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ISLAM [from multiculturalism board] (Read 69729 times)
ex-member DonaldTrump
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ISLAM [from multiculturalism board]
May 27th, 2007 at 7:17am
Bosses pick up a few pointers on the business of being a Muslim

Jacqueline Maley
May 22, 2007

A BUSINESS course will teach bosses how to be sensitive to their Muslim employees, with advice on providing prayer rooms at work, what to do when headscarves clash with uniforms, and whether to serve alcohol at the Christmas party.

The course, run by the anti-terrorism think tank the Australian Homeland Research Centre and taught by the Muslim lawyer Irfan Yusuf, is designed to help employers develop "harmonious workplace arrangements" for Muslim workers.

I had to share this with everyone. Absolutely disgusting.  Angry

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« Last Edit: Aug 4th, 2008 at 6:26pm by freediver »  

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Re: 'Muslim sensitivity course' - Disgraceful
Reply #1 - May 27th, 2007 at 12:13pm
I agree..

Goes over the top..Rediculous actually. They should be doing a course teaching them how to adapt to our way of life shouldnt they?

How can this be helping race relations in Australia ?

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Re: 'Muslim sensitivity course' - Disgraceful
Reply #2 - May 27th, 2007 at 12:26pm
This makes good business sense. You should look after your employees. Though there isn't much point in an alcohol free Christmans party, as the muslims won't turn up anyway.
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Re: 'Muslim sensitivity course' - Disgraceful
Reply #3 - May 27th, 2007 at 2:58pm
Here is 1/2 an email I was sent.

History shows us what happens when good men do nothing. Let alone teaching bosses to be subservient. That is exactly what muslims want. islam means submission.

"A man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War Two owned a number of large industries and estates.  When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

"Very few people were true Nazis "he said," but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools.  So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen.  Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.  My family lost everything.  I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories."

We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace.

Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant.  It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.  The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.

It is the fanatics who march.

It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide.

It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave.

It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour kill.

It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque.

It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals.

The hard quantifiable fact is that the "peaceful majority" the "silent majority" is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia comprised Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people.  The peaceful majority were irrelevant.

China's huge population, it was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War 2 was not a warmongering sadist.  Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel and bayonet.

And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery.  Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were "peace loving"?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:  Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awake one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs , Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Lastly, at the risk of offending, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email, without sending it on, can contribute to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand.

So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on!!  Let us hope that thousands, world wide, read this - think about it - and send it on.
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Re: 'Muslim sensitivity course' - Disgraceful
Reply #4 - May 27th, 2007 at 3:00pm
Creating a suitable environment for your employees is not a form of submission.
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Re: 'Muslim sensitivity course' - Disgraceful
Reply #5 - May 27th, 2007 at 3:03pm
Here is the other 1/2 of the email.

freediver - do you realise what happens to nonmuslim people in a muslim state ?
Amongst other things they have to pay an extra tax. What apppens ot your business then ?
Wher are the muslin designed cars ? Where is their ingenuity, artistic flair, entreprenuaral spirit ?
Yep, all crushed under a dogmatic false faith.

By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez(*)

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz.

We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned.

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime.

Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

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Re: 'Muslim sensitivity course' - Disgraceful
Reply #6 - May 27th, 2007 at 3:05pm
That is hardly justification for ignoring how your workplace policies affect your employees. No sensible businessman is going to start trying to offend their employees just to fit in with your global struggle against terrorism. It would be counterprodictive for the business and counterproductive for the war on terror.
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ex-member DonaldTrump
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Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #7 - May 21st, 2007 at 9:11pm
I was just wondering if anyone has had experiences with loud Muslims in their local libraries.

In my library, there are large groups of them that enter and have no regard for the simple cultural practice of shutting the hell up in the library. I don't know whether it's just their culture, or whether it's blatant ignorance of the rules.

Can someone in this forum shed any light on the subject?

-What bothers me thoroughly though, is the way the librarians do nothing about it, because they're scared they will 'offend' someone or break some sort of law if they approach them. The politically correct garbage is rife in my town.
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #8 - May 21st, 2007 at 9:14pm
Hi donald,
I am not a library goer so have not experienced that.

You got any ideas on what to do next time ?
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ex-member DonaldTrump
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #9 - May 21st, 2007 at 9:39pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 21st, 2007 at 9:14pm:
Hi donald,
I am not a library goer so have not experienced that.

You got any ideas on what to do next time ?

I'll probably just tell them to shut the hell up. If they continue, I'll complain officially to the library desk, and if this continues, I'll go the local media. That would make quite a juicy story for A Current Affair perhaps?  Grin Further tainting their 'peaceful' community.
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #10 - May 21st, 2007 at 10:17pm
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on May 21st, 2007 at 9:39pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 21st, 2007 at 9:14pm:
Hi donald,
I am not a library goer so have not experienced that.

You got any ideas on what to do next time ?

I'll probably just tell them to shut the hell up. If they continue, I'll complain officially to the library desk, and if this continues, I'll go the local media. That would make quite a juicy story for A Current Affair perhaps?  Grin Further tainting their 'peaceful' community.

Donald you poor thing-- it must be a real pain in the a rse for you..

I study externally so I dont have that problem. I do have 'home ' distractions though and that may be just as bad I think.

You may just have to get the Library to start to enforce its rules---- make a loud noise Donald.
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #11 - May 21st, 2007 at 11:19pm
Hi Donald,
Pretty good logical thinking there about telling them yourself, then asking the librarians.

In all truth, they are probably just normal young people who happen to be muslims enjoying themselves, albeit where they should be quiet.

Of course, if you feel in any way "cautious" due to the actions of some other muslims or what you may think you have overheard ..........     A different response may be prudent.

An official complaint in a typed letter has MUCH more weight than an emailed one.
An emailed one can be deleted. A real letter sits on someones desk till something is done about it.
Esp to a local newspaper.

But really, they are prob just young folk being young folk. A quiet whisper and "shusshing" sign over the lips is prob the best.

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ex-member DonaldTrump
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #12 - May 21st, 2007 at 11:33pm
Hi Donald, 
Pretty good logical thinking there about telling them yourself, then asking the librarians.

In all truth, they are probably just normal young people who happen to be muslims enjoying themselves, albeit where they should be quiet.

Of course, if you feel in any way "cautious" due to the actions of some other muslims or what you may think you have overheard ..........     A different response may be prudent.

An official complaint in a typed letter has MUCH more weight than an emailed one.
An emailed one can be deleted. A real letter sits on someones desk till something is done about it.
Esp to a local newspaper.

But really, they are prob just young folk being young folk. A quiet whisper and "shusshing" sign over the lips is prob the best.

Well, this point did cross my mind (Just young people, etc), but certain 'patterns' are emerging.

For example, there are two libraries around my area, and both are occupied by very loud Muslims. Now... I'd like feedback to see whether anyone here has Muslims in their library, and if so, are they loud?

I think it has the potential to be classified as a cultural practice.
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #13 - May 21st, 2007 at 11:56pm
A few words there pounced out to me.

"patterns", and "very loud"

islamists are trained, so will form patterns.
islam is about quenching questioning, growth etc etc etc.
Very loud discussions in learning areas stop learning.

I would most certainly make official complaints simultanously to the libray, who runs (funds) the library and a few local newspapers. Citing your reservations about confronting these obviously muslims people, given the current circumstances.
Without a doubt.

Good intelligent obsertavtion Donald
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #14 - May 22nd, 2007 at 10:23am
I've never acome across the problem. Are they young men? It sounds similar to the people who cruie around in cars with their stereos turned up.
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #15 - May 27th, 2007 at 10:13pm
Hi Donald,

Just had another flick through your initial posting .

"simple cultural practice of shutting the hell up in the library", it is not just a cultural practise.
People are quiet in a library as it is a place of learning. learning from a bookis best done in a quet atmosphere.  It is a silence out of respect for education,learning and advancement.

These people are against education, learning and advancement. Hey, same as all islam countries !!

Fancy that ??              Accept it, or report it.

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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #16 - May 28th, 2007 at 12:11pm
Aren't there centres for 'quiet study' in Islamic cultures also?
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Re: Loud Muslims in libraries.
Reply #17 - May 28th, 2007 at 10:02pm
Good idea freedive, we should disrupt their quiet study/prayer times and places.

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Mohammed's past.....
Reply #18 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 9:32pm
Hey fella's here is something interesting- Extract from Encyclopedia of World History.

''He became leader of a sect, at first secret, aiming at restoring the purity of the faith of ABRAHAM''.
Hmmmmmm.  it gets better.

''Preaching in public first in about 616 AD, he offended many meccans and was forced in 622 AD to flee to medina. From this flight, the muslims date their calendar. Here mohammed dictator, BROKE WITH
and declared mecca, not jerusalem the holy city.

There we have it people. 
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #19 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 9:54pm
So you have something against Jews as well? There's a surprise  Roll Eyes
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #20 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 10:17pm
The point is, Muslims hate jews- Their venerated leader was one! Grin
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« Last Edit: Jun 3rd, 2007 at 10:27pm by DILLIGAF »  
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #21 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 10:54pm
hahahah, never looked at it that way .   Grin
I thought he was a wannabe jew. Just was too unintelligent to "make the mark."

Jews are REALLY sharp. Really hard to do business with. Sharp as a tack, won't give at all.
No wonder they run many large financial institutions.

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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #22 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 11:01pm
I thought he was a wannabe jew. Just was too unintelligent to "make the mark."

Roll Eyes Jesus was Jewish too wasn't he?
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #23 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 10:41am
IQSRLOW wrote on Jun 3rd, 2007 at 11:01pm:
I thought he was a wannabe jew. Just was too unintelligent to "make the mark."

Roll Eyes Jesus was Jewish too wasn't he?

Yes he was.
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #24 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 10:48am
How does Islam's view or explanation of Jesus differ from that of modern Jews?
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #25 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 10:58am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 3rd, 2007 at 10:54pm:
hahahah, never looked at it that way .   Grin
I thought he was a wannabe jew. Just was too unintelligent to "make the mark."

Jews are REALLY sharp. Really hard to do business with. Sharp as a tack, won't give at all.
No wonder they run many large financial institutions.

so by that logic, Jesus was unintelligent as well given that Jews reject Jesus as being the Messiah.
funny that, and i thought u were a practising christian that respected Jesus.
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #26 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 11:00am
freediver wrote on Jun 4th, 2007 at 10:48am:
How does Islam's view or explanation of Jesus differ from that of modern Jews?

as far as i'm aware, Jews reject Jesus entirely - i.e. they see him as a fake.
whereas muslims recognise Jesus as a prophet and not as the Son of God.
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #27 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 11:07am
Hi skeptic,

How have you been ?

Jesus confronted their "system" and claimed to be The Son of God.
Whom was prophesied about in the Old Testament.
The jews tried to trick him often about the law often. If they could do that, they would discredit his claim. Some of his answers even now I cannot imagine a reply to.
He fulfilled the jewish law and went further. He added compassion and mercy to the law.
They tried to stone him a few times due to him threatening their "religion." 

Mohammad tried to teach the Jew about jewish matters.  Intellectually they bettered him, he became quite someone to poke fun at before he left, his pride torn.
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #28 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 11:15am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 4th, 2007 at 11:07am:
Mohammad tried to teach the Jew about jewish matters.  Intellectually they bettered him, he became quite someone to poke fun at before he left, his pride torn.

LOL. ur making it sounds like, Jews don't make fun of Jesus either.

my point is, u mention that the Jews rejected Mohammed claim that he was a prophet and that was because Mohammed was unintelligent. but the thing is, the Jews also rejected Jesus, so using that logic then Jesus was also unintelligent.
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #29 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 11:22am
Sorry sprint but i gotta say this.  What is the credability of their stories if they (jesus and mohammed) wandered through the desert without food and water? Doesnt the human mind hallucinate and go crazy in the heat without these things?

Thats why im an athiest. I could walk out to the simpson desert and come back claiming i spoke to god and with todays knowledge of phsychology and the body, i would be declared insane and rightly so.
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Re: Mohammed's past.....
Reply #30 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 1:08pm
Aussie - No need to apologise to me for quizzing my beliefs. 

yes, heat and dehydration would cause all sorts of weird stuff to be seen/heard.whatever.
I guess it depends what is said. ie if it is "jellybeans are grown on mars"
maybe not a good sign .

if it is a correct prophecy or something about me they had no idea of knowing ....... interesting.
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Why some muslims can kill others.
Reply #31 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 9:39pm
Here is an interesting word - Takfir.

Is is bad for one muslim to kill another.  Nonmuslims are immaterial, recommended to kill really.
But another muslim is a nono.
Takfir - means if someone says they are a muslim, but they aren't (by whose standards?), they can be killed. It is quite ok.
Takfir comes from the word kafir.

Hence, sunnnis and shiites can relish in their "religious" bloodshed.
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Re: Why some muslims can kill others.
Reply #32 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 10:52pm
You been watching ''jihad'' on SBS ay sprint?

I learnt a new term aswell, ''UMMAH'' which means islamic community as a whole.

So my new battle cry is   DEATH TO ISLAM, DEATH TO UMMAH! Grin
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Re: Why some muslims can kill others.
Reply #33 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 11:16pm

Is what they want ausnat !!!
Yes, I did see that.

Now tuning in my congas. man, congas are great. Had a lesson fron a guy at work, really helped me on the "mechanical" side to them.
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Re: Why some muslims can kill others.
Reply #34 - Jun 8th, 2007 at 2:05pm
The religion of piece


Yes, piece of bodies chopped up
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Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #35 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:45pm
New Mufti doubts bin Laden role

Mark Dunn

June 12, 2007 12:00am

AUSTRALIA'S new mufti, Sheik Fehmi Naji el-Imam, won't accept that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the September 11 attacks on the United States.

In his first day in the job, the cleric stuck by his long-standing view that questions whether bin Laden was behind the 2001 attacks.

"What evidence?" he said when asked if he now accepted bin Laden's role in the atrocity.,21985,21889477-661,00.html

From a basterd to a basterd I guess.  Roll Eyes

Just reinforcing the view that there is no such thing as 'Moderate Muslims.'
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #36 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 6:21pm
So it hasnt ended.   Roll Eyes

Bring it on camel jockey.
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #37 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:32pm
has anyone seen the Loose Change Sept 11 documentary? and yes, i know some people will write it off as a conspiracy theory, but i have to admit it raised some good points and i doubt we're been told the whole truth about what happened on Sept 11. although, i'm not saying bin Laden didn't do it, but there's evidence to suggest other parties were involved as well.

anyway, my point is the views of this new mufti isn't something new, alot of people (both muslim and non-muslims) believe that Osama Bin Laden was used as a scapegoat and there official Sept 11 story isn't exactly correct.

by the way, i noticed this part of the article:
"His stance flies in the face of bin Laden's own confession, aired in a December 2001 video."

i saw that so-called confession, the tape was found to be a hoax, refer to the following link:
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #38 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:35pm
Well, i dont trust the C.I.A exactly- they've set up things before. I'd say the C.I.A knew about the imminent attacks but chose not to stop it so the U.S could go to war.
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ex-member DonaldTrump
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #39 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:45pm
skeptic wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:32pm:
has anyone seen the Loose Change Sept 11 documentary? and yes, i know some people will write it off as a conspiracy theory, but i have to admit it raised some good points and i doubt we're been told the whole truth about what happened on Sept 11. although, i'm not saying bin Laden didn't do it, but there's evidence to suggest other parties were involved as well.

anyway, my point is the views of this new mufti isn't something new, alot of people (both muslim and non-muslims) believe that Osama Bin Laden was used as a scapegoat and there official Sept 11 story isn't exactly correct.

by the way, i noticed this part of the article:
"His stance flies in the face of bin Laden's own confession, aired in a December 2001 video."

i saw that so-called confession, the tape was found to be a hoax, refer to the following link:

Not a very reliable website, is it skeptic? I wont be convinced until I'm shown a genuinely repectable site.

However, I move that we open up a new thread debating whether Osama Bin Laden was indeed behind the attacks in the first place.
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #40 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:51pm
I second the motion.
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #41 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:51pm
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:45pm:
Not a very reliable website, is it skeptic? I wont be convinced until I'm shown a genuinely repectable site

True, the website is biased, but it has a link showing the confession tape - the guy in the tape that is supposed to be Osama Bin Laden doesn't even look like him. for one, he was darker, fatter and had different facial features.
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #42 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 12:19am
skeptic wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:51pm:
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:45pm:
Not a very reliable website, is it skeptic? I wont be convinced until I'm shown a genuinely repectable site

True, the website is biased, but it has a link showing the confession tape - the guy in the tape that is supposed to be Osama Bin Laden doesn't even look like him. for one, he was darker, fatter and had different facial features.

Um... I kind of find it hard to believe that they found a double of Osama Bin Laden to 'act' out a scene in the video. That's taking it a bit... far... isn't it?
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #43 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 9:14am
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 12:19am:
Um... I kind of find it hard to believe that they found a double of Osama Bin Laden to 'act' out a scene in the video. That's taking it a bit... far... isn't it?

Well, i don't think it's far fetched at all, before the video was found there wasn't any concrete proof that Osama Bin Laden was involved in the Sept 11 attacks (mostly circumstantial evidence) - this video was supposed to be the "smoking gun".

Anyway, have a look at the pics urself and tell me if u think the guy looks like Osama Bin Laden. I personally don't think he does - there's are quite distinct differences, the main one being that the guy in the video was fatter & had darker skin.
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #44 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 12:36pm
if it wasn't osama bin it was every muslim who celebrated it and every teacher that recommended jihad and the like.

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motion carried
Reply #45 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 3:23pm
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #46 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 3:28pm
so just another muslim correctly practising taqiya ?
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Re: motion carried
Reply #47 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 3:31pm
freediver wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 3:23pm:

that topic is talking about the conspiracy theory regarding the collapse of the twin towers.

i was referring to the Osama Bin Laden confession tape, has anyone else seen it? there's a link to it in the website i posted above. i don't think the guy in there looks like Bin Laden - would love to hear other people's thoughts.
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Re: Behold-- Australia's new mufti
Reply #48 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 3:34pm
Go ahead and start a new topic in thinking globally then.
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France's answer to multiculturalism and muslims
Reply #49 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:08am

23/05/2007 14:38 PARIS, May 23 (AFP)
France wants to encourage immigrants to return home

France plans to offer incentives to more immigrants to return home, especially to Africa, new immigration minister Brice Hortefeux said Wednesday.

France will provide 6,000 euros (8,000 dollars) to a family with two children if they agree to go back to their country of origin, an incentive that was taken up by some 1,000 families in 2005 and 2,000 in 2006.

"We must increase this measure to help voluntary return. I am very clearly committed to doing that," said Hortefeux, who last week was named in the rightwing government of President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Is this the answer to Australia's Islamic problem? This initiative in France shows that the idea isn't completely nutty, nor a pipe-dream.
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Re: France's answer to multiculturalism and muslim
Reply #50 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:37am
Good on ya france! Smiley  May we all follow her example. Cool
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muslim honour
Reply #51 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:20pm
Daughter strangled with shoelace for 'honour'
By Michael Holden in London
June 12, 2007 07:51am
Article from: Reuters
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A KURDISH man was convicted in a London court overnight of murdering his 20-year-old daughter in a so-called "honour killing" after she left her husband and fell in love with another man.
Banaz Mahmod was strangled with a shoelace in her home in London, her body was stuffed in a suitcase and taken some 120 miles (190 km) to the city of Birmingham, where it was buried in the back garden of a house.
Mahmod Mahmod, 52, ordered his own daughter's murder with the help of his brother Ari Mahmod, 51. The killing itself was carried out by their associate Mohamad Hama, 30, and two other suspects who are still at large, police said.
The court had been told that Banaz had been forced to marry an Iraqi Kurd when she was 17 but the relationship collapsed. She returned to live with her parents in 2005, later falling in love with Rahmat Suleimani.
Her family decided to kill her because they believed the relationship had brought dishonour on the family as Suleimani was an Iranian Kurd and not a strict Muslim.
Banaz's body was found in April 2006, months after she was killed.
Honour killings were almost unheard of in Britain until a few years ago but police and prosecutors now estimate there are about a dozen such murders a year.
Campaigners say that the issue was misunderstood and that the authorities had been unwilling to get involved for fear of upsetting cultural sensitivities in minority communities.
Banaz had contacted police a number of times before her death, saying her life was at risk, but no action was taken.
An inquiry is under way into the police handling of the case.
"I don't think I have loved anyone as much as I have loved Banaz," Mr Suleimani said in a statement. "She was my first love. She meant the world to me."
Mahmod Mahmod, Ari Mahmod and Hama will be sentenced at a later date along with Pshtewan Hama, 26, who admitted perverting the course of justice.,23739,21891623-954,00.html
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #52 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:25pm
sprintcyclist, so i take it that u believe that Islam says it's okay for a guy to kill his own daughter??

u have a Koranic quote to support that?? or is this another case of taking the actions of a person and blaiming the religion?? i seem to remember in another topic that u posted that when a muslim guy slept with his daughters that u were adament that Islam allowed it, but yet couldn't provide a Koranic quote to support it.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #53 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:54pm
I did not say that at all gavin.

