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Temptaton, deception, diminishing returns (Read 1101 times)


Posts: 40755
Gender: male
Temptaton, deception, diminishing returns
Aug 13th, 2007 at 9:55pm
There seems to be a circle of actions and reactions that tempt and deceive many people .

Putting it into the context of consumerism, this is how I see it goes :

Someone will be enticed into the pleasure they can get by buying the new XYZ.
It is all they "need" and their life will have meaning, they will have many handsome/pretty friends and always be laughing.
So they buy the XYZ. Although it does not do all promised, it is pretty good.
Some time passes, the person's satisfaction with their XZY wanes.
A new game is the newly advertised hot product. The consumer fondly remembers how good their XYZ WAS. They are tempted and deceived by the new promises.
Getting a credit card they can 'afford" the new game.

The time taken for the satisfaction to wane from the game is less than it was for the XYZ.
The consumer now looks for their next new purchase. To capture that exciting feeling.
They are not ever thinking of the pleasure in life as coming from other real free sources.

After a few years the debt on the card balloons, the expense of new purchases has esculated.
The XYZ was thrown out months ago, the first new game traded in and up.
The satisfaction now well replaced by the worry and joylessness of a credit card bill steadily growing.

The consumer is angry at the deception they swallowed, at the debt they have to pay off, at themselves, at the lost years spent on worthless expensive pursuits.

Enticed, tempted and deceived. 
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