Quote:Recreational fishing has been unfairly singled out as a major threat to biodiversity
Talk about paranoid BS. Recreational fishing is the least restricted type with the current marine park networks.
Nothing paranoid about it - all you have to do is look at the NPA's proposals which are between 20 and 30% green zones. Green zones exclude ALL fishing, ie recreational and commercial. Quote:Good science is certainly not about the selective use of information, in this case used by the NPA and MPA to advance their dodgy hypothesis that recreational fishing is impacting on biodiversity.
Funny that the quote he was responding to did not mention rectreaional fishing at all.
Duh FD. Are you really that thick? The quote is frauduently being used to promote a marine park for Sydney (and others in NSW), which includes rec fishing bans in 20-30% of the park! Quote:As a fisheries scientist I have searched the scientific literature for peer-reviewed papers demonstrating that recreational line fishing in NSW estuarine and coastal waters has had an adverse, or any, impact on biodiversity.
What's the point of doing that? If you don't know what to even look for, you're not going to find anything. No user group has a right to expect that they be trated as if they are the only ones using the water. It is the contribution to the total catch and the impact of the total catch that matters, not one part of the catch viewed in isolation.
Duh FD. Marine parks are being foisted on us to 'preserve biodiversity'. Although anglers take a significant amount of fish this can be easily and more equitably managed as part of the total catch with bag and size limits, gear limits, closed seasons etc. I don't care what qualifications this guy has. He is an idiot. [/quote]
Your the idiot. [/quote]