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Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool (Read 120626 times)
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #270 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 8:47am
PJ the changes introduced in the GBR were not just no fishing zones and it is wrong to attribute the fallout entirely to the no fishing zones. They were designed purely from a conservation perspective. I'm pretty sure we have gone over all this before.

The anti-marine park lobby parade their sceptic hats when it comes to marine parks, but when it comes to other fisheries management tools they throw scepticism right out the window. For marine parks, they insist they are bad and accept nothing more than absolute proof of increased catches from each individual no-take zone before it is actually implemented. On the other hand, when it comes to killing the biggest, fastest growing specimens each year and keeping the runts and slowest growing fish for breeders, they insist it is actually a good idea until there is absolute proof, for each species, that it is a bad idea. It obviously has absolutely nothing at all to do with the facts. They maintain their position despite the facts. There are mountains of evidence in support of marine parks.
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« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2009 at 8:55am by freediver »  

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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #271 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 11:22am
PJ the changes introduced in the GBR were not just no fishing zones and it is wrong to attribute the fallout entirely to the no fishing zones. They were designed purely from a conservation perspective. I'm pretty sure we have gone over all this before.

Well what other than the no fishing zones was causing the fallout? Why would the government hand out 300m if the GBRMP wasn't the cause of the fallout? By the way what an admission! You have just supported my point that marine parks in Australia are not designed or intended to enhance fisheries but as a conservation/ preservationist measure. Ie an anti-use philosophy to pander to green groups. It's no surprise that they have never been instigated by a fisheries department. If you look at the statements from various environment minsiters and the relevant acts of parliament you will find that marine parks are designed to 'preserve biodiversity' - not manage fisheries.  

The anti-marine park lobby parade their sceptic hats when it comes to marine parks, but when it comes to other fisheries management tools they throw scepticism right out the window. For marine parks, they insist they are bad and accept nothing more than absolute proof of increased catches from each individual no-take zone before it is actually implemented. On the other hand, when it comes to killing the biggest, fastest growing specimens each year and keeping the runts and slowest growing fish for breeders, they insist it is actually a good idea until there is absolute proof, for each species, that it is a bad idea. It obviously has absolutely nothing at all to do with the facts. They maintain their position despite the facts. There are mountains of evidence in support of marine parks.

A nice demonstation of propaganda techniques here. You have ignored all of my recent arguments an put up some of you own which are purported to represent the 'anti' argument. You then proceed to knock down your own red herring or strawman arguments.

There are a few other propaganda techniques used as well, eg:

Favorable generalities are used to provide simple answers to complex social, political, economic, or military problems.

Black-and-White fallacy

Presenting only two choices, with the product or idea being propagated as the better choice. (e.g., "You are either with us, or you are with the enemy")

FD grossly oversimplifies the science surrounding marine parks and presents it as a black and white case of other methods involving 'killing the breeders' and 'keeping the runts'. A look at the 'Burdens of Proof' paper will show just how ludicrous this depiction is. These emotive phrases are also examples of:

Appeal to prejudice
Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition.

FD also points to 'mountains of evidence' and 'consensus statements' supporting marine parks. Firstly there is no real consensus about marine parks and secondly science is not about consensus - it is about how well theories match and explain what is going on in nature. Such appeals by FD are examples of the following:

Bandwagon Bandwagon and "inevitable-victory" appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to join in and take the course of action that "everyone else is taking."

Inevitable victory: invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already or at least partially on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is their best course of action.

Join the crowd: This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their best interest to join.

