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Message started by Brian Ross on Apr 13th, 2024 at 1:13pm

Title: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 13th, 2024 at 1:13pm
Duck hunting season begins in Victoria despite inquiry recommending it be outlawed ::)

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Baronvonrort on Apr 13th, 2024 at 9:54pm

Demand for duck hunting licences surges as compulsory shooting tests loom

1 month ago

All publicity is good publicity, an observation that rings true as interest in duck hunting rises in the wake of Victoria’s threats to ban the sport.

Now that a ban has been ruled out by the state government, there appears to be strong demand to sit Waterfowl Identification Tests (WIT), which are compulsory before gaining a waterfowl hunting licence.

Field & Game Australia is running a campaign to have 2500 people sit the WIT this year, and is running subsidised courses at just $10.

The Electrical Trades Union (ETU), which ran a strong campaign against the now-abandoned attempt to ban duck hunting, reports being “inundated” by members who want to take up the sport, and next week it will host a free duck identification training night followed by a WIT at its North Melbourne headquarters (see image above).

The SSAA is running courses at $90 each.

Meanwhile, the Victorian government has confirmed it will implement the Waterfowl Wounding Reduction Action Plan that will mandate shooting tests for bird hunters as part of the licensing process.

The action plan was prepared by a group comprising hunting organisations such as the SSAA and Field & Game, the Victorian Game Management Authority, animal welfare representatives and international consultants on bird hunting.

The tests will require shooters to hit a minimum number of clay targets in a practical test designed to simulate ducks in flight. They may also have to show they can estimate ranges.

Regulations for the testing will be drawn up this year and introduced before the 2025 duck hunting season.

Once the regulations are in place, all new licence applicants will have to pass the proficiency test and existing hunting licence holders will be encouraged to do the test.

A similar test will be implemented for deer hunters in the future.

The change is likely to be a boon for gun clubs, who will not only be encouraged to host the tests but will have the opportunity to provide training prior to tests, earning income and potentially enlisting new members.

“We are delighted that Minister Dimopoulos has committed to finalising and implementing the action plan that provides a clear pathway for hunting to continue while meeting community expectations,” SSAA Victoria’s hunting development manager, David Laird, told The Weekly Times.

You can get a semi auto Cat C shotgun for clay target shooting.

If you have a Cat C shotgun for clay target shooting you cannot hunt with it you must buy another Cat B shotgun for hunting.

It looks like practical test will be a boon for clay target shooting clubs.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Jasin on Apr 13th, 2024 at 9:55pm
Dnarever is on the run.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by UnSubRocky on Jun 9th, 2024 at 10:25pm
It is wabbit season all year around.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jun 10th, 2024 at 6:15pm
It just might be that an outright ban on duck hunting would be seen as racism, because all but Aboriginal people would be banned.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Jasin on Jun 14th, 2024 at 2:35pm
Wabbits are so hard to trap for want of using the illegal methods.
Not even my speargun (untied) got close.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jun 19th, 2024 at 9:10am
Back in the day when it was legal to have a silencer we used to set up near a warren and head shoot rabbits [for market] as they came out, they took little notice of their mates falling over.

Silencers are now illegal in Australia but not in NZ or the UK, go figure.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sophia on Jul 6th, 2024 at 8:46am
I ask… why shoot ducks? I’d there a shortage of food in Victoria? Are we going through a famine?
We have a large pond/dam here and wetland birds and ducks galore. Every year we’ve watched them come back to have their little baby ducklings. It’s beautiful nature to watch.
Watching them waddle across our yard in front of house, as mamma and Pappa duck protect their little ones… one parent in front of family … other parent at back keeping an eye out and ready to defend.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Baronvonrort on Jul 8th, 2024 at 5:20pm

Sophia wrote on Jul 6th, 2024 at 8:46am:
I ask… why shoot ducks? I’d there a shortage of food in Victoria? Are we going through a famine?

People hunt ducks to eat them free range duck is tasty.

There is a bag limit on how many you can take.

The aborigines don't have a duck hunting season they can shoot them all year round.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jul 12th, 2024 at 10:31am

Sophia wrote on Jul 6th, 2024 at 8:46am:
I ask… why shoot ducks? I’d there a shortage of food in Victoria? Are we going through a famine?
We have a large pond/dam here and wetland birds and ducks galore. Every year we’ve watched them come back to have their little baby ducklings. It’s beautiful nature to watch.
Watching them waddle across our yard in front of house, as mamma and Pappa duck protect their little ones… one parent in front of family … other parent at back keeping an eye out and ready to defend.

They taste delicious and hunting is a cultural tradition.
Besides which the more ducks that are taken the less there are to gobble the rice crops in the Riverina.

