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Liebor - a haven for criminals (Read 14388 times)
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #30 - Mar 20th, 2008 at 6:21am
Dooley wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 5:06pm:
deepthought wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 12:07pm:
freediver wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 10:54am:
So it's the paid holidays that matter now, not the $100000 they gave to the coalition? Maybe the coalition were just upset that they didn't get a bottle of grange too.

Discussing ethicality or morality with you (and leftards generally) is similar to discussing beautiful landscapes with a blind man.  No matter how much detail you provide they will never see it.

I suppose we rightys should simply accept that leftards take bribery and corruption in their stride - it's a way of life for them.

However I will never lay down for the Liebor Party to walk on me as you seem eager to do.

righturds could never understand the vagaries of life outside the myopoic bubble they assume contains all their is to know as the leftys have an natural inclination to do. inclusion and social cohesion are the mainstay of the socialist life, while righturds aim to cause fraction amongst the populace to make it easier to rule....


Do you live in Australia Dooley?
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #31 - Mar 20th, 2008 at 9:08pm
Meantime a Qld Liebor minister has been sprung telling porkies - by one of his own!

Qld Health Minister 'was warned of Torres Strait concerns'

The controversy surrounding staff security on the Torres Strait has deepened after a Government MP said he warned the Health Minister in 2005 about concerns on the islands.

Health Minister Stephen Robertson has repeatedly denied knowing about a 2006 safety audit until this month, when news broke of an alleged rape of a nurse on a remote island.

Channel 10 has revealed one of the Government's own MPs, Jason O'Brien, wrote to Mr Robertson in 2005 about security issues and poor maintenance at a health clinic on Mer Island.

Mr O'Brien says some improvements have been made, but at a frustrating pace.

"I don't expect the Minister to go and change the locks," he said.

"I expect the manager to go and make sure that it's done."

Mr Robertson has been out of reach all day because he is visiting the Torres Strait checking repairs on Queensland Health accommodation.

Whoopsy daisy, another Liebor pollie proving that Liebor is called Liebor for a very good reason

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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #32 - Mar 21st, 2008 at 6:54am
freediver wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 10:54am:
So it's the paid holidays that matter now, not the $100000 they gave to the coalition? Maybe the coalition were just upset that they didn't get a bottle of grange too.

Perhaps this will help you open your eyes.

Boast on Kevin Rudd ties

CHINESE entrepreneur Ian Tang boasted of his close friendship with Kevin Rudd and applauded Labor's election victory at a recent function in Beijing.

Liberal MP Michael Johnson claims Mr Tang, whose firm Beijing AustChina Technology has poured more than $150,000 into ALP coffers,
also talked of having good "guanxi" with the Prime Minister and Labor.

The Chinese phrase roughly translates to mean someone owes the other a favour.

The Opposition is demanding Mr Rudd, who will visit China next month, come clean on his links with Mr Tang, who has only very minor interests in Australia.

Herro Kevvy, I have come to correct

Or this

Political and business connections that carry a strong flavour

It has yet to be explained precisely why Mr Tang was so happy to fly Mr Rudd and Labor colleagues Wayne Swan (now Treasurer) and Tony Burke (now Agriculture Minister) to and from China over the past four years, or why he paid for Mr Rudd to fly around the world in 2006 — to the US, Darfur, Britain and China.

There is, as it happens, nothing under parliamentary rules wrong with MPs accepting such generosity, so long as it is all recorded on the pecuniary interests register. There is no parliamentary fund enabling Opposition members to travel internationally beyond specific study tours, so politicians of all stripes have taken freebies.

Also lacking explanation is why Mr Tang's company donated $155,000 to the Nationals, and more than $230,000 to the NSW ALP.

What we do know is that when Mr Tang and Mr Ho launched their redevelopment of the Friendship Store site the Nationals' then leader and deputy prime minister at the time, Mark Vaile, formally launched it.

And we also know that Kevin Rudd, then the Labor Opposition's foreign affairs spokesman, was persuaded by Mr Tang to make an impromptu speech at the site dedication.

All of which adds up to nothing more obvious — yet, anyway — than Mr Tang has been able to garner much friendship for his business from all sides of the Australian political spectrum. A talented operator, clearly.

We are velly happy you win the erection

or this

Rudd and Swan met Chinese tycoon

SINCE Labor came to power, Kevin Rudd and two of his senior ministers have met the founder of a Chinese telecommunications company at the centre of a row over the Prime Minister's privately funded overseas travel.

Mr Rudd, Wayne Swan and Agriculture Minister Tony Burke yesterday confirmed to The Australian they had met the founder of Beijing AustChina Technology, Ian Tang, since the election.

