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WHY HOWARD LOST.......... (Read 17168 times)
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Mar 30th, 2008 at 12:06pm
Seeing plenty of bagging of Rudd and negative / postive  critiques of his performance so far..

But more to the point for all you right wing moaners..

Why did Howard lose.???

If he was so great why is he not STILL in office.

To the person who says the left are "blinkered' all I have to say to that is the public took 12 years to open their eyes to Howard and finally say "enough".

Instead on focussing on the performance of Rudd lets focus on the WHY HOWARD LOST!


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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #1 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 12:11pm

Howard's leadership led to election defeat, academic says
Posted Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:23pm AEDT
Updated Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:38pm AEDT

Academic Judith Brett says former PM John Howard had a style of leadership that relied on dividing issues in terms of 'for me or against me'. (File photo) (News Limited: Michael Jones)
As the Liberal Party continues its own soul searching on why it lost last month's federal election, Australia's leading academic authority on the party has just released the first in-depth analysis of the election loss.

A Professor of politics at La Trobe University, Judith Brett, blames John Howard and his authoritarian style of leadership but says she has been surprised at the extent to which the federal party has fallen apart since the defeat.

Professor Brett has just released her Quarterly Essay, called 'Exit Right: the Unravelling of John Howard'.

She has based the essay around the theme of leadership and she says that when a leader's grip on political power starts to slip, observers can see most clearly the inner workings of that leadership.

She says former prime minister John Howard had a style of leadership that relied on clearly dividing issues in terms of 'for me or against me'. She says this approach had been very successful for a few elections but then it stopped working.

"I think it stopped working partly because people ... had seen it all before; partly because we weren't in a year where there was a lot of foreign policy issues that were really new and demanding; and I think most importantly because Kevin Rudd had had a while to study John Howard," she said.

'Aggressive' leadership

Professor Brett said Mr Howard would relentlessly attack his opponent and by refusing to oppose Mr Howard's policies, then-opposition leader Kevin Rudd confounded the prime minister.

"[Mr Rudd] shaped his leadership I think to prevent John Howard being able to do the things that he most likes to do, which is turn the attention from himself onto the opponent," she said.

"One theory I have is that 'me-tooism' of Rudd's was a very carefully crafted political strategy to stop there being sufficient distance between him and Howard for Howard to swing a punch, and that seemed to me was evidence that Rudd had really thought about Howard."

Professor Brett says there was a definite contrast between Mr Howard's campaign against Mr Rudd and his campaign in his own seat of Bennelong against Labor candidate Maxine McKew.

She said because Ms McKew was a woman, Mr Howard could not use his usual tactics against her.

"I think the style of strong leadership that Howard uses works against men because it's all about this aggressive, 'if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen' sort of stuff," she said.

"[But] if you do that against a woman, you start to look like a bully, you look rude. It's very hard to get away with.

"I think it's interesting that Howard didn't even mention Maxine McKew's name in the campaign against [her in] Bennelong. So where normally he goes for his opponent, here the only strategy available to him was to completely ignore her."

The future

Professor Brett says she did not predict the extent to which the Liberal Party would fall apart after its defeat.

"Power is a glue that holds ambitious men together and when that glue melts, they all fall back into their individual selves, and I think that's what we've seen," she said.

"I've found it pretty extraordinary. I didn't predict Peter Costello leaving."

She says Mr Howard's leadership has masked problems within the Liberal Party.

"It's certainly masked the mess that a lot of the state branches are in," she said.

"I don't really understand why the federal party didn't pay more attention to the states, because it'll be from the states that the next generation will be getting some experience."

Professor Brett says the Liberal Party may now choose to head in a different direction from their past policies.

"I think what we'll see, which we in a way already saw in the leadership struggle, is attention over the extent to which they stay true to Howard's legacy and the extent to which a much less socially conservative Liberalism starts to become dominant in the party," she said.

But she says she does not believe the party will vanish altogether.

"Because of the way our system works, we rely on there being two parties," she said.

"Ambitious people of the rising generation will go into the Liberal Party as the only option to Labor, so I think it will revive just because of the particular position it holds in our two-party system."
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #2 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 12:15pm
oceanz wrote on Mar 30th, 2008 at 12:06pm:
Seeing plenty of bagging of Rudd and negative / postive  critiques of his performance so far..

But more to the point for all you right wing moaners..

Why did Howard lose.???

If he was so great why is he not STILL in office.

To the person who says the left are "blinkered' all I have to say to that is the public took 12 years to open their eyes to Howard and finally say "enough".

Instead on focussing on the performance of Rudd lets focus on the WHY HOWARD LOST!


I voted for Johnny so I have no idea why anyone wouldn't.  Could those who hate prosperity please explain?
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #3 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 1:38pm
Poseidon, the rodent got the flick for many reasons
Ilegal war
But most of all most aussies wanted to brought into the 21st century, whilst Howard was still living in the 1950s.He had totally lost any connection he ever had with the electorate, stopped listening to his own senior ministers who had on numourous occasions told him it was time to go, and he became alianated by his own party becouse the only people he would take advice from was hyacinth a his kids. Hence he not only lost the election , but suffers the indignity of being only the second PM in history to lose his seat in parliment.
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #4 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 3:30pm

Dont the righturds love to run around with their hands over they're ears...

"la la la la la can't hear you" lol.