I did say i am not surprised they do that.  Are you ?
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #54 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:58pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:54pm:
I did not say that at all gavin.

I did say i am not surprised they do that.  Are you ?

No, u didn't say it, but u implied it when u titled the topic "muslim honour".
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #55 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:03pm
Gavin wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:58pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:54pm:
I did not say that at all gavin.

I did say i am not surprised they do that.  Are you ?

No, u didn't say it, but u implied it when u titled the topic "muslim honour".

I think perhaps Gavin ,Sprint never meant to defend Muslims in this practice..

I think the post is a matter of personal interpretation by the individual reader.

Sprint has never been an advocate of violence toward anyone let alone women.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #56 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:30pm
Oceans -  Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss

"Honour killings were almost unheard of in Britain until a few years ago but police and prosecutors now estimate there are about a dozen such murders a year.  "
What has changed in those years ? Who does them all ?

"personal interperetaton by the reader. "
I made up my mind  Wink
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #57 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:32pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:30pm:
Oceans -  Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss

"Honour killings were almost unheard of in Britain until a few years ago but police and prosecutors now estimate there are about a dozen such murders a year.  "
What has changed in those years ? Who does them all ?

"personal interperetaton by the reader. "
I made up my mind  Wink

okay, personal interpretations it is then, so whenever i see an article about a christian committing a crime, then i can simply assume that his religion allows it.  Wink
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #58 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:39pm
gavin - hahahahha.

has to be a pattern  of crimes that has some quotes/mentality that supports it
Post away though, is fun and educational
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #59 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:44pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:39pm:
has to be a pattern  of crimes that has some quotes/mentality that supports it

so based on that, i take it u have a quote from the Koran to support a guy killing his daughter??

if so, please share. and please don't post other irrelevant quotes, just one that supports a guy to kill his own daughter.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #60 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:23pm
Gavin wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:25pm:
sprintcyclist, so i take it that u believe that Islam says it's okay for a guy to kill his own daughter??

u have a Koranic quote to support that?? or is this another case of taking the actions of a person and blaiming the religion?? i seem to remember in another topic that u posted that when a muslim guy slept with his daughters that u were adament that Islam allowed it, but yet couldn't provide a Koranic quote to support it.

Are you in a coma gavin?  If not open your bloody eyes.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #61 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:36pm
Ausnat wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:23pm:
Gavin wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 12:25pm:
sprintcyclist, so i take it that u believe that Islam says it's okay for a guy to kill his own daughter??

u have a Koranic quote to support that?? or is this another case of taking the actions of a person and blaiming the religion?? i seem to remember in another topic that u posted that when a muslim guy slept with his daughters that u were adament that Islam allowed it, but yet couldn't provide a Koranic quote to support it.

Are you in a coma gavin?  If not open your bloody eyes.

AusNat, people do bad actions for a variety of reasons, religion is sometimes a factor but other time it isn't.

so just because a muslim commits a crime it doesn't mean his religion condones it, just like the same way if a christian or jew commits a crime, it doesn't mean christianity or judaism says it's okay.

but the issue is different if there is a quote from their religious text that says it's okay, i asked sprintcyclist to show me a quote to support a guy killing his own daughter. if he can't provide that, then u can't blame the guys actions on his religion. 

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #62 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:41pm

AusNat, people do bad actions for a variety of reasons, religion is sometimes a factor but other time it isn't.

Its crime no matter which way its looked at.

so just because a muslim commits a crime it doesn't mean his religion condones it, just like the same way if a christian or jew commits a crime, it doesn't mean christianity or judaism says it's okay.

In islam, its accepted practice. ''Honour killings'' for not wearing a teatowel, Beatings for not submitting to the husbands will, Stonings etc... these are well documented facts in the islamic world.
Believe it or not, Jews practice this too.

but the issue is different if there is a quote from their religious text that says it's okay, i asked sprintcyclist to show me a quote to support a guy killing his own daughter. if he can't provide that, then u can't blame the guys actions on his religion. 

Im not educated on the koran (i care not to read that shite) but i do watch their actions.

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #63 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:45pm
Ausnat wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:41pm:
In islam, its accepted practice. ''Honour killings'' for not wearing a teatowel, Beatings for not submitting to the husbands will, Stonings etc... these are well documented facts in the islamic world.
Believe it or not, Jews practice this too.

if honour killings are an acceptable practice in Islam, then i would like to see the quote from the Koran that supports it.

Im not educated on the koran (i care not to read that shite) but i do watch their actions.

but what if their actions are different to their religious teachings? why blame the religion then?

say for example, a christian guy committed adultery even though christianity says adultery is a sin - does it make sense to blame christianity and say it allows adultery because it's followers commit it? obviously not.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #64 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:54pm
but what if their actions are different to their religious teachings? why blame the religion then?

say for example, a christian guy committed adultery even though christianity says adultery is a sin - does it make sense to blame christianity and say it allows adultery because it's followers commit it? obviously not.

Then the race and culture are to blame. Same shite differnt smell.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #65 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:14pm
Gavin wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:45pm:
Ausnat wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:41pm:
In islam, its accepted practice. ''Honour killings'' for not wearing a teatowel, Beatings for not submitting to the husbands will, Stonings etc... these are well documented facts in the islamic world.
Believe it or not, Jews practice this too.

if honour killings are an acceptable practice in Islam, then i would like to see the quote from the Koran that supports it.

Im not educated on the koran (i care not to read that shite) but i do watch their actions.

but what if their actions are different to their religious teachings? why blame the religion then?

say for example, a christian guy committed adultery even though christianity says adultery is a sin - does it make sense to blame christianity and say it allows adultery because it's followers commit it? obviously not.

So if I manage to dig up a quote, Gavin, would you accept that we're right and you're wrong?
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #66 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:24pm
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:14pm:
So if I manage to dig up a quote, Gavin, would you accept that we're right and you're wrong?

i didn't say i'm right, i just didn't want to jump to conclusions without seeing the evidence first (i.e. whether it is condoned by their religious teachings).

so if u can find a quote from the Koran that says a guy can murder his own daughter and that it's allowed that would be good. even better if u can find a link as well.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #67 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:29pm
Well... I can find a truckload of evidence that a man has every right to kill his wife if he commits adultery under Islam. After all, thousands of women are killed each year in Muslim countries...including 'civilised' ones like that of Turkey. But the whole 'daughter killing' thing may be a little trickier and too specific to dig up at this stage.

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #68 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:55pm
About 10 years ago i remember that an islamic teenage girl was killed by her father because she (it) took off her teatowel. ''It was too hot'' was her complaint so he killed her for ''honour''.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #69 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 11:14pm
Ausnat wrote on Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:55pm:
About 10 years ago i remember that an islamic teenage girl was killed by her father because she (it) took off her teatowel. ''It was too hot'' was her complaint so he killed her for ''honour''.

This is fascinating go on..

There all kinds of crimes committed against women in Arab countries , not all Arab countries though...but without any further reading on the subject, Id say its a basic lack of respect for women , no value placed on them as a worthwhile members of society.

Be very interesting to see where and why this attitude came about in the beginning...regarded as  sexual objects and completely disposable.In some countries women are revered for their capacity to create  life and have a completely different standing within their commnuity and religion.

How di this come about and how did they reconcile and incorporate this into their

A lot of Muslim women , although not alone, face unspeakable cruelties..women in Rwanda and Ethiopia other countries fair little better.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #70 - Jun 12th, 2007 at 11:20pm
Oceans - this attitude toward women is what is stated in the koran.  To not mistreat their women would be not following the koran.

various quotes say "a woman is 1/2 a man", "most of the people in hell will be women", when one of mohammads cronies nmurdered two women for him mohammad said "It means a little as two goats butting their heads together."

I can give you MANY more, with references if you want.

Add their abuses toward women in the koran, and the recommendation for murdering. it is no wonder they murder their women.  "moderate muslims" are not adhering to the koran.
What hilali says is what the koran says.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #71 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:04pm

In islam, its accepted practice.

Prove it.

Then the race and culture are to blame. Same shite differnt smell.

So Islam isn't to blame? It's not like you to acknowledge non-religious causes.

Christians used to burn 'witches' at the stake. That doesn't mean Christianity allows or condones it. Grasping for the simple answer will just give you the wrong answer.


What hilali says is what the koran says.

Does Hilaly say to kill your daughters of they dishonour you? I've read a lot of his comments to the media and from what I can gather I'm pretty sure he would oppose this.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #72 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:22pm
[quote author=freediver link=1181614826/15#20 date=1181714693]AusNat:

In islam, its accepted practice.

Prove it.

Watch documentaries about Afghanistan, saudi arabia, iran and pakistan.

Then the race and culture are to blame. Same shite differnt smell.

So Islam isn't to blame? It's not like you to acknowledge non-religious causes.

Oh i acknowledge it alright, Arabs, indians, Africans etc of any faith are hideous people in relation to the treatment of women.

Christians used to burn 'witches' at the stake. That doesn't mean Christianity allows or condones it. Grasping for the simple answer will just give you the wrong answer.

These were fanatical christians. I hold these in as much contempt as any muslim.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #73 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:26pm
Watch documentaries about Afghanistan, saudi arabia, iran and pakistan.

That's your proof? Watching documentaries about countries to learn about a religion?

Oh i acknowledge it alright, Arabs, indians, Africans etc of any faith are hideous people in relation to the treatment of women.

The race thing - do you really think a person's genetics can cause them to kill their daughter? Wouldn't that be a rather difficult trait to pass on? I know you are a believer (in evolution that is) so you should be able to understand my confusion.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #74 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:44pm
freediver wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:26pm:
Watch documentaries about Afghanistan, saudi arabia, iran and pakistan. [quote]

That's your proof? Watching documentaries about countries to learn about a religion?

Well my mind is not a bloody computer! cant remember everything. History books too freediver.

Oh i acknowledge it alright, Arabs, indians, Africans etc of any faith are hideous people in relation to the treatment of women.

The race thing - do you really think a person's genetics can cause them to kill their daughter? Wouldn't that be a rather difficult trait to pass on? I know you are a believer (in evolution that is) so you should be able to understand my confusion.

These people arent as evolved as we are. three things mix together to make these people who they are-   Race, Culture, Religion.

Thats all im going to say on the subject. You people are like talking to a brick wall.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #75 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:47pm
The race thing is a total crackpot theory. Plenty of people have tried to prove it. They have all failed. I agree that culture is a cause. Religion I am still highly doubtful of, given the tenuous nature of the links you lot have tried to make.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #76 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 5:02pm
Aussie says...."These people arent as evolved as we are "by whos defintion and whos standards do you base this on and just saying 'mine' would not be sufficient,.

I dont accept that because a race has different cultural values and religion deems them less evolved than you me or anyone else.They just believe something different thru social conditioning from birth.

We all have the capacity to learn somthing different. being unable to learn it, that would be different.
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« Last Edit: Jun 13th, 2007 at 5:18pm by oceanz »  

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #77 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 7:53pm
I dont have to base these theories on anybody else. i have my own brain.
What have the Blacks of Africa invented?
The wheel? NO
Iron tools? NO
Did they invent modern cultivation? NO
Did they start the industrial revolution? NO
Have they sailed vast distances in ships with the view to explore? NO
Did they build vast civilizations? NO
Did they ever discover modern medicine? NO

I could go on.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #78 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 11:22pm
freediver - uhuh, different races are different.
Did you see the list of countries living standards I posted ??
ALL the lower ones were ran and populated by blacks.
ALL the top ones were ran and populated by whites.
ALL of them, every one.

Who wants to live in botswana , or Switzerland ?

had a read and did a posting on my forum about the witch burning.  Thankfully is was not done by christians (phew, was so relieved at that one). Wiccans Iknow are pretty good.
The courts were   ... ggrrr, can't recall the word now. Similar to sectarian, but not that one.
anyway, not us for this once !!!  Apparently churches helped in stopping it.  Happened to female and male witches.  Was often the result of a false accusation by a jealous suspicious wife against another woman. There was no defense against that accusation
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #79 - Jun 13th, 2007 at 11:37pm
AH yes the list of countries. proof is there.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #80 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 12:44am
freediver wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:47pm:
The race thing is a total crackpot theory. Plenty of people have tried to prove it. They have all failed. I agree that culture is a cause. Religion I am still highly doubtful of, given the tenuous nature of the links you lot have tried to make.

Freediver, it isn't a total crackpot theory.

Who's the 'plenty of people have tried' that you're refering to anyway?
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #81 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 11:02am
AH yes the list of countries. proof is there.

That is not proof. That is one of the most basic logical fallacies - the association fallacy.

Freediver, it isn't a total crackpot theory. 

Yes it is.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #82 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 12:43pm
how do you explain the race association displayed in the list freediver ?
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #83 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 12:49pm
Jared Diamond does a pretty good job in "Guns, germs and Steel." It's a very interesting book. No doubt there are plenty of competing theories.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #84 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 3:59pm
freediver wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 11:02am:
Freediver, it isn't a total crackpot theory.  

Yes it is.

Ah yes... good defense freediver. 'Yes it is.'  Roll Eyes

Once again... who's the 'plenty of people have tried' that you're refering to? Cat got your tongue, freediver?
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #85 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 4:07pm
DT, it is consigned to the history books. History tends not to remember the great failures, but it is common knowledge that attempts to prove that genetics is to blame for these things have been made and have failed. I am not going to go to any effort to prove something that is already well known. I'm sure the information is available if you are actually interested enough to look into the original sources.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #86 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 4:32pm
freediver wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 4:07pm:
DT, it is consigned to the history books. History tends not to remember the great failures, but it is common knowledge that attempts to prove that genetics is to blame for these things have been made and have failed. I am not going to go to any effort to prove something that is already well known. I'm sure the information is available if you are actually interested enough to look into the original sources.

Bvllsh1t. You're just not answering a straight forward question because you have no frickin clue about the subject.

I think they did rather brilliant work in the late 19th century and early 20th century considering the primitive nature of science. They found physical differences and differences in behaviour depending on what race you were from.

But all of a sudden... study of genetic differences stopped... why?

Advanced science took off shortly after the age of political correctness. I highly doubt there is a school/university in the country that promotes the idea of investigating the differences in race... if anything, they focus on trying to prove that there is no such thing as race... given the leftist nature of Universities these days.

And IF you DARE claim that the area of 'race' is understudied, and the phychology of different races needs to be investigated further... you get sacked/threatened by the heads of the University.

And one of the things you learn even in primary school is that the potential/what makes up the human brain is largely unknown, and a great mystery of human anatomy. How can we say we really understand the potential of different races when we don't even understand something as vital as the human brain?

Who writes up the history of 'these great failures' anyway?  Grin -Politically correct bigots at Universities... that's who.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #87 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 4:45pm
DT, there are more than enough people around with an interest in proving racist theories to do it if it could be done and more than enough market to make 'successful' research commercially viable. It can't. If it could, you wouldn't be relying so heavily on the association fallacy and conspiracy theories.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #88 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 4:57pm
DT, there are more than enough people around with an interest in proving racist theories to do it if it could be done and more than enough market to make 'successful' research commercially viable. It can't. If it could, you wouldn't be relying so heavily on the association fallacy and conspiracy theories.

Freediver... unless you're a genius and can learn science without the help of University and resources it provides... then you no chance to study it further.

Try going up to the professor and saying, "Hey professor... I wanna study the difference between white people and black people's mentality and physical differences." -He'd be kicked out of the course faster than you can say 'white supremist.'

Take it from someone who knows, freediver. Universities don't tolerate this kinda stuff.

In fact, let's try this guy called Andrew Fraser as a case study, where he made the claim that there were differences in the intelligence between blacks and whites. -He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Law at Macquarie University in Sydney. For his stance, he was suspended from the University. Macquarie University Vice Chancellor Dianne Yerbury on July 29, 2005 decided to suspend Fraser from teaching any further at the campus on the grounds that the race debate was "threatening to spill over into the classroom" and was "affecting the university's ability to operate effectively."  Give me a break.  Roll Eyes

If you study the differences between races at University.. you risk having your name publicly tarnished and labelled a 'racist' for the rest of your life. Is it really worth the risk?
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #89 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:07pm
Sure DT, if you turned out to be right. Coming up with something that goes against the mainstream view is always risky, but has huge rewards. If there was anything in it, a few sackings like the one you highlighted would have no chance of keeping it under wraps. What you don't realise is that people used to think like you do. There was no risk in studying it and people did study it. They came up with nothing of value. It was the notion that race was not a factor that had the real struggle for acceptance in academic circles and which had to prove itself. A study which aims to show that there are no differences is no different in terms of it's contribution to science than a study that aims to show that there are differences.

What universities don't tolerate is people trying to waste their funds on something that has already been done to death. If you put in the hard yards and came up with something new to test or a more refined test, there would be a university somewhere in the world willing to take you on, even if just to prove that race is not a factor.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #90 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:08pm
Ausnat wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 7:53pm:
I dont have to base these theories on anybody else. i have my own brain.
What have the Blacks of Africa invented?
The wheel? NO
Iron tools? NO
Did they invent modern cultivation? NO
Did they start the industrial revolution? NO
Have they sailed vast distances in ships with the view to explore? NO
Did they build vast civilizations? NO
Did they ever discover modern medicine? NO

I could go on.

well you could but even some of what you have stated is wrong..

and how did this get to be an arguement about  African pple   ??? reference to them in my quote.

You choose black pple ,curious, because there are many cultures on earth, and this thread is talking about Muslim honour as was I, so how did it get to be about African people.? Off topic AN and generalisations will not make your point clearly Wink

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« Last Edit: Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:15pm by oceanz »  

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #91 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:16pm
This AN,

Is my quote. Shocked

oceanz wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 5:02pm:
Aussie says...."These people arent as evolved as we are "by whos defintion and whos standards do you base this on and just saying 'mine' would not be sufficient,.

I dont accept that because a race has different cultural values and religion deems them less evolved than you me or anyone else.They just believe something different thru social conditioning from birth.

We all have the capacity to learn somthing different. being unable to learn it, that would be different.

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #92 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:37pm
freediver wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:07pm:
Sure DT, if you turned out to be right. Coming up with something that goes against the mainstream view is always risky, but has huge rewards. If there was anything in it, a few sackings like the one you highlighted would have no chance of keeping it under wraps. What you don't realise is that people used to think like you do. There was no risk in studying it and people did study it. They came up with nothing of value. It was the notion that race was not a factor that had the real struggle for acceptance in academic circles and which had to prove itself. A study which aims to show that there are no differences is no different in terms of it's contribution to science than a study that aims to show that there are differences.

Observe everyone... this is freedivers new and improved alternative view of history/society. Politically correct and emotive to the core... without a shred of evidence to back up his claims.

Yes... to consider that there's 'no such thing as race' was once considered a 'new and groundbreaking' theory, freediver. But so was communism. Communism was soon proved wrong as this stupid 'no race' bvllkrap will.

