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Liebor - a haven for criminals (Read 14178 times)
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Liebor - a haven for criminals
Mar 15th, 2008 at 7:32am
This is so typical of the Liebor Party.  The woman who blew the whistle on a paedophile was sacked, apparently for blowing the whistle.

Orkopoulos alarm-raiser sacked

THE woman who helped raise the alarm about disgraced former NSW Aboriginal affairs minister Milton Orkopoulos has been sacked by the state parliament from her electorate office job.

Orkopoulos was found guilty of 28 paedophilia and drug charges yesterday.

However Gillian Sneddon, Orkopoulos's former electorate officer in the Hunter seat of Swansea, who helped collect evidence from his office for police, had her employment terminated last month -  the day she began to give evidence at the Orkopoulos trial, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.

She had been on stress leave and is fighting a workers' compensation claim against parliament.

Premier Morris Iemma has said her situation is a matter for parliament.

She told the Herald yesterday if she had kept my mouth shut, it would have been covered up. The "treatment of me the whole way down the line, from the parliament, from my colleagues, from Labor politicians, (has) been a disgrace''.

Ms Sneddon has been on workers' compensation since being locked out of the office in late 2006 while assisting police retrieve evidence in the case, the Herald reported.

Who votes for these people!!!!!!

Cover ups are so typical for Liebor crooks.   It has happened in pretty well every other state as well as NSW before.

And of course the Dr Death scandal led to huge torment for the whistle blower Toni Hoffman.  She was vilified, while the Liebor Health Minister (now before the courts himself) Nuttall fudged, blustered and pretended nothing was wrong.

They make me want to vote Liberal.  Oh that's right.  I do.
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #1 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 7:19pm
And in the NSW Liebor Party they have thrown the victims away again - just like in Queensland with Dr Death.  Yes Aussie, that is the Dr Death you want to defend from we barbaric Australians.

How about the 'butcher'?

No apology for employing 'Butcher of Bega'

THE New South Wales government will not apologise for the health service's employment of rogue doctor Graeme Reeves, despite reports authorities knew of his gross negligence almost 10 years before he was struck off.

Mr Reeves is accused of a string of botched surgeries, inappropriate internal and breast examinations, and verbal abuse.

He was first banned from obstetric work in 1997 and was struck off in 2004, when he was found to have been working in defiance of the ban.

He is now at the centre of a police investigation known as Strike Force Tarella, while the case has also been referred to the special commission of inquiry into NSW's health system, headed by Peter Garling SC.

In the latest claim, a Sydney mother lost her twin babies and almost bled to death after Mr Reeves tried to pull her placenta from her uterus using the wrong type of forceps and without any medication, resulting in severe lacerations to her vagina and cervix and uncontrollable haemorrhaging, Fairfax reported.

"There's no doubt that the health department knew what was happening with Dr Reeves 10 years ago,'' NSW Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell told reporters today.

"I think that there's also no doubt that the state Labor government failed to deliver on its promises to ensure that the Health Care Complaints Commission or other bodies took appropriate action to protect the public from doctors like Dr Reeves.

"The Dr Reeves situation in NSW will, like the Dr Death situation in Queensland, uncover inaction within the state government when it comes to ensuring that those who are treating people across this state are appropriate people.''

Health Minister Reba Meagher says the NSW health system will take responsibility for any failings of public hospitals relating to Dr Reeves' practice, and that measures are now in place to prevent the employment of such doctors in the public system.

"I've made it very clear in parliament that I will not apologise for the employment processes relating to Reeves by the Southern Area Health Service in 2002,'' Ms Meagher told reporters in Sydney today.

No apology?  I wonder if Little Kevvy will say he's sorry

So while Little Cardboard Kevvy is sobbing out sorry for children who were most likely saved from difficult environments, his cronies in NSW don't give a phuq about women who suffered terribly at the hands of the 'butcher'.

Does anyone else see a contradiction here?  Does anyone else see a Party which pretends to care until the time comes to show it?
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #2 - Mar 16th, 2008 at 7:20pm
In yet another example, allegations of systemic corruption from within the union itself - yet Kevvy, who starts a new review, inquiry or talkfest every other wednesday, sees no reason to investigate bullying and corruption claims.  Why?  Well because it involves Liebor mates of course.

