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Message started by steve9 on Feb 17th, 2024 at 8:57am

Title: Harry Houdini Escapism Culture Of Concern.
Post by steve9 on Feb 17th, 2024 at 8:57am
     Periodically media forums have shown a concern about mental health, at the end of such no more than audience confidence gaining statement concerns having little to no advice on reducing many poor mental health issues nor speculating where poor mental health influences maybe coming from, occasional mentioning of school education mental stresses, I’m going to attempt to theorise school education mental stresses cause human behaviour to increase thought trauma escapism.

     Watching many 1990s television documentaries about religions and pre-WW2 Nazi propaganda, how German citizenry were being thought programmed to follow Nazi leader Adolf Hitler who I could theorise was little more than a front man to blame for WW2 war crimes. Human brains are easily programmed to follow ideas, any information which conflicts with rolled over (the more statements are stated the more statements become true) media programmed beliefs, conflicting statements are often quickly ignored, inner brain fight and flight behaviours, suppliers of such conflicting information are in danger of being accused of heresy or being a traitor to the cause.

     School education has children working 6 to 8 hours each school day depending on homework. As years progress more and more work is forced upon students. Often the work is more than students can mentally cope. Many student tactics to deal with over work are: to cut corners; quickly decide what works needs to be done; how much time and effort spent on work can be gotten away with to satisfy teacher’s demands. As years pass, students learn how to cut corners, ignore selective readings, students learn to know how teachers are going to score finished work for mere passes. Students are merely being programmed to escape unnecessary work which have low scoring marks in order to spend more time on higher scoring marks, whether being consciously aware or merely carrying out programmed instinctive behaviours.

     I have attempted to speak to adults about many unknown to them ideas, most instances especially to new listeners, I witness adults spending short periods searching memories for confirming data, often because adults have no supporting memories I receive rejections, noticeably, the more adults have spent time in educational institutions the faster rejection happen. Educated adults only learn the least amount of information, rely on subconscious memory speech patterns skills of perceived intelligence to convince listeners of their superior intelligence, hurrying through daily tasks in whatever employment they have. When supposed well educated people retire from careers, they want to go fishing in a calm pond.

     I have met several high graded educated adults, such adults can be considered more repressive to new information thoughts ‘Bipolar - manic depression’ than mere average educated adults. Percentage of educated people got they’re degrees due to self-imposed better coping learning behaviours.

     School education has programmed a sense of not wanting to know any more than what’s already known, by listing to news media, hearing same ideas rolled over using same and newly introduced names of places and people, Trump daily updates.

     Explaining how earth travels around the sun at 67,000 MPH the sun having a strong gravity yet everything on earth seems not to be influenced by the sun’s gravity, as wondrous as that knowledge may seem, listeners will soon become traumatised suddenly reject further listening as too much information can’t be confirmed using existing memories, that by making several sentences to explain earth’s and sun’s gravity influences, human brains I state have been intentionally programmed using hours upon hours of forced learning of little more than trivial knowledge with a few relevant knowledge used as evidence to argue something worthwhile are being taught.

     Keeping citizenry dumb by programming: repressive new idea thought; corner cutting tasks; anger expression escapism; lazy brain attitudes; rest and relaxation when not being work employed; using childhood learnt responses learnt programming during childhood years.

     Citizenry can be told by media all manner of lies, media present many easily believed stories using well programmed into human understanding crime and scandal stories, introducing lies to justify citizenry being scammed out of wealth exampling short periods of low interest rate borrowing followed by periods of high interest rate extra charges of debt, media expert predictions of RBA interest rate cuts I recon something like crude oil prices will rise stalling rate cuts.

     Because human behaviours are so escapism from thought, repressing new memories, only caring to remember short data streams based on already known data, human behaviours are trapped in simple competition sports loving awareness.

     Believing men have walked on the moon 240,000 miles from earth merely because media created Star Wars like images, if believed, same people believe 1970s NASA launched 2 Voyager space probes having zero influence by sun’s gravity not being pulled back towards the sun, probes still continue to travel out into space away from earth and sun huge gravity influences… may as well add believable lies by religious believers “in search of god and heaven”.

     Science, the new magic, child enthusiasm encourages children to want to have an adult career in space science working for NASA, study with more intense desires to obtain good school grades.


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