It's taken the full circle. Now considering the DIFFERENCES between races are 'new and groundbreaking.' With the good old heads of the University... (Usually former communists) trying everything in their power to stop such study... as we all know... communists have a strong, non-scientific belief that there is no such thing as race/culture/nationality/religion/family. It's a well-known fact that most communists and socialist party members are 'academics' at Universities... and have been since the 1950's and 60's.

What universities don't tolerate is people trying to waste their funds on something that has already been done to death.

Oh bvllsh1t. 'Done to death' how?

If you put in the hard yards and came up with something new to test or a more refined test, there would be a university somewhere in the world willing to take you on, even if just to prove that race is not a factor.

Do you realise how much krap this study has copped for trying to prove that maoris  are more prone to violence due to a genetic difference?

Check out this response by a geneticist:
Dr Nicola Poa, research fellow at Christchurch School of Medicine, said it was unheard of to link a gene to race-based behaviour.

"It is pretty contentious to be tagging a gene, especially with that type of behaviour, to an ethnic race. There are huge ethical behaviours behind it. I was appalled.

"You have to be very careful. It is quite a big leap to be able to connect it to a type of behaviour. You really need input from psychologists or psychiatrists to do it at the molecular level. Genes are the basic building blocks. It's a big leap to adapt it to someone's behaviour."

Jesus. Oh yeah... it's really being 'done to death' especially when there's so many open-minded people like Nicola Poa above.  Roll Eyes
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #93 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:46pm
Observe everyone... this is freedivers new and improved alternative view of history/society. Politically correct and emotive to the core... without a shred of evidence to back up his claims.

No DT it is just common knowledge. I am not going to investigate every conspiracy theory that comes up on the internet, even if it is a nasty one. If you want to make a case that everyone else has been mislead, you come up with the evidence.

Yes... to consider that there's 'no such thing as race' was once considered a 'new and groundbreaking' theory, freediver.

I've never heard of that theory. Sounds like a way to redefine race rather than a meaningful contribution.

But so was communism. Communism was soon proved wrong as this stupid 'no race' bvllkrap will. 

LOL, because communism was proven wrong so will this? You do realise that people lived in socialist socities before modern capitalist economic systems sprung up, don't you?

It's taken the full circle. Now considering the DIFFERENCES between races are 'new and groundbreaking.'

I thought you said no-one was interested?

It's a well-known fact that most communists and socialist party members are 'academics' at Universities... and have been since the 1950's and 60's. 

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #94 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:54pm
No DT it is just common knowledge. I am not going to investigate every conspiracy theory that comes up on the internet, even if it is a nasty one. If you want to make a case that everyone else has been mislead, you come up with the evidence.

You're one lazy little worm, aren't you freediver?

LOL, because communism was proven wrong so will this? You do realise that people lived in socialist socities before modern capitalist economic systems sprung up, don't you?

No... I didn't know that, freediver.  Roll Eyes Please do go on though... I'll be veeery interested to see what krap you pull out of your @ss this time.  Grin

I thought you said no-one was interested?

Since when did I say noone was interested? The heads of Universities aren't interested.

It's a well-known fact that most communists and socialist party members are 'academics' at Universities... and have been since the 1950's and 60's.  


Laugh it up dickwad. It's true. Socialism has had a HUGE presence at our unis for the last 3-4 decades.

I love it how you didn't comment on the maori article btw... nice one. Good deception.   Smiley
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #95 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 6:04pm
DT, the maori article was a storm in a teacup. They found a gene that was present in 30% of Europeans and 60% of Maoris that the researcher even admitted only had a small influence on behaviour. The researcher was not fired and gained a lot of publicity over it.

You're one lazy little worm, aren't you freediver?

No DT, I just have priorities. Busting dodgy conspiracy theories is not one of them.

Laugh it up dickwad. It's true.

No it isn't. It's absurd.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #96 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 6:59pm
DT, the maori article was a storm in a teacup. They found a gene that was present in 30% of Europeans and 60% of Maoris that the researcher even admitted only had a small influence on behaviour. The researcher was not fired and gained a lot of publicity over it.

Negative or positive publicity, freediver?

You're one lazy little worm, aren't you freediver?

No DT, I just have priorities. Busting dodgy conspiracy theories is not one of them.


You: Prove it.
Me: Here's my evidence, where's yours?
You: I couldn't be bothered looking it up, because this debate is stupid and it would just be SOOO easy to prove you wrong that it's not even worth it. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Laugh it up dickwad. It's true.

No it isn't. It's absurd.

Prove it. Oh... oops... that's right... you don't prove anything do you freediver?  Roll Eyes You'd rather just make baseless assumptions that people are wrong until they show some evidence themselves... then you continue to deny it...based on your assumptions.

Sure... I can give evidence...

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Alternative (often abbreviated as SA) is a self-described Trotskyist group in Australia formed by a split from the International Socialist Organisation in 1995.[1] They are characterised by a strong focus on recruitment on campuses and at demonstrations.

SA is mainly composed of students active in their student unions, with emphasis on university-based political campaigns.

During the early 1970s the CPA(ML) attracted some following among radical students at some Australian universities, notably Monash University and La Trobe University in Melbourne and Flinders University in Adelaide. The CPA(ML) operated on university campuses through "front" organisations such as the Worker-Student Alliance (WSA) and the Monash Labor Club. Its most notable student leaders were Albert Langer and Jim Bacon (Bacon later renounced communism and became Labor Premier of Tasmania). Some academic figures, such as the historian Humphrey McQueen, also supported CPA-ML policies, even if they did not become party members.

Socialist Alliance Candidates

Sam Watson is the lead senate candidate for Socialist Alliance in Queensland.

As the deputy director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Study Centre at UQ, Sam lectures in indigneous Australian literature.

Tom Bramble teaches Industrial Relations at the University of Queensland.
His research and publications are in such areas as union and managerial
strategies, labour flexibility and new production systems, and the
political economy of industry policy. He is the editor of Never a White
Flag, the memoirs of New Zealand labour militant Jock Barnes, and a
member of Socialist Alternative.

Jamie Doughney is currently the senior researcher at Victoria
University's Workplace Studies Centre. He entered academia in 1990 after
a 20 year involvement as a trade unionist and radical activist. This
included a period on the staff and as editor of Direct Action.

Carole Ferrier is the editor of Hecate: A Women's Interdisciplinary
Journal and an Associate Professor in the Department of English at the
University of Queensland. She teaches in a range of courses in the areas
of gender, class, race and ethnicity in relation to literature,
especially Australian literature, and has also published widely in these
areas. She has been an activist for democratic rights for thirty years,
and her politics have remained consistently international socialist.

Sarah Gregson's article on this site is based on her PhD thesis Foot
Soldiers for Capital: the influence of RSL racism on interwar industrial
relations in Kalgoorlie and Broken Hill. She teaches workplace-related
subjects at the University of NSW and is a long-time member of the
International Socialist Organisation.

Martin Hirst has been active in socialist politics since 1975 and claims
to have been the only Trotskyist to evervwork in the federal press
gallery as a journalist. Martin is now teaching journalism at the
University of Queensland and has just written a book about journalism

Rick Kuhn teaches politics at the Australian National University. His
publications and interests are in the areas of economic policy and
thought in Australia, contemporary German political economy, and the
Marxist economist Henryk Grossman. He maintains a Marxism page on the
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #97 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 7:03pm
Hamish McPherson is a teacher and Australian Education Union workplace
delegate. He is a member of the Fitzroy-Carlton Peace Group and
International Socialist Organisation. In 1994 he joined student struggles
against up-front fees and was elected president of the ANU Student's
Association. He has been involved in the Jabiluka Action Group, protests
against the World Economic Forum, Refugee Action Collective and
campaigning against the war on Iraq.

Georgina Murray trained and taught as a sociologist in New Zealand at
Auckland University but has taught politics since moving to Australia in
1990. She currently works in the Humanities Department, Griffith
University, Nathan, Brisbane Qld

Douglas Pacheco left El Salvador with his family to move to Costa Rica
and then on to Australia. His Ph.D. is on the repercussions of financial
liberalisation on the Costa Rican economy. He teaches at Monash

Robert Tierney is a former member of the International Socialist
Organisation and remains a revolutionary socialist. He teaches industrial
relations at Charles Sturt University. He is currently publishing
research on the state and occupational health and safety in Hong Kong and
Taiwan. He is also beginning research on a book on class and class
struggle in the Central West of New South Wales, involving three other
authors. His passionate interests include Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan and

Ji Giles Ungpakorn is a founding member of the Thai Marxist organisation
"Workers Democracy". He is an Assistant Professor of Politics in the
Department of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,

Louise Walker joined Socialist Action in 1987, and was a member of the
International Socialist Organisation between 1990 and 1992. She submitted
her Honours thesis "Beers, Bed and Board: Industrial Behaviour Around the
Hotel and Liquor Industry Wages Boards, 1900-1914" in 1995. She is a
course adviser in the Department of Computer Science and Software
Engineering at the University of Melbourne, where she remains an active
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #98 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 7:11pm
He'd be kicked out of the course faster than you can say 'white supremist.'

that was mildly amusing DT.

But seriously I agree with what your trying to say...Unis are very mindful of saying anything contentious or offensive toward any 'black group' ...we have changed from  "Aboriginal" to "Indigenous Australian" for example and this is just in the areas of Aboriginal Studies- Culture and History in my program.. I dont mind speaking of my studies DT

It is not politically correct to state the obvious..even when it is patently obvious.

But I guess these guidelines are in place for a good I would say. We cannot give voice to is ugly and dangerous when allowed free reign.

This whole arguement is unsettling to be honest. I believe we cannot base a mans intelligence based on a study or a scientific 'finding'..there are many black doctors, Indian Doctors, korean Japanese etc....These degrees are very hard to get into.In every field of tertiary expertise and endeavour, if a black man has the right support and encouragement to succeed he comes down to opportunity in the end.

The poor and oppressed lack opportunity. Sad

Lets live and let live. In the end does it matter.?

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #99 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 8:11pm
Hi freediver - to repeat my question.
How do YOU account for the list of standards of living I posted ?

I came from new zealand. yes, maoris are renowm for their aggression. Is one of the reasons I left.
Don't know if it was due to their economic status. they are a warrior breed, as in their history.
Hence they are overrepresented in aggressive games. eg rugby league and union.
Somewhat unlike aborigines.

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #100 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 8:17pm
oceanz wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:08pm:
Ausnat wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 7:53pm:
I dont have to base these theories on anybody else. i have my own brain.
What have the Blacks of Africa invented?
The wheel? NO
Iron tools? NO
Did they invent modern cultivation? NO
Did they start the industrial revolution? NO
Have they sailed vast distances in ships with the view to explore? NO
Did they build vast civilizations? NO
Did they ever discover modern medicine? NO

I could go on.

well you could but even some of what you have stated is wrong..

and how did this get to be an arguement about  African pple   ??? reference to them in my quote.

You choose black pple ,curious, because there are many cultures on earth, and this thread is talking about Muslim honour as was I, so how did it get to be about African people.? Off topic AN and generalisations will not make your point clearly Wink

Because they are the second most stupid race on earth.  I wasnt going to mention Abo's  first but now that you've mentioned it-  The Aboriginal people of Australia are the most backwards people on earth.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #101 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 8:38pm
Ausnat wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 8:17pm:
oceanz wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 5:08pm:
Ausnat wrote on Jun 13th, 2007 at 7:53pm:
I dont have to base these theories on anybody else. i have my own brain.
What have the Blacks of Africa invented?
The wheel? NO
Iron tools? NO
Did they invent modern cultivation? NO
Did they start the industrial revolution? NO
Have they sailed vast distances in ships with the view to explore? NO
Did they build vast civilizations? NO
Did they ever discover modern medicine? NO

I could go on.

well you could but even some of what you have stated is wrong..

and how did this get to be an arguement about  African pple   ??? reference to them in my quote.

You choose black pple ,curious, because there are many cultures on earth, and this thread is talking about Muslim honour as was I, so how did it get to be about African people.? Off topic AN and generalisations will not make your point clearly Wink

Because they are the second most stupid race on earth.  I wasnt going to mention Abo's  first but now that you've mentioned it-  The Aboriginal people of Australia are the most backwards people on earth.


Do you have Aboriginal relations Aussie?And why are you so angry at them? Indigenous people, you , me , all of us are descended from the African knew that didnt you? Scientific fact. You are related to 'Abos'-'Africans' etc... Wink

Dont take my word for it though.
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« Last Edit: Jun 14th, 2007 at 9:03pm by oceanz »  

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #102 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 9:50pm
that was mildly amusing DT.

Thanks. But it was a pretty lame attempt at humour, I must admit.  Tongue

But seriously I agree with what your trying to say...Unis are very mindful of saying anything contentious or offensive toward any 'black group' ...we have changed from  "Aboriginal" to "Indigenous Australian" for example and this is just in the areas of Aboriginal Studies- Culture and History in my program.. I dont mind speaking of my studies DT

Cool.  Wink I'm glad you recognise this and I think it's admirable that you've decided to share your studies with us.  Cool No wonder you're so defensive of Aboriginal people.  Tongue

I've heard somewhere that this course doesn't have a very large attendences. Is that accurate? What kind of things do they teach?

It is not politically correct to state the obvious..even when it is patently obvious.


But I guess these guidelines are in place for a good I would say. We cannot give voice to is ugly and dangerous when allowed free reign.

Look, there's nothing wrong with recognising differences, we just need to find a way to do it so that things don't get violent. Nothing wrong with recognising a gene that somehow proves that maori's are more prone to violence. Hell, it may give them leniency in courts if a gene is found. They may even find ways of removing these genes, or even reducing it.

This whole arguement is unsettling to be honest. I believe we cannot base a mans intelligence based on a study or a scientific 'finding'..

Well... I think it's possible... so long as the evidence is sufficient.

there are many black doctors, Indian Doctors, korean Japanese etc....These degrees are very hard to get into.In every field of tertiary expertise and endeavour, if a black man has the right support and encouragement to succeed he comes down to opportunity in the end.

Well... I'm not entirely convinced about there being 'smart' Africans. These academic Africans usually come from America and that alone is a little suspicious.

Because even if black people in America have white/Asian genes in them, this is rejected and they're still considered 'black.' For example, Barrack Obama, the first so-called 'black' American President is half-white.

But this genetic trait by these successful academics, is ignored due to the 'one drop rule.' In America, if you have one-drop of black in your genes, you're considered 'black.' It's actually an official Government policy. So this white gene... which may or may not contribute to their academic achievement, is largely ignored.

The poor and oppressed lack opportunity. Sad

Every poor and oppressed person has the opportunity to better themself. It's gotten to the point that in America black people are so unfairly favoured that it's starting to be 'reverse racism.'

Lets live and let live. In the end does it matter.?

I think it does. All knowledge is good knowledge. And knowing the differences in intelligence and ability can only benefit the human race.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #103 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 9:56pm
Indigenous people, you , me , all of us are descended from the African knew that didnt you? Scientific fact. You are related to 'Abos'-'Africans' etc... Wink

The European, Aboriginal and African races are separated by thousands of years of evolution. Pretty big gap between us.

Do you have Aboriginal relations Aussie?And why are you so angry at them?

For what it's worth... I don't think Ausnat has anything against Aboriginals... just that he's pretty much stating fact.

I don't particularly think Aboriginals have very civilised genes. IQ differences, zero civilisation over thousands of years, inability to cope with alcohol addiction, kind of says to me that Aboriginals aren't a very advanced people, genetically speaking.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #104 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:23pm
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 9:56pm:
Indigenous people, you , me , all of us are descended from the African knew that didnt you? Scientific fact. You are related to 'Abos'-'Africans' etc... Wink

The European, Aboriginal and African races are separated by thousands of years of evolution. Pretty big gap between us.

Do you have Aboriginal relations Aussie?And why are you so angry at them?

For what it's worth... I don't think Ausnat has anything against Aboriginals... just that he's pretty much stating fact.

I don't particularly think Aboriginals have very civilised genes. IQ differences, zero civilisation over thousands of years, inability to cope with alcohol addiction, kind of says to me that Aboriginals aren't a very advanced people, genetically speaking.


I have to probably say that a lot of comments I ve read here regarding Ind. people stem from a lack of understanding..I can see how certain things are perceived and why.

We are separated by more than thousands of years but the fact still remains..we all stem from Africa., and we are related to them, even the germans.

As far as civilised genes consider this.

Who' s the intelligent man...the one who supposedly has the superior brain and kills off his environment with his so-called superior intellect all in the name of progress and advanced civilsation.. or the so called 'not so smart man' who knows how critical it is to treat mother earth with respect she deserves, its a pretty simple message really "nurture your envronmnt and she will take care of you.."
Put the black man on one planet and let him run it..he goes on forever barring comets..the white man on his..give him 200yrs.

So what is it that so called civilised races dont get.?

The Indigenous people have been here for 40 thoussand yrs minimum..but the white man has been here 5 minutes and look what he has done. The earth is choking. Poisoned waters , air and soil.Our rivers are dead.We have no water. All in the space of 200 yrs..a drop in the ocean as far as time goes.

Now please Donald...tell me again about smart?

And whilst we are at it..there are a lot of black our practice out here has at least 3 and they change regularly. So theres that arguement down the drain..that black pples brain is inferior., how could they study at this level if that were so?

Donald says..

For what its worth..I dont think Ausnat has anything against Aboriginals, he's pretty much stating a fact.

oh ok Wink

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #105 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:39pm

In year 12 biology, we were taught that Australia was once filled with rainforests and mega-fauna.

There is much debate whether or not Aboriginals destroyed the rainforests and killed off the megafauna.

Is this not exactly the same as Europeans? After all, Aboriginals were never intelligent enough to record history... apart from dreamtime stories.

A similar story can be said with peoples from Africa.

Anyway... this thread is getting ridiculously off-topic.

Wanna discuss genetics v culture... start a new topic.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #106 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:46pm

Cool.  Wink I'm glad you recognise this and I think it's admirable that you've decided to share your studies with us.  Cool No wonder you're so defensive of Aboriginal people.  Tongue

I've heard somewhere that this course doesn't have a very large attendences. Is that accurate? What kind of things do they teach?

I study this subject as part of Social you can imagine the Indigenous peoples have a lot of social issues and require a lot of support in these areas.

The course provides  a back ground in the culture and history side of things and all social issues arising from that alcoholism, dispossession, marginalisation, racial issues and a lot of attitudes , such as displayed here are discussed . It is a critical area of social work , and I hope one day to work in a remote communuty.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #107 - Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:49pm
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:39pm:

In year 12 biology, we were taught that Australia was once filled with rainforests and mega-fauna.

There is much debate whether or not Aboriginals destroyed the rainforests and killed off the megafauna.

Is this not exactly the same as Europeans? After all, Aboriginals were never intelligent enough to record history... apart from dreamtime stories.

A similar story can be said with peoples from Africa.

Anyway... this thread is getting ridiculously off-topic.

Wanna discuss genetics v culture... start a new topic.

my guest posting btw.

I thought  I WAS on to difficult..oh well? Huh
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #108 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 12:19am
oceanz wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:49pm:
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:39pm:

In year 12 biology, we were taught that Australia was once filled with rainforests and mega-fauna.

There is much debate whether or not Aboriginals destroyed the rainforests and killed off the megafauna.

Is this not exactly the same as Europeans? After all, Aboriginals were never intelligent enough to record history... apart from dreamtime stories.

A similar story can be said with peoples from Africa.

Anyway... this thread is getting ridiculously off-topic.

Wanna discuss genetics v culture... start a new topic.

my guest posting btw.

I thought  I WAS on to difficult..oh well? Huh

And I was on topic..for the topic had taken a big turn per se., not of my doing.

You know I find it dissapointing that you are all going at it 'hammer and tongs ' discussing genetics and culture and then along comes I with a different challenge and veiw point and its pick up your bat and ball and go home?..

mmmm wheres the fair play there?. I thought you were the guys who rose to a challenge ?....and it(the thread)  was way off topic before I ever came into it , if you'd care too check. Huh

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Re: muslim honour
Reply #109 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 12:30am
Blah Blah Blah............. all men were created equal--------------  Sure,,,,,,,,
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #110 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 12:34am
And I was on topic..for the topic had taken a big turn per se., not of my doing.