TWU inquiry call

The Rudd Government has ruled out holding an inquiry into claims of corruption and extortion involving the Labor Party and the Transport Workers Union.

The Opposition's call for the inquiry follows allegations the TWU extorted money from transport companies and funnelled it into a slush fund used to help re-elect New South Wales Labor MPs.

A former TWU official has made claims of company bosses paying to make difficult industrial issues disappear.

The claims go on to allege that money made from the dubious dealings was put into the campaign funds of several Labor MPs.

Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson says the claims are serious enough to warrant a full investigation.

'If it smells like extortion and corruption, it probably is,' Dr Nelson said.

'Mr Rudd's very fond of inquiries and I think he now needs one. This needs a full judicial inquiry to get to the bottom of whether the Transport Workers Union has been gouging and ripping money not only off workers, but also honest employers across Australia,' he added.

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard skirted the issue of a judicial inquiry and said that any allegations needed to be referred to the appropriate authority.

Ms Gillard responded on the Nine Network's Sunday program:

'Anybody who has an allegation about these matters that they want investigated should report it. It seemed to me from the story that there are two types of allegations. One is about personal intimidation. Those matters, of course, should be reported to the police. Another is about breach of electoral disclosure laws. That matter should be reported to the Australian Electoral Commission for investigation.'

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd agrees and says if anyone has information about illegality on the part of any union or non-union organisation they should report it.

They should report it - to someone else hey Kevvy?  Too busy axing benefits to Australians in need?

The workers are getting ripped off, so the allegation goes, but Kevvy says that someone should report it.  Just not to him though - he doesn't give a phuq.

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #3 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 7:48pm
personally i'm looking forward to the investigations and full parlimentary inquiries into the past rorts committed by past ministers of the howards neocons. wonder if our mate woolyone will get a look in Smiley
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #4 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 8:55pm
Dooley wrote on Mar 17th, 2008 at 7:48pm:
personally i'm looking forward to the investigations and full parlimentary inquiries into the past rorts committed by past ministers of the howards neocons. wonder if our mate woolyone will get a look in Smiley  

I do hope you are already quite old.  It would be a tragic waste of an entire lifetime throbbing with anticipation for an event which will never come to a group which does not exist.
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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #5 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:15pm
i'll give it about a year before they tend to the matter. that'll give it just about the right timing for a juicy senate enquiry to give a finding a ministerial lies and political tampering in the "children overboard" affair. right after the enquiry into porkbarrelling over the last couple of terms of office for jh and his neocronies and contemptibles. soon followed by a senate oversight into the mishandling of the lastest booboos in military purchasing (perhaps even a hint of paybacks) - the list goes on and on and on............... enuff for three or four terms. wonder how long before nelson finds himself capt of the bounty.  hahaha
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #6 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:31pm
Dooley wrote on Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:15pm:
i'll give it about a year before they tend to the matter. that'll give it just about the right timing for a juicy senate enquiry to give a finding a ministerial lies and political tampering in the "children overboard" affair. right after the enquiry into porkbarrelling over the last couple of terms of office for jh and his neocronies and contemptibles. soon followed by a senate oversight into the mishandling of the lastest booboos in military purchasing (perhaps even a hint of paybacks) - the list goes on and on and on............... enuff for three or four terms. wonder how long before nelson finds himself capt of the bounty.  hahaha

If I'm not mistaken there have already been two senate inquiries into the "children overboard" affair.  Why do you expect a third to find any different outcome?  Blind faith?  Not a good quality on a political forum.  Perhaps a theological forum would accept your desperate hope?
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #7 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:39pm
However if you're looking for rorts the Liebor Party is full of them - why even today Little Kevvy was sprung accepting travel and grog from a Chinese company for . . . .  well . . . .  no reason at all?  Methinks a bribe smells this way.

Chinese company denies Rudd trip claims

A Chinese company that paid for Kevin Rudd to visit war-torn Sudan 18 months ago has denied it was doing business in the African country at the time.

Mr Rudd was opposition foreign affairs spokesman when Beijing AustChina Technology, a Chinese importer of Australian telecommunications products, paid for him to visit the African nation of Sudan in June and July 2006.

AustChina also sponsored trips to Hong Kong and China by Treasurer Wayne Swan, Agriculture Minister Tony Burke and Labor backbencher Bernie Ripoll before last year's election.

But the company denied reports that its executives had travelled with the future prime minister in 2006, describing the claim as "completely false".

