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Message started by whiteknight on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:08am

Title: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by whiteknight on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:08am
Mum on Centrelink rejected from 150 rentals, as expert explains 'difficult' reality
Yahoo Finance
March 3 2024

A Gold Coast mum has been left devastated after being rejected from 150 rental properties, forcing her to uproot her life and move interstate with her kids.   :(

Single mum of three Zoe Somers started looking for a new home after the rent on her Pimpama house increased by 30 per cent to $640 per week, making it hard for her to cover rent and rising living expenses.

Zoe, who separated from her husband last year, applied for 150 homes on the Gold Coast between March and December last year, only to be knocked back each time.

Single mum Zoe Somers struggling to find rental
The Gold Coast mum applied for rentals over a six-month period and was knocked back each time.

“Initially, I was sad every time I got knocked back,” Zoe told Yahoo Finance. “I cried a lot in the beginning. Then, in the end, I was more defeated.

“I almost felt like, ‘What is the point?’. But I knew I had to do it because, if I didn’t, I faced homelessness with my kids. I didn’t want them to live in a car or a tent.” 

I'm a renter on decent money but I still can't even get a crappy studio

Single mum surviving on toast, cereal and tea faced with 'impossible choice'

Backyard rentals charge ‘vulnerable’ Aussies $250 just to pitch tent

Zoe, whose youngest child is two years old, currently receives the Single Parenting Pension and Family Tax Benefit from Centrelink and previously worked as a housekeeper for seven years.

She said she applied for properties that were actually cheaper than the rent she had been paying and even got a guarantor to help increase her chances of securing a property.

“I have an excellent rental history. I’ve been renting my whole life and started renting when I was 16,” the 35-year-old said. “I have never lost any bond, I’ve never missed a rental payment in my life, [but] it just doesn’t matter.”

Zoe Somers and kids
Zoe has now moved back to Tasmania with her kids and is living with family.
Originally from Launceston, Zoe moved to the Gold Coast eight years ago in the hopes of giving her kids better access to education and health care, along with better job opportunities for herself and her then-partner.

But, after struggling to secure a rental for her family for eight months, Zoe made the difficult decision to move back to Tasmania in February.

“In the end, I just knew I wasn’t going to get a rental and I had to go,” she said.   

Zoe said moving ended up setting her back between $5,000 and $6,000. She and her kids are now living with her mother and step-father in Launceston while she tries to secure a rental. She is about to start a new job as a cleaner.

Rental market ‘getting harder’ for single mums
Jenny Davidson, CEO of Council of Single Mothers and Their Children, said it was getting harder for single mums to compete in an increasingly competitive rental market.

“The majority of single mothers are in the private rental system, so they are not in public housing and they’re often locked out of home ownership,” Davidson told Yahoo Finance.

“Even low-income single mothers are trying to compete in the rental market and it is definitely getting harder. It is difficult for any single-income applicant to compete against double-income applicants.”

Zoe Somers and daughter
Zoe is hoping to break the "stigma" surrounding single mums. (Source: Supplied)
Davidson said single mums relying on social security payments were “even more shut out of the housing market”.

“Essentially, the only way you can get a house in those circumstances is to find something that nobody else wants,” she said.

“They are substandard rentals and they often end up not being long-term tenancies. The quality of the house can be so bad [families] aren’t able to remain in it for very long and it can also have impacts on their health. There’s a lot of ramifications.”

To keep up with rising rents, Davidson said many single mums were sacrificing family holidays and extra-curriculars for their kids, with some mums forced to forgo essential medicines and skip meals to make ends meet.

Rental vacancies plummet
Anne Crarey, executive general manager of property services at Little Real Estate which has offices across the east coast, said this was the tightest rental market she had seen in her 25-year career in the industry.

“Prospective tenants face the most challenging conditions we’ve ever seen,” Crarey said. “To have rental vacancies below 1 per cent at all of our offices is unheard of.”

The national vacancy rate reached an all-time low of 0.7 per cent in February, according to Domain’s vacancy report. Despite this, the research found the number of prospective tenants per rental listing was easing, indicating falling competition between renters.

Davidson believes single mums make “great tenants” because they are often seeking stability and will prioritise paying rent to create a safe home for their child.

Zoe also hopes to break the “stigma” around single mums, particularly those who receive Centrelink benefits.

