Today's Freemasons are confused with the original Freemasons
Today's Freemasons are name-only and wouldn't have a clue how to erect a cathedral with their own hands and skills
Today's Freemasons should be stripped of that title and revealed for who and what they are
I'm pretty cheesed-off with myself for getting rid of so many books last month due to lack of room, but still have a few left for those who want a bit of background and info re: the Freemasons
The Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
Inside the Brotherhood by Martin Short
In God's Name by David A. Yallop
The Unlocked Secret by James Dewar
re: Templars:
The Head of God by Keith Laidler
The Templars by Piers Paul Read
Templars by Sharan Newman
and then of course you have dozens of related such as
Bloodline of the Holy Grail by Laurence Gardner (plus others of his)
Their Kingdom Come: Inside the World of Opus Dei by Robert Hutchison
The Marian Conspiracy by Graham Phillips
Sign and the Seal by Graham Hancock
The Messianic Legacy by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln
Enemies of the State by Gary Murray
most tie in the original Templars, the Grail, modern Freemasonry, Police, secret service, Vatican, world leaders, corruption, etc.
I have more down the basement garages, but by the time anyone plods through the above with their elements of
deliberate disinformation and downright invention, you're not that much better off, apart from realising that the vast majority of us have no clue, really no clue, as to who and what controls our lives
Some writers pay with their lives. Others spin book after book, video after video, seminars back to back. And they live comfortable lives to great applause and leave their kids without too many financial worries
As if anyone is going to reveal the truth. Even if they have terminal disease and decide to tell-all, they usually have family who will pay after they're gone, so telling-all isn't an option
and who knows-all? No one. 'A' is entrusted with this piece, 'B' entrusted with another, etc. and without the codes ... ?
It's dark and dirty and goes way, way back. Same motives all the way through. Same today. More you know, more you need fear. Snake pits with different 'secret societies' intertwined: Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Opus Dei, OTO, Rosy Cross, Vatican. Did you see the size of the Scientology Sydney headquarters the other week? Who do you imagine paid for that and why, and it's only a tiddler in comparison to others. Think it was paid by ordinary Aussies just wanting to go Clear?
Today's Freemasons donate wheelchairs to the needy, they take disadvantaged kids on holiday, they give lots of money to needy causes and they hold sausage sizzles and clean-up drives. They project a wholesome image through their lower-tier members and they're keen to increase membership which has been falling for decades. They're up against the Lions, Rotary, the Shiners, etc. All wanting to be seen to do good. And they know no more than anyone else about '
secret Freemasonry stuff'
Hundreds of people right now are chatting earnestly in online about Freemasonry and the --- da da da --- higher degrees and of course, the 33rd degree (which can be achieved over a weekend, apparently, so much for the mystique)
Freemasonry and its brother societies are pyramids with the vast bulk comprised of worker bees, same as multi-level marketing schemes. The payola and esoteric knowledge are concentrated at the very tip of that pyramid
Back when Freemasonry was booming, men wanted to join for the perceived benefits, financial and other. One of the oaths of Freemasonry, according to insiders, is the requirement to swear to protect and defend a brother above all else, even one's family: wife and kids. And if perjury is involved in the saving of a brother, so be it, because membership of Freemasonry makes it ok
They had to conduct an enema through UK's policing service, so riddled was it with Freemasons and corruption that the entire service had become a travesty of its designed purpose. But it was a enema in name only, reportedly, and officers still rise and fall depending on membership of the Freemasons. But it's just one of the many tales told ..
Who wouldn't join an organisation which promises its members will have your back to the nth degree, regardless of your crimes? You'd be fireproof. And if all levels of the legal and political system were infected yet denied it, the amount of corruption, graft and murder involved would be off the scale, as it actually is
There was/is a region in northern rivers, NSW, which was crawling with corruption like lice, if tales are true. Rank and file police protecting paedophilia, graft, murder, intimidation, illegal sale of land, etc. were rife and it was not that well hidden. The then NSW Premier sat on his hands as did heads of NSW police. Kids from boys/girls homes were used, passed along, sold, killed, reportedly. And the general public was blissfully unaware. Those who attempted to intervene came to sticky ends
all a long way from the knowledgeable, highly skilled original Freemasons whose work still stands today
and now we have dodo Prince Harry doing dumb gestures with his hands in public, giving fresh life to the ongoing fascination with Freemasonry