Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Fracturing of Australia

Message started by Frank on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:40pm

Title: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:40pm

Australia each month looks more like a country riven by two cultures – fooling itself that because it has no duplication of the Biden-Trump political clash and has compulsory voting that it has avoided the cultural schism that plagues America and other Western nations.

We are kidding ourselves. The nation is more divided than ever about fundamental values leading to a growing cultural chasm with two sure consequences: it is far more difficult to achieve national interest policies and once a society is split on values then mutual trust quickly evaporates. This is Australia’s plight.

We cannot get things done because we disagree fundamentally. Every sign is the situation is getting worse. The cultural schism is not a straight binary split but more a series of intersecting splits. The best political summary, though simplified, is surging progressivism on the attack against the liberal and conservative tradition. The diversity of the chasm reveals its complexity – it includes identity politics, the climate threat, minority rights, rac­ism, environmentalism, educa­tional instruction, Australia’s history, migrant policy, religious freedom and Indigenous justice.

Above all, it is a conflict over morality. That’s what makes it intractable. The driving force is the rejection of the existing moral order. Many of these political conflicts can be reduced to a moral severance as two competing cultures evolve. The voice referendum merely highlighted the nation’s wider fracture.

Education is at its epicentre. It is no accident that a week ago Peter Dutton warned that university education was being corrupted with students increasing taught “what to think”, not “how to think”; with places of higher education now becoming “places of indoctrination”.

The Opposition Leader called for a societal-wide effort to purge indoctrination in education, a sentiment widely shared on the conservative side of politics. He said anti-Semitism was tied to ideology and propaganda in education, a stance certain to inflame institutional resistance given the education sector and the universities are the originating cradle of progressive politics and its causes.

Greens leader Adam Bandt refused on the ABC Insiders program last weekend to endorse the idea of a Jewish state in the Middle East, accused Labor and Liberals of backing genocide and human-engineered famine, and mobilised the Greens against Labor as the banner-carriers of the Palestinian cause and spearhead of anti-Israeli sentiment across Australia. At the same time, Jewish Liberal MP Julian Leeser has declared racism is no longer seen as an objective and moral truth but is manipulated as a subjective tactic for political ends, with the Greens now a racist party worse than One Nation.

The most revealing feature of the Laura Tingle furore on racism was the astonishing article in The Sydney Morning Herald by the new Labor-appointed Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner, Giridharan Sivaraman, who announced that racism “is embedded in our society and culture” and that it operates as a function of “power and privilege”. He said our “settler colonial history is ongoing”, that systematic racism needs to be identified and that racism is in our schools, hospitals, dealings with police, getting a job and renting a property.

Sivaraman said the Australian Human Rights Commission is devising a new national anti-racism framework for governments to approve. His agenda means the nation under Labor can expect a far greater focus on our systemic racism in the cause of human rights.

Of course, there is racism in Australia but Sivaraman’s stance seems a virtual endorsement of the disastrous critical race theory (propounded in the US by academics Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic) that says “racism is present everywhere and always” – the more you look for racism the more racism you find because it was always there. Tackling racism is an important issue but treating Australia as a nation where racism is embedded and systematic – an article of faith for many progressives – will guarantee more social conflict and greater division in the nation. Progressives have learnt nothing from the referendum defeat.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by chimera on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:55pm

Frank wrote on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:40pm:
Progressives have learnt nothing from the referendum defeat.

Fantastic! They probably think the vote was defeated.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 1st, 2024 at 3:10pm

chimera wrote on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:55pm:

Frank wrote on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:40pm:
Progressives have learnt nothing from the referendum defeat.

Fantastic! They probably think the vote was defeated.

Clearly the Labor states didn't notice that small defect...... they just decided to ride rough shod over their majority people as if by some right.... the Right to Rule...

Clearly they WANT to lose the coming elections.... nobody can be that stupid.  Told yez about Albo's Big Plan - to rid Labor of its dead wood in the 'academics' and so forth and bring the workers to the fore again.... get Labor back to its genuine roots before they root it completely.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Jasin on Jun 1st, 2024 at 3:13pm
Australia will fracture into many 'independent nations' of their own accord when the CIVIL WAR expels the Yankee 'Unionists' back to North America with their Eureka Stockade wank-rubbish.

