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Question: National service

« Created by: DILLIGAF on: Feb 24th, 2007 at 1:40pm »

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Our inadequate Armed forces (Read 29830 times)
Aussie Nationalist
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Our inadequate Armed forces
Feb 24th, 2007 at 12:06am
Lets talk about our under equipped armed forces.
EG; Why do we have no Aircraft carriers?
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #1 - Feb 24th, 2007 at 6:37am
An aircraft carrier? Wouldn't it be smarter to get something to put on it first? Like some aircraft.

Spending money on arms is a waste of time and money. It is impossible to defend a country the size of Australia with around 50,000 active military personnel.

Future wars will be fought over water and arable land. Neither of which are in abundance in Australia. So is there any real risk of invasion?

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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #2 - Feb 24th, 2007 at 8:20am
How about we train each adult when they turn 18 and then they keep a gun and a box of ammo at home. That would have to be a deterrant for the Indonesians.

We are a big country with a small population. Now, either we allie ourselves to the school bully (USA) - which we have, or we have some sort of crazy weapon we can use on invaders. By crazy, I mean a weapon which demonstrates that we are crazy and therefore not someone to risk mucking with. And this weapon has to be all out of proportion to the initial attack ie 1000 indo troops land - we nuke Jakarta. Of course, you have to have two just to be able to show you have more than 1.

Aircraft carriers are very big-budget items, and most useful when deploying force a long way from home.
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #3 - Feb 24th, 2007 at 1:31pm

Spacscilib, true words mate.
National service, thats how it should be. those who leave school, that are not going to university or an apprenticeship should be immediatly placed in national service, in the service of their choice.
And as an addition to this, people who have been unemployed for more than 6 months should be conscripted. this will please the taxpayer, their money no longer going to bludgers, but to a good cause, the defense of their country. also watch crime and obeisety drop dramatically as people become disiplined and fit.
We should have some Nukes, i agree.
And of every one owning a gun with ammo, i say yes to the gun but NO to ammo, store the ammo at police stations and should something happen, the citizens may go to the police station to pick up their ammo. warehouse it in a massive underground dump in each major town.
Well, i suppose aircraft carriers are'nt absolutely nessesary for Aus, but it would be nice to have one just as a show of naval strength. Submarines are the way to go!  
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« Last Edit: Mar 3rd, 2007 at 11:59pm by DILLIGAF »  
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #4 - Feb 24th, 2007 at 5:02pm
Aussie Nationalist - that's not a nationalist approach - you sound more like a young liberal.  So let me guess - you are going to uni or you have an apprenticeship.

those who leave school, that are not going to university or an apprenticeship should be immediatly placed in national service, in the service of their choice.
And as an addition to this, people who have been unemployed for more than 6 months should be conscripted. this will please the taxpayer, their money no longer going to bludgers, but to a good cause, the defense of their country. also watch crime and obeisety drop dramatically as people become disiplined and fit.

I would go along with AH's post - we need to be able to arm ourselves as Howard has the whole country disarmed - those who are law abiding anyway. This will not increase the amount of murders we have currently - as criminals are already armed with illegal guns and knives to assault and kill whoever they want.

If anything crime may decrease if we were permitted to carry a gun with the appropriate license and training.

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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #5 - Feb 24th, 2007 at 5:34pm
No, i have never been to university nor been an apprentice.
But i WAS in the army reserve.
Building up our armed forces IS a nationalistic approach.
Perhaps i was a bit liberal there, ive noticed my error.
ALL school leavers to have national service!
Afterall, you can serve an apprenticeship in the armed forces and attend uni at duntroon.

Oh and it wasnt Ausholes opinion about re-armament, Spascilib said it.
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #6 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 6:28am
My error Aussie Nationalist.  I agree in principle with the concept of all school leavers having to do a year's national service - although I can say that now not falling into that category.

The year after high school is a difficult one and I have seen too many teenagers who haven't a clue what they want to do with their lives.  If it was compulsory for the rich as well as the poor - it could certainly point many of those who are undecided about their future in the right direction.
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #7 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 2:26pm
Oh and it wasnt Ausholes opinion about re-armament, Spascilib said it.

Aus Nasho, you have twice acknowledged my opinion, even though you said it was not worth a response. I don't think you have one. Typical nationalistic rant. Lots of opinions, but no logic to an argument.

I ask you all again, why would Indonesia invade Australia? We have nothing here except for rocks and desert. We struggle to sustain 20m people, how would we help a country with a population over 250m?