“Being a single mum, we’re all doing our best, we’re all trying to look after our kids and give them a safe place to live,” she

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:10am

Blame Labor's mass immigration policies.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:15am

Australians are looking at mass homelessness due to mass immigration.

Homeless people generally have nothing left to lose.
We’re talking hundreds of thousands of Aussies radicalised very quickly.
It would be a disaster for the ruling parties.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by freediver on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:24am
Maybe she will have better luck in Bondi.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:35am
Set up on the steps of Parliaments ....

Winter is coming... do all those overfat arseholes want to see kids living in thin tents with 4-5 people in winter?  Do these strutting politicians even begin to understand the very real extra health problems caused by living that way long term ... from the avoidable little things like picking up leprosy, ringworm and such from the earth to long term heart health?  Do they even begin to care while fattening nicely at the troughs?

Clearly they hold such places in the same contempt as the Polish people (and everywhere else there were such enforced 'ghettoes') held the ghetto in Warsaw shown in Schindler's List.... over-crowded, filthy, disease-ridden, verminous homing for useless and filthy people who live twelve to a room... look at them - filthy because forty of them share a single cold tap and a single toilet.... must beshit people and that's why they belong there, was the view!

Look into your own inner heart of darkness - what do YOU see about your view of those living in Tent City?

Love, affection and a desire to get out there and DO something about it?  Even bring it to public attention as a crying issue for today?  Maybe call for a moratorium on MASS immigration until THIS country stabilises itself?  Maybe demand that the 'national prosperity' and 'productivity' be shared more equally... more  (gasps) equitably?

I see Labor are leaping at that with the same gay abandon they continue to leap through the hoops to perpetuate the lies about 'women's oppression' and 'wage gap' and other outright lies to suit the girls and hopefully retain some votes ... cowards all .. and now the LNP is following that same lead and crying about 'poor, poor women' - the most privileged social group in this country.... when they are of the right 'sort'.

I'm prepared to bet not.... I'll bet in your hearts of darkness you despise those who live in Tent City..... who live on the false hope of one day getting out of the ghetto and actually prospering, while simultaneously living in fear of being clubbed down and sent to the even worse gulag if they revolt, and who will line up to accept any work under any conditions just to put food on the table.

Frankly - many 'Australians' today sicken me with their greed is good ....

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:46am

whiteknight wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:08am:
Davidson believes single mums make “great tenants” because they are often seeking stability and will prioritise paying rent to create a safe home for their child.

Some do, some don't.

I had one once tell me she was three weeks late with her rent because she had to buy her kid christmas presents. That year he got from her alone, a new bike and an xbox, plus lots of other small random poo in her efforts to outspend her ex husband

I had to remind her that the best present she could give her son was a roof over her head. ::)

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Gnads on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:48am

John Smith wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:46am:

whiteknight wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:08am:
Davidson believes single mums make “great tenants” because they are often seeking stability and will prioritise paying rent to create a safe home for their child.

Some do, some don't.

I had one once tell me she was three weeks late with her rent because she had to buy her kid christmas presents. That year he got from her alone, a new bike and an xbox, plus lots of other small random poo in her efforts to outspend her ex husband

I had to remind her that the best present she could give her son was a roof over her head. ::)


Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by AusGeoff on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am

As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:19am

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

So you'd accept the ditch digger who could be made redundant tomorrow over a guaranteed income every fortnight?

Interesting... this must be a class thing....  filthy ghetto dwelling scum reliant on food thrown over the ghetto wall or smuggled in or stolen .... figuratively speaking... criminals all ....

Treat people a certain way and they will become that thing in retaliation.... so now the demand is up for the creation of a new criminal underworld... a separate kingdom of vice and corruption with its own kings and queens and other Fagans and Artful Dodgers ..... no wonder things never get better in Charles Dickens' Australia...  A Homeless Carol....

The journey from swaggie shearer on P.T./Cas/Temp who was the salt of the earth refusing to live in the girtty, shirty city and seeking work at any opportunity to break his back.... was long and difficult and sometimes bloody..... but we nearly made it.... how quickly we forget the families living in bark huts in the Snowies in winter while the pater familias was away trying to earn a quid or two.... and sometimes that pater would never come back ....................... sometimes buried by the side of the road with a simnple wooder cross inscribed - "I told you I wasn't feeling good!"