Nations like New England, Cape York, Riverina, Orara, Wimmera, Ngarkat, Centralia, Monaro, Hunter, Capricornia, Pilbara, Kimberley, Arnhem and many more.

This will culturally enrich this continent far more than some bland 'one nation' bore where you travel the entire length of the continent and still see the same shyte from where you came from.

There was a time where crossing the border of NSW and Victoria gave a very different cultural experience where you didn't get 'the same thing' on many levels.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Sir Eoin O Fada on Jun 6th, 2024 at 6:42pm

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2024 at 3:13pm:
Australia will fracture into many 'independent nations' of their own accord when the CIVIL WAR expels the Yankee 'Unionists' back to North America with their Eureka Stockade wank-rubbish.

Nations like New England, Cape York, Riverina, Orara, Wimmera, Ngarkat, Centralia, Monaro, Hunter, Capricornia, Pilbara, Kimberley, Arnhem and many more.

This will culturally enrich this continent far more than some bland 'one nation' bore where you travel the entire length of the continent and still see the same shyte from where you came from.

There was a time where crossing the border of NSW and Victoria gave a very different cultural experience where you didn't get 'the same thing' on many levels.

The rail gauge changed as well.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 6th, 2024 at 6:49pm
That's the aim - small unofficial states vying with one another for any tiny share of power and cash they can get... hopelessly divided and thus unable to mount an effective defence against overbearing government of dictators, which is exactly what we see developing now with the Voice By Stealth and Imposition being forced on the electorate against their express wishes.

People's Rights Forever!!

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 6th, 2024 at 6:56pm
By jingo. The propagandists will save Aussies from reality.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 6th, 2024 at 7:16pm

Is it too late for Australia to be saved and united by culture.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 6th, 2024 at 7:59pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 6th, 2024 at 6:56pm:
By jingo. The propagandists will save Aussies from reality.

Which one ARE you, Throbbo?

Paki is top right. Turd is top left.
Bbwiyawn is bottom right.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:01pm
Which one are you Frank?
Rabbi_Hamas_004.jpeg (83 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:11pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:01pm:
Which one are you Frank?

I am not a Jew, throbbo.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:12pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:01pm:
Which one are you Frank?

I am not a Jew, throbbo.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:13pm

Frank wrote on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:12pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 6th, 2024 at 8:01pm:
Which one are you Frank?

I am not a Jew, throbbo.

They rejected you?

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by John Smith on Jun 6th, 2024 at 9:33pm
Franks not jewish. He never had his foreskin removed,  instead he had his brain circumcised.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 6th, 2024 at 11:15pm
That, son - is known around here as a five skin.... size matters ...

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Yadda on Jun 7th, 2024 at 12:16am

We seem to have forgotten that 'social boundaries' were put in place, and were respected, to protect us [collectively],
and to protect the 'comfortable norms' which we all accepted,
well, which 99% of us accepted.

When an individual disrespected social boundaries, we use to call him a criminal.

Today, when we witness almost everyone disrespecting social boundaries,
we can only conclude that the anarchists must have had a very good PR machine !
/sarc off

anarchism = = belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis.

Monty Python, in Australia, in 2024

'Life imitating art'......

Monty Python - Life of Brian - PFJ Union meeting
02 min
Nov 29, 2007


A lot of people are slowly coming to recognise that......
'The lunatics are in charge of the asylum!'

In this video, Jordan Peterson talks about our recent [social] propensity to seek to breakdown 'fences' with abandon.

And perhaps we are now, simply beginning to witness [collectively] the consequence of our lack of self restraint ?

Dr. Jordan Peterson airs Pride Month grievances
06 min
June 4th, 2024


Famed psychologist details his problems with annual ‘celebration of sexuality.’

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Yadda on Jun 7th, 2024 at 1:46pm

"Fracturing of Australia"

To end and to heal a fractured society, in Australia, is not such a difficult fix.

