Sprintcyclist wrote on May 21
st, 2008 at 11:04am:
freediver - ?????
What part was progressive for women ?
The part where husbands should beat them for disobedience, or where they are worth 1/2 a man ?
A far cry from Jesus actions and teachings, some 450 years prior.
Before Islam came many of the poorer Arabs used to bury their baby daughters alive because they were another mouth to feed and they preferred sons as sons could defend their land.
Girls were given by their fathers to settle debts and women could be inherited against their will.
In addition to that women didn't have the right to divorce, choose their husbands or inherit wealth.
When Islam came it gave women the right to choose their husbands, to divorce, to earn their own money and not have it touched by their husbands (who still had to provide for them), to inherit wealth, to vote, to have a political voice etc.
Women are also not worth half the value of a man.
And I really think you do not understand the proper meaning behind the verses you are referring to in the Qur'an when it comes to beating.
It says in the verse that if your wife is disobedient to admonish her, if she continues to do so then to refuse to share your bed with her.. If that continues and you find use in it to 'beat' her lightly. But what does it mean by beat?
In this context and by the examples of the prophet we are told that the force one should use is as if u were to beat her with a feather and even then not on the head, face or front of the body.
It is to be used in only extreme cases where it is the last option before divorcing her. It is done not to cause physical harm but to shock her into seeing the gravity of the situation.
If one goes through their marriage being very patient with their wife no matter the headaches she gives him, but then in one situation finds his wife to be doing something so abhorrent and not reforming after admonishing her and refusing to share his bed with her. Then one is allowed to 'beat' her lightly to get the message across that if she continues it will result in divorce. If up until that point in time you have been completely patient with her no matter her attitude then even if you did 'beat' her as softly as mentioned it would shock her enough to know that you are very serious.
I will also mention that the prophet Muhammad pbuh never beat his wives, he showed us that such behaviour was even abhorrent to him. He was the most patient and merciful of all men.