Many these days are a disgrace to the human race......... imagine putting children - no matter their 'class' - out on the streets.... and I've seen the best and the worst of women and their offspring ....

BAH!  HUMBUG!  Support the tent dwelling orphans when I can scarcely feed myself???!!!  Get on with you................ I've a business to run ................

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Laugh till you cry on Mar 7th, 2024 at 10:52am
Australians lack ideas and their whiny UK genes cause them to lie back and take it.

It is time to bring in Chinese and other construction companies to bring in innovation and to turn the industry on its head.

Wheelbarrow drivers Bobby and JSin have led Australia into the wilderness of homelessness.

The whole industry and the corrupt council processes are totally decrepit.

The isolation and boredom of dumbf**k endless suburbia is destroying initiative and intellect.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 7th, 2024 at 11:40am

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

Why isn't her ex-hubby paying some money too?
He put it in.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bias_2012 on Mar 7th, 2024 at 12:02pm
Well she had a go, but now she's decided to go back to Tasmania - normal enough decision

We all have to make decisions, even big ones, in our lives

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by aquascoot on Mar 7th, 2024 at 12:24pm
hay white knight,

stop posting on oz pol and go build some houses so the price comes down

you could also campaign for a reduction in the minimum wage which would bring construction costs down

also over zealous safety requirements like all that scaffolding you campaign for add to costs

more fossil fuels to provide cheaper power for tradies building houses would help

so would cheaper timber

so whitey here is your "to do" list

get a  job as a builders laborer
dont ask for high wages
take personal responsibility for safety on site
dig up some coal
chop down some trees

are these , very common sense measures , in line with green party policy  ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 7th, 2024 at 12:57pm

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)


Tax-free?   :-/

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Belgarion on Mar 7th, 2024 at 1:11pm
As a landlord myself until very recently I would check this womans story and her rental history before deciding to have her as a tenant or not. If what we read here is accurate I would have no problem with her.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by I, Robot on Mar 7th, 2024 at 1:17pm

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

That's a bit harsh Geoff.
Single mothers raising 3 kids and kids with no additive father around. Going by what I see of Council Workers - I think she's got the harder job of it.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 7th, 2024 at 1:20pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 12:57pm:

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)


Tax-free?   :-/

Plus, she isn't a mother for just 38 hours per week - it's a 24/7 job.

So, it works out to $4.32 per hour.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by freediver on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:27pm
Yeah, but they sleep on the job.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by aquascoot on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:29pm

freediver wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:27pm:
Yeah, but they sleep on the job.

those council workers may as well be asleep.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:37pm

aquascoot wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:29pm:

freediver wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:27pm:
Yeah, but they sleep on the job.

those council workers may as well be asleep.

I saw a bunch of council workers outside of Melbourne take
18 months to build a roundabout.    ;D

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:58pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 11:40am:

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

Why isn't her ex-hubby paying some money too?
He put it in.

Highlighted for your benefit

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 7th, 2024 at 4:02pm
Overall, single mums make great tenants. I've managed hundreds over the years, and for most housing their children is their priority.

They also tend to be cleaner then single dads, although the single dads are more inclined to fix minor things that need repairing themselves whereas most mums won't.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 7th, 2024 at 4:14pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:58pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 11:40am:

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

Why isn't her ex-hubby paying some money too?
He put it in.

Highlighted for your benefit

Isn't the Grubberment paying that money?

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 7th, 2024 at 4:16pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 4:02pm:
Overall, single mums make great tenants. I've managed hundreds over the years, and for most housing their children is their priority.

They also tend to be cleaner then single dads, although the single dads are more inclined to fix minor things that need repairing themselves whereas most mums won't.

Did any of those Mums ever ask for another way to pay the rent?   :-[

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Valkie on Mar 7th, 2024 at 5:21pm
Another dead beat, milking the system.

Just like albosleazy's mother.

Raising more parasites to milk 5ge welfare system even more.

1 child, is a mistake

3 is deliberate,stop giving her money
Take the kids off her
Sterilise her to stop he4 doing it again.
Make her get a bloody job.


Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:44pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 4:14pm:

John Smith wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 3:58pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 11:40am:

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 8:08am:
As a former landlord myself, I can tell you why I too would reject
this woman's rent application:

   Single mother.
   Three young children.
   Currently unemployed.
   Sole income Centrelink benefit.
   Poor work history.

