Hi Sprint,
I've been very busy. I've just came back from a German/Swiss trip ( 2 months) and will have to leave again next month for the Netherlands. No rest for the wicked.
My name? I'm not a believer of astrology... but my birth month is Aries (Western) and my birth year is Monkey (Asian). Aries are supposed to be fiery. I tried merging the two together without any phonetical success - Fire Monkey doesn't quite have that same ring to it.
My lecturer once said that my essays borders on "utopian anarchy, a gentleman's anarchist". He said that I am the corrosive vocal element of western society - like acid. I don't quite know what he meant by that. I asked him but all he said was you'll work it out one day.
Have you actually read the Quran? Does anyone really know what the Quran says - besides 72 virgins, the twisted interpretation of jihad and shaheed?
My own approx figures here..... 45% of the Quran is the same as the OT, 15% mentions the life of Mary and Jesus the prophet and 40% chronicles Muhammed.
The OT is not violent? You're kidding right? I can't give you exact bible verses (my father is the bible expert) but the OT says that a man can sell your daughter if he so wishes, working on the Sabbath is punishable by death, touching pig skin makes one unclean and must be banished from the village, same sex fornicators must be put to death, you cannot plant two different crops side by side nor wear garments made of two different thread for fear of receiving the wrath of God - Leviticus, I think. There's plenty of violence in there, but really it's up to individual interpretation and one cn interprete that to an extreme.
Just as radical and fundamentalist Muslim have twisted their interpretation of the same texts.
Jihad means struggle. The following examples can be considered a jihad - studying day and night (or cramming) for an exam, giving birth, going on a mission or pilgramage, battling depression, the handicap are considered to be on a lifelong jihad.
Shaheed means martyr. Someone who has failed in their jihad. A mother who has died during childbirth can be considered shaheed.
As for 72 virgin... you have to consider that the Quran is more than 2000 years old and the language is literally remained unchanged. The verses are poetic and flouride. It reads more like a song and a text. It has not been edited or translated as the bible has and therefore the meanings are literal to the era that it was written. Translated Qurans must contain the original Arabic script besides the translated text. The countless versions of the Christian bible all have different interpretations - King James Version is the "authorised version" since 1611, the Good News Bible in 1974, the New King James version in 1982, the 21st Century King James version in 1994, and many others all very subtle and different meaning in the verses. Possibly, if the Quran had been edited and reedited, translated and retranslated I'm sure the contemporary Quran would probably drop the 72 virgins line and replace it with "eternal bliss". Idk.
As you say, violence is against Jesus' teachings. True! However, the extremists' version of jihad is also against Muhammed's teachings. "To take a life unjustly is to kill humanity itself." Anyone who has bothered to read the Quran would have known that. However, despite the protestations of the moderate Muslims, know one hears thats. All they hear is Jihad, shaheed or martyr.
Hitler was heavily influenced by a document called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". This document is supposedly are the minutes of a secret meeting held by a society of Jewish elders who has plans for world domination through the finance, entertainment and industrial sector. It has since been debunked as a fake document.
Like you, I don't know how but I've read and have seen docos about the apartheid system and how they twisted the bible to justify their regime. Somehow God and Jesus are white and black is unclean. Therefore, black people are second class. All religious Rennaisance painting showed Jesus as being white, we have vonacularism such the white lie (which is a good lie), Black Friday (which is black), white = pure, black = evil etc. I need to research this part a little more.
Anyway, I've prattled on again. I must like the look of my typing. LOL.