PJ, I checked out the Buxton paper here:
http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1644/1/FRDC_Final_Report_Internet.pdfIt makes the same point I do about the importance of marine park size, albeit indirectly. I also noticed that he talked about the comparing the exclusive use of marine parks with combinations of other methods. I guess that is where you got that crazy idea from. It seems like a strange comparison to make, but I guess the limitations of his model necessitiated a very simple comparison. Apart from that, it appears to make a lot of assumptions, and contrary to what you and Bob Kearney appear to claim, did not actually measure the impact on catches. I also found it interesting that despite being critical of them, the author still supports them.
He also makes this claim:
Quote:An increase in biomass within an MPA is of no value to a fishery if there
has been a greater loss of biomass outside the MPA through effort displacement.
Yet increases in biomass outside of marine park boundaries have also been clearly demonstrated.
Quote:Yes it would be - but what about all the papers from senior fisheries scientists I have put up?
Are they marine park advocates? Remember, this is the absurd claim I pulled you up on:
Quote:Even marine parks advocates in their more honest moments say that fishermen are unlikely to benifit.
Are you saying that all the scientists you try to use to back your case up all support marine parks?
Quote:Come off it, the guy was fervently in favour of marine parks - don't you think if he could get away with claiming a spillover effect resulting in better fishing he would - especially when writing to a fishing magazine?
You are stretching an extremely long bow here. You are going from a single marine park advocate, of unknown origin, not making a positive claim to suggesting that marine park advocates in general would makle a negative claim if they were honest. I am just pointing out your tendency to make absurd claims in the apparent belief that you have evidence to back them up.
Quote:You have no evidence that the 'vast majority' of scientists support you claims.
Sure I do. With minimal effort I can dig up a statement signed by over a hundred of them. You have to scratch around to find the odd individual, and you don't seem to have any actual evidence that marine parks are actually harmful as you claim. Fisheries managers have not been somehow tricked into thinking the scientific community backs marine parks.
Quote:You should know your own article. If you not happy with me refering to it why don't you just tell me?
I am more than happy for you to refer to it. That is why I keep telling you to quote me rather than putting words in my mouth. A vague reference to something you probably misunderstood is not useful. That is what I have the problem with.
Quote:I didn't say that at all! You delusionally try to twist everthing into you faith based mantra.
I'm just interested in why you would ask for specifically Australian evidence. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard a fishermen ask for evidence, then complain that the evidence wasn't from Australia, or wasn't from NSW, or wasn't from Nelson Bay, or wasn't from his particular favourite fishing spot. It's just a silly game of shifting the goal posts. Also, it seemed a strange request from someone who also seems to think the evidence from overseas is in their favour.
Quote:Well either fishing pressure is displaced - hence more crowding in the areas not grabbed as green zones - or people give up fishing!
None of my proposals ban fishing from easily accessible shore based fishing spots, so they are not going to get more crowded that way. They will also improve fishing for boat fishermen as well. The only way it could make the shore based spots more crowded is if fishing significantly improves there, and fewer people feel the need to get a boat to catch a feed. This is a good thing. They are not prevented from obtaining or using a boat, it's just that their choices improve.
Quote:Crowding does distract from the enjoyment of the sport
So get a boat then, if that's how you feel. I'm not sure what is so difficult with this concept. No-one is out to force you to fish from the shore. Not me anyway.
Quote:Even if you take your dubious claims as true - all you are offering for fishermen is a zero sum game.
You seem to have no idea what I am claiming then. Which is why I suggest you quote me, rather than putting words into my mouth.
Quote:Your restricting boat based fishermen to favour shore based fishermen - an entirely pointless exercise.
Even if that were the extent of it, it is not pointless.
Quote:Well if three examples is not enough here's another of a marine park advocate contradicting FD's claims of increased fisheries productivity resulting from marine parks. From Prof Kearney's review of the torn blue fringe:
So Bob Kearney is a marine park advocate as well now?
Quote:Getting back to the scientific literature here's some more on the subject of marine parks for fisheries management. From a sumission regarding NZ marine parks:
You forgot the link again PJ.