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The Great Muslim Debate (Read 45398 times)
Classic Liberal
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #90 - Apr 1st, 2007 at 9:07pm
defention of arrogance : Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.

I love to hear your oppinion.

My beliefs are superior, but i am not. I do not believe i am worth more or am more important than any other person.

I suppose you believe that there is no superior belief over any other? what about the belief that there are superior beliefs, is that incorrect? You see the contradiction. I believe there is right and wrong, therefore some beliefs must be suprior, much the same as the sky is blue whether or not poeple believe it is.

I have no problem with offending anyone, i dont think there is anything wrong with offending poeple, so i will continue to do so, in order to further my cause.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #91 - Apr 2nd, 2007 at 9:30am
Classic Liberal wrote on Apr 1st, 2007 at 9:07pm:
defention of arrogance : Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.

Number one:

Classic Liberal wrote on Apr 1st, 2007 at 9:07pm:
My beliefs are superior

Number two:

Classic Liberal wrote on Apr 1st, 2007 at 9:07pm:
I have no problem with offending anyone, i dont think there is anything wrong with offending poeple, so i will continue to do so, in order to further my cause.

Classic Liberal wrote on Apr 1st, 2007 at 9:07pm:
I suppose you believe that there is no superior belief over any other? what about the belief that there are superior beliefs, is that incorrect? You see the contradiction. I believe there is right and wrong, therefore some beliefs must be suprior, much the same as the sky is blue whether or not poeple believe it is.

Yes, there is no such thing as right and wrong and you cannot compare the existence of right and wrong to the fact that the sky is blue. Right and wrong moral values are human constructs that have no real place in nature outside our own little human world, all that matters in the real world is survival, but that is a rather cold position for a person to take, and it is not my point.

My point is that YOU are in no position to claim that YOUR belief system is superior to another persons belief system, to think that you are is the definition of arrogance as you so kindly provided. It is not about whether there are belief systems that are better than others, or which ones are right and wrong (if there is such a thing), it is about the fact that YOU would not have the gall to claim your particular belief system is superior to others unless you were an arrogant person... simple. It is a matter of modesty, I thought a true believer in god is constantly questioning his beliefs? You cannot be questioning your beliefs very much if you go around telling people they are wrong and you are right.
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Classic Liberal
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #92 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 9:12pm
believing that Christianity, and thus GOD is superior and the only right religious belief does not make myself any more or less important than any body else. I do not pretend to be better than the next person but consider myself lucky to have encountered God. I know what is Right and Wrong from this.

Your post modernist ideals of no right and wrong and no absolute truth are a new phase to the world and will pass in time. Besides you did no answer my question earlier.

If every belief is equal what then of the belief that not every belief is equal? Is that belief also equal?

You would refer to yourself as modest in that you do not believe your beliefs are superior, yet you determine there is definatly no one right or one wrong. By saying this you are saying that my belief where there is one right and one wrong is in fact incorrect. Thus you yourself claim superiority in beliefs.

Absolute right and wrong are fundamental to my sprirtual beliefs and you have claimed that this belief is wrong, while your belief in no right and wrong is right.

Your beliefs contradict themselves by the way.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #93 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 7:34am
Oh please pender, please just realise that I am not attacking your faith, I am trying to help you to get along with people of different or no faith. Christians have been rubbing people up the wrong way on this board, don't you want to know how to stop that from happening?

Your question?

If every belief is equal what then of the belief that not every belief is equal? Is that belief also equal?

Yes, of course it is. I thought you might have picked up on the fact that I answered this already through implication.

You would refer to yourself as modest in that you do not believe your beliefs are superior, yet you determine there is definatly no one right or one wrong. By saying this you are saying that my belief where there is one right and one wrong is in fact incorrect. Thus you yourself claim superiority in beliefs.

No I believe personally that there is no absolute right or wrong, of course there is a *relative* right and wrong but that comes down to personal beliefs for each individual, I would not go so far as to say that you are in fact wrong (in relative terms) and thus inferior by believing otherwise. All things equal remember? To me, in my frame of reference if you will, you are wrong, superiority and inferiority are not implied by that statement, only my opinion, to you, you are right and I respect that. Expressing that I think your belief structure is missing the mark yet remains equal to mine does not mean I think I am superior to you. I may think you are wrong but I maintain that even if you are wrong that your right to believe what you will is equal to mine, in the end I always maintain the belief that I may be wrong, to me this is the only way to learn and grow as a person. So you see pender, no contradiction, you are still assuming that right and wrong imply superiority and inferiority, this is simply not the case. I am trying to tell you that so long as you go around spouting this to people around you, you are going to encounter tension with others thinking you are an arrogant christian for not accepting that there might be another relevant world view.

