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Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily) (Read 45473 times)
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #120 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:28am
mozzaok wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:03am:
Take these "normal friendly people", put them under an extremist believing teacher, and we have the next generation of home grown fundies, willing to spread fear and carnage in the name of Jihad.

Unfortunately they do not wear badges saying; "Please be careful of me, I am an extreme religious bigot, willing to promote hatred and violence in the name of Allah".
They just blend in with the crowd until they find people they can rope into their insane beliefs.

I have to agree with you, but that's not something that's unique to Islam. Kids in their teenage years are quite receptive to idealistic teachings, and idealistic role models especially if the teacher is seen as a bit of a rebel.

Che Guevara was a role model that many kids aspired to in Europe back in the 60's and 70's. His ideas were not exactly benign either.

I think they should legislate against all 'one true religion' teaching in Australia. I have no real problem with multi faith teaching, which is the most common form of religious teaching in schools nowadays.

- and as for Sharia Law, Malik. I totally disagree with you. It would be a disaster.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #121 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:07am
Mozz, do you believe that all Muslims should be punished for the actions of a few? That's rpetty much what you are saying here - that because you can't pick out the bad ones we should discriminate against the lot. It's just plain hypocritical, and a weak excuse for discrimination. It's the same argument that has always been used to discrimiante against minority groups. You take a legitimate problem and make it worse by blowing it out of all proportion. You are the one who claimed to not confuse individuals an ideologies, but that is exactly what you do and you shy away from clarifying the distinction.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #122 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:26am
It all depends on how you define discriminate FD, does it not?

Also, to define the problems that Islamism pose for the future as being blown out of proportion, then you need to get out more.
The exact opposite is what is actually happening.
Tensions and conflicts are downplayed in the hope of pacifying the more extreme, it does not, it merely emboldens them.
It is not an easy problem, but it is, clearly, a very real and present problem, and as I said to Malik, just hoping it will go away is very unrealistic.

Their is a large, well organised, well sponsored, network of Islamist extremists, whose goal is world domination by Islam.
That is not theory, it is fact.

Now to ignore that, and the influence that these groups have, especially amongst younger muslims, in the hope that if we are just nice to them, and let them do whatever they want, they may change their mind, is just ridiculous.

I do not know the answer to this problem.
What I do know is that allowing muslims to take over whole communities, and set up their own little state within a state enclaves, as we see throughout europe, is producing disastrous consequences for the locals, who opened their homes and their hearts to help them.

Now they are reviled as western pigs, and have their freedoms challenged at every turn by nutty religious f'wits who think skin is a sin.

I make no secret of, and offer no apology for my stance against all religion, but Islam is by far the worst. Not because of it's teachings, but because of the actions of it's followers.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #123 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:46am
It all depends on how you define discriminate FD, does it not?

I wasn't aware there was any confusion.  Denying someone equal and fair rights because of their religion is discrimination.

The exact opposite is what is actually happening.

Wrong. A group of Australian citizens want to set up a school, and it is described as an invasion, because of something unrelated happening on the other side of the world. That is blowing a problem out of proportion.

Now to ignore that, and the influence that these groups have, especially amongst younger muslims, in the hope that if we are just nice to them, and let them do whatever they want, they may change their mind, is just ridiculous.

No-one is suggesting that. All we are suggesting is that you don't throw basic human rights out the window the first time you get a bit scared.

I do not know the answer to this problem.

You seem intent on making it worse - discriminating against people based on their relgion in the hope that that will drive them away from extremists. What on earth makes you think that will work?

Not because of it's teachings, but because of the actions of it's followers.

But the Cambden people have not done anything wrong. Again you are skirting around the issue of individual responsiblity. You cannot provide anything close to an objective reason for discarding this concept. In fact, you have avoided discussing it completely since you first brought it up.

Have you changed your mind? Do you now openly reject the idea that a person should not be punished for someone else's actions?