Still crying for their beloved failed dictator.

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&&Jade Rawlings on Cousins " He makes our team walk taller..a very good team man , Ben Cousins"
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #5 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 3:41pm
Bwhahahaha- Who is trying to focus the attention off their beloved leader because Kruddy is fast being recognised as a lame duck

Howard has gone unfortunately- it is now time to focus on what Kruddy is doing...oh thats right, he is failing

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Political Animal has little moderation. It is the forum for free speech and free thinkers to converse passionately without the threat of being banned. It is a forum for adults.
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #6 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 3:58pm
Poseidon, the rodent got the flick for many reasons
Ilegal war
But most of all most aussies wanted to brought into the 21st century, whilst Howard was still living in the 1950s.He had totally lost any connection he ever had with the electorate, stopped listening to his own senior ministers who had on numourous occasions told him it was time to go, and he became alianated by his own party becouse the only people he would take advice from was hyacinth a his kids. Hence he not only lost the election , but suffers the indignity of being only the second PM in history to lose his seat in parliment.

Have you heard of the word 'evidence' athiest?

Could you provide some for your maniacal claims?
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #7 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 6:11pm
oceanz wrote on Mar 30th, 2008 at 3:30pm:

Dont the righturds love to run around with their hands over they're ears...

"la la la la la can't hear you" lol.

Still crying for their beloved failed dictator.

I can hear perfectly well - but no one is saying anything.  Why did John Howard lose the election Oceans?

I can't answer it because I can't understand why anyone is opposed to a fair go, open government, increased opportunity and prosperity.
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #8 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:01pm
In my view he lost the election because of:

1) His refusal to ratify kyoto and dragging his heals on climate change. He missed the change in public mood on the issue by at least 5 years.

2) Workchoices - his mandate on this was questionable and he ended up watering it down so much that it was just as bad as the previous system.

3) Iraq

I think the previous election would have also been a lot closer if there had been a decent opposition leader.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #9 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:09pm
"My old spearing club used to meat in a church hall....."

I had to resist the urge to comment on the image this conjured up when you posted it in the spirtuality thread.

Its spelt MEET FD..

"1) His refusal to ratify kyoto and dragging his heals on climate change. "

That would be heels FD.

But apart from that I agree with you..but there was more to it than that..

Thanks for having a crack..

Noone so far has bothered.
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« Last Edit: Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:15pm by oceanz »  

&&Jade Rawlings on Cousins " He makes our team walk taller..a very good team man , Ben Cousins"
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #10 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:14pm
I can hear perfectly well - but no one is saying anything.  Why did John Howard lose the election Oceans?

Thats what I want you to attempt to explain to yourself or me Deepthought..until you know where he went are you going to know what will bring them back to power in 2- 3 terms or however long it takes..

You are  deep in denial and havent even started to work on why they lost....

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&&Jade Rawlings on Cousins " He makes our team walk taller..a very good team man , Ben Cousins"
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #11 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:18pm
Anyone who blames an election outcome they didn't want on mass stupidity is in denial about something.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #12 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:29pm
But you can blame it on people being too comfortable and the longevity of the previous govt rather than any feel-good undeliverable promises by the untested incoming.

It is those that believed the feel-good undeliverable promises that are stupid
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #13 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:44pm
freediver wrote on Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:18pm:
Anyone who blames an election outcome they didn't want on mass stupidity is in denial about something.

I expect anyone who blames it on . . . .

1) His refusal to ratify kyoto and dragging his heals on climate change. He missed the change in public mood on the issue by at least 5 years.

2) Workchoices - his mandate on this was questionable and he ended up watering it down so much that it was just as bad as the previous system.

3) Iraq

. . .  is stating he lost it according to mass stupidity.

If a government was voted out on the basis of these three things then I agree with you - a kind of mass stupor must have come over the country.

Let's look at each one in turn.


Kyoto was an old concept, in fact Kyoto has been around for over a decade.  It was pretty old science which formulated it and it was agreed while everyone present was either stoned, drunk, both, insane or suffering from group wankery.

It was never going to be effective and this was proven before very long despite the group madness which saw the sheeple sign up to it.

The UKs carbon emissions have risen by 2%.

Japan stated "it can't reduce emissions by the expected amount"

Norway's carbon emissions increased by almost 8%.

Germany's government announced it would exempt its coal industry from requirements under the EU internal emission trading system.

France switched to nuclear energy and has reduced emissions.

China and India are exempt.  China builds a new coal fired plant a week.

What kind of idiot even takes it seriously?

Well not our PM until Little Kevvy came along so I guess that's the answer to what kind of idiot..

So why would Australians want Australia to sign up to a meaningless and outdated agreement no one was bothering to keep?  I can only think it was mass stupidity.
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« Last Edit: Mar 30th, 2008 at 10:04pm by deepthought »  
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Re: WHY HOWARD LOST..........
Reply #14 - Mar 30th, 2008 at 7:46pm
I think Johnny lost because Aussies have had it too good for too long.
We got lazy and unrealistic.
With every decision John has made during the years there is always some people that will dislike the answer.
Be it "right" or "wrong".
Eventually those % of people grow and grow.
media finds Johnny to be an easy target.
New boy comes along, all promises of saving the world, lowering petrol and grocery prices, making houses cheaper.
Media laps him up.

John is voted out
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