The confirmation follows two days of Coalition attempts to draw a link between paid travel for MPs and political favours.

The confirmation came after Mr Burke had, during question time, refused to disclose whether he had had any meetings with Mr Tang since becoming a minister.

But a spokeswoman later told The Australian that Mr Burke met Mr Tang last month when he was in Australia.

A spokesman for Mr Rudd said the Prime Minister had met Mr Tang "on one occasion" in late November. The Treasurer said he had met Mr Tang with a number of other MPs during the entrepreneur's visit to Australia. "Mr Tang was in Australia earlier this year and he caught up with a number of MPs from both sides of politics, including the Treasurer," a spokesman said last night.

Mr Tang is an associate of Chinese gambling tycoon Stanley Ho. While
Mr Rudd has jocularly referred to Mr Tang as "my Chinese controller"
, he has also been reported saying he had known Mr Tang only 'for "a couple of years" and was "not really across what he does".

"I don't know what he does", says Kevvy, "but he knows what I do"

Eyes open yet freediver?
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #33 - Mar 21st, 2008 at 7:11pm
The smell gets worse in Qld's State Liebor Government.

Qld nurse raised concerns before rape

A nurse on Queensland's Torres Strait wrote to her local MP, raising concerns about security in the region, less than two weeks before another nurse was raped there.

Channel Ten news said the nurse wrote to their local MP, government MP Jason O'Brien, on January 24.

"The health centre is not secure because windows and door locks only work intermittently," the nurse wrote.

The nurse said a request for a $10 smoke alarm was refused.

"I have two young boys ... I am afraid if there is a fire, we won't get out," the nurse wrote.

Another nurse was allegedly raped on Mabuiag Island on February 5, causing the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) to threaten to leave the communities if security is not improved.

Mr O'Brien passed on the nurse's letter to Health Minister Stephen Robertson on February 13, and received a response from an office manager on the 26th, which said the issue had been noted.

"Obviously I'm not satisfied with the results, no, I'm quite angry," Mr O'Brien told Channel Ten.

Channel Ten also revealed Mr O'Brien wrote to Mr Robertson in 2005, about the state public works branch, Q-Build, being slow to fix security issues on the Torres Strait.

A clinic window had been damaged in a violent assault six weeks prior, and Q-Build hadn't responded despite being told immediately, Mr O'Brien wrote.

Huh?  A nurse raped?  Liebor don't care - that's one Kevvy won't need to sack

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #34 - Mar 24th, 2008 at 1:27pm
this is a very serious stuffup that needs to addressed. sack the minister and demote the ps that are responsible for any of the shortcomings that fall on their shoulders.
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #35 - Mar 25th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Dooley wrote on Mar 24th, 2008 at 1:27pm:
this is a very serious stuffup that needs to addressed. sack the minister and demote the ps that are responsible for any of the shortcomings that fall on their shoulders.

Perhaps prison for a few more Liebor mates might make them realise that people are important, it's not just about making yourself rich and looking after your Liebor mates.

OH&S charges for nurse rape - Springborg

QUEENSLAND Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg has asked the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider charging those responsible for the workplace conditions that led to the alleged rape of a nurse.

State Health Minister Stephen Robertson has been accused of failing to act on three reports warning of safety problems as far back as 2005, after it was revealed a nurse was raped at Mabuiag Island on February 5.

The Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) has threatened to pull nurses out of the Torres Strait if security is not improved by this Friday.

Mr Springborg today wrote to Director of Public Prosecutions Leanne Clare, asking her to consider charges under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995.

He said the laws required all employers, including the government, to provide a safe workplace.

"Any other employer in Queensland is bound by the act of parliament that regulates their workplace," Mr Springborg said.

"If they ignore the simple rules and regulations about their employees' safety and something happens, then they are charged, they are penalised, they can actually go to jail and if not, be fined.

"Why, from the minister down, did they actually ignore serious concerns about the workplace for nurses in Queensland, particularly in remote communities?"

The QNU is meeting with senior Queensland Health officials today.

When will they start caring?

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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #36 - Mar 25th, 2008 at 8:07pm
It seems that the DPP may not be the place to lodge complaints about nurses being raped according to the Liebor Premier Anna Bligh - it is the Office of Workplace Health and Safety.  They take care of those matters she reckons.

Springborg doesn't understand Qld legal system: Bligh

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh says the Opposition leader has referred the Health Minister to the wrong office in relation to the Torres Strait health controversy.

Lawrence Springborg has asked the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to consider whether the Minister and bureaucrats should be charged with breaching workplace safety laws.

Ms Bligh says that has nothing to do with the DPP.

