PJ, you seem to be having difficulty comprehending the debate. First and foremost, you are confusing the theoretical possibility of the existence of negative impacts of marine parks with actual evidence of their existence. No-one denies the questions that need to be answered. Your argument, and the evidence you present, reflects where this debate was maybe thirty years ago. Since then, marine biologists have moved on to considering the actual evidence. The statement of scientific consensus is based on actual observations, including cath rates. Given that the debate has moved on so far, this theorising you are doing is pretty much worthless.
Quote:Firstly, because of the dynamics of growth and recruitment, there was a time lag before any positive effects of an MPA became apparent.
Quote:The effects of large MPAs (affecting > 5% catch) tended to only become apparent after several years and the effects of small
MPAs (affecting < 0.5% catch) would be hard to detect.
That's funny. The people who actually look have no trouble at all seeing them. I guess you have to look rather than sitting in an office theorising about it.
Quote:Secondly, in an exploited population, introducing an MPA was equivalent to increasing the Total Allowable Catch or the effort outside the reserve. Introducing an MPA without reducing catch was likely to have negative effects upon most fisheries where adult movement was limited
Luckily, fish can move.
Quote:The effects would be least in lightly depleted stocks
Quote:Thirdly, the impact of introducing an MPA would depend on the biology of the
species concerned and the state of depletion of the stock.
Quote:If the stock was already in a highly depleted state, an MPA could hasten fishery collapse.
So basically, this guy sits in an office and theorises an outcome that is the opposite of the reality. Why do you take him seriously? Surely it is what actually happens that matters. You keep going on about the reality, but this is pure fantasy.
Quote:Finally, given the assumptions of the generalized model, it appeared that it would be better to improve current management controls, in particular the match between size limits and the growth characteristics, rather than introduce large MPAs to improve the fishery.
Well that's a fascinating insight into the assumptions of the model. PJ, can you find a sentence starting with 'Given the reality of the situation', or 'given the evidence available'? Because that is why the scientific community bases it's support for marine parks on.
Quote:Furthermore, if a fishery is being managed in accordance with ESD principles, which by definition means that the ecosystem in which it operates is not threatened by the fishery or fishing practices, then fishing should not be a key threatening process.
PJ, do you realise that this is merely a definition?
Quote:It follows from this argument that true ESD fisheries management offers a potentially
better outcome than no-take MPAs for biodiversity conservation.
This does not make sense PJ. For starters, 'true ESD management' may well include marine parks. Furthermore, it is again only addressing a theoretical 'true ESD management'. It is a definitional identity that does not reflect reality - which is what marine parks do.
Quote:Come off it - I have put up several papers supporting that statement including the one above.
Then quote the bit that actually supports the claim you make. You appear to think that quoting one questionable diatribe that got published somewhere justifies making up anything you want and pretending you have evidence for it.
Quote:The comments from MP adovcates include various letters to the Editor which are hard to track down.
Didn't you just say you posted the evidence in this thread?
Quote:See above - unlike you I have gone to great lengths to provide references for my statements.
Didn't you just come up with the excuse that they are hard to track down? You have gone to great lengths to accumulate a large amount of worthless 'evidence'. This is not the same thing as providing evidence to support the claims that I question you on. Attempting to back up some of your claims does mean that you can justifiably claim to have provided evidence to support everything you make up.
Quote:Then tell me which ones are done well.
I have given some examples attached to my article. There is considerable variation among actual marine parks in terms of how well they meet the interests of fishermen. I think it is usally pretty obvious whether planners have made effort to maximise the benefit to fishermen.
Quote:You would have us fishing off the shore
News flash PJ: most fishermen do fish from the shore. None of my proposals would actually force fishermen to fish from the shore. It is you who has no understanding of fishing if you believe that to be the case.
Quote:where spots are already limited and prone to crowding or access is difficult or they are hard/ dangerous to fish!
If you actually look at the proposals you will see that I have targetted easily accessable, safe areas. There is nothing to stop people fishing from a boat if it gets too crowded. You need to actually look at the proposals PJ. You seem to be making a lot of strange assumptions about them.