Current single parent pension = $998.00 per fortnight.
Child support 3 children = $454.02 per fortnight.

Total tax-free benefit = $1,452.02 per fortnight (or $20/hr.)

The national Minimum Wage is $23.23/hr. before tax.


     So...  on what genuine basis is this woman complaining?
     She gets to sit on her arse all week, and earn the same as a
     local council worker slaving his guts out on a dusty roadway.

Why isn't her ex-hubby paying some money too?
He put it in.

Highlighted for your benefit

Isn't the Grubberment paying that money?

Since when does government pay child support you clown  :D

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:48pm

Valkie wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 5:21pm:
Another dead beat, milking the system.

Just like albosleazy's mother.

Raising more parasites to milk 5ge welfare system even more.

1 child, is a mistake

3 is deliberate,stop giving her money
Take the kids off her
Sterilise her to stop he4 doing it again.
Make her get a bloody job.


You're a dead set  moron you know that. How do you know an ex husband didn't ditch her with his 3 kids because he wanted to chase a bit of fluff?

Jasins not the only loser out there.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 8th, 2024 at 6:34am
Aussies forced into tents amid housing crisis | A Current Affair

Australia's rental crisis is the worst it has ever been with tent cities
growing in parks as families struggle to stay afloat.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 8th, 2024 at 6:40am

Blame mass immigration: from the Labor party:

Dan Tehan
Dan Tehan - Shadow Immigration Minister (3/3/2024)
"1.6 million coming here over 4 years is too many."

Transcript of a small part:

What should Australia's migration intake be?

well - I can tell you what it shouldn't be -
it shouldn't be as high as what it is today.

what should it be?

Well obviously we've gotta wait and see and we will announce that
in the lead up to the next election.
we've gotta wait and see what it is under this Government
and then we can work out OK what we need to do -
but I can tell you what's too high -
1.6 million people coming into this country over 4 years -
to give your viewers an idea of that -
that is the population of the city of Adelaide.
when we have a housing crisis -
when we have a rental crisis -
when people can't get in to see a doctor -
when we're seeing cuts in our infrastructure -
so the roads aren't being built  to deal with that population -
that is too high -
I went to the press club not long after the last election
and said that what we need is a proper plan when it comes to immigration
and set out what that should look like.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by AusGeoff on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:08am

John Smith wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:48pm:

Valkie wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 5:21pm:
Another dead beat, milking the system.

Just like albosleazy's mother.

Raising more parasites to milk 5ge welfare system even more.

1 child, is a mistake

3 is deliberate,stop giving her money
Take the kids off her
Sterilise her to stop he4 doing it again.
Make her get a bloody job.

You're a dead set  moron you know that. How do you know an ex husband didn't ditch her with his 3 kids because he wanted to chase a bit of fluff?

Jasin's not the only loser out there.

Of course it's a possibility that her husband left her in the lurch and
isn't paying her any child support, but without the finer details, it's
impossible to decide one way or the other on her liability or blameworthiness.

One has to ask the question:  The youngest child was only 12 months
old when the husband pissed off, so why did she even consider and
consent to having that baby when the relationship was (apparently)
already showing signs of distress?  The last thing she should have done
was to get pregnant by him—assuming he is the father.

She should've waited for some time in order to see if their relationship
would survive in the longer term.

Or did that easy $38K a year look too attractive to miss out on?

Remember too that this woman was in all likelihood eligible for the
Federal government's so-called baby bonus.  (This is an unknown
in this mother's case though.)

If your child was born on or after 1 July 2013,  the payment is either $5,000
or $3,000 depending on your situation. For a first child, you will be eligible
for the $5,000 payment. For any subsequent children, you will receive
the $3,000 baby bonus.

I guess—ultimately—it's hard to comment definitively based on the
lightweight depth of the media reporting, with no real, in-depth back
story.  As per usual, it's all about a dramatic/sad/heart-rending headline
only, and fuck doing the hard yards to get to the heart of the story.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by AusGeoff on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:24am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 6:40am:
Blame mass immigration: from the Labor party...

Not necessarily...