AustChina deputy general manager Maggie Zhen was quoted in a communications industry newsletter as saying that the company was doing business in Sudan in 2006 and Mr Rudd went with them.

But AustChina has issued a statement saying that Ms Zhen had been misquoted in the English-language newsletter Communications Day.

"AustChina has never conducted any business in Sudan and has no plans to conduct any business there in the future," the statement said.

"AustChina has never accompanied Mr Rudd to Sudan, the United States of America or the United Kingdom."

Quizzed about Ms Zhen's comments in parliament, Mr Rudd said there was nothing wrong with opposition MPs, with limited access to parliamentary travel budgets, accepting hospitality from private companies.

AustChina also gave him a bottle of 1986 Penfolds Grange Hermitage, valued at $690, last year.

Kevvy gets into the graft and corruption

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Howard keeps golf clubs from Bush
Reply #8 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:49pm
Fancy accepting gifts from a foreign dignatory....

Howard keeps golf clubs from Bush

John Howard may have been able to resist a silver cigar box from the Greek prime minister, pearl cufflinks from the Filipino president and a silk carpet from the Iraqi president.

But there was no way he was going to knock back a golf bag, custom putter and club covers from his good buddy US President George W Bush.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Howard keeps golf clubs from Bush
Reply #9 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:55pm
freediver wrote on Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:49pm:
Fancy accepting gifts from a foreign dignatory....

Howard keeps golf clubs from Bush

John Howard may have been able to resist a silver cigar box from the Greek prime minister, pearl cufflinks from the Filipino president and a silk carpet from the Iraqi president.

But there was no way he was going to knock back a golf bag, custom putter and club covers from his good buddy US President George W Bush.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.  You are smelling desperate.  A set of golf clubs from a chum?   Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

But strangely you forgot to post a significant part of the story.  I wonder why . . . .

From the same link . . .

"During the recent APEC meeting I received a golf bag, custom putter and golf covers from the president of the United States of America," Mr Howard wrote to House of Representatives Clerk Ian Harris in a declaration dated September 30 last year.

"As the gift is valued over the allowable limit, I have forwarded a cheque to the Collector of Public Monies for payment of the difference in value to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet."

He also decided to pay for eight crystal wine glasses given to him by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who has publicly hailed Mr Howard as a mentor for a new generation of conservative leaders around the world.

But he surrendered the two bottles of dessert wine that came with them for use during an official function at The Lodge.

He also handed over the carpet, the cigar box and the cufflinks, as well as a south sea brooch in a stingray skin box, a hand-painted ceramic pot, some historic scrolls and a laptop computer.

Kevin Rudd, who ousted Mr Howard as prime minister two months after the APEC summit, also received a gift from Mr Bush - a leather stationery box and platinum pen valued at $US365 ($A390).

Mr Rudd kept the gifts.

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #10 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 10:17pm
You are smelling desperate.

Extremely- maybe FD should lick Dooley's sack a little more lovingly than what he has been doing so far to keep him around and bolster some of the more lefty arguments being surreptitiously pushed by the forum owner??

It would seem that he needs all the help he can get
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Political Animal has little moderation. It is the forum for free speech and free thinkers to converse passionately without the threat of being banned. It is a forum for adults.
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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #11 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 10:26pm
So the gifts Mr Rudd accepted were below the 'allowable limit' mentioned there?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #12 - Mar 18th, 2008 at 5:25am
freediver wrote on Mar 17th, 2008 at 10:26pm:
So the gifts Mr Rudd accepted were below the 'allowable limit' mentioned there?

Yes.  In the same way that Johnny's were (Johnny, being an honest righty, forwarded payment for the balance to bring the gift below the 'allowable limit'). 

But you posted only Johnny's and apparently forgot to post the bit about Little Kevvy keeping his gifts.  It seems that when you only tell part of the story you smell quite desperate and I hate to have to say it freediver - your post reeks.

It's funny to watch though.
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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #13 - Mar 18th, 2008 at 8:27am
You might be onto something here Deepfort. Politicians accepting gifts, forwarding the appropriate paperwork, paying any necessary amounts into public coffers. Who would have thought eh?

from crikey:

The Opposition finally got cracking on the Government’s links with Chinese communications company Beijing AustChina in Question Time yesterday, although its attack rather lacked bite.