Ducks and the so-called Wood Ducks are smart; the same ones that come for a handout in the local park will take off at the sight of a human when on a dam out on a farm.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by freediver on Jul 14th, 2024 at 5:31pm

I ask… why shoot ducks?

Because they taste so good.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Jasin on Jul 15th, 2024 at 12:24pm
Having worked in the Poultry Industry.
I would put Duck over any form of Chicken, any time when it comes to taste.
Chicken and Turkey = boring taste.
Duck = rich taste.

Plus, who wouldn't want to take a pot-shot at Dnaever on this Forum? :D

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Dnarever on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:24pm

Duck hunting season

Can anyone think of something more cowardly ?

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by freediver on Jul 15th, 2024 at 9:09pm

Dnarever wrote on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:24pm:

Duck hunting season

Can anyone think of something more cowardly ?

Ordering it from the local Chinese takeaway?

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jul 16th, 2024 at 1:04pm

Dnarever wrote on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:24pm:

Duck hunting season

Can anyone think of something more cowardly ?

Yes, letting them breed up and then having them die , by the thousands, of starvation at the next cyclical drought conditions.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jul 16th, 2024 at 1:07pm
‘’ Victorian Government response to the Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into Victoria's Recreational Native Bird Hunting

Arrangements Report Recommendations:

8. That the Victorian Government requires hunters participate in an Aboriginal cultural heritage awareness education program.

Support in full

From 2025, hunters will be required to complete Aboriginal cultural heritage awareness training and testing. DJSIR will work with Traditional Owners to develop a suitable education program, which may cover topics such as cultural heritage significance, Aboriginal heritage legislation, types of artefacts and practices to protect cultural heritage.’’

How long before the same is required of bushwalkers and all others who may go into the bush?

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Baronvonrort on Jul 17th, 2024 at 12:02am

Dnarever wrote on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:24pm:

Duck hunting season

Can anyone think of something more cowardly ?

Buying it at Coles?

Men were/are hunters women gathered it's a fact of life.

My family like some type of dead critter on our dinner plates.
Every piece of critter meat in Coles was killed by someone sometimes in questionable circumstances.

vegan.jpg (67 KB | 9 )

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Jasin on Jul 20th, 2024 at 4:12pm

Dnarever wrote on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:24pm:

Duck hunting season

Can anyone think of something more cowardly ?

Mass-Production Industry to be justified by over-populating nations who need more than a condom.

Falcons are cool. Unlike Guns, they bring the ducks back to you and don't have dog slobber on them.

Dnarever is upset because everyone takes a pot shot at him for being a lame duck.  ;D

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jul 25th, 2024 at 8:55am
I am a hunter, I still hunt at 90, mostly passive hunting though, foxes with electronic lures.
With me it’s also cultural, my family have been hunters for over a thousand years.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Jasin on Jul 25th, 2024 at 4:24pm
Who needs a gun now, when you can hunt with a Drone.
Talk about shooting around corners.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jul 25th, 2024 at 8:00pm

Jasin wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 4:24pm:
Who needs a gun now, when you can hunt with a Drone.
Talk about shooting around corners.

Where can one hunt with a drone and how is it done?

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Baronvonrort on Jul 25th, 2024 at 11:31pm

Sir Eoin O Fada wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 8:00pm:

Jasin wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 4:24pm:
Who needs a gun now, when you can hunt with a Drone.
Talk about shooting around corners.

Where can one hunt with a drone and how is it done?

Drones are becoming more common with hunting quite a few use them to find what they're looking for.

It saves walking around trying to find certain species.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jul 28th, 2024 at 8:33pm

Baronvonrort wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 11:31pm:

Sir Eoin O Fada wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 8:00pm:

Jasin wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 4:24pm:
Who needs a gun now, when you can hunt with a Drone.
Talk about shooting around corners.

Where can one hunt with a drone and how is it done?

Drones are becoming more common with hunting quite a few use them to find what they're looking for.

It saves walking around trying to find certain species.

But that is not hunting with a drone, that’s hunting accompanied by a drone.

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by Jasin on Jul 29th, 2024 at 3:54pm
Ever see a Drone whack a Pheasant out of the sky?
Ever see a Drone blow a Wild Pig to bits upon impact?

Drones are another 'technology' that will do more harm than good... just like Nukes.  ;)

Title: Re: Duck hunting season begins in Victoria
Post by tallowood on Jul 29th, 2024 at 5:08pm

Jasin wrote on Jul 25th, 2024 at 4:24pm:
Who needs a gun now, when you can hunt with a Drone.
Talk about shooting around corners.

Duck cannon looks better and has nice boom boom  :P

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