Hello Megalodon, and welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy engaging in something infuriating, amusing, and occasionally interesting, when it comes to seeing just how diverse a range of opinions we humans can attach ourselves to.
The usual form we go for here is to boldly state an ill considered opinion, then google like crazy to try and find evidence to validate our prejudices, lol.
I have been doing just that myself, in search of the figures for Finland's expenditure on education, to answer Freediver's assertion that only our current two tiered education system is a viable economic option for our country.
SO FD, here are some figures pertinent to our argument, but bear in mind that the figures alone do not tell the whole tale, for what is provided, and how it is provided, is also of the utmost importance in this matter of our childrens' education.
(All amounts are in US dollars, as they are obtained from an international report on education in the OECD from 2008)
So the OECD average for public expenditure on education, is just over 13%
(that is the percentage of the total government expenditure across all areas of public spending)
and Finland comes in just a little below that with 12.5% of it's budget devoted to education, of which the Tertiary level uses the most, by a significant margin.
Now for our purposes, we need to know the broad public costs for a child's education, and the figures supplied in the report I read are that the OECD average total cost, for the period of the ten years from 6 to 15 years old is, USD67,895.
Finland has a lower spend rate than the OECD average, and they spend, USD64,363 per child for the same period.
The breakdown for per child spending in each area in Finland is as follows;
Primary spending is USD5,557,
Secondary spending is, USD7,324,
both of which are a little below the OECD average.
Here is the link to the report I have obtained these figures from.
http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/31/46/41277828.pdf If you read it you will see that they do not place total importance on spending costs alone, education has so many variable influences that no single indicator will give a true picture of the quality of education supplied, and I am certainly not an expert in the field of education, but I do believe that we are going down the wrong path as a society, with the system we have now, and would certainly welcome suggestions on how we could improve the education system so that all kids get the best possible start in life that we can provide for them.
Personally, I believe that concentrating our efforts into providing absolutely top class Public Education is the way we should go, and if that means we direct our public expenditure solely into public education systems, to acheive that goal, then I think that is what we should do.