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ISLAM [from thinking globally] (Read 84277 times)
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Reply #345 - Mar 28th, 2008 at 2:05pm
Andrew Bolt
Friday, March 28, 2008 at 07:42am 

"If Geert Wilders was very wrong about Islam, his film would not cause such panic: "Geert Wilders has released a controversial film about Islam which no TV company would broadcast and some politicians in the Netherlands tried to ban. The Dutch MP has upset the Muslim world before, by calling for a ban on the Koran and likening it to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf."

If Wilders was so wrong about the threat of Islamic intolerance, this wouldn’t be necessary: "The Dutch government raised the national threat level today because of what it said was greater activity in Europe by professional terrorists from Afghanistan and Pakistan. The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Tjibbe Joustra, said the Netherlands also had become a more likely target after a legislator announced plans to release a film harshly critical of the Qur’an."

If Wilders was so wrong, this wouldn’t happen: "The anti-Koran film planned by Dutch MP Geert Wilders has led to several threats against his life. This was confirmed by a representative of the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism following a report in today’s issue of the newspaper, De Telegraaf. The paper reports a death threat found on a website linked to al-Qaeda. "

If Wilders was so wrong, he wouldn’t need this: "Wilders now travels everywhere with six bodyguards. He cannot sleep in his own home, but is moved around between various undisclosed safe houses. He sees his wife twice a week, at a safe house. Visitors to his parliament office must be cleared in advance and are thoroughly searched; even ballpoint pens are carefully examined. "

If Wilders is so wrong, people wouldn’t be so terrified as to try to ban his film, which does virtually nothing but quote the Koran and Muslim leaders, and show without comment the work of some Muslim groups:
"Network Solutions on Saturday suspended a Web site registered by controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders who said he planned to use the site to host a movie critical of Islam and the Koran. "

I’ve seen Wilders’ film, and think it certainly provocative, and not the full picture of Islam in the West at all. If Muslims really were all so threatening, why are there so few terror attacks in Wilders’ home country, where a million Muslims live? Most, I’d suggest from that, just want to live in peace with their fellow Dutchmen and so do.

And yet there is no denying a strand in Islam today that is violent, uncompromising and a threat to the liberal societies of the West - societies that seem more reluctant than ever to defend their most fundamental values.

So I’m with Pete Hoekstra, senior Republican on the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:

Even if the new Wilders film proves newsworthy, it is likely that few members of the Western media will air it, perhaps because they have been intimidated by radical jihadist threats… I defend the right of Mr. Wilders and the media to air this film because free speech is a fundamental right that is the foundation of modern society. Western governments and media outlets cannot allow themselves to be bullied into giving up this precious right due to threats of violence. We must not fool ourselves into believing that we can appease the radical jihadist movement by allowing them to set up parallel societies and separate legal systems, or by granting them special protection from criticism.

I also agree with Pete van Ham:

(Wilders’ film) is a litmus test for European leaders to show that they still believe in their own liberal order.

And not just for European leaders.

So, without endorsing - or completely disowning, for that matter - Wilders’ film, I’m showing it. And if Wilders was so wrong, perhaps I would neither have shown Fitna nor spent so many words to justify doing so: "
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: ISLAM becoming isloated  ???
Reply #346 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 9:10pm
Here is an interesting development.
Has been slowly emerging for some time.
May take a few posts ,as it is long

"Saudi king plans interfaith talks

SAUDI King Abdullah has stunned Middle East watchers by announcing his intention to hold an interfaith conference in Riyadh with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim participation.

The King said the three faiths had to work together "to defend humanity" from harm.

What makes the King's proposal extraordinary is that Saudi Arabia is the most religiously conservative of Muslim countries and bans public prayer by non-Muslim religions, even the import of crosses or Stars of David.

The unprecedented outreach is seen as part of the monarch's efforts to mitigate the influence of hard-line Islamic scholars in his country who teach hatred of the "infidel". Such teachings produced a pool of Saudi jihadists who provided 15 of the 19 terrorists responsible for the September 11 attacks on the US.

King Abdullah, 84, said top clerics backed religious dialogue. He hinted at a desire for interfaith dialogue last November during a historic visit with the Pope in the Vatican when he said talks were needed "to get rid of violence and achieve peace and security for all people". At the time, his remarks were regarded as rhetoric.

The King referred to the meeting with the Pope in his talk this week. He said he intended to ask representatives of the three great monotheistic religions "to sit together with their brothers in faith as we all believe in the same God".

