Quote:I have shown how that the use of that research is fraudulently being applied to our situation
No you haven't. You have merely applied an absurd standard and shown how it falls short of that standard.
Quote:Anyone who questions the manifesto, no matter how well credentialed is immediatley labelled by you as a crank, dinosaur qauck etc.
Not immediately. It's just that I haven;t come across one yet you sin't a crank and doesn't throw logic and common sense out the window for their propaganda.
Quote:Thats just magical thinking.
No it isn't.
Quote:There is a fine line between maximum sustainable yield and overfishing.
Under current management practices it is. It is very difficult to walk that line. Marine parks make it a whole lot easier.
Quote:Assessments of the total stock aren't alway reliable or even available.
Yet that is what current practices rely on. Whereas with marine park there is far less need to rely on having lots of information.
Quote:To keep the fishey sutainable you have to limit the ability of fisherment to catch fish and in a lot of cases this can't reliably done by quotas or TAC's.
You sound like you support marine aprks now.
Quote:All marine parks are is form of input reduction by area management.
...that happen to work really well. As opposed to other methods that are 'merely' some other form of input reduction that isn't as effective.
Quote:It is usually far more effective, equitable and less costly to have input reductions by other methods
It is not more effective. It is far less effective. That's what the consensus statement is all about. You keep throwing the term 'equity' around, but as far as I can tell it is based on nothing more than your perception of marine aprks as unfair.
Quote:Why. The counties with the most sustainable fisheries got there with relying on marine parks but with the other methods I outlined.
Did they also have higher yields because of it? I am not saying you cannot ahve a sustaianble fishery without MP's. It's just that it costs you far more in terms of loss of productivity.
Quote:More magical thinking. Your trying to have every which way.
I am succeeding. Marine parks allow that, because they are a far more effective management tool. You can have higher yields and a more sustainable fishery.
Quote:The Earnst & Young socio-economic study showed that anglers would halve their visits to areas which hosted a marine park.
You mean they assumed it.