Much of the divisiveness in Australia in 2024, imo,
is being caused,       by [for many decades] our LAWMAKERS choosing to be WOKE and PC,
and choosing to 'wink' at the widespread [serious] LAWLESSNESS which is apparent, in Australian society.

A widespread LAWLESSNESS in today's society which we all witness to.

Widespread LAWLESSNESS [i.e. injustice!] in any society of men,   >> will cause <<   widespread chaos and confusion [to be felt within individuals] in that society.

It must !


Matthew 7:23
[Jesus said].....And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me,
ye that work iniquity.

In scripture, the word 'iniquity' is interchangeable with LAWLESSNESS.

So, how to mend 'the breach' which we can easily recognise, in this society, 2024 ?

Simply, if our politicians would choose to 'turn around',
and if they were determined to enact and enforce   >> righteous and just laws, <<
then, i suspect that 90%-95% of Australians would applaud our politicians.

And i feel confident, that most of the citizens of Australia would also choose,
to abide by [what they saw as] righteous and just laws, wherever those laws were strongly enforced.


Undeniably sensible laws, like these ----- >

Matthew 19:17
[Jesus said].....if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
18  He saith unto him, Which?
Jesus said,
Thou shalt do no murder,
Thou shalt not commit adultery,
Thou shalt not steal,
Thou shalt not bear false witness,
19  Honour thy father and thy mother: and,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Jesus said....
John 8:51
Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Where is, what is, the difference,
between error,
and truth ?

We are all a witness to that difference, in Australia, 2024.


Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 7th, 2024 at 2:01pm
Yadda's dream. When Australia fractures and cracks Yadda will be sucked in.

Its the only suck Yadda can get.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 7th, 2024 at 2:23pm
LTYC is a clear reason for cutting back on childish access to social media....

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 7th, 2024 at 2:25pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 7th, 2024 at 2:23pm:
LTYC is a clear reason for cutting back on childish access to social media....

Yadda has found another service provider. GTTF.

GTTF's gullet needs a reline to satisfy his 'users'.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Yadda on Jun 7th, 2024 at 9:51pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 7th, 2024 at 2:01pm:

Yadda's dream.

When Australia fractures and cracks Yadda will be sucked in.


1/ If i could choose,
i would choose [and desire] to live in a society where righteousness, and right actions were the common behaviour of its inhabitants.

2/ If i could choose,
i would choose NOT to live in a society where LAWLESSNESS was tolerated, and where LAWLESSNESS was the common behaviour of its inhabitants.



Many persons would, for themselves,
desire to live in a nation where both peace and prosperity are prevalent, and the norm.

Yet it seems, that many of those very same persons would say,
"No restrictive laws for me!!"        and,
"I do not want the laws of this nation to restrict MY choices.
But i want everyone to respect MY rights and MY freedoms."

Yadda said....


Where is, what is, the difference,
between error,
and truth ?

We are all a witness to that difference, in Australia, 2024.



Each of us, make many, many choices, every day of our lives.

Each choice we make, will always have some consequence.

It isn't rocket science.


Psalms 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
2  He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
3  And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.
4  Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.

Psalms 125:1
They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.
2  As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.
3  For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.
4  Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.
5  As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 8th, 2024 at 12:48am

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Albert Einstein

Einstein_2.jpg (28 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:11am
Muslim leader Sheik Wesam Charkawi driving the bid to topple Labor in southwest Sydney

Community leader Wesam Charkawi is mobilising the Muslim vote across key southwest Sydney federal seats to topple Labor at the next election as prominent figures warned the ALP of electoral abandonment.

Sheik Charkawi, a Western Sydney University PhD candidate, is the brains and organiser behind The Muslim Vote campaign, The Australian can reveal.

It is one among many websites to emerge recently targeting Muslim Australians to support pro-Palestine candidates or oust sitting members who are not, including some Laborministers, and rates them on their voting record and stance on Israel.

The emergence of such campaigns, and popular and well-connected figures such as Sheik Charkawi driving them, will remain a headache for Labor HQ until and during the federal election, likely to be early next year.