Under Scott Morrison, immigrant numbers first peaked at 618,300 in March 2020. 
In June last year (2023) under Labor, numbers peaked at 737,170.  Labor's higher
numbers are accounted for by the post-COVID influx of migrants after June 2021.


Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by aquascoot on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:39am
this is a fantastic opportunity for her to teach her kids resilience

if she can remain positive.

not quit trying

not complain

work hard, stay the course and teach the kids gratitude and personal responsibility, she will be setting them up for success.

this is the path of the superior single mother

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 8th, 2024 at 10:59am

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 6:40am:
Blame mass immigration: from the Labor party...

Not necessarily...

Under Scott Morrison, immigrant numbers first peaked at 618,300 in March 2020. 
In June last year (2023) under Labor, numbers peaked at 737,170.  Labor's higher
numbers are accounted for by the post-COVID influx of migrants after June 2021.


Both major parties have been complicit in the mass immigration program -
all done without the support of the Australian people.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:40pm

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:08am:

John Smith wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 7:48pm:

Valkie wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 5:21pm:
Another dead beat, milking the system.

Just like albosleazy's mother.

Raising more parasites to milk 5ge welfare system even more.

1 child, is a mistake

3 is deliberate,stop giving her money
Take the kids off her
Sterilise her to stop he4 doing it again.
Make her get a bloody job.

You're a dead set  moron you know that. How do you know an ex husband didn't ditch her with his 3 kids because he wanted to chase a bit of fluff?

Jasin's not the only loser out there.

Of course it's a possibility that her husband left her in the lurch and
isn't paying her any child support, but without the finer details, it's
impossible to decide one way or the other on her liability or blameworthiness.

One has to ask the question:  The youngest child was only 12 months
old when the husband pissed off, so why did she even consider and
consent to having that baby when the relationship was (apparently)
already showing signs of distress?  The last thing she should have done
was to get pregnant by him—assuming he is the father.

She should've waited for some time in order to see if their relationship
would survive in the longer term.

Or did that easy $38K a year look too attractive to miss out on?

Remember too that this woman was in all likelihood eligible for the
Federal government's so-called baby bonus.  (This is an unknown
in this mother's case though.)

If your child was born on or after 1 July 2013,  the payment is either $5,000
or $3,000 depending on your situation. For a first child, you will be eligible
for the $5,000 payment. For any subsequent children, you will receive
the $3,000 baby bonus.

I guess—ultimately—it's hard to comment definitively based on the
lightweight depth of the media reporting, with no real, in-depth back
story.  As per usual, it's all about a dramatic/sad/heart-rending headline
only, and fuck doing the hard yards to get to the heart of the story.

Again,  you morons just make it up as you go  . You have no idea if there were any signs the marriage was in trouble before she got pregnant to her last child. So stop pretending you have a clue. 

Lots of women lose their sex drive when pregnant,  they get moodie, and some dirt bag husbands go looking elsewhere.  A large number of break ups occur after a pregnancy. 

The fact remains no one has enough information about this women's situation and idiots making it up to suit their agenda don't help anyone,  let alone themselves.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Frank on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:59pm
Tough Love

The sexual revolutionaries wanted to liberate sexual relations from all but the merest biological content. Henceforth such relations were not to be subject to restrictive bourgeois contractual arrangements—or, heaven forbid, sacraments—such as marriage; no social stigma was to attach to any sexual conduct that had hitherto been regarded as reprehensible. The only criterion governing the acceptability of sexual relations was the mutual consent of those entering upon them: no thought of duty to others (one's own children, for example) was to get in the way of the fulfillment of desire. Sexual frustration that resulted from artificial social obligations and restrictions was the enemy, and hypocrisy—the inevitable consequence of holding people to any standard of conduct whatsoever—was the worst sin.

That the heart wants contradictory, incompatible things; that social conventions arose to resolve some of the conflicts of our own impulses; that eternal frustration is an inescapable concomitant of civilization, as Freud had observed—all these recalcitrant truths fell beneath the notice of the proponents of sexual liberation, dooming their revolution to ultimate failure.

