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GNEP (Read 22474 times)
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Sep 6th, 2007 at 2:31pm
Will Rudd tear it up?
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Reply #1 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 2:36pm
You like those odd acronyms don't you keithy?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Reply #2 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 2:44pm
freediver wrote on Sep 6th, 2007 at 2:36pm:
You like those odd acronyms don't you keithy?

Don't you know about this?

Global Nuclear Energy Partnership.
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Reply #3 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 5:56pm
Hopefully Rudd will not agree to becoming a member of the GNEP.  I believe there has been pressure on Howard to join up - and he may very well have by now.

If Howard has or does join it - it means that as a member of the nuclear club, we will begin enriching uranium.  Under this agreement we will also be obliged to take back all uranium that we sell - which means one thing - GLOBAL WASTE DUMP IN AUSRALIA.

This will occur if Howard wins the next election.

I think Rudd may have said that if he becomes PM - he will not be a party to a few new agreements Howard may have signed us up to - the nuclear club being one of them.

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Reply #4 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 7:14pm
mantra wrote on Sep 6th, 2007 at 5:56pm:
Hopefully Rudd will not agree to becoming a member of the GNEP.  I believe there has been pressure on Howard to join up - and he may very well have by now.

If Howard has or does join it - it means that as a member of the nuclear club, we will begin enriching uranium.  Under this agreement we will also be obliged to take back all uranium that we sell - which means one thing - GLOBAL WASTE DUMP IN AUSRALIA.

This will occur if Howard wins the next election.

I think Rudd may have said that if he becomes PM - he will not be a party to a few new agreements Howard may have signed us up to - the nuclear club being one of them.

So how do we get answers...the people at aren't answering!??

That is the question.

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Reply #5 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 8:38pm
Actually I don't think it was Rudd who said he would change the agreements, but I did hear an analyst or a politician saying a couple of days ago that Rudd can back out of some agreements if he becomes PM.

We will have to wait and see whether Howard agrees to become a member and if he does - whether Rudd will state that if he becomes PM, he will not enforce the agreement on behalf of Australia.

He has said that we won't have nuclear reactors under his government, but he hasn't said anything about enriching uranium.

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Reply #6 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 8:55pm
GNEP - Extract from a transcript about reviving a dying nuclear industry.  This conversation was held earlier this year - and is the brainchild of George Bush.  He is dragging other countries into it to support it by allowing Australia to sell uranium to India and Russia.  

Tom Morton: US president, George Bush, speaking at a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania earlier this year.

No new nuclear power plants have been built in the United States in the last 30 years. So the Bush Administration is offering some incentives to get the industry's spirits up, amongst them, loan guarantees, tax credits, and indemnities against legal action.

George Perkovich.

George Perkovich: What's happened now at GNEP is the nuclear industry and the Department of Energy have been scrambling to find ways to revive nuclear power, and so they came up with this new package that says 'Look, we'll invent internationally because we actually can't afford, or we can't get Americans to invest in nuclear power, but if we get everybody in it together, we might revive this industry. And we'll invent some really cool, new reactors that will have these magical properties that they won't allow nuclear proliferation, there won't be an environmental mess, it'll be really cool and if everybody pitches in together, and spends hundreds of billions of dollars, we'll have a rebirth of nuclear energy.'

Tom Morton: To assist this rebirth of nuclear energy, the US is now going back to a policy it abandoned 30 years ago. Reprocessing of nuclear waste is a central part of the GNEP package, and it will cost a projected $US100 billion.

Critics of GNEP say this is a bad case of the tail wagging the dog; the industry's intractable problems with waste driving a massively expensive welfare program for nuclear power. But Jack Edlow doesn't agree.

Jack Edlow: Well I'm sorry Tom, I don't agree with you. GNEP was conceived of because of the US interest in engaging other countries such as India, and also frankly Iran, in a way to try to find to give them a way to access to the nuclear power business without turning over to them materials or technology that they could use in a proliferation way. That to me was the original way forward with GNEP.

Later, this waste reduction became a potential and was added to it as a longer term objective. That's why I say I think there's a nearer term objective of non-proliferation issues and a longer term objective also going forward on waste reduction.

George Perkovich: I think you have to be really naïve about history and about technology and about bureaucracies to believe that much of this is actually going to come true. The US government, the Department of Energy, is already backing off in their private briefings in terms of saying that this will have non-proliferation benefits. It's becoming more and more clear that this is about promoting a dying industry.
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Reply #7 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 9:12pm
  Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott
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Reply #8 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 10:15pm
Then enjoy your global warming and quit your bitching
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Reply #9 - Sep 7th, 2007 at 6:37pm
If we export uranium (which we already do), I would prefer to do all the preprocessing and waste disposal here and just rent out the rods. I'd rather have a waste dump than nuclear bombs.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Reply #10 - Sep 7th, 2007 at 10:02pm
Doing all the preprocessing here increases our expertise and massively increases our profit.
Renting out the rods on a "swoppa-rod' scheme makes the world as safe as we can, at this stage.

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Reply #11 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 3:52am
IQSRLOW wrote on Sep 6th, 2007 at 10:15pm:
Then enjoy your global warming and quit your bitching

Doubling the worlds Nuclear Power will decrease GHG emissions by 5-7%.

To go down that path they need a waste dump because to decrease emmissions by any large degree via Nuclear Power will require thousands of Reactors--->it is a scam!

Those who use Nuclear Power should dump their own shite: we don't need it!
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Reply #12 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 12:16pm
Doubling the worlds Nuclear Power will decrease GHG emissions by 5-7%.

Not doubling the worlds nuclear power will increase GHG by how much??

Obviously you are one of the 'glass is half full' types that abound from the real solutions but vehemently protest against anything that might work  Roll Eyes
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Political Animal has little moderation. It is the forum for free speech and free thinkers to converse passionately without the threat of being banned. It is a forum for adults.
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Reply #13 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 11:29am
Isn't it about time we started trying to preserve this planet.  Haven't we got enough reactors, toxic dumps - not to mention arsenal globally to inflict future generations for thousands of years?  We don't need it.

Australia has many natural resources and we have the perfect opportunity to keep our country a bit cleaner than the rest of the world by putting more effort, time and money into renewables.

The thought of enriching uranium - sending it overseas and then bringing DU  back here to store is obscene.  We haven't even got the technology to store uranium waste safely - let alone transporting it by ship - which leaves it vulnerable to accidents or attacks.  It remains toxic for half a billion years.

Obviously those who think uranium enrichment, NP and waste dumps aer the way to go haven't got children - so why would you give a damn about the future of Australia being a safe place - let alone the planet?

This argument is pointless as it's obvious short term goals are all you can think of.  As long as your generation is comfortable, the rest of them.

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Reply #14 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 12:04pm
IQSRLOW wrote on Sep 8th, 2007 at 12:16pm:
Doubling the worlds Nuclear Power will decrease GHG emissions by 5-7%.

Not doubling the worlds nuclear power will increase GHG by how much??

Obviously you are one of the 'glass is half full' types that abound from the real solutions but vehemently protest against anything that might work  Roll Eyes

Growth economies, eh!??

It is this rape and pillage attitude that causes blood for oil.

Constant war over resources mean we will inevitably meet our match.

It's time for a change of tack.
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