The 'anti-marine park lobby' tag is another rhetorical device. Those critical of Australia's marine parks and proponents there of, are quite a diverse and often well credentialed group. FD lumps them all under one tag in an attempt to diminish them:

A Euphemism is used when the propagandist attempts to increase the perceived quality, credibility, or creedence of a particular ideal. A Dysphemism is used when the intent of the propagandist is to discredit, diminish the perceived quality, or hurt the perceived righteousness of the Mark. By creating a 'label' or 'category' or 'faction' of a population, it is much easier to make an example of these larger bodies, because they can uplift or defame the Mark without actually incuring legal-defamation. Example: "Liberal" is a dysphamsim intended to diminish the perceived credibility of a particular Mark. By taking a displeasing argument presented by a Mark, the propagandist can quote that person, and then attack 'liberals' in an attempt to both (1) create a political battle-ax of unaccountable aggression and (2) diminish the quality of the Mark. If the propagandist uses the label on too-many perceivably credible individuals, muddying up the word can be done by broadcasting bad-examples of 'liberals' into the media. Labeling can be thought of as a sub-set of Guilt by association, another logical fallacy.

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« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2009 at 12:40pm by pjb05 »  
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #272 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 7:32pm
By the way what an admission! You have just supported my point that marine parks in Australia are not designed or intended to enhance fisheries

I did not say that PJ.

You have ignored all of my recent arguments

I did not ignore them. I pointed out the double standard inherent in your argument.

Nor did I actually use any of the propaganda techniques you accuse me of. It's like you got a list of techniques then randomly asigned each technique to an argument I made without thinking about the actual argument.
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #273 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 12:06pm
freediver wrote on Mar 2nd, 2009 at 7:32pm:
By the way what an admission! You have just supported my point that marine parks in Australia are not designed or intended to enhance fisheries

I did not say that PJ.

You have ignored all of my recent arguments

I did not ignore them. I pointed out the double standard inherent in your argument.

Nor did I actually use any of the propaganda techniques you accuse me of. It's like you got a list of techniques then randomly asigned each technique to an argument I made without thinking about the actual argument.

No FD you haven't addressed any of my points, now you have just ignored them again (PS flat denials don't count in my book). And yes you did use those propaganda techniques. I didn't randomly pick them, I offered explanations. I think you should recall that your the one who is always bleating 'strawman' when you are told something you don't like.
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #274 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 9:28pm
Don't you get bored arguing with each other?  Can't you see the pointlessness of it?
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #275 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 9:38pm
PJ, can you summarise your position for us on marine parks vs minimum sizes as a fisheries management tool?
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #276 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 7:11am
RecFisher wrote on Mar 3rd, 2009 at 9:28pm:
Don't you get bored arguing with each other?  Can't you see the pointlessness of it?

Not as pointless as your post RecFisher, and I think you have made this 'point' before. If you don't have anything of substance to add why don't you but out? I know we can't all be mental giants but some people enjoy the intellectual challenge of a debate and that is why forums like this exist. 

PS: there will be other people reading this forum and if I change some peoples minds on marine reserves it's worth it.  In any case the future of my sport is worth arguing about. People will have their sport serverly restricted or lose their jobs and businesses over this - so it's probably more important than a lot of other topics debated here.  Even if FD doesn't debate properly his tepid arguments point out how weak the case is for marine parks in Australia.  
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« Last Edit: Mar 4th, 2009 at 10:01am by pjb05 »  
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #277 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 8:03am
freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2009 at 9:38pm:
PJ, can you summarise your position for us on marine parks vs minimum sizes as a fisheries management tool?

Thats a loaded question FD. It's not a case of marine parks vs minimum sizes. There are many other tools used in fisheries management in conjunction with legal sizes. Eg maximum sizes (slot limits), gear limits, trip limits, closed seasons, limits on the number of commercial licenses, area bans on trawling, rec havens and bag limits for amateurs. These are called input reductions (ie they limit the ability of fishermen to catch fish). Then there are output reductions which take the form of quotas, ie a limit on the total catch.

Proper fisheries management is about using the right tool at the right time for the right reason. FD's magical thinking on marine parks would lead us to beleive that marine parks are the ideal tool for all circumstances. He makes a lot of claims about their benifits, and parades them as facts, when they are really closer to speculation and assumption.  
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« Last Edit: Mar 4th, 2009 at 4:23pm by pjb05 »  
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #278 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 3:39pm
Thats a loaded question FD. It's not a case of marine parks vs minimum sizes.