You know I find it dissapointing that you are all going at it 'hammer and tongs ' discussing genetics and culture and then along comes I with a different challenge and veiw point and its pick up your bat and ball and go home?..

mmmm wheres the fair play there?. I thought you were the guys who rose to a challenge ?....and it(the thread)  was way off topic before I ever came into it , if you'd care too check. Huh

Ocean_blue... trust me when I say this... you're over-complimenting yourself if you think I'm trying to change the topic just because of your politically correct viewpoint and that I 'don't have an answer for it.' I have a million and one counters to it but I choose not to do it, because this thread began as one about 'muslim honour killings' to a thread about 'Aboriginals and genetics.' That's off-topic.

It has nothing to do with you entering the debate... I'm just fed up with the topic going nowhere. IF... you really want to continue this thread... go ahead... answer my previous points:


In year 12 biology, we were taught that Australia was once filled with rainforests and mega-fauna.  

There is much debate whether or not Aboriginals destroyed the rainforests and killed off the megafauna.  

Is this not exactly the same as Europeans? After all, Aboriginals were never intelligent enough to record history... apart from dreamtime stories.  

A similar story can be said with peoples from Africa.  
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #111 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 9:52am
No Donald..

We are both right it is off topic and the topic was important.

Anyway have a great day..and Aus Nat..I think your grouse. Debate is debate and has nothing to do with how I feel about you as a person ok?    Kiss Kiss Smiley

You know you can pm me if you have anything you want to say.

Love Oceans.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #112 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 11:21am
OK, I'll respond to the socialist stuff and start a new thread on the race stuff.

Negative or positive publicity, freediver?

I thought it was positive. It raised awareness of the research and the critics didn't manage to land and blows, because the researcher was not being racist.


You're the one who brought up the conspiracy theory. Why is it my responsibility to provide evidence?

You: I couldn't be bothered looking it up, because this debate is stupid and it would just be SOOO easy to prove you wrong that it's not even worth it.

I didn't say it would be easy. It would be tedious. If it qwas easy I would have done it.

None of the evidence you supplied about socialists backs up your original claim. Some even contradict it.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #113 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 8:19pm
You're the one who brought up the conspiracy theory. Why is it my responsibility to provide evidence?

OMFG... what part of.... "You challenged my view" don't you get, freediver?

Well normally freediver if you enter a thread and challenge a viewpoint, I'd like to see some evidence rather than just sarcastic remarks.

When you challenge a viewpoint, you normally need evidence to back it up.

You entered this debate whether you like it or not. It's now your responsibility to counter. If you can't, then bugger off. You lost.

None of the evidence you supplied about socialists backs up your original claim. Some even contradict it.

Care to explain how?

I didn't say it would be easy. It would be tedious. If it qwas easy I would have done it.

Right... so if you're not sure about the topic you're arguing, then why are you bothering?

Oh... of course... that's right... because it's 'common knowledge' that there's no such thing as race and that all the 'scientists' have already proven that race does not mean a thing.  Roll Eyes Therefore, anyone who argues against it is a 'nutcase.'  Grin
They used to say the same thing about the earth being round, jack-@ss.

-Care to name a few of these scientists, freediver?
-Care to show definitive proof that there is no such thing as race or that race has no effect on behaviour due to genetic differences? Perhaps a feel-good article by Oprah Winfrey?  Grin

Do you believe everything you read in the newspaper, freediver? Something tells me you do.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #114 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 8:21pm
oceanz wrote on Jun 15th, 2007 at 9:52am:
No Donald..

We are both right it is off topic and the topic was important.

Anyway have a great day...

Yeah... I agree.

You too.

PS. Yes... Ausnat needs to open a beer and chill.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #115 - Jun 16th, 2007 at 12:14pm
OMFG... what part of.... "You challenged my view" don't you get, freediver?

That doesn't mean it is my place to dig up evidence. I challenged your view by pointing out you had no evidence.

When you challenge a viewpoint, you normally need evidence to back it up.

Not if the original view has no evidence to begin with.

Care to explain how? 

Finding a few communists in Universities does not back up your claim. I could just as easily find Labor and Liberal supporters and racists at universities. All parties recruit heavily on campus. This was your original claim:

It's a well-known fact that most communists and socialist party members are 'academics' at Universities... and have been since the 1950's and 60's.

-Care to name a few of these scientists, freediver? 
-Care to show definitive proof that there is no such thing as race or that race has no effect on behaviour due to genetic differences? Perhaps a feel-good article by Oprah Winfrey?

DT, it wasn't me making those claims.
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Re: muslim honour
Reply #116 - Jun 17th, 2007 at 4:21pm
freediver wrote on Jun 16th, 2007 at 12:14pm:
OMFG... what part of.... "You challenged my view" don't you get, freediver?

That doesn't mean it is my place to dig up evidence. I challenged your view by pointing out you had no evidence.

When you challenge a viewpoint, you normally need evidence to back it up.

Not if the original view has no evidence to begin with.

Care to explain how?  

Finding a few communists in Universities does not back up your claim. I could just as easily find Labor and Liberal supporters and racists at universities. All parties recruit heavily on campus. This was your original claim:

It's a well-known fact that most communists and socialist party members are 'academics' at Universities... and have been since the 1950's and 60's.

-Care to name a few of these scientists, freediver?  
-Care to show definitive proof that there is no such thing as race or that race has no effect on behaviour due to genetic differences? Perhaps a feel-good article by Oprah Winfrey?

DT, it wasn't me making those claims.

You're an idiot freediver... pure and simple. Bye for now.
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Muslim countries have low rates of adultery
Reply #117 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:45pm
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Re: Muslim countries have low rates of adultery
Reply #118 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:47pm
Love that picture sprint Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Re: Muslim countries have low rates of adultery
Reply #119 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 9:45am
Of course they would have lower rates of adultery, if a law is very strict and the punishment is severe then people would think twice about commiting crimes. And personally, adultery is a terrible thing to do, and it's not a victimless crime like some people think, the victim is actually the partner who was betrayed. I know that since my ex-girlfriend went off with another guy. i felt like crap. 

But several religions order the death penalty for adultery, it's not just limited to islam. i'm pretty sure the Old Testament says it somewhere as well, just because the people don't practise it today doesn't mean the religion doesn't preach it.
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Re: Muslim countries have low rates of adultery
Reply #120 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 5:15pm
[quote author=skeptic link=1182257150/0#2 date=1182296717]Of course they would have lower rates of adultery, if a law is very strict and the punishment is severe then people would think twice about commiting crimes. 

Heres a punishment- Who ever cheats on their MARRIED partner, should be ordered to hand over not half, but ALL of his/her property/assets to betrayed partner.

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Re: Muslim countries have low rates of adultery
Reply #121 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 8:15pm
I can tell ya right now that this isn't the most original post in the world.  Tongue
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A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #122 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 10:58pm
The following is not surprising, even non muslim ethnicities in Australia have and continue to follow such practices, where it comes to mixing with the Australian society.

Malaysia's shackles on religious freedom
David Hodgson
June 22, 2007

Can Islam be compatible with religious freedom? I certainly hope so, but doubts are raised by a decision of Malaysia's highest court, given a month ago. Lina Joy is a 43-year-old Malay woman who became a Christian some years ago and wished to marry a Christian man.

As a Malay, at the age of 12 she had received a national identity card specifying her religion as Islam. As long as her identity card stated she was a Muslim, she could not obtain a marriage licence to marry a Christian.

She applied to the National Registration Department to have her designation as a Muslim removed. The department required a certificate of apostasy from an Islamic court before this would be done.

Malaysia has civil and Islamic courts, the latter having jurisdiction over Muslims in religious and family matters. In most states of Malaysia, apostasy from Islam is punishable as a criminal offence by order of an Islamic court. Certificates of apostasy are very difficult to obtain. If Joy and her Christian boyfriend had children without marrying, the children could be taken from them to be raised as Muslims.

Before the court's decision Joy and her boyfriend had received death threats and were in hiding.

As a member of the United Nations, Malaysia is committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief", as well as providing that "without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion" men and women have the right to marry and have a family. Malaysia's constitution provides that every person has the right to profess and practise his religion; although it does also provide that civil courts have no jurisdiction over matters within the jurisdiction of Islamic courts. Interpretation of the constitution is a matter for civil courts and, ultimately, for Malaysia's Federal Court.

By a 2-1 majority, the Malaysian Federal Court decided that the department's requirement of a certificate of apostasy was lawful. The two judges of the majority were Muslim and included the Chief Justice of Malaysia. The dissenter, Justice Richard Malanjum, is a non-Muslim.

According to the majority, the question whether Joy was or was not a Muslim was a decision for the Islamic courts, which had been given jurisdiction over issues of conversion to Islam and, by implication, had jurisdiction over questions concerning conversion from Islam. The Chief Justice was quoted as saying: "If a person professes and practises Islam, he should be following Islamic laws including his conversion or renunciation. That is what is meant by adopting and practising Islam. What the [department] did was to ascertain whether Lina [Joy] had renounced this religion. I do not see this as an infringement to freedom of religion. No one is stopping her from marrying. She is merely required to fulfil certain obligations, for the Islamic authorities to confirm her apostasy, before she embraces Christianity."

The dissenting judge considered among other things that the requirement that Joy apply to Islamic courts for a certificate of apostasy was unreasonable, as it would expose her to punishment for the criminal offence of apostasy.

How the criminal offence of apostasy can co-exist with the Malaysian constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion, especially if that guarantee is construed in the light of Malaysia's commitment to the Declaration of Human Rights, was not addressed. However, that offence exists, and the difficulty of obtaining a certificate of apostasy seems clear. As well, Joy was not shown to have voluntarily adopted Islam as an adult: her classification came from her birth as a Malay and was an automatic procedure when she was 12.

In light of this, the decision and the words of the Chief Justice are difficult to understand: that a highly intelligent and moderate Muslim could reason in that way raises the doubts about Islam's compatibility with religious freedom.

The decision was applauded by Muslims in Malaysia. But what do moderate Muslims in Australia think about it?

Suppose that there was a law enforced in Australia. which made conversion from Christianity a criminal offence, punishable by order of Christian tribunals.

Suppose that there was also a law that prevented a woman who had converted from Christianity to Islam from marrying a Muslim man, unless she obtained a certificate from a Christian tribunal that she was no longer a Christian, and that these certificates were difficult to obtain. I'm sure Muslims in Australia would find this utterly repugnant, and rightly so.

Do Muslims in Australia not think that the converse situation in Malaysia is similarly repugnant? Would it be possible for Muslim leaders in Australia, and in other countries with religious freedom, to speak firmly and clearly against the denial of religious freedom in countries such as Malaysia?

If they can and do, this would certainly help to show that Islam can be compatible with religious freedom; but if they cannot and don't, doubt must remain.

David Hodgson is a judge of the Supreme Court of NSW.
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #123 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:08pm
I've heard this is a huge problem in Malaysia.

I think I also read a stat somewhere that 98% of Muslims in Malaysia believe Muslims should not be allowed to change their religion.

I guess you could say the same for Christians in that they don't want other Christians to convert... but to say they 'shouldn't be allowed' is just a little... barbaric... fascist-like.


I guess that just shows how Muslims become once they establish themselves as a majority... ban other religions.
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #124 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:17pm
Donald, I find articles like this disturbing.

As a christian I am very hurt when another christian "changes".  I would far rather they did not. 
But, their choice.
It is quite rare, as compared to those who "change" from islam, despite the consequences.

Articles like this should be dropped from planes to the suburbia.
What distiurbs me is many people think muslims is "just another religion."
I wish it were !!
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #125 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:32pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:17pm:
Donald, I find articles like this disturbing.

As a christian I am very hurt when another christian "changes".  I would far rather they did not.  
But, their choice.
It is quite rare, as compared to those who "change" from islam, despite the consequences.

Articles like this should be dropped from planes to the suburbia.
What distiurbs me is many people think muslims is "just another religion."
I wish it were !!

Sorry... I may have worded that last bit wrong.

I think Christians 'prefer' that Christians not convert... but they go, "oh well" when they do convert.

Muslims refuse to accept it though...  therein lies the difference.
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #126 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:43pm
I think Christians 'prefer' that Christians not convert... but they go, "oh well" when they do convert. 

Never heard of shunning?
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #127 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 12:32am
No... what's shunning?
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #128 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 8:47am
interesting it is against christian teaching to shun anyone...

tax collectors and prostitutes and all that
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Re: A "moderate" muslim country ...
Reply #129 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 12:38pm
I knew a lesbian who was a mormon or SDA or something like that, forget which one. She attended her own excommunication. The reason she attended was that if she ever changed her mind and wanted to get back in, that would make it easier for her.
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I can't believe it-- Mozzaok on cracker
Reply #130 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 3:11am
Being a staunch multiculturalism bigot and Islam sympathizer, I was EXTREMELY surprised to read Mozzaok on cracker (Yes, I occasionally pop over there) saying:

While watching a former friend of one of the accused UK "terror doctors" being interviewed, I could not help but be alarmed by the implications of his experiences, as he stated them in the interview.
He said how on reflection and with the wisdom of hindsight, he was not surprised that his former friend became a jihadist. Even more worrying was, the shaking of my own beliefs on what "creates" a terrorist. Like many others I prescribed to the belief that they were just reactionaries who had witnessed too much horror which they ascribed to the west and were just lashing out in response. He considers that to be naive and only a contibutory rather than a determining factor, belief in the principles of a supreme Theocratic Islamic state is, in his opinion a more demonstrable indicator to dtermine potential threats. The fact that he also described "potential UK based jihadists" as being, "two a penny", because they talked the talk, but would they walk the walk, was even more disturbing.

And better yet:

I don't pretend to have the answers, in fact the more I learn the less sure I feel about anything, what do you guys think?

And still:

Still interesting and does highlight the need for degree of moderation required to discourage cultural ghettos

Extremely surprising when you see someone as commited to the Multiculturalism 'cause' saying things like that. Either Beo is doing a really good job since I've been gone, or the patterns in current events that beowulf and I predicted have been consistent and cracks are beginning to appear in mozzaoks delusional self-assurance.

Has multiculturalism finally crossed the line? Is it on the ropes? Or is this a sign of multiculturalists re-thinking their strategies and realising their brainwashing agenda needs re-tinkering?
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Re: I can't believe it-- Mozzaok on cracker
Reply #131 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 11:29am

Come to the winning side Cool
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Re: I can't believe it-- Mozzaok on cracker
Reply #132 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 2:42pm
I almost thought it said..I cant believe its not butter..

Yes I know

SHUT UP!!! Wink
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Re: I can't believe it-- Mozzaok on cracker
Reply #133 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 4:13pm
oceanz wrote on Jul 7th, 2007 at 2:42pm:
I almost thought it said..I cant believe its not butter..

Yes I know

SHUT UP!!! Wink

thats exactly what i thought!

i will go to cracker to read whats happening now.
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Re: I can't believe it-- Mozzaok on cracker
Reply #134 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 6:00pm
A lot of koran quotes have been posted in rooms like this. people are becoming more aware of what is in the koran. Sure initially they think myself and others like me are just christian muslim-bashers.

But facts are facts. Maybe the facts of what is happening in the world is being appreciated.
It is different when there are terrorist links from within Auss, from educated muslims.
Those facts support entirely what has been posted many times.
They support hilalis comments, they support various news items about muslims.
It is getting to be, there can only be one way it all makes sense.

mazzoak may be logically looking at it all.
And thinking ......... YIKES  (or words to that effect.)

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Re: I can't believe it-- Mozzaok on cracker
Reply #135 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 7:22pm

Come to the winning side

Don't count your chickens, Ausnat. This means he's 'reassessing' his position. This could mean anything from... deport Muslims... or think of a new way to tolerate them.

A lot of koran quotes have been posted in rooms like this. people are becoming more aware of what is in the koran. Sure initially they think myself and others like me are just christian muslim-bashers. 


A lot of people think we're just net nazis or wacists if we criticize Islam when we enter a debate quoting the Quran. -I reckon some people even think we make them up... because they can't believe how straight forward the Quran is in calling Muslims to commit violence against Jews, Christians and 'unbelievers.'

But they're real and I'm just naturally concerned that we're letting people into our country with that mindset... and multiculturalism is letting them get away with it.
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Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbollah-
Reply #136 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 11:55pm
Surprise surprise... another muslim... ahem... MODERATE!!!


I support Hezbollah: Aussie cleric
Richard Kerbaj
June 23, 2007

THE nation's most senior Shia Muslim cleric has attacked John Howard for backing Israel against Arabs and openly declared his allegiance to the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah.

"They (the Australian Government) are encouraging terrorism," the Lebanese-born cleric told The Weekend Australian in an interview conducted in Arabic. "Australia is encouraging Israel to kill our people daily. Write that down, we are not afraid of anyone."

Sheik Mousselmani said all of Australia's approximately 30,000 Shi'ites were avid supporters of Hezbollah (Party of God) and haters of Israel.

"Shia in Australia consider Israel a terrorist organisation and also view those who support Israel in the same light," he said. "That's what we believe.

Sheik Mousselmani said there was no threat of his views radicalising young Shia men in Australia because Hezbollah's ideology was limited to Lebanon. His community was law-abiding and would staunchly oppose any attack against Australia.

"None of our people think this way," said Sheik Mousselmani, rejecting extremism. "We love Australia, we respect Australia, we are part of the multicultural society. We protect Australia and we work for Australia.

"But it does not mean we like Israel. If John Howard wants George Bush and Israel, that's his problem. We've got nothing to do with him.",20867,21952947-601,00.html
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #137 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:05am
Whatever is he saying there ?

"Shia in Australia consider Israel a terrorist organisation and also view those who support Israel in the same light," he said. "That's what we believe.

"But it does not mean we like Israel. If John Howard wants George Bush and Israel, that's his problem. We've got nothing to do with him."

about as clear as the koran and mohammads actions.
I would not be surprised if johnny is setting them up. He is a good man.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #138 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:15am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:05am:
Whatever is he saying there ?

"Shia in Australia consider Israel a terrorist organisation and also view those who support Israel in the same light," he said. "That's what we believe.

"But it does not mean we like Israel. If John Howard wants George Bush and Israel, that's his problem. We've got nothing to do with him."

about as clear as the koran and mohammads actions.
I would not be surprised if johnny is setting them up. He is a good man.

Hmm .. yeah... I've often thought Howard was setting them up.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #139 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:20am
have you ?  Like him or lump him, john is good.

as paul keating said, labour are just not hungry enough to win an election, they will not do what is necessary.
John will. At the drop of a hat.

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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #140 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:20am
Muslims will be muslims. Roll Eyes
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #141 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:32am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:20am:
have you ?  Like him or lump him, john is good.

as paul keating said, labour are just not hungry enough to win an election, they will not do what is necessary.
John will. At the drop of a hat.

They're hungry to win, Sprint, it's just that their factions are makni them appear divided.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #142 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:33am
muslims ARE muslims.  Given what I have read in the koran, it is a problem.

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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #143 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:36am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:33am:
muslims ARE muslims.  Given what I have read in the koran, it is a problem.

They claim it's only Muslims who are misinterpreting the Quran that are causing problems... all the time. Yet we have jokers like these always getting into trouble... and they're SENIOR Muslims...

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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #144 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:38am
This guy is worse than El-hilaly. Very dangerous.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #145 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 12:59am
that is one of the significant things donald. 
And one many aussies are becoming aware of.

I have skimmed the koran for 30 minutes. I concur entirely with hilali and terrorists.
Sure, I may have it terribly wrong. But doubt hilali has as well.

which is really frightening.
And people think I should be concerned about wiccans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #146 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 1:02am

And people think I should be concerned about wiccans !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

phwwww. they are just freaks without jobs.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #147 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 1:46am
And people think I should be concerned about wiccans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

phwwww. they are just freaks without jobs.

Not necessarily all the time. I think mantra is a wiccan isn't she?
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #148 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 1:55am
That's about it.
They're quite happy with the moon and stuff as their spiritual basis.  So them and us can very happily coexist. Is not even anywhere near a problem.

