a jacket on;  beach inspectors actually measured
women's bikinis to make sure they complied with the legal
minimum coverage.

     A beach inspector at Bondi Beach NSW points out that
     the dark bikini contravenes minimum legal size.


Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:09pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 10:01pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 8:28pm:
Achieved more in three years than other PMs did in a dozen. Probably the best of my lifetime.

He was the first leader killed by news ltd.

His free education - educated 2 generations and built our economy.

Ironically he had educated for free the very people who have taken free education away from today's students.

Yeah, he gifted free education to the children of the upper class.

Fank always says the opposite to what happened. For the first time all Australians had access to education.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Gnads on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:16pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:09pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 10:01pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 8:28pm:
Achieved more in three years than other PMs did in a dozen. Probably the best of my lifetime.

He was the first leader killed by news ltd.

His free education - educated 2 generations and built our economy.

Ironically he had educated for free the very people who have taken free education away from today's students.

Yeah, he gifted free education to the children of the upper class.

Fank always says the opposite to what happened. For the first time all Australians had access to education.

Bullshit ... they always did ... it's just that it wasn't free.

But you tell me now after successive LNP & ALP govts.... is education free?

Why under Rudd, Gillard, Rudd didn't they repeal the LNPs policies & reinstate Goughs, that provided free education, including University to all Australians if they applied themselves & wanted it?

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:49pm

Gnads wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:09pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 10:01pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 8:28pm:
Achieved more in three years than other PMs did in a dozen. Probably the best of my lifetime.

He was the first leader killed by news ltd.

His free education - educated 2 generations and built our economy.

Ironically he had educated for free the very people who have taken free education away from today's students.

Yeah, he gifted free education to the children of the upper class.

Fank always says the opposite to what happened. For the first time all Australians had access to education.

Bullshit ... they always did ... it's just that it wasn't free.

But you tell me now after successive LNP & ALP govts.... is education free?

Why under Rudd, Gillard, Rudd didn't they repeal the LNPs policies & reinstate Goughs, that provided free education, including University to all Australians if they applied themselves & wanted it?

Through the late 60's early 70's normal working families mostly could not send their children to UNI, it was reserved for the wealthy. It was very rare for working class children. After Whitlam it became fairly common.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Bobby. on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:53pm

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:07pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 9:59pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:03pm:
A great speaker, articulate and quick-witted, who
could deliver the goods.   Unfortunately, I think, he
tried to introduce too many fresh notions, too quickly,
to a citizenry steeped in the ultra-conservative 1950's
Liberal quagmire.

Is there ANYTHING that is not "ultra" in your world, Guff?

You are your own parody.

Judging by this comment Frank, it's more than obvious
you didn't live through the conservative Menzies era of
the 1950s to the mid-1960s.

Menzies said of the 1963 Queen's visit to Australia:

"I did but see her passing by, yet I shall love her till I die".

This was typical of the Liberal lapdogs' kowtowing to the
United Kingdom in general and the monarch of another
country in particular.  And this squeamish conservatism
infested our society at all levels of government and the
wider society.

Hanging was still on the statutes; shops had to close on
Sundays; homosexuality was a criminal offence, as was
abortion; we had to stand in film theatres for the National
Anthem; the White Australia Policy was in full force;  Aboriginals
could not vote; the Communist Party was banned;  female
employees were paid far less than their male counterparts;
female nipples were airbrushed out of men's magazines,
and women's weekly magazines invariably included pictures
of the royal family, amongst the knitting patterns;  men
had to wear a tie to the office, and if wearing braces had to
leave a jacket on;  beach inspectors actually measured
women's bikinis to make sure they complied with the legal
minimum coverage.

     A beach inspector at Bondi Beach NSW points out that
     the dark bikini contravenes minimum legal size.


And Australia was a much better place then.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by MeisterEckhart on Jan 11th, 2024 at 10:23pm
From the Eulogy to Gough Whitlam.

"And 38 years later we are like John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin's Jewish insurgents ranting against the despotic rule of Rome, defiantly demanding "and what did the Romans ever do for us anyway?"