First Communications spokesman Bruce Billson, then Shadow Foreign Minister Andrew Robb – who has substance but frankly lacks a bit of presence at the Dispatch Box – asked Kevin Rudd about his trip to Darfur in 2006, paid for by Beijing AustChina as part of a trip to the US, the UK and China.

It has since been revealed that, in addition to funding several of his overseas trips, AustChina presented Rudd with a bottle of Grange. This isn’t exactly unusual – if you want to know why the stuff is so expensive, look no further than the hordes of lobbyists and companies that shower bottles of the stuff on politicians.

Beijing AustChina has also hired PR flacks Parker & Partners to handle the issue.

Rudd’s answers yesterday – later corrected – were interesting for two reasons. He defended his use of sponsored overseas travel as a shadow Minister on the basis that no-one else was going to pay for his visits overseas. Beijing AustChina has since confirmed this, saying that it likes to provide travel support for Opposition MPs who may wish to develop an interest in China.

However, even if we accept that Opposition MPs should have their portfolio responsibilities partly funded by commercial interests, it leaves the other members of the AustChina Five in a tricky position. Wayne Swan might at a stretch be able to argue that, as shadow Treasurer, visiting the key source of Australia’s resources boom twice at the expense of AustChina was appropriate. Tony Burke insists that his AustChina-sponsored five trips to China were purely in his capacity as Labor’s Immigration spokesman. One trip to visit an important source of migrants for Australia, perhaps – but five? And as for Bernie Ripoll and Kim Wilkie – both were backbenchers.

Rudd also made a point of declaring that in Darfur he was "hosted" by World Vision. "Hosted" is a rather nebulous term and shouldn’t be confused – as perhaps Rudd would like it to be – with "paid for". World Vision has confirmed to Crikey that its involvement with Rudd’s trip to Darfur was limited to Rudd speaking to Tim Costello before and after the trip, and meeting World Vision program officers while there.

This rather smacks of Rudd using Tim Costello as a moral shield. Indeed, the entire trip to Sudan, however well-intentioned, has the look of being tacked on to Rudd’s Women’s Weekly World Discovery Tour on the AustChina account as a justification for enjoying their largesse.

And let’s stop tiptoeing around an issue at the heart of all this. Rudd’s oft-proclaimed Sinophilia means he must have strong connections with a brutal dictatorship that, as events in Tibet are currently demonstrating, savagely suppresses dissent and imprisons and executes its opponents. China’s role in Darfur has been heavily criticised. And there are also rumours that AustChina has links with the Sudanese military -- categorically denied by an AustChina spokesman this morning. AustChina has denied having any commercial role in Sudan. However, Q-Mac International, a West Australian based firm and an affiliate of AustChina, sold high-frequenecy radios to the Sudanese army in 2003, according to reports from Amnesty International.

This has a way to go yet.
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« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2008 at 4:07pm by freediver »  

People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #14 - Mar 18th, 2008 at 4:50pm
freediver wrote on Mar 18th, 2008 at 8:27am:

And let’s stop tiptoeing around an issue at the heart of all this. Rudd’s oft-proclaimed Sinophilia means he must have strong connections with a brutal dictatorship that, as events in Tibet are currently demonstrating, savagely suppresses dissent and imprisons and executes its opponents.

Little Kevvy Liar learned everything he knows there.

And speaking of liars . . . . .

Plastic bag fee on the agenda, red-faced minister says

FEDERAL Environment Minister Peter Garrett has been forced to admit the Government is considering a check-out charge on plastic shopping bags.

Last week Mr Garrett labelled as "incorrect" a report in The Sunday Mail that the charge was being considered.

However after being presented with transcripts of his own departmental officials outlining the plan, an embarrassed Mr Garrett yesterday conceded the supermarket slug on shoppers was on the table as part of the Government's election pledge to eradicate plastic shopping bags.

The transcripts, from Senate estimates hearings, reveal his department has undertaken detailed costings of the plan.

Mr Garrett sought to shut down the report last week by issuing a statement declaring the Government would not be introducing any "levy".

However today The Sunday Mail can reveal the Government has been considering both a levy and a checkout charge of 25¢ a bag to fulfil its election pledge to phase out single-use plastic shopping bags, using so-called "economic instruments".

If it walks like a Rudd and it quacks like a Rudd - it's a Rudd

They learn fast when they join the Liebor Party.
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