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Opposition playing with fire on IR: Rudd (Read 1597 times)
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Opposition playing with fire on IR: Rudd
Reply #15 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 7:40am
Aussie wrote on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:49pm:
Cry some more DT, and get used to it.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Wonder who will lead the Lieberals in 2016 when their first real chance to get back might happen.

Eight years hence, and I'll bet, on current form, that Rudd will be there.

DT, who will be the Lieberal Don Qioxote then.

Not Nelson, not 'Big Jobs,' not even Turnbull.


If we survive with a Liebor Government until 2016 the world will be a radically different place if history is our guide - and as you have forgotten it you are doomed to repeat it.

We know it's true that fewer young Australians will have gone to university.  We know that because Little Kevvy has already reduced the places for them.  We know that more foreign students will have been educated at our universities - to stay afloat at current levels universities will enrol more foreign students at full fees to replace the money they lose by Little Kevvy's banning of domestic full fee paying students from entering uni.

Countries outside Australia will have better educated kids, we will not.

We know it's true that many technically educated young Australians will have gone overseas.  Kevvy plans to build technical colleges attached to schools - with fewer opportunities to go to uni more kids will stay on and learn a technical skill.  We know that the products we buy all come from overseas utilising the technical skill of cheap foreign workers.  Our technically trained kids will go and teach them because there won't be any work here for them if history is our guide.

In 1996 after 13 years of Liebor over 350,000 people under the age of 25 could not find work.  Cheating had killed this country.  In 1996 Australia had one of the highest rates of teenage suicide in the world - there was little to look forward to.  Cheating had killed the young of this country.

We know that interest rates will be very high - the Reserve Bank has just revealed that it nearly raised it its rate by 50 basis points the other week - a raise of that magnitude has not been seen since the Cheating era.  It has also flagged two other rises before May.  Cheating managed the economically difficult task of having both high interest and high inflation at the same time.  This is unprecedented - the twin horrors do not usually coincide.  We know that the last time that happened the value of houses fell, the cost of the mortgage increased and the homeowner lost their property.  

In 1995 Ann Harding's study revealed that two parent families made up half of all Australians living in poverty despite Bob's absurd claim a few years before that no child would be living in poverty.  

It took John Howard to rectify that horrific situation.

Oh yes Aussie, I hope you do not have any grandchildren - they will face a very tough time ahead if Liebor are still throttling them in 2016.
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Re: Opposition playing with fire on IR: Rudd
Reply #16 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 9:02am
We know it's true that fewer young Australians will have gone to university.  We know that because Little Kevvy has already reduced the places for them 

Where do you get your misleading information from.  This is happening, but not because of Rudd, who is attempting to do something about it, but because of your beloved Howard:

In the past decade, school retention plateaued and the continuation of students from school to university dropped from 40% to 30%. One reason was the buoyant job market, but there are more worrying factors.

The private cost of attending university has risen considerably since the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) began at $1500 per full-time student in 1988. HECS charges are now at $4077 to $8499 per year, depending on the course.

Although the burden of HECS is softened by the system of repayment through the tax system, students routinely graduate with more than $25,000 in HECS debts. Only 27% of full-time students receive federal living allowances and 70% work during semester, cutting into their study time.

The rate of federal funding of local student places has dropped so low that the unit funding for those places (the federal subsidy plus student HECS) is below unit cost.

Because they lose money on every local student, universities have tripled the number of full-fee international students since 1995 to fill the funding gap. And they are not exactly clamouring for more local places to broaden student participation.

The demand incentives and the supply incentives are out of whack with the education revolution, universities are neglecting their core business of educating local students, and resources for research have been dangerously thinned.

The emptying out of public funding has forced universities to shift much of their research effort from fundamental inquiry to commercial products. Australia is strong in fee-based international education but has no research university in the world top 50.

Howard ensured that our children were dumbed down by reducing govt funding to universities so drastically that in many cases only the wealthy - locally and abroad can afford a decent education.  Not only was federal funding reduced to our universities, but also our state schools.

