Quote:The stupidity of the carbon tax is due to the fact that energy is not French lipstick - its a necessity.
How is it stupid Soren? You seem confused about whether it is a tax on energy or carbon. Also, no-one needs energy, at least not in the form usually associated with carbon emissions. What we need (or at least want) are the things that that energy can give us. There are many layers of separation between carbon emissions and those final end products, all of which represent an opportunity to reduce emissions with minimal impact on quality of life, and all of which are effectively targetted by a tax.
Quote:taxing it is typically shortsighted. If yiou want an alternatife to9 crbon based energy, make it more attractive.
Actually, that is the short sighted approach, and the one that would harm the economy the most. We do not want alternative energy sources. What we want is to reduce emissions. There are lots of ways to do this. A carbon tax targets all the cheap ones, rather than the short sighted knee-jerk ones.
Quote:Taxing, only taxing, as control is the Stalinist touch.
Taxing harnesses market forces. It is you who proposes the stalinits approach, with direct government interference in how we reduce emissions, and your suggestions would be about as effective from an economic perspective as Stalinism.
Quote:But then most (or possibly not all) Greens ideas are stupid because their main interest in life is finding an outlet for their resentment.
This is not a Greens idea. It is from conservative economists. There has been a consensus among economists on the issue for a very long time. Which is impressive given economist's preference for disagreeing with each other.
Quote:But then most (or possibly not all) Greens ideas are stupid because their main interest in life is finding an outlet for their resentment. Don't trust people animated by resentment. They are buggered and will bugger you. Listening to any of the Greens senators I have the sense that these are damaged,. abused people who are working through personal issues and are using the public policy forum on the 'environment' to stage their fights with their personal demons. I have never seen or heard a Green person who wasn't shrill. These people are doing a great disservice to some good ideas by inserting themselves into the discussion.
Argumentum ad hominem. Perhaps you would like to stick to the merits of the tax rather than the motives of who you see behind the scenes pulling the strings.