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Sustainability Party of Australia (Read 113727 times)
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #165 - Nov 21st, 2007 at 9:16am
Well obviously if you have a forty year outlook the problem of reputation is not a big issue.
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #166 - Nov 22nd, 2007 at 1:13am
Yes, well what would I know, Ive never taken alot of notice of what goes on in politics.  Prefer thinking about the problems the country is facing and possible solutions.

Still the question would be if anyone came up with a solution or good idea how would they implement it,
Which of course brings us back to your party.

I know There is such a thing as a one person company, but party usually implies a group contribution on things like policy, do you allow imput on policy,   this would be up to you, it's your show.

I dont have much to offer as far as sustainabilty policy goes. One idea I had about ten years back, could be  to pump an organic hydrocabon mixture derived from oil producing plants into depleted oil basins. This would have the effect of turning an equivalent barrel of mineral oil green. The carbon going into the ground would balance that going into the atmosphere as burnt petrol.

Who knows it might even be possible to use the organic hydrocabons within a reasonable time, I'm no chemist, but I dont see why it would not with the heat and pressure underground become a usable product within 50 years or so. (Might make a suitable replacement for Diesel)

What did occur to me while writing this was that although the above ideas are most probaly not viable,  it might be possible to recharge the aquifer of the Great artesian basin, using the water available in the wet season from the gulf rivers. A lot less expensive than building a giant overland pipeline or canal to supply water to the inland and south.  Recharging would at least help solve the problem of loss due to waste, uncapped bores etc.   Whether the water would
be suitable for irrigation would depend on how fast it could be pumped in. 

These are just some ideas,   and I'm sure if they were of any value the experts would have considered them a long time ago.

Bye for now.

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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #167 - Nov 22nd, 2007 at 9:36am
do you allow imput on policy, this would be up to you, it's your show

Yes. Obviously I expect to attract like minded people so I don't expect any difficulties with this.

One idea I had about ten years back, could be  to pump an organic hydrocabon mixture derived from oil producing plants into depleted oil basins. This would have the effect of turning an equivalent barrel of mineral oil green. The carbon going into the ground would balance that going into the atmosphere as burnt petrol.

This sounds more like something you should take to industry. There is also a bit of government money floating around to invest in research for new ideas like this. I don't think the government should be directly involved in the technical solutions.
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #168 - Nov 24th, 2007 at 1:14am

Thanks,  hope I can contribute something useful,  at least better than my silly green oil idea.

One thing is, there would be no reason to wait a full 3 years for the next election,  local and state elections could be contested.    The day after this election would make a good time to start planning for these.

Grass-roots level would be a good starting place, after all if we cant run a local council, what chance would we have in
federal government.   

I've noticed that in my local council (Queanbeyan City Council) there appears to be little party representation, independents mostly.  My way of thinking this would make the council vunerable to a well organised new party.

There are plenty of good reasons for taking this council on,   I suspect some of the councilers have close ties to the local realtors and developers.   Approving developments that allow the jamming into building sites of as many units and small apartments as will fit.  Some of these small units make british terrace houses look like mansions.  Certainly not the Australian dream.

These are not sustainabilty issues,  how should I proceed.

Still going thru your newsletter,

Bye for now.
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #169 - Nov 24th, 2007 at 9:14am
I think the party has an electoral reform policy. Personally I prefer voting by delegable proxy, which would save the trouble of having an election day. However that is a big change that would take a long time. The only problem I see with having both state and federal elections on the same day is that people would get state and federal issues more mixed up. Then again, it may make it easiuer for the public to force state and federal governments to work together. Maybe that's just naive.

I'm going to put up a policy on optional preferential voting also.
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #170 - Nov 25th, 2007 at 11:34pm

Well, it's the day after the election,
We now have three years to sort out policy and come up with a plan to get the party into power.


Sorry, something good on tv (Me, Myself & Irene)  My pc interferes with reception.

Will continue tommorow.      
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #171 - Nov 26th, 2007 at 10:13am
Excellent. You can be the minister for optimism.  Wink
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #172 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 12:01am

Thanks.  There would be no person better suited to this position.

I'ts now  1am in the "cool state" of New South Wales.

Time for bed.

Bye for now.

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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #173 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 10:54pm

Our Economy - What's wrong?

John Howard was always telling us that we had a strong economy and we all wanted to believe this was true.
Sure growth rates of 3+ percent sound impressive but when we consider the small relative size of our economy they
dont amount to much at all.         ' We should have a booming economy with double digit growth'

Selling off our minerals is never going to make us rich.
We must concentrate on our own internal development and not rely on unstable globalism.

Putting the economy first might look like the development policy of yet another greedy conservative party,
but the facts are that so many of our problems could be solved with a bigger economy, increased tax revenue would mean more money for spending on health (Our health system problems aren't just money related.) and education.
Lower tax rates, lower unemployment and prices, more money for roads and services.

Our program of 'Massive Economic Development' will aim for a minimum doubling of the economy within ten years.

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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #174 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 10:58pm
"increased tax revenue would mean more money for spending on health (Our health system problems aren't just money related.) and education."

You haven't taken any notice of the any of the surpluses have you? The money is there, the state Labor govts have just been squandering it
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #175 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:30pm
The profits of Australia Pty. Ltd.  (Howards surplus) are not much more than the combined profits of a few of our large companies.  

Putting lots of money into our hospitals is like trying to put out a fire using kerosene.    The real problem is our
dangerous, outdated and very expensive GP system.
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« Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:46pm by Greg »  
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #176 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:39pm
The real problem is our
dangerous, outdated and very expensive GP system.

Please explain the 'expensive GP system'- Is this the system brought in by a previous Labor govt where anybody with the sniffles expects to go to the docs and get expensive govt subsidised treatment and antibiotics that they inevitably don't need for a discounted rate ?
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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #177 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 7:26am
I agree with Greg.

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« Last Edit: Dec 17th, 2007 at 7:45am by oceanz »  

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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #178 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 10:37pm

Hospitals a health hazard.

At the moment the natural processes of recovery with a little help from doctors, drugs and a few machines decide whether a person lives or dies in the emergency room.

This is not a satisfactory system.

A hospital is a place where if you arrive alive you should expect to survive.

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Re: Sustainability Party of Australia
Reply #179 - Aug 21st, 2008 at 5:36pm
I recieved this email from a SA state senator recently. I have updated the table to reflect the comments:

I came across your table - the 'how to vote guide' - on the ozpolitic website.

As a Democrat MP in South Australian I can fill in a few gaps for you.

The Democrats support a carbon tax, the ending of the baby bonus, and electoral reform (in terms of proportional representation). Some things I can't comment on as they appear to relate to another state.  Personally, I have called for the end of water restrictions in concert with a revised pricing regime so that the more you use the more you pay.  I also support a reduction in immigration (my first speech in parliament 14 years ago was about the need for a sustainable level of population in Australia.  I support food trees and community gardens on public land.

Yours sincerely
Sandra Kanck, MLC
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