Just accept that you *may* be wrong, and that others just *might* be right, in RELATIVE terms. Do you get that? You are right, yes, inside your little head you are right, but trying to transpose your beliefs onto another person, that whole definition of right and wrong changes, you know? people are all different, I mean dam dude even christians vary in their interpretations and beliefs! You have to accept that if you encounter a christian that has a slightly different belief than yours, their belief is not inferior because of that now is it? Nobody has true conviction in their beliefs if they cannot question them from time to time. If you assume you are correct, and don't even know of alternatives (and you cannot without first assuming you may be wrong) then how on earth can you be sure you are correct?

I am trying to help you to understand non christians and prevent you from getting them upset through this insensitivity that many christians (and other hard line believers) seem to possess. These things I talk about apply to people of other faiths as well as those with none. My point is to have respect for all belief structures and stop saying yours is superior. Its really simple pender, just stop saying your belief is superior and everyone gets along. I am trying to show you some diplomacy, don't alter your beliefs, just alter your language when talking with others. Why is that hard?
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« Last Edit: Apr 4th, 2007 at 7:41am by zoso »  
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #94 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 10:54am
My point is that YOU are in no position to claim that YOUR belief system is superior to another persons belief system, to think that you are is the definition of arrogance as you so kindly provided.

It sounds to me like you are deliberately creating ambiguity around two different terms in order to equate them. Faith and arrogance are not the same thing.

It is not about whether there are belief systems that are better than others, or which ones are right and wrong (if there is such a thing), it is about the fact that YOU would not have the gall to claim your particular belief system is superior to others unless you were an arrogant person... simple.

It goes without saying that if you you claim something is right then that is only your opinion. There is no need to preface everything with 'I believe...' in order to avoid being labelled arrogant.

I thought a true believer in god is constantly questioning his beliefs?

You can define 'true believer' any way you want, but that is not part of any doctrine I am familiar with. It may be part of some 'eastern' philosophies.

Christians have been rubbing people up the wrong way on this board, don't you want to know how to stop that from happening?

I see it differently. I see people who are antagonistic towards organised religion being overly sensitive towards what are obviously no more than simple statements of belief.

to you, you are right and I respect that

Then why are you nitpicking his statements. This seems to be heading towards necessitating disclaimers on all personal opinions.

So you see pender, no contradiction, you are still assuming that right and wrong imply superiority and inferiority, this is simply not the case.

You don't think that being right is superior to being wrong?

Just accept that you *may* be wrong, and that others just *might* be right, in RELATIVE terms.

This sounds to me like you are disrespecting his faith. If you claim to be respectful of other faiths, does that not include accepting the nature of faith?

If you assume you are correct, and don't even know of alternatives (and you cannot without first assuming you may be wrong) then how on earth can you be sure you are correct?

That's what faith is all about. It is not derived from logic.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #95 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 11:55am
Feediver this is not about what a person believes or disbelieves, this is about how you communicate that to others. Sure I've gone too far in the other direction but I have been trying to point out to pender what it is like on the other side of the fence.

It sounds to me like you are deliberately creating ambiguity around two different terms in order to equate them. Faith and arrogance are not the same thing.

Of course they aren't, but my point is the way in which you communicate your faith to others will determine how they view you, if you don't want people to think you are arrogant, then you must voice your beliefs in a way that shows respect for theirs.

It goes without saying that if you you claim something is right then that is only your opinion. There is no need to preface everything with 'I believe...' in order to avoid being labelled arrogant.

This point seems to be lost on the hard line christians in my opinion... sorry hard line anything to be fair. And yes sometimes you do have to preface certain things with "I believe" if you want to communicate without upsetting each other, PARTICULARLY when it comes to faith based statements.

You can define 'true believer' any way you want, but that is not part of any doctrine I am familiar with. It may be part of some 'eastern' philosophies.

Fair enough if that is what you believe, but I have known many christians who think that questioning their beliefs is an important part of understanding them. I think this is true for anything.

I see it differently. I see people who are antagonistic towards organised religion being overly sensitive towards what are obviously no more than simple statements of belief.

Bible quotes? Spurious statements about what beliefs are right wrong and superior? You seem to be missing my point here freediver, I am trying to explain WHY people are getting so upset by this and WHY people get so upset about this stuff in general. It seems funny to me that some christians are STILL missing the point...