"The leader of the Opposition reveals again his stunning lack of understanding of our legal system," she said.

"He was calling for the DPP to be dismissed, and here four weeks later he is now calling on her to do something that is outside her jurisdiction or powers.

"The DPP does not bring prosecutions for breaches of the Health and Safety Act, that is a matter that is dealt with by the Office of Workplace Health and Safety."

Umm Anna, have you forgotten what happened?  A woman was seriously assaulted

Far from caring about the raped mushroom though Anna Bligh is taking great delight in ridiculing the Leader of the Opposition.  I would have thought that if the DPP was the wrong place, and according to Anna Bligh it is, that Anna Bligh would be hurriedly reporting the matter to the right place - and she said she knows who that is.  But has she?  I see no evidence she has.  I wonder why?  Doesn't really care about the welfare of Australians?  Just interested in putting on a show for the media?

I'm guessing that's so.
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Ex Member

Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #37 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 9:59am
deepthought wrote on Mar 15th, 2008 at 7:32am:
This is so typical of the Liebor Party.  The woman who blew the whistle on a paedophile was sacked, apparently for blowing the whistle.

Orkopoulos alarm-raiser sacked

THE woman who helped raise the alarm about disgraced former NSW Aboriginal affairs minister Milton Orkopoulos has been sacked by the state parliament from her electorate office job.

Orkopoulos was found guilty of 28 paedophilia and drug charges yesterday.

However Gillian Sneddon, Orkopoulos's former electorate officer in the Hunter seat of Swansea, who helped collect evidence from his office for police, had her employment terminated last month -  the day she began to give evidence at the Orkopoulos trial, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.

She had been on stress leave and is fighting a workers' compensation claim against parliament.

Premier Morris Iemma has said her situation is a matter for parliament.

She told the Herald yesterday if she had kept my mouth shut, it would have been covered up. The "treatment of me the whole way down the line, from the parliament, from my colleagues, from Labor politicians, (has) been a disgrace''.

Ms Sneddon has been on workers' compensation since being locked out of the office in late 2006 while assisting police retrieve evidence in the case, the Herald reported.

Who votes for these people!!!!!!

Cover ups are so typical for Liebor crooks.   It has happened in pretty well every other state as well as NSW before.

And of course the Dr Death scandal led to huge torment for the whistle blower Toni Hoffman.  She was vilified, while the Liebor Health Minister (now before the courts himself) Nuttall fudged, blustered and pretended nothing was wrong.

They make me want to vote Liberal.  Oh that's right.  I do.

Well I think the worst thing a government could do would be to illegally invade another country, as the rodent did, or even worse would be to sell iron to an enemy as the japanese were during ww2 and ofcouse pig iron bob Menzies did that, both should have been dragged before the courts and charged with their unaustralian actions.
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #38 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:06am
Well I think the worst thing a government could do would be to illegally invade another country, as the rodent did, or even worse would be to sell iron to an enemy as the japanese were during ww2 and ofcouse pig iron bob Menzies did that, both should have been dragged before the courts and charged with their unaustralian actions.

Could you provide evidence of your baseless allegations please.
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Ex Member

Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #39 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:17am
deepthought wrote on Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:06am:
Well I think the worst thing a government could do would be to illegally invade another country, as the rodent did, or even worse would be to sell iron to an enemy as the japanese were during ww2 and ofcouse pig iron bob Menzies did that, both should have been dragged before the courts and charged with their unaustralian actions.

Could you provide evidence of your baseless allegations please.

Its in all the history books, Why do you think Menzies nickname was PIGIRON BOB? look if you know so little about oz politics why do you persist with your posting on a political website? you cant rewrite history nothought its all there in black and white for all to see. As for the rodent, the only people who dont believe he invaded another country without UN aproval are himself and those gullible enough to believe him, like you.
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #40 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:21am
deepthought wrote on Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:06am:
Well I think the worst thing a government could do would be to illegally invade another country, as the rodent did, or even worse would be to sell iron to an enemy as the japanese were during ww2 and ofcouse pig iron bob Menzies did that, both should have been dragged before the courts and charged with their unaustralian actions.

Could you provide evidence of your baseless allegations please.

Its in all the history books, Why do you think Menzies nickname was PIGIRON BOB? look if you know so little about oz politics why do you persist with your posting on a political website? you cant rewrite history nothought its all there in black and white for all to see. As for the rodent, the only people who dont believe he invaded another country without UN aproval are himself and those gullible enough to believe him, like you.