Last month Sheik Charkawi – a Sunni Muslim – led calls for the dismissal of ASIO chief Mike Burgess, who had said Sunni Islamic extremism posed the “greatest religi­ously motivated threat in Australia”.

The Australian revealed in April how Labor feared key Sydney heartlands, such as Jason Clare’s Blaxland, Anne Stanley’s Werriwa and Tony Burke’s Watson, could be at risk, given community anger about the Gaza war.

Sheik Charkawi, a frequent presence at the University of Sydney’s pro-Palestine encampment, was unreachable but has told his large following “things were in motion” for the next election and the Muslim vote had been “taken for granted”.

Outside Parramatta MP Andrew Charlton’s electorate office – another seat the campaign has targeted – Sheik Charkawi said it was “time to change the status quo” and a campaign was “mobilising for the election”.

Last month the campaign warned Labor its stance on the war would cost it at the election, particularly among young voters, saying it was “alienating its base”.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 29 of the 151 federal electorates have 5 per cent or more people of Islamic faith – 27 of those 29 seats are held by Labor.

Of those 29, 16 are held by Labor on margins of 10 per cent or more, and at the previous election it suffered primary vote swings against it of up to 18.5 per cent.

Six of the 10 biggest swings were in seats with large Muslim communities. Mr Clare’s Blaxland and Mr Burke’s Watson are each held with about a 15 per cent margin. Muslim voters make up 35 per cent and 27 per cent respectively in the two seats.

Southwest Sydney Muslim leaders said the party would be naive to think it wouldn’t suffer at the polls.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:31am
Well - it has to be split up into - what was it - 500 to a 1000 little lingo group areas to suit the Old Overlords made over into the New Lords, with their private hunting reserves and spiritual retreats and such, via enclosure of the lands all about and ejection of the crofters....

Then I suppose every minority self-interest group is going to demand its own reserves and spiritual retreats and such - and a lot of fighting will take place between the First Settlers and the Latest Settlers over who gets to 'own' which chunk of land - could be some minor genocides involved there.... bit of dispossession and herding off their traditional lands and away from their culture.... hard to tell - for example - which will come out on top - the primitive Aborigine or the equally primitive Middle Easterner, both groups with much the same views of the universe...

Meanwhile the paid-up Owners will have to fend for themselves as best they can in the middle of all this strife... and this after Howard the Weasel Rat Coward stole all their weapons of defence.... it'll be a tough call for many .... make the Gaza Strip and families wanting to exit the fighting zones look like a candy store....  ::)

That's where stupid non-thinking and poor policy anti-thinking take us..... to the grimiest, deepest, darkest Civil War(s) that anyone has ever seen since South Africa before the British and the Dutch tamed it.

No hero to ride out of the West here these days - such a person would be called a bigot and sent packing, so I guess australia is doomed.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:34am
If Australia is waiting for rescue by Grappler and his ilk, we are surely doomed.
biden_blood_4_017.jpg (106 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:35am
Duplicate deleted

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:46am

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:35am:
Duplicate deleted

Go back to sleep....

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:47am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:31am:
Well - it has to be split up into - what was it - 500 to a 1000 little lingo group areas to suit the Old Overlords made over into the New Lords, with their private hunting reserves and spiritual retreats and such, via enclosure of the lands all about and ejection of the crofters....

Then I suppose every minority self-interest group is going to demand its own reserves and spiritual retreats and such - and a lot of fighting will take place between the First Settlers and the Latest Settlers over who gets to 'own' which chunk of land - could be some minor genocides involved there.... bit of dispossession and herding off their traditional lands and away from their culture.... hard to tell - for example - which will come out on top - the primitive Aborigine or the equally primitive Middle Easterner, both groups with much the same views of the universe...

Meanwhile the paid-up Owners will have to fend for themselves as best they can in the middle of all this strife... and this after Howard the Weasel Rat Coward stole all their weapons of defence.... it'll be a tough call for many .... make the Gaza Strip and families wanting to exit the fighting zones look like a candy store....  ::)

That's where stupid non-thinking and poor policy anti-thinking take us..... to the grimiest, deepest, darkest Civil War(s) that anyone has ever seen since South Africa before the British and the Dutch tamed it.

