They offered the electorate a huge bribe and it has paid off by a margin of seven votes hey?
Federal Labor Commits $568,000 To Aurora Living And Learning CentreThe Shadow Minister for Education and Training,
Stephen Smith, announced today that a Rudd Labor Government will provide $568,000 to the Aurora Living and Learning Centre project in Epping North.
The Aurora Living and Learning Centre will be an important asset in one of Victoria’s newest and fastest growing communities. It will also be an important community development project.
This $1.2 million project is based on the heritage-listed Creeds Farm complex. Creeds Farm dates back to the mid 1850s and is the most significant heritage structure in Aurora.
The Living and Learning Centre project has involved the City of Whittlesea, VicUrban, the Hornery Institute, the Uniting Church and Melbourne City Mission.
. . . . and the Liebor Party Though late this afternoon the difference had fallen to five so maybe we will get Fran Bailey back in her rightful seat regardless of the bribe.
AEC confirms McEwen margin down to five votesThe Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has confirmed the margin in the federal seat of McEwen is down to five votes.
Labor's Rob Mitchell had been declared the winner by seven votes.
But two votes in favour of Liberal candidate Fran Bailey were found this morning at the AEC's Seymour office.
Ms Bailey has asked for a recount.
But the AEC's Phil Diak says a close result does not always constitute a recount.
"Recounts aren't an automatic part of the process," he said.
"So the returning officer in any situation would consider a request for a recount based on the grounds on which the request is made and on its merits."
Mr Mitchell says he is planning to wait until the declaration to claim victory. But he says he has seen no evidence that the count could be wrong.
"I don't know what the Liberal Party's thinking. They've had their top scrutineers, they've had car loads of people coming up from Melbourne to help out, including their state director," he said.
What have you got to worry about mate? Why resist a re-count?