NorthOfNorth wrote on Jul 28
th, 2010 at 9:29pm:
Sappho wrote on Jul 28
th, 2010 at 5:49pm:
Atheism and Theism does not require of the person to be religious. They are not interdependent.
Religion is something all together different to Faith in gods or a lack thereof. My whole purpose in this thread was to make that point and so bring the question... Is atheism a religious belief?... into doubt.
I think anyone who asserts a belief in god who is not religious, does not believe in god... Perhaps he believes in the idea of god in terms of a vague notion of a singular sentient primary creative force... But not, specifically, god in itself... In a safe world, where one does not starve but from anorexia nor suffer deprivation beyond personal choice, vague notions of mystical creationism does not a theist, make.
My mother is Roman Catholic. She was born into the faith. When her mother died when she was a child, she was put into boarding school... a convent. She attended mass morning and night. She would meditate. She was deeply religious and had a profound belief in god. She even told the nuns that she wanted to join an order, but mother superior advised her to try the real world first and then after 12 months if she still had the calling she could return to become a novice.
Well, it turned out that the calling was not as strong as she thought. She was still deeply religious and attended church, not just when she had to, but often just to pray or talk with god.
Through out this whole time however, she was at odds with certain aspects of the religion... nothing serious though... nothing to turn her away.
Then it happened that a dear friend of her's died, in child birth, as was foretold by the doctor. Her friend had sort permission from the church to use contraceptives, but was denied as it was against the religion. Mum was devastated. She still attended church, but began to seriously question her religion... not her faith in god... but her religion that she felt was supposed to celebrate and mentor her faith.
The final straw was when she was refused the right to marry in her church because she dared to fall in love with a non catholic who was also divorced. She gave up her religion, but she did not give up her god belief. From her perspective he is as real as you and I.
She opted not to introduce her children to religion and gave us free reign to learn about god belief, with an emphasis on her's of course. We were not baptized. We have no religion. And because she was so liberal in her new approach... we have no god belief.
And today, in her eighties, she believes in her god as ever she had done, but still denies, completely, the religion from which her faith was derived. She doesn't even watch religious services on TV.
So yes... it really can happen that a person can believe in god and not be religious.