New Member

Posts: 21
Yes, well what would I know, Ive never taken alot of notice of what goes on in politics. Prefer thinking about the problems the country is facing and possible solutions.
Still the question would be if anyone came up with a solution or good idea how would they implement it, Which of course brings us back to your party.
I know There is such a thing as a one person company, but party usually implies a group contribution on things like policy, do you allow imput on policy, this would be up to you, it's your show.
I dont have much to offer as far as sustainabilty policy goes. One idea I had about ten years back, could be to pump an organic hydrocabon mixture derived from oil producing plants into depleted oil basins. This would have the effect of turning an equivalent barrel of mineral oil green. The carbon going into the ground would balance that going into the atmosphere as burnt petrol.
Who knows it might even be possible to use the organic hydrocabons within a reasonable time, I'm no chemist, but I dont see why it would not with the heat and pressure underground become a usable product within 50 years or so. (Might make a suitable replacement for Diesel)
What did occur to me while writing this was that although the above ideas are most probaly not viable, it might be possible to recharge the aquifer of the Great artesian basin, using the water available in the wet season from the gulf rivers. A lot less expensive than building a giant overland pipeline or canal to supply water to the inland and south. Recharging would at least help solve the problem of loss due to waste, uncapped bores etc. Whether the water would be suitable for irrigation would depend on how fast it could be pumped in.
These are just some ideas, and I'm sure if they were of any value the experts would have considered them a long time ago.
Bye for now.