The failure hit the underclass hardest. Not for a moment did the sexual liberators stop to consider the effects upon the poor of the destruction of the strong family ties that alone made emergence from poverty possible for large numbers of people. They were concerned only with the petty dramas of their own lives and dissatisfactions. But by obstinately overlooking the most obvious features of reality, as did my 17-year-old patient who thought that men's superior physical strength was a socially constructed sexist myth, their efforts contributed in no small part to the intractability of poverty in modern cities, despite vast increases in the general wealth: for the sexual revolution has turned the poor from a class into a caste, from which escape is barred so long as that revolution continues.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 8th, 2024 at 1:16pm
Oh, dearie, dearie, me, Soren I never took you for a religious fundamentalist.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Frank on Mar 8th, 2024 at 1:52pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 1:16pm:
Oh, dearie, dearie, me, Soren I never took you for a religious fundamentalist.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Well, you are a moron, Bbwian, so what you surmise is always wrong. There  is zero reference to religion, fundamentalist or otherwise, in that extreact or indeed the entire article. But you being a Bbwianesque ijit, you will always get the crappy end of any stick - even if it doesn't exist!

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 8th, 2024 at 5:41pm

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:59pm:
Tough Love

Isn't that the same excuse guys who abuse their wives use?

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Frank on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:44pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 5:41pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:59pm:
Tough Love

Isn't that the same excuse guys who abuse their wives use?


There is a class of women who have 4 kids from 7 different fathers. You read about them as victims on the ABC.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Gordon on Mar 8th, 2024 at 8:36pm
Maybe someone should tell the dope to get a job.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 8th, 2024 at 8:54pm

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:44pm:

John Smith wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 5:41pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:59pm:
Tough Love

Isn't that the same excuse guys who abuse their wives use?


There is a class of women who have 4 kids from 7 different fathers. You read about them as victims on the ABC.

There are 10s of 1000s of them -
they don't even know the names of the fathers.    ::)

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 8th, 2024 at 9:02pm

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:44pm:

John Smith wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 5:41pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:59pm:
Tough Love

Isn't that the same excuse guys who abuse their wives use?


There is a class of women who have 4 kids from 7 different fathers. You read about them as victims on the ABC.

There is a class of man that has 4 kiss to 4 different mothers.  Your point?

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Bobby. on Mar 8th, 2024 at 9:09pm
4 kiss or  4 kids?

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 9th, 2024 at 6:27am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 9:09pm:
4 kiss or  4 kids?

Phones autocorrect.  Should read kids

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Frank on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:41am

John Smith wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 9:02pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 7:44pm:

John Smith wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 5:41pm:

Frank wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:59pm:
Tough Love

Isn't that the same excuse guys who abuse their wives use?


There is a class of women who have 4 kids from 7 different fathers. You read about them as victims on the ABC.

There is a class of man that has 4 kiss to 4 different mothers.  Your point?

People make their mis/fortunes.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by AusGeoff on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:51am

John Smith wrote on Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:40pm:
...Again,  you morons just make it up as you go  . You have no idea if there were any signs the marriage was in trouble before she got pregnant to her last child. So stop pretending you have a clue. 

Lots of women lose their sex drive when pregnant,  they get moodie, and some dirt bag husbands go looking elsewhere.  A large number of break ups occur after a pregnancy. 

The fact remains no one has enough information about this women's situation and idiots making it up to suit their agenda don't help anyone,  let alone themselves.

Well, to start with John, I'm by no means a "moron", as you appear to
suggest.  You don't know me, you've never met me, and you have zero
knowledge of my educational qualifications, or my work history, or even
my worldly experiences assimilated over decades. 

It's a very presumptuous opinion, and ultimately worthless.     Sorry.

And yes, of course I acknowledge that "lots of women lose their sex drive
when pregnant, and get moody".  It's known as postpartum depression. 
But in the case of this woman, you (or I) don't really know.  It'd be extremely
unlikely to be pervasive after two years—from when her last child was born.

New research shows that a fifth of couples break up in the first year
after the baby is born and the most common reason is a diminishing
sex life, constant arguing and lack of communication.

And—unlike you do so often here—I never just "make it up as I go".
I invariably carry out my due diligence, and list a reference that supports
the claims I'm making.  Which you should've done when you posted
"a large number" of break ups occur after a pregnancy.    Tsk, tsk.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Gnads on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:59am

Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 7th, 2024 at 10:52am:
Australians lack ideas and their whiny UK genes cause them to lie back and take it.

It is time to bring in Chinese and other construction companies to bring in innovation and to turn the industry on its head.

Wheelbarrow drivers Bobby and JSin have led Australia into the wilderness of homelessness.