Then why are you nitpicking his statements. This seems to be heading towards necessitating disclaimers on all personal opinions.

No I am trying to demonstrate to him, or anyone, how certain ways of communicating your beliefs can upset people who have differing beliefs. When it comes to contentious beliefs then yes it often is necessary to qualify statements if you don't want to cause tensions.

You don't think that being right is superior to being wrong?

Not at all. Somebodies right is another persons wrong, what makes either one superior outside of each respective personal frame of existence? To quote good old cap'n Jack Wink : 'all that matters is what a man can do, and what a man can't do'. But hey this is just MY belief, go right ahead and disagree with me, just respect it if you respect me as an individual... this is what I am getting at.

This sounds to me like you are disrespecting his faith. If you claim to be respectful of other faiths, does that not include accepting the nature of faith?

Why? I am trying to point out that in relative terms, ie inside another persons point of view, he may indeed be wrong according to that other persons point of view. Exactly what is wrong with simply accepting that other people will view your beliefs differently? Isn't pender's entire argument that his point of view says that myself and others are wrong for being agnostic?

This is my entire point right here: if you want others to accept your point of view as relevant, you must first accept their point of view as relevant, from whatever relative position (ie: you believe what you want, I believe what I want).

That's what faith is all about. It is not derived from logic.

And yet still I have met many christians who believe that questioning their own faith is an important part of having that faith and strengthening it.
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« Last Edit: Apr 4th, 2007 at 2:14pm by zoso »  
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #96 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 7:26am
Feediver this is not about what a person believes or disbelieves, this is about how you communicate that to others.

Didn't I acknowledge this when I brought up the issue of putting a disclaimer on your claims?

And yes sometimes you do have to preface certain things with "I believe" if you want to communicate without upsetting each other, PARTICULARLY when it comes to faith based statements.

Well, this is the crux of the matter. That is only necessary to aviod confusion. For example if people are likely to confuse a claim based on faith with a point of law, then it would be a good idea to be specific, but given the context that is not usually necessary.

I am trying to explain WHY people are getting so upset by this and WHY people get so upset about this stuff in general.

You are going further than that. You are implying that someone else is responsible for your reactions to their statements. People always react badly to what are legitimate and reasonable statements, especially on online forums. You are claiming that he should stop making the statements, rather than acknowledging your responsibility to control your reaction. If you think I have this backwards, please quote something that you think was not appropriate and give a link to it.

Exactly what is wrong with simply accepting that other people will view your beliefs differently?

Sharing your faith is part of many people's faith. If you understood his faith, you would understand his desire to share it with you.

Isn't pender's entire argument that his point of view says that myself and others are wrong for being agnostic?

I think you are getting it now. The next step is to accept that he views your beliefs differently.

if you want others to accept your point of view as relevant, you must first accept their point of view as relevant

I don't think his goal is to get you to accpet his views as being relevant.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #97 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 9:00am
freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 7:26am:
Well, this is the crux of the matter. That is only necessary to aviod confusion. For example if people are likely to confuse a claim based on faith with a point of law, then it would be a good idea to be specific, but given the context that is not usually necessary.

True. However many agnostics take issue with christians using the open forum to push their ideas. I don't go round stopping people in the street to tell them there is no god, ordinarily (without provocation) I wouldn't be talking about my beliefs toward christianity or faith on this forum either. This thread (if you've noticed) is a fairly isolated case of me pushing my non-christian views and I have never set out to discuss why there is no god or push MY personal spirituality on to people here. Why? If I did people would think I'm a nut and it is entirely NOT RELEVANT... funny that christians get away with it?

freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 7:26am:
You are going further than that. You are implying that someone else is responsible for your reactions to their statements. People always react badly to what are legitimate and reasonable statements, especially on online forums. You are claiming that he should stop making the statements, rather than acknowledging your responsibility to control your reaction. If you think I have this backwards, please quote something that you think was not appropriate and give a link to it.

So does the same apply for everyone's reaction to Hilali? Its all their fault for getting upset not Hilali's? Remeber, all things equal... to me, the christian agenda is as provocative as Hilali's BS, so when is it fair to take issue with what someone pushes on you and when is it not? PARTICULARLY on a forum devoted to debate??

Now if you haven't noticed I am not one of the people who has been complaining fiercely about the christian presence, apart from a couple of spots where I dished out a bit of sarcasm (in good faith) I am not until now getting up about it. Only in this thread have I been trying to be a sort of mediator between the christians and everyone else by explaining what gets peoples backs up.