Apart from Medibank
and the Trade Practices Act,
cutting tariff protections
and no-fault divorce in the Family Law Act,
the Australia Council,
the Federal Court,
the Order of Australia,
federal legal aid,
the Racial Discrimination Act,
needs-based schools funding,
the recognition of China,
the abolition of conscription,
the law reform commission,
student financial assistance,
the Heritage Commission,
nondiscriminatory immigration rules,
community health clinics,
Aboriginal land rights,
paid maternity leave for public servants,
lowering the minimum voting age to 18 years
and fair electoral boundaries
and Senate representation for the territories

Apart from all of this, what did this old Roman ever do for us?"

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 12th, 2024 at 5:01am
Installed sewerage—sewerage used to dribble down the streets of some of our capital cities.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Frank on Jan 12th, 2024 at 9:00am

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:07pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 9:59pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:03pm:
A great speaker, articulate and quick-witted, who
could deliver the goods.   Unfortunately, I think, he
tried to introduce too many fresh notions, too quickly,
to a citizenry steeped in the ultra-conservative 1950's
Liberal quagmire.

Is there ANYTHING that is not "ultra" in your world, Guff?

You are your own parody.

Judging by this comment Frank, it's more than obvious
you didn't live through the conservative Menzies era of
the 1950s to the mid-1960s.

Menzies said of the 1963 Queen's visit to Australia:

"I did but see her passing by, yet I shall love her till I die".

This was typical of the Liberal lapdogs' kowtowing to the
United Kingdom in general and the monarch of another
country in particular.  And this squeamish conservatism
infested our society at all levels of government and the
wider society.

Hanging was still on the statutes; shops had to close on
Sundays; homosexuality was a criminal offence, as was
abortion; we had to stand in film theatres for the National
Anthem; the White Australia Policy was in full force;  Aboriginals
could not vote; the Communist Party was banned;  female
employees were paid far less than their male counterparts;
female nipples were airbrushed out of men's magazines,
and women's weekly magazines invariably included pictures
of the royal family, amongst the knitting patterns;  men
had to wear a tie to the office, and if wearing braces had to
leave a jacket on;  beach inspectors actually measured
women's bikinis to make sure they complied with the legal
minimum coverage.

     A beach inspector at Bondi Beach NSW points out that
     the dark bikini contravenes minimum legal size.


The highlighted bits are lies. The rest is very far from 'ultra'. 

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by MeisterEckhart on Jan 12th, 2024 at 9:13am
Further from a eulogy to Whitlam

"[Whitlam] was one of those rare people who never suffered discrimination but understood the importance of protection from its malice.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Frank on Jan 12th, 2024 at 11:03am

MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 10:23pm:
From the Eulogy to Gough Whitlam.

"And 38 years later we are like John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin's Jewish insurgents ranting against the despotic rule of Rome, defiantly demanding "and what did the Romans ever do for us anyway?"

Apart from Medibank
and the Trade Practices Act,
cutting tariff protections
and no-fault divorce in the Family Law Act,
the Australia Council,
the Federal Court,
the Order of Australia,
federal legal aid,
the Racial Discrimination Act,
needs-based schools funding,
the recognition of China,
the abolition of conscription,
the law reform commission,
student financial assistance,
the Heritage Commission,
nondiscriminatory immigration rules,
community health clinics,
Aboriginal land rights,
paid maternity leave for public servants,
lowering the minimum voting age to 18 years
and fair electoral boundaries
and Senate representation for the territories

Apart from all of this, what did this old Roman ever do for us?"

Man Unable To Learn Any Useful Information As Brain Already Filled To Capacity With Monty Python Quotes

HOUSTON, TX — Greg Harrington, 32, decided it was finally time to take control of his adult life and learn some new information, sources confirmed Monday. "Maybe I'll figure out how to buy Bitcoin, or learn what Bitcoin even is," he muttered to himself while getting ready for his part-time evening job serving at Chili's. "It's a new year - time to gain some new skills and really better myself."