It is a case of marine parks vs minimum sizes if you are comparing marine parks and minimum sizes as fisheries management tools. Can you do that?
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #279 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 4:14pm
freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2009 at 3:39pm:
Thats a loaded question FD. It's not a case of marine parks vs minimum sizes.

It is a case of marine parks vs minimum sizes if you are comparing marine parks and minimum sizes as fisheries management tools. Can you do that?

Why should I? Mimimum sizes are just a part of the traditional tools used to manage fisheries. By you insisting that we should treat minimum sizes as the only alternative to marine parks is a good example of a black and white fallacy (recall the propaganda techniques I put up).
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #280 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 5:00pm
But I am not doing that PJ. I am asking you to compare two fisheries management tools. Why is that so hard? Is 'traditional' the only thing that minimum sizes have going for them?
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #281 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 5:27pm
freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2009 at 5:00pm:
But I am not doing that PJ. I am asking you to compare two fisheries management tools. Why is that so hard? Is 'traditional' the only thing that minimum sizes have going for them?

Well the argument is about 'traditional' methods of which minimum sizes are just one vs marine parks. You want me to forget about the rest and just compare minimum sizes with marine parks so you can trot out your simplistic arguments about keeping the breeders and releasing only the runts. The fact is that there is no reason why the range of traditional methods properly applied should not leave enough breeding stock to replenish the population. The key is limiting the take through input reductions (limiting the ability of fishermen to catch fish) and quotas (limit on the total allowable catch). Legal sizes are just one form of input reduction and are never used in isolation. 
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #282 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 5:48pm
You want me to forget about the rest and just compare minimum sizes with marine parks

Well at elast you seem to have understood the argument.

so you can trot out your simplistic arguments about keeping the breeders and releasing only the runts

Are you suggesting there is some complex process whereby killing the larger, faster growing fish and keeping the runts and slow growing fish for breeders is a good idea? Are you you suggesting that it is all too complicated for you to understand so we should just ignore the elephant in the room?

The fact is that there is no reason why the range of traditional methods properly applied should not leave enough breeding stock to replenish the population. The key is limiting the take through input reductions (limiting the ability of fishermen to catch fish) and quotas (limit on the total allowable catch).

Sure, replenish the population with runts. Just about any management tool, or suit of tools, can be made to 'work' in the broadest sense, if you make them restrictive enough. But you have to interpret 'work' in a very bropad sense when it comes to minimum sizes. Is that the standard you are applying? Why do you apply a different standard when judging different management tools? Is it because your judgement of marine aprks has nothing at all to do with their effectiveness? So you set completely different goal posts when judging different methods?

Legal sizes are just one form of input reduction and are never used in isolation.

You seem to have trouble understanding the question PJ. I am not asking you to compare the use of marine aprks in isolation with the use of minimum sizes in isolation. Are you just trying to avoid a simple question at all costs? Is your ideological objection to marine parks so strong that it prevents you from being honest about other tools?
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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #283 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 6:58pm
freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2009 at 5:48pm:
You want me to forget about the rest and just compare minimum sizes with marine parks

Well at elast you seem to have understood the argument.

[You seem to have trouble understanding the question PJ. I am not asking you to compare the use of marine aprks in isolation with the use of minimum sizes in isolation. Are you just trying to avoid a simple question at all costs? Is your ideological objection to marine parks so strong that it prevents you from being honest about other tools?

Those two statements are direct contradictions, please make up your mind.

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Re: Marine Parks as a Fisheries Management Tool
Reply #284 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 9:58pm
PJ, no-one is suggesting that marine parks be used in isolation as a replacement for all of the management tools that are currently used. However, that should not be a barrier to your ability to compare marine parks and minimum sizes as fisheries management tools. I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand about this.
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