There are a LOT of muslims in the world. You would condemn them all for the actions of a small minority. That is no better than the extremists you complain about. If you punish someone for something they didn't do, how are you any better?
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #124 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:59am
We are reasoning beings FD.
If we learn by experience, we may avoid repeating mistakes.
We need to apply some reasonable thought into protecting the rights and freedoms of non-muslims as well.

I will not be cowed into believing that we must allow muslims to create new enclaves in our country, when we see the violence and hatred coming out of similiar enclaves in europe.

When muslims respect our rights, then I will reconsider if I think I need to start worrying about theirs.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #125 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 11:10am
If we learn by experience, we may avoid repeating mistakes.

Like what happened to the Jews in WWII? Experience tells us that blaming minorities for problems and denying them basic human rights inevitably leads to great evil - the sort of evil you gladly blame on religion, but do not see in your own actions. Christians did not persecute the Jews throughout history because of their relgion. They did it because, just like you, they were scared and bought into any silly conspiracy theory about the Jews taking over the world.

When muslims respect our rights, then I will reconsider if I think I need to start worrying about theirs.

That's just plain hypocritical. You can't expect someone to respect your rights while you openly reject theirs.

There are two problems with your position. One is that you are blaming the Muslims for what is happening in France, simply because it is convenient. The other is that your solution - to deny people rights because of their religion - is the real cause of the problems.

Mozz, you keep avoiding this question. Should someone be punished for something they didn't do? It's a simple question.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #126 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 11:22am
Should someone be punished for something they didn't do? It's a simple question.

Only simple if you believe that religion should receive preferential treatment.
I, obviously, do not.

If you consider an established community  not wishing to see it's whole social dynamic changed, by the introduction of a religious school, as being punishment of the muslim community, that is your right, I do not.
I see it very much as a reasonable precaution by people who would like to stay in their homes, without fear of being engulfed in a wave of alien culture, which quite reasonably frightens them.

I see it as our local community refusing to allow the rights of muslims to supercede their own, to which I say, "Fair Enough!"
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #127 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 11:46am
You think preserving the social dynamic is more important than human rights? Why are you so keen to do what you condemn religious people for doing? Now you're not even trying to give a valid excuse for discrimination. You are basically saying that a person should not be allowed to enter an area because the locals don't like them - nothing more than fear of change.

Only simple if you believe that religion should receive preferential treatment.

That doesn't even make sense. You cannot give a religion special treatment, only people. People should recieve equal treatment regardless of their religion. If anyone, it is you who is promoting special treatment of a religion. Giving people equal rights is not special treatment. They should be judged on their own actions, not someone else's.

It is a simple question, no matter how you try to avoid it.

Should someone be punished for something they didn't do?
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« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2008 at 11:53am by freediver »  

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Malik Shakur
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #128 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 1:20pm
mozzaok wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:03am:
Well said Acid,      "They are normal friendly people with normal aspirations like you and I."

This is a point I have made myself, numerous times, and heartily believe.

This brings us full circle, back to the Islamic school issue.

Take these "normal friendly people", put them under an extremist believing teacher, and we have the next generation of home grown fundies, willing to spread fear and carnage in the name of Jihad.

Unfortunately they do not wear badges saying; "Please be careful of me, I am an extreme religious bigot, willing to promote hatred and violence in the name of Allah".
They just blend in with the crowd until they find people they can rope into their insane beliefs.

You know what Mozzaok, I COMPLETELY agree with you there. Putting an impressionable youth under the 'guidance' of an extremist teacher is a sure fire way to create more fundamentalists, no doubt. We try and prevent our youth being put through this and that is why in Melbourne we have things like Madrassa which is like a religious school taught by people who parents can trust and who aren't extremists, we also have proper Islamic schools and none of the ones I know in Melbourne promote any extreme ideas, in fact of the youth that I have met from them I have found them to be very open minded and wanting to really contribute have a cohesive society here in Australia.

There still are influences by extremists which can't be avoided, such as can be found on the internet and at certain mosques. We don't like this and try and show our youth how such behaviour is wrong. We really don't like Saudi money coming into the nation because it is not a gift, it comes with conditions to teach wahabi style extremist teachings which we don't want here.