Sadly, Harrington's attempt was immediately thwarted as he discovered his brain's storage capacity was filled to its limit with quotes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Every time Harrington attempted to learn a new fact that would actually help him in life, his brain immediately rejected it, instead retaining useless quotes like "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?" and "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!" Despite hours and hours of intense study in self-help books and YouTube explainer videos, Harrington could retain not a single fact that would help him in his adult life, though he could still quote the Black Knight scene word-for-word.

"Oh well," he said sadly. "So be it. Come, Patsy!" He then rode off on an imaginary horse, with his friend Christopher banging two coconuts together behind him.

Experts say Harrington isn't alone in his plight, with millions of millennials only being able to quote Monty Python sketches, useless Star Wars Expanded Universe facts, or obscure bits of Lord of the Rings trivia rather than retain any useful information whatsoever. "It's a real problem faced by increasing numbers of young adults," said one leading researcher in Monty Python studies. "You might say it's only now we see the violence inherent in the system."

At publishing time, Harrington's girlfriend had asked him if he could explain cryptocurrency to her, but he could sadly only reply, "Ni! Ni!"

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by MeisterEckhart on Jan 12th, 2024 at 12:47pm
The Whitlam government is the textbook case of reform trumping management.

In less than three years an astonishing reform agenda leapt off the policy platform and into legislation and the machinery and programs of government.

The country would change forever. The modern cosmopolitan Australia finally emerged like a technicolour butterfly from its long dormant chrysalis.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 12th, 2024 at 1:22pm

Frank wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 9:00am:

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 11th, 2024 at 8:07pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 9:59pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Jan 10th, 2024 at 7:03pm:
A great speaker, articulate and quick-witted, who
could deliver the goods.   Unfortunately, I think, he
tried to introduce too many fresh notions, too quickly,
to a citizenry steeped in the ultra-conservative 1950's
Liberal quagmire.

Is there ANYTHING that is not "ultra" in your world, Guff?

You are your own parody.

Judging by this comment Frank, it's more than obvious
you didn't live through the conservative Menzies era of
the 1950s to the mid-1960s.

Menzies said of the 1963 Queen's visit to Australia:

"I did but see her passing by, yet I shall love her till I die".

This was typical of the Liberal lapdogs' kowtowing to the
United Kingdom in general and the monarch of another
country in particular.  And this squeamish conservatism
infested our society at all levels of government and the
wider society.

Hanging was still on the statutes; shops had to close on
Sundays; homosexuality was a criminal offence, as was
abortion; we had to stand in film theatres for the National
Anthem; the White Australia Policy was in full force;  Aboriginals
could not vote; the Communist Party was banned;  female
employees were paid far less than their male counterparts;
female nipples were airbrushed out of men's magazines,
and women's weekly magazines invariably included pictures
of the royal family, amongst the knitting patterns;  men
had to wear a tie to the office, and if wearing braces had to
leave a jacket on;  beach inspectors actually measured
women's bikinis to make sure they complied with the legal
minimum coverage.

     A beach inspector at Bondi Beach NSW points out that
     the dark bikini contravenes minimum legal size.


The highlighted bits are lies.

Nope.  Facts.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Sophia on Jan 12th, 2024 at 3:22pm
Times were better then in some ways compared to now.
Times are better now in some ways compared to then.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:44pm
As far as I am concerned, Whitlam only features in the "May God save the Queen, because nothing will save the Governor General" and those Leggos television commercials. Other than that, I have not heard shhtuff from him. I did not even remember his death notice.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:57pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:44pm:
As far as I am concerned, Whitlam only features in the "May God save the Queen, because nothing will save the prime minister" and those Leggos television commercials. Other than that, I have not heard shhtuff from him. I did not even remember his death notice.

That's a shame.

He spoke fondly of you.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 12th, 2024 at 5:11pm
“. . .nothing will save the Governor General. . .”

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 12th, 2024 at 6:26pm
Was a very good man!!

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 12th, 2024 at 6:39pm
The contrast between Gough and SA Premier at the time Don Dunstan was comic, Gough being such a big man and Don small beside him.