I swear if an atheist or agnostic person, or Muslim Hindu or Jew for that matter went around to a bunch of christians carrying on saying there is no god, or that they have superior views, in every conversation the christians were having about their christian stuff, the christians would react in exactly the same way, probably worse... the thing is atheists don't tend to do this... You don't even need to isolate the group to christians, take any group of people of mixed faith and no faith, walk up to them and start telling some of them that you have superior views, but hey its all OK because its just your 'faith' to have superior views, you are going to upset them... it is simple! If you DON'T want to upset them, you chose not to voice certain things in the name of diplomacy...

freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 7:26am:
Sharing your faith is part of many people's faith. If you understood his faith, you would understand his desire to share it with you.

Sure it is... when someone asks. With christians it tends to get beyond 'sharing' and into the realm of marketing. I get so many christian views shoved down my throat all the time, they knock on my door, they preach at the local uni, they preach in public places where nobody asked, they have advertisements on the bloody TV (tell me thats just 'sharing'?), and they preach here on this website. This is not sharing in good faith, this is pushing an agenda.

freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 7:26am:
I think you are getting it now. The next step is to accept that he views your beliefs differently.

I always got it, I know pender views my beliefs differently, I am trying to explain why he should to stop telling everyone his beliefs are superior. I don't even care if he thinks otherwise, but he says it in the public forum, gets burned for saying it (rightly) and then doesn't understand what he did wrong, thinking it he is innocent because of his good and pure faith. Well the thing it has nothing to do with faith, it is about not going around telling people you have superior views to them. Its called diplomacy. If you ARE going to tell people your views are superior, at least accept that your arrogance is responsible for upsetting them, at the very least!

freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 7:26am:
I don't think his goal is to get you to accpet his views as being relevant.

I never said it was, but I do accept his views as relevant... What I do not accept is that carrying on about the superiority of your opinions is all good and pure because you are christian. BS I say! Christian or no, you tell someone your beliefs are superior to theirs and you are guilty if they get upset about it, no two ways about it. I am prepared to wear this charge when I upset people during arguments, as anyone should, just don't use faith as an excuse to wash your hands of diplomacy.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #98 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 9:14am
I don't go round stopping people in the street to tell them there is no god, ordinarily (without provocation)

Plenty of people announce their views in public places. It doesn't annoy people.

So does the same apply for everyone's reaction to Hilali?

Sure, if people get all bitter and twisted about it, they are responsible for making their own lives a misery.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #99 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 9:21am
freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 9:14am:
Plenty of people announce their views in public places. It doesn't annoy people.

I'm telling you it annoys me? I'm telling you I know many people who get very annoyed by this.

freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 9:14am:
So does the same apply for everyone's reaction to Hilali?

Sure, if people get all bitter and twisted about it, they are responsible for making their own lives a misery.

Now that has to be argument for arguments sake? If Hilali thinks he is not responsible for upsetting people with differing views he is kidding himself, absolute lack of diplomacy coming from that man.

Are you trying to tell me that diplomacy is not relevant? that the onus falls on the individual to not take offence to offensive language?
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #100 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 11:52am
It depends on whether the feeling of offense is justified or not. So far your argument seems to rest on the fact that people took offense, not that the behaviour was inherently offensive.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #101 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 3:07pm
freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2007 at 11:52am:
It depends on whether the feeling of offense is justified or not. So far your argument seems to rest on the fact that people took offense, not that the behaviour was inherently offensive.

No, I am trying to point out why it is inherently offensive to tell somebody you have superior views to them because of your faith... are you even reading what I wrote?

What is not justified about taking offence when someone comes and tells you your views amount to sh!t because you don't believe in the same stupid little book that they do? Is it not offensive for me to prance into a church and begin telling people that there is no god?

I will repeat myself to make it clearer if you need me to:
take any group of people of mixed faith and no faith, walk up to them and start telling some of them that you have superior views, but hey its all OK because its just your 'faith' to have superior views, you are going to upset them... it is simple! If you DON'T want to upset them, you chose not to voice certain things in the name of diplomacy...

What on earth is not justified about taking offence to having religious views shoved down my throat everywhere I turn. I am sorry freediver but when some idiot tells me their views are superior to mine because they are absolutely 'right' only because their 'faith' tells them they are, coupled with the fact that I get christian BS forced on me at every turn, yes I get smacking offended alright? I find it offensive the christians use 'sharing the faith' as an excuse for sympathy in their blatant advertising persuits, I take offense when christians infiltrate our secular political process and work to prevent personal freedoms and hamper scientific advances.