Yes, mantra is a classic example. Really hard to fault her . 
Could if one wanted to be picky,  but that is more a reflection on our own beliefs than hers.
She is fine.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #149 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 1:56am
Not necessarily all the time. I think mantra is a wiccan isn't she?

no idea. i associate wiccans with goths.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #150 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 2:02am
Not necessarily all the time. I think mantra is a wiccan isn't she?

no idea. i associate wiccans with goths.

Hmm yeah... we may have to ask mantra about that. But I'm pretty sure goths and wiccans are different things. Wiccans I think can even be attributed to old religions in northern europe pre-Christianity.  Goths are just lazy azzholes who lay around feeling sorry for themselves threatening to kill themselves.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #151 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 10:07am
Hmm yeah... we may have to ask mantra about that. But I'm pretty sure goths and wiccans are different things. Wiccans I think can even be attributed to old religions in northern europe pre-Christianity.  Goths are just lazy azzholes who lay around feeling sorry for themselves threatening to kill themselves.

sounds pretty close Donald..a bit like  'emos ' ie:" (emotionally oppressed). Goths  are mostly into cults etc.they mutilate their  bodies with razor blades etc.Slicing theyre tongues to a point like a snake -to a point in other words. My god the pain factor sounds horrific.


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Muslims uniting against Israel: report
Reply #152 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 11:15am

Australia's Sunni and Shia Muslims have formed a united front against Israel and declared their support for the Iranian-backed terrorist network Hezbollah.

The unity among the two Muslim sects, which have been at war with each other for centuries, comes as the nation's Jewish community accused top Shia spiritual leader Kamal Mousselmani of creating hatred towards Jews by calling Israel a "terrorist" state and expressing his allegiance to Hezbollah militants, The Australian reported.

Anger in Iran over Rushdie knighthood

Iran's speaker of parliament said the award of a British knighthood to author Salman Rushdie - whose novel, The Satanic Verses, outraged many Muslims - was a shameless act and would not go without a Muslim response.
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Re: Muslims uniting against Israel: report
Reply #153 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 11:26am
Australia's Sunni and Shia Muslims have formed a united front against Israel and declared their support for the Iranian-backed terrorist network Hezbollah.

The unity among the two Muslim sects, which have been at war with each other for centuries, comes as the nation's Jewish community accused top Shia spiritual leader Kamal Mousselmani of creating hatred towards Jews by calling Israel a "terrorist" state and expressing his allegiance to Hezbollah militants, The Australian reported.

As much as i dont care for Israel, See what these people are like! Muslims HERE in Australia are supporting something which is in another place of the planet,which i thought, didnt they come here to escape that crap? shows their true loyalties dont it! When on the street or on the battlefield with a muslim by your side 

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Re: Muslims uniting against Israel: report
Reply #154 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 11:28am
freediver wrote on Jun 25th, 2007 at 11:15am:

Australia's Sunni and Shia Muslims have formed a united front against Israel and declared their support for the Iranian-backed terrorist network Hezbollah.

The unity among the two Muslim sects, which have been at war with each other for centuries, comes as the nation's Jewish community accused top Shia spiritual leader Kamal Mousselmani of creating hatred towards Jews by calling Israel a "terrorist" state and expressing his allegiance to Hezbollah militants, The Australian reported.

Anger in Iran over Rushdie knighthood

Iran's speaker of parliament said the award of a British knighthood to author Salman Rushdie - whose novel, The Satanic Verses, outraged many Muslims - was a shameless act and would not go without a Muslim response.

It's a very difficult situation for me.

I don't support Israel... nor do I support Hezbollah. The enemy of my enemy is my friend?  Huh Even if both are my enemies? Pondering what do in a situation like this.
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Re: Muslims uniting against Israel: report
Reply #155 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 11:31am

I don't support Israel... nor do I support Hezbollah. The enemy of my enemy is my friend?  Huh Even if both are my enemies? Pondering what do in a situation like this.

Shoot em both.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #156 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 5:52pm
israel will always win, so i guess you suppoert the arabs then?
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #157 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 6:54pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 25th, 2007 at 5:52pm:
israel will always win, so i guess you suppoert the arabs then?

Shoot them Both.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #158 - Jun 26th, 2007 at 6:05pm
if we waged war in israel, we would lose.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #159 - Jun 26th, 2007 at 6:14pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 26th, 2007 at 6:05pm:
if we waged war in israel, we would lose.

Yeah, because Israel runs America.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #160 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 7:00pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 26th, 2007 at 6:05pm:
if we waged war in israel, we would lose.

Yeah, because Israel runs America.

we would lose because their standing army is the best traind in the world. within 48 hours they can have an army of a few hundred thousand ready and their aiforce is well equipped and exceptionally trained.

it rated often in the top 4 or 5 military forces in the world.

we have a very small stranding army and very few reserves, though we are quite well equipped and trained we still pale in comparison to the israelis.

Israel have have been in 4 full scale conflicts in the last 60 years, been hoplessly outnumbered on every occaision yet been victorious.

yes the israelis buy their aircraft from advanced US technology, but may i ad so do we, and we have a better deal.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #161 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 10:59pm
They won wars against ARABS pender..... that isnt hard.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #162 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 1:50am
Careful guys... you're going off in tangent territory.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #163 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 9:56am
Outlaw the Mufti's Cool

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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #164 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 9:19pm
at lesat we can agree on the mufti, he is very muslim Cheesy
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #165 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 11:23pm
The Jewish question can come later.  We must first concentrate on Islam as Enemy no 1.
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Re: Leading 'Aussie' Shiite cleric supports Hezbol
Reply #166 - Jul 1st, 2007 at 5:21pm
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Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #167 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 3:28pm
I saw a Muzzie walking around with a jacket which on the back read ''
'' Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
In those colours too.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #168 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 7:02pm
i was training this afternoon and i saw on ther other side of the fieldan asian kids  and an aussie kid getting harrassed by some arabs. i decided to run over to make sure nothing happened but before i got there they started hitting and kicking the asian and aussie kids. i got over there and fixed em up.

lucky thing i was there, religion of peace...
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #169 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 12:16am
Classic Liberal wrote on Jul 20th, 2007 at 7:02pm:
i was training this afternoon and i saw on ther other side of the fieldan asian kids  and an aussie kid getting harrassed by some arabs. i decided to run over to make sure nothing happened but before i got there they started hitting and kicking the asian and aussie kids. i got over there and fixed em up.

lucky thing i was there, religion of peace...

Arabs get very cocky in groups. Get them alone and they get all apologetic and humble. Magic.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #170 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 2:23pm
Am trying to organise a meeting with a muslim guy at work, his suggestion.
He wanted it at HIS place with HIS "colleagues" there.
What happens at a meeting in someone elses ground when outnumbered ??
You get toasted, progress is nonexistant.

He has finally agreed to a neutral meeting place, maccas is always good, he suggested a library, i said sure.
He is STILL wanting a majority of numbers. No way.  He is so lacking in faith and confidance. 
Whereas I am happy to have the Bible tested by anyone. He is not willing to ask me any questions about it, but only to "show" me where my "misunderstanding" is about the koran. (When his minders are present probably.)

What is he scared of ?   To meet a single work associate at a maccas ?? 

He has lied already. Said the bits I read myself in a koran do not exist.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #171 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 4:27pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jul 21st, 2007 at 2:23pm:
Am trying to organise a meeting with a muslim guy at work, his suggestion.
He wanted it at HIS place with HIS "colleagues" there.
What happens at a meeting in someone elses ground when outnumbered ??
You get toasted, progress is nonexistant.

He has finally agreed to a neutral meeting place, maccas is always good, he suggested a library, i said sure.
He is STILL wanting a majority of numbers. No way.  He is so lacking in faith and confidance.  
Whereas I am happy to have the Bible tested by anyone. He is not willing to ask me any questions about it, but only to "show" me where my "misunderstanding" is about the koran. (When his minders are present probably.)

What is he scared of ?   To meet a single work associate at a maccas ??  

He has lied already. Said the bits I read myself in a koran do not exist.

Because it's how you INTERPRETE the Quran that counts, sprint! INTERPRETATION!  Roll Eyes

I'd be cautious about going to the library... becasue that's where most of his buddies hang out.
I'd also be cautious aobut going to Maccas... because that's where most of his 'fully sick' pals hang out.

I have no advice where to hang out... probably a more respectable coffee shop.

Thats the trick isn't it? Getting them alone. They're never alone. Stick together like ants.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #172 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 8:56pm
You're right Donald.  I interpereted it wrong.
When it said mohammad married a 6 year old, I interpereted it to mean mohammad married a 6 year old .  Silly me.

Thanks mate.  I'll keep pretty aware wherever I meet him. 
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #173 - Jul 22nd, 2007 at 8:01pm
When it said mohammad married a 6 year old, I interpereted it to mean mohammad married a 6 year old .  Silly me.

Did he marry a six year old and in what year was that?
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #174 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:06am
yes he did, bedded her when she was about 9 . He was an adult at that stage.
It was in about 450 Ad, very rough year that one.

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #175 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:13am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:06am:
yes he did, bedded her when she was about 9 . He was an adult at that stage.
It was in about 450 Ad, very rough year that one.

Nah not 450 ad mate, somewhere around 650 ad.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #176 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 6:38pm
yes he did, bedded her when she was about 9 . He was an adult at that stage

Perhaps girls were more mature in 450-650AD.  We know that in some developing countries in 2007, young girls of 10 and 11 are being married off and having babies.

Not that I condone it - but as it's still going on today, we haven't progressed much over the centuries.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #177 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 7:05pm
mantra - same as you, I don't condone it. 
Recently has been illegal, before that was always immoral and unethical.

I dont really imagine how/why girls may have earlier developers then.
I've been told they are starting to develop earlier in the past 20 years.
what is the earliest ever for giving birth ? sort of suggests girls don't develop that much early ever.

arranged marriages happen and invove younger girls, they also generally involve similar aged boys.
Not mature men. That's pretty icky
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #178 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 9:46pm
I saw a documentary about a year ago showing dozens of  young African girls (can't remember from which part of Africa) - but they were married off at 9, 10 and 11 to old men.  Many of these girls had babies at about 10 or 11 and the birth of the babies would cause physical damage because of their age and not being fully developed.

Once this damage was caused to their bodies, they had no control over their bladder and they were rejected from their villages.

Some of them were lucky enough to be looked after by this very elderly female doctor and stitched up - so they could go back to their village without shame.  The sad thing was that it would happen all over again to these little girls - pregnancy, ripped open and then driven from their village.

But as far as arranged marriages go Sprintcyclist - I don't think age is always taken into consideration. 

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #179 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 10:12pm

mantra I too saw  this episode of Oprah, if thats where you saw it.Its called obstetric fistula.

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #180 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 10:15pm

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« Last Edit: Jul 23rd, 2007 at 10:22pm by oceanz »  

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #181 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 10:21pm

Last year we met Dr. Catherine Hamlin, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee who has devoted nearly 50 years providing free reconstructive surgery to more than 25,000 African girls and women suffering from fistulas at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital that she opened with her late husband, Reginald.

Fistulas are holes that develop in the tissue that separates the vagina from the bladder and/or rectum during labor because the mothers (often young teenagers) have small pelvises or a poorly positioned fetus. In the United States, this condition could be avoided by caesarean section, but in many developing countries, poverty prevents women from getting proper treatment. Untreated, the fistula causes a constant stream of urine, and sometimes feces, to drip, leaving a trail and odor wherever these young mothers go. In Ethiopia, thousands of young girls suffer from this devastating condition.

After Dr. Hamlin's visit to the show, thousands of viewers were compelled to act. The Fistula Foundation, which supports Dr. Hamlin's hospital, received more than $3 million in donations.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #182 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 10:35pm
Stupid muslim wore Islam Is Peace jacket sure is related to little N1GGER girls innit? Roll Eyes
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #183 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:37pm
Stupid muslim wore Islam Is Peace jacket sure is related to little N1GGER girls innit? Roll Eyes

sorry for derailing the topic..

What was I thinking..going all soft on those rotten N ...ers.
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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:08am by oceanz »  

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #184 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:43pm
oceanz wrote on Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:37pm:
Stupid muslim wore Islam Is Peace jacket sure is related to little N1GGER girls innit? Roll Eyes

sorry for derailing the topic..

What was I thinking..going all soft on those rotten black people.

Ahhh the joys of being a redneck Cheesy
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #185 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:07am
oceanz wrote on Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:37pm:
Stupid muslim wore Islam Is Peace jacket sure is related to little N1GGER girls innit? Roll Eyes

sorry for derailing the topic..

What was I thinking..going all soft on those rotten black people.

Ahhh the joys of being a redneck Cheesy

I am not a redneck.

I was not authentically stating my belief on the N I G G E R  comment.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #186 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:20am

Ahhh the joys of being a redneck Cheesy

I am not a redneck.

I was referring to me. Shocked

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #187 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:52am
ok then.. Shocked

AHHH the joys of being a non redneck!! Cheesy
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #188 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:55am
I was only kiddin too. im not a redneck, i just see it how it is.
A redneck is that Arab i saw with that jacket, he promoting islam as peaceful YET, its a contradiction.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #189 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 1:00am
No problemos Aussie..too late to think of anything but sleep.

Catch you later you old insomniac.

A cure for insomnia..could be right around the corner.

You worry too much.

Chill and peace will enter your tired and troubled soul. Wink

All good Nationalists need a good nights sleep.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #190 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 8:09am
Yes Oceans - that was what I was talking about.  I couldn't remember where I saw it.  It's hardly likely the fathers of those children were Muslims.  We also have to look at our population - there are plenty of males who aren't adverse to having sex with young girls.

The point I was trying to make is Mohammed wasn't the worst perpetrator of little girls - it's been going on since time began.

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #191 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 10:43am
This came up in another thread. As far as I know, animals and plants tend to mature earlier when malnourished. It's a survival mechanism to increase their chance of successful reproduction before they die. I'm not sure about the very recent trends, but I think women in wealthy countries mature later than they did a few centuries ago.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #192 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 10:44am
mantra - point is, mohammad was a paedophile. hardly a spiritual leader's actions.
Seems strange that a spiritually led person would do something that later on became illegal and has  always been immoral. As well as physically damaging to the young girls.
It may have been "common practise" then.  Just cause others do it, does not mean it is right.
Spiritually led people are not "given" to common practises.   eg Ghandi.

In many areas of the koran there is boasting of mohammads sexual prowess.
He's a mass murdering sexist political paedophile.   That's what it says in the koran.

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #193 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 10:51am
Perhaps you should quote the Koran.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #194 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:16pm
He's a mass murdering sexist political paedophile.   That's what it says in the koran.  

Perhaps that may be true Sprintcyclist - but obviously there were no laws in place back then to say this was wrong.

We have laws now to say murdering, sexist, paedophiles have to be imprisoned (for a short time), yet we still have thousands of paedophiles acting out their fantasies, in the Western world.  

It would be safe to say they aren't all Muslims.

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #195 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:19pm
What does Christianity have to say about pedophilia?
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #196 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 2:27pm
mantra wrote on Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:16pm:
but obviously there were no laws in place back then to say this was wrong.

that's true, u can't really apply today's definition of paedophila to 1500 years ago, since the definition of paedophila has changed over time.

to marry someone who has turned 9 or 10 was not unheard of at the time, and was actually the norm in most cases.

some cultures today (e.g. in Africa and South East Asia), take the view that once a woman hits puberty (i.e. starts getting her periods), then she is eligible for marriage. actually, a few months ago i remembered reading in the papers about an 11-year old girl in Singapore that had given birth and her husband was 25 years old. he wasn't charged with paedophila at all and was listed on the child's birth certificate as the father.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #197 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 3:23pm
Skeptic says...

that's true, u can't really apply today's definition of paedophila to 1500 years ago, since the definition of paedophila has changed over time.

I agree with this.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #198 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 8:01pm
yes, always a good idea to ask for quotes. I could make up anything.
I cannot vouch specifically for them myself as I have not read them myself in the koran.
This sexist attitude is common in the koran, I can vouch for that myself. I have read that.

Bukhari vol. 7,#65: "Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: "I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).""

Bukhari vol. 7,#88: "Narrated Urwa: "The prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).""

You people may theoretically support a 6 year old bride to a 51 year old man. I don't.
It's ok, we can agree to disagree.

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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #199 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 8:19pm
You people may theoretically support a 6 year old bride to a 51 year old man. I don't.
It's ok, we can agree to disagree.

I'm glad you've got a sense of humour Sprintcyclist.
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Re: Had a good laugh the other day.
Reply #200 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:04pm
Off-topic discussion...  thread closed.
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Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #201 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 8:20pm

Australia's first National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies will help counter ignorance of Muslim culture in a time of worldwide tension and unrest, Vocational and Further Education Minister Andrew Robb says.

Speaking at the opening at the University of Melbourne, Mr Robb said the centre was partially modelled on the Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University in Washington DC, whose academics help the US government make decisions on Islamic affairs.

The centre will combine resources from the University of Melbourne, Griffith University in Queensland and the University of Western Sydney.

"I found the governments in the United States relied heavily on the wisdom and the insights of a lot of those scholars of all religious backgrounds who have benefited from understanding one another," Mr Robb said.

"And that meant within the US, they are making more balanced decisions and helping the integration of Muslim members of their community in an effective way."
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #202 - Oct 27th, 2007 at 12:05am
Think they should start by "educating" the muslim terrorists first ?

Well, muslim is an unrequired word, all terrorists are muslims.

Terrorism is not our doing. muslims have always been murdering each other and anyone who is handy
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #203 - Oct 30th, 2007 at 10:21am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 27th, 2007 at 12:05am:
Think they should start by "educating" the muslim terrorists first ?

Well, muslim is an unrequired word, all terrorists are muslims.

Terrorism is not our doing. muslims have always been murdering each other and anyone who is handy

dont know what this post is about

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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #204 - Oct 30th, 2007 at 8:43pm
Hi jerry,

my take on it is, the first posting by freediver is the muslims saying if we apply ourselves to learn their ways and accept them as they are, there won't be as much conflict.

My posting says, if they want to live here, they should assimilate to us. We won't become muslims.
I know how they are mentally. The moderates are obsessed.  We should educate them about their own blood thirsty intolerant ways.
They have ruined england and are taking over in europe.
The vast majority of islam countries are lagging seriously on development and human freedom.
I don't want them here, I don't like them.  I have met them, read a bit and make an informed decision.
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #205 - Oct 30th, 2007 at 9:58pm
if we apply ourselves to learn their ways and accept them as they are, there won't be as much conflict.

My posting says, if they want to live here, they should assimilate to us

Understanding is not the same as assimilation, either way

all terrorists are muslims

You know that isn't true sprint. We've covered this here before.
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #206 - Oct 30th, 2007 at 10:15pm
Have a talk with one about his beliefs freediver.
Listen to him/her defend his paedophillic leader, his murderous ways, the terrorism of other muslims today.
That's what I did.

I stand by my comment of all terrorism coming from muslims.
Given, it is not exactly correct, but numerically and withthe intent meant it is true enough.
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #207 - Oct 30th, 2007 at 10:18pm
No. It is wrong and you know it is wrong. Yet you still say it. That's what a lie is.

Furthermore, if you put it in historical context muslims are only responsible for a small minority of terrorist attacks, and the reasons behind the attacks are more closely related to politics than religion.
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #208 - Oct 30th, 2007 at 10:50pm
More an approximation than a lie.
I agree some terrorist acts are carried out by criminal groups, seperatists etc.
The vast overwhelming majority are by muslims who want to martyr themselves.

In historical context ?? I am alive now, not 200 years ago.
Those murdered in Bali were alive only a few years ago.

their religion is their politics. They are inseperable.
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #209 - Oct 31st, 2007 at 1:11am
I dont see Islam as evil in itself, but the evil is brought out by the JEWS as it would in us Christians if we were PHYSICALLY invaded by those Jews.

Hey FD, What would you do if Israel invaded Australia?
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #210 - Oct 31st, 2007 at 8:59am
I dont see Islam as evil in itself, but the evil is brought out by the JEWS as it would in us Christians if we were PHYSICALLY invaded by those Jews.