During Rudd’s Apology speech Gough stood next to Malcolm Fraser, one hand on Malcolm’s shoulder for support.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jan 12th, 2024 at 6:55pm
Well may they say 'remember the rage'... because nothing will remember Gough Whitlam!!

Me old school mate's family were French aristocracy - had the castle in Paris and all - streets named after them in Nouveau Caledonie etc... lost gold.... (arrrgh).....  he still says the French know how to handle these things - they throw up the barricades and riot in the streets when the gouvernment or governor general kick in the traces....

Here it's just business as normal.... nobody notices the latest political imposition, theft, despotism or destruction of rights......

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jan 12th, 2024 at 6:58pm

MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 12:47pm:
The Whitlam government is the textbook case of reform trumping management.

In less than three years an astonishing reform agenda leapt off the policy platform and into legislation and the machinery and programs of government.

The country would change forever. The modern cosmopolitan Australia finally emerged like a technicolour butterfly from its long dormant chrysalis.

.. and as Hunter S Thompson said in "Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas" - as we rose out of California you could almost see the high water mark where the tides of change rose.... only to fall back in disarray....

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jan 12th, 2024 at 10:40pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 5:11pm:
“. . .nothing will save the Governor General. . .”

Shows how little I paid attention to historical video footage.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 13th, 2024 at 6:13am
Well, the “Prime Minister” was Gough himself!

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Sophia on Jan 13th, 2024 at 12:09pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 10:40pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 5:11pm:
“. . .nothing will save the Governor General. . .”

Shows how little I paid attention to historical video footage.

I recall the historical video but was uncertain why it all happened that Whitlam was taken from being PM.
I was a young 20/21 year old so politics was not my forte and only what was shown in our one 26 inch tv we had in family room…. dad always put news on… loud… I never bothered to sit watch boring negative news back then.

When I was 19 in business college…I entered a fund raiser for MS and there was a few of us gals entered.
I didn’t  mind the fund raising work to do but the beauty pageant part annoyed me… especially the beach wear one! So I made a white summer flower patterned top with midriff showing… and a long matching skirt with a Sonia McMahon split up one side! Sexy without being too exposed.  And that’s as far as bather/beachwear anyone will ogle at me  ;D
So I’m sitting there in front of panel not expecting much conversation and then get asked who is our current prime minister!
I looked and answered “Gough”?
And it was correct! They looked satisfied about my “general knowledge”  ;D
Rocky…Even today thinking of that memory… I’m amazed I knew  ;D
In fact today I still don’t know a lot about politics. So it’s a good thing we come in here to learn or be reminded of past stuff re: politics …when we were young… we left it to the adults to worry about it.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Bobby. on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:36pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm:
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Yet Frazer whipped his arse in the election.    :-/

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:39pm

Bobby. wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm:
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Yet Frazer whipped his arse in the election.    :-/

No not really - News LTD whipped his arse in that election.

Whitlam had 3 elections in 3 years. News Ltd destabilized his government from day one. Much like it was with Julia Gillard.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Frank on Jan 13th, 2024 at 11:17pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:39pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm:
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Yet Frazer whipped his arse in the election.    :-/

No not really - News LTD whipped his arse in that election.

Whitlam had 3 elections in 3 years. News Ltd destabilized his government from day one. Much like it was with Julia Gillard.

So when Labor loses, it's News Corp.
When Labor wins, it's.... er....News Corp.

Have you finished your peas, duck wit?

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Bobby. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 7:39am

Frank wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 11:17pm:
So when Labor loses, it's News Corp.
When Labor wins, it's.... er....News Corp.

Have you finished your peas, duck wit?

DNA is a 'dyed in the wool' Labor man.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Gnads on Jan 14th, 2024 at 9:01am

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:57pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:44pm:
As far as I am concerned, Whitlam only features in the "May God save the Queen, because nothing will save the prime minister" and those Leggos television commercials. Other than that, I have not heard shhtuff from him. I did not even remember his death notice.

That's a shame.

He spoke fondly of you.

