Quote:I'm the only one who has any scientific training
Quote:so don't presume what I understand or not
I can only go by what you say PJ.
Quote:You will nag and nag that I should respond in the way you want
What I want is for you to give your opinion on minimum sizes in the same way you openly give your opinion on marine parks. I'm not telling you what your opinion should be.
Quote:to some illogical construct so you can then score a debating point with some pre-determined counter argument
So you admit that you are refusing to give your opinion because it would work against you? How do you think it would work against you? Why are you so afraid to give your opinion?
Quote:For debating purposes you want to single out minimum sizes because they do nothing to limit the take of larger fish
No PJ, that is not why. I am surprised you pulled this one out, as I have made it perfectly clear what I see wrong with minimum sizes. How about instead of trying to second guess why I want your opinion and trotting out an endless stream of pissweak excuses, you just give an honest answer.
Quote:You are trying now to bog down any debate with this artificial construct.
You are the one who is bogging down the debate PJ. What you refuse to give your opinion on, and why you refuse to give your opinion, is actually far more interesting than what you want to give your opinion on. It is a very simple request. Anyone else would have simply given their opinion and moved on.