I could find no information stating that the Rudd government was reducing places - in fact in some areas they have increased places - especially in areas where it is needed the most.

Everything you blame the Rudd Government for - is  a result of the Howard government's mismanagement and elitism.  Rudd is doing his best to restore some balance to the mess Howard has left behind to clean up - literally.  The liberals even had the disrespect when they left to throw an out of control party - smearing food on the walls and playing cricket inside parliament house, which took 4 days to clean up - just shows their mentality.
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Re: Opposition playing with fire on IR: Rudd
Reply #17 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 9:59am
Mantra says...

Where do you get your misleading information from.  This is happening, but not because of Rudd, who is attempting to do something about it, but because of your beloved Howard:

Its called denial mantra" ..when will they move on???"[[ denial is not a river in Egypt IQ  Wink]]

Deadwood was a liability to his own party even in the last term ...quite aside from the burden he placed on the pple and the economy.

We have Deadwood to thank for the rises in interest and all the other ills we are stuck with  right now..

They know  , of course they do..but denial is a terribly regressive sentiment and rots the brain  , as we can see    Grin Grin Grin

If they wanted DEADWOOD to stay they should have voted harder and prayed more often [[ like Deadwood asked us to do over his mishandling of the Murray Darling Basin.."pray for rain " he said . We all know Deadwood gave us the drought lol   Cheesy Cheesy :]]

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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Opposition playing with fire on IR: Rudd
Reply #18 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 11:28am
mantra wrote on Feb 20th, 2008 at 9:02am:
We know it's true that fewer young Australians will have gone to university.  We know that because Little Kevvy has already reduced the places for them 

Where do you get your misleading information from.  This is happening, but not because of Rudd, who is attempting to do something about it, but because of your beloved Howard:

In the past decade, school retention plateaued and the continuation of students from school to university dropped from 40% to 30%. One reason was the buoyant job market, but there are more worrying factors.

The private cost of attending university has risen considerably since the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) began at $1500 per full-time student in 1988. HECS charges are now at $4077 to $8499 per year, depending on the course.

Although the burden of HECS is softened by the system of repayment through the tax system, students routinely graduate with more than $25,000 in HECS debts. Only 27% of full-time students receive federal living allowances and 70% work during semester, cutting into their study time.

The rate of federal funding of local student places has dropped so low that the unit funding for those places (the federal subsidy plus student HECS) is below unit cost.

Because they lose money on every local student, universities have tripled the number of full-fee international students since 1995 to fill the funding gap. And they are not exactly clamouring for more local places to broaden student participation.

The demand incentives and the supply incentives are out of whack with the education revolution, universities are neglecting their core business of educating local students, and resources for research have been dangerously thinned.

The emptying out of public funding has forced universities to shift much of their research effort from fundamental inquiry to commercial products. Australia is strong in fee-based international education but has no research university in the world top 50.

Howard ensured that our children were dumbed down by reducing govt funding to universities so drastically that in many cases only the wealthy - locally and abroad can afford a decent education.  Not only was federal funding reduced to our universities, but also our state schools.

I could find no information stating that the Rudd government was reducing places - in fact in some areas they have increased places - especially in areas where it is needed the most.

Everything you blame the Rudd Government for - is  a result of the Howard government's mismanagement and elitism.  Rudd is doing his best to restore some balance to the mess Howard has left behind to clean up - literally.  The liberals even had the disrespect when they left to throw an out of control party - smearing food on the walls and playing cricket inside parliament house, which took 4 days to clean up - just shows their mentality.

I provided the media article for you last time you denied it was Little Kevvy.  Didn't you read it?

HECS was introduced by Hawke/Cheating (who were in government in 1988), not Johnny.   HECS fees were increased by Hawke/Cheating as well as the interest rate and the rate at which repayments kicked in.

I believe you should check your facts before blaming Johnny who actually increased education funding dramatically.  In fact the previous government increased education funding every single year they were in power.

The responsibility of education is still largely a State Government arena.  All States have Liebor governments.  They have destroyed young people's aspirations.  If you have an issue with the standards talk to your Liebor member - they are doing it.
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