Hey FD, What would you do if Israel invaded Australia?

and thats likey to happen too Roll Eyes

You would only think that way if you were a German.
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« Last Edit: Oct 31st, 2007 at 9:09am by prometheus »  
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #211 - Oct 31st, 2007 at 6:15pm
The same thing I'd do if any other country invaded. Though it is a rather absurd question. I think it says a lot about your paranoia of jews. You shouldn't take all that racist propaganda so seriously.

In historical context ?? I am alive now, not 200 years ago.

Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

their religion is their politics. They are inseperable.

Their politics and our politics are also inseperable now. That doesn't mean you cannot think rationally about the politics.
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« Last Edit: Oct 31st, 2007 at 6:25pm by freediver »  

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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #212 - Oct 31st, 2007 at 6:48pm
Hi freediver :-
No, I don't ignore history at all.

"The angel of the LORD also said to her:
      "You are now with child and you will have a son.
      You shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard of your misery.

He will be a wild donkey of a man;
      his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him,
      and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

Genesis 16:11-12

About 4000 years ago. Very approximately. Muslims follow ishmael, it is in the koran.
Ishmael is an assassain and traitor in the bible - hey, same as muslims !!!!

I know their politics - dominate.

I have heard a moderate muslim (a scientist) defend a paedophile mohammad) and justify muslims who riot at cartoons.

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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #213 - Oct 31st, 2007 at 7:06pm
Taking your history lessons from religious texts rather than what actually happens is just as bad as joining your religion and your politics. It's a quote about someone's personality, not an attempt to grasp the underlying causes of terrorism.
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Re: Islamic studies 'will counter ignorance'
Reply #214 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 7:45am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 27th, 2007 at 12:05am:
Think they should start by "educating" the muslim terrorists first ?

Well, muslim is an unrequired word, all terrorists are muslims.

Terrorism is not our doing. muslims have always been murdering each other and anyone who is handy

Not all muslims murder people... I thought that would have been obvious! Just because they were big robes!
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Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #215 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 12:42pm
I have to admit I've had doubts in the past whether Muslims are indeed as rude as I thought they were.

After all... most of my observations of them were from afar, in places such as the library, supermarket, the train, etc etc etc.

I always had a hint of doubt in the back of my mind that maybe... just maybe... they aren't as bad as I think they are... and that the lefties could be indeed correct when they say, "just get to know them personally and you will see how different they are to how you perceive them."

Well... I'm here to say today... that everything I thought about them... seems to be confirmed in talking with them on a personal basis. Hence making me dislike them even more (If that's possible).

My new job... (I'm not disclosing it)... forces me to deal with them every day. And believe me... they are the rudest bunch of people I have ever come across. 10 times worse than the average Aussie customer. And about five times worse than a southern European customer (I think Italians and Greeks are particularly hard to deal with).

Now... this thread is mainly targetting Gavin... because in his accounting job... he has to work alongside these guys...

I know I'm not 'getting to know them on a personal basis' as much as you, Gavin. As I only deal with them once or twice for about on hour each time and most likely never see them again after that.... but they just seem to be arrrogant, rude, loud... and above all... swindling. What are the ones like that you work with? Have I been misled by these meetings with them? Is by some coincidence all of the ones I've met acting in the same manner a fluke?

I met a perfectly nice guy the other day... an IRAQI believe it or not. And I liked him... because he was well-mannered, quiet and seemed to be quite a humble and happy fellow. --Might I add, he was also a Christian?

Are you working with actual 'Muslims?' If so, are they Shiite or Sunni? Or are they not Muslims at all and are simply dark-skinned from the Middle East?

Anyway, to all you lefites out there... who say 'meet them before you judge them' perhaps it's time that you got a taste of your own medicine and went out and met a few and observed how they act towards Australians. Seriously, if you get along with them, your standards must be pretty low.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #216 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 1:19pm
Sounds more like a clash of cultures - ie what you percieve as rudeness is just unfamiliarity with a different culture. I am sure your own bias is also influencing your observations. That is, you are not observing how other people behave in a vaccuum. You are witnessing how they respond to you. This can say almost as much about you as it does about them.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #217 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 3:32pm
Yes they are and ive been belting this out for years.

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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #218 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 4:31pm
I find muslims more twofaced and deceptive, then outright rude.

Least hilali was upfront
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #219 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 6:30pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 4th, 2007 at 4:31pm:
I find muslims more twofaced and deceptive, then outright rude.

Least hilali was upfront

Moreso, they are very sneaky and attempt to be 'tricky'.

Especially when they try to make 'deals' with me.

Have you ever seen a Muslim go into a store and try and buy something for half the price? -Even if it's in a big corporation where the employees have no hope in hell of lowering the price?

ie what you percieve as rudeness is just unfamiliarity with a different culture.

Therefore, rudeness is there culture is it freediver?  Roll Eyes
If that's the case then I don't want it. Maybe I should just adapt to the rudeness for the rest of my life and not blink an eye? After all... this is more their country than mine, isn't it?

I am sure your own bias is also influencing your observations.

My observations were very straight forward... I acted politely, they acted loudly, obnoxiously and tried intimidating me. That's rude behaviour. It's peasant culture. Compared to Australian + Asian and even Indian people (I know that's stretching it a bit) they were ten times worse, IMHO.

You are witnessing how they respond to you. This can say almost as much about you as it does about them.

No... I treated them no better or no worse than other people. No, and I didn't shoot them dirty looks either. I'm very reserved and mild-mannered in real life. This forum allows me to vent some frustration.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #220 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 9:38pm
Therefore, rudeness is there culture is it freediver?

No. It's just that most of what constitutes politness is not universal.

My observations were very straight forward... I acted politely, they acted loudly, obnoxiously and tried intimidating me.

Nothing is ever straight forward. I find it hard to believe you would be able to interact with these people without exuding hostility. Polite hostility of course. People always underestimate their own influence on these situations.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #221 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 1:54am
I find it hard to believe you would be able to interact with these people without exuding hostility.

I did. Don't believe me? Tough.

People always underestimate their own influence on these situations.

Oh good god. I'm a pro at body language. I didn't give any negative vibes at all. I approached them in EXACTLY the same way I did with Aussies. Spoke in the same way... didn't make any unnecessary facial expressions.. didn't 'sigh' or 'groan' or roll my eyes.. nothing. It was fool proof. Most even spoke to me aggressively/rudely before I even had the opportunity to notice them.

No. It's just that most of what constitutes politness is not universal.

Oh I see. So I have to put up with it for the rest of my life, do I?
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #222 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 10:44am
freediver acts like a muslim.
"It's all your fault, Donald", "you should have bowed and scraped at their arrogant rude ways."

Donald, try even a slight insult at them next time.  Can see why they gleefully murder each other.

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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #223 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 11:02am
Sprint, that is not what I said.

I did. Don't believe me? Tough.

I'm not saying you are lying. I'm saying you are unaware of your own role.

Oh I see. So I have to put up with it for the rest of my life, do I?


Did you know that Australians have a tendency to speak quietly, understate things, use self deprecation and have larger personal space? Once you recognise that it is down to culture and not rudeness, you stop being offended. Then you start interacting in a more constructive way. You cannot expect people to simply change things that they do without thinking, but you can expect others to get over it once they see it for what it is. Constantly seeking comfort in the familiar is a sign of a closed mind.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #224 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 12:19pm
See donald, it was due to your ignorance. If we were all like them, it'ld be ok.
It's your fault.
According to frediver.

they won't assimilate to us, so we have to bow and scrape to assimilate to them - NOT !!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #225 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 12:35pm
Sprint, I am merely pointing out that there is no need to take get hung up on superficial differences. We do not have to assimilate. Neither do they. We all just need to get over our own egos.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #226 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 7:35pm
Sprint Quote:
See donald, it was due to your ignorance. If we were all like them, it'ld be ok.
It's your fault.
According to frediver.

Freediver Quote:
Sprint, I am merely pointing out that there is no need to take get hung up on superficial differences. We do not have to assimilate. Neither do they. We all just need to get over our own egos.

No.. actually Freediver... that's PRECISELY what you're saying.

I'm saying you are unaware of your own role.

No... I was aware of my own role. I was being myself.

Oh I see. So I have to put up with it for the rest of my life, do I?  


That's a horrible thing to say freediver.

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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #227 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 7:42pm
Once you recognise that it is down to culture and not rudeness, you stop being offended.

Well, I recogise that many things are cultural differences with Muslims. And I'm still offended. What now? More tolerance?

You cannot expect people to simply change things that they do without thinking

Yes... that's why I'm starting this conversation on this forum... to make Muslims aware of how rude they are and how much it makes me dislike them. Maybe I should inform them next time? -Get it out in the open to make them aware of it? Get fired?

Constantly seeking comfort in the familiar is a sign of a closed mind.

Man... 'an open mind' can only go so far before it just becomes downright stupidity and destructive freediver.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #228 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 8:36pm
DT, you say that you behaved in EXACTLY the same way you behave around Aussies. How do you know how you behave around Aussies? Who do you define as an Aussie?

Also if you were so AWARE of how you were behaving around Muslims, then I think you will find that some of them may have detected this and responded accordingly.

And what FD says about you having to put up with it is wrong. You could always go and join AAFI or One Nation and make your opinions heard in the hope that there is a portion of population that agrees with you. Its a free country and you have the right (I may be wrong, considering this is Howard's Australia) to express your opinion in whatever manner, in whatever place and on any venue that you see fit. So instead of venting your frustration on the net, do something about the things that YOU think need changing.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #229 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 8:54pm
DT what's stupid is getting all upset over what are just petty cultural differences. Just get over it already. It won't hurt.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #230 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 9:18pm
freediver wrote on Sep 5th, 2007 at 8:54pm:
DT what's stupid is getting all upset over what are just petty cultural differences. Just get over it already. It won't hurt.

'Petty cultural differences' eh?
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #231 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 9:27pm
DT, you say that you behaved in EXACTLY the same way you behave around Aussies. How do you know how you behave around Aussies? Who do you define as an Aussie?

I just know... okay? Body language... voice tone... etc etc etc. Trust me... it wasn't me who causes the problems. Is it that hard to believe?

Also if you were so AWARE of how you were behaving around Muslims, then I think you will find that some of them may have detected this and responded accordingly.

I really don't think so. Like I said... they acted that way even before I realised they were there.

And what FD says about you having to put up with it is wrong. You could always go and join AAFI or One Nation and make your opinions heard in the hope that there is a portion of population that agrees with you. Its a free country and you have the right (I may be wrong, considering this is Howard's Australia) to express your opinion in whatever manner, in whatever place and on any venue that you see fit. So instead of venting your frustration on the net, do something about the things that YOU think need changing.

Well... in Victoria... we have a little something called the religious and racial vilification laws... where IF I did speak out about it (Muslims etc)... or answered back to these guys...
A) I'd get sued by them or get some kind of fine by the Government if reported (I wouldn't put it past money grubbing peopel like that).
B) I'd get the sack.

That's my predicament. I would seriously think about replying to them and explaining that you shouldn't act like that i Australia... unfortunately.. they'd complain to the boss and Id get sacked... or... I'd have to put up with a screaming Muslim accusing me of being racist for about two hours and copping abuse from all of their relatives and getting death threats occasionally from all their relatives (trust me... they come in numbers).

That's the way it is in Victoria. At least people in NSW can speak out about things like this. I live in a dictatorship state.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #232 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 9:47pm
I have to admit, I am struggling with the concept that you may actually be right, because believe it or not, the Muslims in my town seem to be very ordinary. They wear ordinary clothes (albeit, they do wear hijabs), they talk with an Aussie accent, they let their kids - boys and girls - go to the beach without supervision, they drive fords and they talk to everyone. But what I'm seeing may be unique.  but I do see the predicament you're in, and I think it's quite hypocritical and counter-productive to have laws preventing you from having a say. Better to let it flow than to bottle it up, as the old cliche goes.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #233 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 10:10am
freediver - cultural differences huh ??

"ISLAMIST terrorists arrested in Germany were planning a September 11 bloodbath at airports and US bases on the sixth anniversary of the carnage in America, authorities say.
Prosecutors and police painted a picture of a ruthless cell of al-Qaeda-linked fanatics willing to die in suicide attacks with bombs far more powerful than those that blew apart London buses and trains in 2005."

"DANISH police have arrested eight young Muslims on suspicion of plotting a bomb attack and having links with al-Qaeda.
Jakob Scharf, director of the police Security Intelligence Service, did not say what the alleged target was. But he said it was the first direct al-Qaeda connection discovered in Denmark."

Tell us about how the lack of assimilatin again

We should make the known muslim society pay for our expenses to defend outrselves against them.
For the damages caused. Just like any criminal case.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #234 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 12:04pm
they acted that way even before I realised they were there

How do you know this?

For someone who thinks they can control their own body language so well, you certainly get bothered by other people's body language easily. To me this seems no different to getting upset at a scottsman for wearing a kilt.

The fact that you seem to think the terror arrests are even relevant to this discussion shows how much your judgement is influenced by prejudice. You are upset with them because they are muslim and you are afraid of muslims, not because they are rude.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #235 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 10:13pm
I have to admit, I am struggling with the concept that you may actually be right, because believe it or not, the Muslims in my town seem to be very ordinary. They wear ordinary clothes (albeit, they do wear hijabs), they talk with an Aussie accent, they let their kids - boys and girls - go to the beach without supervision, they drive fords and they talk to everyone.

Undecided Fair enough... that's why I starteed this thread... to see if my posiition is unique.  But what I'm hearing from everywhere else (Not on this forum so far.. apart from sprint)... it seems to back up what I'm seeing.
Do you interact with them in any other way than observing them talking with other people and watching them go to the beach?

The ones I intereact with... DO NOT have Aussie accents... they have very thick, diluted Aussie/Middle Eastern accent. And I'd much prefer hearing the full-on Middle Eastern accent... beccause the hybrid accent sounds absolutely horrible.

The men certainly aren't dressed in the tradional muslim-dress... but they certainly live up to their stereotype wearing something that looks like it came straight out of the movie wog boy. The women however, are dressed full-on (Head to toe burqa). The Muslim children (girls) are extremely well-behaved. But the Muslim boys are the most spoilt little brats with the biggest egos I've ever seen in a child. -No doubt caused by their religion and favouritism of the males.

As far as them letting their kids go around without supervision... I find that pretty reckless. Do you live in a country area or something? Do you consider that a good thing?

Driving fords... meh.

But what I'm seeing may be unique.  but I do see the predicament you're in, and I think it's quite hypocritical and counter-productive to have laws preventing you from having a say. Better to let it flow than to bottle it up, as the old cliche goes.

Thanks. I'm glad you're not biased enough to ignore this point.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #236 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 10:26pm
As for you freediver...

For someone who thinks they can control their own body language so well, you certainly get bothered by other people's body language easily. To me this seems no different to getting upset at a scottsman for wearing a kilt.

How does something someone is wearing on their body count as 'body language' you tool? -I guess you've just articulated your point poorly or something. I dunno.

On your first point... just becasue I'm aware of people's body language and my own, freediver, it doesn't mean I LIKE or 'don't mind' observing rude behaviour. I don't know why you find this so hard to believe.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #237 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:51am
On your first point... just becasue I'm aware of people's body language and my own, freediver, it doesn't mean I LIKE or 'don't mind' observing rude behaviour. I don't know why you find this so hard to believe.

I'm not saying you aren't offended. I'm saying that at least in this instance, the problem ultimately lies with you, not them. There is nothing universal to say that their behaviour is rude. It's just different to what you are accustomed to.

The kilt situation is similar (ie not exactly the same) because they are both things that it would be silly to get wound up over.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #238 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 12:50pm
freediver - that's what you said many postings ago. 
And what everyone says when anyone ever has any problem with any muslim.
It's always the nonmuslims fault. probably because everyone is so scared of the beheading fanatics, or they are so arrogant they cannot be wrong.

legally in vic, noone is allowed to say anything against any muslium at all.
wadda turnaround from freedom of speech.
Course  it's ok to give howard, bush or christians a blast.
But muzzies just don't take it. so don't annoy them.
knuckle under, just like the name islam means - "submission".

burn every koran
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #239 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 12:54pm
And what everyone says when anyone ever has any problem with any muslim.  
It's always the nonmuslims fault.

Ever? So when Muslims flew planes into the WTC, people told you we should just get used to it?

probably because everyone is so scared of the beheading fanatics

No. Because we are scared of becoming the beheading fanatic.

legally in vic, noone is allowed to say anything against any muslium at all.


Sprint, it's you and DT that are trying to put all the blame on the muslims. I am just trying to put it into perspective.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #240 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 1:50pm
freediver wrote on Sep 10th, 2007 at 12:54pm:
Sprint, it's you and DT that are trying to put all the blame on the muslims.

Perhaps you two should stop- its not the Muslims who are the cause of todays unstable world.
Who are the people that are the root cause for forcing them over here?
Very simple answer.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #241 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 2:06pm
AN, this is about people speaking and acting in an unfamiliar way. It is equating that with all the world's issues that is the problem. Once you start justifying every petty little wrong you heap on them with 'they are Muslims, so they must deserve it and it must be their fault' then you become the problem.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #242 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 4:52pm
Freediver, I was pointing out the fact that if they werent here we wouldnt have the problem.
And who brought them here........I was referring to These guys.

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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #243 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 9:35pm
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Sep 9th, 2007 at 10:13pm:
I have to admit, I am struggling with the concept that you may actually be right, because believe it or not, the Muslims in my town seem to be very ordinary. They wear ordinary clothes (albeit, they do wear hijabs), they talk with an Aussie accent, they let their kids - boys and girls - go to the beach without supervision, they drive fords and they talk to everyone.

Undecided Fair enough... that's why I starteed this thread... to see if my posiition is unique.  But what I'm hearing from everywhere else (Not on this forum so far.. apart from sprint)... it seems to back up what I'm seeing.
Do you interact with them in any other way than observing them talking with other people and watching them go to the beach?

The ones I intereact with... DO NOT have Aussie accents... they have very thick, diluted Aussie/Middle Eastern accent. And I'd much prefer hearing the full-on Middle Eastern accent... beccause the hybrid accent sounds absolutely horrible.

The men certainly aren't dressed in the tradional muslim-dress... but they certainly live up to their stereotype wearing something that looks like it came straight out of the movie wog boy. The women however, are dressed full-on (Head to toe burqa). The Muslim children (girls) are extremely well-behaved. But the Muslim boys are the most spoilt little brats with the biggest egos I've ever seen in a child. -No doubt caused by their religion and favouritism of the males.

As far as them letting their kids go around without supervision... I find that pretty reckless. Do you live in a country area or something? Do you consider that a good thing?

Driving fords... meh.

But what I'm seeing may be unique.  but I do see the predicament you're in, and I think it's quite hypocritical and counter-productive to have laws preventing you from having a say. Better to let it flow than to bottle it up, as the old cliche goes.

Thanks. I'm glad you're not biased enough to ignore this point.

I live in a town called Port Stephens, 40 mins north of Newcastle which, if you don't know, is about an hour north of Sydney. Its not really rural, however its quiet and there are few social problems. I grew up going to the beach by myself and with friends. The only time my parents came with me was at Christmas.

Anyways, I doubt that your position is unique DT. The Sydney Lebanese muslims are notorious in my area and they do come up, something I did neglect to mention, and cause a lot of trouble. However, the Muslims in my area are of Turkish and Iranian descent (I think). And yes, I come into contact with them fairly regularly, as it is not a large town.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #244 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:54pm
freediver wrote on Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:51am:
On your first point... just becasue I'm aware of people's body language and my own, freediver, it doesn't mean I LIKE or 'don't mind' observing rude behaviour. I don't know why you find this so hard to believe.

I'm not saying you aren't offended. I'm saying that at least in this instance, the problem ultimately lies with you, not them. There is nothing universal to say that their behaviour is rude. It's just different to what you are accustomed to.

The kilt situation is similar (ie not exactly the same) because they are both things that it would be silly to get wound up over.

