freediver wrote on Mar 7
th, 2007 at 1:15pm:
You're starting to sound like a communist to me.
Have you read those lyrics to 'imagine'?
You are displaying the exact same intolerance that you despise in some religious people. The only difference is that you don't have an institution to rally behind (yet). The tolerance you see in our society is nothing inherent to Christianity. It is a rather recent addition to western culture. It involves tolerance of all people - jews, gypsies, muslims, athiests, witches etc. It is fairly independent of religion and comes and goes in societies regardles of their dominant religion. If you promote intolerance, you have no idea who it will end up being directed at. People can become intolerant and rally behind democratic institutions also, as happened in Germany.
you saw my part in ''determine your political philosophy''.
Im really more of a National Socialist, though not a full one because i believe in democracy.
My intolerace goes as far as my belief that politics and religion should be permanently seperated.
That recent addition of western society which is multiculturism will be our downfall.
Sure, the christians decided to become tolerant, the muslims have not and they have recognised our weakness and are taking advantage.
The reason western civ managed to survive was becaus we were seperated from the muslims.