No hero to ride out of the West here these days - such a person would be called a bigot and sent packing, so I guess australia is doomed.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 30th, 2024 at 10:06am
Islamism wants to tear down our social fabric

Islamism aims to undermine the very idea of Australia. As they do in the Middle East, Europe, the UK, Africa and elsewhere, Islamists work assiduously to delegitimise democracy, secularism and pluralism, and work towards the long-term goal of imposing their fundamentalist ideology.

We cannot tolerate it. We must expose and attack it, and work to eradicate it from our society.
We need police, bureaucrats, voters and university students to understand the goals of Islamism and how they are incompatible with our national values of democracy, personal liberty and the rule of law. It is easy to oppose violent extremism. Contesting the goals of professed non-violent Islamism requires more nuance but is equally important.

This is an ideology that is not only at odds with our national institutions and values, but hostile to them. Our leaders need to openly oppose it, authorities need to comprehend it, and we need to be able to call it out without demonising all Muslims, most of whom understand the threats of this movement better than non-Muslims.
The essence of our country, any successful country for that matter, is an idea. We are not defined by our continent, our flora and fauna, or our people – diverse and unique as they are. Australia exists because of the idea that we should populate, develop and nurture this place under our idea of democracy, rule of law, and personal liberty.

There is no shame in calling out those who aim to destroy this idea and impose a theocracy – in fact, surely it is our duty to thwart them.
Chris Kenny

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jun 30th, 2024 at 4:09pm
We are letting in barbarians like this.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Mattyfisk on Jun 30th, 2024 at 4:34pm
The old boy's just toosh we've resolved our differences and moved on.

Stopped the boats, signed up to net zero, accepted our multicultural foundations, elected teal independents and put Rupert's Culture Wars out to pasture.

You've gotta feel for him. No matter how much he tries to play racist wedge politics,  nobody cares. We've moved on.

The old boy's stuck promoting nuclear power as an alternative, just screaming desperation.

There there, old boy. If you ever get bored, you don't have to stay. You can always go back to where you came from.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jul 4th, 2024 at 7:17pm

Tucker Carlson’s Warning to Australians | Melbourne, Australia Full Speech

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jul 7th, 2024 at 10:33am
Benefactors and prospective students are plainly running a mile from the University of Sydney, whose brand has been trashed by management over its deadlocked negotiations with students protesting the war in Gaza. The standoff reached a nadir a week ago – although we’re cautious about speaking too soon – when the Muslim Students Association claimed victory over vice-chancellor Mark Scott and other university officials, announcing a deal with several concessions. The most appalling, most craven, in this series of capitulations is that the MSA will be given a seat on a working group that reviews university investment policies.

We can only imagine the fissures in the university leadership that led to this abomination. And it might also explain why the institution, so captured by its own timidity, has finally sought external advice on how to manage this palaver. Margin Call hears that it’s tapped Sue Cato, of Cato & Clive Partners, for advice and, seemingly, to try to rehabilitate the university’s battered image. Good luck with that! The retainer would have to be enormous.

First task for Cato could be to try to convince university leaders to rip up their dodgy deal with the MSA, a group with questionable ties to Hizb ut-Tahrir (a proscribed terrorist organisation in much of the world). But, given the brain-drain of sensible thinking by some at the top, something tells us that won’t be happening anytime soon.

The hate-filled terror apologists who crawled out like cockroaches from under rocks are given a seat at the table by a university.
By another craven, cowardly university.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jul 8th, 2024 at 1:12am
So many fractures being created by 'authorities' - and so many useless idiots who screech and make bonobo gestures at those of us who seek to close the gaps and keep our country whole.....

Funny thing - my views posted here, when posted in other places - get universal applause and support - here I get the dogs with fleas pretending to be intellectuals.... Souf East Queenslunders... Billy Jack's Houso Central ...

