Sprintcyclist wrote on May 23
rd, 2007 at 9:19pm:
What you say is pretty right. There should be an area of "amicable" agreement.
It is not good if either employee or employer has the complete control.
In all reality there are not so many unhappy with it.
In the real world those powerless (young people, uneducated) are not in a good bargaining position. The laws of supply and demand dictate this. The powerless are selling their talents in a market that has a glut. That may sound hardnosed, but in those jobs there are 500 applicants.
That is a market reality.
The safety net is the social security system, which is much more generous than most other places in the world .
Unions are useless when the business closes down because labour costs are too high , or because qualified staff are not available.
This may seem unrelated, but stick with it. I did an associate diploma by correspondance.
I was acutely aware that if I failed a subject I was going to have to do it again AND pay for it again. This financial reality helped me in that I did not fail any subjects. Had there been a "safety net", where a failure did not cost me, I may well have failed a few subjects.
That's where being in the "real world" is beneficial for everyone.
We don't want more "battlers". There are more than enough battlers. Don't encourage them.
Encourage those that want more than to be battlers.
That's the liberal thought process.
The Liberal thought process is not supported by its actions though Sprint..in the vocational training schemes etc, we stilll need plumbers and builders etc. We cant all be academics and white or blue collar. I want ot be a Social Worker for instance
, one of the resons I chose this area of study is because I see a critical shortage of Social Workers in this country..I have a veiw to working and living in England after a while.So I am targetting my study to meet a demand.
The welfare to work schemes are not helping pple with decent training schemes, tafe or whatever to meet the skill shortages..it threatens the vulnerable with harsh punishments and payments cuts if they dont dance to their disgraceful and rediculous regiomes.
This is the Libs chance to properly reskill pple who really need it and meet the skill shortage with Austarlin workers, but no..its off on a power trip whereby it has no reghard for the human suffering it imposes.
These ppl will be efeected by IR and once theyre safety net is gone..theyre benefit, will not be abkle to go and get decent training , they will be left to struggle, with t\Australias next generation whom they will be desperately trying to feed and clothe.
This Government has to go, they see no human suffering, only ways to further boost the surplus and the battlers are indispenible..happy to take their taxes but loathe to help them when they need it.