Nuclear weapons are not a defence. They are a device for aggressive posturing. The thought of North Korea holding a nuke sent the world into disaster control. Why? Because it would force its neighbours to consider holding similar weapons. Next thing you know, every country in south Asia has a nuclear weapon. And the original deterrent has evaporated. There would be no offer of help from larger military powers (such as US or China) because they know that those nuclear weapons could be unleashed on them. Raises the stakes considerably, don't you think?

If you dropped a nuke on Jakarta, what would it achieve? I can tell you one thing, it would really piss the Indonesians off. Then they WOULD invade Australia. And because they are so pissed, they would massacre every last person. Those wonderful military arms you are spruiking now become the property of Indonesia.

The only way to defend Australia is to train our military personnel in guerilla warfare. An invading force may quickly overrun the country, but then they have to govern it. And then comes the opportunity for counter attack. Insurgency. Guerilla warfare. Iraq is a prime example of what happens when you invade a country with poor military weaponry. Invade in 7 days, and 4 years later you are spending one billion dollars a week defending against primitive bombs made out of chlorine and fertiliser.

I do agree with the concept of national service, but would call it something less polarising, like social service. And the service shouldn't be limited to military training, it can be widened to improve Australia in other ways. Switzerland have a good working example.

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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #8 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 4:43pm
This will not increase the amount of murders we have currently - as criminals are already armed with illegal guns and knives to assault and kill whoever they want.

Most store robberies I here about are done with a machete, syringe, speargun, knife or something like that. And people rarely get killed. Often enough the robber gets chased off. Compare this to the US where everyone has guns and people get killed all the time. Most criminals are druggies anyway and the first thing they would do if they had a gun is sell it.

Germany also has a national service. A mate of mine did volunteer work. The guys who do military training just spend the whole time getting drunk, so they might as well be at uni.
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #9 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 9:19pm
Aushole, true words about guerilla training.
About indonesia, one reason for invasion is our mineral resources.
Another is, their motive would be idealogical.
Anyhow lets put aside the bickering and discuss things in a civilised manner, im interested to discuss things with someone who is idealogically opposed.
What kind of system does switzerland have in place?
What does AusHOLE mean anyhow.
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #10 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 10:19pm
Indonesia will not invade for our minerals. Any invader would be placed under a trade embargo by the UN and currency trades would be blocked by the IMF. They can't use the resources in Australia, because it can't support a large population. Trying to shift the ore out of Australia would be subject to the tankers being intercepted.

Indonesia will not invade for ideology. Religious wars haven't been fought for centuries. I can't  think of any wars in the last 100 years that have been declared on the basis of ideology. Have there been any?

As far as I see it, the only reason Indonesia would invade Australia is if someone came into power who wanted to conquer its neighbours for personal reasons. A megalomaniac. Some examples... Hussein, Hitler, Napoleon, Mugabe. Is there a deterrent to insanity?

Think about it this way. If you were to become the leader of Australia, holding the views that you do, would you invade Indonesia just for the sake of it? Even if you had a massive army?

Swiss national service...

AUShole. A pun on Australia and the great Aussie venacular, w@nker. Why? Australia is a great country, but not as great as some make it out to be. Plus, I like to question people's logic.
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #11 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 10:30pm
''Indonesia will not invade for ideology. Religious wars haven't been fought for centuries. I can't  think of any wars in the last 100 years that have been declared on the basis of ideology. Have there been any?''

Yes, WW2, Korea and vietnam.

''As far as I see it, the only reason Indonesia would invade Australia is if someone came into power who wanted to conquer its neighbours for personal reasons. A megalomaniac. Some examples... Hussein, Hitler, Napoleon, Mugabe. Is there a deterrent to insanity?''

Thats my worry, if someone like Bakar Bashir of Jemaah Islamiah takes over, such as by election or coup.

As for my big army, it is for defence not offence.

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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #12 - Feb 26th, 2007 at 10:49am
That wasn't about religious ideology. WWII was all about greed - lebensraum. Vietnam was about communism.
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #13 - Feb 26th, 2007 at 2:40pm
Technicality! he did'nt mention religion in the second sentence.
so i was right there..... there was indeed an idealogical part of the war, operation Barbarossa- the german invasion of the soviet union to destroy communism.
And of religious wars, there is on raging right now............. IRAQ.
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Re: Our inadequate Armed forces
Reply #14 - Mar 3rd, 2007 at 2:00pm
Sorry, I should have stated 'religious ideology' in the second sentence.

After all, aren't all wars fought based on a difference in ideology?

The West v Iraq is not about religion. Even if you define the current situation as civil war, I would argue it is more about politics (i.e the right to govern the country) than about religion. It just happens that the political groupings are based around religious belief.
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