Below is the trap into which both Labor and LNP - along with the Splitters - have fallen over the past fifty years or so.... and it's not just about ethnic groups.... it's also about women, even children, Aborigines (home-grown efnic group), even work values that have changed the landscape workwise .... not to mention our style of government which has lunged enthusiastically towards a Neo-feudal style to suit itself and is something that rings so well with many ethnic groups who come from those kinds of backward countries (only here can they aspire to become the ruling elite or part thereof, and they grab the chance with both hands)...

I still have to chortle over that Indian lass who did my eye test - it's all right for anyone to come here from Nowheresville Rice Paddy Empire and get what they can because that's the way things are and those who end up on Tent City Row unable to compete or find a place in their own country are second class at best - worthless Australians too lazy and stupid to not lollygag in the warm sun all day ...  but these same people 'educated' here criticise the past treatment of and impositions on Aborigines of New Settlers reaming a living and a household out of the virgin bush, and then considering that those who ended up on Humpy City Row were worthless........ in other words - it's all right for the New Australians to tear a chunk off because that's the way of things  and it is a right to prosper - but it wasn't right for the Early Settlers to tear a chunk off and build the joint hoping to prosper without being killed or dying early .....

Gotta scratch your head at that kind of (lack of) mentality.... alief - the ability to hold two utterly conflicting beliefs in the mind at the one time.... and then still get it wrong.... got a few of those around here.... in the houses of learning they outnumber the sane people by a light year or two ... kinda like a Hollywood star with some exotic animal pet - they KNOW that thing could turn and kill them.... but they like to strut it as a family pet and safe around the tasty infants anyway....

Bloody complete idiots if you ask me...
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Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jul 8th, 2024 at 1:39am
**rattles Skanka's cage**


Another 3-odd% of the population gets a special handjob and a careful ball licking....

"The most appalling, most craven, in this series of capitulations is that the MSA will be given a seat on a working group that reviews university investment policies."
lick_his_nuts_024.jpg (32 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jul 13th, 2024 at 1:26pm
Fifth column
Does high immigration pose a security threat?

If only everyday Australians knew that only by yelling allahu akbar loud enough, even in a Western democratic, Judeo-Christian country, will our institutions give you what you want. Yet this is exactly what occurred as the powers at Sydney University capitulated to a group of campus jihadists with alleged links to a terrorist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, by granting them access to defence and security research.

Whether you take pledge one or two of Australia’s citizenship oath the intent is the same. You are pledging loyalty to Australia and its people, ‘whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect and whose laws I will uphold and obey’.Except now, our democracy is being infiltrated, cultivated, and co-opted by some of the most anti-democratic, anti-Western, anti-Christian forces in the world. According to the ABS, China now represents the second-largest state of origin for migrants to Australia. This trend is expected to escalate.

A 2015 Pew Research Centre study forecast a global surge in the Muslim population, with Australia and New Zealand among the nations expected to see the biggest rises. It is estimated the number of Muslims in Australia will grow four times more quickly than non-Muslims over the next 20 years. This is not an attack on individual Muslims, especially those who fled extremism. Yet, as evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad asks, ‘Does the Islamisation of a society lead to more freedom, more liberty, and greater individual dignity?’ Ultimately, these principles and all the little freedoms are what our Aukus submarines are designed to protect.

The Islamic population is now realising its power. Two new websites, The Muslim Vote and Muslim Votes Matter, explain how, ‘we will no longer accept being taken for granted. We are a powerful, united force of nearly 1 million acting in unison. We are focused on seats where the Muslim vote can influence the outcome. We are here for the long term’. Some may argue this is a small percentage of our population. Although T.E. Lawrence (1888-1935), who mobilised the Arab tribes in the first world war against the Turkish, recognised a successful insurgency can be achieved with only two per cent of the population and a passive sympathetic base.

‘First we come for the Saturday people, then we come for Sunday people.’ Whether Islamism or the plans of Xi, these are not single-issue movements – they’re aiming to change our society. We need a whole-of-nation approach to minimise the effects of this strategy.

