Quote:While it appears to mean a hatred of Semitic people
It's more than appearance, that's what it means. It's akin to Muslims claiming anti-Muslim sentiment is actually anti-Human sentiment, when you consider the % of Semites that are Jews compared with the % of Humans that are Muslims, we'd be more than justified in using such terms.
Quote:the term anti-Semitism refers exclusively to anti-Jewish sentiments
If that's what you're actually referring to, then use that term. Why would you use a term that actually means a group several magnitudes the size of what you actually mean? Perhaps it's because Judaism is a religion and not an ethnicity, so in order to make it appear more like an ethnic hatred, you have to refer to incorrect terms like Semite. Quite hypocritical that when it comes to hatred against Muslims, all of a sudden defining a group by their ethnicity is irrelevant, "We're only attacking the religion, so it's ok".
Either way, 'Arabic anti-Semitism' is still an oxymoron, and an enormous one at that, considering Arabs make up about 90% of Semites.
Quote:What was Grand Mufti al-Husseini’s role in securing Nazi support for the German “anti-Semitic” propaganda campaign in Palestine? And also in encouraging Muslims to support the German war effort? Was he aware of the lethal nature of Nazi anti-Semitism?
Like most post-Caliphate Arab/Muslim leaders, he was misguided and astray. He was more of an Arab/Palestinian nationalist than he was a Muslim leader. He just happened to hold the post of "Grand Mufti" due to the position of his clan, not because he was any great Islamic Scholar.
The fact that he even encouraged Muslims to join the SS, is testimony to the fact he was a very unIslamic figure, as it's forbidden for Muslims to fight in the armies of non-Muslims.
Quote:I see Arab-Israeli conflict as the result of a European sickness that, mainly through Nazism, found itself at home in the Middle East.
So it's got nothing to do with the fact a 2% minority began mass-immigrating into the land, forming militias, publishing statements they were going to expel the existing people of the land and turn it into a purely Jewish state??? All that is just secondary in your opinion?? Your argument defies logic.
Quote:Secondly without the Holocaust the chances of Zionism becoming as popular as it did would have been greatly reduced.
Theodore Hertzl published his book 'Juden Staat' (The Jewish State) in 1901, which outlined the principles of establishing the state of Israel in Palestine. That was about 40 years before the Holocaust, so you've got some serious holes in your argument here. Zionism was well established by the time Hitler rose to power, and the Arabs had been protesting/rioting against it before he came to power to. The stage was already set for the conflict to occur, any propaganda effort by the Nazis was pretty much negligable if you actually look at the situation that already existed.
You've based your whole argument on Zionist propaganda, and I don't think you've actually examined the situation that already existed, nor looked at the dates at which certain events happened. My advice to you would be to get yourself at least familiarised with the general timeline of how these historical events unfolded, then you might be in a better position to speak some sense.
Quote:Europe had no moral right to object to this migration, given the nearly two millennia of persecution to which every European nation has, at some time, subjected Jews.
They had no right to object nor to accept. It's not their land that they were migrating to. This is ridiculous as the claim the UN voted in favour of the creation of the state of Israel in Palestine, they've got no right to do any such thing. If the UN today voted in favour of establishing an Islamic state in Australia, because Muslims are 2% of the population, and because Muslims had a history here that predated the Europeans, would you or any other Australian accept it? After all we're suffering anti-Muslim persecution in Europe and the US and even in Arab countries, so why shouldn't we have a safe haven to escape to? The whole idea is just illogical, as illogical as it was back in 1948.
Quote:Neither had Canada and the US with European anti-Semitism entrenched there as well.
Jews live a lot safer in the USA and Canada than they do in Palestine... Again more of your twisted logic.