I'm asking you to back yourself.   Don't expect me to do your research for you.  But I understand if you are unable to support your slurs.  You won't be the first leftoid to make such absurd allegations then vanish when the pressure is on to come through with something little understood by the leftard - facts.
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« Last Edit: Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:29am by deepthought »  
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Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #41 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:40am
deepthought wrote on Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:21am:
deepthought wrote on Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:06am:
Well I think the worst thing a government could do would be to illegally invade another country, as the rodent did, or even worse would be to sell iron to an enemy as the japanese were during ww2 and ofcouse pig iron bob Menzies did that, both should have been dragged before the courts and charged with their unaustralian actions.

Could you provide evidence of your baseless allegations please.

Its in all the history books, Why do you think Menzies nickname was PIGIRON BOB? look if you know so little about oz politics why do you persist with your posting on a political website? you cant rewrite history nothought its all there in black and white for all to see. As for the rodent, the only people who dont believe he invaded another country without UN aproval are himself and those gullible enough to believe him, like you.

I'm asking you to back yourself.   Don't expect me to do your research for you.  But I understand if you are unable to support your slurs.  You won't be the first leftoid to make such absurd allegations then vanish when the pressure is on to come through with something little understood by the leftard - facts.

Its not my job to explain things to you that are tought to 10 year olds in school, maybe your a blow in since ww2 and you never learnt history at an Australian school, try going to tech they have classes for people like you who have had a limited education.
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #42 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 1:33pm
Its not my job to explain things to you that are tought to 10 year olds in school, maybe your a blow in since ww2 and you never learnt history at an Australian school, try going to tech they have classes for people like you who have had a limited education.

I'm not at all surprised to see you slink away without supporting yourself athiest.  It is as I said - leftards are high on rhetoric, slurs and allegations but low on facts, truth or integrity.  That's why they are leftards.

If you believed in yourself and knew what you were talking about you'd be willing to back your wild and baseless claims.  And if the knowledge was so readily available you'd tap it out in a moment.
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Ex Member

Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #43 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 2:49pm
deepthought wrote on Mar 29th, 2008 at 1:33pm:
Its not my job to explain things to you that are tought to 10 year olds in school, maybe your a blow in since ww2 and you never learnt history at an Australian school, try going to tech they have classes for people like you who have had a limited education.

I'm not at all surprised to see you slink away without supporting yourself athiest.  It is as I said - leftards are high on rhetoric, slurs and allegations but low on facts, truth or integrity.  That's why they are leftards.

If you believed in yourself and knew what you were talking about you'd be willing to back your wild and baseless claims.  And if the knowledge was so readily available you'd tap it out in a moment.

From menzies oficial bio--

"In 1938, waterside unions put a ban on the export of iron to Japan in protest of Japanese actions in Manchuria (China). Menzies threatened them with Transport Workers’ Act 1929, and so forced them to load iron for Japan. Subsequently, he earnt the nickname "Pig Iron Bob"

Which Japan sent back to Australia in the form of bombs. I'll tell you what nothought, seeing as though you like everyone to put things in black and white, why dont you show me somthing that disputes what ive said. It seems my assumption you did not go to school in oz was correct so therefore you obviosly know bugger all about australia's past, and from the crap you write do not understand its present or recent past either.
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In Defence Of Liberty

Posts: 2869
Re: Liebor - a haven for criminals
Reply #44 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 3:37pm
deepthought wrote on Mar 29th, 2008 at 1:33pm:
Its not my job to explain things to you that are tought to 10 year olds in school, maybe your a blow in since ww2 and you never learnt history at an Australian school, try going to tech they have classes for people like you who have had a limited education.

I'm not at all surprised to see you slink away without supporting yourself athiest.  It is as I said - leftards are high on rhetoric, slurs and allegations but low on facts, truth or integrity.  That's why they are leftards.

If you believed in yourself and knew what you were talking about you'd be willing to back your wild and baseless claims.  And if the knowledge was so readily available you'd tap it out in a moment.

From menzies oficial bio--

"In 1938, waterside unions put a ban on the export of iron to Japan in protest of Japanese actions in Manchuria (China). Menzies threatened them with Transport Workers’ Act 1929, and so forced them to load iron for Japan. Subsequently, he earnt the nickname "Pig Iron Bob"

Which Japan sent back to Australia in the form of bombs. I'll tell you what nothought, seeing as though you like everyone to put things in black and white, why dont you show me somthing that disputes what ive said. It seems my assumption you did not go to school in oz was correct so therefore you obviosly know bugger all about australia's past, and from the crap you write do not understand its present or recent past either.

Whoopsy Daisy athiest.  That says 1938 if I'm not mistaken.  Perhaps you could check your history book and find out just when WW2 started and just when Japan entered that war.

But you also said that someone (a rodent) "illegally invade(d) another country"

Your evidence if you would please.
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