No sh1t? Of course there's nothing 'universal' in their/my behaviour, but there's certain norms that they should live up to. It's Australia... not the Middle East. Basic western manners IS Universal in my opinion... it's what separates us from the animals/crappy third world countries. It's what makes us who we are. And no, I don't expect everyone to get 'educated' enough to understand these differences. That's a ridiculous proposal. Australians just want to continue to live their lives normally... not learn every single goddamn difference and then 'tolerate' it for the rest of their lives in the name of 'diversity.' No, Muslims should NOT keep these differences... even if they ARE trying to live their lives as normal. They have just come to a new country... and they should have EXPECTED that they needed to make major changes. They aren't in the slums of Afghanistan anymore... they're in a civilised society now... get used to it. Screw their differences. They should be striving to be like us. Not the other way around.

And no, mutual cultural  behaviour is not possible in my opinion. That's something that CAN'T be taught to everyone. It's a pipe dream by communists.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #245 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:57pm
Progs wrote on Sep 10th, 2007 at 9:35pm:
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Sep 9th, 2007 at 10:13pm:
I have to admit, I am struggling with the concept that you may actually be right, because believe it or not, the Muslims in my town seem to be very ordinary. They wear ordinary clothes (albeit, they do wear hijabs), they talk with an Aussie accent, they let their kids - boys and girls - go to the beach without supervision, they drive fords and they talk to everyone.

Undecided Fair enough... that's why I starteed this thread... to see if my posiition is unique.  But what I'm hearing from everywhere else (Not on this forum so far.. apart from sprint)... it seems to back up what I'm seeing.
Do you interact with them in any other way than observing them talking with other people and watching them go to the beach?

The ones I intereact with... DO NOT have Aussie accents... they have very thick, diluted Aussie/Middle Eastern accent. And I'd much prefer hearing the full-on Middle Eastern accent... beccause the hybrid accent sounds absolutely horrible.

The men certainly aren't dressed in the tradional muslim-dress... but they certainly live up to their stereotype wearing something that looks like it came straight out of the movie wog boy. The women however, are dressed full-on (Head to toe burqa). The Muslim children (girls) are extremely well-behaved. But the Muslim boys are the most spoilt little brats with the biggest egos I've ever seen in a child. -No doubt caused by their religion and favouritism of the males.

As far as them letting their kids go around without supervision... I find that pretty reckless. Do you live in a country area or something? Do you consider that a good thing?

Driving fords... meh.

But what I'm seeing may be unique.  but I do see the predicament you're in, and I think it's quite hypocritical and counter-productive to have laws preventing you from having a say. Better to let it flow than to bottle it up, as the old cliche goes.

Thanks. I'm glad you're not biased enough to ignore this point.

I live in a town called Port Stephens, 40 mins north of Newcastle which, if you don't know, is about an hour north of Sydney. Its not really rural, however its quiet and there are few social problems. I grew up going to the beach by myself and with friends. The only time my parents came with me was at Christmas.

Anyways, I doubt that your position is unique DT. The Sydney Lebanese muslims are notorious in my area and they do come up, something I did neglect to mention, and cause a lot of trouble. However, the Muslims in my area are of Turkish and Iranian descent (I think). And yes, I come into contact with them fairly regularly, as it is not a large town.

Hmm.. perhaps the differences lie in the Sunni/Shiite divide? Or the Ottoman/ rest of Arabia divide? I'm not an idiot/bigot when it comes to this topic... I do know that the Middle East is a complex region.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #246 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 1:12am
I think that Iranians are a fair bit more mature when it comes to adapting to other cultures, the same with the Turks. Also, I think that they don't have the cultural insecurities/crisis that seems to be prevalent amongst Arabs.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #247 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 1:19am
I think that Iranians are a fair bit more mature when it comes to adapting to other cultures

I learnt that Shiites were 'supposedly' the less fanatical out of the two sects at uni... and I don't see why that couldn't have an affect on their personalities.  don't know how accurate it is though.

As far as the Ottomans/Turks go... they are largely 'Europeanised' ever since their empire collapsed after WWI... but fast becoming like other Muslims, unfortunately. It was once illgal to wear burqas in public... now there's a push to make them legal. Turkey is set to take a step backwards.

Also, I think that they don't have the cultural insecurities/crisis that seems to be prevalent amongst Arabs.

I think you may be right.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #248 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 1:18pm
You know I dont think "rudeness" is a cultural thing.

I know some Ausssies who are pretty damn rude too.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #249 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 3:56pm
You know I dont think "rudeness" is a cultural thing.

I know some Ausssies who are pretty damn rude too.

A lot of what we think of as politeness is heavily influenced by culture. If someone is raised in a culture and chooses to reject it's notions of what is polite, it would be fair to call them rude.

Freediver, I was pointing out the fact that if they werent here we wouldnt have the problem.

Sure, I understand that, but 'getting rid of people' is an absurd way to solve these sorts of problems. If you just dealt with it more maturely, it wouldn't be a problem either. Isn't that a lot easier, or do you expect the world to rearrange itself around your notions of what is proper?

Progs, I used to go spearing at Port Stephens regularly. There were often middle eastern looking groups on the grassy foreshore area. They reminded me a bit of the way early Greek and Italian immigrants are depicted in old movies - nice clothes, nice cars, very social. I don't recall them ever being a problem, or even speaking loudly. A lot of the really petty stuff reminds of the way early European groups approached each other.

No sh1t? Of course there's nothing 'universal' in their/my behaviour, but there's certain norms that they should live up to. It's Australia... not the Middle East.

One of the things I value most about Australia, and I sure the majority agree, is personal freedom. We don't tell other people to act like us just for our convenience, and there is something wrong with people who do.

Basic western manners IS Universal in my opinion

That's a contradiction DT.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #250 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 10:20pm
freediver -  Quote:
One of the things I value most about Australia, and I sure the majority agree, is personal freedom. We don't tell other people to act like us just for our convenience, and there is something wrong with people who do.

You'ld be totally against sharia law then ?
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #251 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 11:21pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 11th, 2007 at 10:20pm:
freediver -   Quote:
One of the things I value most about Australia, and I sure the majority agree, is personal freedom. We don't tell other people to act like us just for our convenience, and there is something wrong with people who do.

You'ld be totally against sharia law then ?

Apparently sharia law is just a strict and very literal interpretation of the Koran, just like how some whacky Christians like to interpret Genesis (Bible) as saying the Earth is exactly 7,500 years old.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #252 - Sep 12th, 2007 at 11:14am
Of course I would sprint.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #253 - Oct 20th, 2007 at 1:41pm
sharia law is muslim law not necesarily form the quaran
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #254 - Nov 3rd, 2007 at 6:24pm
You'ld be totally against sharia law then ?
Right, I go to a Muslim forum and I have Muslim friends. I have not once, ever, heard them say they would like to institute sharia law in Australia. Needless to say that would destroy Australia and I'd rather fight (and maybe even die) before such a thing passes here.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #255 - Nov 3rd, 2007 at 6:33pm
it is the islam intent to spread sharia law over the entire world.
That is no secret.

when in small numbers, of course they lie. that is called taqiya. feel free to google it.
Once their numbers rise they cause more and more unrest.
have a google to see what they are doing to england, france and europe.
Only one country ever has escaped from sharia law.

Ask your muslim friends about mohammad beingf a paedophile and mass murderer.
her name was aisha. she was 6 when he married her, he was about 50.
See how friendly they are then.
I dare you
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #256 - Nov 3rd, 2007 at 7:02pm
I'd imagine it would be a similar reaction to telling a Christian that Jesus liked f*ucking prostitutes.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #257 - Nov 3rd, 2007 at 7:35pm
I'ld doubt it.
Member the piccies of jesus under urine ? was no riots made.
The cartoons of mohammd - riots.

Anyway,  try it, tell a a christian that. 
you won't get a hit put out on you.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #258 - Nov 4th, 2007 at 3:58pm
Anyway,  try it, tell a a christian that. 
you won't get a hit put out on you.
I don't like pissing off people just to get a rise out of them.

And yes, I know Muhammad was a paedophile. But then again, I'm an atheist and I also consider the Judeo-Christian God to be a mass-murderer, so that doesn't make 'Him' better.

when in small numbers, of course they lie. that is called taqiya. feel free to google it.
Once their numbers rise they cause more and more unrest.
have a google to see what they are doing to england, france and europe.
Only one country ever has escaped from sharia law.
Most of Europe has had trouble integrating immigrants, and it's not just Muslims btw. And you've never even met my friends. It's not good when you start accusing people of lying without even meeting them.
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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #259 - Nov 4th, 2007 at 8:51pm
Hi blasko,

No, this is not about getting a rise out of people.
This is too see how intolerant muslims are.
Most people are scared to say "boo" to them.

See, you can call the judeo-christian God a mass murderer without fear of reprisal.
But not so keen to say a word abnout the muslims.
ps, they reckon they have the same God, I entirely disagree. what htey teach/do is entirely against the Bible.

Ask them about "taqiya" and "abrogation".  Taqiya is lying, abrogation is changing the koran as you go about writing it.
Or why do they murder those that want to leave their cult.
Why did mohammad start to murder the jews, why did his cohorts murder a poet/writer, why did mohannad say killing a few women is as significant a goats butting heads.
Why is the muslim countries so backward ?
Why can't anyone have a bible in saudi arabia?
Why is it is repressive ?

Why are 95% of all terrorist attacks from muslims?

Why is it that muslim is the only belief that cannot live in peace with any other belief ?
Wherever there is "trouble", there are muslims.
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« Last Edit: Nov 4th, 2007 at 8:58pm by Sprintcyclist »  

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Re: Muslims are pretty rude..
Reply #260 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 4:02pm
Why are 95% of all terrorist attacks from muslims?

That's certainly better than claiming 100%. Where did you get that figure from?
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''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #261 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 2:29pm
23 year old journalist Lakita Bourke was verbally attacked by a group of muslim men outside a sydney mosque because of her dress.
''This young man approached me and said: 'You should be wearing more need to cover up, you mutt','' Ms Bourke, who works for 2ue radio,recounted. Ms Bourke,who was wearing a black trenchcoat,knee high boots and gloves said she was shocked and humiliated.
''Im just incredulous as to why they would say that...What else is there to cover up? They are doing themselves no favours by behaving like this.''
Ms Bourke was waiting to interview the offensive mufti sheik Taj el-dene Elhilaly at lakemba mosque when a man aged about 20 confronted her.
He said ''Are you aware that this is our friday prayers? Do you know you're disrespecting our religion''.
Ms Bourke said she replied: ''im sorry,how?'' He then advised her to cover up and called her a mutt.
Ms Bourke, a christian said she was very conscious of the need to respect other peoples religions.
''I knew it was important to cover up when you go to a mosque and thats why i wore a long coat and gloves. As soon as it happened i looked at myself and thought what am i wearing that is offensive?''


So there you have it. Islam, the religion of tolerance and peace.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #262 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 5:29pm
That is just goes to show Aussie..that the more we accomadate them the more arrogabt and disrespectful they become.

This is NOT theyre country-its ours. Angry

Go off home if they dont like it..
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #263 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 7:00pm
In some islamis countries there are tourist warnings for tourists to not go outside shopping during certain hours on certain days.
It is "masked" in the idea of it being a religious reason.
The truth is, that is when muslims come out of their mosques after their weekly hate sermon.
If muslims have had a particularily vitriolic sermon that week and they see a few westerners when they get out, the westerners are very likely to be set upon.

But, how do I say this and not be thought to be a muslim hater purely because I am a christian ?

Thankfully the more the media reports about them, and areas like this can comment freely more people become aware as to what is the truth.

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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #264 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 12:29am
That is just goes to show Aussie..that the more we accomadate them the more arrogabt and disrespectful they become.

This is NOT theyre country-its ours. Angry

Go off home if they dont like it..


This is the attitude all Australians should take.

And for you ''Bigot'' callers, Let me ask you this..;  Do you love Australia?, or,  do you love Saudi Arabia?.  

If you still intend to see Nationalists and Patriots as Bigots then may i suggest that the next words you learn  are SALLAM, ALLAH AKBAR. or SHALOM.
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« Last Edit: Jun 3rd, 2007 at 12:11pm by DILLIGAF »  
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #265 - Jun 3rd, 2007 at 12:39am
[quote author=sprintcyclist link=1180758579/0#2 date=1180774848]In some islamis countries there are tourist warnings for tourists to not go outside shopping during certain hours on certain days.
It is "masked" in the idea of it being a religious reason.
The truth is, that is when muslims come out of their mosques after their weekly hate sermon.
If muslims have had a particularily vitriolic sermon that week and they see a few westerners when they get out, the westerners are very likely to be set upon.

I am not suprised at all. Look at Indonesia, whenever we do something ""Wrong'' against their system.
Though in the west, our actions are seen as appropriate. And they are.

But, how do I say this and not be thought to be a muslim hater purely because I am a christian ?

Dont worry mate, Im no christian (Athiest ex catholic) but i see, and you see, the truth behind all that is Islam, and the result of her reign.  Just you wait till ive finished my communism piece.

Thankfully the more the media reports about them, and areas like this can comment freely more people become aware as to what is the truth.

The (Western) population will find out for the second time what Islam really is.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #266 - Jun 18th, 2007 at 11:58pm
This certainly is offensive to islam Cool
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #267 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:51am
So what ??
I get offended often. have not decided to behead anyone yet due to it. 
It makes me tougher, if I can't take the criticisms, I am pretty brittle then.

member the "art" of jesus under urine ?  No fatwa ordered there ??
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #268 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 2:28pm

member the "art" of jesus under urine ?  No fatwa ordered there ??

What when the muslim kids pissed on the bible in melbourne?
Funny how christians didnt go nuts- The true ''RELIGION OF PEACE''.
Though we should have....... That would show the muslims up (in strength)
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #269 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 5:38pm
yet two protestant preachers (former muslims scholars) in melbourne who stood outside a mosque and explained the meaning of passages, have been thrown in gaol for religious descriminantion.

all they did was say islam is violent.

dont go to victoria ausnat or dt Smiley
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #270 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 7:26pm
At last I get to disagree with ausnat !!!!!!!!!
Buddhists for my pick are the "true religion of peace."  I really admire their ... stances.
At one stage (when they were being overrun by someone), as a protest they set themselves on fire.
They would not harm anyone else.
Would gladly welcome them in my home.

Good on the protestant preachers (ex muslims) who stood up for their beliefs.
So much for freedom of speech ?
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #271 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:18pm
dont go to victoria ausnat or dt

Already in the state of 'multiculturalism,' pender.

I'm just wondering if some cops would arrest me if I stood outside a mosque with a sign reading, "Islam is NOT the religion of peace." 

...If they did so... I shlould have a mate video taping me the whole time undercover to show how much freedom of expression we have here... would be good for youtube... and to be honest... it may make A Current Affair or the 6.00pm news.

Buddhists for my pick are the "true religion of peace."  I really admire their ... stances. 
At one stage (when they were being overrun by someone), as a protest they set themselves on fire. 
They would not harm anyone else. 
Would gladly welcome them in my home.

My favourite buddhist.  Smiley

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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #272 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:28pm

Buddhists for my pick are the "true religion of peace."

And to counter chop you, buddhism is technically not a religion!
Buddhists do not beleive in a god.

Ha Ha sprint........ CHOP CHOP CHOP. Cool

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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #273 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:50pm
buddhism is boring
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #274 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:57pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:50pm:
buddhism is boring

It most certainly is....... same as sitting in church on a sunday. Wink
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #275 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:00pm
really ausnat ??

I feel ripped off.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #276 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:30pm
quote author=sprintcyclist link=1180758579/0#14 date=1182254456]really ausnat ??

Its not a religion. Religions have a God/s. Buddhism has no god.

I feel ripped off.

Nah not ripped off....... Just CHOPPED! Grin
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #277 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 10:01am
more the christianty than church.

what i meant was buddhism is boring all round.

at least christianity had crusades etc.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #278 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:28am
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 10:01am:
more the christianty than church.

what i meant was buddhism is boring all round.

at least christianity had crusades etc.

Ah yes, the crusades. Very nice Cool  It should be done again Cool
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #279 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:31am
Ausnat wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:28am:
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 10:01am:
more the christianty than church.

what i meant was buddhism is boring all round.

at least christianity had crusades etc.

Ah yes, the crusades. Very nice Cool  It should be done again Cool

so they can lose again?  Cool
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #280 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:45am

so they can lose again?  Cool

Not the 4th time around........... Things are very different these days eg technology.
And in a campaign like this, its a slaughter- life is of no consequence. Annhiliate the muslims.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #281 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:49am
Not the 4th time around........... Things are very different these days eg technology.

i don't think technology was the reason the crusades lost.

And in a campaign like this, its a slaughter- life is of no consequence. Annhiliate the muslims.

that was the plan before as well, which they failed to do.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #282 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 3:53pm
actually technology was the very reason the crusades innitialy failed.

The europeans did not have adequate water supply, nor did they have adequate medicine, particularly in comparison to their muslim counterparts.

on the battle field the crusaders were also second best. Heavy iron armour and heavy cart horses were ideal for the slow paced battles of europe but were found drastically wanting in the desert.

The arabs employed parthynian hit and run tactic where they would fire a volly of arrows and then run away on tehir fast arabian horses, the crusader knights never stood a chance.

despite all of this greater understanding of war enabled the crusaders to adapt to the new land on which they fought. specifically with the invention of crossbows which evened out the battlefield.

the crusaders held the holy land for over 100 years. and were only eventually rooted out by the seljuks lead by suliman from memory.

This defeat can be largly attributed to the catholic church itself which had grown disgusted with the conduct of Templar knights (the largest order of knights) who were at fault for most of teh attrocoties commited against christians, jews and muslims in the holy land. The pope on friday the 13th ordered the arrest and execution of all the leaders of the order.

needless to say with hundreds of its top dogs finished the order dismantled as did the crusades.

if the crusades were run today i doubt they would have as much latitude as the templars, and therefore would not need to be dismantled, furtehr more we now severely out number and out tech them.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #283 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 4:31pm
Pender knows what he is talking about.  im aware of crusader history too.
Its true, this time we would not fail- just gotta overcome the humanitarians.

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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #284 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:41pm
Ausnat wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 4:31pm:
Pender knows what he is talking about.  im aware of crusader history too.
Its true, this time we would not fail- just gotta overcome the humanitarians.


True. I'm pretty confident the Vietnam war would have EVENTUALLY have been won without the help of the US media and humanitarians protesting in the streets. In a way, I think these protests in America gave the commies more reason to keep fighting...

Furthermore, todays Islamic terrorists/so-called freedom fighters wouldn't even exist without the help of the media and the Michael Moore types who support them. If we just shut up... they'd go away.

The west are basically fighting wars with one hand tied behind our backs nowadays.

If we had total war, we could absolutely slaughter the Middle East. But a little thing called UN human rights are holding us back. Ah well... that's life.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #285 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:45pm
Furthermore, todays Islamic terrorists/so-called freedom fighters wouldn't even exist without the help of the media and the Michael Moore types who support them. If we just shut up... they'd go away.

You don't honestly believe that do you? The Islamists get more milage from Michael Moore than from western countries interfering in the middle east? Or do you think they wouldn't notice without westerners pointing it out to them?
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #286 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:10pm
freediver wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:45pm:
Furthermore, todays Islamic terrorists/so-called freedom fighters wouldn't even exist without the help of the media and the Michael Moore types who support them. If we just shut up... they'd go away.

You don't honestly believe that do you? The Islamists get more milage from Michael Moore than from western countries interfering in the middle east? Or do you think they wouldn't notice without westerners pointing it out to them?

Yes... I do believe that freediver.

Not with Michael Moore specifically, but with the media in general. One of the major platforms for terrorism is the media. It's how they generate support and funding. If we just turned off our camera's and stopped giving them such media coverage... they'd cease to exist.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #287 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:12pm
You think they are incapable of operating a camera themselves? It is not our media that is stirring them up, it is their own media.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #288 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:15pm
If we had total war, we could absolutely slaughter the Middle East. But a little thing called UN human rights are holding us back. Ah well... that's life.