Decrying the weakening of the family system and an increase in atheism, he said "that is unacceptable to all religions, to the Koran, the Torah and the Bible".

His respectful allusions to Judaism and Christianity were unusual in a country where fundamentalist clerics heap scorn on them.

The King gave no indication of when such a conference would be held but suggested he would first discuss the idea with Muslim leaders in other countries. His initiative may also have a political dimension. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other moderate Arab Sunni countries fear the ascendancy of non-Arab Shia Iran as a dominant force in the region.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, referring this month to Hamas's takeover of the Gaza Strip and the infusion there of Iranian ideology and weaponry, reportedly said: "I now have Iran on my border".

Arab moderates see peace with Israel as a step in building acounterforce to Iran in the region.",25197,23441778-15084,00.html

And the other related article :-
"US's Arab allies snub Syria talks.

MIDDLE Eastern heavyweights have stayed away from this weekend's Arab League summit in Damascus, depriving Syria of the chance it wanted to take centre stage in the latest effort to solve the region's problems.

The partial boycott of the summit, led by Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco, has widened the split in the region along Arab and Iranian lines. All member states aligned with the US have sent lower-level officials, in a clear slight to Syria, and Lebanon is boycotting the summit altogether.

Angry Syrian officials have said Lebanon is missing a "golden opportunity" to help end to the political deadlock, which it blames on Syria.

But Syrian Foreign Minister Waled Mouallem has accused the US of orchestrating the boycott in a bid to diminish Syria's influence.

The summit starts in Damascus today. Member states will try to advance on three regional flashpoints: Lebanon, relations with Israel and the crisis in the Palestinian territories.

Lebanon looms largest over delegates from the 22 member states; the US and Saudi-aligned countries are determined to remove Syrian influence from civil and military life in the fragile nation, which they fear is inching towards Iranian tutelage.

Moves towards the long-discussed peace talks with Israel are back on the agenda, and delegates are due to debate a six-year-old Arab League initiative to recognise Israel in return for Israeli concessions, the key being a return to the 1967 borders.

"Our position on making peace in the Middle East is clear," Mr Mouallem said, during his summit opening speech.

"We are for a just and comprehensive peace and the principle of land for peace, but we are certain Israel ... is still incapable of having the genuine political will for making peace."

This week, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert suggested secret talks between Jerusalem and Damascus had again taken place. Mr Olmert hinted to foreign reporters in Jerusalem that recent contacts between the two foes had extended beyond sending messages to each other through Turkish envoys.

"I have said I'm prepared to make peace with Syria," Mr Olmert said. "I hope the Syrians are prepared to make peace with Israel, and I hope the circumstances will allow us to sit together. That doesn't mean that when we sit together, you have to see us."

Sporadic talks between the two sides have been mired in four decades of enmity since Israel captured the strategically important Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War.

A proposal to return the Golan to Syria in return for a peace deal, was tabled in Israel yesterday by a senior cabinet minister who said the Government recognised the price it must pay for relations with Damascus. "

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #347 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 9:13pm
Part II

"A proposal to return the Golan to Syria in return for a peace deal, was tabled in Israel yesterday by a senior cabinet minister who said the Government recognised the price it must pay for relations with Damascus.

But any advance in negotiations with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is likely to prove difficult, as the US and much of the Arab world are convinced Damascus is now aligned to Iran and sliding away from any interest in closer links with the West.

In the lead-up to the summit, the US made clear it would be happy if the Washington-aligned Arab states stayed away from Damascus. The US has adopted a hardline stance against Syria, which it accuses of links with Hezbollah and Iran, destabilising Lebanon, using its borders to channel insurgents into Iraq and of harbouring Hamas politburo chief Khaled Meshaal.

Lebanon's pro-Syrian parliamentary Speaker, Nabil Berri, last week again delayed a move to convene parliament to elect a president. The delay is seen as a bid to ensure the pro-Syrian opposition gets a veto over key votes and appointments.",25197,23447862-15084,00.html

I feel certain both actions are very closely linked, predetermined and very deliberate.
The writings on the wall for hard line islamics.

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Re: ISLAM - no more more mosques in england until ...
Reply #348 - Apr 6th, 2008 at 10:00pm

'No more mosques' says Synod member
Alison Ruoff claims that building mega-mosques could help turn Britian into an Islamic state Ruth Gledhill
A prominent evangelical member of the Church of England’s General Synod has called for a ban on the building of any more mosques in Britain.

