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Poll Poll
Question: Our greatest PM?

John Howard    
  1 (6.2%)
Bob Hawke    
  0 (0.0%)
Malcolm Frasier    
  0 (0.0%)
Gough Whitlam    
  3 (18.8%)
Robert Menzies    
  2 (12.5%)
John Curtin    
  3 (18.8%)
Alfred Deakin    
  2 (12.5%)
You forgot my favourite, DT.    
  5 (31.2%)

Total votes: 16
« Created by: ex-member DonaldTrump on: Mar 4th, 2007 at 3:01am »

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Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister (Read 13425 times)
ex-member DonaldTrump
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Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Mar 4th, 2007 at 3:01am
I've always been curious what other people think about our Prime-Ministers.

Who do you think is the best?

I was always in two minds about this one.

When I was in High School, I asked my Dad, who was the greatest Australian PM? His instant reply (Being a labourer), "Gough Whitlam' of course." He reasoned that Gough Whitlam had revolutionised Australia, and introduced policies that moved Australia ahead of the rest of the World.

With the sincerity in his voice, and living among left-wing bigots at my school, I grew to accept that this was a widely accepted fact and believed by most Australians.

I one day asked an associate of mine the same thing. Who's the greatest PM? "I'd have to go with Robert Menzies," he replied. I was surprised,"How on Earth was he better than the all powerful Gough Whitlam?"
"Because he made Australian society stable. Under him, society was peaceful, and everyone was middle-class," he reasoned.

So I put a bit of study into it, and realised that Gough Whitlam is widely hated by many  Australians, as he screwed up in a lot of ways. And Menzies was a good PM, but he didn't do much.

But at the end of the day, I'd have to go for Menzies. The peace and stability that he gave Australia was much better than that of Gough Whitlam's risky and sometimes reckless policies.
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #1 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 7:52am
A very thoughtful post - DT and humorous as well - "growing up amongst left wing bigots"  Shocked

I really can't say anything about previous PM's.  My father loved Gough Whitlam too - while my mother was a staunch and typical liberal supporter.  Until the Greens came along, I voted Liberal because at that stage of my life I believed they were a superior party and as I had delusions of grandeur back then, they suited my lifestyle.

I used to think Keating was OK until the path he began pathing economically was taken over by Howard and exploited.  Now I look back and think what a bunch of egoistical, but ordinary males they all have been.  I do believe Gough cared though, even though some would say he was incompetent.

Australia had so much potential but in the scheme of things we are just some bigoted little backwater nation with great mineral reserves.  Once that goes, we'll be left with the  shell of a wasted legacy of our leaders - particularly the current one.

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Taking Out The Trash

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Hi Mantra
Reply #2 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 9:47am
Well said Mantra
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #3 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 10:00am

Im dissapointed to see Paul  Keating is not on your list for the poll ...Because I thought he was the best PM we had...

A very smart Politician in every way except one,,he didnt work on his public image so as not to put voters offside.

Built the foundations of the economy which Liberals have been using as a gravytrain for the last 11 yrs.

Shocked Shocked Cheesy Lips Sealed Huh
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #4 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 11:21am
Our politicians tend to be boring and understated. Howard is a good example of that. Any personality they show is more likely to lose votes than win them. I'm not sure whether this is a cultural thing or our electoral system. It's probably a bit of both. Our system favours those politicians who can draw the second preferances from all the minor parties. Plus we don't get to vote for the PM directly. The American president by contrast has to be able to work up a crowd. They don't have compulsory voting, so I think they spend a lot of time trying to motivate their supporters - preaching to the converted and launching scare campaigns about the opposition. Our politicians are more likely to get elected on policy and try very hard to stop their personality getting in the way of that.
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aloof boof
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the roving ear

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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #5 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 12:42pm
John Gorton was thrown into the hotseat .He only stayed on for 3 years but he was was ahead of his time and too bloody honest
He was Australia's 19th Prime Minister (1968–71). He took office after being elected Liberal Party leader following the death of Harold Holt. Gorton is the only Australian Prime Minister whose parliamentary career was primarily in the Senate.

During his prime ministership Australia began to withdraw from the Vietnam War. On the home front, federal support for the arts increased, rates of pay were standardised between the sexes and the Commonwealth began to assume greater responsibility for national affairs.

Gorton was a federal parliamentarian for 25 years, from 1950 to 1975. He was Minister for the Navy, Minister for Works and Minister for Education and Science.I reckon he was a top bloke and Australias best interests were always in his heart even though he was born in Un Zud
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #6 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 5:55pm
I chose deakin, 2nd pm. he built our initial constitution.
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #7 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 6:26pm
What about Ben Chifley? Paul Keating should be there, too.

Most overrated PMs... Gough Whitlam, Bob Menzies.

No rating... Bob Hawke, Harold Holt, John Howard.
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« Last Edit: Mar 4th, 2007 at 6:46pm by AUShole »  
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #8 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 6:38pm
I chose deakin, 2nd pm. he built our initial constitution.

So did Barton.

Deakin, another overrated PM.

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ex-member DonaldTrump
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #9 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 6:50pm
Wow. This has turned out more random than I expected.  Shocked

I was expecting a forum full of Whitlam lovers. Good on you all for being aware of the lesser known Primeminister's.   Smiley

Why is Paul Keating getting so much support?  Shocked
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #10 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 7:05pm
Pro-multiculturists and  pro-australasianists support keating. Wink
(He wanted australia to become a part of asia.)
John curtain pulled us through WW2.
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aloof boof
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the roving ear

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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #11 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 8:20pm
Why is Paul Keating getting so much support?   
you may well ask.Probably because thats as far back as people here can remember??You cant really compare them owing to the fact they were in charge(so to speak)at different economical and social/anti social times.
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Taking Out The Trash

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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #12 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 8:40pm
So true, Aloof Boof. I voted for John Howard because he harnessed the economical revival of this country and led it in the right direction through unscertain times globally.

Yes we can thank Paul Keating for setting Australia up for it's windfall and mapping out a micro economic policy that Australia's benefited from. Paul was my second choice.

Frazer (Frasier?) was at the bottom of my list. I didn't experience Menzies but I don't think the populace had a very good time under him even though they kept voting for him.
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aloof boof
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the roving ear

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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #13 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 9:01pm
Fraser backdoored Gough thru a drunken soak Govener General John Kerr.Whitlam was commited to getting the American Government to let Australia know what their bases were actually up to but Fraser was an American suck in those days and conspired with the yanks and Kerr(the dog)to get Gough booted out of office and himself installed.Twas a BLACK day for Aust politics.The duly elected government of this fair country kicked out by the Queens Representative who was an absolute pisspot and should never have been in that position in that condition.Its a wonder the old bastard wasn't shot Angry
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Aussie Nationalist
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Re: Australia's Greatest Prime-Minister
Reply #14 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 9:10pm
Gough twas responsible for the asian invasion.
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