Damn right. thats why the iraq war is lost too. the lack of the declaration of TOTAL WAR.
Its the only way to fight.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #289 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:19pm
What's with the 14/88 AusNat?
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #290 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:21pm
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #291 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:26pm
and the 88 bit?
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #292 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:28pm
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #293 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:41pm
freediver wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 6:12pm:
You think they are incapable of operating a camera themselves? It is not our media that is stirring them up, it is their own media.

Don't think so. Most of the media exposure they get are from Al Jazeera and CNN.

Look at September 11th. You can't honestly say that didn't boost the popularity of terrorism worldwide. That was captured by America's cameras. It gives terrorists a morale boost.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #294 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 7:51pm
if no television stations in the world published their "plight" their support diminish world wide. also teh support for our good governements would increase as their would be no opposition. simple mathematics.

as for vietnam, general westmorland, head of the US army in vietnam issued a report strait after the 1968 tet offensive claiming a great military victory, and requested 500 000 more troops for a full scale invasion of north vietnam claiming militarily the enemy was in tatters.

unfortunatly Johnson had already given in to media pressure which had filmed the tet offensive and portrayed it as a us defeat (the viets lost cloe to 50 000 soldiers the US just 6000 in the battle). Johnson ordered the slow withdrawel of troops from vietnam over the next few years. He even admitted it was the media not his generals that decided the fate for the war when he said

"i knew when i lost cronkite, i lost the war", walter cronkite was the most famous media personality at the time.

now if tehre were no cameras, america would have invaded north Vietnam and the story would have been different.

one could infer the same would happen to the middle eastern conflicts.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #295 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 9:49pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 22nd, 2007 at 7:51pm:
if no television stations in the world published their "plight" their support diminish world wide. also teh support for our good governements would increase as their would be no opposition. simple mathematics.

as for vietnam, general westmorland, head of the US army in vietnam issued a report strait after the 1968 tet offensive claiming a great military victory, and requested 500 000 more troops for a full scale invasion of north vietnam claiming militarily the enemy was in tatters.

unfortunatly Johnson had already given in to media pressure which had filmed the tet offensive and portrayed it as a us defeat (the viets lost cloe to 50 000 soldiers the US just 6000 in the battle). Johnson ordered the slow withdrawel of troops from vietnam over the next few years. He even admitted it was the media not his generals that decided the fate for the war when he said

"i knew when i lost cronkite, i lost the war", walter cronkite was the most famous media personality at the time.

now if tehre were no cameras, america would have invaded north Vietnam and the story would have been different.

one could infer the same would happen to the middle eastern conflicts.

Very good post Pender.

Also, comparing the death count for America and Vietnam it becomes quite clear who was kicking who's butt in the war. America was slaughtering em.'
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #296 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 10:54pm
This is an excellent thread.

thanks all. will read it and ponder.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #297 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 12:42pm
if no television stations in the world published their "plight" their support diminish world wide.

Sure, if we practiced censorship, we wopuld end up caring less about those whom the censors don't want us to know about. You can hardly claim that this is a good thing. Also, most of their support is local and based on regional issues. It is only western ignorance of middle eastern politics that leads people to believe that western media coverage of 9/11 was somehow significant.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #298 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 6:14pm
in our ban on media we include al jazera
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #299 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 9:55pm
I thought it was illegal to  watch al-jazera in Aust?
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #300 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 10:08pm
Not sure on that. It probably should not be illegal to watch it.
However, can we monitor those that watch it ?
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #301 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 10:19pm
yeh though secret cameras in all arab houses.

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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #302 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 10:24pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Jun 23rd, 2007 at 10:19pm:
yeh though secret cameras in all arab houses.

Yes...... that would be good. Smiley
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Rediscovering our backbones as the fatwas fly
Reply #303 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 8:05pm,20867,21973584-32522,00.html

DON'T fall for the sweet old lady in hat and gloves number. The Queen has a crafty Machiavellian streak to her. Turning Salman Rushdie into a sir has been a handy health check on whether the West has learned the costs of appeasement. Her Majesty would have known that bestowing a knighthood on Rushdie would also elevate him to the world's biggest collector of Islamic death edicts. The question was whether this time the West would do a better job of defending itself. So far the signs are good.
The predictable stuff came sharp and fast. Immediately after Rushdie was given his gong for services to literature, Pakistan, our friendly ally in the war on terror, demanded that Britain withdraw the title. The British blasphemer had hurt the feelings of the Muslims' world, said various Pakistani MPs.

The West is now well versed in this Muslim drama. First act: enter Muslims claiming hurt feelings. Second act: enter Muslims issuing a death-to-Western-heathens diktat. Cue Pakistan's Religious Affairs Minister Mohammed Ijaz-ul-Haq: "If someone exploded a bomb on his body he would be right to do so unless the British Government apologises and withdraws the sir title." Meanwhile, Pakistani students burned effigies of the Queen and Rushdie chanting "kill him, kill him".
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AusNat 14/88
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #304 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 8:09pm
bugger the Paki's.
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Prophet cartoons protester convicted
Reply #305 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 2:41pm

A speaker at a rally protesting against cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed has been convicted of inciting murder.

Mizanur Rahman, 24, of London, spoke at a February 2006 demonstration protesting the publication in Europe of the cartoons, first published in Denmark's Jyllands-Posten daily.

Prosecutors showed video of Rahman speaking about British soldiers and saying, "We want to see them coming home in body bags. We want to see their blood running in the streets of Baghdad."

Rahman also had placards calling for the beheading and annihilation of anyone who insulted Islam.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #306 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 2:49pm
I congratulate the british legal system Smiley
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #307 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 3:00pm
Very just.
Same shoud happen to hilali.

For your info Ausnat :

* Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri--Al-Qaeda mastermind and number two man, reportedly a surgeon and/or psychiatrist;

* Dr. Mohammad Rabi Al-Zawahiri--Ayman's father and a Muslim Brotherhood enthusiast, pharmacologist and professor at Ain Shams Medical School;

* Dr. "Abu Hafiza"--Al-Qaeda master planner who was the brains and commander of the Moroccan cell that provided logistics for the 9/11 attacks, and he recruited Qaeda insurgents for battles in Fallujah, Moroccan psychiatrist;

* Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Rantisi--Late HAMAS leader, pediatrician;

* Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar--HAMAS co-founder and leader, surgeon and lecturer at the Islamic University in Gaza;

* Dr. Fathi Abd Al-Aziz Shiqaqi--Late founder of Islamic Jihad and active in Fatah, physician;

* Dr. George Habash--Founder and chief of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), pediatrician (which is interesting since he rocketed a school bus full of children in Avivim, Israel;

* Dr. Bashar Assad--President of Terror-sponsor state Syria, welcoming home to every Islamic terrorist group imaginable, ophthalmologist;

* Dr. Rafiq Sabir--Boca Raton emergency room physician convicted in Al-Qaeda terrorist plot, pledging to treat and train terrorists, along with a New York martial arts expert;

* Drs. Laila Al-Marayati and Riad Abdelkarim--Both work with and/or are top officials of KinderUSA (son of the Holy Land Foundation), which Al-Marayati voluntarily shutdown before the FBI did, as it was openly funding HAMAS "martyrs." Abdelkarim went to "Palestine" in May or so of 2002 with Dr. Dallel Mohammed (not an MD). They took monies collected at an April 2002 fundraiser and were caught by Israeli security handing over the funds to a HAMAS operative. They were detained in an Israeli jail, and a large orgy of publicity ensued. The two came back to the U.S. as Muslim "martyrs" used it to raise money for more.

* Dr. Mohammed Jamil Abdelqader Asha--a 26-year-old neurologist who was arrested and is in custody as a suspect in the attempted London bombings, foiled Friday. He was born in Saudi Arabia, is of Palestinian origin, and has a Jordanian passport. His 27-year-old wife, a medical assistant, was also arrested for the foiled bombings;

* Dr. Bilal Talal Abdul Samad Abdulla--an Iraqi from Baghdad who was also arrested and is in custody as a suspect in the attempted Glasgow International Airport bombing, foiled Saturday. He was reportedly in the Jeep that drove into the airport, and is suffering from third-degree burns;

* Dr. Mohammed Haneef--an Indian Muslim arrested in Australia on Monday night in custody as a suspect in the attempted British terrorist bombing plots of last week;and

* The rest of the EIGHT Muslim Doctor(s) arrested as suspects in the British bombing plots of last week.

Dr. Osama Ahmed Ibrahim, MD, who deliberately let Jewish patient Joseph Applebaum die, by neglecting to ever see him in over 12 hours under his care in an emergency room at a Chicago hospital, Rush North Shore Medical Center.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #308 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 9:11pm
This should offend the Muslims Grin
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #309 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 9:34pm
This should offend the Muslims Grin

lol.. probably. But it won't offend Muslims if you say... "This oughtta offend em.'"
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #310 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 9:43pm
HAHHAHA, excellent historic fact    Wink
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #311 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 12:02am
Yep, and whats due for them after a ''martyr'' hit.
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #312 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 12:52am
Funny and true.  Grin
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #313 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 1:06am
And in the coming war against islam lets launch these,
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #314 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 1:26am
And in the coming war against islam lets launch these,

lol gold

that reminda me of this old american genereal that dipped bullets in pigs blood and fired it at captured muslims to teach them a lesson.  Grin
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #315 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 1:36am
Islam, this is your chin......
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #316 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 3:54pm
Mohammed the Paedeo.
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Hague museum pulls offensive Muslim art
Reply #317 - Dec 4th, 2007 at 12:17pm

The city museum of The Hague has decided not to include in an exhibition a work of art that may offend Muslims, it was reported on Monday.

The picture, made by Iranian artist Sooreh Hera, is entitled Adam and Ewald and shows two gay men wearing masks of the Muslim prophet Mohammed and his son-in-law Ali.

Liberal-rightist Freedom Party (PVV) leader Geert Wilders, condemned the museum's decision, adding it was "based on fear".

Wilders has requested a reaction on the matter from Education and Culture minister Ronald Plasterk.

Meanwhile Siebe Weide, director of the Museum Association, told reporters "all Dutch museums are free to choose what they exhibit and what not".
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Re: ''Offensive to Islam''
Reply #318 - Dec 4th, 2007 at 3:25pm
Disgusting, europe is kowtowing to muslims.

Easy to see why they are a region in decline, with this  sort of spineless attitude.

"the Dutch Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner, who remarked that if the electors voted to bring in sharia he'd be OK with that, or the Swedish politician who said that Swedes should be "nice to Muslims while we are in the majority so that when they are in the majority they will be nice to us".

Underpinning those words is the realisation that most of the Western world is very demographically weakened. Immigration adds to the gaiety of the nation, improves the choice of restaurants and makes pasty-faced white folks feel very virtuous about their multiculti bona fides, but a dependence on immigration is always a structural weakness, and should be addressed as such. At a time of unparalleled prosperity and peace, the majority of developed nations have chosen, in effect, to give up on the future. Howard's ministry was one of the first governments to get this and, in contrast to the dismal Euro-fatalism above, to try to do something to reverse it. ",25197,22857673-5013480,00.html

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« Last Edit: Dec 4th, 2007 at 4:05pm by Sprintcyclist »  

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Denmark to archive Mohammed car
Reply #319 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 12:06pm

Denmark's National Library plans to archive the original Prophet Mohammed caricatures that sparked violent protests across the Islamic world two years ago, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

Despite objections from some Muslim leaders, the library in the Danish capital will preserve the 12 cartoons for research purposes but will not make them available to the public for at least 10 years, spokeswoman Jytte Pedersen said.

"It is not our intention to provoke or anything like that," Pedersen said. "We are preserving them for future generations."
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Reply #320 - Feb 1st, 2008 at 8:50pm
cowardly dutch.

those that fought in WWII would be disgusted.
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Danish police foil attack on Mohammed cartoonist
Reply #321 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 10:40am
Danish police foil attack on Mohammed cartoonist, arrest trio

Danish police arrested Tuesday three people suspected of plotting to kill one of the cartoonists who sparked angry protests from Muslims worldwide in 2006 by drawing caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

Operatives "conducted a police operation at 4:30 am (0330 GMT) in the Aarhus region, in cooperation with local police, to prevent a murder linked to terrorism," said Jakob Scharf, head of Denmark's intelligence agency PET.

The raid was carried out "after lengthy surveillance," he said in a statement.

Islamophobia 'on the rise in Holland'

Islamophobia has increased dramatically in the Netherlands following recent terrorist attacks in Europe, a human rights watchdog warned, with Muslims the subject of stereotyping, stigmatisation and frequent racist violence.

In a harshly worded report, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance said even Dutch politicians have resorted to derogatory remarks about Muslims in recent years, and that racist discourse has remained "as a rule" unchallenged by mainstream political parties.
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Reply #322 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 5:09pm
hilali and many other "scholars" would entirely agree with the murderous actions.

that muslim site i was in is unbeleviable. the mindset is entirely in agreeance with the actions below, they do not say a word against terrorism.

asio should lock contiually monitor every muslim site and send the bill to the mosques

They are obsessive dangerous nuts
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Paper reprints Mohammed bomb cartoon
Reply #323 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 6:49pm

Denmark's leading newspaper has reprinted a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bomb as a turban.

It came a day after Danish police said they'd averted an alleged plot to kill one of the Mohammed cartoonists who sparked violent protests in 2006.
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Reply #324 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 10:12pm
wonder why the danes are islamicophobic ?
maybe cause they have had to deal with the islamics ??

eg, putting a hit out on a cartoonist, same as mohammad did.
Same as the lack of freedom of speech in the muzziechat room

the danes have very good just reason for it.
Almost every leader of the free world agrees islam is the big threat
they must have a reason for it too.
we had a terrorist attack averted in aussie - by muzzies
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Reply #325 - Feb 23rd, 2008 at 4:18pm
The Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK "seems unavoidable".

This must be the most unbritish man in England.
He sure does look like the Devil. His eyebrows give him away.
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Pakistan shuts down YouTube
Reply #326 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 5:36pm
These cartoons aren't motion pictures are they? Why the focus on youtube?

Pakistan ordered local internet service providers to block access to the popular YouTube website because of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad that have outraged many Muslims, an industry official said on Sunday.

The cartoons, published in Danish newspapers in 2005 and again earlier this month, angered Muslims because of their depiction of the Prophet Mohammad.

"They asked us to ban it immediately ... and the order says the ban will continue until further notice," said Wahaj-us-Siraj, convener of the Association of Pakistan Internet Service Providers.

Publication of the cartoons led to protests and rioting in many Muslim countries, including Pakistan, in which at least 50 people were killed and three Danish embassies attacked.

Several Danish newspapers reprinted one of the cartoons earlier this month after police in Copenhagen uncovered a plot by two Tunisians and a Dane of Moroccan origin to kill the cartoonist, sparking further protests around the world.
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Reply #327 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 7:33pm
freediver - as with most cults, the leader is NOT to be questioned.
let alone cartooned.
there is no freedom of speech under islam.
Thanks to the brave danes, the free world is realising that now

recently in the US a muslim cabbie refused entrance to a seeing eyedog.
Cause dogs are unclean to him.  Tough for the blind owner.
The muslim took it right to the high court  (legal fees paid by ???) where he lost.

Had the US caved in, ALL the blind people in US would have to request a nonmuslim driver.
So arrogant, so intolerant.
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Pakistan Causes Worldwide YouTube Outage
Reply #328 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 10:49am

Most of the world's Internet users lost access to YouTube for several hours Sunday after an attempt by Pakistan's government to block access domestically affected other countries.

The outage highlighted yet another of the Internet's vulnerabilities, coming less than a month after broken fiber-optic cables in the Mediterranean took Egypt off line and caused communications problems from the Middle East to India.

An Internet expert explained that Sunday's problems arose when a Pakistani telecommunications company accidentally identified itself to Internet computers as the world's fastest route to YouTube. But instead of serving up videos of skateboarding dogs, it sent the traffic into oblivion.
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Reply #329 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 7:12am
They seem to be a strange lot in Pakistan (warning - dangerous generalisation). I was talking to a friend who is Indian, and he told me that even at cricket, they are way over the top. For them it's Muslims versus Hindus. He explained that India is a totally secular society, and people have an equal standing whether they are Christian, Hindu, Atheist or whatever, and that they have more muslims in India than in Pakistan itself.

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Reply #330 - Mar 1st, 2008 at 12:29am
....they have more muslims in India than in Pakistan itself.

Could it be the difference in population between the two countries?
1.2 billion vs 162 million.
I mean Pakistan's population is only approx 12% of India's population.

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Reply #331 - Mar 2nd, 2008 at 4:02pm
I want a ham semmich!! NOW!
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Hundreds of Afghans protest cartoon
Reply #332 - Mar 4th, 2008 at 12:14pm

Hundreds of demonstrators set Danish and Dutch flags ablaze in northern Afghanistan to protest the reprinting of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in Denmark and an upcoming Dutch film criticising the Koran.

Clerics and madrassa students gathered in front of Afghanistan's largest shrine in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif to demand the government shut down the Danish and Dutch embassies in Kabul.

"We don't want our government to have any diplomatic relations with these two countries," said Maulawi Abdul Hadi, one of the clerics organising Sunday's protest.

"We don't want Danish and Dutch troops in Afghanistan. They should be kicked out of the NATO forces here."
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Reply #333 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 10:20pm
freediver - you forgot this last vital sentence.

"Afghanistan is a Muslim nation where blasphemy of Muhammad and the Koran is considered a serious crime that carries the death sentence."

This is not from the taliban, this is from the country afghanistan, which has been "freed" for many years.
This is a muslim country when free.
There is only freedom under islam when everyone is a muslim

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Britain in crackdown on forced marriages
Reply #334 - Mar 12th, 2008 at 11:20am
Britain in crackdown on forced marriages

Britain investigated 400 cases of forced marriages last year and is looking into whether 30 girls who have vanished from school registers may have been taken out of schools and forced to marry.

The highest incidence of reported forced marriages is in Muslim communities, figures show.

Britain has more than 1.8 million Muslims, the majority of Pakistani origin.

"Forced marriage has nothing to do with religion," said Nazia Khanum, who worked on a report funded by the Home Office that detailed numbers of reported cases.

"It is a part of a patriarchal system where parents believe they know what is best."

A new act is to be introduced this year that will allow judges more power to remove victims of abuses connected with forced marriage from households and issue protection orders. Family members who break the protection orders could be arrested.

Government officials are to also investigate requests for sponsorships on visas. If forced marriages occur overseas, officials can work to return British nationals home and arrange for accommodation and legal help.

In Oxford, Muslim call to prayer sounds strained note

Famous for its university and quintessentially English "dreaming spires," the city of Oxford has been plunged into controversy over the sound of Muslim call to prayer from a local mosque.

Those church spires have been joined by a minaret, with a loudspeaker on top which has triggered protests from locals concerned about the influx of a foreign culture.

"I don't have any problem with Islam but don't force it on people," said Oxford University historian Allan Chapman, whose typically English house has a view of both the minaret and the nearby Church of Saint Mary and Saint John.

The Central Mosque was built in the east of the city, the "other Oxford", which is home to a poorer population and more immigrants than the historic centre of ancient, sandstone colleges, libraries and students on bicycles.

Cutting through the area is the main, multi-ethnic thoroughfare of Cowley Road, where Pakistani men in traditional tunics and other immigrants rub shoulders with the city's student intelligentsia going to and from their digs.

Bin Laden threatens EU over cartoons

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has threatened the European Union with grave punishment over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

In an audio recording posted on the internet, bin Laden said the cartoons were part of a "crusade" in which he said the Catholic Pope Benedict XVI was involved.

Bin Laden's message was entitled "The Response Will Be What You See, Not What You Hear", according to the password-protected Ekhlaas Web, which carries messages and statements from al-Qaeda-affiliated groups around the world.

Indonesian Internet companies block Web sites over Quran film

At least three Internet companies say they have blocked access to YouTube and MySpace because of an anti-Islam film by a Dutch lawmaker.

The move Tuesday was in response to an order by the Indonesian government.

IndosatM2, a popular Internet Service Provider, and two other companies said they had temporarily blocked YouTube, MySpace and three other video-sharing Web sites.

It was not immediately clear if the country's other seven or so providers were following suit.
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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2008 at 7:12pm by freediver »  

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