Alison Ruoff also claimed that Sharia law is inevitable in this country if mosques continue to be built here.

Mrs Ruoff, a former magistrate, said in an interview with London’s Premier Christian Radio that no more mosques should be built in Britain until all persecution of Christians in Muslim nations had ceased.

She said: “No more mosques in the UK. We are constantly building new mosques, which are paid for by the money that comes from oil states.

Related Links
'No more mosques' says Synod member
“We have only in this country as far as we know, 3.5 to four million Muslims. There are enough mosques for Muslims in this country, they don’t need anymore.

“We don’t need to have Sharia law which would come with more mosques imposed upon our nation, if we don’t watch out, that would happen. If we want to become an Islamic state, this is the way to go.

“You build a mosque and then what happens? You have Muslim people moving into that area, all the shops will then become Islamic, all the housing will then become Islamic and as the Bishop of Rochester has so wisely pointed out, that will be a no-go area for anyone else.

“They will bring in Islamic law. We cannot allow that to happen.”

Dr Michael Nazir-Ali enraged the Muslim community and received death threats against his family when he warned recently that parts of Britain had become no-go areas for non-Muslims.

The subsequent controversial speech on Islamic law by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, coincided with a concern among many of the Church’s other bishops to mollify Britain’s Muslims in the wake of Dr Nazir-Ali’s comments.

Mrs Ruoff, who comes from the same conservative wing of the church as Dr Nazir-Ali, was speaking as Islamic movement Tablighi Jamaat, a missionary group founded in India in the 1920s, continues its campaign to build a 12,000-capacity “mega mosque” in east London in time for the Olympic Games in 2012.

There has been strong opposition from critics who accuse the organisation of a separatist agenda and seeking world domination through Islam. An “anti mega-mosque” Downing Street petition was signed by more than 275,000 people last year, but also drew accusations of being racist and Islamophobic.

Mrs Ruoff, who lives in Waltham Cross, north east London, told Premier Christian Radio: “We are still a Christian country, we need to hold on to that.

“If we don’t watch out, we will become an Islamic state. It’s that serious.”
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #349 - Apr 6th, 2008 at 10:11pm
It's amazing how quickly some people would throw basic freedoms out the window.
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Reply #350 - Apr 7th, 2008 at 7:07pm
It would be self defeating to aford people "freedoms" when their goal is to quash entirely ours.

"Mrs Ruoff, a former magistrate, said in an interview with London’s Premier Christian Radio that no more mosques should be built in Britain until all persecution of Christians in Muslim nations had ceased. "

Seems quite fair to me.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #351 - Apr 7th, 2008 at 10:04pm
So rather than spreading freedom from here to there, you think it is fair to spread tyranny from there to here? That's an unusual sense of fairness. Why don't we stone cheating wives as well until the Arabs stop doing it?
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Reply #352 - Apr 10th, 2008 at 6:20pm
refusing to allow others the "freedom" to dominate us totally as they do in other countries is hardly tyranny.

More like common sense that only PCers would argue with
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #353 - Apr 10th, 2008 at 6:32pm
Only PC'ers? What about people who object to the government interfering with their religion? That hardly strikes me as a PC issue.

You can't push this and say you are for freedom. This is giving up freedom for some warped sense of security.
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Reply #354 - Apr 10th, 2008 at 10:03pm
yes, only PCers. And their numbers are dwindling by the day too.

If immigrants will not assimilate, chuck them out.
If their agenda is to install their system over ours, chuck them out.
That's our right and our necessity

This guy is good.
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« Last Edit: Apr 11th, 2008 at 1:02am by Sprintcyclist »  

Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #355 - Apr 11th, 2008 at 8:51am
So basically there are only two types of people, and only one reason for standing up for human rights?
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Reply #356 - Apr 11th, 2008 at 5:39pm
no, there are many sorts.
Short, tall, dark haired, blue eyed.
athiests, agnostics, apathetics, apologetics.

Few of those pose a threat to anyyone.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #357 - Apr 11th, 2008 at 5:41pm
Most of the people who oppose suggestions like limiting people's freedom to rpactice their religion would also oppose the PC movement, because both seek to restrict people's basic freedoms.

It has nothing to do with political correctness at all.
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Reply #358 - Apr 11th, 2008 at 5:47pm
and you have statistics on this ????
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Reply #359 - Apr 11th, 2008 at 6:51pm
Why would anyone bothering gathering statistics to refute such an absurd link? Your argument completely misses the point on why people would oppose government interference in how they practice religion.
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