We also at one stage had a problem in Melbourne with extremists trying to go into prisons as chaplains and influence Muslim prisoners and radicalise them. But we have stopped that and the Islamic Council of Victoria and the Department of Corrections both work together to ensure such crazy people aren't allowed to go anywhere near the prisoners.

All of the above reasons are why we should stop supporting extremist governments in the Middle East. They are not good for Islam and will only promote terrorism and hate.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #129 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 2:11pm
Who is being punished FD?

"Should someone be punished for something they didn't do?"

You keep asking, but unless I know to whom you refer, and what the punishment is, and what they did or didn't do, then it really is moot.

What you seem to be calling punishment, I would call social responsibility.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #130 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 2:34pm
Taking away someone's freedom to choose where they live is punishment. You would give some people fewer rights than other members of society because of something they did not do.

What you see as the problems caused by religion are not actually caused by religion. They are caused by religious discrimination. As you demonstrate, atheists are just as capable of this.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #131 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 3:14pm
freediver wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 2:34pm:
Taking away someone's freedom to choose where they live is punishment. You would give some people fewer rights than other members of society because of something they did not do.

What you see as the problems caused by religion are not actually caused by religion. They are caused by religious discrimination. As you demonstrate, atheists are just as capable of this.
iWhat the hell are you talking about FD
Who has taken away whose rights to live where?
I do not recall that even being mentioned.
The subject was about a communities right to choose if they want an Islamic school in their community, not whether muslims may or may not live in their suburbs.

The problems are not caused by religion???????
Excuse me while I call someone to wipe the bulldust off your chin.
Religion is, as it always has been, a bastion for ignorance, superstition, and prejudice, all based on delusional beliefs in unkown, and unknowable entities, that "move in mysterious ways".

These irrational beliefs then require that even those who find them totally preposterous, defer undue respect to them.

As I used to tell my kids, "Respect is not something which can be demanded, only earned"

No religion has ever earned mine, and I refuse to offer it just because I will be falsely described as bigoted, if I do not.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #132 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 3:28pm
Who has taken away whose rights to live where?

Luckily no-one has, but that is what you are promoting. For example:

If you consider an established community  not wishing to see it's whole social dynamic changed, by the introduction of a religious school, as being punishment of the muslim community, that is your right, I do not.

I will not be cowed into believing that we must allow muslims to create new enclaves in our country

Religion is, as it always has been, a bastion for ignorance, superstition, and prejudice, all based on delusional beliefs in unkown, and unknowable entities, that "move in mysterious ways".

Yet athiests are no better, are they?

No religion has ever earned mine, and I refuse to offer it just because I will be falsely described as bigoted, if I do not.

You are described as bigoted not because you refuse to respect religion, but because you promote religious discrimination and collective punishment - both of which are violations of fundamental human rights.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #133 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 3:51pm
What society wants to create cultural ghettoes?

Do we see any benefit for the community as a whole?

Does it help foster greater understanding and acceptance?

If human rights are an issue for you, perhaps you should consider the human rights abuse, perpetrated on a massive scale, by Islamic regimes, then get back to me and tell me how good religion is again.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #134 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 4:13pm
Human rights are an issue for everyone. Just because Islamic regimes undermine human rights does not mean we should do the same here. in fact we should do the opposite.

What society wants to create cultural ghettoes?

Again, you do not make sense. A society as a whole cannot qwant something. It is the individuals within it that want things. Enclaves tend to reflect discrimination. The greater the discrimination a minority group feels, the more they will feel pressured to live with their own kind. It happens with every immigrant group and it does not seem to undermine society - it merely eases the transition.

You cannot destroy fundamental human rights by projecting your own fears onto the rest of society and using the desires of that society (assumed to be your own) to justify discrimination and collective punishment.

Australians are free to choose where they live and no amount of ranting from bigots will convince Australians we should intervene and prevent citizens from exercising that right. No amount of ranting will convince Australians that locals need to be punished for the actions of unrelated people on the other side of the world.
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