;D ;D

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 14th, 2024 at 10:25am

Dnarever wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:39pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm:
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Yet Frazer whipped his arse in the election.    :-/

No not really - News LTD whipped his arse in that election.

Whitlam had 3 elections in 3 years. News Ltd destabilized his government from day one. Much like it was with Julia Gillard.

Gough Whitlam was Australia's version of Donald Trump.
Known for being an alleged paedophile, rapist, Dictator and insurrectionist. Little wonder that News Limited/CIA had him removed.
"God saved the Governor-General. Nothing saved the Gough cough."

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Gnads on Jan 14th, 2024 at 11:01am

Jasin wrote on Jan 14th, 2024 at 10:25am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:39pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm:
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Yet Frazer whipped his arse in the election.    :-/

No not really - News LTD whipped his arse in that election.

Whitlam had 3 elections in 3 years. News Ltd destabilized his government from day one. Much like it was with Julia Gillard.

Gough Whitlam was Australia's version of Donald Trump.
Known for being an alleged paedophile, rapist, Dictator and insurrectionist. Little wonder that News Limited/CIA had him removed.
"God saved the Governor-General. Nothing saved the Gough cough."

You clown Gough was a liberal/lefty

nothing like republican Trump.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 14th, 2024 at 11:49am
Jaye has the brains of a butterfly.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:20pm
Hi Monk- how are you today- its been pretty quiet around here- dont you think?

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:26pm
I have been eating peanuts all morning-- very vegan I  think!!!

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:29pm
Guess I was right. Hit a chord with two posters already  ;D

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:34pm
Been busy with my orchard Agnes. We planted five trees yesterday.One was the wrong tree {Oops!} so I will shift that in the cool of the evening.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:41pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:34pm:
Been busy with my orchard Agnes. We planted five trees yesterday.One was the wrong tree {Oops!} so I will shift that in the cool of the evening.
Is it hot where you are right now--?

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:44pm
24°C forecast max, 21°C tomorrow. Taking Socks to the beach tomorrow—she loves it.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 14th, 2024 at 2:52pm
Oh dear—been working off an incomplete inventory of trees.

I have 11 rows of 6 apple trees, not 10, plus one single Improved Foxwhelp bittersharp cider apple. Hmmm.

I better go through all my email addresses and collate all the tree orders—useful to have this because Biosecurity Tas. could call I suppose—then compile a complete tree inventory and planting plan.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 3:40pm
a planting plan sounds really good. hopefully you will have a very healthy bunch of trees coming along soon!!

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 3:41pm
I wonder if Gough appreciated good orchards

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jan 14th, 2024 at 4:19pm

Gnads wrote on Jan 14th, 2024 at 9:01am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:57pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Jan 12th, 2024 at 4:44pm:
As far as I am concerned, Whitlam only features in the "May God save the Queen, because nothing will save the prime minister" and those Leggos television commercials. Other than that, I have not heard shhtuff from him. I did not even remember his death notice.

That's a shame.

He spoke fondly of you.

;D ;D

If only there was a shred of truth to give credence to your attempt at a joke.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 14th, 2024 at 7:38pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 14th, 2024 at 11:49am:
Jaye has the brains of a butterfly.

Please don't insult butterflies!      :D

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 14th, 2024 at 7:43pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 14th, 2024 at 10:25am:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:39pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 9:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 13th, 2024 at 2:16pm:
I was young...once.  My family was very much a political family.  My father was a long standing member of the ALP, he was once offered a seat for the DLP but turned it down, not being a conservative Catholic, he even met with Cardinal Mannix.  He knew most of the senior members of the ALP in South Australia, including Don Dunstan.  I remember going to Don's restaurant for my mother's sixtieth birthday and him greeting Don as an old comrade.  My sister was given for her 21st a copy of Don's cookbook and she has prized it ever since. 

Gough was a complete breath of fresh air politically. He saw out the tired old Tory government of Billy McMahon,  He ended conscription, he introduced Medibank, he brought in "no fault divorce", he introduced Indigenous Land Rights and Legal Aide, he introduced free University education, amongst other things.  He ended 23 years of Tory Rule. 8-) 8-)

Yet Frazer whipped his arse in the election.    :-/

No not really - News LTD whipped his arse in that election.