Can you not see that a good many others on this board are getting offended as well?? Just because you sympathise with the christians, doesn't mean people are not offended by this sh!t.

I have not set out to make any particular comments about the the inherent superiority of my views due to my faith, I would not do such a blatantly arrogant thing because it would seriously offend people. I would thank those of different faith to extend the same respect to me, unless of course they are happy to offend others by pushing their views.

Just accept that people do not like being told that their views are inferior, based on some sh!t they don't believe, just accept that the behaviour of fundie christians upsets and offends many people, whether you agree with those peoples reasons or not. I disagree that there should be so much animosity towards muslims, but I fully accept that people are offended by their comments and actions.
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« Last Edit: Apr 5th, 2007 at 3:24pm by zoso »  
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Classic Liberal
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #102 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 5:22pm

Firstly christians are always "ramming their faith" down your throat because they feel obliged to, for your well being. Christianity teaches that whether or not you believe in God he still exists, and that it is imperative for your sake that you have a relationship with god, so to give you the opportunity to embrace eternal life.

The bible itself commands all christians to go to all the places on earth and preach the good news, not for our own sakes but for all those who do not know it.

I am not trying to ridicule or tell you how i am better than you, i just would like you to know what ive found because i think if you embraced it you would not only live a life of fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams, but also receive all the benefits of an eternal life in paradise.

Personally Zozo i dont like telling anybody how they should live their lives, but I am obliged to.

Oh and causing people offense isn’t always a bad thing, it can often have good outcomes
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #103 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 5:53pm
Well pender, right now I don't know whether to laugh  at you or to take pity on you.

Firstly christians are always "ramming their faith" down your throat because they feel obliged to, for your well being.

Might I suggest, for YOUR well being, you stay the hell away from me when peddling your beliefs, I have one d@mn big dog that keeps the faith peddlers away from my door, take note if you ever swing by. Man I hate salesmen.

I am not trying to ridicule or tell you how i am better than you, i just would like you to know what ive found because i think if you embraced it you would not only live a life of fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams, but also receive all the benefits of an eternal life in paradise.

I know what you have 'found' and its a godd@mn lie, a load of tripe and I am absolutely not interested, never will be, don't bother, give up now. This is an utterly offensive position for you to take.

I already live a life of fulfilment beyond YOUR wildest dreams, one that is not constrained by an externally imposed set of values that I had no part in defining. I am free, you are the one who is constrained...

Personally Zozo i dont like telling anybody how they should live their lives, but I am obliged to.

Oh and causing people offense isn’t always a bad thing, it can often have good outcomes

Except that you are simply offending people and achieving nothing...if you don't like pushing your agenda down peoples throats, don't bloody do it! I have known a good many christians that do not feel they need to impose their beliefs on everything around them in order to have their faith, take note!

So we are clear then. You don't give a d@mn about offending others, so long as you can peddle your wares? Nice religion you have there pender, real nice.

This is it, christians just do not get it do they? utterly incapable of getting it through their manipulated heads? How would you react pender if the shoe was on the other foot so to speak? How would you like me coming into your church and preaching paragraphs from the god delusion? How would you like me knocking on your door and trying to push godlessness or devil worship on you and your family?

This is just an absolute load of BS, as always when talking to ignorant christians. This is all it comes down to, after all this you simply acknowledge that you are willing to offend others simply to push your agenda, and yet no doubt you would cry bloody murder when the tables are turned (*cough* Muslims *cough*). As always, hypocritical sh!t. But no pender, thank you for admitting to the true nature of your pyramid scheme, sorry faith...thank you indeed for the insight. Have your fairytale pender, just keep it the hell away from me.
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Re: The Great Muslim Debate
Reply #104 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 6:14pm

You seem to have no problem pushing your own agenda in every post you make. A constant post modern humanistic theme can be found in everything you say, yet you do not see me jumping up and down telling you to get the hell away from me.

I already live a life of fulfilment beyond YOUR wildest dreams, one that is not constrained by an externally imposed set of values that I had no part in defining.

Interesting being the god of your own religion isn’t it, you can shape everything around yourself, after all you are the height of all wisdom and knowledge.

Those Christians that follow a supreme all knowing being and shape their values around that, are foolish arnt they? I mean they are encouraged to not only think of themselves through their values but everyone else. And are encouraged to actively seek the betterment of every person.

We would all be much better off if everyone had self invented values, we would then create a society of obsessed people, who encourage “what ever tickles your fancy as long as it doesn’t affect me” and “I do what I want”.

Pride comes before the fall.

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