The whole industry and the corrupt council processes are totally decrepit.

The isolation and boredom of dumbf**k endless suburbia is destroying initiative and intellect.

We don't need the Chinese Belt & Road Debt Trap machine in this country.

They already own too much here now.

You genes need some severe splicing with some intelligence.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 9th, 2024 at 11:08am

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:51am:
Well, to start with John, I'm by no means a "moron", as you appear to
suggest.  You don't know me, you've never met me, and you have zero
knowledge of my educational qualifications, or my work history, or even
my worldly experiences assimilated over decades. 

Thats right, I don't know any of that. All I can base my opinions on are your posts, and based on your posts, you are most definitely a moron. Unless you can find some other adjective to describe someone who makes up stories so as to judge someone they know absolutely nothing on.

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:51am:
It's known as postpartum depression.
But in the case of this woman, you (or I) don't really know

Thats right, and because I don't know, I haven't condemened or blamed her for her position.

You on the other hand, despite not knowing, had no problem condemning her for randomly having children with various men so as to collect the dole, and then when that mistake was pointed out to, still determined to put all the blame on her, you blamed her for falling pregnant despite 'knowing' her marriage was in trouble. All with absolutely no knowledge of her particular situation.

And this is not the first time you've pulled this sort of stunt.

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 9th, 2024 at 11:11am

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:51am:
And—unlike you do so often here—I never just "make it up as I go".
I invariably carry out my due diligence, and list a reference that supports
the claims I'm making. 

;D ;D ;D ;D

I doubt you know what the word even means

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by Gnads on Mar 9th, 2024 at 11:36am

A single Mum who is camped in the Charleville Showgrounds walks into the downtown Community Services office, trailed by 15 kids...

"WOW," the social worker exclaims, "Are they ALL YOURS???"

"Yep they are all mine," the flustered woman sighs, having heard that question a thousand times before.

She says, "Sit down Leroy. All the children rush to find seats.

"Well," says the social worker, then you must be here to sign up. I'll need all your children's names."

"This one's my oldest - he is Leroy."
"OK, and who's this one?" Well, this one he is Leroy, also."
The social worker raises an eyebrow but continues. One by one, through the oldest four, all boys, all named Leroy. Then she is introduced to the eldest girl, named Leighroy!

"All right..." says the caseworker, "I'm seeing a pattern here. Are they ALL named Leroy?"

Their Mother replied, "Well, yes - it makes it easier.

When it is time to get them out of bed and ready for school, I just yell 'Leroy!'

An' when it's time for dinner, I just yell 'Leroy!' an' they all come a runnin.'

An 'if I need to stop the kid who's running into the street, I just yell 'Leroy' and all of them stop.

It's the smartest idea I've ever had, naming them all Leroy."

The social worker thinks this over for a bit, then wrinkles her forehead and says tentatively,

"But what if you just want ONE kid to come, and not the whole lot?"

"Ah, that's so easy," said the woman.

"Then I just call them by their last names."

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by aquascoot on Mar 9th, 2024 at 12:17pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 11:11am:

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:51am:
And—unlike you do so often here—I never just "make it up as I go".
I invariably carry out my due diligence, and list a reference that supports
the claims I'm making. 

;D ;D ;D ;D

I doubt you know what the word even means

ah john, theres simply no comparison between the quality of your posts and geoffs post.

his are quite useful

you have never posted anything useful in 10 years.

its all just , quite low level trolling

Title: Re: Centrelink Mum Rejected From 150 Rentals
Post by John Smith on Mar 9th, 2024 at 12:47pm

aquascoot wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 12:17pm:

John Smith wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 11:11am:

AusGeoff wrote on Mar 9th, 2024 at 10:51am:
And—unlike you do so often here—I never just "make it up as I go".
I invariably carry out my due diligence, and list a reference that supports
the claims I'm making. 

;D ;D ;D ;D

I doubt you know what the word even means

ah john, theres simply no comparison between the quality of your posts and geoffs post.

his are quite useful

you have never posted anything useful in 10 years.

its all just , quite low level trolling

Not sure if you've realised it or not, but the less an idiot like you likes my posts, the happier I am.  I'd be more concerned if someone with your judgement actually liked my posts. That would be a sure sign I'm doing something wrong.

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