Whitlam had 3 elections in 3 years. News Ltd destabilized his government from day one. Much like it was with Julia Gillard.

Gough Whitlam was Australia's version of Donald Trump.
Known for being an alleged paedophile, rapist, Dictator and insurrectionist. Little wonder that News Limited/CIA had him removed.
"God saved the Governor-General. Nothing saved the Gough cough."

No he was the exact opposite of Trump.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 14th, 2024 at 8:20pm
agree with that Dna-- Jasin doesnt know him at all.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am
He must be like Trump.
Gough is considered the biggest BUFFOON in Australian Political history besides Harold Holt (another loser!).
Gough was known to frequent the Newtown 'wall' in his Govt Car looking for boy candy.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 15th, 2024 at 4:53am

Agnes.. wrote on Jan 14th, 2024 at 8:20pm:
agree with that Dna-- Jasin doesnt know him at all.

That is for sure. Jaye is just trying to get attention, don’t give her any.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Bobby. on Jan 15th, 2024 at 5:01am

Jasin wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am:
He must be like Trump.
Gough is considered the biggest BUFFOON in Australian Political history besides Harold Holt (another loser!).
Gough was known to frequent the Newtown 'wall' in his Govt Car looking for boy candy.

He was a homo?     :o

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Bobby. on Jan 15th, 2024 at 7:45am

Agnes.. wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 7:38am:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 5:01am:

Jasin wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am:
He must be like Trump.
Gough is considered the biggest BUFFOON in Australian Political history besides Harold Holt (another loser!).
Gough was known to frequent the Newtown 'wall' in his Govt Car looking for boy candy.

He was a homo?     :o

don't be an idiot- idiot!!!!

Don't call me an idiot - you idiot.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jan 15th, 2024 at 8:01am
If you don’t want people to call you idiot, Booby, then don’t act like an idiot.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Bobby. on Jan 15th, 2024 at 8:04am

Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 8:01am:
If you don’t want people to call you idiot, Booby, then don’t act like an idiot.

Shut up idiot.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 15th, 2024 at 8:14am
you do realise that I am the mod here Bob? You really are acting up?

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 15th, 2024 at 8:19am
a one day ban for anyone acting up and ruining Mr Whitlams topic.-

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by MeisterEckhart on Jan 15th, 2024 at 10:26am

Jasin wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am:
He must be like Trump.

OK, maybe not just like Trump... But he was a lot like Trump.

Whitlam was 6 foot 4... Trump is 6 foot 2.

Both were uber populists.

Both had a massive personal presence (although most leading politicians do).

Both were gifted with truckloads of natural charisma.

Both promised radical social change.

Both had an imperious style of governing... preferring to rule by decree.

Both initiated a radical and idiosyncratic political agenda.

Both triggered constitutional crises towards the end of their tenures.

Both left office under a cloud.

Both radically changed the way their respective nations think of themselves - as Keating said of Whitlam, 'There was an Australia before Whitlam and a different Australia after' - the same could be said of Trump.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 15th, 2024 at 11:55am
At least MeisterEckhardt gets it.
(Peccary must be choking by now ;D)

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by MeisterEckhart on Jan 15th, 2024 at 10:32pm

MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 10:26am:

Jasin wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am:
He must be like Trump.

OK, maybe not just like Trump... But he was a lot like Trump.

Whitlam was 6 foot 4... Trump is 6 foot 2.

Both were uber populists.

Both had a massive personal presence (although most leading politicians do).

Both were gifted with truckloads of natural charisma.

Both promised radical social change.

Both had an imperious style of governing... preferring to rule by decree.

Both initiated a radical and idiosyncratic political agenda.

Both triggered constitutional crises towards the end of their tenures.

Both left office under a cloud.

Both radically changed the way their respective nations think of themselves - as Keating said of Whitlam, 'There was an Australia before Whitlam and a different Australia after' - the same could be said of Trump.

And, of course, both Whitlam and Trump left office having split their respective nations in half.