This phenomenon of using our high immigration policy against us is not isolated to Australia. A December 2021 Financial Times column exposed how Europe is also grappling for ways to respond to weaponised migration alongside other tactics aimed at political and social destabilisation. EU Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borrell explains, ‘The world is full of hybrid situations where we face intermediate dynamics of competition, intimidation and coercion.’ It’s fourth-generation warfare. In his 1989 Marine Corps Gazette paper, US military theorist William Lind describes how our enemies will co-opt and deploy our own democratic forces against us. Targets would include the enemy’s culture and will to resist the opposing side’s narrative.

In his writings on the second world war, Winston Churchill lamented the fatal fallacies that beset the West during the inter-war period, or what he describes as the locust years (1931 to 1935); the delight of politicians in smooth-sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts, desire for popularity and electoral success irrespective of the vital interests of the state. And like many of our political class today, a picture of fatuity and fickleness which though devoid of guile, was not devoid of guilt, and though free from wickedness or evil design, continues to play a definite part in the unleashing upon us of an undesirable society.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Brian Ross on Jul 13th, 2024 at 1:37pm

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jul 13th, 2024 at 1:46pm
When well-educated, privileged Australian politicians and many in mainstream media can find moral equivalency for the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October 2023, we know demographic gains have been made by the Islamists since the collapse of the Isis caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

Calculating their electoral interests, many of our political class have been ambiguous in the face of atrocious attacks on Jews, even as their electorate offices are terrorised. Which must have been a shock as they thought apathy would remove them from the Islamists’ hit list. If only they knew the Arab expression, ‘First we come for the Saturday people, then we come for Sunday people.’ Whether Islamism or the plans of Xi, these are not single-issue movements – they’re aiming to change our society. We need a whole-of-nation approach to minimise the effects of this strategy.

Security is more than guns, tanks and fighter jets. Three years before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US, two senior serving officers in the People’s Liberation Army, colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, wrote Unrestricted Warfare. In this slim volume, the PLA officers advocate the use of non-military methods of waging war to defeat technologically superior opponents. Recommendations covered disrupting trade, telecommunications and transportation on which the West depends, as well as electricity grids and avenues of information technology (for instance through incessant hacking) including mass media, plus financial and economic manipulation. Now it includes migration. Check out the rise in well-nourished military-aged males with obvious haircuts coming across in the invasion of the US southern border. Aided and abetted by UN-funded Western NGOs with camps along the Central American transit routes.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:40pm
" these are not single-issue movements "

None of these movements are 'single issue' - been arguing that with Slack Kanga for ages now...

Yes - the silent invasion of immigration........... the steady infiltration of fifth and sixth and seventh columns... and the propaganda war that is creating softlings of our own kids .... ripe for the plucking... wait until they see it .....................

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:49pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:40pm:
" these are not single-issue movements "

None of these movements are 'single issue' - been arguing that with Slack Kanga for ages now...

Yes - the silent invasion of immigration........... the steady infiltration of fifth and sixth and seventh columns... and the propaganda war that is creating softlings of our own kids .... ripe for the plucking... wait until they see it .....................

The silence in Grappler's 6 inch thick cranium is broken by the sound of voices warning him of the danger of leftwingers, strangers, immigrants, Muslims, blacks, and all the other he hates.

Grappler is primed and ready to defend his country with his gums if everything else fails.

The only problem is that no country accepts hate-filled bigots. Grappler is bereft, fraught, frentic, anguished, and terrified.

Grappler stimulates his thought by simultaneous scratching of his head and anus and tries to remember which country is his country.

Grappler cries and blubbers.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Frank on Jul 13th, 2024 at 3:25pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:49pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:40pm:
" these are not single-issue movements "

None of these movements are 'single issue' - been arguing that with Slack Kanga for ages now...

Yes - the silent invasion of immigration........... the steady infiltration of fifth and sixth and seventh columns... and the propaganda war that is creating softlings of our own kids .... ripe for the plucking... wait until they see it .....................

The silence in Grappler's 6 inch thick cranium is broken by the sound of voices warning him of the danger of leftwingers, strangers, immigrants, Muslims, blacks, and all the other he hates.

Grappler is primed and ready to defend his country with his gums if everything else fails.

The only problem is that no country accepts hate-filled bigots. Grappler is bereft, fraught, frentic, anguished, and terrified.

