Quote:And I said did I not that they limit the ability of fishermen to catch (and keep) fish and so are an aid in protecting the fishery.
Maybe, but you could say the exact same thing about every fisheries management tool, so it is pretty meaningless and is hardly a comparison between marine parks and minimum sizes. It's the sort opf thing you'd expect someone to say if they didn't actually want to say anything, like giving a dictionary definition instead of an opinion.
Quote:You want to take the case of minimum sizes to an illogical extreme (as a debating trick) by viewing them in isolation and compring them to marine parks.
No PJ, I'm just trying to get your opinion on them, something you are going to unusual lengths to avoid.
Quote:You want to ignore the fact that the full suite of measures available work together to protect the fishery and the extent of each measure can be tweaked as desired for their effectveness as well as for consideration of the impact on stakeholders.
No I don't want to do that either PJ. It's just that if you are going to tweak the use of marine parks or minimum sizes, you need to judge them. You need to consider each one individually and how it contributes to the total effect, not just throw your arms in the air and say it's too complicated because more than one management tool is used.
Quote:Your pursuing this line so you can trot out your myth about keeping the runts and killing the breeders no doubt.
But it isn't a myth PJ.
Quote:I have already dealt with this several times.
No you haven't. You are going to extrraordinary lengths to avoid giving your opinion on minimum sizes. You still are. You are more than happy to criticise marine parks, but you can't bring yourself to do the same for the alternatives. You clutch at straws to find a negative with marine parks, but ignore the obvious problems with minimum sizes.