In Whitlam's case, his legacy has been rehabilitated... Trump's legacy will probably remain contentious and bitter, as Nixon's has.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by AusGeoff on Jan 15th, 2024 at 11:18pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am:
He must be like Trump.
Gough is considered the biggest BUFFOON in Australian Political history besides Harold Holt (another loser!)...

Once again JaSin gets things totally wrong.  It seems
to be a habit of his across many and varied fields of
knowledge LOL.

Highest Nielsen Poll popularity ratings for each Australian prime minister since 1972:

    Bob Hawke – 75% (November 1984)
    Kevin Rudd – 74%[11] (March 2009)
    John Howard – 67% (January 2005)

    Gough Whitlam – 62% (February 1973)
    Malcolm Fraser – 56% (April 1976 and May 1978)
    Julia Gillard – 56% (July 2010)

    Tony Abbott – 47% (November 2013)
    Paul Keating – 40% (November 1994)
    William McMahon – 34% (November 1972)

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 16th, 2024 at 1:06am
Gough was tough
until he hit the rough.
Uncle Sam and John were quite enough.


Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by MeisterEckhart on Jan 16th, 2024 at 6:49am
The best comparison between Whitlam and a US president, in terms of personality and motivation, would be Roosevelt (FDR).

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Gnads on Jan 16th, 2024 at 11:10am

Agnes.. wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 8:19am:
a one day ban for anyone acting up and ruining Mr Whitlams topic.-

Ban Monk for a day as well.

It's not "Mr Whitlams" topic

It's your topic about Whitlam.

He was also a contributor to West Papua & it Melanesian people being put under the Colonial boot of Indonesia in 1965.

They've been shooting West Papuans ever since.

Good one Gough.  ::)

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Agnes.. on Jan 16th, 2024 at 3:32pm
To me he IS  Mr Whitlam--oh yes of course I will ban Monk ( to suit you)..!

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 16th, 2024 at 4:40pm

MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 10:26am:

Jasin wrote on Jan 15th, 2024 at 1:45am:
He must be like Trump.

OK, maybe not just like Trump... But he was a lot like Trump.

Whitlam was 6 foot 4... Trump is 6 foot 2.

Both were uber populists.

Both had a massive personal presence (although most leading politicians do).

Both were gifted with truckloads of natural charisma.

Both promised radical social change.

Both had an imperious style of governing... preferring to rule by decree.

Both initiated a radical and idiosyncratic political agenda.

Both triggered constitutional crises towards the end of their tenures.

Both left office under a cloud.

Both radically changed the way their respective nations think of themselves - as Keating said of Whitlam, 'There was an Australia before Whitlam and a different Australia after' - the same could be said of Trump.

Both weren't rapists who stole money from kids' cancer charities though.

Only Trump is a rapist who stole money from kids' cancer charities.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 16th, 2024 at 5:08pm
Gough was very charitable while cruising the Newtown 'Wall' for his 'boys'.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 16th, 2024 at 6:16pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 16th, 2024 at 5:08pm:
Gough was very charitable while cruising the Newtown 'Wall' for his 'boys'.
Newtown 'Wall' for his 'boys'. [/quote]

cruising the Newtown 'Wall' for his 'boys'.

No such thing.

Normally expect 100% garbage but this time you managed 200 % GARBAGE.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Dnarever on Jan 16th, 2024 at 6:22pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 16th, 2024 at 5:08pm:
Gough was very charitable while cruising the Newtown 'Wall' for his 'boys'.

Funny that his wife and 4 children don't believe that.

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by Frank on Jan 16th, 2024 at 9:08pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 16th, 2024 at 5:08pm:
Gough was very charitable while cruising the Newtown 'Wall' for his 'boys'.

You may be thinking of some judges...

Title: Re: Gough Whitlam- does anyone remember him?
Post by JaSin of Peanut Butter on Jan 16th, 2024 at 9:24pm
There's the Media's Gough.
Then there's the People who knew Gough.
There were many more than just a few Judges who cruised the streets.
Cops know a lot.  ;)

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