Grappler stimulates his thought by simultaneous scratching of his head and anus and tries to remember which country is his country.

Grappler cries and blubbers.

You speaka fluent bunga dunga, Throbbo. 
Can you dance and sing traditional sorry dirges, too?

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Brian Ross on Jul 13th, 2024 at 11:13pm

Frank wrote on Jul 13th, 2024 at 3:25pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:49pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jul 13th, 2024 at 2:40pm:
" these are not single-issue movements "

None of these movements are 'single issue' - been arguing that with Slack Kanga for ages now...

Yes - the silent invasion of immigration........... the steady infiltration of fifth and sixth and seventh columns... and the propaganda war that is creating softlings of our own kids .... ripe for the plucking... wait until they see it .....................

The silence in Grappler's 6 inch thick cranium is broken by the sound of voices warning him of the danger of leftwingers, strangers, immigrants, Muslims, blacks, and all the other he hates.

Grappler is primed and ready to defend his country with his gums if everything else fails.

The only problem is that no country accepts hate-filled bigots. Grappler is bereft, fraught, frentic, anguished, and terrified.

Grappler stimulates his thought by simultaneous scratching of his head and anus and tries to remember which country is his country.

Grappler cries and blubbers.

You speaka fluent bunga dunga, Throbbo. 
Can you dance and sing traditional sorry dirges, too?

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jul 14th, 2024 at 12:26pm
There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail:
There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners,
Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me—
That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks:
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jul 14th, 2024 at 2:40pm
Australia fractured in 1788 when rapists, murderers, and trained military killers arrived.

The healing has barely started.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by thegreatdivide on Jul 14th, 2024 at 3:43pm

Frank wrote on Jun 1st, 2024 at 12:40pm:
The nation is more divided than ever about fundamental values leading to a growing cultural chasm with two sure consequences: it is far more difficult to achieve national interest policies and once a society is split on values then mutual trust quickly evaporates. This is Australia’s plight.

Ok so far, even if written by a Murdock hack; let's see how he defines "values".....

The diversity of the chasm reveals its complexity – it includes identity politics, the climate threat, minority rights, rac­ism, environmentalism, educa­tional instruction, Australia’s history, migrant policy, religious freedom and Indigenous justice.

Well, yes; but what about the cost of living crisis, the primary concern of the least well-off HALF of the population?

Above all, it is a conflict over morality.[/highlight]

BS and crap. We all want morality, justice, and fairness, but governments everywhere are presiding over cost of living crises which affects half the population badly, while CEOs are laughing all the way to the bank.  At least Trump in the US is willing to break the rules to 'MAGA'; eg low taxes, trade wars, f*ck the debt and deficit; but could he eradicate poverty in the US?

That’s what makes it intractable.

No; your comfortable halfwit conservative brain makes it intractable.

The driving force is the rejection of the existing moral order.

Read: Judeo-Christian moral order; ok, if governments practiced Christ's commandments: love God and love one-another.

But even now the Oz government is refusing to recognize the Palestinian state, the necessary FIRST step to ending the cycle of violence in the ME.  (Palestine should have been recognized when Israel was recognized, as per UN res 181).

You want to heal the nation's divisions?

Subsidize low income groups to eliminate the cost of living crisis.

All the other stuff: religious differences (and "religious freedom" bs; there is only one god), identity politics, "rights" -poorly what about the right to a job, etc ... this OZ writer is a conservative fraud.

Hopefully, Oz isn't as bad as the US, given today's events (Trump assassination attempt) ...even though the writer suggests we ARE as riven as the US.

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Gnads on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:03pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jul 14th, 2024 at 2:40pm:
Australia fractured in 1788 when rapists, murderers, and trained military killers arrived.

The healing has barely started.

You sick lying phukk

Title: Re: Fracturing of Australia
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:06pm

Gnads wrote on Jul 15th, 2024 at 7:03pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jul 14th, 2024 at 2:40pm:
Australia fractured in 1788 when rapists, murderers, and trained military killers arrived.

The healing has barely started.

You sick lying phukk

The biggest fracture in Australia is the one between Gnads' butt cheeks.

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